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Educ 109 Drill 1

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TEACHING PROFESSION III. Wants to work abroad

IV. Desire to live abroad
1. Yona graduated in her degree “Bachelor of
Secondary Education (BSED)” from a CHED Ans:I and II
recognized prestigious school in their community.
6.Which of the following can contribute to the
Yona satisfies which of the following elements of the
provision of quality education?
teaching profession?
I. Hire the best teacher applicants from the Division
Ans: B Initial Professional pool.
II. Provide adequate textbooks and other
2.Teaching became a profession in the Philippines
instructional materials.
by virtue of
III. Construct classroom and laboratory rooms.
Ans; A. PD 1006 SIGNED BY MARCOS IV. Maintain sanitary, safe, child-friendly and
conducive environment to learning.
3.Which statement speaks for the interconnections
of schools with other organizations or institutions. Ans:I,II,III and IV

a. help schools adapt to persistent and changing 7.Mrs. Concepcion is a public school teacher for 35
circumstances years. Every time she was asked by her principal to
attend a seminar, she refused and requested that
b. enriches insights on addressing the teachers’ the new teacher be the one to take her slot. Is she
need for global education correct?

c. create bonds together to solicit support and a. yes, Mrs. Concepcion had enough of these
assistance for purposeful activities seminars

d. all of these are correct b. yes, Mrs. Concepcion is about to retire and these
seminars eill have no longer use for her
4.International educators propose a definition of the
term ‘global competence’. What is the MOST c. no, Mrs. Concepcion should take every
appropriate characteristic of a globally competent opportunity to attend seminar for her own
individual? professional growth

a. having an open mind while actively seeking d. no, Mrs. Concepcion has the prerogative to what
to understand norms and work effectively seminar she will stated
outside one’s environment
8.Which of the following would best describe the
b. ability to become familiar of a new culture and role of schools?
work environment
a. to educate citizens
c. having the intercultural facility of effective
two-way communication b. to fit citizens into society

d. having the professional competence to speak a c. to educate the citizens to change the society
foreign language
d. all of these
5.Which statement/s BEST describe/s a global
9.Through the enactment of R.A. 7836, the
regulation and licensing of teachers is now with the
I. Thinks and acts both locally and globally
II. Believes in education for sustainable


c. there was but informal
d. there was and for men only

Ans;PRC 15.Did teacher preparation in the Philippines begin

with 4 years?
10.P.D. No. 1006 was promulgated by Pres. Marcos
to a. yes

b. no
Ans: Professionalize teaching
c. yes, 4 years but informal
11.Which of the following is the teaching community
outside the school? d. no, it began with 1 year

a. the teacher’s fellow teachers and family 16.A letter was sent by the principal to the teachers
on the first day of school. The content of the letter is
b. the local officials and the students’ parents
shown below.
c. the teacher’s superiors and staff
Ans: all of these are correct
d. the teacher’s principal and heads
17. A letter was sent by the principal to the teachers
12.Which of the following statement/s denote/s the on the first day of school. The content of the letter is
term “professional”? shown below.

a. commitment to moral values Dear Teacher:

b. dedication to the public interest “I am a survivor of a concentration camp.
My eyes saw what no man should witness:
c. commitment to ethical values - Gas chambers built by learned engineers.
- Children poisoned by educated physicians.
d. all of these
- Infants killed by trained nurses.
13. The saying, “Once a teacher, forever a student” - Women and babies shot and burned by high school
refers to _____. and college graduates.
So I am suspicious of education.
a. teaching the child life’s fundamental skills My request is: Help your students become human.
Your efforts must never produce learned monsters
b. helping oneself becomes a productive member of and skilled psychopaths.
the society Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if
they serve to make our children more human.”
c. a continuing professional education
(Lifted from Bilbao, et.al, 2012)
d. none of these
In the letter, who is suspicious of education?
14.In the Philippines there was no teacher
Ans.The principal
preparation since the Spanish regime. Is the
statement CORRECT?
18.A letter was sent by the principal to the teachers
a.YES on the first day of school. The content of the letter is
shown below.

