Psilocybin Effects
Psilocybin Effects
Psilocybin Effects
Psilocybin Effects
DaCoda J Halstead
University of Maryland Global Campus
Debby Meyer, Ed. D.
WRTG 112
November 17, 2021
Mexico, the United States of America, Europe, and South America. These mushrooms that
contain Psilocybin are known as magic mushrooms. In the human body, Psilocybin works by
stimulating serotonin receptors in the prefrontal cortex. That part of the human brain mainly
affects mood cognition, an individual's perception. The hallucinogens in the psilocybin work in
other brain parts used to regulate arousal and anxiety responses. The chemical in Psilocybin does
not always contribute to active visual or auditory hallucinations. Still, it twists the way people
who use it as a drug view things and objects surrounding them. The effects of Psilocybin are
determined by the quantity of the drug a person uses, their previous experiences, and their
expectations on how the rug will function. According to research, the effects of Psilocybin
typically occur thirty minutes after the person ingests it, and the hallucinations last for as long as
four hours to six hours. But in some people, the effects are said to change the sensory perception
also their thinking patterns which can last for several days. As discussed below, the consumption
of psilocybin chemicals has both benefits and risks to the human body in different ways.
chemical found in these magic mushrooms treat an extensive collection of psychiatric and
behavioral disorders. The research has experimented but has yet to receive approval. The study
shows that Psilocybin can help deal with depression (Goldberg elsw3 et al., 2021). The magic
mushroom traditionally provided spiritual and cultural bedrocks for majority civilizations, and it
was referred to as divine mushroom. Today, a neuroscientist has discovered that the magic
mushroom contains chemicals that interact with serotonin receptors in the human brain, resulting
the magic mushroom effects can treat depression. The chemical has shown that it can deal with
primary symptoms of depression and can outdo the commonly prescribed medicine of
impression (Madsen et al., 2021. An experiment was done where almost sixty patients with
moderate to severe depression were treated with Psilocybin and serotonin reuptake inhibitor
escitalopram. Patients treated using Psilocybin showed a quick improvement compared to the
patients who received escitalopram. There was no difference in their impacts on the patients.
Latter, the researcher realized that the difference reduced with time till there was no significant
difference statistically. Still in the treatment of depression, Psilocybin is said to help in therapy
Psilocybin increases frankness and other beneficial shifts in personality. Human beings
have inborn love, and they are ready to be open, connect with others, grow and learn since they
are sentient beings. In the course of the human being's life, they get to suffer, resulting in them
shutting their own. At times, people are heartbroken, hiding their openness in future relationships
(Madsen et al., 20210). Due to negative life experiences, people shut down in ways that prevent
their lives from experiencing new opportunities. In such a case, Psilocybin can be used to help in
increasing openness. Research done in 2011 found a significant increase in openness due to the
describe a person's attitude towards the latest experiences associated with imagination, creativity,
and aesthetic appreciation. During the session of Psilocybin, openness in the individuals who
participated in the research increased and remained higher for over one year.
Psilocybin has been shown to help in addictive behavior like smoking cessation. When an
individual is struggling with unhealthy behaviors, Psilocybin can assist in dealing with them. The
magic mushroom is shown to treat addiction from drugs like nicotine and cocaine. In 2008,
Amanda Feilding of the Beckley foundation researched with collaboration with John Hopkins
University, and they discovered that Psilocybin helps in psychotherapy sessions to overcome
nicotine addiction. The Heffer research institute supported the research since they also found that
Psilocybin treats substance abuse. Psilocybin deactivates cravings by targeting the serotonin 2A
receptors located at the outer part of the brain. With functional magnetic resonance imaging, the
research team realized that stimulation of these receptors by psychedelics reduces instead of
increasing some activities in the brain, especially activities in the brain default mode network
(Madsen et al., 2021). During illness like depression or addiction, it is the default mode of the
human brain that gets affected since it is overworked with negative thoughts or cravings. Since
the default mode network is overworked, people break free, hence instructing the neural patterns.
But when Psilocybin is used, it helps the brain to become flexible but with the help of
psychological therapy. That is because the human brain, while under the influence of
psychedelics it's less sensitive to opposing ideas. Psilocybin has also been discovered to reduce
Psilocybin is also found to dissolve the ego and increase human creativity. That is
possible since Psilocybin frees the human consciousness of the world experience from being
associated with a specific ego, which can be revealed to be an illusory construct (Odland et al.,
2021). The research done in 2017 discovered that the human ego, which is temporary, is
beneficial in the correct context. The life-changing experiences at times enable people to feel
profoundly connected and alive, and they also help boost creativity.
