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SIR PAUL Answer Key

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make “ out-of-the box” positive changes

PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION in the curriculum. As a curricularist, he is

1.Under RA 10912 or the Continuing a. innovator c.evaluator
Professional Development Act of 2016, b.implementer d. initiator
how many CPD units are required for 9.These are sectarian values
the renewal of the teacher’s EXCEPT______.
professional ID card(PIC) every three a.Islamic truth c.Buddhist
years? peace
a. 36 c. 45 b.Christian charity d.Social justice
b.30 d. 40 10.Which indicator is relevant to the
2.These are universal moral values physical-social aspect that the teacher
EXCEPT__________. needs to maintain within the domain of
a. integrity c. justice Social Regard for learning?
b. democracy d. love a. Shows appropriate appearance
3.In her desire to finish the content of b.Observes punctuality
the curriculum guide/plan, teacher c.Adopts various learning
Yvonne just lectures while students experiences
listen. Which principle of learning is d.Sets higher learning expectations
violated in this case?
a. learning is collaborative and 11.What characteristics are significant to
cooperative the formulation of the teacher’s
b.learning is an active process professional development plan?
c.learning is the discovery of personal I. Participation planning
meaning of ideas II. Constructive planning
d. learning begins with setting of clear III. Innovative planning
expectations and learning outcomes IV.Routine planning
4.The skill of _______to maintain a.II, III and IV c. I, II and IV
distinctions between cognitive structures b. I, II and III d. I,III and IV
to avoid confusion is a skill the teacher 12. What principle of learning is the
should understand and help students to basis for asking students to see the
acquire. connection of the lesson to their
a. comparative analysis c.sharpening personal experiences that may be
b. focus d.complex cognitive shared with others?
ability a. Discovery of personal meaning of
5.What is the best description to the ideas
teaching profession? b. Cooperative and collaborative
a.It is the most populous labor sector learning
b.It is the noblest profession c. Active learning process
c.It is the most lucrative profession d.Clear expectations and outcomes
d.It requires less preparation 13.Among schools, which best
6.Which is the language medium of exemplify academic collaboration?
instruction from K-to-3 in accordance a.School district zones c.School
with RA 10533 the Enhanced Basic ranking
Education Act of 2013? b.Consortium d.Academic
a.Language choosen by parents competition
b.Mother tongue of the learners 14.You are required to formulate your
c.English as official language own philosophy of education in the
d.Language chosen by the school course, the teaching Profession.Based
7.What is the general quality lacking in a on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which
teacher who is moody, a loner, easily level of cognitive processing are you?
gives up and poor interpersonal a. Applying c. Analyzing
relationship? b.Creating d.Evaluating
a. cooperativeness c.fairness 15.What kind of a curriculum contributes
b. buoyancy d. reliability to a learner-centered learning
8.Teacher Joseph shows the hallmark of environment?
an excellent teacher by being able to a.Indigenized
b.Competitive a.Share lesson objectives/outcomes
c.Assessed and monitored with students
d.Achievement oriented b.Write SMART lesson objectives
16.Behaviorism is a philosophy that has c. Lesson objectives/outcomes
been anchored on the theories that integrated with 2 or 3 domains-
relate to______. cognitive, skills and affective
I. trial-and- error learning
II. stimulus and response d.Begin with the goal/objective in mind.
III. brain and thinking 22.What needs to be eliminated so that
a.II only c.I only schools can be transformed into a
b. I and II d. I, II and III Learning Community?
17.In schools dominated by children of a. Collective inquiry for best practices
Indigenous Peoples or IP’s, what is the b.Commitment for continuing
focus of learning that can instill pride for improvement
the elements of the young learner’s c. Centralized governance
culture? d. Shared vision-mission-values
a.History of indigenous peoples 23. Teacher Ivy avoids drills out of
b.Positive elements of culture context. She gives real-world Math
c.Basic idea of what is culture problems for students to drill on.
d.Concerns of ethnic communities Teacher Ivy is very much convinced of
18.What practices help develop which principle of learning?
interpersonal sensitivity? a.Learning is a cooperative and
I. Communicating with stakeholders collaborative process.
II.Review of instructional content b.Learning is the discovery of
III. Openness to positive criticism personal meaning of ideas
IV. Objective analysis of common c.Learning is an active process.
concerns d.Effective learning begins with setting
a.I and II only c.I, II and IV of clear expectations and learning
b.I, II and III d. I, III and IV outcomes.
19. In selecting a code of conduct, what 24.Teacher Padua told students that,
would the behaviourist teacher prefer to they must at the end of the lesson
impart on learners? identify the topic sentence and
a.One based on science supporting sentences in the
b.One exemplified by great paragraph.He drilled the class on
men/women subject-verb agreement to ensure
c.One drawn from history writing of a good paragraph and then
d. One taught by religion gave them a ten-sentence paragraph for
20.Which of the following is NOT true as determining subject verb agreement.
regards the relationship between social Did Teacher Padua use the lesson
class and social selection process objective/learning outcomes as a guide
among high school graduates entering in the development of the lesson?
college? a.Yes. Intended outcome conforms to
a.Higher and lower social class students the drills
have equal opportunity for college b.No.Intended outcome was different
b.Higher grade graduates are usually from drills.
admitted in better college schools c. A little because subject-verb
c.More of higher social class students agreements if a must in paragraph
enter college writing
d.Lower social class students always d.Very much because the ten-sentences
make it to college through strong drill is effective for paragraph writing.
determination 25.Teacher Ara asks her students to
21.For meaningful teaching and see the connection of the connection of
learning.It is best to connect the lesson their new lesson to their own personal
to the life of students by integrating a experiences and share the same with
relevant value in the lesson. Which the class. Teacher Ara believes in which
principle is applied? principle of learning?
a.Learning is a cooperative and d.Teacher exhaustion grows during
collaborative process. class
b.Learning is the discovery of personal 32.The AV/Technology resource center
meaning of ideas. regularly provides the teachers a list of
c. Learning is an active process. websites, apps and instructional
d.Effective learning begins with setting materials available in the city. This fulfils
of clear expectations and learning which function of the center?
