Professional Education Secondary (September 27, 2015)
Professional Education Secondary (September 27, 2015)
Professional Education Secondary (September 27, 2015)
C. Yes.
D. No.
2. What is the overall stream for education, growth and fulfillment in the teaching
5. What does “Once a Teacher, forever a student” Imply for the Professional Teacher?
B. Student-centered instruction
D. Lifelong learning
III. Guidance counselors
IV. Libraries
7. A teacher introduces herself as teacher ONLY. What does this imply?
9. Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but this is NOT one of them:
A. Written reflection
10. In order to assist new Teachers, which is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to clarify the
school’s goals and responsibilities early in the first year?
11. Of the following, which needy and qualified students are most deserving of
government funding assistance (scholarship; grants-in-aid, etc.)?
12. Former DepEd Director Lolita Andrada described her humble early schooling: a
silong (ground floor of a house) converted into a classroom. Which best characterizes
the situation?
A. Utilitarianist C. Existentialist
B. Pragmatic D. Constructivist
14. What philosophical motive was behind public education during the American
colonial period?
A. Modernism C. Utilitarianism
B. Secularism D. Humanism
15. What problem is given focus by research studies which show low rate of work
absorption among technical/vocational graduates?
B. Training-job mismatch
18. Among the rights of the schools, which is NOT provided by the law?
19. Of the following, which is the most effective way to advance practical oral
proficiency of students?
20. From the Constitution, what is the condition for allowing students to be taught
religion in public schools?
21. Which theory calls for adaptation to the learner’s biological and developmental set
of characteristics?
A. Child therapists
B. Special education teachers
D. Child psychologist
C. As an opportunity
25. What is the cultural trait of conflicting values that aims to please people in different
venues and situations rather than abide by principles?
26. Under R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of 1994, which agency has direct
supervision and management of teacher education institutions or colleges of education
in the country?
D. Department of Education
27. Under R.A. 7722 or higher Education Act of 1994, which agency identifies supports
and develops centers of excellence among higher education institutions in the country?
A. Department of Education
28. Along the aim of towards labor for integrity, which aspect of work needs to be
taught to future employers and employees in the 21st century workplace?
29. What is the initial knowing process learned by the individual that revolves around
practical problem-solving?
A. Thinking C. Listening
B. Obeying D. Believing
30. Which of the following has greatly influenced the introduction of K-to-12 reform in
basic education?
31. Blind cyclist and teacher Maria Bunyan won 8th place in the able-bodied Sydney
2000 Olympics. Of the following which is the central and fundamental quality she
displayed by never thinking that blindness is an impediment to becoming a great
A. Self-belief C. Perseverance
B. Dedication D. Passion
32. What is the degree of moral certitude of Alegre who entered into marriage only out
of obedience to her parents, but uncertain whether she wanted marriage at all?
A. Lax C. Doubtful
B. Probable D. Certain
A. Arduous preparation
B. Resignation to mediocrity
C. Committed work
34. In the poem, “When in Distance with Fortune and Men’s Eyes” Shakespeare felt
depressed looking at his sad fate and wishing he were someone else more rich, with
many friends, with greater skills and future prospects in life. What is the best antidote to
such depressed feelings?
35. Blind and unable to write, Milton felt depressed and useless. Which of following
prayerful invocation best reflects his feelings in saying “who best bear His mild yoke,
they serve Him best?
38. On managing the class group, what is the problem when the class atmosphere is
punitive, tinged with partiality, too competitive or to exclusive?
39. To what problem type do students belong, who have short span, unable to sustain
concentration by being easily affected by sights, sounds or speech?
B. Defiant D. Distractible
40. If threat of punishment is necessary on erring students, how should this best be
A. First a warning before the threat
41. For group guidance in classroom management, what element is lacking when there
are tensions among individuals, cliques and subgroups, or student-teacher friction?
42. Which of the following is the best option to deal with chronic behavior problems in
the classroom?
44. If threat of punishment is necessary, which of the following expressed the threat
with LEAST severity?
A. “I will work for your removal from class and you are a shame to your
B. “I will send you to the principal’s office, or else also ask your parents to
confer with the principal”
A. Surprise quiz
47. To what problem type do students belong, who have difficulty due to low potential
or lack of readiness rather than motivation to work?
