Sepsis ACEP 2021
Sepsis ACEP 2021
Sepsis ACEP 2021
Donald M. Yealy, MD; Nicholas M. Mohr, MD, MS; Nathan I. Shapiro, MD; Arjun Venkatesh, MD, MBA; Alan E. Jones, MD;
Wesley H. Self, MD, MPH
Policy statements and clinical policies are the official policies of the American College of Emergency Physicians and,
as such, are not subject to the same peer review process as articles appearing in the journal. Policy statements and
clinical policies of ACEP do not necessarily reflect the policies and beliefs of Annals of Emergency Medicine and its
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Policy Statement Yealy et al
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) began public the bedside and to help future guideline development by
reporting of a national sepsis bundle quality measure, noting areas of concern.
commonly referred to as SEP-1. Early data demonstrated
that only half of sepsis patients nationally received the
full CMS-recommended bundle for emergency and RECOGNIZING SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK IN
hospital care.7,16 This finding is unsurprising because THE FIRST MINUTES TO HOURS OF CARE
clinicians often adjust adherence to guideline-based Principles of Sepsis Recognition
recommendations based on individual patients and local Key Points:
capabilities. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign offers (1) Sepsis is a confirmed or suspected infection with new
recommendations on comprehensive sepsis care.17 These or worsening organ dysfunction and dysregulated
efforts support better care and outcomes, but they have host response to infection; it is not defined by a single
also raised concerns for those in acute care settings, such datum or finding.
as EDs, because they initially applied to undifferentiated Septic shock exists in a subset of sepsis patients
patients before the diagnosis of sepsis could be with circulatory dysfunction, and it confers higher
confirmed.18 mortality.
To address controversies and opportunities for Septic shock—like sepsis—has a spectrum of
improvement in the emergency care of patients with sepsis disease, ranging from hypotension alone to
in acute early care settings, the American College of hypotension requiring vasopressor support with an
Emergency Physicians (ACEP) convened a multispecialty elevated blood lactate level after initial sepsis
task force in 2019. A core group of emergency physicians resuscitation. All patients with impaired
initially created a list of areas where concerns existed, using cardiovascular function from sepsis are best
their individual experiences and accumulated feedback managed with early detection and prompt
from the ACEP, and then a group majority agreement treatment, similar to those with more severe
identified which topics the panel would address. We sought presentations of septic shock.
to identify key elements of early sepsis care, offer insight to (2) Any guideline or care pathway or bundle must
aid future efforts, and suggest practical consensus-based accommodate the reality that sepsis detection can
approaches to certain parts of ED sepsis management. The be difficult. The clinical findings of sepsis overlap
group did not intend to create a new or comprehensive set with many other conditions and often require
of ED sepsis care guidelines. extended time and effort to detect. Therefore,
To ensure the inclusion of diverse opinions and guidance is most applicable when the diagnosis of
perspectives, the ACEP engaged a broad array of sepsis is established rather than simply considered as
experts to address the topics chosen, with the goal of one of multiple potential causes of illness.
maximizing the consensus of task force recommendations The differential diagnosis of sepsis in patients is
across many audiences. Task force members reviewed often broad, and accurate diagnosis of sepsis may
existing guidelines, evidence, and medical professional require advanced or repeated testing and
society recommendations; then, a writing committee observation to distinguish it from other causes of
crafted sections based on an October 2019 in-person acute illness.
meeting of the task force. The consolidated Recognizing sepsis early is challenging given the
document was shared over 6 months with the full panel overlapping findings that exist in those with sepsis and
for revision and approval. All of the final areas and those with other acute illnesses. Sepsis is a clinical diagnosis
recommendations reached super majority (75%) based on a dysregulated response to an infection. Over the
approval, eliminating the need for other consensus last 3 decades, definitions of sepsis from international
mechanisms. consensus groups have evolved (Table 1).20-22 Consistent
We summarize the task force’s assessment of current with the current consensus nomenclature, we considered
knowledge and recommendations in this report. We use a the definition of sepsis to be an infection with new or
format that addresses common steps in the initial worsening organ dysfunction; a specific pathogen does not
emergency care of adults with suspected sepsis. We focused need to be identified for a patient to have sepsis.
this work on adult sepsis diagnosis and management given Septic shock is a severe form of sepsis with
recent collaborative pediatric sepsis care guidelines.19 The cardiovascular dysfunction, usually manifested as
task force product was not created to define a practice hypotension. Recent consensus definition efforts (Sepsis-
standard; we intended to inform physicians’ judgment at 3)22 have narrowed the definition of septic shock to those
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Yealy et al Policy Statement
with hypotension requiring vasopressor therapy plus an examination features that overlap with those of other
elevated blood lactate level (2 mmol/L or above) after initial conditions (eg, tachycardia, tachypnea, laboratory changes,
resuscitation (see later discussion) to identify a subgroup at and other findings). Sepsis can be difficult to recognize in
very high risk of mortality. Previous definitions used the immunocompromised, the elderly, and those
broader inclusions for defining septic shock, including presenting very early in the course of illness, when intact or
those with hypotension alone. robust compensatory responses may shroud overt signs.
We acknowledge that sepsis and septic shock exist on a The differential diagnoses of both sepsis and septic shock
continuum and that patients with infection-induced include other causes of organ dysfunction, many of which
cardiovascular failure benefit from prompt recognition and require different methods of care. For example, 20% to
care, no matter what current term defines their status. We 40% of patients with suspected sepsis in the ED are
also recognize that patients with infection-induced ultimately diagnosed with a noninfectious sepsis mimic,
hypotension are an important population in the out-of- such as pulmonary embolism, cardiogenic shock, or
hospital and ED settings, as vital signs alone are harbingers overdose.24-26 These patients with sepsis mimics rarely
of the need for time-sensitive care, even if these patients fail benefit from all aspects of sepsis-directed care. Anchoring
to meet the Sepsis-3 definition of septic shock. A singular on a diagnosis of sepsis early in the illness course can result
episode of hypotension portends a worse outcome, in missed or delayed diagnosis and treatment of the true
underscoring the need for an inclusive early approach to cause of acute illness.
