SIR PAUL Answer Key
SIR PAUL Answer Key
SIR PAUL Answer Key
216 The _________ method is used when 223. Which method is used to develop
the learners are made to observe things scientific inquiry among the learners?
in a certain place like the market. A Project
A. Participatory B Case study B Case study
C. Simulation D. Field trip C Problem solving
D Simulation
217. The recommended method to use if
the teachers wishes each learner to
224. The ________ method is used to 231. The ______ approach is observed
find out the learner’s knowledge about a when the learners want to meet the
certain topic assigned to them. criterion level of success act set by the
A Independent study teachers.
B Textbook A Mastery learning
C Lecture B Interdisciplinary
D Question and answer C Conceptual
D Modular
225 The ________ approach is utilized
when the learners are trained to ask 234. Which approach is used to emphasize
intelligent question. the skills in informing conclusions?
A Process A Multidisciplinary
B Discovery B Interdisciplinary
C Inquiry C Conceptual
D Value certification D Inquiry
226. If you wish to relate a subject matter to 235. Which of the following approaches is
one of the four principles of learning, the used to include issues confronting the
________ approach should be used. societies?
A Multidisciplinary A Integration
B Interdisciplinary B Interdisciplinary
C Conceptual C Conceptual
D Integration D Inquiry
229. Which of the following approaches will 240.I started my lesson with a graphic
be used if you wish to relate a particular presentation of data then asked my
subject to all disciplines of learning? students to analyze and interpret them and
A Multidisciplinary draw implications from them. How did my
B Interdisciplinary lesson development proceed?
C Value clarification A. Deductively
D Integration B. Transductively
C. Inductively
230. To enable the learners to learn by their D. Inductively then deductively
own pace of growth, _________
approach is used. 241. In Krathwohl’s taxonomy of objectives
A Inquiry in the affective domain, which is the
B Discovery highest level of affective behavior?
C Mastery A. Responding B.
D Modular Valuing C.
Organization D.
Characterization 245 I want to measure students’
awareness of values. Which tool will I use?
242. Which of the following group activities A. Likert scales B. Projective
provides an open environment in which technique C. Moral dilemma D.
group members can discuss their opinions Observation
without being judged as wrong? 246 Cognitive is to knowledge as affective
A. Buzz session B. is to ____.
Forum C. Philips A. rights B.
66 D. Panel skills C. obligations D.
241.To teach the democratic process to values
the pupils, School T decided to pattern
the election of class and school officers 247. To develop higher-level thinking skill
after the local election process. There among students, which type of questions
were qualifications set for candidates, should be discouraged?A. Sequential
limited period of campaign and rules for questions C. Stimulating
posting campaign materials, etc. Which questions
of the following did the school employ? B. Overload
A. Symposium B. questions D. Clear
Simulation C. Philips questions
66 D. Role playing
242 In which lesson can you use the 248. You want to generate as many ideas
indirect instruction method? as you can as your class is about to
A. Using a microscope embark on a class project for senior
properly C. Solving an citizens. Which of the following will you
equation with two unknowns employ?
B. Distinguishing war from A. Brainstorming B. Role
aggression D. Cooking pinakbet playing C. Brainwashing D.
243. Belen enjoys games like scrabble,
anagrams, and password. Which type of 249.I like my students to master the skill of
intelligence is strong in Belen? multiplying 2-digit numbers. Which method
A. Interpersonal is most appropriate?
intelligence C A. Drill B.
. Spatial intelligence Expository C.
B. Linguistic Discovery D. Unit
D. logical and mathematical 250. Teacher Alvin wants to teach the
intelligence class the rules in playing basketball. Which
method is most appropriate?
244 . In Krathwohl’s affective domain of A. Discovery
objectives, which of the following is the B. Inductive reasoning
LEAST authentic? C. Problem solving
A. Responding B. D. Direct instruction
Receiving C.
Valuing D. Organization