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“A Comparative Study of Performance

Appraisal with Special Reference to Bharti
Airtel Limited and Reliance Jio Infocomm
Limited in Lucknow City”

Guided By-
Ms. Tripti Siingh
(Asst. Professor)

Submitted By-
Roll No.-1705470588

SESSION 2018-2019

Babu Banarasi Das

National Institute of Technology & Management
Sector 1, Akhilesh Das nagar, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U. P.), India

“A Comparative Study of Performance Appraisal with Special Reference to Bharti Airtel

Limited and Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited in Lucknow City”


The telecommunications industry within the sector of information and communication

technology is made up of all Telecommunications/telephone companies and internet service
providers and plays the crucial role in the evolution of mobile communications and the information
Traditional telephone calls continue to be the industry's biggest revenue generator, but thanks to
advances in network technology, Telecom today is less about voice and increasingly about text
(messaging, email) and images (e.g. video streaming). High-speed internet access for computer-
based data applications such as broadband information services and interactive entertainment, is
pervasive. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is the main broadband telecom technology. The fastest
growth comes from (value-added) services delivered over mobile networks.
Performance Appraisal according to Airtel
 Companys Philosophy – Not Just Jobs but careers

 Airtel calls themselves impatient Organisation

 An employee stays for a maximum period of one year or one and half year

 Result of this principle – Promotion ,Transfer ,Termination

 Performance Appraisal helps employer to differentiate talent of the employees

 Airtel follows a competency framework , Alive (needs of customer) ,Inclusive (serving

the diversity) ,Respectful (living the life of customer)

Performance appraisal according to Reliance JIO infocomm

 360 Degree Feedback Evaluation

 Essay Method – A performance appraisal method in which the rater writes a brief

narrative describing an employee’s performance

 Human resource accounting

 Ranking method

 Graphic rating scale

 Reliance jio used Forced Distribution Method


“All process is born of inquiry. Doubt is often better than overconfidence, for it leads to inquiry

and inquiry leads to invention.” Is a famous Hudson Maxim in context of which the significance

of research can well be understood? Increased amounts of research make progress possible.

Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it promotes the development of logical

habits of thinking and organization.

The role of research in several fields of applied economics, whether related to business or to the

economy as a whole, has greatly increased in modern times. The increasing complex nature of

business and government has focused attention on the use of research in solving operational

problems. Research, as an aid to economic policy, has gained added importance, both for

government and business.

They’re just not accurate in a lot of cases and for a lot of reasons. Here are some examples:

o They’re an easy outlet for favoritism, which results in employees getting ratings that
are higher than warranted.
o Managers often don’t have or don’t make time to complete them in an honest, open
way. And without doing so, that means that they will not be as accurate or as helpful
as they should be.
o Even in the best of circumstances, performance appraisals will be subjective, and
each manager will bring his or her own biases to the process, hindering the ability to
compare results.
o No one likes to give others negative feedback, which often means problems will get
papered over or left out entirely.
o Systems often don’t get updated to reflect true goals, especially in today’s
environment where goals change much faster than annually. That leaves a situation
in which an employee is being reviewed on items that are wholly or partially
 Lack of documentation of problems, as noted above, becomes a problem itself. This
means employers are open to wrongful termination claims if an employee has a record of
good reviews but is later fired for poor performance seemingly out of nowhere.
 Employees often dread them. If the performance appraisal is not linked to specific career
goals, top talent might not see the point—and thus may view them as a negative experience.
This problem means that the mere act of having a performance review process can actually
result in higher turnover—especially for top talent.
 Having an official performance review process can actually hinder timely feedback the
rest of the year. This is because managers often view the performance review process as a
catch-all time to cover anything that has been going on with the employee—and thus put off
having discussions outside of this process.
 Giving otherwise good employees negative feedback in this format can cause extreme
frustration—even to the point of reducing overall employee satisfaction. This is especially
true if the feedback is no longer relevant because it was not delivered in a timely manner.
 It costs a lot—both in terms of time spent and money invested in performance appraisal
systems—to implement a performance appraisal process. That money does not always
translate to improved productivity if the process is not carried out to its highest pote


 To comparative study of .performance appraisal with special reference to Bharti Airtel

and Reliance Jio Infocomm.

 To study and analyse the different performance appraisal scheme in Bh.arti Airtel and

Reliance JIO infocomm .

 To study the annual performance appraisal system in Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio


 To study the performance feedback and counseling for employees in Bharti Airtel and

Reliance Jio Infocomm.

 To analyze the employee attitude towards the present appraisal system.

 To enhance the Job satisfaction and self actualization of employees by encouraging, and

assisting every employee to reliaze his or her own potential.


Research Design-Descriptive research design

Data is the information collected from various sources. It is concerned with gather accurate and

proper knowledge about the problem that is in hand. Formally there are 2 types of gathering

information namely primary data and secondary data.

Primary Data: data is collected to obtain desired information through structured questionnaire.

Secondary Data: it is compiled through books, magazines, newspapers and internet etc…

Sample size:

A sample size of 50 will be taken in order to carry the study.

Sampling unit:


Sampling technique:

A simple random technique was adopted to select the representative sample from the sampling


Tools for data collection

Data for this study is collected from both primary and secondary data.

Chapter 1-: Introduction

Chapter 2-: Review of Literature

Scope of The study

Area of the Study

Chapter 3-: Objectives of study

Research Methodology

Problems and Limitations

Chapter 4-: Data analysis and Interpretation


Chapter 5-: Recommendations/ Suggestions

Chapter 6-: Conclusion

Chapter 7-: Bibliography


 Kothari, C.R. Research methodology, 3rd edition, 1997, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New


 Zikmund, William G. “Business Research Methods” Thomson south – western 7th edition.

 Philip kotler, “Marketing Management” prentice hall of India, 13th edition.

 Chunawalla, S.A., “Foundation of advertising theory & Practice”. Himalaya Publishing House,

5th edition.

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