A. Underachiever C. Withdrawn
A. Stimulus-bounded C. Thrust
B. Truncation D. Dangle
49. In the school, who is the key to the success or failure in teaching-and-learning,
being the link between the child and the curriculum?
A. The parent C. The student
A. Drill C. Brainstorming
B. Lecture D. Demonstration
52. How does the “humaneness” of the teacher best describe when he/she is full of
interest and enthusiasm in the work of teaching?
A. Knowledge C. Perceptiveness
B. Responsiveness D. Sensitivity
53. For problems of discipline that cannot be resolved in class which of the following
should NOT be done as it reduces the authority of the teacher?
54. Among the mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens
when students feel helpless and rejected so that they remove themselves rather than
confront the situation?
A. Withdrawal C. Revenge seeking
A. Business-academic style
D. Assertive style
56. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of
students. What is the hidden goal of students who refuse to cooperate or participate?
B. Appreciation of art
60. Which of the following will not serve the aims of Sequential Synthesizing Technique
(SST) to enhance one-way lecture in class?
A. Reflective C. Affective
B. Cognitive D. Psychomotor
B. Do push-ups
B. Objectives
C. Evaluation procedures
D. Content
65. What is being shown by teachers who ignore slow-learners and take pride in the
work of fast learners?
B. Cursing D. Discrimination
66. In the process of integrating technology in instruction, which of the following points
to the highest kind of cognitive skills desired?
D. Developing metacognition
67. When classes began, Teacher Dan asked students in pairs to interview and
introduce each other to the class. How will this activity be classified according to Edgar
Dale’s cone of experience?
A. Purposeful experience
B. Verbal symbols
C. Dramatize experience
D. Demonstration
68. Of the following, which is the most traditional “technology” in the limited sense of
tools for education?
69. What provides the most direct type of learning, but is difficult to supply in the
traditional classroom?
A. Real-life experience
B. Computer-assisted learning
C. Verbal symbolism
71. Among the following terms in technology, what has the broadest concept of
technology for the whole educative system?
72. According to Nagel’s Acronym PPPF, what is important to Follow Up in the proper
use of instructional materials?
73. In her tests, Teacher Dorie made tests that were either too difficulty or too easy.
What was wrong with her tests?
C. Unclear directions
D. Ambiguity
74. Of the following, which is NOT a characteristics of the Response Journal that
reflects observations and interpretations of the student such as on a reading material or
a field visit?
75. Principal Rodriguez introduced machine scored tests in his school. What factor in
scoring does this add to make tests more reliable?
B. Cost-saving D. Time-economics
76. Since Teacher Alvin wants his test to be more reliable, which of the following should
he adopt?
A. Make a test that requires students the need for more time to complete
77. In preparing classroom tests, which of the following checklist is the LAST among
steps in tests preparation?
78. Among the opportunities for Essay Questions, which of the following does NOT
provide high-level thinking opportunity?
A. Analysis C. Synthesis
B. Evaluation D. Memorization
79. Among active participation of school officials and teachers in the community, which
of the following is NOT appropriate due to preventing religious sentiments?
80. Of the types of validity for test, what reflects the knowledge and skills in the
program of students?
81. Among cognitive levels of thinking, what cognitive level is stressed by the Essay
question: “In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when…?
A. Inferring C. Applying
B. Classifying D. Analyzing
82. For easier correction of his test, Teacher Edward prepared the True and False items
in alternating 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. True, and 2, 4, 6 etc. False. What is wrong with the test in
terms of Usability?
C. Ambiguity
A. Imaginative C. Resourceful
B. Positive D. Inspired
B. Word recognition
C. Vocabulary meaning
D. Degrees of comprehension
86. Someone said, “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is
mere intellectual play” this means that .
87. Of the following, which is the best way parents can support the learning
development of their children?
A. Individual C. Personal
B. Collegial D. Professional
90. Which of the following does NOT belong to the meta-cognitive reading activities?
A. Predicting C. Sampling
B. Testing D. Perceiving
91. On components of direct instruction, which involves teachers and students working
together on a skill or task and figuring out how to apply the strategy?
