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University For Development Studies: School of Medicine and Health Sciences

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University for Development Studies

School of Medicine and Health Sciences
End of Second Trimester Examination 2012/2013 Academic Year

Level: 300, BSc Nursing

Course Name: Human Growth and Development Duration: 21/2 hours
Course Code: AHN 316 Date: April/May 2012

Attempt all questions. Read each question carefully and then select the best answer
Make sure you write your identification Number in the spaces on all pages in the
question paper.
Write your Identification number in the Answer Sheet (Scannable Form) and shade
All answers must be shaded in the scannable Form (Including the Matching and Fill-
in questions.
Submit the Question paper with the Answer Sheet (Scannable Form)

ID NO. ____________________

1. The period of development during which 7. Arms are to _____ as fingers are to_________
school readiness skills are developed and most free A. arms; feet
time is spent playing with friends is called: B. gross motor; fine motor
A. infancy. C. fine motor; gross motor
B. early childhood D. cephalocaudal; top bottom
C. middle childhood
D. late childhood 8. What evidence indicates that the fetus can
2. The expectations society has that a person will A. fetus moves when a loud noise occurs
act his or her age refers to: B. New born babies prefer their mother’s voice to
A. biological age stranger’s voices
B. social age C. Hearing is more sensitive and better
C. psychological age developed among new borns who have been
D. historical age experimentally stimulated before birth
D. Newborns prefer to hear stories that were read
3. Mrs. Adu is 85 years young. She continues to to them in their mother’s womb
learn phrases in new languages, she writes poetry,
and she enjoys going to museums to see the latest 9. In a classic study of attachment by Harlow
up-and-coming artists. These examples of her and Zimmerman, infant monkeys spent more time
adaptive capacities demonstrate: with __________ monkey regardless of which
A. chronological age monkey fed them
B. biological age A. Wire
C. psychological age B. live
D. social age C. cloth
D. metal
4. Most life-span developmentalists recognize
that: 10. Ainsworth believes that attachment security
A. nature, continuity, and stability are the depends on
primary determinants of behavior. A. How sensitive and responsive the caregiver is
B. nurture, discontinuity, and change are the to the infant signals
primary determinants of behavior. B. The mothers love and concern for the welfare
C. While nurture (the environment) is important, of the child
nature (heredity) plays the stronger role C. The consistency of parental response during
D. extreme positions on these issues are unwise. child care routine
D. Reinforcement of attachment behavior by the
5. Which reflex probably helps prevent falling? caregiver
A. Moro reflex
B. grasping reflex 11. Which of the following believes that our
C. rooting reflex society is increasingly age irrelevant?
D. sucking reflex A. Sigmund Freud
B. Berry T. Brazelton
6. One of the best ways to distinguish how much C. Bernice Neugartin
genetic and environmental factors affect D. Lev Vygotsky
behaviour is to compare children who have:
A. The same genes and environments 12. Mimi is 8 months old, has a wasting away of
B. Different genes and environments body tissues that is caused by severe protein-
C. Similar genes and environments calories deficiency. He is suffering from
D. The same genes but different environments A. Maramus
B. Kwasiokor
C. failure to thrive syndrome
ID NO. ____________________

13. The period during development that is marked 18. The term tabula rasa refers to the believe that
by dramatic physical and psychological changes A. Altering peoples personality “slates” is
and attainment of sexual maturity is called: impossible
A. Adulthood B. Human development is influenced primarily
B. Adolescence by the environment
C. Puberty C. Children develop through an invariable set of
D. Childhood stages
D. Humans are born with a natural propensity
14. Discussing child development, you say that towards goodness
children experience natural growth that is fairly
independent of environment. Your friend argues 19. Kate is pregnant. Her doctor tells her that at
that children can be molded into almost anything if this stage of the baby’s development, it can kick,
the appropriate behaviours are rewarded. You are turn its head, open its eyes and already has taste
arguing a ________ viewpoint while your friend is buds. Kate’s baby is in the ______ stage of
arguing a _______ viewpoint. prenatal development
A. Behaviourist; maturational A. Zygotic
B. Nurture; nature B. embryonic
C. maturational; behaviorist C. fetal
D. D) Psychodynamic; nature D. germinal