identifying patients at higher risk of death or harm from The care of those with sepsis should be monitored for
sepsis.23 impact to identify best practices as well as opportunities for
No single test accurately and reliably establishes a improvement. Sepsis outcomes worsen with delays in care,
diagnosis of sepsis. Although some patients present with but giving sepsis-specific care when sepsis does not exist
overt findings of sepsis, many have vague symptoms or may not offer benefit and can risk harm, though the latter is
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Policy Statement Yealy et al
not routinely assessed. Further complicating surveillance (2) Once sepsis is recognized, prompt action to treat
are initiatives that utilize the easily available time of ED infection and reverse or prevent hypotension and
arrival as the starting point for sepsis care, which both hypoperfusion is important. However, time
ignores sepsis mimics and creates quality benchmarks of thresholds for care must be based on distinguishing
limited clinical validity. As a result, and in response to sepsis from other clinical diagnoses.
input from the ACEP and others in emergency care, the Accruing evidence of infection, organ dysfunction,
Surviving Sepsis Campaign revised the start time of bundle and hypotension or hypoperfusion requires
initiation from the easily identified time of ED arrival to the longitudinal observation, meaning thresholds based
more difficult to track—but more relevant—time of sepsis on searchable administrative times alone may not
diagnosis. be feasible.
We support a paradigm of defining sepsis and septic We agree that prompt evaluation and management of
shock terms and care steps for use across all care settings patients with suspected sepsis in the out-of-hospital setting
and clinicians of different specialties, done best with and ED are important. Whereas current evidence supports
meaningful contribution by all key stakeholders. that sepsis care is time sensitive, our review identified a
variety of elements that may affect how rapidly the
Early Screening and Detection of Those With Sepsis diagnosis of sepsis can be established, especially when
Key Points: presenting signs and symptoms suggest alternate diagnoses.
(1) Standardized early sepsis screening tools may improve Accordingly, we offer readily deployable and early action
sepsis recognition and care. However, there is no for patient care while sepsis is being discerned from other
validated evidence-based tool or strategy to reliably competing diagnoses (Table 2). Once the diagnosis of
accomplish this goal in the ED or out-of-hospital sepsis is confirmed, current guidelines offer thresholds for
setting. time-based action to support optimal care.
Many performance improvement programs aim to Many patients with sepsis have relative or absolute
improve early sepsis recognition through systematic hypovolemia. A variety of management strategies help
screening manually or in the electronic health record.27-29 address plasma volume expansion and other resuscitative
Presently, although many can improve certain care tasks, actions in those with sepsis and septic shock. One such
there are no early screening systems that are demonstrably resuscitation strategy by Rivers et al31 is termed “early goal-
effective in improving outcomes of this critical task. Many directed therapy,” which delineates an algorithmic
screening methods tailor activities to the needs and approach to the recognition and management of patients
capabilities of individual hospitals or health systems rather with sepsis and either hypotension or elevated lactate levels;
than to broadly identifying those in need of sepsis-related the Rivers et al did not study all types of patients with
interventions. Some early sepsis screening tools have sepsis. Early goal-directed therapy relied on central venous
improved timeliness of care, but insight into reliability and pressure, mean arterial pressure (MAP), central venous
patient-focused outcomes is lacking. This question creates oxygen saturation, and hematocrit to guide resuscitation.
uncertainty regarding whether the key feature leading to That seminal trial showed that early recognition and
care improvement is the use of a specific screening tool or resuscitation improved outcomes, but 3 subsequent large
the inclusion of healthier patients in the sepsis multicenter trials spanning from 2008 to 2014 comparing
denominator, or whether the general act of performing early goal-directed therapy with usual care did not
quality improvement activities simply increases recognition demonstrate improved outcomes with early goal-directed
of sepsis.30 It is incumbent on clinicians to understand therapy.32-34 It is important to note that the latter trials
which elements of screening lead to improved outcomes employed nonalgorithmic but still early recognition and
and to embrace those that are best supported. resuscitation patterns adopted in the interim as “usual
care.” Therefore, the key aspects of early goal-directed
therapy—early recognition and prompt resuscitation—are
INITIAL CARE STEPS IN THE EMERGENCY now foundational to septic shock care.
ENVIRONMENT Out-of-Hospital Care
Principles of Early Sepsis Management Key Points:
Key Points: (1) EMS providers can expedite sepsis care through a
(1) History and physical examination may help to detect focused history and by obtaining corroborating data
infection and organ dysfunction. prior to transport.
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Yealy et al Policy Statement
Table 2. Key principles in the initial management of patients with suspected sepsis in the out-of-hospital setting and emergency
Topic Out-of-Hospital Emergency Department
Evaluation for source Obtain historical elements of when the patient became ill Focused history and physical examination. Recommended
of infection and time course of symptoms. testing includes bacterial and viral specimens for culture or
analysis, urinalysis, chest x-ray, and selective cross-sectional
imaging as directed by presenting signs, symptoms, and the
results of other diagnostic tests.
Severity assessment Obtain vital signs. Administer supplemental oxygen to Assess for organ dysfunction by physical examination and
maintain SpO2 92%. laboratory assessment. Recommended evaluation for most
patients includes blood lactate, complete blood count with
differential, chemistry panel, liver function tests, mental
status assessment, cardiovascular assessment (heart rate,
blood pressure), and respiratory assessment (rate, work of
breathing, SpO2). Administer supplemental oxygen to
maintain 92%.
Treatment and Establish whether hypotension (typically defined as a MAP Use intravenous fluids and/or vasopressors to resolve
prevention of <65 mm Hg or SBP <90–100) is present. hypotension/hypoperfusion.
Intravenous fluid We recommend using a bolus of isotonic crystalloid (a Current data do not identify a specific fluid volume that optimizes
balanced crystalloid solution is preferred) in patients patient outcomes. In patients with SBP <100 mm Hg, MAP
with systolic blood pressure <100 mm Hg and without <65 mm Hg, or other signs of hypoperfusion and without
signs of fluid overload. An initial administration of 500– signs of fluid overload, initial administration of 500–2,000 mL
1,000 mL of isotonic crystalloid is an acceptable, (or up to approximately 30 mL/kg) of isotonic crystalloid is an
common approach. acceptable, common approach. Frequent assessments of fluid
status and assessment of the hemodynamic response to fluid
administration should guide whether additional fluid is given.