Dear Teacher: III. You will be faithful to your mission and you want
“I am a survivor of a concentration camp. to succeed.
My eyes saw what no man should witness:
- Gas chambers built by learned engineers. Ans:I and III
- Children poisoned by educated physicians.
24.Which of the following statements suggests that
- Infants killed by trained nurses.
teaching is a vocation?
- Woman and babies shot and burned by high school
and college graduates. Ans:I see teaching as a calling
So I am suspicious of education.
My request is: Help your students become human. 25.Which of the following professional teacher
Your efforts must never produce learned monsters demonstrates attitudes that foster learning and
and skilled psychopaths. genuine human relationship?
Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if
they serve to make our children more human.” ans: a teacher who develops empathy for
(Lifted from Bilbao, et.al, 2012) his/her students and value them as unique
Why did that person become suspicious of
education? 26.Many teachers always complain with so many
non-teaching assignments that adversely affects
a. Because education has made people to
their teaching. What does this means, that teacher
deviate from the morally acceptable
should only be preoccupied only with teaching?
Ans: yes, additional compensation/No, because
19.Teachers are called to teach. Who called them?
every teacher is expected to provide
Ans: The creator leadership and initiative for the activities

20.In a vocation, there is always a calling, and the 27.A teacher is said to be a “trustee of cultural and
call is always to ... educational heritage of the nation and is under
obligation to transmit to learners such heritage”.
Ans: Serve Which practice makes him fulfil such obligation?

21.If you are teaching not only for the pay, but for Ans: study the life of filipino heroes
service, teaching is a
28.As a community leader, which one may a teacher
Ans:Mission NOT do?

22.Teaching is a vocation. What does this mean? Ans: Makes herself aloof to ensure that her
I. Teaching is a calling to serve. decisions will not be influenced by
II. Everyone is called to teach. community politics
III. The response to the call to teach is a must.
29.Teachers helping students enrich their
Ans: I only experiences is Making the school proud of it. To
continue its progress there must be
23.If teaching is considered as your mission, which
of the following statements applies/apply? Ans:All of these are correct
I. You will be faithful to teaching no matter what.
II. You will teach for recognition of efforts.

30.As a professional teacher you must be good at 34.What action will you take, considering the
interactive communication. What does interactive teacher’s roles and responsibilities, for a student
communication include? whose parents are very busy for their own
I. Person to person e-mail correspondence. livelihood?
II. Interaction through simulations and models.
III. Electronic mailing list, video conferencing, chat Ans:Conduct home visitation
IV. Group interaction in virtual learning space or 35.Which is/are TRUE of a professional?
audio communications.
Ans: Completed college
Ans:I,II,III and IV
36.Which statement is TRUE of society’s demand
31.Alvin Toffler said: “The illiterate of the 21st from the professional teacher?
century will not be those who cannot read and write
but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and re-learn.” Ans: Effective teaching is the primary goal
Based on this statement, what are the important
37.The Filipino teacher is a professional. What is/are
responsibilities of the teacher?
expected of her/him?
I. To enable learners to adapt to change
I. Technically competent
II. To teach learners the basics
II. Highly ethical and moral
III. To equip them with skills to learn
III. Has superior IQ
Ans: I and III IV. Popular among learners

32.Which conclusion can be derived from the case Ans:I andII

of Teacher Rita described below?
38.What does the society primarily demands from
Teacher Rita is the lone teacher in a stand-alone
remote multi-grade school. Teacher Rita is the
school head, the generalist teacher for all the
Ans:To teach well
subjects, the janitor, the secretary, the nurse rolled
into one.
39.Who is the teacher’s primary client/costumer?

Ans:The geographical location of school has

Ans:The students
influence on the role of a teacher
40.The teaching competence expected of teachers
33.In schools, particularly in the lower grades where
is spelled out in which of the following documents?
children come from diverse backgrounds, teachers
are expected to use varied approaches effectively. Ans: The Phillipine Professional standards for
Which approach/es should be appropriate for such teachers.
I. Differentiated teaching approaches 41.In a Muslim area, what will a teacher REFRAIN
II. A variety of instructional materials from doing as she teaches how to cook adobo to her
III. Multi-media materials class?
IV. Multi-lingual approach
Ans:She exempts muslim in teaching adobo
42.Your class has several IP (Indigenous People)
children. Which one will facilitate pupil’s learning?

Ans:Make the Ip children feel proud of 51.Which is/are a ground/s for the revocation of
themselves license?
I. Immoral, unprofessional or dishonourable
43.A father used to tell his daughter “You are a conduct.
woman. You are meant for the house, and so for II. Chronic inebriety or habitual use of illegal drugs.
you, going to school is not necessary.” Is the father III. Unjustified or willful failure to attend seminars,
correct? workshops, conferences or the continuing education
program prescribed by the Board and the
Ans:no, theres is a thing as gender equality
44.What is the hallmark of professionals?
Ans: I,II & III
ans: complying with norms of conduct and
possessing 52.Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the
cultural and educational heritage of the nation and
45.Professionalism is NOT an end state for an is obliged to transmit to learners such heritage.
occupation, rather, it is a continual process of Which practice helps him/her fulfill such obligation?
reaching the forms of
Ans:Teach community life and culture which
Ans:Accountability is worth emulating

