Insight Services 1
Insight Services 1
Insight Services 1
Preface .................................................................................................. 2
Overview ............................................................................................... 3
Why Analyze Used Lubricants .............................................................. 4
What Are Lubricants? ........................................................................... 5
Functions of a Lubricant? ...................................................................... 6
How Do Lube Oils Fail? ......................................................................... 7
What Does Oil Analysis Measure? ........................................................ 8
Wear Mechanisms ................................................................................ 9
Viscosity .............................................................................................. 10
ICP Spectroscopy ................................................................................. 12
Elements.............................................................................................. 14
Crackle Test ......................................................................................... 15
Karl Fischer Water ............................................................................... 15
Demulsibility ....................................................................................... 17
FT-IR Spectroscopy .............................................................................. 18
RPVOT ................................................................................................. 20
Rust Test .............................................................................................. 20
Foam Test ............................................................................................ 21
Base Number ....................................................................................... 22
Fuel Dilution ....................................................................................... 23
Acid Number ....................................................................................... 23
Particle Count ...................................................................................... 24
Ferrous Wear Concentration .............................................................. 29
Analytical Ferrography........................................................................ 30
Classifying Wear .................................................................................. 31
Varnishing Potential ........................................................................... 36
Ultra Centrifuge .................................................................................. 38
Membrane Patch Colorimetry (MPC) ................................................. 38
RULER .................................................................................................. 39
Filter Debris Analysis .......................................................................... 40
Alarm Levels ........................................................................................ 42
Sampling Procedures .......................................................................... 43
GLOSSARY ........................................................................................... 45
Insight Services 1
In writing the 4 edition of “The Practical Guide To Oil Analysis”,
it occurs to me that Insight Services has increased it’s testing
capacity significantly over the last couple of years. From our
industry leading Filter Debris Analysis to our annual turbine
testing, we can provide any number of testing solutions for your
specific needs. The growth from our original roots has been
exciting and I look forward to more innovations in the future.
We remain true to our initial goal with the book - helping you
understand oil analysis. We have helped many companies
develop and implement successful oil analysis programs. Our
unrelenting drive to provide same day turnaround on all
samples every time is the essence of the Insight Services’
Michael Barrett
Insight Services 2
Insight Services 3
Why Analyze Used
Insight Services 4
Machine Wear. An unhealthy machine generates wear particles
at an exponential rate. The detection and analysis of these
particles assist in making critical maintenance decisions.
Machine failure due to worn out components can be avoided.
Remember, healthy and clean oil lead to the minimization of
machine wear.
• Oxidation Stability.
• Wear Protection.
• Corrosion Inhibition.
Insight Services 5
Functions of a Lubricant?
From cooling to cleaning to lubricating, the absolute key
to keeping your equipment running.
By introducing a film between moving parts, opposing friction
surfaces are separated and allowed to move freely without any
interlocking of the asperities at the metal surface. By physically
separating the moving parts, friction is greatly reduced. The
result is less wear generated and less energy required to
perform the work.
Lubricants absorb the heat generated at the friction surface and
carry it away to a reservoir where it is allowed to cool before
returning for service. Oil coolers and heat exchangers are
sometimes used to more efficiently disperse heat. Lubricants
are an excellent dissipator of heat.
Oil picks up solid contaminants and moves them away from the
contact zone. The contaminants can then be removed by
filtration or settling in the reservoir. Many oils have detergent
characteristics to hold tiny dirt and soot particles in suspension
at help prevent sludge and varnish in a system.
Lubricants coat component surfaces providing a barrier against
moisture. The presence of moisture in the air causes oxidation,
Insight Services 6
eventually leading to corrosion. Rust occurs when steel surfaces
are attacked by moisture. Corrosion occurs when a metal
surface is attacked by acids, a byproduct of oxidation. Oils can
be fortified with alkaline reserves to counter the corrosive
Many lubricants form a viscous seal to keep contaminants out of
a component. Greases form physical barriers to protect against
dirt and water ingress.
Hydraulic systems use lubricants to protect sliding, contacting
surfaces and as a source of fluid power. Fluid under pressure
actuates moving parts.
Insight Services 7
• Oxidation: What is it? Atmospheric oxygen combines
with hydrocarbon molecules. The hotter the oil and
the greater exposure to air, the faster oxidation
proceeds. The initial by-products of oxidation are
sludges and varnishes. However, further oxidation
converts these by-products into carboxylic acids. These
acids aggressively attack and corrode many machine
component surfaces.
Insight Services 8
• Viscosity
Physical property.
• Karl Fischer Water
• Acid Number (AN)
• Particle Counting
Both contamination and wear debris.
• ICP Spectroscopy
Wear metals, contaminant metals, additive metals.
• Ferrous Wear Concentration
Ferrous wear particles.
• Analytical Ferrography
Type and severity of wear particles.
Wear Mechanisms
Abrasive Wear Hard particles between or embedded in
adjacent moving surfaces.
Insight Services 9
Corrosive Wear Water or chemical contamination.
Measure of lubricant’s resistance to flow at a specific
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to the recommended oil in service. An abnormal viscosity (+
10%) is usually indicative of a problem.
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Application. All industrial lubricants.
ICP Spectroscopy
Measures the concentration of wear metals, contaminant
metals and additive metals in a lubricant.
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Disadvantages. Can not detect particles greater than 7 microns
in size. Level of additive elements not necessarily indicative of
additive package depletion.
Lead 0 4.7 0 0
Aluminum 0 0 0 0
Chromium 0 3 0 0
Nickel 0 0 0 0
Silicon 2 105 55 25
Phosphorous 47 56 57 48
Zinc 87 55 35 21
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Elements Possible Source
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Crackle Test
Quick screen to determine if a sample contains
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titration endpoint. Results are reported as either % water or
ppm (1% =10,000ppm).