outcomes. a.Recreational reading center
26. What is a concrete proof that a b.Laboratory of learning
teacher as a public servant and/ or c.Link to community resources
official has violated- RA 6713’s mandate d.Center of resources
to demonstrate “ modest lives 33. What criteria is achieved by a
appropriate to their positions and bulletin board display that has repeated
income?” shapes or colors,also using borders to
a. Extravagant and ostentatious hold the display together?
wealth a.Balance c. Durability
b.Peddling undue patronage b.Correctness d.Unity
c.Inefficient use of public funds 34.Which is the highest level in the
d.Political party affiliation and revised Bloom and Anderson’s
27.How can the multi-grade system be taxonomy?
set in place in order to respond to the a.Evaluation of answers
needs of remote elementary schools b.Application of principle in real life
where enrolment is low? c.Scoring rubric for a research report
a.Upgrade students to higher levels d. Analysis of causes of a phenomenon
b.Mainstream special with regular 35.What is being employed when the
students teacher advises, coaches, inspires,
c.Assign teachers to specific grade motivates, reminds,urges and inspires?
levels a.Multiple response c. Clarification
d.Combine 2-3 grade levels b.Prompting d. Concept
28.How do you describe the effect of revision
escalating situations of uncontrolled 36.Teacher Bessy avoids out-of-context
misbehaviour in a classroom? drills..Instead she makes use of real-
a.Ripple effect c. Mushroom world problem for his students to solve.
effect This makes teacher Bessy________in
b. Rainbow effect d. Step-up effect approach.
29.Which best describes self-directed a.Inquiry-based
learning? b.developmentally appropriate
a.Students take and pass all tests and c.constructivist d.reflective
quizzes 37.What type of test items requires
b.Student discovers answers to students to blend, coalesce, combine,
problems fuse or integrate ideas or concepts?
c.Teacher delivers learning inputs a.Application c. Synthesis
d. Peers assist each other in recall of b. Evaluation d. Analysis
knowledge 38.What is Daniel Coleman’s term for
30.What learning style is characterized interpersonal effectiveness?
by doing things that have immediate a. PR index c.Superior IQ
practical use for the learner? b.XY Theory d. Emotional Quotient
a. Intuitive feeling c. Sensing- or EQ
feeling 39.When does Teacher Rosal apply
b. Intuitive-thinking d. Sensing- pedagogical knowledge in planning
thinking technology integration in her science
31.How is the ripple effect illustrated in lesson?
the class of Teacher Elena? a.Researches on plasma as another
a. Misbehavior escalates in the state of matter in her lessons.
classroom b. Looks at characteristics and interest
b.Discipline takes more than teaching of learners for choice of matching
c.Learning is transmitted row-by-row activities.
c.Learns to scan pictures to include in 46.How is “ truancy” best understood so
her presentation that appropriate responses can be made
d.Studies how to attach video to her to prevent it?
av presentation a.Absences due to family problems
40.What is the main guide for teachers b.Absences without good reason
to follow on the manner of their dressing c. Absences with permission
in school? d. Absences due to sickness
a.Dress code c.Dress facts 47.What type of learners learns better
b. Dress trends d. Dress than others, particularly during class
tradition lectures,discussions and other forms of
41.What technology integration is oral communication discourse?
achieved by teacher Nina who a.Tactile learners c. Visual learners
encourages adaptation of tool-based b.Auditory learners d.Kinesthetic
software by allowing students to choose learners
a tool and modify its use to accomplish 48.What comprises the spiral approach
a task at hard? in teaching Math in the K to 12
a.Adoption c. Infusion curriculums?
b. Transformation d. Adaptation a.Teach Algebra, Geometry and
42.What is the best antidote that can Trigonometry in Grades 7, 8 and 10
anticipate unruly student scenarios in respectively
class? b.Give autonomy to schools in choice of
a.Threats to unruly behaviour Math subjects
b.Projection of teacher authority c.Teach Algebra, Geometry and
c.Set punishment for misbehaviour Trigonometry only to higher grades
d.Spelled out rules on discipline d.Progressively teach Math concepts
43.On the aspect of personal classroom from Grade 1 and continued to Grade
management, which factor greatly 10.
affects the rate of learning or the speed 49. Which of the following is the best
of absorption of knowledge among question to ask in order to relate a
students? lesson on water conservation to the
a.Use of visual aids lives of students?
b.Voice delivery and clarity of the a.In what ways do people add to water
teacher wastage?
c.Manner of presentation of b.In sum which communities observed
information water conservation?
d.Difficulty in lesson content c.What is the therefore the meaning of
44. Which description matches the water conservation?
Mirror Principle of John Maxwell? d.How can you help conserve water?
a.The first person we must examine 50. What do global learners enjoy most?
is ourselves a. Generalized from details
b.The journey with others is slower than b.Specific designing
the journey alone c.Word and situational puzzles
c.When we help others we help d.Short-term planning
ourselves 51.All these questions should be
d.Trust is the foundation of any answered by curriculum
relationship EXCEPT___________.
45.What two indicators promote a. Who will benefit from a well-designed
purposive learning among students? learning experience?
I.General knowledge of teaching b.What outcomes should be achieved?
methods c.What qualifications should teachers
II.Recognition of specific learning needs have?
III.Cultivation of good study habits d.What subjects are important?
IV.Tutorial on learning principles 52.For Erik Erikson the psychological
a.III and IV c. II and III stages of human development spans
b. I and III d. I and II from
_______to ________.
a.minority: : seniority
b birth: : death challenge or an opportunity reason out
c. early childhood: : adolescence that “ nothing ventured, nothing lost?”
d. infancy: : adulthood a.Antipathy c. Malignancy
53.What factor contributes to fluency b.Sociopathy d.Inhibition
and flexibility in the framework of 60.Sequence the stages of prenatal
learning that adapts to the dynamics development in human growth:
trends and approaches in modern I.Fertilization of zygote
learning? II. Bioyst attaches to the wall of the
a.Openness to new ideas female uterus
b.Set standards and rules III. Male sperm and female egg
c.Fixed point of view chromosomes unite
d. Conformance with authority IV.Zygote divides to cells from 2 to 4 to
54.Teacher Noni adjusts and adapts 128 cells
pace, technique, seating arrangement, a.I,II, III and IV c.III, I, II and IV
etc.to what is required to effectively b. IV, III, II and I d. III, I, IV and
deliver instruction. What prompts him to II
this teaching style? 61.Which of the following is the most
a.Efficiency c.Flexibility acceptable expression of praise for
b.Diversity d. Single- learners who did well in specific tasks?
mindedness a.I”m proud you’re lucky
55.What is the valuable outcome of any b.Fate worked well for you
research activity in relation to what is c.You did very well in such a difficult
already established truth or fact? task
a. New hypothesis c. New d.I like your work, it wasn’t really difficult
Knowledge 62.Given the great opportunity to teach
b. New data d. New abroad, the global Filipino teacher faces
assumption the social challenge of ________.
