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Microbiology Notes

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CHAPTER 1 antibiotic industries and in genetic

 Biology - study of living organisms engineering.
 Microbiology - study of microbes,  In genetic engineering, a gene(s) from
which are extremely small one organism is inserted into a
(microscopic) living organisms and bacterial or yeast cell; the cell that
certain non-living entities. receives the new gene(s) is then
 Living microbes - known as cellular capable of producing the gene
microbes or microorganisms; examples product(s) coded for by the new
include bacteria, archaea, some algae, gene(s).
protozoa, and some fungi.  Biotechnology - use of living organisms
 Nonliving microbes - known as as their derivatives to modify products
acellular microbes or infectious  Fossils of primitive microorganisms
particles; examples include viroids, date back about 3.5 billion years.
prions, and viruses.  Archaea & cyanobacteria - first
 Microbes are ubiquitous (i.e., they are microorganism on Earth
found virtually everywhere)  Earliest known account of pestilence
 Microbes - ACELLUAR INFECTOUS occurred in Egypt in about 3180 BC.
AGENTS : prions, viruses
EUKARYOTES: algae, fungi, protozoa  Anton Van Leeuwenhoek - “father of
 Germs(PATHOGENS )- microbes that microbiology” made many simple
cause diseases single -lens microscope, observed
 Non - pathogens - do not cause disease animalcules (bacteria or protozoa)
 Indigenous microbiota - microbes live  Louis Pasteur - french chemist,
on & in in our body investigated different fermentation ,
 Opportunistic pathogens - can cause pasteurization , discovered life forms
disease, but usually do not that could not exists without oxygen
 Infectious disease - colonize persons  Robert Koch - german physician,
body, causes diseases, Ex: MRSA develop methods of fixing & staining
infection , gas gangrene bacteria & cultivate bacteria
 Photo synthetic algae & CARRERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
bacteria(cyanobacteria) - produce  Microbiologists - studies microbes
oxygen in atmosphere  Medical microbiology - study of
 Microorganisms are involved in the pathogens ,disease,defenses
decomposition of dead organisms and
waste products. CHAPTER 2
 Bioremediation - clean up toxic wastes  MICROSCOPE
 Saprophytes - organisms live on dead - Simple microscope
or decaying organic matter - Compound microscope
 Algae and bacteria serve as food for - Electron microscope
tiny animals; they are important links - Atomic force microscope
in food chains
 For many years, microorganisms have  Metric units - express the size of
been used as“cell models”; the more microscope
the scientists learned about microbial  Micrometers - bacteria & protozoa
cells, the more they learned about cells  1 um - typical spherical
in general. bacterium(coccus)
 Microbes are used in many industries,  1 um wide x 3um long - typical rod-
such as food, beverage, chemical, and shaped (baccil)

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