15. Which of the following concerning changes in 20. A newborn who turns her head toward
the reproductive system in men is false? something that touches her cheek is most likely
A. from age 30 the testes and penis gradually exhibiting which of the following?
become smaller A. The rooting reflex
B. The prostrate gland begin to weaken after age B. The Babinski reflex
40 C. The Moro reflex
C. reproductive capacity declines rapidly from D. Random search behavior
age 25 (young adulthood)
D. sclerosis of the veins and arteries of the penis 21. Jessica is pregnant and has just been informed
increase with age by her doctor that her baby’s heart, eyes,
hands and feet are beginning to develop. Therefore
16. Amniocentesis is used to identify genetic Jessica is careful to avoid _________ during
problems: this___________ stage of development.
A. prior to conception A. teratogens; embryonic
B. during conception B. teratogens; fetal
C. immediately following birth C. alcohol and smoke; zygotic
D. during the first year D. alcohol and smoke; fetal

17. Kwame believes people are primarily 22. A theorist who concludes that predictions
influenced by the environment and learned about behaviour depend on information about the
experiences, so he believes _______ plays a more situation and the traits that characterise a person
powerful role in human development. assumes which of the following approaches?
A. nurture A. Factor analytic
B. maturation B. Idiographic
C. change C. Interactionist
D. nature D. Nativist

ID NO. ____________________

23. Max and Mimi have reached sexual maturity. 29. An aging disorder associated with calcium and
The indicator of sexual maturity is vitamin D deficiencies, estrogen depletion, and
A. Growth of primary sexual characteristics lack of exercise is:
B. Sudden growth spurt in height and weight A. arthritis
C. Menarche and ejaculation B. osteoporosis
D. Increase in sex hormones C. pernicious anemia
D. depression
24. The most basic psychological needs of
adulthood are 30. Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by
A. love and intimacy A. miscarriage, premature birth, and bodily
B. love and productivity defects
C. intimacy and affiliation B. increased birth weight
D. integrity and generativity C. genetic defects
D. addiction to alcohol in the newborn
25. Accumulation of fat deposits in the lining
around the heart is called 31. Phenylketonnnnuria (PKU), Cystic Fibrosis,
A. atheriosclerosis and Tay-sachs all result from
B. arteriosclerosis A. Recessive genetic disorders
C. hardening or stiffening of the arteries B. dominant genetic disorders
D. both A and B C. abnormalities in the number of chromosomes
D. X linked disorders
26. The period of middle and late childhood
involves 32. Linda's baby is about to be born. The baby's
A. Slow consistent growth head is at the top of the uterus, and the baby's
B. rapid consistent growth lower extremities are on the cervix. This situation
C. rapid spurts of growth is
D. Moderate growth with occasional spurts A. normal for delivery
B. B)called afterbirth
27. Which of the following statements about C. C)called a breech birth
prenatal health risk is true? D. D)called a precipitate condition
A. teratogens affect more than 30% of all babies
born in western countries 33. The Apgar primarily assesses a newborn's
B. “Cocaine Babies” mental abilities are A. Psychological status
significantly different from those of other babies B. reflexes
who are born into an impoverished environment C. physiological health
C. Fathers who consume large quantities of D. responsiveness to people
alcohol a month before conception has newborns
with lower birth weight 34. Two-day-old Terry's very low Brazelton
D. teratogens are most harmful during the fetal Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale score is
stage of prenatal development often a good indicator that
A. he has brain damage
28. Attachment refers to: B. his mother took heroin while she was pregnant
A. close bond between infant and caregiver C. he will develop a "difficult" temperament
B. a close bond between an infant and a contact D. he is unlikely to bond with his primary
comfort object. caregiver
C. an infant's tendency to use the mother as a
secure base for exploring the world
D. a positive reaction to being held and played
with by people other than the primary caregiver

ID NO. ____________________

35. Which of the following best describes a 41. Which of these syndromes is NOT sex-linked?
sensitive period in development? A. Down syndrome
A. An age that bridges two cognitive stages, such B. Turner syndrome
as the transition between preoperational and C. Sickle-cell anemia
concrete operational thinking D. XYY syndrome
B. An age period during which an influence has
important, long lasting and even permanent effects 42. During which period of prenatal development
C. An age period during which the infant or child do cells begin to become different from each other
tend to display a certain type of behaviour such as more rapidly and organs begin to form?
the” terrible twos” A. embryonic period
D. The age interval during which about half of B. zygotic period
the normal population develops a certain structure C. fetal period
or function D. blastocystic period

36. Which of the following is a complication of 43. The human body develops from three layers of
delivery? cells in the embryo. These layers are the:
A. Anoxia A. zygote, blastocyst, and trophoblast
B. oxytoxin B. amnion, placenta, and umbilical cord
C. teratology C. endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm
D. toxoplasmosis D. blastoderm, trophoderm, and plastoderm.

