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Pre- Board Exam-2020

Paper: Computer (Objective) Time Allowed: 30 Min
Class: 2 year
Maximum Marks: 20
Note:- For possible answers A, B,C and D to each question are given. The choice which you
think is correct , fill that circle in front of that question with marker or ink pen. Cutting or
filling two or more circle will result in zero in that question.
In database which data type is the default data type
a) Memo b) Number c) Text d) Auto number
1. Which of the following is not included in the definition of entity
a) Person b) Object c) Concept d) Action
2. Which one is not related to an entity
a) Person b) Concept c) Action d) Object
3. A row of relation is called
a) Attribute b) Entity c) Tuple d) Relation
4. Which object is used to store data in database
a) Macro b)Table c)Form d)Report
6.Which wildcard replaces one character only
a)* b)? c): d)!
7. The target code produced by the compiler is
a) Object code b) Source code c)Library code d)Linked code
8.Variables are created in
a)RAM b)ROM c)Harddisk d)USB
9. Format specifier starts with symbol
a)% b)$ c)# d)@
10. In If-statement false represented by
a) 0 b) 1 c)2 d)3
11.Switch statement is alternative of
a)if b)if-else c)Nested if d)Nested if-else
12. In which loop statement terminator is a part of its syntax
a)for b)while c)do-while d)for-each
13. Which of the following loop is called counter loop?
a)for b)while c)do-while d)None of these
14.Another name of built in function is
a)library function b)user defined function c)Arithmetic function d)All of
15.A file is stored in
a)RAM b) Hard Disk c)ROM d)Cache memory
Max Marks 60 Subjective Type 52 Time Allowed 2:10 Hours

Q#3. Write short answers to any six(6) question
i)What is Header file
ii)How a source code is different from object code.
iii)Trace output
int x=10 y=15;
printf(“%d %d”,x,y);
iv) Find out errors from following code
void main()
char ch,ch2;
v)Write use of printf function?
vi) Define format specifier used in printf() and scanf()
vii) Find error
void main()
int a=10;
viii) Differentiate between unary and binary operator
ix) Write the mathematic expression in c-expression
ke=1/2 mv2

C-Language (2x6=12)
Q#4. Write short answers of any six(6) questions.
i)Define compound statement
ii)Define one-way decision and also draw flowchart
iii)What is the error in the following code
int x=10,y=20
if(x>10 & y<30)
iv)Convert the following code in while loop
for(int i=1;i<10;i++)
v)Write the syntax of for loop
vi)Differentiate between inner and outer loop
vii)Describe user define function
viii)What do you meant by function call?
ix)Write the use of End of file
Note: Attempt any one question (8x1=8)
Q#5. Describe different steps involved in database with diagram
Q#6. Define report. Discuss its different types.
C-Language (8x2=16)
Notes: Attemp any two question
Q#7. Explain select case structure with its working.
Q#8. What is language processor? Describe different types of language processor.
Q #9. Write a program in C that displays the following series using while loop.

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