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Prod - Ed Faci

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1. Any change in the behavior of an indivldual is called

C. Maturation

A. Development

D. Growth

B. Learning

2 When the learner reaches to a point where no further

improvement can be expected, he is in a so-called

A. Regression

C. Developmental crisis

B. Learning plateau

D. Depression

3. Learning is an active process. Which one is an

application of this principle?

A. Let students learn the steps in opening a computer

by making them follow the steps.

B. Group students for work or project that way project

becomes less expensive.

C. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary


D. Avoid drills which are out of context.

4.Teacher Vanessa believes that students need not know

the intended learning outcome of her lesson. She

proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting

them know what they are supposed to learn for the day.

Which principle of learning does Teacher Vanessa


A. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning

of ideas.

B.Effective learning begins with the setting clear

expectations and learning outcomes.

C. Learning process is an active process.

D. Leaning is a cooperative and a collaborative


5. What attitude is best to make students go beyond

completing the tasks assigned to them?

A. To be passive learners

B.To be complacent learners

C.To be active learners

D. To be part of the crowd learners

6. On lifespan perspectives, which assumption is taken

when schools have students engage in co-curricular and

extra-curricular activities, e.g. joining school clubs

A. Learning is both gain and loss

B.Learning is a lifelong process

C.Learning is multi-directional

D. Learning shaped by culture

7. Since learning is an active process, which of the following

activities apply the role of the student as a participant rather than a passive learner?

A.Group discussant

B.Lesson presentation listener

C. Demo observer

D. Lecture note-taker

8.What is being applied in Thorndike's principle that may

weaken or strengthen the student's behavior depending

on the consequence?

A. Law of Readiness C. Law of Exercise

B. Law of effect D. Law of Response

9.I cannot forget my friend's birthday for it comes one day

after my birthday. Which principle of association as

applied to memory explains this?

A. Contiguity C. Frequency

B. Similarity D. Contrast

10. Psychologically, there is unity in all learning. However,

there are distinct types of learning that are recognized.

One is affective learning that involves:

A. Acquisition of attitudes, ideals, judgment and


B. Understanding of the external world through the

use of the senses

C. Acquisition of facts and information

D. Formation of concepts and ideaas

Read the situation then answer question # 11.

Teacher Carl taught the parts of a microscope,

demonstrated how to focus it under the low power

objective, then asked 3 students to try to focus the

microscope correctly. He also asked the class if the 3

students were able to focus the microscope correctly and

ended his lesson citing the "don'ts and explaining the

why's" behind the "don'ts" in focusing the microscope.

Before he did all these, he asked the class if it is not

important for them to leam how to focus the microscope.

11. Based on Kendall's and Marzano's new taxonomy, in

what domains was Teacher Carl's lesson?

I.Information (Declarative knowledge)

II Mental procedure (procedural knowledge)

III.Psychomotor procedures (Physical skills)

a.II and III c.I and II

b.II only d.I,II and III

12. You have to remember the steps in opening a computer

if you want to do It your own. In what level of assessment

is remembering the steps?

A. Comprehension C. Knowledge utilization

B. Analysis D. Retrieval

13. Which level of knowledge is manifested when a learner

is able to answer the question, "What was most

confusing to me about the materlal explored in class


A. Factual knowledge

B. Conceptual knowledge

C. Procedural knowledge

D. Metacognitive knowledge

14. The first people power was held in February 25, 1986.

What kind of knowledge is presented?

A. Cognitive knowledge

B. Procedural knowledge

C. Conditional knowledge

D. Domain-specific knowledge

15. How does behaviorism explain the observation of a child

enjoying school?
A. Learning is highly personalized

B. He is taught life skills

C. He is rewarded for his good performance

D. He feels he belongs

16. It is a response attached to a stimulus through the

stimulus occurring just prior to the response so that the

recurrence of the stimulus will evoke or cause the


A. Feedback C. Metacognition

B. Adhesive principle D. Cohesive principle

17. In which of the classroom/s is the teacher "a guide on

the side" NOT "the sage on the stage"?

A. Constructivists classrooms

B. Cognitivists classrooms

C. Behaviorists classrooms

D. B and C

18. Janus was walking by the road to buy vinegar. Suddenly,

a black snake bit his right foot and left him very terrified

for the rest of the day. Since that incident, he has held

immense fear towards all snakes. What concept is best

illustrated in this scenario?

A. Stimulating stimulus

B. Stimulus discrimination

C. Stimulus generalization

D. Associative learning

19. Which does Tolman's term of latent learning mean?

A. Learning that is hidden and not told.

B. Learning which is not manifested at the time of

learning but which manifests later when a suitable

motivation and circumstances appear.