37. Maternal stress is associated with _______ in 44. Adjoa has just turned 2 years old.
the baby. Developmental psychologists believe Adjoa's brain
A. decreased intelligence is _______ of its adult weight.
B. increased risk of prematurity A. 25 percent
C. increased heart rate B. 50 percent
D. decreased growth rate C. 75 percent
D. 90 percent
38. Organs and tissues in an unborn baby are most
vulnerable to environmental changes during 45. The period of middle and late childhood
A. organogenesis involves:
B. the fetal period A. slow, consistent growth
C. the germinal period B. rapid, consistent growth
D. trophoblast differentiation. C. rapid spurts of growth
D. moderate growth with occasional spurts
39. Adoption studies are designed to test the
46. The age at which puberty arrives is _______
different effects of:
with each passing decade.
A. adoption on parenting styles
A. Increasing
B. polygenic vs. single-gene traits
B. decreasing
C. the home environment and the biological
C. staying the same
D. slowing down
D. knowledge of one's adopted status on
children's 47. Adoption studies seek to reveal genetic
E. behavior influences on personality mainly by
A. comparing adopted with non-adopted children
40. Which genetic disorder is caused by an extra B. Evaluating whether adopted children more
chromosome? closely resemble their adoptive or biological
A. Down syndrome parents
B. Turner syndrome C. Studying the effect of prior neglect on
C. Sickle-cell anemia adopted children
D. Phenylketonuria D. studying the effect of one’s age at adoption
ID NO. ____________________

48. Some developmental researchers emphasis 54. The sexual- reproductive system reaches a
learning and experience; others emphases peak in early adulthood, and shows signs of
biological maturation. These researchers thus change by age
believe in ________ or _________ respectively. A. 26
A. nature; nurture B. 42
B. continuity; stages C. 30
C. stability; change D. 50
D. randomness; predictability
55. AIDs is most common among people
49. Although development is lifelong, there is A. in their 20s and 30s
stability of personality overtime. For example B. in their 40s and 50s
A. most personality traits emerge in infancy and C. in late adolescence
persist throughout life. D. in middle age
B. temperament tend to remain stable throughout
life 56. The decline in which sense can be most
C. few people change significantly after important in reducing social interaction is
adolescents A. touch
D. People tend to undergo greater personality B. vision
changes as they age. C. reaction time
D. hearing
50. Body contact facilitates attachment between
infant and parent. In a famous series of experiment 57. The term neonate describes a child between
Harry Harlow found that monkeys raised with the ages of :
artificial mothers tended when afraid to A. 1 month and 12 months
A. the wire mother B. birth and 1 month
B. the cloth mother C. birth and one year
C. Whichever mother held the feeding bottle D. 1 and 3 years
D. none of the artificial mothers

51. Children who in their infancy develop secure 58. The grasping, rooting, and sucking reflexes of
attachment to their parents infants are best described as
A. are likely to become good parents A. fixed action patterns
B. prefer the company of adults to that of their B. instincts
peers C. conditioned reflexes
C. usually become competent youngsters D. adaptive reflexes
D. have less stranger anxiety
59. A sport in which adults can excel even when
52. The adolescent growth spurt is marked by older is
dramatic development in the sex characteristics. A. Table tennis
Primary sex characteristics relate to ___________; B. Basket ball
secondary sex characteristics refer to __________ C. Chess
A. ejaculation; menarche D. None of the above
B. breast and facial hair; ovaries and testes
C. emotional maturity; hormone surges 60. Principles that govern the effects of teratogens
D. reproductive organs ; non-reproductive traits include the following except
A. time
53. By one month of age, babies will stare longest B. genetic susceptibility
at which of the following C. dose
A. objects with little contrast D. environmental changes
B. human faces or face-like drawings
C. colourful, small-patterned wallpaper
D. stationery objects
ID NO. ____________________