56.Which of the following on the issue of a.having mastery of new subject matter
Climate Change is an open-ended b.constructing indigenous tools
question? c.meeting new students and peers
a.What is the catastrophic end-result of d.adjusting to cultural differences
the thinning of the ozone layer? 63. For American teachers these
b.How will the entire world comprise creativity but
population finally respond to the NOT___________.
problem of climate change? a.originality c. imagination
c.Who is responsible for polluting the b.novelty d. conformity
atmosphere through fossil fuel 64.How can students be best re-
emission? educated on the ethical use of social
d.What are the effects of climate change media, such as the Facebook and
to organisms on the planet? mobile texting?
57.What type of question is the item: “ a.Punishment for violators
What factors contribute to justifying the b.Seminar on social media
implementation of the K-to-12 program c.Student monitoring of peers
of the school system?” d. Integrate social media
a. Low-level c. Convergent competencies in the curriculum
b.Synthesis d. Divergent 65.What is the response for millennial
58.How can competencies along who are becoming adept at virtual
outcomes-based approach to reality( digital toys and tools) not actual
instructions be best demonstrated? reality?
a.Varied outcome evidences a.Limit use of Facebook and texting
b.Congruence between objective and b.No mobile phones in school
output c.PTA conference with parents
c.Continuing monitoring and evaluation d.Align learning in context of reality
d. High achievement test marks 66.What knowledge refers to how well
59.For Erikson, what causes a person to you know the subject area or topic being
be inhibited from taking a role, a taught?
a. Pedagogical knowledge
b. Content knowledge prizes to teachers during annual
c.Technological knowledge Christmas parties?
d.Method knowledge a. Frequent rewards c. High
67.What is an important preliminary expectations
factor in the differentiated instructional b.Praise device d. Value of
process? rewards
a.Student-led initiatives 75.Which of the following does NOT
b. Entry level indicators belong to the concept-group?
c.Error differences a.Multiple choice c.Completion
d. Varying level performance test
68.A student gets a numerical grade of b. Matching type d.Alternate
80. What is his descriptor for his level of response
proficiency? 76.Which portfolio enables you to
a.Very satisfactory determine if you realized your intended
b.Did not meet expectations learning outcomes?
c. Satisfactory a. Evaluation portfolio c.Showcase
d. Family satisfactory portfolio
69. To check on current lesson, what b. Assessment portfolio
technique can Teacher Bara apply to d.Development portfolio
give stress to main points being taught? 77.List the steps in strategic
a. Ask students to prepare summary of instructional planning in chronological
previous lesson order:
b.Call on non-volunteers I.Check materials
c.Monitor understanding of content II.Decide expected outcomes
d. Ask questions on concepts and III.Establish content
skills IV.Outline presentation of lesson
70.Which is the percentage contribution V.Implement instruction
of quarterly assessment to the grade of a. IV, I, II, III and V c. III, IV,II, I and
the student from Grades 1 to 10? V
a. 10% c. 30% b.II, I, III, IV and V d. III, II,, IV, I
b.25% d. 20 % and V
71.What is the percentage contribution 78.Teacher Karla prepared a list of
of written work to the grade of the Grade learning activities for her lesson plan,
1 to 10 student in Science and Math? but she did not include_______ because
a. 30% c. 40% this is a common activity in daily
b. 50% d. 20% lessons.
72.In MAPEH and TLL which a. summative exam c.
contribute/s heaviest to the student presentation
grade? b. buzz session d. project
a.Quarterly assessment 79.What can be done to upgrade
b.Written work teachers on the issue of local and global
c. Quarterly assessment and terrorism?
performance a.Updates on terrorism in school
d.Performance tasks newsletter
73.Based on percentage contribution to b.Seminars on dangers of terrorism
the grade, what can be inferred from the c.Integrate terrorism module in
Deped’s emphasis on learning and curriculum
assessment? d.Poster campaign on anti-terror
a.The emphasis is quarterly assessment advocacies
b. The emphasis for all Grades 1 to 80.Teacher Pars wants his students to
10 is on performance tasks display penmanship work in the
c. All components are equally beginning, middle and near the end of
emphasized the school year. Which type of portfolio
d.The emphasis depends on the grade is displayed?
level. a.Evaluation portfolio c. Assessment
74. What is the element in extrinsic portfolio
motivation used in giving big raffle
b. Developmental portfolio a. Quiz at the end of a chapter in
d.Showcase portfolio Psychology
81.On what should a teacher base his or b. Achievement test to Grade 7
her assessment? students
a. Learning resources c.Journal writing after discussion on a
b.Developmental stage of learners news commentary
c.Learning outcome d. A 10- item test for specific
d. Learning content concepts difficult to students
82.What can be done to give emphasis 88. Teacher Lina applies the Principle of
to assessing higher-order-thinking Emphasis on self- assessment
skills? by________.
a. Give oral examinations a. requiring them scoring rubrics as a
b. Avoid paper-and pencil tests project
c.Do less formative assessment b.making her students checks their own
d. Give students problem-solving test papers
activities c. preparing her students for higher
83.Teacher Lina wrote the learning order thinking questions
outcome: “ To interpret a given d. motivating her students to set
quotation of Nietache’s: He who has a personal learning goals, while
why to live for can bear with almost tracking their progress against those
anyhow,” “ For content validity, which goals
should she ask? 89.On which should a teacher base
a. What is true of Nietche’s statement? his/her assessment of learning?