Balanced crystalloid solutions are the preferred type of fluid.
Vasopressors Insufficient data are available to make a recommendation The timing of vasopressor use—after how much volume and
about administration of out-of-hospital vasopressors. based on what response—is not evidence-based. Many initiate
a vasopressor infusion (norepinephrine recommended as first-
line therapy) for profound shock or persistent hypotension
after initial intravenous fluid delivery. Earlier vasopressor use
before completing a set volume of fluid administration may be
an acceptable alternative. Vasopressors may be administered
by peripheral intravenous line or intraosseous line without
central venous access. Titrate vasopressors to maintain MAP
65 mm Hg.
Antibiotics Insufficient data are available to make a recommendation We recommend prompt administration of antibiotics in the ED,
about administration of out-of-hospital antibiotics. but we reserve very short time thresholds for those with
infection and shock and note there are insufficient data to
recommend a specific time threshold for administration of
antibiotics. In a patient without a confirmed source of
infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics with activity against
gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria according to local
antibiotic susceptibility should be administered. Patients with
identified sources of infection (eg, pneumonia, UTI) may have
therapy targeted according to source-specific guidelines.
Infection source No specific action. Remove accessible temporary devices that appear infected (eg,
control temporary urinary and vascular catheters). Consult surgical or
procedural specialists for evaluation of patients with
infectious sources potentially amenable to procedural source
control (eg, abscess, necrotizing soft tissue infection, toxic
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Policy Statement Yealy et al
(2) Selecting and rapidly transporting sepsis patients to Although sending samples for culture does not affect
an ED capable of providing necessary early sepsis initial treatment, isolation of a pathogen from samples
care are important factors in out-of-hospital sepsis collected early and prior to antibiotics can provide source
care. confirmation and enhance appropriate antibiotic tailoring
(3) Out-of-hospital antibiotic therapy has the potential to because cultures taken after antibiotics have substantially
improve outcomes, but it is not currently supported lower yields.37-39 We recommend collecting blood cultures
by data and cannot yet be recommended for routine as early as feasible and before administration of antibiotics,
use. unless culture collection will delay antibiotic
In the out-of-hospital setting, a key priority is rapidly administration. Taking 2 sets of blood cultures (1 aerobic
transporting a patient with potential sepsis to a site capable bottle and 1 anaerobic bottle in each set) obtained from
of providing the care needed. Obtaining a focused history separate sites over a short time period is common practice,
from the patient, family members, caregivers, and others using techniques to minimize the risk of
immediately available at the time of patient transport can contamination.40,41 In a patient with a suspected infection
aid in identifying the cause and severity of illness. EMS involving an indwelling vascular catheter, collecting one set
providers should communicate this history to ED of blood cultures from the catheter in addition to peripheral
personnel during the care transition to ensure timely sepsis blood cultures (with time-to-positivity testing) is one
diagnosis and therapy. Other field diagnostic testing is strategy to aid diagnosis of a catheter-related bloodstream
currently of unproven benefit and is not commonly infection.
available. Although giving antibiotics during this very early Pneumonia and urinary tract infection are the 2 most
care interval has theoretic benefit for those with sepsis, the common infection sources in sepsis.36 Absent a clear
accurate identification of the best patients to receive this alternative source, we support chest imaging (usually with
therapy is difficult, and the current data do not support a chest x-ray) and urinalysis (with subsequent urine culture)
clear benefit of this approach.35 Future research assessing in the appropriate clinical circumstances. Additional testing
out-of-hospital diagnostics and interventions may alter for sources of infection is based on history and
recommendations for field care. examination. For patients presenting with respiratory
symptoms when local influenza or severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is prevalent, many
Evaluation for Source of Infection clinicians choose molecular viral testing (eg, reverse
Key Points: transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, or RT-PCR) of a
(1) We support obtaining blood cultures in the ED nasopharyngeal or respiratory specimen in any patient with
without delaying care in those with suspected sepsis. respiratory symptoms, fever, or other symptoms of the
(2) In those without an identified source of infection, we prevalent infection.42
support obtaining a chest x-ray and urinalysis (with In patients with suspected infection and signs of clinical
urine culture if urinalysis is suggestive of infection) in instability (eg, hypotension), we recommend starting
the ED. antibiotic therapy promptly after blood cultures are drawn.
(3) We support sampling possible infection sources based This often means that some culture specimens, such as
on medical history, symptoms, and physical urine, cerebrospinal fluid, or synovial fluid, follow an initial
examination findings (eg, cerebrospinal fluid, dose of antibiotics in the ED.
peritoneal fluid, wounds). CT may detect other infectious sources.43-45 We
(4) Targeted computed tomography (CT) based on advocate for targeted use of CT based on likely sources of
clinical suspicion is preferred to routine whole-body infection after a clinical assessment rather than untargeted
imaging. “whole-body” CT. Early ED identification of a culprit
In the ED, evaluation for the source of infection should infection source also supports rapid source control for
include a history and physical examination, with a review of abscess, intestinal perforation, infected medical prosthesis,
available and relevant medical records. If a source is not or necrotizing soft tissue infection.
identified with initial examination and testing, we
recommend that providers reassess and focus attention on
areas of potential cryptic infection that can be difficult to Severity Assessment
fully examine, including the genitourinary region, perianal Key Points:
region, and sites of medical devices and indwelling (1) Clinicians should use multiple clinical and laboratory
catheters.36 findings to detect sepsis and guide care.