C. Secretive leaning that is not expressed.

D. Mental learning that is not made explicit.

20. On behaviorist learning, which of the following

exemplifies Thorndike's connectionism principles for

effective learning?

A. Giving rewards for good performance

B. Using concept mapping to illustrate ideas

C. Explaining lessons for greater understanding

D. Relating past lessons to news lessens to learn

21. What is the process for Piaget done during our growing

years, acquiring new experlences and Ideas?

A. Assimilation C. Equilibrlum

B. Schematization D. Accommodation
22. In what way/s are Ausubel's advance organizers a big

help to learners?

I.Help learners use their personal experiences

and content knowledge to learn new information.

II.Help learners remember what they see

III Help learners acqulre and integrate content into

a new language

A.Ionly C. I and II

B.II and III D.I,II and III

23. According to Vygotsky, children construct knowledge

through social interaction. What does this imply for

children's learning? This means that children should be


A. chance to explore their world

B. opportunity to leam with skilled peers or teachers

C. questions to ponder on

D. books to read

24. Amother gives her son his favorite snack every time the

boy cieans up his room. Afterwards, the boy cleans his

room every day in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated2

A. Classical conditioning C. Operant conditioning

B. Associative learning D. Pavlovian conditioning

25. Which of the following best describes what meaningful

learning is?

A. Students find lessons easy and relevant to what

was assigned to them

B. Materials presented are dificult and challenging to

the students

C. When the materials to be learned is relevant to

what the students already know

D. When what is to be learned is new and easy for the


26. Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development is the.

between what the children can learn on his/her own and

what is accomplished with the help of others.

A. Divisor C. Difference

B. Multiplier D. Equivalent

27. For every correct answer, Teacher Ed would give a star

to his students. What reinforcement schedule was used?

A.Fixed ratio schedule

B.Fixed interval schedule

C. Variable ratio schedule

D. Variable interval schedule

28. In Bandura's theory, the teacher who can be observed

in school is a_

A. Substitute Model C. Symbolic Model

B.Virtual Model D. Live Model

29. When a child says that the sun is sleeping at night, the

child is in the pre-operational stage, particularly

A. Animism C. Centration

B. Egocentrism D. Reversibility

30. Which of the following laws states that we tend to fill the gaps in figures as we perceive them?

A. Law of Proximity C. Law of Closure

B. Law of Similarity D. Law of Pragnanz

31. After Just being introduced to another guest in the party,Jayson cannot remember the name of the
guest he was

introduced to. In what memory stage was the Information

stored in ?

A. Episodic memory C. Sensory memoryy

B. Semantic memory D. Working memory

32. To remember the 6 digits, 8, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, Teacher

Thanos grouped the numbers in two's 84, 39, 45 or in

three's 843, 945. What control process of retaining

information is referred to?

A. Rehearsing C. Chunking

B. Remembering D. Interfering

33. Teacher lah begins a lesson on basic dance position by

demonstrating the arms and feet position in slow motion

and physically guiding her students through correct

movements. As her students become more skillful, she L

just gives verbal instruction. With Vygotsky's theory in

mind, what does Teacher lah do?

A. Guided participation C. Apprenticeship

B. Peer Interaction D. Scaffolding

34. What is an implication of Bandura's findings that children

learn social such as aggression through the process of

observation learning?

A. Stop showing violence in media.

B.Avoid children exposure to media violence.

C. Apply reverse psychology by exposing children to

media violence.

D. Let children watch media violence only with

supervision of parents.

35. A child who gets punished for cheating may not cheat

again immediately. But this does not mean that the child

may not cheat again. Based on Thorndike's theory on

punishment and learning, this shows that

A. Punishment strengthens a response

B. Punishment does not remove a response

C. Punishment removes a response.

D. Punishment weakens a response.

36. Watson applied classical conditioning in his experiments

and the results showed that behavior is learned through

thespecifically assoclations, stimulus-response development of emotional responses to certain

stimuli.This helps us in?

A. Interpreting reflexes as emotions

B. Understanding fears, phobias and love

C. Connecting observable behavior to stimulus

D. Understanding the role of overt behavior

37. In which stage of learning does learning of involuntary

responses occur and is similar to classical conditioning?

A. Stimulus-response learning

B. Signal learning

C. Principle learning

D. Concept learning

38. According to Gardner's multiple Intelligence Theory,

learners who have the natural ability and inclination for

sounds, meanings, structures and sounds of language

A. Verbal-linguistic intelligence leaners

B. naturalist intelligence learners

C. spatial intelllgence learners

D. musical inteligence leaners

39. On the variety of intelligence as dispositions, what is one work inclination of a learner who can work

with numbers?