b.Is Nietche’s statement atheistic? a. Learning pace and attitude
c.What is the authentic meaning of b. Learning content
Nietsche’s statement? c.Learning resources
d.Do you believe in Nietsche’s d. Learning outcome
statement? 90.What assessment is judgment of
84.What should teacher Joe require of students skill e.g. measurement of
his students for an experiment to find an plants?
answer to the scientific problem of a. Summative c.Performance
whether aerial plants can also live on b.Self d.Peer
land? 91.In which assessment level is
a. Cut and paste literature on this identifying the authors of given literary
experiment. pieces?
b.Observe aerial plants’ survival if a. Synthesizing c.
transferred to soil, and note Understanding
observations b.Recalling d. Analyzing
c.Retrieve answers from the internet 92.How should results of learning
d. Research on past similar experiments assessments be communicated to
85.Of the following measurement parents?
factors, which belong to the language a. Through report cards
ability variable? b. Regularly
a.Reading skills c. Manual c. Every end of the term
dexterity d. Through the principal
b. Computation skills d. Logic and 93.Assessment should be on real world
reasoning application and not on out-of-context
86.What is countered by a Korean boys- drills. To apply this principle, what can
and girls town school which disallow teacher Nancy do with her Oral English
parents to see their intern children even communication class?
in the event e.g. sickness? a.Make students critique each other’s
a. Social dyad c. Hormone performance.
imprint b.Make students prepare higher order
b.Anaclitic relationship d. Parental thinking speeches
attachment c.Require a scoring rubric to judge
87.Which of the following is a diagnostic performance.
assessment ?
d.Assign students in English Oral a. “ if you get a grade of 95 or higher in
Communication in a graduation the first two assignments, you will be
program simulation where each exempted from the 3rd assignment.”
student has a speaking assignment. b. “if it takes you longer to finish the
94.If assessment shows lesson seatwork because time is wasted
objectives were attained then the with chatting, then we won’t have
teacher_________. time to go to the playground
a. should apply remedial measures anymore.”
b. should validate assessment c. “ Those who are well behaved in
c. can teach with the next class will be given plus 5 points in the
competency quiz.”
d. can review past lesson d. “ Those who are noisy today during
95.Teacher Mimie sees to it that she seatwork will not be allowed to play
checks for understanding as she games in the computer later.”
teaches to ensure that every student 101. What is Deped’s version of modern
can follow the lesson. With what form of “ bayanihan” by all sectors in ensuring
assessment is she occupied with? conducive schools?
a. Assessment AS Learning a. 4P’s c. E-impact
b. Assessment OF Learning b. PPP d. Brigada
c.Assessment FOR and AS Learning Eskwela
d. Assessment FOR Learning 102.For Brofenbrenner, what is the
96. These are physical products for bigger social system by which mass
assessment EXCEPT_______. media which influences the child?
a. video report c. sculpture a. Macro system c.Meso system
b.newspaper articles d. photographs b. Exosystem d. Micro system
97.Which assessment is/ are used to 103.What visual aid is useful in showing
determine grade of students? the trend in temperature change from-
I. Formative assessment month-to month?
II.Summative assessment a. Bar graph c.Drawing
III. Assessment of learning b. Flow chart d. Map
a.I and III c.II and III 104.Learners are more likely to
b. I and II d. I only internalize and follow classroom rules
98.The teaching cycle is not complete when____________.
without the_________ learning. a.the teacher gives additional points for
a.recycling c. review those who follow the rules
b. revision d. assessment b. the learners know the punishments
99. The class was taught how to for not following rules
conduct action research and was c.the teacher clearly explains the rules
required an end-of-the term written she prepared
research report. The class was shown d. the learners participate in the rule-
an analytic Scoring Rubric as a guide making process
that would motivate them to pass an 105.In S. Noite’s poem, “ if a child lives
excellent report checked now and them with praises, he learns to be_______.
is they were true to the qualities of an a. patient c. honest
excellent research reports as seen in b.confident d. appreciative
the scoring rubric. What form of 106.Which of the following is the most
assessment is described? acceptable expression of praise for
a. Assessment FOR and AS Learning learners who did well in specific tasks?
b.Assessment AS Learning a. I’m proud you’re lucky
c.Assessment FOR Learning b.Fate worked well for you
d.Assessment OF Learning c.You did very well in such a difficult
100.Focusing on natural consequences task
of students behaviour develop more d. I like your work, it wasn’t really
self-regulation in the students. Which of difficult
the following teacher statements 107.Which physical school environment
demonstrates more effective focusing supports learning?
on natural consequences? a. Tall school buildings
b.Availability of flexible classroom b. buoyancy d. friendliness
furniture 115.Which of the following does NOT
c. Prominence of bulletin boards in represent the right correlation between
every building processes and changes in human
d.Presence of spacious classrooms development?
108.By listening and accurately a. Cognitive:: thought
paraphrasing answers from students in b. Emotional:: mood
a question-answer class, teacher Dina c. Social:: relationship
shows the personal quality of _______. d.Biological:: language
a. cooperativeness c. self- 116.Which facilities are present in a
confidence health promoting school environment?
b.intelligence d. fairness I.Canteen sells all kinds of food
109.In Erikson’s Psycho-social Theory including junk foods
of development, what is applicable to II.Comfort rooms are common for boys
the statement “ I get a lot of pleasure and girls
from working”? III.Sanitary drinking fountains
a. intimacy c. identity IV.Safe playground
b. trust d. industry 117.At what stage does human
110.The teacher who lacks clear development begin?
direction and sequence of activities by a. Birth c.Conception
going to one activity to another b.Early childhood d.Schooling
needlessly displays______behavior in 118.Teacher Cha wants to teach rules
class. and procedures so that her students can
a. dangling c. thrusting positively respond to her bodily gestures
b.trucating d.flip- and signals, such as call for attention.
flopping What classroom management approach
111.In Erikson’s Psycho-social theory of did she adopt?
development, what is applicable to the a. Behavioral modification c.Assertion
statement “ I feel admiration for b.Acceptance d. Business-
mankind” commonly expressed? academic
a.autonomy c.initiative 119.Which of the following activities can
b.trust d.industry best assist students acquire creative
112.Several teachers perceived low thinking skills with fluency of ideas?
