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Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering & Technology: Index

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Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data



Sr. Page
Name of Experiment D.O.P. D.O.C. Remark
No. No.
1 To verify the truth table of various logic gates using ICs.

2 To realize the gates using universal gates.

3 To perform code conversion

4 To realize half adder and full adder.

5 To implement ripple carry adder.

6 To implement carry look ahead adder.

7 To implement Booth’s algorithm.

8 To implement restoring division algorithm.

9 To implement non restoring division algorithm.

10 To implement ALU design.

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No. 1
Truth table of various logic gates using ICs.
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim - To verify the truth table of various logic gates using ICs.

Objective -
1. Understand how to use the breadboard to patch up, test your logic design and debug
2. The principal objective of this experiment is to fully understand the function and use
of logic gates.
3. Understand how to implement simple circuits based on a schematic diagram using
logic gates.

Components required -
1. IC’s 7408, 7432, 7404
2. Bread Board.
3. Connecting wires.

Theory -
In digital electronics, a gate is logic circuits with one output and one or more inputs. Logic
gates are available as integrated circuits.
AND gate :
AND gate performs logical multiplication, more commonly known as AND operation. The
AND gate output will be in high state only when all the inputs are in high state.7408 is a
Quad 2 input AND gate.
OR gate:
It performs logical addition. Its output become high if any of the inputs is in logic high. 7432
is a Quad 2 input OR gate.
NOT gate:
It performs basic logic function for inversion or complementation. The purpose of the
inverter is to change one logic level to the opposite level. IC 7404 is a Hex inverter.

Circuit Diagram, Truth Table -

AND Gate -
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

OR Gate -

NOT Gate -

1.Test all the components in the Ic packages using a digital IC tester. Also assure whether all
the connecting wires are in good condition by testing for the continuity using a Multimeter or
a trainer kit.
2.Verify the dual in line package (DIP) inout of the IC before feeding the inputs.
3.Set up the circuits and observe the outputs.

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Conclusion -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No. 2
Basic gates using universal gates.
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim - To realize the gates using universal gates.

Objective -
1) To study the realization of basic gates using universal gates.
2) Understanding how to construct any combinational logic function using NAND or
NOR gates only.
Theory -
AND, OR, NOT are called basic gates as their logical operation cannot be simplified further.
NAND and NOR are called universal gates as using only NAND or only NOR, any logic
function can be implemented.

Components required -
1. IC’s 7400(NAND) 7402(NOR)
2. Bread Board.
3. Connecting wires.

Circuit Diagram -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

a) Connections are made as per the circuit diagrams.
b) By applying the inputs, the outputs are observed and the operations are verified with the
help of truth table.

Conclusion -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No. 3
Implement code conversion
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim - To implement 4-bit Binary to Gray and Gray to binary code converter.

Objective -
1) To understand the function of Code Converters
2) Understand how to implement Binary to Gray and Gray to Binary code Converters
using logic gates.

Components required:
1. IC’s - 7486(EX-OR), 7408(AND)
2. Bread Board
3. Connecting wires.

To convert a binary number to corresponding Gray code, the following rules are
1. The MSB in the Gray code is the same as the corresponding bit in a binary number.
2. Going from left to right, add each adjacent pair of binary digits to get the next Gray
codedigit. Disregard carries.
As the first step to design a binary to Gray code Converter, set up a truth table with
binary numbers B3B2B1B0 and corresponding gray code numbers G3G2G1G0. set up a
circuitrealizing the simplified logic expressions obtained using K maps for Gs as the
functions of Bs.
To convert from Gray code to binary, the following rules are applied.
1. The most significant digit in the binary number is the same as the corresponding digit in
the Gray code
2. Add each binary digit generated to the Gray code digit in the next adjacent position.
Disregard carries.
To design the Gray to Binary code converter, set up the truth table and get simplified
expressions using Karnaugh maps for each binary bits as a function of Gray code bits. Each
Gray code number differs from the preceding number by a single bit.

