8 781
3 authors:
Moritz Mathieu
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
All content following this page was uploaded by Christof Schelthoff on 19 May 2015.
Abstract - The paper firstly presents the method of a dynamic Consequently, planning with the rolling-sphere leads to
electro-geometrical model. In contrast to the classic rolling- possible point-of-strikes, where air-terminations have to be
sphere it does not use fixed radii, it works with a varying radius. placed (Fig. 1 & Fig. 2). However, no information is contained,
The method only uses existing and in international standards how probable are lightning strokes at these individual different
accepted results, fundamentals of lightning physics, and points. One may take as an example a rectangular building with
investigations; on that base a numerical method is elaborated. a flat roof. It is absolutely clear, that the probability of strokes
is much higher at the edges and corners compared to the roof.
Using the dynamic electro-geometrical model, secondly some
However, according to the rolling-sphere method the flat roof
examples of protection with air-termination rods planned with
the classic rolling-sphere according to IEC 62305-3 and for the
as well as the roof’s edges and corners are possible point-of-
classes of protection I – II – III – IV are investigated. It is shown, strikes, and with that they have to be protected by air-
that the interception efficiencies are much higher than terminations. Hence, the “classical” rolling-sphere method does
documented in the standard series IEC 62305. Reason is, that the not directly provide a value of an interception efficiency at the
method of the rolling-sphere is conservative, and that it gives the different point-of-strikes.
planner of lightning protection systems only the points, where On the other hand, detailed risk analysis according to IEC
lightning may strike, but without a rating with a striking 62305-2 [4] needs to assess a probability, that a structure’s
probability. On the other hand this result clearly indicates, that
external lightning protection system is effective against direct
using the classic rolling sphere method one is always on the “safe
strokes, i.e. protects a structure sufficiently. Therefore also the
knowledge of the interception efficiency of the air-terminations
Keywords: Lightning protection system, air-termination, IEC is useful and important.
62305, electro-geometrical model, numerical method, interception HARTONO and ROBIAH developed a so-called collection
efficiencies surface method (CSM) [5], which is generally the basis of the
investigation described in this paper. However, the CSM still
I. INTRODUCTION used fixed rolling-sphere radii, and with that does not consider
The rolling-sphere method is the basic planning procedure the probability distributions of the lightning current peak
for air-terminations of common structures. It is perfectly based values [1].
on the physics of lightning, it has impressively, worldwide and
since decades shown its quality, and it is fixed in international
lightning standards, e.g. the modern standard series IEC 62305
[1, 2]. The scientific background of the method is the so-called r
The method described in this paper, which is strongly based II. THE DYNAMIC ELECTRO-GEOMETRICAL MODEL
on the electro-geometrical model, does not work with fixed
rolling-sphere radii. In fact the radii are varied, therefore we A. Probability distributions for lightning current peak
call it dynamic electro-geometrical model. With this method a values
detailed calculation of interception efficiencies for air- Probability distributions for lightning current peak values
terminations is possible. The following well-known are very well investigated. The actual so-called “CIGRE data”
fundamentals of lightning physics and simple geometrical are the basis for international standards on lightning
considerations are combined to a numerical method [6]: protection, the standard series IEC 62305. IEC 62305-1,
- The probability distribution for lightning current peak Annex A [1] gives all necessary parameters for the analytical
values of natural lightning, given in IEC 62305-1, Annex description of the density function as a lognormal distribution:
A, Figure A.5 [1], which allows to give a probability
value, that a natural first lightning stroke has at least the I
dedicated peak value.
f (I )
2 2
- Based on the electro-geometrical model to each lightning 2 I
current peak value I a length of the final jump and with
that the rolling-sphere radius r can be linked, according to For the investigation, the negative and the positive first
IEC 62305-1, Annex A [1]. strokes have to be considered. The parameters for the negative
- The entire surface of the structure to be protected first strokes described via (1) are given in Table 1, for the
including the air-terminations (e.g. rods) is discretized positive first strokes in Table 2.
areally (surface points - SuP).