scores of students in their school in their a.Solving a math problem
Math subject. What research can b.Writing a short story
respond to the need to upgrade Math c.Solving puzzles
performance through cycle of relevant d. Video gaming
interventions until the problem is 120.These foundations show the
solved? chronological development of
a. Survey c.Experimental curriculum, mostly shown using a
research timeline.
b.Case study d.Action a.Philosophical foundations
research b. Legal foundations
113.The teacher who burst into activities c.Historical foundations
without assessing student readiness is d.Psychological foundations
displaying________movement 121.The best feature of Tyler’s
management in the classroom. Rationale is the __________.
a. dangle c. thrust a.evaluating the experiences
b. flip-flop d. stimulus- b. identifying the purpose
bounded c.planning phase
114. Teacher Ina’s willingness to share d.organizing the experiences
her time and talent with fellow teachers 122.In acquiring language competence
especially for performance of extra- what is joining words to form a sentence
curricular tasks is a demonstration of and understanding multiple word
her professional __________. sentences?
a. reliability a. Semantics c. Syntax
c.cooperativeness b.Morphology d. Phonology
123.These are the elements for effective 131.What is the quality of lesson content
direct instruction EXCEPT___________. that gets the active attention of
a.asking question and checking for learners?
understanding a.Interest c.Feasibility
b.proceed in quick and double steps b. Balance d.Self-
c.provide systematic feedback and sufficiency
correction 132.Which program directly embodies
d.ample review and explaination both the pre-service and in-service
124.Teacher Vivian is a good recordist program for Teachers?
of knowledge concepts, subject matter a.Teacher Education Development
and content of the curriculum. As a Program (TEDP)
curricularist, she is a____________. b.Basic Education Curriculum(BEC)
a.Planner c. Implementer c. Basic Education Sector Reform
b. Writer d.Evaluator Agenda(BESRA)
125.In curriculum designing, what major d.K-12 Program
third element should be aligned with 133.What kind of learning is involved
lesson objectives and methods? when the teacher requires students to
a.Time-frame c.Activities bring into use, employ, exercise,
b.References d. Assessment implement, practices and use some
126.What is an application of B. F. principles, concept or items?
Skinner’s Theory of Operant a. Evaluation c. Application
Conditioning? b.Synthesis d.Analysis
a.Mastery of learning 134.In which stage of learning does a
b. Project method child manifest that a skill is learned?
c.Computer-assisted instruction a. acquisition c. maintenance
d.Process flow b. proficiency d. correlation
127.What educational program use the 135.How is “assessment for learning”
demonstration method as its most different from “ assessment of learning”?
effective and useful vehicle for learning? a.It is for determining student
a. Values education c.General b.It is for enhancing learning
education c.It is for rating class performance
b. Social Studies d. Technical- d.It is for determining class standing
vocational 136.Of the following which exemplifies
128.Teachers should not assign extra collaborative learning?
work as punishment for students a. Internet surfing c. Team project
because this _____. making
a.takes time off other tasks b.Self-directed learning d.Journal
b.creates dislike for homework writing
c.is not like by students 137.In 2010, only 15% of BEED and
d.is not favoured by parents 25% of BSED graduates passed the
129.What is the main aim of displaying LET.What should be done to prevent the
statistical data through graphs of low performance of graduates taking the
differing heights in a Histogram? LET?
a.Data flow c. Quantitative a.Revive objective setting instead of
value TOS competencies outcomes
b.Frequency distribution d. Symbolic b.Lower tuition fees in TEI’s
figures c.Implement selective admission in
130.What is NOT the essential TEI’s
requirement for allowing non-college d.Review existing teacher education
graduates to be hired to teach Senior curriculum
High School? 138.I use my lesson in biology to teach
a. Teach specialization universal values like perseverance in my
b.Need of the school Values Education subject. Which
c.Completed voc-tech course characterizes my approach?
d.Acknowledged expertise a.Interdisciplinary c. Child-centered
b.Subject matter-centered approach
d. Multi-disciplinary b.Illustration of body parts and functions
139.From the cluster of meaningful c. Displays of sports equipment
learning activities, to what does d.Calisthenics
environmental study belong? 148.What cognitive ability is stressed by
a.Kinesthetic c. Naturalistic the question: “ Describe realities during
b.Existentialism d. Behaviorism the Hispanic and American times in the
140. What philosophy of education is Philippines”?
taught by Satre when he said, “ Man is a.Generalization c.Application
nothing else but what he makes of b.Summation d.Comparison
himself”? 149.What can Teacher Ed assign in
a.Perennialism c.Essentialism order to assess the students individual
b.Existentialism d. learning experiences and performance
Behaviorism using innovative documentation, such
141.A supervisor observed a teacher as text, photos, and other items and
and noted that the teacher was the only documents?
one talking during class. What was the a. Journal c. Portfolio
supervisor looking for the in the class? b.Field research d.Audio-visual
a.Shortening talk and more activity project
b.Teacher drawing out student response 150.What is a useful tool for
c.Students allowed to talk during lecture constructivist learning in presenting the
d.Voice projection and loudness characteristics features of object/subject
142.What practice advances the in a lesson, e.g. in Biology
integration of special children in the a.Narrative frame c.Fishbone
regular classroom? diagram
a.Grade acceleration b.Attribute wheel d.Venn
b.Use of audio-visuals diagram
c.Special education classrooms 151.Implementation means putting into
d.Mainstreaming practice the experiences which have
143.For teachers, what is the most been written in the following
laudable motive for participation in EXCEPT_________.
professional development programs? a. syllabi c. curriculum
a. Promotion and higher merit pay guides
b.Support for training programs b. course outline d. internet
c.Optimal use of time and resources resource sites
d.Continuing professional growth 152.SBM succeeds along the paradigm
144.What kind of humor is inappropriate shift not simply of a strategy but
for defusing tension in the classroom? as_________.
a.Funny bloopers c. Comic humor a. system thinking and orientation
b.Folk humor d.Sex Jokes b. an act of compliance
145.According to researches, what is c. a form of tokenism
the likely effect of excessive TV viewing d. “ bean counting” orientation
and video games playing among 153.How can the student’s mastery of
children? the subject matter be efficiently
a.Shorter attention span assessed?