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Yealy et al Policy Statement
(2) We support initially measuring blood lactate levels in a range from 0 (no dysfunction) to 24 (most severe
the ED (venous or arterial) and repeating lactate dysfunction).
measurement after initial resuscitation only if elevated We support testing to assess organ function, which also
above 4 mmol/L or if there is suspicion of clinical allows SOFA scoring. Collecting SOFA score data
deterioration. (Table 3) entails an assessment of oxygenation, a complete
(3) After noting whether hypotension is present, no blood count with platelet count, liver function tests with
scoring system accurately stratifies individual sepsis serum total bilirubin concentration, blood pressure checks
patient risk at the earliest stages of care. We and the need for vasopressors, the Glasgow Coma Scale
recommend assessment of sepsis severity through score, and a basic chemistry panel with serum creatinine
identifying acute organ dysfunction; collecting data concentration. Using the original SOFA criteria, scoring
needed to calculate the Sequential Organ Failure respiratory system dysfunction depends on availability of a
Assessment (SOFA) score is one reasonable systematic PaO2 value to calculate a PaO2/FiO2 ratio. We do not
approach. advocate performing an arterial blood gas only to obtain
Lactate. Blood lactate level is not a specific diagnostic PaO2 for the purposes of calculating a respiratory SOFA
test for sepsis, and elevations can exist for many reasons.46 score. Patients with a change in SOFA score of at least 2
Nonetheless, lactate elevations correlate with a higher risk points compared with baseline (before illness) have life-
of short-term mortality.22,47 We endorse the use of venous threatening organ dysfunction and an inhospital mortality
lactate specimens because this approximates arterial lactate risk of at least 10%.22,52
values, is supported by most sepsis literature, and facilitates An adaptation of the SOFA score may make organ
timelier sampling. failure‒based scoring more feasible for ED assessment
Convenient thresholds used to note abnormal (Table 3). In Table 3, we included pulse oximetry (SpO2)
elevation in blood lactate are more than 2.0 mmol/L values on specific oxygen flow rates that approximate PaO2/
(evidence of cellular dysfunction) and more than 4.0 FiO2 thresholds in the original SOFA scoring system.53
mmol/L (evidence of more severe cellular SpO2 and supplemental oxygen flow rate do not precisely
dysfunction).22,48,49 Just as increasing lactate correlate with PaO2 and FiO2; however, these parameters
concentration correlates with a worsening clinical status can provide an estimate of the severity of respiratory
and an increased risk of death, declining lactate levels dysfunction that is much more feasible in common ED
with resuscitation are favorable indicators.46,50 practice. Another option is the modified SOFA, tested in
We agree that obtaining an initial lactate level aids in the ED.54,55
characterizing sepsis patients, but the most convincing data The “quick SOFA” (qSOFA) scoring tool sought to
of benefit from repeat measurements studied those with an simplify the key aspects of SOFA scoring for identification
initial lactate level of at least 4 mmol/L.50 The optimal of patients at highest risk for poor outcomes. Drawn from
timing to define changes in lactate level that indicate ED and hospitalized patients, the qSOFA score identifies
meaningful improvement is not known, but a common infected patients at higher risk of death if 2 or more of the
practice includes measuring lactate in 2-hour intervals, with following features are present: respiratory rate of at least 22
a 10% relative decline in lactate between measurements breaths/min, altered mental status, and systolic blood
indicating improvement.50 pressure of at least 100 mm Hg; these vital sign
SOFA Score. The SOFA scoring system organizes and abnormalities are not unique to patients with sepsis.22 ED-
classifies sepsis-associated organ dysfunction. Like many based validation studies show that qSOFA is less sensitive
similar tools, the trajectory of the SOFA score has more and more specific for short-term mortality than the 2001
prognostic and therapeutic utility than a singular systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria.21
measurement.22,51 Using the SOFA system to characterize Screening with qSOFA is potentially useful for identifying
sepsis severity also facilitates serial assessments and patients at the highest risk for clinical deterioration and
communication between providers by supplying a shared need for intensive care, but this tool is not sensitive enough
nomenclature. to be used as the sole strategy for sepsis screening. It also
The SOFA score assesses dysfunction across 6 organ was not intended to identify patients with infection, as it
systems—respiratory, coagulation, liver, cardiovascular, was developed to assess outcomes in patients already
central nervous, and renal—with a score for each system, diagnosed with infection. Only 1 of every 3 patients who
ranging from 0 (no dysfunction) to 4 (most severe are qSOFA-positive on admission has infection, and 1 in 6
dysfunction) (Table 3). The total SOFA score is the sum of has sepsis. The qSOFA score also has low sensitivity for
the component scores for each of the 6 systems, resulting in identifying suspected infection and sepsis, and its
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8 Annals of Emergency Medicine
Policy Statement
Table 3. The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scoring system modified for use in the ED. Modified from Singer et al23 and Vincent et al.51.
Recommended Action in
System (Measurement) 0 1 2 3 4 ED
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Renal Obtain chemistry panel with
Serum creatinine (mg/dL) <1.2 1.2–1.9 3.0–3.4 3.5–4.9 5.0 creatinine concentration.