61. Strict dietary measures can be used to control 69. Hypoactive sexual desire and sexual aversion
A. sickle cell aneamia are types of
B. Phenyiketonuria A. sexual arousal disorders
C. Tay-sachs disease B. orgasmic disorders
D. Homophilia C. sexual pain disorders
D. desire disorders
62. Conditions such as Marfian and Apert
syndromes are associated with 70. Which best demonstrates the basic principle of
A. maternal age cephalocaudal development?
B. Paternal age A. An infant first produces an endogenous smile,
C. Parity then an exogenous smile, then a laugh.
D. maternal stress B. An infant first raises the head, then sits up,
then stands up
63. In which of the trimesters of the gestation C. An infant obtains visual skills, then olfactory
period does maturation of basic organs (the brain, skills, then auditory skills
heart, lungs etc) occur? D. An infant coos, then babbles, then speaks
A. first trimester single words, then uses language.
B. second trimester
C. third trimester 71. In Erikson’s theory, children in elementary
D. both first and second trimesters school are generally facing the key challenge of
industry versus inferiority
64. Discontinuity in development is the view that A. True
development is gradual, cumulative or B. False
quantitative change throughout the lifespan.
A. True 72. Vygotsky’s theory assumes that cognitive
B. False development, including language development,
arises as a result of social interaction.
65. The believe in the relative importance of A. True
hereditary in development amounts to the believe B. False
that human nature is malleable and modifiable.
A. True 73. Reinforcement and punishment are equally
B. False effective in changing behavior.
66. The placenta is a sac that contains a clear fluid A. True
in which the embryo floats. B. False
A. True
B. False 74. Operant conditioning is based on forming
associations between stimuli
67. Piaget’s theory represents continuity in A. True
development B. False
A. True
B. False 75. __________ is the process of interpreting new
experiences by incorporating them into existing
68. Preterm infants are those whose birth weight schemes.
is below normal when the length of the pregnancy A. Assimilation
is considered. B. Accommodation
A. True C. Organization
B. False D. Adaptation

ID NO. ____________________

76. Baba a three year has never seen anything fly 82. Eight-year-old Anna is working on her math
but birds, one day he saw an airplane flying. He families. This is the process of building the
therefore called it a bird. According to Piaget this relationships among a small group of numbers,
concept is such as 4 + 2 = 6; 6 – 2 = 4, etc. This exercise is an
A. Organization example of the concept of
B. Accommodation A. conservation
C. Assimilation B. decentration
D. Equilibrium C. Reversibility
D. animism.
77. __________ is the process by which children
combine existing schemes into new and more 83. All of the following are components of the
complex intellectual structures. standard definition of intelligence EXCEPT
A. Assimilation A. capacity to understand the world.
B. Accommodation B. capacity to think rationally.
C. Organization C. capacity to score above average on standardized
D. Adaptation tests.
D. capacity to effectively use resources when faced
78. __________ is an inborn tendency to adjust to with challenges.
the demands of the environment. The goal is to
adjust to the environment. 84. Piaget’s second phase of moral development
A. Assimilation in which children show great respect for rules and
B. Accommodation apply them inflexibly is known as:
C. Organization A. moral absolutism
D. Adaptation B. moral realism
C. premoral stage
79. __________ is the process of modifying D. preconventional moral stage
existing schemes in order to incorporate or adapt to
new experiences 85. While out on her morning jog, Mary
A. Assimilation encounters a growling dog. Mary fears that the dog
B. Accommodation may try to bite her. According to Freud, this type
C. Organization of anxiety is:
D. Adaptation A. Moral Anxiety
B. Reality Anxiety
80. Vygotsky proposed that we should evaluate C. Neurotic Anxiety
human development from phylogenetic D. Libidinal Anxiety
perspective: What is meant by phylogenetic?
A. changes that occur over brief periods of time- 86. Which of the following is a reason Piaget
minutes and seconds underestimated children’s moral capacities:
B. development over evolutionary time A. Piaget only studied Swiss children
C. development over a lifetime B. Piaget only studied his own children
D. changes that have occurred in one's culture C. Piaget only gave children brief outlines of
and the values, norms and technologies such a moral situations
history has generated D. Piaget acted out his situations instead of
reading them
81. The concrete operational stage of cognitive
development is characterized by the active and
appropriate use of
A. sensory information
B. logic.
C. symbolic representations.
D. all of these answers.
ID NO. ____________________