b.Decreased communication skills I. Error analysis
c.Increased violence among the young II. Diagnostic test
d.Curtailed creativity III. Portfolio assessment
146.To what cluster do models, replicas, IV.Survey
charts, graphs and specimen belong? a.III and IV c. II and III
a.Lesson objectives c. Learning b. I and IV d. I and II
activities 154. At the beginning of the school year,
b.Resources and materials d. what projects can best determine
Evaluation procedures student-mastery of the previous year’s
147. For bodily-kinesthetic learners, subject matter prior to introducing new
which activities will appeal and be subject matter?
appreciated when assigned to them? I.Journal
a. Lecture on body movements II. Submitted portfolio
III. Mock-up 162.What should be the basic focus of
IV.Realia modern day student –centered learning?
a.III and IV c. I and III a.Long-term vision
b.I and IV d. I and II b.Technology support
155.With School Base c.Proactive instruction
Management( SBM) in mind, which d.Self-learning
does NOT belong? 163.This is NOT among the big ideas
a. Stakeholders as partners about physical development of
b. Central Office disconnect to Preschoolers.
schools for decentralization a.Toddling to walk
c.Schools as primary units b.Significant change in physical growth
d. Empowered principal c. Acquisition of gross and fine motor
156.Teacher Dona can be relied on in skills
helping prepare the curriculum for the d.Artistic expression, e.g. drawing
year, including monthly and daily guides 164.How can Math concepts be learned
in implementing the curriculum. As a and appreciated as lifelong learning by
curricularist, she is a/an________. students?
a.Implementer c.Writer a. Drills on numbers and calculations
b.Innovator d. Planner b.Apply formulas to abstract calculations
157.Study shows that this is not among c. Memory of axioms and principles
the appropriate practices for cognitive d.Apply concepts to concrete use
development among Preschoolers? 165.What is taught by mock-up election
a. 1 year old: develop creative activities complete with discussion and
interest selection of the best candidates?
b. 3 year old: speak with them as often a. Election process
as possible b.Art of election campaigning
c. 4 year old: say nursery rhymes c.Skills in discussion
d. 5 year old: add drama to reading d.Decision-making
sessions 166.What can Teacher Go use to teach
158.Which of the following factors can critical reading skills to her Grade 6
most effectively prevent any unruly students from newspaper content?
scenario in a classroom? a.Features content c.Entertainment
a. Rules c. Process content
b.Routines d. Thrusts b.Editorial content d. News
159.On types of curriculum which content
comes from policies, standards and 167.Teacher Peter is a contructive
guidelines of government, professional teacher who allows his students to use
organization or international bodies such technology tools to build understanding
as UNESCO? rather than simply information
a.Supported curriculum particularly in primarily working alone
b.Learned curriculum using technology.This level of
c.Written curriculum technology integration is
d. Recommended curriculum ____________.
160.In computer-based instruction, what a. Infusion c. Entry
program is used to encode texts, and b.Transformation d. Adaptation
support these with pictures, graphic 168.What is the aim of Teacher Luis
forms and display styles? when he introduced the difficult social
a.Publishing c. Spreadsheets problem of poverty of disadvantaged
b. Blog d. Word sectors using brainstorming, rather than
processing a lecture?
161.On types of curriculum, which a. Generate ideas c. Involve
includes the course of study, syllabi, discussants
modules, books and the lesson plan? b.Awaken awareness d.Solve the
a.Written curriculum problem
b.Supported curriculum 169.I wasn’t satisfied with student B’s
c.Supported curriculum yes as an answer and so I asked her to
d.Hidden curriculum explain why. What did I do?
a.Probing identify the components of physical
b Rephrasing fitness program from variables of agility,
c.Prompting flexibility, body composition and organic
d. Asking non-directed questions vigor. Is there content validity in this test
170.For visual-spatial learners, which measurement?
tool can be applied for effective a.Yes, since the variables relate to
learning? skills-related fitness
a.Recording c.Graphic b.Yes, only a bit related
organizer c.No, relation is far-fetched
b.Interview segment d. Puzzle d.No, since the variables do not relate to
171.Among the following measurement skills-related fitness
factors,which does NOT belong to the 178.What can be done with too many
group of variable that relate to the teacher education institutions and less
cognitive ability of the learner? quality as evidenced by only 20-30%
a. Computational skills c. Manual LET passing results?
dexterity a. Distance study tapping experts
b. Logic and reasoning d. Series b.Closure of sub-standard TEIs
sequencing c.Aid support for TEIs in the regions
172.Which does not belong to the d. Accreditation requirement for all
group? TEIs
a. Multiple choice c. 179.In unit planning using the topical
Completion type approach, it is helpful to use the
b. Short answer d.Extemporaneous _____of the textbook.
speech a. attachments c. graphs and
173.What did teacher Zeny use to tables
enhance the inner motivation of her b.appendix d. table of
students when she asked three contents
volunteers to come to the chalkboard to 180.What does an achievement test
fill in the blanks in a puzzle? measure on previous learning?
a. Contest and game c. Exploratory a.Teaching coverage
activity b.Motivational level
b. Personal experience d.Challenging c.Attitude and aptitude outcome
statement d.Quality and quantity
174.Does quarterly assessments have 181.Students asked to evaluate their
the same percentage weights for all the own output using a scoring rubric
subjects for all the tracks in Grades 11- is_______assessment.
12? a. self c. formative
a. No. c.Yes.only for the b. peer d. summative
academic track 182.In Outcomes-Based Education or
b.It depends on schools d. Yes Outcomes-Based Teaching Learning,
175.These are characteristics of formal the assessment task should match with
instructional planning the______.