Yealy et al
Yealy et al Policy Statement
prognostic significance is not specific to infection. More recent data suggest that the effects of a fluid bolus on
sensitive and specific tools for sepsis screening and risk hemodynamics are often transient—an observation that
stratification are needed.56 may find some explanation in the well-described capillary
Based on the absence of a single optimal screening leak observed with life-threatening infection.59,60
method to accurately capture those with sepsis, we think Recognition of secondary abdominal compartment
clinicians should employ multiple complementary syndrome and combined outcomes such as the major
approaches to identify those with infection accompanied by adverse kidney event assessment show that excessive fluid
organ dysfunction to aid care. administration can worsen clinical outcomes.61-63
Determining how much fluid a given patient needs to
Intravenous Fluid and Timing of Vasopressors abrogate hypovolemia remains a vexing issue. While doing
Key Points: so, one must vigilantly monitor for unintended fluid
(1) We agree with delivering an intravenous (IV) fluid overload during resuscitation. Furthermore, certain clinical
bolus during initial management of patients who entities may degrade the elasticity of the cardiopulmonary
have hypotension or findings of hypoperfusion absent system, as described during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,
signs of fluid overload. establishing additional concerns regarding fluid
We do not support a prespecified volume or body prescription titration.64
mass‒adjusted volume of fluid for all patients, Many trials have used body mass‒based intravenous
though we recognize many patients benefit from 30 fluid dosing (20 or 30 mL/kg) to guide initial fluid
mL/kg of crystalloid. Patient response may serve as resuscitation, but rigorous clinical trials of different
the best indicator of the appropriateness of fluid volumes of intravenous fluids are challenging to conduct
resuscitation volume, rather than the delivery of a because of variations in comorbidities, time of presentation,
prespecified volume. and prevalence of obesity. Practical issues limit the
We do not recognize a specific minimum fluid feasibility of body mass‒based dosing, including poor
amount before starting vasopressor support. estimates of body mass and unit doses of 500 mL and
i. Vasopressor support may be coupled with plasma 1,000 mL, which make for natural break-points to assess
volume expansion to prevent cardiovascular for clinical response. Finally, patients with sepsis treated
collapse in those with severe hypotension or life- with the largest volumes of intravenous fluid in
threatening hypoperfusion without requiring that observational studies had less favorable outcomes. These
a fluid administration threshold be reached prior observations raise questions of whether large and
to vasopressor initiation. continued boluses of fluid improve clinical outcomes or are
We think serial examinations (using more than one markers of severity of illness.63,65-68 Additionally,
bedside tool to assess the adequacy of resuscitation) assessments of fluid administration are confounded by the
are best, with no one approach demonstrated as indication for fluid delivery and the specific endpoints that
superior to alternative approaches. were assessed.
(2) We support using balanced crystalloid solutions We do not believe data that support a singular body
(Ringer’s solution or Plasmalyte) as the primary mass‒based volume for all or most patients, although we
resuscitation fluid in patients with sepsis, especially if recognize that many will receive and respond to certain
volumes of more than 1 L are used. targets like 30 mL/kg. We believe any new guidelines
Infusions of saline solution can cause should incorporate titration and response assessment along
hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis and may with defined aliquots, including body mass‒based, to
impair renal performance in commonly prescribed optimally improve care. However, some patients will need
resuscitative doses. more than the current guideline-suggested volume, whereas
Fluid Volume and Concurrent Titration of others may need a lesser volume or the same volume
Vasopressors. Despite the widespread use of intravenous administered at a different rate. These different patient
fluids for the management of sepsis, there remains elements require bedside reevaluation during the course of
controversy regarding the volume and rate of fluid resuscitation. Administration of an initial volume of 500 to
administration.57 For the past 2 decades, large mean 1,000 mL of crystalloid is a common and reasonable
volumes of intravenous fluid (eg, more than 3,000 to 5,000 practice, as it affords the opportunity to gauge the patient’s
mL) have been common in the care of ED patients with response to the bolus, does not establish an endpoint for
sepsis, especially those with septic shock.58 Whereas fluid therapy, and provides early insight into the need for
intravenous fluid loading can optimize cardiac preload, concomitant vasopressor support.
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Policy Statement Yealy et al
Table 4. Signs that can assist clinicians with evaluating patient volume status.
Clinical Signs of Hypoperfusion Clinical Signs of Fluid Overload
SBP <100 mm Hg (or less than baseline SBP for patients with baseline Development of pulmonary crackles with fluid administration
SBP <100 mm Hg)23
MAP <65 mm Hg (or less than baseline MAP for patients with baseline Increased jugular venous distention with fluid administration
MAP <65 mm Hg)
Heart pulse rate >110 beats/min Increased work of breathing with fluid administration
Shock index (pulse rate/SBP) >1.0 Increased hypoxemia with fluid administration
Elevated serum lactate levels Chest x-ray signs of pulmonary edema
Peripheral capillary refill time >3 seconds124 Ultrasound signs consistent with pulmonary edema (eg, B-lines)
Depressed mental status
Decreased urine output (<0.5 mL/kg per hour)
The assessment of fluid status and fluid responsiveness Extravascular leakage of fluid is a physiologic hallmark of
is commonly desired to guide care. Table 4 highlights sepsis. Infusion of large volumes of crystalloid can
methods currently available to help clinicians with contribute to extravascular leakage (edema), which
volume status assessment.69,70 None of these methods is potentially interferes with cellular function, including in
clearly superior to the others at improving sepsis survival; the kidneys, liver, heart, and lungs.59,74,75 The use of
they are only some of the tools available to the bedside colloids is based on the theory that higher-weight molecules
clinician to manage sepsis patients. In practice, using limit extravascular leakage and increase long-term
multiple tools to guide therapy is preferred, recognizing intravascular volume.76 Colloids have properties that
that the ability to collect some variables may differ across potentially make them a better choice for sepsis
sites. resuscitation than crystalloids, but sepsis physiology leads
In addition to simple volume assessment maneuvers, to increased capillary permeability, limiting the physiologic
quantitative methods to predict which patients will respond benefit in disease. Clinical outcome data have not
favorably to a fluid bolus (“fluid responsiveness”) exist. consistently demonstrated the superiority of colloids over
These methods include measuring collapsibility of the crystalloids.77-80 We agree that the lack of established
inferior vena cava with bedside ultrasound, directly benefits and the higher cost of colloids support crystalloid
measuring stroke volume in response to a fluid bolus, and solutions over colloids for initial volume expansion in
measuring the change in stroke volume or cardiac output in sepsis.
response to a passive leg raise (Table 4).69-73 Although Among crystalloids, the primary choices are saline
these methods are physiologically rational, clinical outcome solution (0.9% sodium chloride, or “normal saline”) and
data are insufficient at this time to support a balanced crystalloids.76 Saline solution contains a
recommendation for their use. supraphysiologic concentration of chloride (154 mmol/L),
Fluid Type. The 2 major categories of resuscitation which can lead to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis and
fluids are isotonic crystalloids and colloids (Figure 1). may increase renal inflammation and impair renal
Figure 1. Major types of intravenous fluid available for resuscitation. We recommend balanced crystalloid solutions as the primary
fluid type for resuscitation in sepsis. We do not recommend using colloids.