87. According to Kohlberg, the phase of moral 92. How are conditioning, insight, and modeling
development in which justification for behavior is related, if they are at all?
based on the desire to avoid punishment and gain A. Conditioning, insight, and modeling are all
rewards is: types of learning.
A. postconventional B. Conditioning, insight, and modeling are all
B. semi-conventional similar to learning.
C. conventional C. Conditioning, insight, and modeling are all the
D. preconventional same type of learning.
D. The three processes are unrelated.
88. Which of the following is an accurate finding
from the research testing Kohlberg’s levels of 93. A limitation of Feud’s Psychodynmaic Theory
moral development: is
A. people in Ghana explain their answers A. Fails to define all its concepts clearly and
to moral dilemmas by pointing to personal distinctively
standards B. Makes empirical testing difficult, at times
B. people in India downplay in their impossible
reasoning the maintenance of personal purity C. Endorses the questionable view of the person
C. people in different cultures go through as an energy system
the stages in the same order D. All the above
D. many people in other cultures skip a
stage or regress to a lower stage 94. In general, _________ schedules of
reinforcement yield high response rates. The
89. The rightness or wrongness of addressing a highest rates are produced by _______ schedules.
teacher by his or her first name would be an A. interval; variable-interval
example from the: B. interval; fixed-interval
A. moral domain C. ratio; variable-ratio
B. social conventional domain D. ratio; fixed-ratio
C. personal choice domain
D. psychological domain 95. Which of the following is not the most Feared
sickness condition in later-life in Ghana
90. What was the main criticism on Sigmund A. Dementia
Freud’s Theory by Erik Erikson B. Stroke/Cancer
A. The use of sexual impulses C. Type I Diabetes
B. Neglect of the use of both sexes D. Deafness/Blindness
C. Neglect of the effect of Social and Cultural
factors 96. Critics of Kohlberg's theory of moral
D. The use of Western Culture and Children development have suggested that postconventional
morality is more characteristic of ________ than
91. Baba is 27 years old, and he feels very of ________.
insecure about some of the personal and career A. men; women
choices he has made so far. Consequently, he is B. socialists; capitalists
reluctant at this point to undertake a serious, C. Africans; Whites
committed relationship with another person. D. Catholics; Protestants
Based on Erikson’s theory, it is likely that Eugene
will: 97. Which of the following best defines eclectic
A. develop a sense of isolation psychology?
B. develop feelings of inferiority A. The study of animal instinct
C. develop a sense of despair B. The study of child development
D. become stagnated C. The study of abnormal behavior
D. The study of a variety of theories within the
ID NO. ____________________

98. Psychoanalytic psychology focuses mainly 104. Maslow was the founder of what type of
on: psychology?
A. Rewards and punishments A. Broadly-based
B. Self-esteem and self-actualization B. Humanistic
C. Biology and genetics C. Behaviouristic
D. Internal conflict and unconscious desires D. Educational

99. One major criticism of Ivan Pavlov’s concept 105. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,
of classical conditioning was that: what is the first need that must be met?
A. Safety
A. It did not take into account voluntary human B. Belonging
behavior. C. Esteem
B. It was unethical to use dogs in a psychology D. Physiological
C. It did not take into account involuntary 106. How many additional levels have been added
behavior. to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
D. It did not relate to human behavior. A. One
B. Five
100. Which of the following psychologists was a C. Three
structuralist? D. None
A. John Watson
B. Wilhelm Wundt 107. According to Maslow, Sara is having
C. William James difficulty staying on task because:
D. Max Wertheimer A. Her physiological needs are not being met.
B. Her esteem needs are not being met.
101. The use of rewards, punishments, and positive C. Her belonging needs are not being met.
reinforcement is an example of which field of D. All of the above.
108. A self-actualized person is:
A. Personality A. Lacking autonomy but has many friends.
B. Behavioral B. Is common in the population.
C. Social C. Has few peak experiences.
D. Psychoanalytic D. A person who focuses on problems outside of
102. “Give me a dozen healthy infants and my own
special world to bring them up in, and I’ll 109. Maslow believed that basic needs should be
guarantee to take any one at random and train him met in order to move to a higher level.
to become any type of specialist, …lawyer, A. True
doctor…” What psychological approach would B. False
support this statement? C. More true than false
A. Cognitive D. More false than true
B. Structural
C. Functional 110. Examples of physiological needs according to
D. Behavioral Maslow’s Theory are:
A. Food
103. Who was considered the father of psychology? B. Water
A. James C. Sleep
B. Wundt D. All of the above
C. Wertheimer
D. Freud