EXCEPT____________. a.Learning resources c.Learning
a. task-oriented c. haphazard outcome
b. structured d. outcome- b.References d. Content
based 183.These are particularly remarkable
176.Which type of test measures about Montessori schools for pre-school
student’s thinking, organizing and EXCEPT
writing skills? a.restricted class movement
a.Completion test b. tactile learning materials
b. Short answer c. “ going out” field work
c.Extemporaneous speech d.hands-on learning
d.Essay 184.Teacher Lina wrote the learning
177.For an intended learning outcome “ outcome: “ To interpret a given
Identify skills –related fitness activities quotation of Nietsche’s: He who has a
suitable for the individual”, Health why to live for can bear with almost
teacher Alvarado asked students to
anyhow.” “ For content validity, which b.Assessment FOR learning
should she ask? c.Assessment AS learning
a.Is Nietsches statement atheistic d. Assessment OF learning
b.Do you believe in Nietsche’s 192.What is the most appropriate
statement? reason for the teacher’s engagement in
c. What is true of Nietche’s statement? the process of assessment?
d.What is the authentic meaning of a. To find out if the lesson was
Nietsche’s statement? presented well
185.You have to remember the steps in b.To find out if proper teaching methods
opening a computer if you want to do it were used
on your own.In what level of c. To find out if lesson objectives
assessment is remembering the steps? were attained
a.Analysis c.Comprehension d.To find out if the teacher was effective
b.Retrieval d. Knowledge in teaching
utilization 193.Since students have different
186.In order to emphasize higher order learning styles and multiple
thinking skills, what can be done? intelligences, the teacher must come
a.Give oral examinations up with _________ of assessing
b.Do less formative assessment learning.
c.Give students problems to solve a.variety
d.Avoid paper-and-pencil tests b. both qualitative and quantitative
187.These are elements for focus in the methods
Exit Slip on student learning at the end c. quantified method
of the class EXCEPT_________. d. great bulk
a. effective approaches c. meaningful 194.How can teachers be effective
activities change agents to sexuality problems
b.objectives achieved d. teacher e.g. more teen pregnancies?
behaviour a.Seminars on sex education
188.These are the elements for the b.Integrate holistic sex education in
choice of ways for assessments of the curriculum
learning EXCEPT______ c.Guidance and counselling
a. Learning styles of students d. Educational television
b.Instructional objectives 195.Sequence the process of the zygote
c.Nature of the lesson topics becoming an embryo
d.Logistical support I. Life support systems develop for the
189.These are assessments prior to embryo
instruction EXCEPT_________. II.Cell differentiation intensifies
a. class observation c.KWL III.Ectoderm layers develop into body
technique systems ( nervous, skeletal, respiratory,
b.Questions to prepare students d. pre- etc.)
test IV. Organs appear
190.In outcomes- based education, the a.I, III, II and IV c. II, I, IV and III
assessment task should match with the b. IV, II, I, and III d. I, II, III and IV
_____. 196.What main factor contributed to the
a. learning materials c.learning great demand for teachers during the
references American colonial regime?
b. learning content d. learning a. Nationalist spirit for the next
outcome generation
191.Teacher Emma gave a True-False b. American literacy modelling
pretest on social justice.Based on the c. Democratic tutoring of the country
pretest results, she taught her class d. Opening of free education
social justice by correcting wrong 197.For Brofenbrenner, what is the
concepts and affirming right answers.. pattern of stability or change which can
Then she gave a post-test. Among affect child development, such as in the
forms of assessment, which on did case of a parent leaving home to work
Teacher Emma do? abroad?
a.Assessment FOR and AS learning
a. Chromo system c. Macro 204.In Social Science, a global teacher
system has a wide appreciation of
b. Micro system d. Meso ________drawn from the concept of
system unity-in variety of peoples around the
1988.Sequence the stages of prenatal globe.
development in human growth: a.multiculturalism
I. Fertilization of zygote b.education for all
II. Bioyst attaches to the wall of the c.values education
female uterus d. education for sustainable
III. Male sperm and female egg development
chromosomes unite 205.Given the prospect of ASEAN
IV. Zygote divides to cells from 2 to 4 to integration of manpower professionals
128 cells for ASEAN Economic Community
a.III, I, IV and II c. I, II, III and IV integration, teachers for potential
b. III, I, II and IV d.IV, III, II and I employment will require_______ apart
199.What does the cut-and paste from learning a new language.
research output of students a. reformation c. reinstruction
demonstrate? b. reorientation d. re-education
a. Lack of ability to think-and-write 206.The teacher who lacks clear
b. Ease in downloading internet direction and sequence of activities by
sources going to one activityis another
c. Lack of time for home assignments needlessly displays________ behaviour
d. Lack of surveillance from instructors in class.
200.For Erikson, what causes a person a. flip- flopping c. truncating
to be inhibited from taking a role, a b.thrusting d. dangling
challenge or an opportunity reason out 207.What kind of logical reasoning is
that “nothing ventured, nothing lost?” involved in invoking general beliefs or
a. Malignancy c. Inhibition principles to support concrete situation,
b. Antipathy d. Sociopathy e.g. “ Christ is the universal savior and
201.At birth, the human brain contains so the earth is the center of the
some______neurons. universe.”?
a. 10 million c. 1 million a. Hypothesis c.
b. 50 million d. 50 billion Reflection
202.Which of the following is NOT b.Inductions d.
among the common effects of the child’s Deduction
having an Oedipus complex that arises 208.Principal Tina observed that teacher
from parent-mother emotional Sisa lectures the whole hour and leaves
repression? her class.
a. Effeminate behaviour c.Fear What principle of learning was absent in
constriction teacher Sisa’s class.
b.Avoidance of sex d. Over- a.Learning begins with set
indulgence in sex expectatations
203.This is NOT among the examples of b.Learning is discovery of meaning by
what Vygotsky suggests as scaffolding students
that assists a child in being able to c. Learning is cooperative and
accomplish a task independently with collaborative
judicious assistance from a most d.Learning is an active process for
advanced peer or teacher. both teacher and students
a.Demonstrate swimming strokes for 209.By being able to hold her anger
the child to follow even when provoked, teacher Hannie
b.Adult unzip the zipper an inch or two shows her personal quality of
for the child to continue zipping _______________.
c. Lessening container a bit an let child a.fairness c.
open the lid by himself cooperativeness
d.Leading the straw to the hole and let b.compassion d. emotional
the child put the straw to the whole pack stability
210.According to Jean Piaget’s concentrate in learning a topic to his
cognitive concepts, which refers to skills are properly assessed is.
cognitive structure, e.g.seeing a dog A   Semantic webbing
and forming an initial idea of a dog? B  Independent study
a. Accommodation c. Schema C  Role playing
b. Assimilation d. D Field trip
211.By looking at the brighter side of 218.     The ________ method is observed
life and communicating this to students if we wish the pupil learn from real life
through story sessions, teacher Efren situation dilemmas.
