R. Saravanakumar
Assistant Professor, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and
Technology, Avadi, Tamilnadu, Chennai, India
Concrete is the most material being used in infrastructure development throughout
the world. Fine aggregate is a prime material used for preparation of mortar and
concrete and which plays a major role in mix design. Fine aggregates are weathered
and worn out particles of rocks and are of various grades or sizes depending upon the
amount of wearing. Now-a-days fine aggregate is not readily available, it is
transported from a long distance. Those resources are also exhausting very rapidly.
The non-availability or shortage of fine aggregate will affect the construction
industry, hence there is a need to find the new alternative material to replace the fine
aggregate, such that harm to environment is prevented. Many researchers are finding
different materials to replace fine aggregate. This study aimed to investigate the
suitability of using brick debris in concrete in place of fine aggregate. Brick debris
originated from demolished masonry walls crushed in the laboratory and added in
partial fine aggregate replacement. Four replacement levels, 5%, 10%, 15%, and
20%, were compared with the control. The tests on concrete showed that the
mechanical properties (compressive strength test) of concrete containing brick debris
were well comparable to those of the concrete without ground brick.
Keywords: Compressive strength, Brick debris, Fine aggregate.
Cite this Article: R. Veerakumar and R. Saravanakumar, A Detailed Study on Partial
Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Brick Debris, International Journal of Civil
Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 2018, pp. 1028–1036.
Concrete is the mixture of various materials coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, cement &
water, each of them is mixed in various proportions to achieve specific strength (Animesh et
al 2017). Huge quantities of construction and demolition wastes are generated not only in
India but all over the world. These wastes are increasing every year predominantly The annual
concrete production is estimated as 11 billion metric tons, 70–75% of the number is fine
aggregate (mostly natural rock); 15% is water; and 10–15% is cementations binder. With
increasing environmental pressure to reduce solid waste and to recycle as much as possible,
the concrete industry has adopted a number of methods to achieve this goal by replacement
of different waste materials instead of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate (Sharifi et al
2013; Animesh et al 2017). Importantly, the need for fine aggregate also increases rapidly as
the present world is constantly focused on bigger and better infrastructure and the demand for
fine aggregate is enormous.
One of the existing problems is that the increasing use of natural fine aggregate creates an
ecological imbalance as we are constantly extracting from the natural resources. Thus, partial
replacement of fine aggregate is vital in construction industries. Various researchers and
scientists are already working and also have come out with their own ideas to decrease or
fully replace the use of fine aggregate and use recent innovations such as M-Sand
(manufactured sand), robot silica or sand, brick debris, filtered sand, treated and sieved silt
removed from reservoirs as well as dams besides sand from other water bodies Use of
construction debris as fine aggregate is an alternative for the replenishing quarry and river
sand. The present study presents an overview of other efforts for the replacement of fine
aggregate and also to evaluate the utility of crushed brick as a partial replacement of sand in
concrete. Further the replaced concrete material is compared with the performance
conventional concrete. In addition to that, this work helps in understanding the effectiveness
of brick as in strength enhancement.
replacement of natural aggregates with recycled aggregates whereas the flexural strength of
recycled concrete was found to decrease with increase in percentage of RCA & RFA.
Jayakumar et al 2016 aimed finding the optimum concrete mixture encompassing of cement
mortar and brick bat debris as a substitute for fine aggregate. The basic properties of cement
mortar debris and brick bat debris as fine aggregate was studied and it is compared with the
traditional fine aggregate. It was tried in different proportions on strength and was recorded at
the curing age of 7, 14 and 28 days. The results concluded that particular proportions of
cement mortar debris and brickbat debris displayed enhancing effect on the compressive
Nili et al 2012 worked on the concrete potential as a friendly environmental construction
material to use different type of waste materials as a partial replacement for aggregates and
even cement. Six type of waste materials include: recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), waste
glass of all kinds mostly (container glass, thin film transistor liquid crystal display [TFT-
LCD], crushed clay brick aggregate, various plastic types such as polyethylene (PET), scraped
PVC pipes and rubbers , recycled ceramic materials from sanitary installation and recycling
ornamental stones (Granite and Marble). For all six categories of recycled materials,
mechanical and durability properties are discussed. Also reuse of these materials in concrete
were evaluated from the viewpoints of environmental aspect and cost efficiency. It is
concluded that by introducing of some outstanding features of these materials, a new
perspectives to concrete technology and efficiently may be expected.
Sriharsha and Murthy (2014) utilized demolition debris from old structures of
construction industries and the blast furnace slag which is easily available from iron ore
industries for manufacturing the test samples in various batch mix proportions with 53 grade
cement; providing a stage for further research in this aspect, using the feasible results from
experimental studies, in order to manufacture test blocks or bricks as practicable. Laboratory
tests are carried out to assess the physical properties like compression strength and water
absorption on these test samples. The strength characteristics of all the above samples with
standard mixes and modified proportions are studied. The compressive strength and water
absorption are calculated for each sample and are compared with each mix and conclusions
are drawn.
Kumar and Siva (2015) carried out laboratory experiments to scrutinize a concrete made
of partial replacement of coarse aggregate with construction and demolition waste materials
like ceramic tiles waste, plastic debris, crushed bricks. The resultant concrete thus produced
was tested on the following parameters like compressive strength, workability, flexural
strength. The results thus obtained are compared with a plain cement concrete. By using low
weight materials like plastic debris they got a light weight concrete. The workability of
concrete produced with construction waste when compared with plain cement concrete is not
reliable but it produced a considerable increase in the compressive strength.