A. To be a priest C. To be an engineer

B. To be a musician D. to be a photographer

40. According to Gardner's multiple intelligence theory,

naturalist learners can bet

A use hands to fix and create, and use bodilyexpression

B. analyze ecological and natural situations and data

C. mediate, reflect, exhibit self-discipline, maintain


D.work with people and help them overcomeproblems

41. Which statement on 1Q and EQ is correct?

A. EQ has greater contribution to performance than 1Q

B. It is the blending of both IQ and EQ that can make

a difference in performance

C. The contribution of 1Q and EQ to performance is

dependent on factors like age and gender

D. 1Q has a greater contribution to performance than


Read the text below and answer #45 and 46.

Mr. Balita discussed the concept of fraction as follows:

First, he presented one whole pizza then asked a pupil

led one part of the pizza % and

to cut it into two. H

the two parts 2/2. Then he wrote and 2/2 on the board.

He proceeded to ask another pupil to divide the half

parts of the cake into two again, then wrote 1/4, 2/4, and

4. Then he went back to the fractions he wrote on the

board. She asked her pupils for the meaning of , 1/3,

V, 214.

42. Does the development of the lesson on fraction conform to the bottom-up arrangement of the

experiences in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience?

A. Yes

B. Cannot be determined

C. No

D. Up to the second phase of the lesson only.

43. Who among the following claimed that children are

natural learners and therefore must be taught in natural

A. Montessori C. Piaget

B.Kohlberg D. Froebel

44. According to Froebel, Kindergarten is also known as

A. "A place where children have fun and enjoyment.

B."Garden where children could grow and develop.

C."A place where new beginnings begin."

D. "The learning center for life."

46. "Learn by hand, heart, and mind" is the moto of whose


A. Herbart C. Bocco

B. Pestalozzi D. Dewey

46. He is known as the Father of Modern 1Q Test.

A. Lawrence Kohlberg C. Martin Lesley

B. Lewis Terman D. Alfred Binet

47. For selectivity in the learning process, the Novice

Learner attempts to process they

recelve ininstruction.

A. selected information

B. manageable information

C. important information

D. all information

48. Expert learners check errors and makes effort to


A. quality output C. large quantity output

B. required output D. diverse output

49. What learning style is characterized by doing things that

has immediate practical use to the learmers?

A. Intuitive-feeling C. Intuitive-thinking

B. Sensing-feeling D. Sensing-thinking

50. Student A has an 1Q of 160. Student A is classified as:

A. Below average

C. Above average

B. Average

D. Genius

51. What type of learners learn best with others particularly during lectures, discussions and other forms
of oral communication discourse?

A. Tactile learners C. Auditory learners

B. Visual learners D. Kinesthetic learners

52. Judy is almost asleep when she felt the need to go to the bathroom. She tried to sleep it off but after
a while, she was forced to stand up and go to the bathroom. What

theory of motivation explains Judy's behavior?

A. Expectancies and Values Theory

B.Self-determination theory

C. Drive theory

D. Attribution theory

53. Following ideas of Johann Friedrich Herbart, give the

proper order of steps to develop intrinsic motivation

among learners:

I.Present the topic

II.Prepare topic of interest

II.Inductive questioning

IV.New knowledge related to life

a.II,II,and I and IV c.II,I and III and IV

b.III,II, I and IV d.I,II,III and IV

54. Which of the following expression is a motivator made

by a teacher?

A. Pay close attention to mne

B. Don't work too slow or you will be left behind

C. It is OK to guess

D. I will be happy if you try your best

55. The influences of_ is intrinslc rather than extrinsic

to motivation in learning.

A. Test exemptions

B. Games and recreations

C. High grades

D. Certificates and Quizzes

56. This is NOT among the extenal environment factors that

create a relevant impact on learnings.

A. Society's culture

B. Mass media and technology

C. Learner's motivation

D. School environment

57. Vernie regularly studies his lesson so he can get good

grades. His mother promised to buy hima Nintendo if he

gets good grades. How is Vemie motivated?

A. Intrinsically C.With Self-efficacy

B.Extrinsically D. With Self-determination

58. Moana excels in adding numbers. She learned this skill

in her Math class. She is now able to apply this skill in

her Music class. What type of transfer was used?

A. Lateral transfer C. Specific transfer

B. General transter D. Vertical transfer

59. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is

metacognition, what does metacognition mean?

A. Ability to do problem solving

B. Ability to recall and explain

C. Ability to analyze and synthesize

D. Ability to identify one's own thinking processes

60. Which of the following in one of the avenues for assistinglearners to acquire the thinking
competence for


A.assessment of study habits

B. peer-learning

C. conformance with rules and regulations

D. practical application of ideas

"Mistakes are proof that you

are trying."

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