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perfusion.81,82 Balanced crystalloids have a higher catheters for short intervals with appropriate monitoring is
physiologic electrolyte composition and include lactated safe during resuscitation.94-98
Ringer’s solution (chloride concentration 109 mmol/L),
Plasmalyte (chloride concentration 98 mmol/L), and
Normosol-R (chloride concentration 98 mmol/L).76 Antimicrobials
Recent data suggest that fluid resuscitation with balanced Key Points:
crystalloids leads to improved patient outcomes compared (1) We support early antibiotics once sepsis is diagnosed
with saline solution among a general ED population, those or deemed likely. The strongest support for initial
who are critically ill, and those with sepsis.83-85 Data intravenous antibiotics is in those with suspected
supporting sepsis patient resuscitation using balanced diagnosis of septic shock—that is, patients with
crystalloids over saline solution are largely based on single- infection and any hypotension or hypoperfusion.
center trials.83-85 The results of ongoing multicenter trials Shorter time to antibiotics is preferred, but the
will more fully characterize the comparative effects of precise time frame to optimally support outcomes
balanced crystalloids and saline solution, but we believe remains to be defined.
that current evidence coupled with known risks of saline Emerging data will help address the impact of the
solution are sufficient to favor the use of balanced timing of subsequent doses, especially for patients
crystalloids for those with sepsis.86 who remain in the ED due to the lack of an
appropriate inpatient bed.
Antivirals are less clearly time sensitive in the
Vasopressors earliest phases of disease.
Key Points: (2) For sepsis patients without an identified pathogen, we
(1) Norepinephrine is an excellent first-line vasopressor recommend initiation of broad-spectrum antibiotics
for patients with septic shock. with activity against gram-negative and gram-positive
(2) Titrating vasopressors to maintain a MAP of at least bacteria according to local susceptibility patterns.
65 mm Hg in most patients is a common target. Antimicrobials: General Principles. Most sepsis
(3) Early vasopressors can be administered through a patients receive initial doses of antimicrobials in the ED
well-secured nondistal peripheral IV catheter. prior to the availability of culture results. In general,
Norepinephrine is the preferred first-line agent for clinicians should base the initial selection of antimicrobials
patients with septic shock.87,88 Adding vasopressin (0.03 to on the most likely and most harmful potential pathogens
0.04 U/min) is a reasonable approach to reduce rather than targeting a specific pathogen, unless the clinical
norepinephrine requirements and decrease complications, presentation directs such a focused approach. Narrow-
especially at high doses.88,89 In patients with ongoing spectrum therapy is uncommon and should not be
hypotension despite high doses of norepinephrine, or in anticipated in usual practice. Clinicians should treat
patients with echocardiographic evidence of myocardial patients with broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. Specific
depression, epinephrine is a second-line vasopressor and patients may require additional coverage for influenza or
inotropic agent.90,91 fungal infections, both of which have been characterized in
We recommend titrating vasopressors to maintain a guidelines or consensus documents; this may be further
MAP of at least 65 mm Hg unless the patient has baseline informed and adjusted by local patient population‒
hypertension and evidence of hypoperfusion with a MAP of appropriate antibiogram data.42,99-108
more than 65.92,93 Consider titration of vasopressors to Timing of Antibiotics. Whereas some data suggest that
achieve improvement in markers of organ perfusion (urine an earlier administration of antibiotics is associated with
output, lactate) as an approach to management of patients better survival,5,109-112 other data suggest that small
with baseline hypertension. variations in the timing of a first dose of antibiotics are
Central venous access was historically required before not associated with mortality differences.35,113,114
initiating vasopressor therapy in many sites. This practice Guidelines often outline time-based approaches to drive
affects early sepsis care by delaying the initiation of earlier action—for example, the Surviving Sepsis
vasopressor infusion therapy, which may increase large- Campaign that included the administration of antibiotics
volume fluid administration while awaiting catheter by the first hour. We agree that once the diagnosis of
placement, evaluation, and clearance for use. Current sepsis is established, rapid and comprehensive
limited data suggest that early administration of peripheral therapy—not just antibiotic administration—is optimal.
norepinephrine through large-bore peripheral intravenous But the current data do not recommend a singular time
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target that clearly improves outcomes for all. In those relevant to emergency care providers, especially when sepsis
with the most severe form of sepsis—septic shock—the patients board in the ED awaiting inpatient bed availability
data and collective experience support a shorter time or interfacility transfer.
window; otherwise, the relationship between time and
outcome is less clear.115,116 Ongoing Fluid Administration
Viruses. Viral infections, such as those caused by Key Points:
influenza and SARS-CoV-2, can cause sepsis. Specific (1) Fluid administration after an initial bolus should be
treatment recommendations for these viral infections are based on serial assessments of the patient and
beyond the scope of this effort. Antiviral therapy can be response to therapy.
initiated in the ED, although no timing threshold data (2) No singular assessment approach is superior, and we
exist. recommend using multiple assessments, including
Fungi. Fungi can trigger sepsis, and the most common basic vital signs and physical examination methods (a
cause of fungal sepsis is Candida. Risk factors for invasive clinical evaluation) or more advanced physiologic
Candida infection include prior invasive Candida infection, measurements (quantitative evaluation) at multiple
current Candida colonization, total parenteral nutrition, time intervals.
recent major abdominal surgery, recent exposure to broad- (3) If using a quantitative resuscitation approach, we
spectrum antibiotics, recent prolonged hospitalization, recommend dynamic measures over static measures.
acute necrotizing pancreatitis, neutropenia, chronic Up to 50% of patients with septic shock fail to increase
corticosteroid use, and chronic indwelling vascular cardiac output in response to fluid administration, and
catheters.100 In patients at high risk of fungal sepsis, when fluid loading does lead to increased cardiac output,
antifungal therapy with activity for likely pathogens should the response is often transient.59,69,120-123 Identifying
be initiated in the ED.117,118 patients who respond to fluids is one way to tailor an
appropriate volume of fluid administration. Septic shock
Infection Source Control can manifest as a combination of preload-dependent,
Key Points: distributive, and cardiogenic shock, and all patients with
(1) We support early identification of infections requiring ongoing hypotension or elevated lactate levels after initial
source control, and we recommend early consultation fluid resuscitation need repeated hemodynamic assessment.
