Study and Thinking Skills - Writing in The Discipline - Speech and Oral Communication - Philippine Literature - Master Works of The World
Study and Thinking Skills - Writing in The Discipline - Speech and Oral Communication - Philippine Literature - Master Works of The World
Study and Thinking Skills - Writing in The Discipline - Speech and Oral Communication - Philippine Literature - Master Works of The World
Word Formation Processes
(Yule, 2003 & Jarvie, 1993)
What’s Morphology?
• Morphology refers to the study of how
words are created in a language
– Alcohol (Arabic)
– Boss (Dutch)
– Piano (Italian)
– Yoghurt (Turkish)
– Robot (Czech)
…Word Formation Processes
c. Compounding
• It refers to the joining of two separate words
to produce a single word. The two words don’t
lose their individual sounds.
– Bookcase
– Fingerprint
– Sunburn
– Doorknob
– Basketball
…Word Formation Processes
d. Blending
• Similar to compounding, blending refers to the
joining of two terms; however, in this case one
(or both) word(s) lose a sound.
– Motel (motor-hotel)
– Telecast (television-broadcast)
– Spanglish (Spanish-English)
– Modem (Modulator-demodulator)
…Word Formation Processes
e. Clipping
• Clipping a synonym of reduction. In this
process a word that has more than one
syllable is reduced to a shorter form
– Cellular (cell)
– Brassiere (bra)
– Fanatic (fan)
…Word Formation Processes
f. Backformation
• This occurs when a word of one type (usually a noun)
is changed to another different type of word (usually
a verb)
– Butter
– Bottle
– Water
– Print out (a printout)
– Want to be (wannabe)
…Word Formation Processes
• Affixation is the process where we take a base form
word and we add a prefix, infix or suffix.
• These are the responsible for making words change their
• There are:
– Noun suffixes
– Adjective Suffixes
– Verb Suffixes
– Adverb Suffixes
• As a reading, writing or listening recognition strategy,
despite of not having the exact meaning of a word, just
by looking at the suffix we now the function of the word.
They are not very common in English.
When they appear is because they are usually in
an exclamation word.
…Word Formation Processes
i. Acronyms
• Sometimes words are created because of acronyms.
Acronyms are abbreviations pronounced as if they were
words. They have proloferated.
• Spanish
– SIDA (Sindrome de Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida)
– OVNI (Objeto Volador No Identificado)
• English
– Radar (Radio Detecting and ranging)
– UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organization)
j. Eponyms
• A new word is formed from a proper name. in
other words, an eponym denotes the name of an
object or activity which is also the name of the
person who first created the object or activity
• Sandwich from 18th century fourth Earl of
• Caesarian
• Xerox
• Phonetics
• Phonology
• Focus on mental representations of sounds
• Has rules mapping mental representations to
• Phonology is the starting point while
phonetics is the ‘output’ of phonology
• Phonemic representation – physical
call: /kh/, /a/, /l/ -> phonemic representation
[kh al] -> phonetic representation
Common Types of Phonological Rules
• Assimilation
- a sound becomes more like a nearby sound
- place assimilation: comfort [mf], input [mp]
• Insertion
-Hamster /hæmstr/ : [p] is sometimes inserted
• Deletion
okay [okey] [key] (optional)easier and
faster to say
• The scientific study of speech sounds and how
they are produced in the vocal tract
• Concerned with actual pronunciation
• Concerned with articulation
The Phonetic Alphabet
• In 1888 the International Phonetic Alphabet
(IPA) was invented in order to have a system
in which there was a one-to-one
correspondence between each sound in
language and each phonetic symbol
• Someone who knows the IPA knows how to
pronounce any word in any language
Identity of Speech Sounds
– Acoustic phonetics: focuses on the physical
properties of the sounds of language
– Auditory phonetics: focuses on how listeners
perceive the sounds of language
– Articulatory phonetics: focuses on how the
vocal tract produces the sounds of language
Most speech sounds are produced by pushing air
through the vocal cords
– Glottis = the opening between the vocal cords
– Larynx = ‘voice box’
– Pharynx = tubular part of the throat above the
– Oral cavity = mouth
– Nasal cavity = nose and the passages connecting
it to the throat and sinuses
Consonants: Place of Articulation
• Stops: [p] [b] [m] [t] [d] [n] [k] [g] [ŋ] [ʧ][ʤ] [Ɂ]
Produced by completely stopping the air flow in
the oral cavity for a fraction of a second
All other sounds are continuants, meaning
that the airflow is continuous through the oral
• Fricatives: [f] [v] [θ] [d] [s] [z] [ʃ] [ʒ] [x] [ɣ] [h]
Produced by severely obstructing the airflow so
as to cause friction
…Consonants: Manner of Articulation
• Clicks:
– Produced by moving air in the mouth between
various articulators
– The disapproving sound tsk in English is a
consonant in Zulu and some other southern
African languages
– The lateral click used to encourage a horse inn
English is a consonant in Xhosa
Prosodic Features
• Prosodic, or suprasegmental
• Features of sounds, such as length, stress and
pitch, are features above the segmental values
such as place and manner of articulation
…Prosodic Features
• In some languages, such as Japanese, the
length of a consonant or a vowel can change
the meaning of a word:
– biru [biru] “building” -biiru [biːru] “beer”
– saki [saki] “ahead” -sakki [sakːi] “before”
…Prosodic Features
Shane , and .
The problem looks like this:
Ate = past
tense verb;
wiped = past
tense verb; and
burped = past
tense verb.
Uses of
• To coordinate elements
in a series
• To pair ideas
• To enhance coherence
• To organize lists
Using Parallelism
All items listing two or more words, phrases, or
clauses, need to be written in the same
grammatical structure. For example, balance a
noun with a noun, a phrase with a phrase, a
clause with a clause.
• Many people are interested in combat when
they read about it at home, study about it in
school, or watching it on television.
• Revision: Many people are interested in
combat when they read about it at home,
study about it in school, or watch it on
Using Parallelism with Pairs
• When two ideas are included, they
must be parallel.
– Tourists enjoy viewing air shows on
military bases and to examine displays
of armor in museums.
• Revision:
– Tourists enjoy viewing air shows on
military bases and examining armor
displays in museums.
Using Parallelism