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EMT Thomas WK6

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EMT Scattenny (wks 627) © Tin these leches we wut Shody basic equakens undastye4 Scatter A flag EH warts from Varro. Dywseo or ‘scatteres’ » A partic der result we el deae is Raley Scatter chuch explains vty KS Sky is ble : Notion | Seabtouy Pine i eee > = a ° _ 7 : [I> ovkgory | SE Scatlerel mene | vacidet : ana aera cave C plane 16 NeB Novis” mis ex) oe Some frked jocdent_ drcech™ = Ro yushounst ver poinhey alorg,rodi Basic msde 1s fe consedar directrm from Sovme Sine Locadagell — Sovnss (3,2) ie confined to Some regen dy Spoute . 7 2 =) Far fom Savwera eee 7, (Acomry Kear (oh Sabi fy Maxuelt tquahevs wiih 1@ ~ Some femus - DA, =* » OF y-i a c* 5,2: an . od Bia tt tre ince vec polntyl . Stole €quakn con ee onhln for Da - As wowe approaches regtoo cee (J, PD ae nn-venshy Rov chops yo anes Ssfohar R jp ehich Sabi fire fudl Maxactt tquakis, cacladuy Sorin: ie. 3 A = pe F (sunler fuaha Re G: OF" fee) . Th men follons aed Mee def ferent bokwon Du ok b is We scaktesed freld os 7 — Thus Ag Ssaltsfes Sane yan &9” us( Wa Sovee au Lele ~ D Ase = por. Ta hems 4 be thesny 4 detteotid equatrens ye ois dame 2 Aw is Me So cattel Complumentyy furchon for Rh [nhomogeruss Keve £5", ond Are te particule enkegrat. The Sitution 1s fren aaa +Aec As we hore Seon presoatly, tee ae tue inte 4 | Soto howe 4 Dau = ped pte fe cowtopendyy be - incomuy sr oubgeuy ews Codveniad / retadid green's ferns) Gace Me pres we ac Shudy uy invatves 2 A plone ded wae propagahiy foruad wv far aol ter off * Source » he preg steely relevent chore 4 Scatter The cme cove sproadury fo out gouy 4 ’ Solo Hen for Ase (ce. retarded Greens factors). ws aves =) 7 ° = 7 $ Ase i {abe To a eke i) LL fom reterded Greed fer? > ch me) = Aw t Fl A bi Ase / t= 1Ree Stow orks 7 &= Din ae SB PH, t- aye Sprath Scatterer Approximcchien - ee EP Stmypert Furst aHerpt at urdarsterdly Scatter joress ty te Consedar localgedt Sots vd w Soe od me foot ab Sotshe for Asc 1s te far gore " Cse0. last wrecks leche s >) Men we con expal Ace Vea UAE pe Expaasron 10 ras Zone . 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Cal 4 Poyn hg, Vectr: LSal? =4 2pe a Use S cakner tow ae >? S. i P 6 a areneees Enx Ba e We car, 19 a Sumiler fashion, da lcne Ve enegy fur q Wwe scabtered wots “(G17 = de 4 {Es | Ue See fom — farm of Ee. Pred flux fot of 22 va A. rare ase pork quanhly fo defure 1S je depperedil Scabeny Cross ET cost Sect = ay ds= edn do (a, 2; %,8) cs Se 1a an === = pee vadoled wi divechur nv Pout incidet POX Loita duechovfta | Plank Std angle | = 2, ae DP 12 = = vy [e-En] W% Scoterel woe Pie oie polangaba & ~ 7 B* payecks Ese onto I ——podist flee wi polgehe 2 4 usher We complee ont vechos Co ,€ encode We poternz ation sealer @ inom vf geattered wanes! a. > jus wee Eee Se bn nd aS = 2 do = e fed [ wed x? -774 J] dn are) ee z a Pa aK 4 * a(E je eee ep unto] Es (osery eth ee nin far region : pstanahet utr ob ts plane directm d vewe A \. = Nole ee dapedeue on vaurdey 4 AS ~ Nay Che tt) Tus os Romhorghes Law for seater, 4, get 4% Soe: Mute Sowtes q Scatkerdg Gog back to Me case f Single Scabtemy Souce ik wee nok lacakel at angn (red) bok -if ak somé pow