and procedural intervention to control infection Because no specific method of hemodynamic assessment
sources. in treating sepsis patients is clearly superior in altering
(2) No specific timing threshold for achieving source survival, we present 2 approaches: (1) a clinical evaluation,
control currently exists. which focuses on basic assessment techniques that are
When infections are suspected that have an easily widely available in emergency care settings; and (2) a
removable source (eg, indwelling vascular access catheter, quantitative evaluation, which uses more advanced
soft tissue abscess), early action is appropriate. Focal sources assessment methods with equipment and expertise that may
of infection should prompt consultation by procedural not be available in all emergency care settings. Both clinical
specialists for source control, including tunneled vascular and quantitative evaluations are reasonable approaches for
catheters, hemodialysis lines, vascular ports, implanted monitoring and serial assessment. Using either method, a
devices, infected ureteral stones, biliary ductal obstruction key principle is that sepsis assessment should iteratively use
with cholangitis, deep space or body cavity abscesses, multiple parameters to guide therapy.
intestinal perforation or obstruction with ischemia, Clinical Evaluation. The clinical evaluation uses
necrotizing soft tissue infection, and complications of changes in vital signs and the physical examination to assess
infections such as those related to Clostridium difficile response to care. Although vital signs (eg, blood pressure
colitis.119 Source control should not delay the initiation of and heart rate) and physical examination findings are
resuscitation or antibiotics; resuscitation and source control poorly sensitive markers when taken alone, changes in these
often need to occur concurrently. parameters are often important indicators to guide therapy.
Patients who improve with the initial bolus of fluid are
candidates for subsequent fluid boluses, using aliquots
TITRATION OF CARE (such as 500 to 1,000 mL) followed by repeat serial clinical
Titration of care—that is, delivering ongoing fluids, examinations to evaluate response to fluid administration
vasopressor, respiratory support, or other interventions and evidence of volume overload (Table 4). Clinicians may
based on the individual response to the first care steps—is assess peripheral perfusion (eg, capillary refill), which, in
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one trial, performed similarly to lactate clearance in administration.134-137 Patients with poor or unreliable
identifying adequacy of fluid resuscitation and selecting blood pressure measurements by noninvasive blood
fluid resuscitation volumes.124 Urine output is another tool pressure cuffs may benefit from arterial catheter placement
to assess ongoing resuscitation success, but it is not helpful for blood pressure monitoring and titration of therapy.
for the common shorter ED care intervals and is eased by
indwelling catheter use, the latter sometimes avoided to
lessen iatrogenic infections.125 Subsequent Doses of Antibiotics
Quantitative Evaluation. Quantitative measures of Key Points:
cardiovascular function assess physiologic changes in (1) Patients who remain in the ED for prolonged periods
response to fluid administration. Current data do not should have subsequent doses of antibiotics
support improved survival with any specific quantitative administered according to the optimal dosing
evaluation, but quantitative methods add insight to those schedule for each medication.
titrating shock therapy. The term “quantitative evaluation” For patients remaining in the ED for prolonged periods,
encompasses both static and dynamic measures of volume second and subsequent doses of antibiotics are important to
status. Static measures (eg, central venous pressure) are optimize the antimicrobial effect. These doses must be
typically pressures or volumes measured in isolation, whereas scheduled and administered regardless of where the patient
dynamic measures evaluate physiologic changes in response is located. Delays in follow-up antibiotics are associated
to a fluid bolus, passive leg raise, or respiratory variation. We with worse outcomes, and EDs must ensure safe transitions
recommend using dynamic measures over static measures and ongoing dosing.138
because dynamic measures are stronger predictors of a
patient’s clinical response to fluid administration.126 Adjunctive Early Sepsis Therapies
Many dynamic measures exist, including pulse pressure Key Points:
variation, stroke volume variation, passive leg raise (1) Routine corticosteroid therapy does not benefit sepsis
measurement with continuous stroke volume or cardiac patients unless there is concomitant adrenal
output measurement, inferior vena cava collapsibility on insufficiency or the patient is on high-dose
ultrasound, and the aortic valve velocity time corticosteroid therapy for comorbid disease
integral.69,70,127-132 At this time, no data exist to management prior to the onset of sepsis.
demonstrate that assessment or care provision on the basis (2) Other adjuncts, including angiotensin II (or analogs),
of specific dynamic measures are associated with survival vitamin C, vitamin D, and thiamine—alone or in
more than others. combination—lack strong evidence supporting
benefit and are not recommended.
Vascular Access and Invasive Monitoring Patients with sepsis who have been chronically taking
Key Points: corticosteroid therapy139 or who have preexisting adrenal
(1) Vasopressor administration through peripheral insufficiency should receive stress-dose hydrocortisone (50
intravenous or intraosseous catheters that are to 100 mg intravenously). However, outside selected
monitored for signs of good functioning is acceptable sepsis patients, routine corticosteroid use has been
for short-term use. controversial. An early randomized trial showed improved
(2) Invasive hemodynamic devices, including central survival in patients with poor adrenal response (“relative
venous and arterial catheters, may aid but are not adrenal insufficiency”) and very high illness severity.140
routinely needed in early sepsis care. Subsequent trials have shown varying results, with the
Septic shock patients may have vasopressor therapy most recent evidence suggesting that corticosteroid
initiated through large, well-functioning peripheral therapy may speed resolution of shock and shorten
intravenous catheters or intraosseous catheters without intensive care unit and hospital length of stay. Recent
delay for central venous access. Monitor peripheral meta-analyses have come to varying conclusions on the
catheters used for vasopressor therapy frequently for signs impact of steroids on mortality, and some now
of malfunction or extravasation and obtain central venous recommend their use.141-148 We believe that steroids may
access if access challenges exist or if prolonged therapy is play a role in patients with hypotension resistant to
anticipated.95,96,133 vasopressor therapy, but that is uncertain; otherwise, the
During the early period of resuscitation, noninvasive current data do not support routine use outside of adrenal
blood pressure measurement is reasonable, especially if failure or suppression or to treat another condition (eg,
blood pressure normalizes with fluid or vasopressor immune-modulated respiratory failure).
