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C V (CV) : Urriculum Itae

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Curriculum Vitae (CV)


Personal Information
Residential : STAIN Ambon, Rt/Rw 008/019,
Batu Merah, Sirimau, Kota Ambon.
Telephone : +62 8219 7501 912
E-Mail : gafurdjali@gmail.com


Gafur Djali has more than 9 years of working experiences in the areas of community
empowerment, livelihood and regional development in particular to east Indonesia region,
given his native as a Molluccan.

Consultant has been work with some foreign development agencies: Ford Foundation,
UNICEF and Ministry of Village, Disadvantage Regions and Transmigration.

Consultant has more than 9 years specific working experiences which are relevant to the
(i) As a Village Assistant Expert for Economic Development Experts, Tual City, Maluku.
Activities performed encompasses:
- responsible for coordinating 27 villages in 5 districts in conducting, mapping,
developing, managing and exploiting the village's economic potential.
- Assisting a village or community in establishing a village business entity (Bumdes –
Badan Usaha Milik Desa).
- Compile a village economic development scheme base on community, and.
Upgrading human resources in conducting business, production, sales, marketing,
management, and financial management.

(ii) As a Executive Director for Maluku Institute “Center for public policy and economic
development studies”. Our main activities include:
- formation of productive youth communities in the villages of Batu Merah (Sirimau,
Ambon City), Tial (Salahutu, Central Maluku), Hitu (Leihitu, Central Maluku) and
Laimu (Teluthi, Central Maluku).
- In Batu Merah village (Sirimau, Ambon City) we formed a youth community to protect
garbage pollution in Ambon bay.
- In the villages of Hitu, Tial and Laimu, we form productive agricultural communities,
which grow vegetables.
- All these communities are provided with education and assistance to understand
village governance and the contribution of youth to their villages.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

(iii) As a Research Assistant. I am involved in several studies in rular area, as: Sociology of
Economics in rural Kutai Kartanegara. The anthropology of Water Sanitation and Hygiene
in West Timor. Expenditure and unit cost analysis of early childhood development in
Sikka, NTT. And, the Role of Contemporary Papuan Youth in Creating Papuan and
Indonesian Identity During the Autonomy Era. So that give me such abilitis are:
- Have the ability to carry out detailed social identification and problem mapping in rural
areas. Better understanding of policy formulas that can be applied at the village
institution and regional government levels. And have the ability to approach and
organize communities.

(iv) As a Director of Public Policy Analysis, Media and Survey in Arah Indonesia Media &
Konsultan. So that give me such abilitis are:
- Familiar with the dynamics of public policies, especially those related to institution and
economic development in rular area.
- Accustomed to reading public opinion that develops in online media and social media.
- Have the ability to conduct quantitative and qualitative public opinion surveys.

1. Proposed Position: Institutional Development Expert.

2. Name of Firm : -

3. Name of Expert: Gafur Djali

4. Current Residential Address: STAIN Ambon, Rt/RW 008/019, Batu Merah,

Sirimau, Kota Ambon.

Telephone No.: +62 8219 7501 912

Fax No.: -
E-Mail Address: gafurdjali@gmail.com

5. Date of Birth: 11/01/1985 Citizenship: Indonesia

6. Education :
- International Relations Department, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of
National Develompment “Veteran” Yogyakarta, DI.Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2005-2012.

7. Membership in Professional Associations: -

8. Other Trainings
- Research Training: Center for Peace & Global Citizenship, International Intership
Program Indonesia Research Progame, Haverford College, USA. Bali, June/2009 –
- Civic Education for Indonesian leaders-CEFIL, Yayasan Satu Nama, DI. Yogyakarta,
May 2011.
- Basic Training for Village Assistant Expert, Ministry of Village, Backward Areas and
Transmigration, Ambon, March 2016.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

- Intermediate Traning for Village Assistant Expert, Ministry of Village, Backward Areas
and Transmigration, Makassar, August 2016.
- Advance Traning for Village Assistant Expert, Ministry of Village, Backward Areas and
Transmigration, Makassar, March 2017.

9. Countries of Work Experience : Indonesia

10. Languages :
Speaking good,
Reading good, and
Writing fair.

11. Employment Record - (108 month – 9 years)

From November/2018 To October/2020 : (24 month)

Employer: Arah Indonesia Media & Konsultan
Positions held: Director of Public Policy Analysis, Media and Survey.

From March/2016 To October/2018 : (31 month)

Employer: Ministry of Village, Backward Areas and Transmigration
Positions held: Village Assistant Expert for Economic Development Experts, Tual City,

From Oktober/2015 To March/2016 : (5 month)

Employer: Ford Foundation Counsultant
Positions held: Research Assistant to Hipolitus Yolisandry R. Wangge, for “The Role of
Contemporary Papuan Youth in Creating Papuan and Indonesian Identity During the Autonomy

From September/2015 To Desember/2015 : (4 month)

Employer: Directoral General of specific regional development, Ministry of Village.
Positions held: Writer Team, “Book Review of Boorder development policies”.

From November/2014 To March/2016 : (17 month)

Employer: Maluku Institute – Center for public policy and economic development studies.
Positions held: Executive Director.