- The space outside the structure (above and besides) is
discretized spacially (space points - SpP). Parameter for eq. (1) I < 20 kA I > 20 kA
Mean value [kA] 61 33.3
- To each space point the closest surface point is defined Logarithmic standard 1.33 0.605
using simple geometrical relations. The distance between deviation
space point and surface point is the final jump distance.
With that a probability value for a lightning stroke from TABLE II. PARAMETERS OF THE POSITIVE FIRST STROKE DISTRIBUTION.
that space point to the surface point considered can be Parameter for eq. (1)
assessed. Mean value [kA] 33.9
- The investigation of the closest surface point is performed Logarithmic standard 1.21
generally for all space points.
- The probability values for the individual surface points are Finally the individual distributions for negative and positive
added. As we investigate under the assumption of a short strokes are combined, using the ratio 90%/10% according
lightning stroke to the structure, every value finally is to [1].
normalized to a total probability of 100% for a lightning
stroke to the entire structure.
B. Electro-geometrical model
Based on the electro-geometrical model to each lightning
current peak value I a length of the final jump and with that the
rolling-sphere radius r can be linked. Enormous research work
on this subject was performed. Nowadays, the following
description is given, again used in the international lightning
protection standard series IEC 62305 [1]:
r / m 10 I
p r r2
Figure 7. Nine air-termination rods as protection of the flat roof for LPS
class III (d = 20m) – necessary minimum height h = 2,3m.
The dynamic electro-geometrical model presented in this
paper uses existing and internationally accepted data, relations
and investigations. Based on that, a numerical method is
established giving the real probabilities of lightning strokes to
different points on the surface of a structure. As supposed, the
edges and corners of the structures are more exposed than flat
It is shown that the interception efficiencies of air-
termination rods, planned and installed according to the
classical rolling-sphere method [3] are much higher, than
predicted in the standard series IEC 62305 itself. Reason for
that is the conservative approach of the rolling-sphere method,
giving the LPS planner all possible points-of-strike, without an
information about the striking probability. On the other hand
this indicates that planning air-termination rods with the
rolling-sphere method is on the “safe side”. However,
sometimes and for some special cases of LPS it may be useful,
Figure 10. Interception efficiencies [in %] for LPS class III, distance of the to know the real interception efficiencies of air-termination
air-termination rods d = 20m, height h = 2,3m – 99,81% of all lightning rods, and then to perform a more detailed risk analysis [4]. The
strokes appear to the nine rods.
dynamic electro-geometrical model may help to document the
improvement of the damage probabilities PB in such cases.
[1] IEC 62305-1 Edition 2: 2010-12: Protection against lightning –
Part 1: General principles.
[2] IEC 62305-3 Edition 2: 2010-12: Protection against lightning –
Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard.
[3] V. Cooray and M. Becerra, Attachment of lightning flashes to
grounded structures, in V. Cooray: Lightning Protection. The
Institution of Engineering and Technology, London (UK), 2010.
[4] IEC 62305-2 Edition 2: 2010-12: Protection against lightning –
Part 2: Risk management.
[5] Z.A. Hartono and I. Robiah, “The collection surface concept as a
reliable method for predicting the lightning strike location”. 25th
International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP),
Rhodes (GR), September 2000. pp. 328 – 333.
[6] A. Kern, Ch. Schelthoff and M. Mathieu, “Probability of
lightning strikes to air-terminations of structures using the
electro-geometrical model theory and the statistics of lightning
current parameters”. 30th International Conference on Lightning
Protection (ICLP), Cagliari (IT), September 2010. paper 750.
Figure 11. Interception efficiencies [in %] for LPS class IV, distance of the
air-termination rods d = 40m, height h = 7,1m – 99,65% of all lightning
strokes appear to the four rods.