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Invigilator’s Signature : CS/B.TECH(TT)/SEM-5/TT-503/2011-12 2011 CHEMICAL PROCESSING OF TEXTILES - Il Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, j | | i | | | | ? | | | GROUP - A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : 10x 1=10 i) Which is the most popular printing method globally ? a) Block b) Roller c) Flat bed automatic screen d) Rotary, ii) Polypropylene is dyed by a) HT HP method ©) Jet Dyeing 5213 CS/B.TECH(IT)/SEM-5/TT-503/2011-12 cs vil) Sublimation transfer printing is most suitable for a) 100% polyester fabric (short q ‘answt b) 100% cotton fabric 4 vel ©) 70: 80 polyester cotton blend pifferentiate a) 50: 50 polyester cotton blend. cauiferent PIEm fx) Single bath dyeing can be done with sfferential a) Chrome mordant method only a printing wr ‘b) Metachrome method only ee ©) After chrome method only 4 pane @) _ Metachrome and after chrome methods both i s quitable pressure a pressure: b) o dq) 5213 for bric is therie high high ‘ure oth CS/B.TECH(T1)/SEM-5/TT-503/2011-12 GROUP - B (‘Short Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following, 3% 5 = 15 Differentiate between dyes and pigments, Write briefly about different pigments. 842 Differentiate between methods of printing and styles of printing, Write briefly about different styles of printing. 1 + 4 What are the reasons behind the popularity of transfer printings ? What are the general requirements of dyes to be suitable for sublimation transfer printing ? 144 What are the advantages and antages of mordant dyes ? What type of BG rmed between the ate substrate and the mordant dye get Define the role and funet doctor bladde. What is printing ? Define solid shades, 9 contrast effects. 5213 CS/B.TECH(TT)/SEM-5/TT-503/2011-12 GROUP - C (Long Answer Type Questions ) 1 ‘Answer any three of the following. 3 x 15. 8, Write down the operation of roller printing machine neat labelled diagram. Describe the function Explain @ characteristic features of necessary machinery parts. a Mat 9. What are the compositions of a standard printing pas ») Mc State clearly the functions of each ingredient in detail y Explain the process of mant 11, What are the different applications and chemi features of all the differ What do you mean by mechanism of dyeing « 12. Discuss the proce dye or vat dye, and process of effects after ch 5213 (r/SEM-5/TT-503/2011-12 2 What are its general CS/B.TECHI what are chrome mordant dyes properties ? Describe different methods of dyeing woo! with 2+4+9 chrome mordant dyes. 5+5+5 | Explain any three of the following : a) Mass Coloration ansfer b) Modification of cotton for using in sublimation tr printing machine 1: Land 1: 2 metal complex dyes °) ing of Polyestel a) Transfer Printt 3 {) Milling Acid dye vs ‘active fecipe 3 and 0+5 5213

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