Dinesh Kumar et al 2016 focused on the usage of coal bottom ash in replacing the fine
aggregate. Bottom ash forms up to 25% of the total ash while the fly ash forms the remaining
75%. Their research experimented the behaviour of concrete using coal bottom ash at
different replacement level of sand. The study evaluated the potential of coal bottom ash as a
partial replacement of sand in concrete by 0% , 10% , 20% , 30%, 40%, and 50% . In order to
study the mechanical properties of concrete, M25 grade was fixed. At the point when the
bottom ash is utilized as a part of the concrete, the workability of existing is diminished
because of the water request. At last, the utilization of coal bottom ash in concrete is
prescribed as a different option for fine aggregates in concrete but limited to 20% by weight
of fine aggregate.
Sai Samanth and Prakhar (2016) dealt with the analysis of properties of concrete replaced
by recycled construction and demolition debris as aggregates in concrete mix. Determining
the replacement ratio of this debris as fine and coarse aggregate is presented in this paper with
experimental results. This effective utilization of the debris as aggregates without altering the
properties of conventional concrete contributes in solid waste management and also helps in
finding partial replacement for sand and quarry.
Based on the literature review, the present research work focusses on the demolished
bricks as an alternate source. As bricks are wasted during the demolition of some construction
site in some sites it is being used as a replacement of coarse aggregate. In India about 30% of
construction is being done on the demolition site where most of the waste construction is
wasted. Such waste construction material can be used as replacement in making concrete
Bricks crushed in coarse powder form were used as a fine aggregate for making concrete.
The waste bricks as obtained from garbage of a broken building were collected and pulverized
to get the particle passing 4.75 mm sieve and retained on 0.075 mm sieve to get the grading of
fine aggregate. 5, 10, 15, and 20% brick powder is used as replacement of fine aggregate in
the experiments.
The aim of the experiment was to assess the properties of concrete made with crushed
brick and to study important aspects such as compressive strength of concrete prepared by
using brick debris with different percentage of replacements with Fine Aggregate. The
concrete mix design was proposed using Indian Standard for control concrete (IS
10262:1982). The grade was M20. The Proportion of materials shown in Table 2. The
replacement levels of sand by brick powder were used in terms of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% in
Cement used for the study was tested for the parameters specific gravity, fineness,
consistency test, setting time. Fine aggregate were tested for Fineness modulus, specific
gravity, Water absorption, Bulk density, Void ratio. Concrete blocks were tested for
compressive strength under four different mixes. In CC mix, the conventionally Cement,
Coarse aggregate, Fine Aggregate were mixed with Water and analysed for strength
parameters. In R-1 mix only 5% Fine Aggregate is replaced with brick debris and other
ingredients were as same in CC mix. In R-2 mix only 10% Fine Aggregate is replaced with
brick debris and other ingredients were as same in CC mix. In R-3 mix only 15% Fine
Aggregate is replaced with brick debris and other ingredients as same in CC mix. In R-4 only
20% Fine Aggregate is replaced with brick debris and other ingredients were as same in CC
In order to study the effect of replacement of sand in various ratio of brick debris 12
numbers of cube of 150mm x150mm x 150mm size were cast and used as test specimens to
determine the compressive strength at the age of 7,14 and 28 days. All specimens were tested
every time at the required days and mean value was taken. Sieve analysis (IS 2386-PART I)
was carried out on the river sand, cement mortar debris and brick bat debris as shown in
Table 3 and Table 4.
0.01 0.1 1 10
0.01 0.1 1 10
The casted cubes were tested for compressive strength at 7, 4 and 28 days of curing. The
compressive strength values of 7, 14 and 28 days were obtained and are listed in the following
Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 respectively.
Figure 1 Comparison of Compressive strength for various proportions of brick debris @ 7, 14 and 28 days
Out of all tests conducted on concrete, compressive strength of concrete has utmost
importance and which gives all the important characteristics of a concrete. We have casted a
total of 12 concrete blocks with different proportions including OPC. Size of the concrete
block 150mm×150mm×150mm cube moulds are used for the tests. The concrete is poured in
to mould and are tampered to avoid voids. After hours of duration test moulds are removed
and the specimens are kept in water for curing. These specimens are tested under compressive
testing machine after 7 days, 14 days and 28 days after casting.
Based on the experimental study of investigating the use of brick debris in concrete, the
following conclusions which are limited to the materials used in the study.
This is an eco-friendly concrete as it subsides the stagnation of demolished brick waste by
consuming it.
As much as of the total cost of cement in conventional method can be saved by this procedure.
Cost saving percentage increases with increase in richness of mix design.
Concrete gains early strength and hence shuttering can be removed early thereby reducing the
secondary overhead copy.
The test results of compressive strength shows that the optimum replacement of fine aggregate
is achieved at 10% replacement of fine aggregate by crushed brick debris compared to the
respective conventional concrete strength.
The possibility exists for the partial replacement of fine aggregate with brick debris which is
produced during demolition of construction site.
Also other industrial and agro-waste materials can be appropriately utilized in civil
construction works. Therefore, the economic viability of such applications along with the
durability of these materials needs further examination. An important obvious advantage is
that with recycling of stone, aggregate, bricks etc. quarrying and mining for stones, and will
be reduced. Thus the earth surface can be further saved and ecological disturbances on
account of this activity will be reduced. For example, raw material for bricks manufacturing is
totally earth based. Reuse of bricks means lesser possibilities of removing fertile earth, soil
grass cover and forestation. This will minimize environmental destruction in over all terms.
With large volume of building works, and to meet its demand, it is observed that there can be
large uncontrolled growth of brick kilns, contributing to environmental decay.
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