Circuit Diagram and Truth Table -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Binary to Gray Code Converter -

Gray to Binary Code Converter -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Procedure -
1. Test all the components and IC packages using multimeter and digital IC tester.
2. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.
3. Switch on VCC and apply various combinations of input according to truth table.
4. Note down the output readings for different combinations of inputs and verify truth tables.

Conclusion -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No. 4
Realize half adder and full adder
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim - To realize half adder and full adder.

Objective -
1) The objective of this experiment is to understand the function of Half-adder,
Full-adder, Half-subtractor and Full-subtractor.
2) Understand how to implement Adder and Subtractor using logic gates.

Components required -
1. IC’s - 7486(X-OR), 7432(OR), 7408(AND), 7404 (NOT)
2. Bread Board
3. Connecting wires.

Theory -
Half adder is a combinational logic circuit with two inputs and two outputs. The half
adder circuit is designed to add two single bit binary numbers A and B. It is the basic
building block for addition of two single bit numbers. This circuit has two outputs CARRY
and SUM.
Sum =A ⊕ B
Carry = A B
Full adder is a combinational logic circuit with three inputs and two outputs. Full
adder is developed to overcome the drawback of HALF ADDER circuit. It can add two one
bit umbers A and B. The full adder has three inputs A, B, and CARRY in,the circuit has two
outputs CARRY out and SUM.
Sum = (A⊕B) ⊕ Cin
Carry = AB + Cin (A⊕B)
Subtracting a single-bit binary value B from another A (i.e. A -B) produces a
difference bit D and a borrow out bit B-out. This operation is called half subtraction and the
circuit to realize it is called a half subtractor. The Boolean functions describing the half-
Subtractor are
Sum =A ⊕B
Carry = A’ B
Subtracting two single-bit binary values, B, Cin from a single-bit value A produces a
difference bit D and a borrow out Br bit. This is called full subtraction. The Boolean
functions describing the full-subtractor are
Difference = (A ⊕ B) ⊕Cin
Borrow = A’B + A’(Cin) + B(Cin)

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Circuit Diagram and Truth Table -



Procedure -
1. Verify the gates.
2. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.
3. Switch on VCC and apply various combinations of input according to truth table.
4. Note down the output readings for half/full adder and half/full subtractor, Sum/difference
and the carry/borrow bit for different combinations of inputs verify their truth tables.

Conclusion -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No. 5
Implement ripple carry adder
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim: To implement ripple carry adder.

Objective: To understand the operation of a ripple carry adder, specifically how the carry
ripples through the adder.
1. examining the behavior of the working module to understand how the carry ripples
through the adder stages
2. to design a ripple carry adder using full adders to mimic the behavior of the working
3. the adder will add two 4 bit numbers

Theory: Arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division are basic
operations to be implemented in digital computers using basic gates like AND, OR, NOR,
NAND etc. Among all the arithmetic operations if we can implement addition then it is easy
to perform multiplication (by repeated addition), subtraction (by negating one operand) or
division (repeated subtraction).
Half Adders can be used to add two one bit binary numbers. It is also possible to create a
logical circuit using multiple full adders to add N-bit binary numbers. Each full adder inputs a
Cin, which is the Cout of the previous adder. This kind of adder is a Ripple Carry Adder,
since each carry bit "ripples" to the next full adder. The first (and only the first) full adder
may be replaced by a half adder. The block diagram of 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder is shown
here below -

The layout of ripple carry adder is simple, which allows for fast design time; however, the
ripple carry adder is relatively slow, since each full adder must wait for the carry bit to be
calculated from the previous full adder. The gate delay can easily be calculated by inspection
of the full adder circuit. Each full adder requires three levels of logic. In a 32-bit [ripple
carry] adder, there are 32 full adders, so the critical path (worst case) delay is 31 * 2(for carry
propagation) + 3(for sum) = 65 gate delays.

