National Institute For Health and Care Excellence Scope: 1 Guideline Title
National Institute For Health and Care Excellence Scope: 1 Guideline Title
National Institute For Health and Care Excellence Scope: 1 Guideline Title
1 Guideline title
Sepsis: the recognition, diagnosis and management of severe sepsis
2 The remit
The Department of Health has asked NICE: ‘to produce a guideline on Sepsis:
the recognition, diagnosis and management of severe sepsis’.
3.1 Epidemiology
a) Sepsis is a clinical syndrome caused by the body's immune and
coagulation systems being switched on by the presence of an
infection (bacteria, viruses or fungi). Severe sepsis is defined as
organ dysfunction or tissue hypoperfusion (decreased blood flow)
in addition to sepsis, usually requiring a stay in an intensive care
unit (ICU). Septic shock is a life-threatening condition that is
characterised by low blood pressure despite adequate fluid
replacement in addition to organ dysfunction and sepsis. The UK
Sepsis Trust estimates that 37,000 people die from sepsis in the
UK every year.
4 The guideline
The guideline development process is described in detail on the NICE website
(see section 6, ‘Further information’).
This scope defines what the guideline will (and will not) examine, and what the
guideline developers will consider. The scope is based on the referral from the
Department of Health.
The areas that will be addressed by the guideline are described in the
following sections.
4.1 Population
Group Rationale
Pregnant women People may be at higher risk of
People at higher risk of infection. sepsis when they have other
medical conditions. This
includes immunodeficiency from
various causes, for example,
treatment for cancer, people
with indwelling catheters or
devices and people who have
recently had surgery.
4.2 Setting
a) All healthcare settings.
Specialist treatments of
conditions that result from sepsis
and experimental interventions
within the ICU will also be
excluded. These may include:
blood products
supportive therapies
treating sepsis caused by
g) Adverse events.
i) Psychological outcomes.
4.6 Status
4.6.1 Scope
This is the final scope.
6 Further information
Information on the guideline development process is provided in the following
documents, available from the NICE website:
Information on the progress of the guideline will also be available from the
NICE website.