From March/2014 To July/2014 : (5 month)

Employer: Losta Institute Yogyakarta
Positions held: Coordinator Media Tracking Analysis

From November/2013 To February/2014 : (4 month)

Employer: Rumah Ganesa, PLAN Indonesia & Yayasan ARTI Jakarta
Positions held: Research Assistant to Dr. Dominggus Elcid Li, for “Evaluation study on risk of
bullying among school children in Jakarta”.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

From November/2013 To March/2014 : (5 month)

Employer: UNICEF & IRGSC (Institute of Resource Governance and Social Change)
Positions held: Research Assistant to Dr. Dominggus Elcid Li, for “Expenditure and unit cost
analysis of early childhood development in Sikka, NTT [Social dimension of early childhood
development in Sikka]”.

From August/2013 To October/2013 : (3 month)

Employer: Kutai Kartanengara Regional Government and Mulawarman University.
Positions held: Research Assistant to Dr. Dominggus Elcid Li, Sociology of Economics in rural
Kutai Kartanegara.

From February/2013 To April/2013 : (3 month)

Employer: UNICEF, IRGSC (Institute of Resource Governance and Social Change)
Positions held: Assistant Researcher to Dr. Dominggus Elcid Li, for “The anthropology of
Water Sanitation and Hygiene in West Timor, Funded by ACF International”.

From July/2012 To January/2013 : (7 month)

Employer: Warta Pasar Jogja (Traditional Market Traders Magazine/Media Community)
Positions held: Director Research and Development.

as completed all the requirements of the "Training for Trainer (ToT) Rural
Community Development" which was carried out in collaboration with Nahdatul
Ulama (PBNU), the Turkish Maarif Foundation, and Lakpesdam-NU Maluku on
11-13 September 2019 in Ambon, Maluku.


- The Diplomat
Indonesia Must Confront its Papua Problem (18/03/2016)

- New Mandala
Jokowi’s Papua Policy Deeply Flawed (18/03/2016)

- Buku : “Review Kebijakan Pengembangan Daerah Perbatasan Tahun 2015”, Dirjen

Pengembangan Daerah Tertentu, Kementerian Desa, Jakarta 2015.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

12. Detailed Tasks 13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates

Assigned Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned

- Review the regulations and Name of assignment or project: Village

programs of the Ministry of Village, Community Development and Empowerment
Ministry of Home Affairs, Program (P3MD), Ministry of Village.
Bappenas, and others to support Month/Year: March/2016 to October/2018
the implementation of the TEKAD
program. Location: Tual City, Maluku.
Client: Ministry of Village. (27 Villages)
- Prepare modules for institutional
program development and capacity Main project features: establishment of
building. village business entities (BUMDES)
Positions held: Village Assistant for Economic
- Prepare a monitoring and Development Experts
evaluation system, a village
information system and general Activities performed:
village guidelines. - Review the regulations, mapping the
economic potential of the village and
- Reforming and finding solutions for synchronizing local and cross-sectoral
the development and strengthening policies in optimizing village potential.
of village institutions.
- Create village business units that can
- Participating in the IFAD mission, absorb local labor and create added value
and the mission of other to households.
institutional / institutional partners
to strengthen the implementation of - Monitoring and evaluation system on village
programs in the region. business units.

14. Certification:

I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief− Yes No

(i) this CV correctly describes my qualifications and my experience

(vi) I am part of the team who wrote the terms of reference for this
consulting services assignment (Consultants hired to prepare TOR
for an assignment shall not be hired for the same assignment.)

(vii) I am sanctioned (not eligible for engagement) by IFAD.

I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if

Date: 19/11/2020
Signature of expert
Curriculum Vitae (CV)



[The Role of Contemporary Papuan Youth in Creating Papuan and
Indonesian Identity During the Autonomy Era]

I, Gafur Djali agree to assist the primary investigator with this study by addressing
questions, analyzing data, providing insights, and writing fieldwork reports. I agree to
maintain full confidentiality when performing these tasks.
Specifically, I agree to:
1. keep all research information shared with me confidential by not discussing or
sharing the information in any form or format (e.g., disks, tapes, transcripts) with
anyone other than the primary investigator;

2. hold in strictest confidence the identification of any individual that may be revealed
during the course of performing the research tasks;

3. not make copies of any raw data in any form or format (e.g., disks, tapes,
transcripts), unless specifically requested to do so by the primary investigator;

4. keep all raw data that contains identifying information in any form or format (e.g.,
disks, tapes, transcripts) secure while it is in my possession. This includes:
• keeping all digitized raw data in computer password-protected files and other raw
data in a locked file;
• closing any computer programs and documents of the raw data when temporarily
away from the computer;
• permanently deleting any e-mail communication containing the data; and
• using closed headphones if transcribing recordings;

5. give, all raw data in any form or format (e.g., disks, tapes, transcripts) to the primary
investigator when I have completed the research tasks;

6. destroy all research information in any form or format that is not returnable to the
primary investigator (e.g., information stored on my computer hard drive) upon
completion of the research tasks.

Provide the following contact information for research assistant: Printed name of
research assistant Gafur Djali
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Address: Jalan Tarmidzi Taher Perumahan Dosen IAIN Ambon, Lorong Pos Rendra
No.1, RT/RW 008/019, Batu Merah, Sirimau, Ambon, Maluku

Telephone number: +6281330061928

Signature of research assistant:

Printed name of primary investigator Hipolitus Yolisandry R. Wangge

Researcer at The Marthinus Academy in Jakarta
Signature of primary investigator: Date 28 October 2015
Curriculum Vitae (CV)


as completed all the requirements of the "Training for Trainer (ToT) Rural
Community Development" which was carried out in collaboration with Nahdatul
Ulama (PBNU), the Turkish Maarif Foundation, and Lakpesdam-NU Maluku on
11-13 September 2019 in Ambon, Maluku.

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