Design Issues:
The corresponding Boolean expressions are given here to construct a ripple carry adder. In
the half adder circuit the sum and carry bits are defined as
sum = A ⊕ B
carry = AB
In the full adder circuit the the Sum and Carry outpur is defined by inputs A, B and Carryin
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Carry=ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC
Having these we could design the circuit. But, we first check to see if there are any logically
equivalent statements that would lead to a more structured equivalent circuit.
With a little algebraic manipulation, one can see that
Sum= ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC
= (AB + AB) C + (AB + AB) C
= (A ⊕ B) C + (A ⊕ B) C
=A ⊕ B ⊕ C
Carry= ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC
= AB + (AB + AB) C
= AB + (A ⊕ B) C

Procedure to perform the experiment: Design of Ripple Carry Adders
1) Start the simulator as directed. This simulator supports 5-valued logic.
2) To design the circuit we need 3 full adder, 1 half adder, 8 Bit switch(to give input), 3
Digital display(2 for seeing input and 1 for seeing output sum), 1 Bit display(to see
the carry output), wires.
3) The pin configuration of a component is shown whenever the mouse is hovered on
any canned component of the palette or presses the 'show pin config’button. Pin
numbering starts from 1 and from the bottom left corner (indicating with the circle)
and increases anticlockwise.
4) For half adder input is in pin-5,8 output sum is in pin-4 and carry is pin-1, For full
adder input is in pin-5,6,8 output sum is in pin-4 and carry is pin-1
5) Click on the half adder component(in the Adder drawer in the pallet) and then click
on the position of the editor window where you want to add the component(no drag
and drop, simple click will serve the purpose), likewise add 3 full adders(from the
Adder drawer in the pallet), 8 Bit switches, 3 digital display and 1 bit Displays(from
Display and Input drawer of the pallet, if it is not seen scroll down in the drawer)
6) To connect any two components select the Connection menu of Palette, and then click
on the Source terminal and click on the target terminal. According to the circuit
diagram connect all the components, connect 4 bit switches to the 4 terminals of a
digital display and another set of 4 bit switches to the 4 terminals of another digital
display. connect the pin-1 of the full adder which will give the final carry output.
connet the sum(pin-4) of all the adders to the terminals of the third digital
display(according to the circuit diagram shown in screenshot). After the connection is
over click the selection tool in the pallet.
7) To see the circuit working, click on the Selection tool in the pallet then give input by
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

double clicking on the bit switch, (let it be 0011(3) and 0111(7)) you will see the
output on the output(10) digital display as sum and 0 as carry in bit display.

Circuit diagram of Ripple Carry Adder:

Components required:
The components needed to create 4 bit ripple carry adder is listed here -
⮚ 4 full-adders
⮚ wires to connect
⮚ LED display to obtain the output
OR we can use
⮚ 3 full-adders
⮚ 1 half adder
⮚ wires to connect
⮚ LED display to obtain the output

Screenshots of Ripple Carry Adder:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data


CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No.6
Implement Carry Look Ahead Adder.
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim: . To implement carry look ahead adder.

It computes the carries parallely thus greatly speeding up the computation.
1. To understanding behaviour of carry lookahead adder from module designed by the
student as part of the experiment
2. To understand the concept of reducing computation time with respect of ripple carry
adder by using carry generate and propagate functions.
3. The adder will add two 4 bit numbers

To reduce the computation time, there are faster ways to add two binary numbers by
using carry lookahead adders. They work by creating two signals P and G known to be Carry
Propagator and Carry Generator. The carry propagator is propagated to the next level whereas
the carry generator is used to generate the output carry ,regardless of input carry. The block
diagram of a 4-bit Carry Lookahead Adder is shown here below -

The number of gate levels for the carry propagation can be found from the circuit of
full adder. The signal from input carry Cin to output carry Cout requires an AND gate and an
OR gate, which constitutes two gate levels. So if there are four full adders in the parallel
adder, the output carry C5 would have 2 X 4 = 8 gate levels from C1 to C5. For an n-bit
parallel adder, there are 2n gate levels to propagate through.

