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ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES ‘These notes are intended to clarify and amplify some of the earlier notes an scattering thecry. Let us start from Maxwell's equations, in their foam appropriate to fields ina medium. ‘The homogeneous ‘exquations V-B=0, VxE=-B remain unchanged, and allow us to introduce the potentials A and ® as before, in terms of which we still have B=VxA, 5 ‘The inhomogeneous equations V-D=p, introduce the fields D and H which are esentially phenomenclogical, macroscopic fields, They are related to the more fimdamental fields E and B by the aonstitutive relations. D=& B=)H (ina conductor we also have j= 0.) Although we have written the permittivity ¢, the permeability x and the conductivity @ as scalar quantities, they are more generally tensors in anisotropic media. We will for the present, suppase them to be constants. It is also useful to introduce the polarisation P and the magnetisation Mby D-qB=P, B=yo(H+M). ‘The relative permittivity ¢ and the relative pameability py are defined using the vacuum constants €os/5 by e= Foy HE ok. -V)A= Ws ‘where we have used the freedom to choo a gange in which V-Ateb=0 In the absence of sourves, j ‘waves, with phase velocity ¥ 0 = p, these have solutions of the fam exp[-i(wt ~ k -x)] of propagating to/k given by Of comse, in vacuum we have ‘Note that when there are no free charges (p = 0), we may take ® = 0, so that: we are in radiation gauge, when abo V+ A= 0. Then we have B= —A, B= Vx A. For the plane waves, we can even simplify this to ghe B= iwA, B= ik x A, and using the gauge condition VA =0=> k+ A = 0, ve have illustrated the fact that I, BB are mutually orthogonal vectars: electromagnetic waves axe frunsverse. In comluctons, the indusion of j= 0B modifies these equations to give 1 FB, 7 +onzs x e +O ap For waves of frequency w the effect of this is to replace 0 imaginary part 0 /wo 0 the permittivity ‘We will also wish later to make use of the equations eu by eu + iop/w, 50 in effect to add an DA =m +VxM+P)-V(V-A+ 54) Bb =Cpw(p-V-P)-2-A+ AH), or, on imposing the Lorentz condition 9,.. DA=po+V xM+P) D9 =Cpo(p- V-P). We have considered extensively the case when all the dynamic quantities, fidis and sources alike, oscillate with the same frequency, so that their time dependence may be given by a factor et, We are thereby lead to consider equations of the general fom VU) + 2H) = 160s where k = ww for waves propagating with vdocity vin a medium, or k =cw in vacuum. Tn the absence of the source term f(x), the solutions will be superpositions of y) = expe], or restoring the time-dependance, UGG) =eqpf—i(ut—ke0)], a plane wave travellingin the direction of the vector k. Solution in the presence of the source term is handled by the method of Green's functions: the solution for the particular case (V+ )GkQsy) = ~176 (Ky) ‘which is (using “outgping” boundary conditions) We then have as a solution v= -f [ FyGuey) fo, ‘to which can be added if appropriate a solution of the homogeneous equation, Jn this way we may obtain the potentials for given oscillating charge and current, source densities. These equations are equivalent, to Ho0=# | érPortmeog ty 2 ‘When the field point x is far from the sources, which we may take to be localised in the vicinity of the origin, these are well approximated by Ae)= BE | eyery), ste ae macy, ao) = 2S [eve ay). ‘Here k is a vector of magnitude / in the direction of x, and r = pd; the solutions have as their r-dependence Just the characteristic outgoing spherical wave ¢ /r, moculated in direction through the dependence on ks Jn deriving the dectric fidd from E= ~A— V@ = ikcA — VA, the role of the ® contzibution is to cancel off the component of E in the direction of k, We then find that the radiated fields are given by BaikxA, B=ikeAr, (tie suffix 7’ denoting transverse). ‘The multipole approximation to the fies is derived from a systematic expansion of the Green function Gu(x,y), which leads off with eo 1 S(1-ik-y(1-z))- ‘This expansion then expresses A in terms of succesive multipoles of the source, dectric and magnetic. The monopole tam (electric only, there are no magnetic monopales!) makes no contribution to the radiation. ‘The leading contributions will therefore usually be the dipole teams A(x) = ~ictlB (p— xm) the potential procuced by oscillating electric and magnetic dipoles p, m respectively. The corresponding lectric and magnetic fields are thas B= er) =F aexpye# _ 1 Box) = FE (mr + SEP) =GkxE. Similar methods apply to the discussion of seattering, when the radiation is not generated by given sources p,j, but by the electric and magnetic polarisation (P and M respectively) of the scatterer induced by the incident fds. So we now have instead of GA = jaj the coresponding equation OA= lV xM +P), ‘This time it is appropriate to adda solution to the homogeneous equation, representing the incident radiation, ‘80 as to obtain AG) = Anco) +42 [ yGu ay NW xM—isP)(). IF the incident wave is taken to be a plane wave in the direction ko with polarisation ¢) and amplitude Ao, we have An(2) = Aaeoe™ and the scattered wave becomes, at large distances, ee tg Aec(o) = FH f Pye-®9( ] as}. Hence we have for the total cross-section o{ot; Which is P divided by the incident fms, oot = a {tote [POM xB, — (xB) holds Now the scattering amplitude is F=pie. [eves eo x + Py, and the integral in this expression, which is taken over any volume endasing the scatterer can be expressed, by a succession of vector identities as follows: bo [ €ve*(0 xM+P)) = [eve™nng) = [@ye*0A) Ain =) = [eve™--P)AW) = [FAV — MPA] = [sete eA (a AL]US — (Groars darn) = [PA a-te (a WierM*A]AS = [2rsca-vertras— [byVAeY) (divergence teen) = [2reta der tras— [yl CW de®) -V (Vx (Ae 9) = Le [Ag (a Wer nV. (Ae“*Y) tnx (Vx (Age™™?))] dS Green again) = [Bas tavyerm nee ™CT AL) —m(AyVHHY HoH (VX Ay) Ag(n-Vye®Y + (1 Ag) Ve] dS =f) [As (a WHY + HY x (Vx Ay) + (A) VeMY = rePY(Y- Ag) = (Ag Ve] dS = [tina 1) +n x (Wx Ay) —ik(n- Ay) —n(V- Ay) + in(k- A)“. ‘We may now impose the radiation gauge condition V+ A = 0, and use ikeA,=E,, and Vx A,=B, as well as the fact that the scattered radiation is in the direction of n and is transverse so that n+E, = 0 to write this as. 1 & [A + hen xB, + 0(e-B JM" AS. ‘This then gives for the scattering amplitude 1 FU6kos) = FaEEe | [HB (0-1) + hen By +e BAe as 1 = TET” [en B. ~ (cB) ager ds ‘Comparing this with the previously obtained expression for the total crosssection, we arrive at ot = EM :kos te), which is the optical theorem, expressing the total cxoss-section as 4r/k times the imaginary part of the forward scattering amplitude,

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