46.Which teacher’s personal trait is demonstrated if 53.In her desire to motivate students to study very
he is gender-sensitive and inclusive in his ways? well, Teacher Elsa posted the scores of her students
at the end of the periodic test. Is the act in
Ans: Fairness accordance with ethical principles?
47.Teacher A claims she cares for students. Which Ans:No, It Violates confidentiality
is/are a manifestation of genuine care?
I. Knows students. 54.Which is/are a violation of the principle of respect?
II. Creates a favourable leaning atmosphere. I. Teacher Ana tells her students that what Teacher
III. Maintains professional distance with students. Ben taught is wrong.
II. To retaliate, Teacher Ben advises students not to
Ans: I and III attend Teacher Ana’s class.
48.Which profession is subjected to scrutiny and III. Teacher Jose secretly gives way to a special
judgment to the smallest detail by those who are favour to add 2 points to the grade of Student A who
associated with them? is vying for honors.

Ans: Teacher Ans:I,II,and III

49.Which of the following characteristics of an 55.Teacher Delia openly criticizes before her class
effective teacher came out in the findings of the the school’s policy on school uniform. Which ethical
longitudinal study conducted by R. Walker? principle is violated?

Ans: All of these Ans:Respect for Authority

56.A student complains to you about his failing

50.Which of the following is the most common
grade in the first grading period. You recomputed
personal trait given to describe an effective teacher?
and indeed you find a significant error in his grade
Ans: caring computation. Your decision is not to accept the
erroneous computation for fear that you lose
credibility. Is this morally right

Ans:No, the end does not justify the means 65.A school personnel can avail of free legal service
under certain circumstances. Principal I was
57.To earn Master’s Degree units for promotion, you accused of maligning her neighbour. Is Principal I
pay your tuition fee but don’t attend class at all. entitled to the said service?
Does this help you grow professionally?
Ans:No, the case is not
Ans:No, it is simply earning MA units for
promotion 66.Teacher H contracted an illness that required
rest for more than one year. Which leave should she
58.The code of ethics stipulates that the
apply for?
accountability of teachers includes his/her
participation in Ans:Indefinite leave

Ans: continuing professional education 67.Teacher D is assigned in a rural area; Teacher E

in a depressed community; Teacher F in a
59.A teacher shall transact all official business
hazardous area; and Teacher G in a place where
standard of living is high. Who is entitled to a
Ans:channels hardship allowance?

60.The teacher’s responsibility includes observing Ans:teacher F

and following the principles of personal behavior in
68.What does free public secondary educational
all relationships with others. Premium shall be
under the law mean?
placed on
Ans:free from payment of tuition and other
Ans: interpersonal relationship
fees for students
61.Which is NOT an element of a high-morale
environment? 69.When can teachers be required to work on
assignment not related to their duties?
Ans: Develop prejudice for group
Ans:when compensated under existing

62.Teacher N wants to continue with her study leave 70.Teacher B has been in active service for 10 years
for another six months after completing a school when he decided to pursue higher studies. Under RA
year. Could she be allowed? 4670, what kind of leave of absence can s/he avail
Ans: yes, but without compensation

63.Ms. Sanchez, a BSE graduate, has not passed the Ans:Study leave
LET yet. On what capacity can she be hired?
71.Who are covered by RA 4670?
Ans: Provisional for not less than one year
Ans:Teacher in public and secondary
64.Teacher K teaches in a public school in her
72.What does "teachers are persons in authority"
locality. Due to teacher shortage, her actual
classroom teaching starts from 6 am and ends at 4
pm. Is the assignment given her just? Ans:No person can assault a teacher
Ans:No, magna carta for public school
73.Which of the following provisions under the
teachers states
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers will most

likely promote teachers' welfare and defend their III. Wants to work abroad
interests? IV. Desire to live abroad

Ans:Establish ,join and maintain professional Ans: I and II only

and self-regulation organizations
80.A global teacher is
74.What appointment can be given to Teacher A
ans:the one who teaches with excellence/ I
who possesses the minimum qualifications but lacks
the appropriate but lacks the appropriate civil
service eligibility?