On the other hand, despite magic mushroom having advantages to the human body, it is
also associated with some serious risks. The risk associated with Psilocybin is mainly
psychological but not physical. The physical threat is rare and the ones found are different from
one individual to the other. When Psilocybin is ingested, it turns to psilocin. (Odland et al.,
2021). The chemical stimulates serotonin receptors in the human brain resulting in intense
hallucinations, euphoria, plus other variations in the human opinion of their space plus time;
according to the research done by Insider, magic mushrooms, when consumed, resulting in
physical sickness to human beings. The physical condition associated with the consumption of
the magic mushroom is also called a "bad trip." Bad trips include unfriendly physical signs of
sickness like biliousness, anxieties, nausea, plus headaches. The individual similarly experiences
Emotional effects are highly reported after the consumption of Psilocybin. People
experience distracting hallucinations which last for several days. In normal circumstances, when
the brain is altering the effects of Psilocybin found in the mushroom, standard stay in the min for
about six hours to eight. It depends on the consumed amount, the process of preparation, and
individual metabolism. The effects of the drug are usually intense in the first three to four hours
after consumption (Odland et al., 2021). However, the results of Psilocybin might last for long
due to the ability of the chemical to alter time perception. The way a person feels after taking
Psilocybin opens on their moo before consuming the magic mushrooms, their mental state, the
ingested dose, the person's environment, and who they are with during the intake. When a person
is in a gloomy mood before they take the psilocybin mushrooms, it may cause intensifying and
unpleasant feelings that a person already has, resulting in a "bad trip." People dealing with
psychological problems should be careful while taking the magic mushroom because of how
Psilocybin functions with the human brain. The magic mushrooms cause undesirable
The brain chemistry can be altered by the interface of psilocin and serotonin receptors in
the front part of the cortex, which can bring problems like panic, bipolar, or anxiety. According
to research, individuals without early mental challenges may experience high levels of panic
attacks after consuming the magic mushrooms (Vargas et al., 2020). When the chemical gets
into the body system, the individual is automatically exposed to severe anxiety, panic attacks like
dizziness. The majority of rugs sold as magic mushrooms are generally fake. Since magic
mushroom is illegal in some countries, it is not simple to understand what is being sold in a batch
of mushrooms. Therefore when one purchases magic mushrooms, is under a high risk of buying
other illegal drugs that carry the actual risk of overdose or worse body reactions.
new research conducted under controlled environments, the intake of magic mushrooms induces
psychosis in the human brain. Psilocybin can activate psychosis due to the use of psychedelic
drugs. Psychosis is similar to schizophrenia, and people who come from families that experience
schizophrenia is at high risk of experiencing psychotic episodes (Vargas et al., 2020). Individuals
who are at increased risk of experiencing the severe side effects of Psilocybin are the ones who
have taken the drug in large amounts. High intake of the magic mushroom and frequent result in
permanent damage to the human brain. After the brain is damaged, a person can experience
hallucinations and flashbacks several years after the intake of the magic mushroom. The
condition is rare but is proven to occur in individuals who have consumed psychotic's drugs
(Vargas et al., 2020). The disorder results in people experiencing flashbacks of their previous life
experiences due to hallucinogens even if they stopped taking the drug. The condition can make a
person distressed since they experience frightening hallucinations. After developing this
problem, one is open to other mental illnesses, and there is no treatment for the disorder.
The magic mushroom makes it less sensitive to other drugs when exposed to the body
system. When a person takes in magic mushrooms frequently, they become resistant to other
mind-altering recreational substances (Smigielski et al., 223). People might grow a cross-
tolerance due to the continuous intake of mushrooms, which means their tolerance will be higher
than usual for the same substances like marijuana. Since it is not simple to understand
unregulated substances like marijuana, one coming up with cross-tolerance can expose them to a
high risk of accidentally taking a lot of the other psychoactive drug to its full effect.
risk. The charmed mushroom users typically experience fantasies and intellect of changed
realism brought by fungi (Smigielski et al., 223). The world's perception is altered, and it
contributes highly to people taking rare risks or naively placing their lives in unsafe situations.
Magic mushrooms can also raise individuals' damage by harming their verdict, confusion, and
Magic mushroom does not contain chemicals like nicotine or heroin, which contribute to
addiction like other drugs. Despite the magic mushroom lucking possible to disturb a person's
life, using often causes to abandon or disregard other leisure pursuits and errands (Smigielski et
al., 223). Some signs of addiction include people spending much time thinking about themselves,
omitting work to go and become high, or abusing charmed mushrooms on an everyday basis.
Psilocybin is typically regarded as safe despite bad experiences that can occur since they
leave no scare. Psilocybin is not safe for young children, and it is involved with other risks like
other drugs. Therefore it is aprons human beings to be responsible for what they take as drugs.
Psilocybin has a mixed understanding of how it behaves in the human body. Different researches
on Psilocybin found additional facts concerning its reactions in human beings. Some researchers
state that the rug is beneficial to humans since it can deal with depression, improve creativity and
increase openness.
On the other hand, some researchers believe that Psilocybin is very risky to humans. That
is because the magic mushroom can cause damage to the human brain, contribute to addiction.
Therefore, since the magic mushroom is not entirely justified on whether it is beneficial or
harmful to the human body, it is wise for individuals to avoid its consumption to remain on the
safe side. Human beings should only use the prescribed medicine by their doctors to avoid
Goldberg, S. B., Pace, B. T., Nicholas, C. R., Raison, C. L., & Hutson, P. R. (2020).
Madsen, M. K., Stenbæk, D. S., Arvidsson, A., Armand, S., Marstrand-Joergensen, M. R.,
Johansen, S. S., Linnet, K., Ozenne, B., Knudsen, G. M., & Fisher, P. M.(2021).
Psilocybin-induced changes in brain network integrity and segregation correlate with plasma
Odland, A. U., Kristensen, J. L., & Andreasen, J. T. (2021). Investigating the role of 5-
HT2A and 5-HT2C receptor activation in the effects of Psilocybin, DOI, and
Smigielski, L., Kometer, M., Scheidegger, M., Stress, C., Preller, K. H., Koenig, T., &
Vargas, A. S., Luís, Â., Barroso, M., Gallardo, E., & Pereira, L. (2020). Psilocybin as a New