shows a personal quality of A   Situation
____________ B   Lecture
a. optimism c. self- C  Textbooks
confidence D  Observation
b. compassion d.
cooperativeness 219.    The ________ method is used to
212.In Erikson’s Psycho-social Theory make the learners study in detail a
of Development, what is applicable to specific thing, person or place not
the statement “ I am confident in known to them
carrying out my plans to a successful A   Case study
conclusion”? B   Participation
a.Initiative c.Trust C   Project
b. Intimacy d. Identity D   Field trip
213.What developmental task best
displays adolescence ( 13-18 years)? 220.    Which of the following method will
a.Learning social modesty you used to verify a certain findings and
b. Achieving masculine/ feminine role to make the learners handle apparatus
c.Assuming civic responsibility properly?
d.Learning to get along with age-mates A   Textbook method
214.Which encompasses the true B   Laboratory method
essence of the term curriculum? C   Field trip method
a. list of subject to complete a course D   Project method
b.list of courses for graduation
c. sum total of all learning 221.    The ________ method is utilized if
experiences the learners are trained to do creative
d. never-ending process in education products.
215.Which facilities are present in a A   Project
health-promoting school-environment? B   Case study
I.Canteen sells all kinds of food C   Field trip
including junk foods D   Simulation
II. Comfort rooms are common for boys
and girls 222.    If the material is dangerous for the
III.Sanitary drinking fountains learners to handle, which of the
IV. Safe playground following method will you use?
a.I and II c.II and IV A   Textbook
B   Group discussions
b.I and III d. III and IV C   Lecture-demonstration
D   Eclectic

216 The _________ method is used when 223.    Which method is used to develop
the learners are made to observe things scientific inquiry among the learners?
in a certain place like the market. A   Project
A.   Participatory B  Case study B   Case study
C. Simulation D. Field trip C   Problem solving
D   Simulation
217.    The recommended method to use if     
the teachers wishes each learner to
224.    The ________ method is used to 231. The ______ approach is observed
find out the learner’s knowledge about a when the learners want to meet the
certain topic assigned to them. criterion level of success act set by the
A   Independent study teachers.
B   Textbook A   Mastery learning
C   Lecture B   Interdisciplinary
D   Question and answer C   Conceptual
D   Modular
225 The ________ approach is utilized
when the learners are trained to ask 234. Which approach is used to emphasize
intelligent question. the skills in informing conclusions?
A   Process A   Multidisciplinary
B   Discovery B   Interdisciplinary
C   Inquiry C   Conceptual
D   Value certification D   Inquiry

226. If you wish to relate a subject matter to 235. Which of the following approaches is
one of the four principles of learning, the used to include issues confronting the
________ approach should be used. societies?
A   Multidisciplinary A   Integration
B   Interdisciplinary B   Interdisciplinary
C   Conceptual C   Conceptual
D   Integration D   Inquiry

227. The ________ approach is used if the 236. The _______ approach is used to

teacher wishes to solve a problem being make the learners enunciate their
met in the school. feelings or attitudes about certain
A   Mastery issues.
B   Integration A   Value clarification
C   Action learning B   Mastery
D   Value clarification C   Integration
D   Interdisciplinary
228. You wish to make the learners learn or
internalized fully a subject matter to be 239. The _________ method is used if the
taught to them. Which of the following learners are to use their senses
will you need? effectively.
A   Integrated A   Textbook
B   Multi-media B   Lecture demonstration
C   Mastery C   Observation
D   Multi-disciplinary D   Independent study

229. Which of the following approaches will 240.I started my lesson with a graphic
be used if you wish to relate a particular presentation of data then asked my
subject to all disciplines of learning? students to analyze and interpret them and
A   Multidisciplinary draw implications from them. How did my
B   Interdisciplinary lesson development proceed?
C   Value clarification A. Deductively          
D   Integration B. Transductively    
C. Inductively           
230. To enable the learners to learn by their D. Inductively then deductively
own pace of growth, _________
approach is used. 241. In Krathwohl’s taxonomy of objectives
A   Inquiry in the affective domain, which is the
B   Discovery highest level of affective behavior?
C   Mastery A. Responding        B.
D   Modular Valuing                 C.
Organization                   D.
Characterization 245 I want to measure students’
awareness of values. Which tool will I use?
242. Which of the following group activities A. Likert scales       B. Projective
provides an open environment in which technique    C.  Moral dilemma   D.
group members can discuss their opinions Observation
without being judged as wrong? 246 Cognitive is to knowledge as affective
A. Buzz session                  B. is to ____.
Forum                               C. Philips A. rights                                B.
66                         D. Panel skills                     C. obligations          D.
241.To teach the democratic process to values
the pupils, School T decided to pattern
the election of class and school officers 247. To develop higher-level thinking skill
after the local election process. There among students, which type of questions
were qualifications set for candidates, should be discouraged?A. Sequential
limited period of campaign and rules for questions                           C. Stimulating
posting campaign materials, etc. Which questions
of the following did the school employ? B. Overload
A. Symposium                     B. questions                              D. Clear
Simulation                       C. Philips questions
66           D. Role playing
242 In which lesson can you use the 248. You want to generate as many ideas
indirect instruction method? as you can as your class is about to
A. Using a microscope embark on a class project for senior
properly                     C. Solving an citizens. Which of the following will you
equation with two unknowns employ?
B. Distinguishing war from A. Brainstorming                B. Role
aggression         D. Cooking pinakbet playing       C. Brainwashing     D.
243. Belen enjoys games like scrabble,
anagrams, and password. Which type of 249.I like my students to master the skill of
intelligence is strong in Belen? multiplying 2-digit numbers. Which method
A. Interpersonal is most appropriate?
intelligence                                           C A. Drill                        B.
. Spatial intelligence Expository                      C.
B. Linguistic Discovery                      D. Unit
   D. logical and mathematical 250. Teacher Alvin wants to teach the
intelligence class the rules in playing basketball. Which
method is most appropriate?
244 . In Krathwohl’s affective domain of A. Discovery           
objectives, which of the following is the B. Inductive reasoning      
LEAST authentic? C. Problem solving             
A. Responding        B. D. Direct instruction
Receiving            C.
Valuing                 D. Organization

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