75.Which of the following is NOT recognized by the 81.The concept of globalization came about in
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers? recent years because the world has become
border-less primarily due to
Ans: quality education depends primarily of
quality and socio economic / Ans:advances in technology

76.International educators propose a definition of 82.Which statement is NOT TRUE about a

the term ‘global competence’. What is the MOST professional teacher of the 21st century?
appropriate characteristic of a globally competent
individual? Ans:Disregard of cultural diversity and a
focus on 21st century skill
Ans: having an open mind while actively
seeking to understand norms and work 83.When Roland Robertson started to use the
effectively outside one’s environment phrase “think local, act global” he meant that

77.Alvin Toffler said: “The illiterate of the 21st Ans: even if you will be teaching in your
century will not be those who cannot read and write hometown, your competence
but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and re-learn.” 84.To which does global village refer?
Based on this statement, what are the important
responsibilities of the teacher? Ans: all the countries abroad including your
I. To enable learners to adapt to change own
II. To teach learners the basics
85.Which set of core values should a Filipino teacher
III. To equip them with skills to learn
possess to become glocal teacher?
Ans:I and III
Ans: borderless thinking ang
78.Global students learn with short bursts of energy. interconnectivity
To maintain concentration, they require
86.Philippine education now has become
Ans:frequent and intermittent breaks comparable to other countries, by

79.Which statement/s BEST describe/s a glocal Ans:Adding 2 more years in basic education
87.Higher education in the Philippines, Japan, USA,
I. Thinks and acts both locally and globally
Australia, New Zealand, Africa and China is
II. Believes in education for sustainable
described as
Ans: Selective not compulsory

88.Basic education is intended to lay the foundation Ans:Philippines

on which subsequent learning can be based. Which
is NOT part of basic education? 97.According to the Global Teacher Status Index,
from what country the teachers have the greatest
Ans:tertiary education respect from students?

89.Free public elementary and secondary education ans: China

is in line with the government’s effort to address
educational problems of 98.As a future teacher, one should be mindful that
the learners in the 21st century are characterized by
Ans:access and equity
Ans:initiative and self-direction

99.The new global landscape of the 21st century

90.The establishment of Kindergarten classes,
shows the following EXCEPT one. Which one is
elementary and high school, and higher education
institutions point to which characteristic of
Philippine educational system? Ans:Learner are attuned to rote
Ans: Complete
100.Which of the Pillars of Learning is being
91.The main purpose of compulsory education of
described by the phrase “unity in diversity”?
the constitution is to
Ans: Learning to live together
Ans:develop students into reasonable
thinking citizens POST TEST
92.Until which level of the school system does the
1. Teaching became a profession in the
Constitution mandate free and compulsory
Philippines by virtue of
• PD 1006
• RA 109
93.Basic education lays foundation on which • RA 7836
subsequent learning cab be based. Which is NOT • PD 2009
part of Basic Education?
2. International educators propose a definition
Ans:Tertiary of the term ‘global competence’. What is the
MOST appropriate characteristic of a globally
94.In all ASEAN member countries, which level of competent individual?
schooling is free and compulsory?
• Ability to become familiar of a new culture and work
95. Which of the ASEAN member countries gives the • Having the intercultural facility of effective two-way
highest teacher salary? communication
• Having an open mind while actively seeking to
Ans: Singapore understand norms and work effectively outside
one’s environment
96.Which country issues a teacher’s license through • Having the professional competence to speak a
the Professional Regulation Commission? foreign language

3. Which of the following can contribute to the • Sacrifice

provision of quality education? • Mission
I. Hire the best teacher applicants from the
Division pool. 7. Teaching is a vocation. What does this mean?
II. Provide adequate textbooks and other I. Teaching is a calling to serve.
instructional materials. II. Everyone is called to teach.
III. Construct classroom and laboratory III. The response to the call to teach is a
rooms. must.
IV. Maintain sanitary, safe, child-friendly and
conducive environment to learning. • II and III
• I, II, and III
• I, II, and III • I only
• I, II, III, and IV • II only
• I and III
• I, II, and IV 8. If teaching is considered as your mission,
which of the following statements
4. Mrs. Concepcion is a public school teacher applies/apply?
for 35 years. Every time she was asked by I. You will be faithful to teaching no matter
her principal to attend a seminar, she what.
refused and requested that the new teacher II. You will teach for recognition of efforts.
be the one to take her slot. Is she correct? III. You will be faithful to your mission and
you want to succeed.
• Yes, Mrs. Concepcion had enough of these
seminars. • I and II
• No, Mrs. Concepcion has the prerogative to what • I and III
seminar she will attend. • I, II, and III
• No, Mrs. Concepcion should take every opportunity • II and III
to attend a seminar for her own professional
growth. 9. Which of the following statements suggests
• Yes, Mrs. Concepcion is about to retire and these that teaching is a vocation?
seminars will have no longer use for her.
• I see teaching as a calling, and there I find
5. Through the enactment of R.A. 783z6, the fulfillment.
regulation and licensing of teachers is now • I possess competencies in the use of teaching skills
with the that facilitate student learning.
• I have a good command of my subject matter.
• Commission on Higher Education (CHED) • I have high knowledge of the teaching pedagogy.
• Department of Education, Culture and Sports
(DECS) 10. Which of the following professional teacher
• Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) demonstrates attitudes that foster learning
• Civil Service Commission (CSC) and genuine human relationship?