Design Issues :
The corresponding boolean expressions are given here to construct a carry lookahead
adder. In the carry-lookahead circuit we ned to generate the two signals carry propagator(P)
and carry generator(G),
Pi = Ai ⊕ Bi
Gi = Ai · Bi
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

The output sum and carry can be expressed as

Sumi = Pi ⊕ Ci
Ci+1 = Gi + ( Pi · Ci)
Having these we could design the circuit. We can now write the Boolean function for the
carry output of each stage and substitute for each Ci its value from the previous equations:
C1 = G0 + P0 · C0
C2 = G1 + P1 · C1 = G1 + P1 · G0 + P1 · P0 · C0
C3 = G2 + P2 · C2 = G2 P2 · G1 + P2 · P1 · G0 + P2 · P1 · P0 · C0
C4 = G3 + P3 · C3 = G3 P3 · G2 P3 · P2 · G1 + P3 · P2 · P1 · G0 + P3 · P2 · P1 · P0 · C0

Procedure to perform the experiment: Design of Carry Look ahead Adders
1) Start the simulator as directed. This simulator supports 5-valued logic.
2) To design the circuit we need 7 half adder, 3 OR gate, 1 V+(to give 1 as input), 3
Digital display (2 for seeing input and 1 for seeing output sum), 1 Bit display(to see
the carry output), wires.
3) The pin configurations of a component are shown whenever the mouse is hovered on
any canned component of the palette or press the 'show pinconfig' button. Pin
numbering starts from 1 and from the bottom left corner (indicating with the circle)
and increases anticlockwise.
4) For half adder input is in pin-5,8 output sum is in pin-4 and carry is pin-1
5) Click on the half adder component(in the Adder drawer in the pallet) and then click
on the position of the editor window where you want to add the component(no drag
and drop, simple click will serve the purpose), likewise add 6 more full adders(from
the Adder drawer in the pallet), 3 OR gates(from Logic Gates drawer in the pallet), 1
V+, 3 digital display and 1 bit Displays(from Display and Input drawer of the pallet, if
it is not seen scroll down in the drawer)
6) To connect any two components select the Connection menu of Palette, and then click
on the Source terminal and click on the target terminal. According to the circuit
diagram connect all the components; connect V+ to the upper input terminals of 2
digital displays according to you input. Connect the OR gates according to the
diagram shown in the screenshot connect the pin-1 of the half adder which will give
the final carry output. Connect the sum (pin-4) of those adders to the terminals of the
third digital display which will give output sum. After the connection is over click the
selection tool in the pallet.
7) See the output; in the screenshot diagram we have given the value 0011(3) and
0111(7) so get 10 as sum and 0 as carry. You can also use many bit switches instead of
V+ to give input and by double clicking those bit switches can give different values
and check the result.

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Circuit diagram of Carry Look Ahead Adder:

Components required:
The components needed to create 4 bit carry look ahead adder is listed here -
1. 7 half-adders: 4 to create the look adder circuit, and 3 to evaluate Si and Pi · Ci
2. 3 OR gates to generate the next level carry Ci+1
3. wires to connect
4. LED display to obtain the output

Screenshots of Carry Look Ahead Adder:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data


CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No. 7
Implement Booth’s algorithm using c-programming
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

Aim: To implement Booth’s algorithm using c-programming.

Objective -
1. To understand the working of Booths algorithm.
2. To understand how to implement Booth’s algorithm using c-programming.


CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Booth’s algorithm is a multiplication algorithm that multiplies two signed binary

numbers in 2’s complement notation. Booth used desk calculators that were faster at shifting
than adding and created the algorithm to increase their speed.
The algorithm works as per the following conditions :
1. If Qn and Q-1 are same i.e. 00 or 11 perform arithmetic shift by 1 bit.
2. If Qn Q-1 = 10 do A= A - B and perform arithmetic shift by 1 bit.
3. If Qn Q-1 = 01 do A= A + B and perform arithmetic shift by 1 bit.

