Unit2 - : Planning
Unit2 - : Planning
Unit2 - : Planning
According to Fayol - "The plan of action is, at one and the same
time, the result envisaged, the line of action to be followed, the
stages to go through, and the methods to use. It is a kind of
future picture wherein proximate events are outlined with some
What are the best pricing strategy and policy for our operation?
Major kinds of strategies and policies
• Growth strategies
• Personnel
• Finance
• Organizational
Major kinds of strategies and policies
•C I
The creative process
• The creative process is seldom simple and linear. Instead, it generally consists of
four overlapping and interacting phases.
The first phase, unconscious scanning, is difficult to explain because it is beyond
conscious. This scanning usually require an absorption in the problem, which
may be vague in the mind.
The second phase, intuition, connects the unconscious with the conscious. This
stage may involves a combination of factors that may seem contradictory at first.
For example one company conceived the idea of a decentralized division
structure with centralized control, concepts that seem to contradict each other.
• Intuition needs time to work. It requires that people find new
combinations and integrate diverse concepts and ideas. Thus
one must think through the problem. Intuitive thinking is
promoted by several techniques such brainstorming and
• Insight, the third phase of the creative process is mostly the
result of hard work. For example, many ideas are needed in the
development of a usable product, a new service, or a new
• What is interesting is that insight focused on the problem at
hand. Moreover, new insight may last for only a few minutes,
and effective managers may benefit from having paper and
pencil ready to make notes of their creative ideas.
• The last phase in the creative process is logical formulation or
verification. Insight needs to be tested through logic or
experiment . This may be accomplished by continuing to work
or by inviting critique from others.
• Creativity can be taught. Creativity thought`s are often the
fruits of extensive efforts. Some techniques focus on group
interactions, others focus on individual actions.
• One of the best-known techniques for facilitating creativity has
been developed by Alex F. Osborn, who has been called “the
father of brainstorming”.
• In the brainstorming session, a multiplication of ideas is sought.
The rules are as follows.
1. No ideas are ever criticized
2. The more radical the ideas are, the better
3. The quantity of idea production is stressed.
4. The improvement of ideas by others is encouraged.
Brainstorming, which emphasis group thinking, was widely
accepted after its introduction.
The creative manager
• Creative people are inquisitive and come up with many new
and unusual ideas: they are seldom satisfied with the status quo.
Although intelligent, they not only rely on the rational process
but also involve the emotional aspects of their personality in
problem solving.
• They appear to be excited about solving a problem, even to the
point of tenacity. Creative individuals are aware of themselves
and capable of independent judgment. They object to
conformity and see themselves as being different.
Two Marks
• Define planning.
• Define an objective.
• Define policies.
• Classify the types of policies.
• Define planning premises.
• What are the practices made in making effective
• List the quantitative forecasting techniques.
• Define MBO.
• What are the demands that should be met by the selective
• List few benefits of MBO.
• Define strategy.
• What is forecasting?