6. If you are teaching not only for the pay, but • A teacher who develops empathy for his/her
for service, teaching is a students and value them as unique individuals.
• A teacher who denies and cannot confront his/her
• Job emotions.
• Business

• A teacher who confines himself/herself in the four 14. What does the society primarily demands
walls of the classroom. from teachers?
• A teacher who uses one-fits-all teaching methods.
• To be friends with all the teachers in the community.
11. In schools, particularly in the lower grades • To be polite at all times.
where children come from diverse • To be presentable.
backgrounds, teachers are expected to use • To teach well.
varied approaches effectively. Which
approach/es should be appropriate for such 15. The teaching competence expected of
diversity? teachers is spelled out in which of the
I. Differentiated teaching approaches following documents?
II. A variety of instructional materials
III. Multi-media materials • The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
IV. Multi-lingual approach • Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
• Faculty Handbook of Teachers
• I, II and III • Magna Carta for Public School Teachers.
• I, II, III and IV
• IV only 16. A father used to tell his daughter “You are a
• I and IV woman. You are meant for the house, and
so for you, going to school is not necessary.”
12. Which statement is TRUE of society’s Is the father correct?
demand from the professional teacher?
• No, today there are a lot of women who do the job
• Because the professional teacher is expected to be of men.
highly enlightened, he is expected to campaign for • It depends on the place where the daughter and
the good candidate during election time. father live.
• Effective teaching is the primary duty of the • Yes, because women are meant to be mothers.
professional teacher. • No, there is a thing as gender equality in education.
• The professional teacher is concerned only with
classroom teaching. 17. What is the hallmark of professionals?
• The professional teacher is not expected to lead in
community affairs in order not to jeopardize her • Conducting researches
teaching. • Earning a Ph.D. degree
• Topping in the board examination
13. The Filipino teacher is a professional. What • Complying with norms of conduct and possessing
is/are expected of her/him? technical skills
I. Technically competent
II. Highly ethical and moral values 18. Which teacher’s personal trait is
III. Has superior IQ demonstrated if he is gender-sensitive and
IV. Popular among learners inclusive in his ways?

• I and IV • Passion
• I and II • Sense of Humor
• I and III • Motivation
• I, II, and III • Fairness

19. Teacher A claims she cares for students. • Yes, the end justifies the means.
Which is/are a manifestation of genuine care?• No, the end does not justify the means.
I. Knows students.
II. Creates a favourable leaning atmosphere. 23. Article XIII of the Code of Ethics stipulates
III. Maintains professional distance with that the evaluation of the learner’s work
students. should be based on merit and quality of
• I, II and III
• I and III • Performance
• I and II • Evaluation
• II and III • Results
• Marks
20. Which of the following is the most common
personal trait given to describe an effective 24. A male teacher has photography as
teacher? “sideline”. He offers his photography
services with discount during school
• Humble functions like intramurals. Is this ethical?
• Fair
• Dedicated • No, he is a teacher during intramurals, not a
• Caring photographer.
• Yes, his services are much cheaper than those of
21. Which is/are a violation of the principle of others, and therefore, of great help.
respect? • No, he should not deprive other photographers of
I. Teacher Ana tells her students that what their job.
Teacher Ben taught is wrong. • Yes, his photography service is so personalised that
II. To retaliate, Teacher Ben advises he is able to establish rapport with parents.
students not to attend Teacher Ana’s class.
III. Teacher Jose secretly gives way to a 25. When a failing student comes to you for help
special favour to add 2 points to the grade of and asks you for extra work so he can pass,
Student A who is vying for honors. what is ethical for you to do?

• I and III • Find out why he is delinquent and extend the

• I and II needed assistance in solving his difficulties.
• II and III • Give an easy extra work so he can really be helped
• I, II and III to pass.
• Give him extra work he is asking then if he
22. A student complains to you about his failing submitted a quality work, give him a passing mark.
grade in the first grading period. You • Make the extra work that he is asking extremely
recomputed and indeed you find a difficult for him to learn a lesson.
significant error in his grade computation.
Your decision is not to accept the erroneous 26. Mrs. Naoma Akya thinks thought elections
computation for fear that you lose credibility. do not improve her life as a teacher and so
Is this morally right? she did not exercise her right of suffrage in
the last elections. What provision of the
• No, the reason for not accepting the error before a Code of Ethics did she fail to observe?
student is flimsy of weak.
• Yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility.