ID NO. ____________________

111. Monica is extremely neat and orderly. She 116. Which of the following examples best
cannot stand it when people touch things on her illustrates the pleasure principle?
desk. She also has a problem lending money to A. student takes pleasure in reporting a fellow
even her closest friends. Freud would say she is classmate for cheating.
stuck in what psychosexual stage? B. A new mother breastfeeds her infants.
A. Oral C. A corporate executive takes a vacation after
B. Anal working extremely hard the past month.
C. Phallic D. A spoiled child acts out by throwing his toys
D. Latency at the wall when he doesn’t get the Christmas gift
he wanted.
112. Alice is extremely sarcastic. She uses this to
cover up her low self-esteem. Freud would say she 117. A defense mechanism is best defined by Freud
is stuck in which psychosexual stage? as:
A. Oral A. systematic process used to avoid confrontation
B. Anal B. A thought process that operates at an
C. Phallic unconscious level to help an individual reduce
D. Latency anxiety
C. The creation of acceptable excuses for
113. If a child believes stealing in order to save a unacceptable behavior
life is OK because life is even more important than D. The transfer of feelings from the unconscious
following the law, this child would be in what to the conscious
stage of moral development? E. A thought process by which forbidden desires
A. Level one: preconventionaL are acknowledged.
B. Level two: conventional
C. Level three: postconventional 118. . The female version of the Oedipus complex
D. Level four: operational is called:
A. Isabella complex
114. Which of the following statement is a major B. Pleasure complex
criticism of Jean Piaget’s work with cognitive C. Electra complex
development? D. Octavia complex
A. Piaget failed to include clear age differences
for his stages? 119. According to Freud’s psychosexual theory of
B. Piaget placed too much emphasis on cognitive development, a man’s repression of sexual urges is
differences between young children and a result of which of the following?
adolescents. A. Fixation in the latency stage
C. Piaget often overestimated the cognitive B. Fixation in the anal stage
abilities of children. C. Fixation in the genital stage
D. Piaget often underestimated the cognitive D. Fixation in the phallic stage
abilities of children.
120. One major criticism of Freudian
115. A common criticism of Kolhberg’s theory is psychoanalytic theory is that it:
that the theory focuses too much on moral
reasoning and neglects moral affect and A. Focuses too much attention on sexual conflicts
behavior. and fixations
A. True B. Assumes all behaviors are learned during
B. False childhood
C. C. Is too pessimistic about the future of humanity
D. Focuses to much attention on the id and not
enough on the ego.

ID NO. ____________________

Match the following to their correct answers

121. _____ Intimacy v Isolation A Willpower & Self-Control.

122. _____ Industry v Inferiority B Love & Affiliation.

123. _____ Identity v Role Confusion C Competence & Method

124. _____ Autonomy v Shame & Doubt D Fidelity & Devotion.

125. ________ Sigmund Freud A. Psychosocial Development

126. ________ Jean Piaget B. Moral development
127. ________ Eric Ericson C. Psychoanalysis
128. ________ Kolberg D, Cognitive Development

129. ________ Autonomy v. shame and doubt A. Wisdom and Renunciation
130. ________ Integrity v. despair B. Will power and self control
131. ________ Trust V mistrust C. Purpose and direction
132. ________ Initiative v. guilt D. Hope and Drive

133. ________ Oral A. Stage I

134. ________ Phallic B. Stage II
135. ________ Anal C. Stage III
136. ________ Latency D. Stage IV
137. ________ Willpower A. Drive
138. ________Trust B. Mistrust
139. .________ Hope C. Self-Control
140. ________Autonomy D. Shame & Doubt

Good Luck
Edward Abasimi & Alhassan Mustapha


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