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int a = 0,b = 0, c = 0, a1 = 0, b1 = 0, com[5] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int anum[5] = {0}, anumcp[5] = {0}, bnum[5] = {0};
int acomp[5] = {0}, bcomp[5] = {0}, pro[5] = {0}, res[5] = {0};
void binary(){
a1 = fabs(a);
b1 = fabs(b);
int r, r2, i, temp;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){
r = a1 % 2;
a1 = a1 / 2;
r2 = b1 % 2;
b1 = b1 / 2;
anum[i] = r;
anumcp[i] = r;
bnum[i] = r2;
if(r2 == 0){
bcomp[i] = 1;
if(r == 0){
acomp[i] =1; }
//part for two's complementing
c = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++){
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

res[i] = com[i]+ bcomp[i] + c;

if(res[i] >= 2){
c = 1;
c = 0;
res[i] = res[i] % 2;
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
bcomp[i] = res[i];
//in case of negative inputs
if (a < 0){
c = 0;
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
res[i] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++){
res[i] = com[i] + acomp[i] + c;
if (res[i] >= 2){
c = 1;
c = 0;
res[i] = res[i]%2;
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
anum[i] = res[i];
anumcp[i] = res[i];
if(b < 0){
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){
temp = bnum[i];
bnum[i] = bcomp[i];
bcomp[i] = temp;
void add(int num[]){
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

int i;
c = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++){
res[i] = pro[i] + num[i] + c;
if (res[i] >= 2){
c = 1;
c = 0;
res[i] = res[i]%2;
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
pro[i] = res[i];
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
printf("%d", anumcp[i]);
void arshift(){//for arithmetic shift right
int temp = pro[4], temp2 = pro[0], i;
for (i = 1; i < 5 ; i++){//shift the MSB of product
pro[i-1] = pro[i];
pro[4] = temp;
for (i = 1; i < 5 ; i++){//shift the LSB of product
anumcp[i-1] = anumcp[i];
anumcp[4] = temp2;
printf("\nAR-SHIFT: ");//display together
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
for(i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
printf("%d", anumcp[i]);
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

void main(){
int i, q = 0;
printf("\nEnter two numbers to multiply: ");
printf("\nBoth must be less than 16");
//simulating for two numbers each below 16
printf("\nEnter A: ");
printf("Enter B: ");
scanf("%d", &b);
}while(a >=16 || b >=16);
printf("\nExpected product = %d", a * b);
printf("\n\nBinary Equivalents are: ");
printf("\nA = ");
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
printf("%d", anum[i]);
printf("\nB = ");
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
printf("%d", bnum[i]);
} printf("\nB'+ 1 = ");
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
printf("%d", bcomp[i]);
for (i = 0;i < 5; i++){
if (anum[i] == q){//just shift for 00 or 11
q = anum[i];
else if(anum[i] == 1 && q == 0){//subtract and shift for 10
printf("\nSUB B: ");
add(bcomp);//add two's complement to implement
q = anum[i];
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

else{//add ans shift for 01
printf("\nADD B: ");
q = anum[i];
} printf("\nProduct is = ");
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
printf("%d", pro[i]);
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
printf("%d", anumcp[i]);


Conclusion -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No. 8
Implement Restoring algorithm using c-programming
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim: To implement Restoring division algorithm using c-programming.

Objective -
1. To understand the working of Restoring division algorithm.
2. To understand how to implement Restoring division algorithm using c-programming.

1) The divisor is placed in M register, the dividend placed in Q register.
2) At every step, the A and Q registers together are shifted to the left by 1-bit
3) M is subtracted from A to determine whether A divides the partial remainder. If it does,
then Q0 set to 1-bit. Otherwise, Q0 gets a 0 bit and M must be added back to A to restore the
previous value.
4) The count is then decremented and the process continues for n steps. At the end, the
quotient is in the Q register and the remainder is in the A register.


CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

int getsize(int x)
int c;
c = 2;
else if(x < 4)
c = 2;
else if(x< 8)
c = 3;
else if(x< 16)
c = 4;
else if(x< 32)
c = 5;
else if(x< 64)
c = 6;
else if(x< 128)
c = 7;
else if(x< 256)
c = 8;
else if(x< 512)
c = 9;
return c;
int max(int x,int y)
if(x< y)
int main()
int B,Q,Z,M,c,c1,e,f,g,h,i,j,x,y,ch,in,S,G,P;
int a[24],b[12],b1[12],q[12],carry=0,count=0,option;
long num;
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

//clrscr ();
printf("¦\t\tPROGRAM FOR DIVISION\t\t¦\n");
printf("\n\nENTER DIVIDEND\t: ");
y = getsize(Q);
printf("ENTER DIVISOR\t: ");
x = getsize(M);
Z = max(x,y);
printf("\n\tTOTAL BITS CONSIDERED FOR RESULT => %d",2*Z+1);
printf("\n\tINITiALLY A IS RESET TO ZERO:");
printf("%d ",a[i]=0);
b1[i] = b[i] = M%2;
M = M/2;
b1[i] = 1-b1[i];
carry = 1;
c1 = b1[i]^carry;
carry = b1[i]&&carry;
a[i] = Q%2;
Q = Q/2;
printf("\n\n\tDivisor\t\t(M)\t: ");
printf("%d ",b[i]);
printf("\n\t2'C Divisor\t(M)\t: ");
printf("%d ",b1[i]);
printf("\n\tDividend\t(Q)\t: ");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

printf("\n\n\tBITS CONSIDERED:[ A ] [ M ]");

printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf(" ");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
count = Z;
a[i] = a[i+1];
printf("\n\nLeft Shift\t\t");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf(" ");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
a[i]=S ;
printf("\nA< -A-M \t\t");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf(" ");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf("\nBIT Q:%d",ch);
switch (ch)
case 0: a[2*Z]=1;
printf(" Q0< -1\t\t");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

printf(" ");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
case 1: a[2*Z]=0;
printf(" Q0< -0\t\t");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf(" ");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
a[i]=S ;
printf("\nA< -A+M");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf(" ");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf("\n\t\t< < QUOTIENT IN BITS>> :");
printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf("\n\t\tOUOTIENT IN DECIMAL :%d",num);
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

printf("\n\t\t< < REMAINDER IN BITS>>:");

printf("%d ",a[i]);
printf("\n\t\tREMAINDER IN DECIMAL :%d",num);

Output -

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Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Conclusion -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No. 9
Implement Non-Restoring algorithm using c-programming
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim - To implement Non-Restoring division algorithm using c-programming.

Objective -
1. To understand the working of Non-Restoring division algorithm.
2. To understand how to implement Non-Restoring division algorithm using
In each cycle content of the register, A is first shifted and then the divisor is added or
subtracted with the content of register A depending upon the sign of A. In this, there is no
need of restoring, but if the remainder is negative then there is a need of restoring the
remainder. This is the faster algorithm of division.

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Program –
int acum[100]={0};
void add(int acum[],int b[],int n);
int q[100],b[100],l;
int main()
int x,y;
printf("Enter the Number : ");
int i=0;
int n=i;
int bc[50];
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

int j;
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

printf("\nQuoient : ");
for( l=n-1;l>=0;l--)
printf("\nRemainder : ");
for( l=n;l>=0;l--)
return 0;
void add(int acum[],int bo[],int n)
int i=0,temp=0,sum=0;
CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab
Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

else if(sum==2)
else if(sum==1)
else if(sum==3)

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CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Conclusion -

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Experiment No.10
Implement ALU design.
Roll Number:
Date of Performance:
Date of Submission:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

Aim: To implement ALU design

Objective : Objective of 4 bit arithmetic logic unit (with AND, OR, XOR, ADD operation):
1. To understand behaviour of arithmetic logic unit from working module.
2. To Design an arithmetic logic unit for given parameter.