• A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any • Preschool and Elementary
political, religious, or other partisan interest • All of these
• Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom • High School and College
• Every teacher or school official shall actively help
carry out the declared policies of the state, and shall 31. Upon prior consent of parents and school
take an oath to this effect. authorities, religion may be taught in
• Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other Philippine schools
constitutional rights and responsibilities
• after recess
27. Teacher P, the English coordinator, was • after class
assisted by Teacher Q throughout the • within regular class hours
celebration of English Week. What could • during vacant period
Teacher P do to acknowledge Teacher Q's
assistance? 32. Who should teach religion?

• Buy her a gift • Designated regular teachers in the school

• Mention formally to the principal the assistance • Part time teachers paid by the PTA
received. • Contractual teachers hired by the local government
• Make an announcement giving due recognition of • Designated instructors by the religious authorities
the assistance received.
• Keep quiet about the assistance received. 33. You have the right to a just salary, but which
is your corresponding duty?
28. Is holding a rally to protest the delay of
benefits due a person ethically acceptable? • To enroll in graduate studies
• To teach to the best of my ability
• Yes, when hold outside the official time. • To tutor every child in need of my assistance outside
• Yes, when hold while on official time. class hours
• Yes, when hold together with parents and students. • To work in school eight hours from Monday to Friday
• Yes, when hold with approval of the principal.
34. Among others, the 1987 Constitution
29. When a Principal starts to exercise his/her demands that all educational institutions
powers over making and promoting students, shall aim to do the following EXCEPT one.
is his/her action acceptable? Which is the exception?

• No, grading and promoting students are exclusive • Inculcate love for world class excellence
functions of teachers. • Encourage critical and creative thinking.
• Yes, when the teacher cannot make decision on • Foster respect for human rights.
time. • Develop appreciation of the role of national heroes
• No, teachers are more knowledgeable of their in the historical development of our country.
student's performance.
• Yes, when there is abuse of judgment on the part of 35. What does "teachers are persons in
the teacher. The 1987 Philippine authority" imply?

30. Constitution mandates free and compulsory • No person can assault a teacher.
education in the _______ level. • Teachers have immunity from arrest.
• Decisions made by teachers are deemed right.
• Elementary and High School • Teachers cannot be charged.

36. Teacher D is assigned in a rural area; • Yes, if her grades are excellent.
Teacher E in a depressed community; • No, other teachers should have the chance.
Teacher F in a hazardous area; and Teacher
G in a place where standard of living is high. 40. International educators propose a definition
Who is entitled to a hardship allowance? of the term ‘global competence’. What is the
MOST appropriate characteristic of a globally
• Teacher G competent individual?
• Teacher E
• Teacher D • Having the intercultural facility of effective two-way
• Teacher F communication
• Ability to become familiar of a new culture and work
37. A school personnel can avail of free legal environment
service under certain circumstances. • Having an open mind while actively seeking to
Principal I was accused of maligning her understand norms and work effectively outside
neighbor. Is Principal I entitled to the said one’s environment
service? • Having the professional competence to speak a
foreign language
• No, it might bring some disagreements in school
• No, the case is not related to her professional duties. 41. Global students learn with short bursts of
• No, if funds are not available. energy. To maintain concentration, they
• Yes, she should defend herself. require

38. Teacher K teaches in a public school in her • frequent reminder that they need to concentrate
locality. Due to teacher shortage, her • short and easy reading materials
classroom teaching starts from 6 am and • music while studying
ends at 4 pm. Is the assignment given her • frequent and intermittent breaks
42. A glocal teacher is
• Yes, the situation demands that she render longer
teaching hours. • the one who teaches abroad
• Yes, as long as she signs a conforme letter to that • the one who teaches with excellence and integrity in
effect. his/her locality
• No, rendering longer teaching hours would make • the one who undergoes an international teacher
the teacher tired and exhausted. exchange program
• No, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states • the one who graduated with honors and have
that in the exigencies of service, any teacher may be masters and Ph.D. degrees
required to render more than six hours and not
more than eight hours of actual classroom teaching 43. When Roland Robertson started to use the
a day. phrase “think local, act global” he meant
39. Teacher N wants to continue with her study
leave for another six months after • you should limit your lessons only to local
completing a school year. Could she be knowledge, values, and aspirations
allowed? • you should use examples in your lessons from
foreign countries
• Yes, but without compensation. • you believe that the best examples are coming from
• No, study leave should not exceed one year. abroad

• even if you will be teaching in your hometown, your 49. In all ASEAN member countries, which level
competence is world class = of schooling is free and compulsory?

