Business Policy and Strategies Notes
Business Policy and Strategies Notes
Business Policy and Strategies Notes
• Business Policy defines the scope or spheres within which decisions can be
taken by the subordinates in an organization. It permits the lower level
management to deal with the problems and issues without consulting top
level management every time for decisions.
• Business policies are the guidelines developed by an organization to govern
its actions. They define the limits within which decisions must be made.
Business policy also deals with acquisition of resources with which
organizational goals can be achieved. Business policy is the study of the roles
and responsibilities of top level management, the significant issues affecting
organizational success and the decisions affecting organization in long-run.
Features of Business Policy
• .
• Operational strategies are short term and are associated with the various
operational departments of the company such as human resource, finance,
marketing and production.
• Competitive strategies – are those related to the technique in competing in a
certain industry. The company must identify the strengths and weaknesses
of its competitors, thus formulate strategies to gain competitive advantage
• Corporate Strategy – Is to be able to improve both operational and competitive
strategies. There should be a synergy between the operating units and
competitive strategies should support overall corporate strategies.
Corporate strategies are long – term, consolidate and direct the organization
resulting to overall organization’s performance.
• Competitive Advantage - A competitive advantage is what makes an entity's
goods or services superior to all of a customer's other choices. The term is
commonly used for businesses.
• If strategy formulation is uniquely designed and effectively communicated,
organizations have greater possibilities of obtaining organizational
competitiveness. Optimum use of resources and maximum performance at
its best productivity
• Strategy Implementation - Strategic implementation is a process that puts
plans and strategies into action to reach desired goals. The strategic plan
itself is a written document that details the steps and processes needed to
reach plan goals, and includes feedback and progress reports to ensure that
the plan is on track.
• programs
• Procedures
• activities
• If strategy implementation is effectively employed, organization can have the
comparative advantage. Lower marginal and opportunity costs than its
• Strategy Evaluation - strategy Evaluation is as significant as strategy
formulation because it throws light on the efficiency and effectiveness of the
comprehensive plans in achieving the desired results. The managers can also
assess the appropriateness of the current strategy in todays dynamic world
with socio-economic, political and technological innovations. Strategic
Evaluation is the final phase of strategic management.
• If strategic control is properly in placed, the organization can realize strategic
performance. Accomplishment of high level of productivity. There will be
efficiency and quantifiable management