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Water contamination causes:
• Fluid breakdown, such as additive precipitation and oil
• Reduced lubricating film thickness.
• Corrosion.
• Accelerated metal surface fatigue.
Measures the ability of a lubricant to separate from
Insight Services 17
ml ml ml Minutes
oil water emulsions
40 40 0 60
FT-IR Spectroscopy
Measures the chemical composition of a lubricant.
Insight Services 18
molecular species of interest, including additives, fluid
breakdown products and external contamination. Infrared
spectrum of used oil is compared to baseline spectrum (baseline
spectrum chosen from one of five groups depending on oil
type). The differences in IR spectrum are quantified. Levels of
oxidation, nitration and sulfate by-products are reported along
with soot, water, and glycol.
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Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test
Rust Test
Rust preventing characteristics of oil in the presence of
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Significance. Evaluates the ability of the lubricant to prevent the
corrosion of ferrous parts should water become mixed with the
Foam Test
Measures the foaming tendency of a lubricant.
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Base Number
Measures the reserve alkalinity in a lubricant.
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Fuel Dilution
Measures amount of fuel (%) present in an engine oil.
Acid Number
Measures the acidity of a lubricant.
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Particle Count
Measures the size and quantity of particles in a lubricant.
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Operating Principle. Fluid Flow Decay Principle. Oil is passed
through a screen of known
mesh size (10 micron) and
the time taken to plug the
screen is determined. The
instrument then calculates
the distribution in the
other predetermined size
ranges by extrapolation.
> 50 0 25 5 2 1
> 100 0 12 2 0 0
Insight Services 25
Advantages. Excellent for “clean” systems (turbines, hydraulics
etc.). Limits provided by equipment manufactures determine
filter efficiency.
Sources of Contamination
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Target Cleanliness
Pressure Range
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Making Sense Out of ISO Particle Counts
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Ferrous Wear
Measures the amount of ferrous wear in a lubricant.
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Disadvantages. Does not detect non-ferrous particles.
Analytical Ferrography
Allows analyst to visually examine wear particles present in a
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Disadvantages. Subjective results dependent upon the Analyst.
The test is time consuming, labor intensive, and, therefore,
Classifying Wear
Rubbing Wear
Description. Ferrous
particles, less than 30 microns
in size. Some Sources:
Rubbing wear is typically
found in both reciprocating
and non-reciprocating units.
Comments. On a ferrogram
the particles tend to align in chains. Normal ferrous wear can be
categorized as low alloy, cast iron and high alloy steel.
Severe Wear
Description. Metallic
particles greater than 30
microns. Fatigue or
component overload that
cause larger pieces of wear to
detach creates severe wear.
Insight Services 31
Comments. Severe wear is a definite sign of abnormal running
Sliding Wear
Insight Services 32
Cutting Wear
Insight Services 33
Description. A relatively
smooth spherical particle.
Spheres are created in bearing
fatigue cracks, typically roller
Comments. Non-ferrous
metallic wear can be across the
entire length of a ferrogram.
These particles will not be
aligned with the ferrous wear
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Red Oxide
Varnishing Potential
Detect the onset of varnishing problems in turbines and
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Ultra Centrifuge
Operating Principle. As an oil sample is
spun at 17,000 rpm in the ultra centrifuge
the soft contaminant oxidation by-
products which have a higher molecular
weight than the oil will be forced to the
bottom of the centrifuge tube.
Membrane Patch
Colorimetry (MPC)
Operating Principle. Insoluble deposits
are extracted from the sample using a
membrane patch. The color of the patch
is analyzed using a spectrophotometer.
Results are reported as a deltaE value in
the CIE LAB scale.
Insight Services 38
Operating Principle. Antioxidants are removed from the oil by
mixing sample with a solvent.
The dissolved antioxidants are
then measured using linear
sweep voltammetry.
Significance. By comparing
the levels of antioxidants in
the used oil sample to the
levels present in a virgin
reference sample of the same
lubricant the remaining useful life of the used oil can be
Insight Services 39
Filter Debris Analysis
Operating Principle. The
FDA instrument is a self-
contained unit which
employs an automated
method for filter washing to
extract all debris from the
filter with high repeatability
and reproducibility. A used
filter is placed in the system
wash chamber and all debris is removed from the filter using a
combination of fluid and pressurized air. The wash fluid carrying
the filter debris passes through an on line sensor which
quantifies and sizes the amount of ferrous debris. The fluid then
runs through a filter patch where the sample of debris is
captured for further metallurgical analysis by X-Ray
Flourescence (XRF). XRF analysis provides the percentage
elemental composition of the sample which can be correlated to
the wear debris of interest.
Insight Services 40
providing improved diagnostic and prognostic information
about impending failures.
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Alarm Levels
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Sampling Procedures
When to Sample
Where to Sample
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Sampling Methods
Pressurized Valves
Ball Valves
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AF = Analytical ferrography. Powerful diagnostic procedure to
detect large wear particles, i.e. up to 100 microns. Provides a
qualitative assessment of wear generation through microscopic
examination of debris suspended in representative sample of
used oil.
Insight Services 45
Corrosive wear = Dark sub-micron particles observed
microscopically during ferrographic analysis. Caused by acid
attack of metals surfaces when oil is degraded.
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High Alloy Steel = Ferrous metal particle observed in analytical
ferrography which is commonly found in shaft material.
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Machine name = Name of machine which is unique to that unit.
For example, NE gearbox on #4 crane.
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Severe sliding = Large ferrous particles which are produced by
sliding contacts. Trend is important to determine whether
abnormal wear is taking place.
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particles are usually aluminum but can also be tin, chrome,
silver and other more exotic metals.
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