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Other sepsis adjuncts, such as combination therapy with dedicated spaces for critical care management, whereas
vitamin C, thiamine, and hydrocortisone, as well as novel others, as noted earlier, have dedicated spaces, teams, and
therapeutics such as angiotensin II, have insufficient supplies. During transitions of care between hospitals,
evidence to support incorporation into routine ED treatment units, or providers, we recommend timely
practice.63,149-151 provider-to-provider and nurse-to-nurse communication
and the use of standardized care transition protocols.
Role of Interhospital Transfer, Inpatient Boarding,
and Care Transitions in Sepsis Management RELATED CONTROVERSIES
Key Points: Key Points:
(1) ED boarding (defined as prolonged care awaiting (1) We support recommendations and quality assessment
inpatient transfer) presents additional risk for sepsis tools required by government or regulatory bodies as
patients. If local facilities do not have the capabilities important ways to improve the outcomes of those
to promptly care for critically ill patients, we with sepsis, and we believe these should be based on
recommend transfer of sepsis patients from the initial the best available evidence and should undergo
ED to an accepting facility with capabilities for regular reevaluation.
managing these patients. (2) The creation of recommendations, guidelines, and
(2) Each institution should develop a plan that defines quality assessment tools must include input from all
explicit accountability for sepsis patients receiving relevant stakeholders engaged at each phase of care
prolonged ED care. and must incorporate assessment of impact on both
Some facilities do not have the capability to manage targeted patients and others receiving care.
patients with complex infections or organ failure
syndromes.152,153 In those centers, prompt recognition and
identification for interhospital transfer is important and Quality Metrics. Guidelines for sepsis care include
may parallel existing injury‒related care transfer standardized recommendations, such as the Severe Sepsis
approaches. Because of the importance of early and Septic Shock (SEP-1) quality reporting measure
antimicrobial therapy and resuscitation, delivery of within the National Hospital Inpatient Quality
antibiotics, IV fluids, and vasopressors should be started Reporting program162 and the Surviving Sepsis
prior to transfer, as noted earlier. Some high-performing Campaign Guidelines. We recognize that these and other
regional sepsis networks include collaboration with referral efforts raise awareness and performance and potentially
centers, providing feedback about patient outcomes, and improve outcomes. It is also important to recognize that
screening for subsequent inpatient transfers. some clinical realities trigger situation-dependent
Inpatient boarding (eg, prolonged ED care while decisionmaking that is requisite for management of the
awaiting inpatient bed availability) is linked to increased ED sepsis patient. Instead, those decisions may reflect
mortality in observational studies of patients with severe unique patient physiology or response to therapy that
infection.111,154-160 Hypothesized reasons for worse requires rapid readjustment. When faced with such
outcomes include delayed administration of subsequent clinical challenges, bedside clinicians should not be
doses of antibiotics, limited monitoring resulting in delayed penalized for responding to patient response to therapy.
recognition of changes in patient status, high patient-to- When seeking to improve sepsis care, the input of
nurse ratios, and provider focus on new patient experts with emergency care backgrounds is essential,
evaluation.157,161 To optimize outcomes, we advise alongside that of other experts, to ensure that the important
prioritizing septic shock patients for early inpatient bed early steps align with the knowledge and capabilities of the
availability owing to increased resource and time demands emergency care system. Those creating recommendations,
in care management. Furthermore, hospitals should guidelines, or quality metrics should reach to this pool of
develop systems to provide the necessary care for patients partners to optimize the applicability of what is considered
with sepsis who remain in an ED while awaiting an optimal and feasible care.
inpatient bed.161 During periods of boarding, some Sepsis Care in Constrained Settings. We focused on
facilities incorporate procedures whereby inpatient care settings with advanced emergency and critical care
physician or nurse teams assume care of admitted patients medicine capabilities, including close hemodynamic
in the ED. These procedures should be clearly delineated so monitoring, administration of vasopressors, and
that all members of the care team understand who is mechanical ventilation. We recognize that resource-
responsible and accountable for care. Other facilities have constrained settings place practical limitations on the care
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Organizations that participated and endorsed the recommendations In conclusion, our multidisciplinary task force identified
American College of Emergency Physicians opportunities to improve recommendations, guidance, and
American Academy of Emergency Medicine
quality metrics for early sepsis care. The points reviewed
and suggested within this document seek to foster the next
American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians
set of improvements for a leading cause of mortality. We
American Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine identified many specific content and process opportunities
Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine in which research and collaboration could advance care,
Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors
health, and outcomes. These include clear opportunities to
guide fluid, vasopressor, and antibiotic therapy and
Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association
thoughts on ancillary care and future guideline
Emergency Nurses Association development. Optimal future sepsis recommendations will
National Association of EMS Physicians rely on a collaborative multiple stakeholder engagement
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine approach to evaluating current processes, designing iterative
improvements, and discovering new knowledge in the
Society of Hospital Medicine
quest to conquer sepsis.
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Organizations that participated and provided input on the recommendations Members of the American College of Emergency Physicians
American College of Emergency Physicians Multispecialty Sepsis Review Panel reviewed the drafts after
American Academy of Emergency Medicine
initial composition and offered input: Jennifer Alexband, DO,
Michael Benham, MD, David A. Farcy, MD, Marianne
American Board of Emergency Medicine
Gausche-Hill, MD, Sean Hickey, MD, Ryan C. Jacobsen,
American College of Chest Physicians MD, Chadwick Miller, MD, Michael Puskarich, MD,
American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians Chanu Rhee, MD, MPH, Lisa Shieh, MD, PhD, Elizabeth
American Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine
Tedesco, DNP, RN, CEN, PHRN, Julie Winkle
Mayglothling, MD, Christopher Zabbo, DO, and Jerry
American Thoracic Society
Zimmerman, MD, PhD
Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine
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