B. Application D. Modeling
92. To survive in the global community and in the twenty first century, one must be a
II. Through the Semlte’s ingenuity, sounds and symbols gave rise to the Phoenician
alphabet 2
95. What is known as getting the meaning of a new unfamiliar word by looking for hints
form surrounding words in a sentence or paragraph?
96. Among models of reading strategies, what did student Lina adopt when she read
back and forth, attending to both what is in her mind and what’s on the page?
A. Down-top C. Top-down
B. Interactive D. Bottoms-up
97. Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who are control oriented and
impose rules without explanation?
A. Authoritative C. Permissive
B. Authoritarian D. Uninvolved
99. Which is NOT an aim in having partners in team learning?
B. Review D. Modeling
A. Evaluation C. Valuing
B. Receiving D. Application
102. In the 5 S Formula to create a conducive learning environment, which S stands for
cleanliness of the work place?
A. Self-discipline C. Shining
B. Systematic D. Sort
103. In his Literature class, teacher Ted stress to one’s own ability to write poetic verse
drawn from sensible images thoughts and perceptions. What creative thinking behavior
is he trying to develop in students?
A. Curiosity C. Originality
B. Awareness D. Elaboration
104. Among thinking skills in learning, what includes fluent, flexible, original and
elaborate thinking?
A. Divergent thinking
B. Convergent thinking
C. Critical thinking
D. Problem solving
105. In elearning, which is the motivational aspect of learning through the electronic
A. Virtual learning
C. Technology integration
D. Digital platforms
106. What is the main focus of the Schools Mean Success (SMS) concept for lifelong
107. What observation attests to the fact that the student’s motivation vary according to
socio-cultural background?
108. What is the primary advantage of active learning techniques (discussion, role play,
gaming, etc.) in instruction?
109. Classroom routines form the backbone of daily school activities, but which of the
following is NOT covered by such routines?
111. What condition afflicts child learners who have to count on fingers to tell whether 5
is more than 4?
A. Emotional C. Mental
B. Neurological D. Physical
A. Products C. Portfolios
B. Procedures D. Performances
A. Performance test
115. Which is the research method or techniques best suited for the study of the
incidences in early marriage in Barangay Rizal?
A. Interest C. Awareness
B. Originality D. Curiosity
119. Among general categories of assessment methods, what instruments did pre- school
teacher Eva use when she rated the hand writing of her student using a prototype
handwriting model?
A. Performance test
A. Drop-out rate
D. Participation rate
B. Instructional objectives
C. Instructional media
B. Performance drill
C. De-contextualized setting
123. In order for assessment to have clarity of learning targets, outcomes must be stated
in behavioral terms so that this can be measured. Which of the following shows this
desired clarity?
124. What is an example of a book or writing intended for moral knowledge of the very
young readers?
125. Using rubrics, which is futuristic and hypothetical among the following criteria
chosen to assess a planed students affairs program for the school year?
B. Feasibility of project/activities
126. Which of the following is the most reliable tool for determining the students’ ability
to write?
A. Interpersonal C. Mathematical
B. Kinesthetical D. linguistic
131. In a Problem-Based Learning Group, who take notes, join discussion and review
132. What is being assessed by the Rubric that seeks to assess high, moderate, or low
imaginative thinking?
A. Creativity C. Appeal
B. Aesthetic D. Craftsmanship
134. What is wrong with test items that give clues to answers to questions?
135. What dependent variable can be used to test the hypothesis, “The more a teacher
knows about a specific subject matter, the better she can teach it”?
B. Surprise quiz
C. Scheduled exam
D. Submission of report
139. An entering student in college would like to determine which course is best suited
for him. Which test is appropriate for this purpose?
140. In assessment for problem-Based Learning, who are responsible in judging student
A. Teacher-and-supervisors
B. Teacher-students-supervisors
C. Teacher-and-students
B. The increase in the amount of practice does not at all affect the number of
A. Performance C. Results
B. Products D. Content
A. Games C. Debate
146. What correlation is determined when there are three raters of an essay test?
147. Among categories of thinking skills, which is the ability to break down complex
information into parts for understanding?
A. Focusing C. Sharpening
B. Narrowing D. Analysis
149. John Dewey said, “An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory”. To which
does this statement point?
150. The world has become a global village, what sound practice is expected of teachers?