44. To which does global village refer? • middle school level

• primary level
• All the countries abroad including your own • college level
• other countries abroad • secondary level
• our ASEAN neighbors
• include all countries abroad 50. As a future teacher, one should be mindful
that the learners in the 21st century are
45. Higher education in the Philippines, Japan, characterized by
USA, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and
China is described as • initiative and self-direction
• individualism
• voluntary and very affordable • control and single mindedness
• compulsory but selective • rigidity of thinking
• accessible and democratic for all
• selective and not compulsory 51. Which of the Pillars of Learning is being
described by the phrase “unity in diversity”?
46. Free public elementary and secondary
education is in line with the government’s • Learning to know
effort to address educational problems of • Learning to do
• Learning to live together
• Access and equity • Learning to be
• Effectiveness and efficiency
• relevance and quality 52. To be ready to teach in the 21st century, a
• Productivity teacher should develop life and career skills
which should also be nurtured among the
47. The establishment of Kindergarten classes, learners. Which of these career skills enables
elementary and high school, and higher a person to quickly respond to the changes
education institutions point to which in the modern times?
characteristic of Philippine educational
system? • Productivity and accountability
• Social and cross-cultural skills
• accessible • Leadership and responsibility
• integrative • Flexibility and adaptability
• complete
• relevant 53. Developing one’s personality is under which
pillar of education?
48. The main purpose of compulsory education
of the constitution is to • learning to know
• learning to live together
• Make students constitutional experts • learning to do
• Develop students into reasonable, thinking citizens • learning to be
• Prepare students to be lawyers
• Acquaint students with historical development of the 54. UNESCO stands for

• Union Nationas Educational, Scientific and • the teacher should take teaching jobs with good
Civilization Organization salary
• United Nations Energy, Science and Civilization • the teacher should be concern for the success in his
Organization job
• United Nations Educational, Scientific and • the teacher touches the hearts of people and opens
Civilization Organization the minds of the learners
• Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization 60. The very goal of education according to a
constructivist point of view is to ________.
55. In the Philippines, teacher quality is defined
by • teach student the areas of concern
• teach children what to learn
• CFT SEA, 2017 • teach student what skills to acquire
• PPST, 2017 • teach student how to learn
• NCBTS, 2006
• PQF, 2018 61. On what thought is the action of teacher Lea
who wants her students to get interested
56. What do the CFT SEA, PQF, and PPST assure with the subjects whether or not they like it
the stakeholders of? or not. This is the philosophy of _______.

• Teacher dedication • essentialism

• Teacher quality • perennialism
• Teacher disposition • progressivism
• Quality teacher • reconstructionism

57. _________ is defined by the standards set 62. What philosophy is being emphasized by a
for the profession and are validated by the teacher who wants his students to realize
students learning outcomes. that studying is indeed accompanied with
hard work?
• to qualify
• teacher quality • perennialism
• qualified applicant • prorgressivism
• quality teachers • essentialism
• existentialism
58. Teacher’s knowledge of content and
pedagogy belongs to which core elements of 63. When teachers emphasis that education is
teacher-quality standards? life not a preparation for life as mentioned by
• Professional responsibilities
• Classroom environment • perennialism
• Planning and preparation • essentialism
• Instruction • behaviourism
• progressivism
59. Teaching is not a lucrative business, but it is
the noblest profession. This means that. 64. When the main concern is to help students
understand and appreciate themselves as
• mediocrity should exist in the minds of teacher unique individuals who accept complete

responsibility for their thoughts feelings and students’ appreciation of the humanities.
action. This way, they become highly rational and
• existentialism. Group 3- Schools should help develop
• progressivism students to become enlightened and
• perennialism intelligent citizens of a democratic society.
• constructivism Group 4- Schools should teach students to
make responsible choices and be made
65. SITUATION accountable for such choices.
In a faculty development program, the Group 5-Schools should develop in the
teachers were asked what schools should do students the ability to adapt to a changing
to help develop the learners. The responses world.
of the teachers could be grouped into five:
Group 1- Schools should go back to the To what educational philosophy does Group
basics; they should teach the 3 R’s 2 adhere?
Group 2- Schools should develop the
students’ appreciation of the humanities. • Progressivism
This way, they become highly rational and • Essentialism
moral. • Behaviorism
Group 3- Schools should help develop • Existentialism
students to become enlightened and
intelligent citizens of a democratic society. 67. SITUATION
Group 4- Schools should teach students to In a faculty development program, the
make responsible choices and be made teachers were asked what schools should do
accountable for such choices. to help develop the learners. The responses
Group 5-Schools should develop in the of the teachers could be grouped into five:
students the ability to adapt to a changing Group 1- Schools should go back to the
world. basics; they should teach the 3 R’s
Group 2- Schools should develop the
What can be said of teachers in Group 1? The students’ appreciation of the humanities.
group adheres to _______ philosophy of This way, they become highly rational and
education. moral.
Group 3- Schools should help develop
• a perrenialist students to become enlightened and
• an essentialist intelligent citizens of a democratic society.
• a progressivist Group 4- Schools should teach students to
• a constructivist make responsible choices and be made
accountable for such choices.
66. SITUATION Group 5-Schools should develop in the
In a faculty development program, the students the ability to adapt to a changing
teachers were asked what schools should do world.
to help develop the learners. The responses
of the teachers could be grouped into five: To which educational philosophy is Group 3
Group 1- Schools should go back to the oriented?
basics; they should teach the 3 R’s
Group 2- Schools should develop the • Essentialism