ALU or Arithmetic Logical Unit is a digital circuit to do arithmetic operations like
addition, subtraction,division, multiplication and logical oparations like and, or, xor, nand,
nor etc. A simple block diagram of a 4 bit ALU for operations and,or,xor and Add is shown
here :

The 4-bit ALU block is combined using 4 1-bit ALU block

Design Issues :
The circuit functionality of a 1 bit ALU is shown here, depending upon the control
signal S1 and S0 the circuit operates as follows:
for Control signal S1 = 0 , S0 = 0, the output is A And B,
for Control signal S1 = 0 , S0 = 1, the output is A Or B,
for Control signal S1 = 1 , S0 = 0, the output is A Xor B,
for Control signal S1 = 1 , S0 = 1, the output is A Add B.
The truth table for 16-bit ALU with capabilities similar to 74181 is shown here:
Required functionality of ALU (inputs and outputs are active high)

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

S3 S2 S1 S0 (M = H) (M = L) (Cn=L)
L L L L A' A
L L L H A'+B' A+B
L L H L A'B A+B'
L L H H Logic 0 minus 1
L H L L (AB)' A plus AB'
L H L H B' (A + B) plus AB'
L H H L A ⊕ B A minus B minus 1
L H H H AB' AB minus 1
H L L L A'+B A plus AB
H L L H (A ⊕ B)' A plus B
H L H L B (A + B') plus AB
H L H H AB AB minus 1
H H L L Logic 1 A plus A (Note 1)
H H L H A+B' (A + B) plus A
H H H L A+B (A + B') plus A
H H H H A A minus 1

1) Start the simulator as directed.This simulator supports 5-valued logic.
2) To design the circuit we need 4 1-bit ALU, 11 Bit switch (to give input,which will
toggle its value with a double click), 5 Bit displays (for seeing output), wires.
3) The pin configuration of a component is shown whenever the mouse is hovered on
any canned component of the palette. Pin numbering starts from 1 and from the
bottom left corner (indicating with the circle) and increases anticlockwise.
4) For 1-bit ALU input A0 is in pin-9,B0 is in pin-10, C0 is in pin-11 (this is input
carry), for selection of operation, S0 is in pin-12, S1 is in pin-13, output F is in pin-8
and output carry is pin-7
5) Click on the 1-bit ALU component (in the Other Component drawer in the pallet) and
then click on the position of the editor window where you want to add the component
(no drag and drop, simple click will serve the purpose), likewise add 3 more 1-bit
ALU (from the Other Component drawer in the pallet), 11 Bit switches and 5 Bit
Displays (from Display and Input drawer of the pallet,if it is not seen scroll down in
the drawer), 3 digital display and 1 bit Displays (from Display and Input drawer of the
pallet,if it is not seen scroll down in the drawer)

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data

6) To connect any two components select the Connection menu of Palette, and then click
on the Source terminal and click on the target terminal. According to the circuit
diagram connect all the components. Connect the Bit switches with the inputs and Bit
displays component with the outputs. After the connection is over click the selection
tool in the pallete.
7) See the output, in the screenshot diagram we have given the value of S1 S0=11 which
will perform add operation and two number input as A0 A1 A2 A3=0010 and B0 B1
B2 B3=0100 so get output F0 F1 F2 F3=0110 as sum and 0 as carry which is indeed
an add operation.you can also use many other combination of different values and
check the result. The operations are implemented using the truth table for 4 bit ALU
given in the theory.
Circuit diagram of 4 bit ALU:

Components required :
To build any 4 bit ALU, we need :
⮚ AND gate, OR gate, XOR gate
⮚ Full Adder,
⮚ 4-to-1 MUX
⮚ Wires to connect.
Screenshots of ALU design:

CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data


CSL302: Digital Logic & Computer Organization Architecture Lab

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