Xx ~ Con easly genentg er aL +> je rest - a X-X; > ss . OF TK Me OeX ) it = ~ 1 MS; Ea &e)= e@ De te. Ene OEE, T phase Stim for cater) urcue shrift - SH > : As. G2,€) = Ase (%-%) *) “KR KR an Fecoth ACR A e [ae FR t-Ry) [a ee" 1k =X") ~ 3 23 cee A (2, , &) “bfie KRG TOL eR E VD 5 2 re lx. Sy sl Le ‘I scattered a3 > ney o> Ase (4) at i Be. Gryt) we dete soe af f=0 (!0) Stat = Hee bee. Pak alas gece gk midieend by qveedl phale pacts uns shitty Scatter Satke fom reo r= IS |. i => dirffeahd Cassecha remarns unchage® + i (a 2 pyar yt spat eel a a ee | Ev | ] Go - a | ig. phase fackt deep ad 4 dete! ceabterj cass-Secher- Buf now mab Rapper if ne hawt _mmotiople 2 Thex asker fore tnoyht uc con readge Scates - Unis case fs mare Complex hecauce (9 effects can happen borne hoffe yook locator \nlefercuwe phos factus — comug for di. each scatteyy Soe! shoe ZeK(Do-* ) VS Atfference q derecher veckr 4 incaud ond scattved eure N-B mM DS is onside = 5 — pe | [hn So we gat unteferee betwnen rela’ prox pacon © Rens ? 3 > =a > 1a homeg - eee 25; SS Asc > 2 Ase5 Cane wove J nw — jusk add coves pordy scalterese Equakn 15 Nneot —— wows (Ks); 12 af we make reason alte aspomphon ra @® Scatteres cre elk Same yuck dithr bg mew locahos iT ~ ed + mcm for thy Ther (i FC ) do a C(e da) (f). t ; Cross Jecha j Caos s- Seche. for N Scattereo for Surge Scoberen Ft) cate stuetve_fackr Vs gukem Feaye(3 cite o To ondotterd Fg) - connder chad Neppe Tf Scattered wave duech Ne-fo —2 Seakley aly wn fowl a w Fa)= Foe) =1Z1 [= Ne divectton wo SD Pr _nfene effechs, (3) wa N | i. se) —JSo as fF Scaten gus co N, (Sf) qr 2 nN. Naa Gomi forward) duecha q to. a ee trol For grd.omly plaull Sous woe can argue Ip ACIS Ga w Scatter Sepamnbor’ o 7 a “¢ ee reca) ae 2 SER Whed lroypas to Fe) Ff scatterers @ aue arrayed ww regular fachin <5 In crystelld (gine Shake” : : Nz ; lige» 2-4 Cuble laltue > spot, NS > “t rectanguler i as box T(t G) = ar (fpr ) 3 7S N= N,Ai No One oblows ! ket) = Sin N, 4 2 ( Co le ran ) oy Ne : eee ze Sil GS TN chee mp ) > 28 ts ‘i z eg Mmnk gd IA pF Fexme gl toed N- = “ s gene | fe 7 ‘ ~ | \2 + =e ee. et) tee | seteet) | = Sn(N ta) /s0(@4/, Ctpnes emt ) Nohe each facts sits ) x c=}, Ue Sa (es \ What peak we Ww ~ am Sopa geek isi a : abe Ved and using L’ Hophale ve bik [ete . Te 3 on SRDETBRRES! = N - SUN OR z Ft) 3 ONS a => Conduit 1% = aK Ts gust condekn P94 1 * i weided scalt 2 i “a AN oe t= (aa ) “acgcan 1a ai ‘ ~ 7 _ofet)* +n - : a let (a cag Toh =e tr | - apitlilcos28 a woo a) = (4 -200828 Jt = 2.5020 t (2 2082 ) ‘Sa Cf tS eam 23 ici ena] a Scattery 4 Lge Sky “Rawfl eagle Scalteng crs sec hun’ forma ~ Yau So Smaller wewdlerfns ave caltered moc ther component 4, Ghule feds rh eS ee Tnjack ane mye aanak fo first approamatter rae Sate wa Me Sg = te, ne free currets | Sores Then ib Seam ve bene 90 Seatterny af alt | — Thes ts ne hocae we previ ony Pp Conndeied Scabtens wi free Space —ie €=foj Pope: Bud or fs a dielecté of € is cle bw 4. Thus boy ctSelf wu ret expla Scale — buh wnat wh 15 poh wef © 1s not con stent evoypbes, bud hea local fluchahens + Reral 4 Maxell Opheim tredan' CY > 45 yao Uxir= BP ( te Sour’) . He = 22 abe > 2 whe De p-ek 3 Pp: polecgatie "Ved 7 3 2 ~> J i. 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