• Existentialism Teacher Belen- The learner can choose what

• Perennialism he can become despite his environment.
• Progressivism Teacher Ramil- The learner is a social being
who learns well through an active interplay
68. SITUATION with others.
In a faculty development program, the Teacher David-The learner is a rational
teachers were asked what schools should do being. Schools should develop the learner’s
to help develop the learners. The responses rational and moral powers.
of the teachers could be grouped into five:
Group 1- Schools should go back to the Whose philosophical concept is that of
basics; they should teach the 3 R’s Teacher Rona?
Group 2- Schools should develop the
students’ appreciation of the humanities. • Progressivist’s
This way, they become highly rational and • Existentialist’s
moral. • Behaviorist’s
Group 3- Schools should help develop • Essentialist’s
students to become enlightened and
intelligent citizens of a democratic society. 70. SITUATION
Group 4- Schools should teach students to How a teacher relates to his/her pupils
make responsible choices and be made depends on his/her concept about him/her.
accountable for such choices. In a faculty recollection, the teachers were
Group 5-Schools should develop in the asked to share their thoughts of the learner,
students the ability to adapt to a changing their primary customer. What follows are the
world. lists of what were shared:
Teacher Rona- The learner is a product of
If Group 4 wants schools to teach students his environment. Sometimes he has no
to make responsible choices and he made choice. He is determined by his environment.
accountable for these choices, which Teacher Belen- The learner can choose what
philosophy governs the thinking of the he can become despite his environment.
Teacher Ramil- The learner is a social being
who learns well through an active interplay
with others.
• Existentialism
Teacher David-The learner is a rational
• Progressivism
being. Schools should develop the learner’s
• Essentialism
rational and moral powers.
• Perennialism
If you agree with Teacher Ramil, you are more of a
/an ________.
How a teacher relates to his/her pupils
depends on his/her concept about him/her.
• Progressivist
In a faculty recollection, the teachers were
• Essentialist
asked to share their thoughts of the learner,
• Perennialist
their primary customer. What follows are the
• Existentialist
lists of what were shared:
Teacher Rona- The learner is a product of
his environment. Sometimes he has no
How a teacher relates to his/her pupils
choice. He is determined by his environment.
depends on his/her concept about him/her.

In a faculty recollection, the teachers were • Existentialist

asked to share their thoughts of the learner, • Behaviorist
their primary customer. What follows are the
lists of what were shared: 73. "A person is a social animal who learns well
Teacher Rona- The learner is a product of through an active interplay with others" is a
his environment. Sometimes he has no principle of which educational philosophy?
choice. He is determined by his environment.
Teacher Belen- The learner can choose what • Constructivism
he can become despite his environment. • Essentialism
Teacher Ramil- The learner is a social being • Existentialism
who learns well through an active interplay • Progressivism
with others.
Teacher David-The learner is a rational 74. “A person is a communicating being” is the
being. Schools should develop the learner’s principle of
rational and moral powers.
• Essentialism
Whose response respects man’s freewill? • Linguistic Philosophy
• Behaviourism
• Teacher Ramil’s • Perennialism
• Teacher David’s
• Teacher Rona’s
• Teacher Belen’s

How a teacher relates to his/her pupils
depends on his/her concept about him/her.
In a faculty recollection, the teachers were
asked to share their thoughts of the learner,
their primary customer. What follows are the
lists of what were shared:
Teacher Rona- The learner is a product of
his environment. Sometimes he has no
choice. He is determined by his environment.
Teacher Belen- The learner can choose what
he can become despite his environment.
Teacher Ramil- The learner is a social being
who learns well through an active interplay
with others.
Teacher David-The learner is a rational
being. Schools should develop the learner’s
rational and moral powers.

If you agree with Teacher Belen, you are more of

a/an _______.

• Progressivist
• Constructivist

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