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Course Code: 5653-01 Programme: M.L.I.S: Assignment No. 1

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Course Code: 5653-01

Assignment no. 1
Q1. What is serial publication? Discuss various types of serials and their
importance in promoting research.


What is Serial Publication?

Serial publication, sometimes referred to as serials, is a publication that is released or

published in successive parts, typically on a regular schedule. These parts may be
chapters, issues, or volumes. Serial publication can include magazines, newspapers,
journals, and other periodicals. Serial publication has been around since the beginning
of printing and has been a crucial part of the publishing industry. Serial publication is
important in promoting research because it allows scholars, scientists, and other
professionals to share their findings and discoveries in an easily accessible format.

History of Serials Publication

The history of serials publication dates back to the 17th century, when the first regular
periodical publication was launched in 1665. This was the Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society, which was established to provide a forum for the exchange of
ideas between scientific researchers. Since then, serials publication has become an
integral part of the academic community, providing a platform for the dissemination of
research and facilitating the development of scholarly reputation.

Types of Serials Publication

There are a variety of different types of serials publication, each with its own purpose
and role in the promotion of research. The most common types of serials are academic
journals, trade magazines, newsletters, and e-journals.
Academic Journals

Academic journals are periodical publications devoted to the dissemination of

research. They are typically peer-reviewed, meaning that the articles they publish are
assessed by a panel of experts in the field to ensure they meet certain standards of
quality and accuracy. Academic journals are an important source of information for
researchers, as they provide access to the latest research in the field. They also serve as
a platform for the exchange of ideas and the development of scholarly reputation.

Trade Magazines

Trade magazines are periodical publications devoted to the promotion of specific

goods, services, or industries. They provide a platform for companies to advertise their
products and services, as well as a way for consumers to learn about new products and
services. Trade magazines can also be used to inform and educate readers about the
industry, as well as providing a platform for researchers to share their findings.


Newsletters are periodical publications devoted to the dissemination of information

about a particular topic. They are often distributed electronically, and are typically
used to provide readers with updates on current events or developments in the field.
Newsletters can also be used to promote research and share information about new
projects or initiatives.


E-journals are periodical publications that are distributed electronically. They are
typically used to distribute research or other scholarly materials quickly and
efficiently. E-journals are often used as a platform for the development of scholarly
reputation, as they provide a platform for researchers to share their findings with a
wider audience.

Importance of Serials Publication in Promoting Research

Serials publication is an important way of disseminating research and providing access

to information. It is an essential part of the scholarly communication system, providing
a platform for the exchange of information and ideas. Serials publication can also be
used to promote research, as it provides a platform for researchers to share their
findings with a wider audience. Furthermore, serials publication can be used to
develop scholarly reputation, as it allows researchers to establish themselves as experts
in their field.
In addition, serials publication is an important way of preserving knowledge. By
providing access to the latest research and ideas, serials publication ensures that
knowledge is not lost or forgotten. Furthermore, the wide circulation of serials ensures
that the latest information is made available to a wide audience, thus ensuring that new
ideas can be disseminated quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, serials publication is an important part of the research process, as it

provides a platform for the exchange of information and ideas. By providing access to
the latest research in the field, serials publication can help to stimulate new research
and provide a platform for the development of new ideas. Furthermore, by providing
access to the latest research, serials publication can help to ensure that research is
conducted in an ethical and responsible manner.

Challenges Associated with Serials Publication

Although serials publication can be an important way of disseminating research and

providing access to information, there are also a number of challenges associated with
it. One of the main challenges is the cost of production and distribution. Serials
publication is an expensive process, and it can be difficult for small or independent
publishers to cover the costs associated with production and distribution. Furthermore,
the cost of producing high-quality serials can also be a barrier to entry for new

Another challenge associated with serials publication is the need for quality control. In
order for serials to be effective in promoting research, they need to be of a high
quality. This requires an effective system of quality control, which can be difficult to
achieve in an environment where there is a lack of standardization and regulation.
Furthermore, the increasing number of serials publications has made it more difficult
to ensure that they are of a consistent quality.


Serials publication is an important way of disseminating research and providing access

to information. It is an essential part of the scholarly communication system, providing
a platform for the exchange of information and ideas. Serials publication can also be
used to promote research, as it provides a platform for researchers to share their
findings with a wider audience. Furthermore, it is an important way of preserving
knowledge and developing scholarly reputation. However, there are also a number of
challenges associated with serials publication, including the cost of production and
distribution, and the need for an effective system of quality control. In order for serials
publication to be effective in promoting research, it is essential that these challenges
are addressed.

Q2. How serials collection is different from other library collection? Discuss.


Definition of a Serials Collection

A serials collection is a collection of materials, usually in print, that are published in

successive parts, issues, or numbers and intended for continuing use. These materials
are usually published at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Examples of materials in a serial collection include magazines, journals, newspapers,
newsletters, yearbooks, and other periodicals. Additionally, a serial collection may
contain non-print materials such as microforms, CD-ROMs, and audiocassettes.

Organization of a Serials Collection

The organization of a serials collection is different from other library collections.

Serials are published over a period of time and can be difficult to organize and access.
The key to organizing a serials collection is to develop a system that is intuitive and
easy to use.

One method of organizing a serials collection is by title. This method relies on

cataloging the serials by the title of the publication, and making these titles available in
the library catalog. This method is simple and straightforward, but it can be difficult to
find the specific issue of a serial that a patron is looking for.

Another method of organizing a serials collection is by subject. This method requires

the cataloger to assign a subject heading to each serial, making it easier for patrons to
find the materials they are looking for. This method is more complex than the title
method, but it can be more effective in helping patrons find the materials they need.

A third method of organizing a serials collection is by call number. This method

requires the cataloger to assign a call number to each serial, making it easier for
patrons to find the materials they are looking for. This method is more complex than
the title or subject methods, but it can be more effective in helping patrons find the
materials they need.

Access and Retrieval of Materials in a Serials Collection

The access and retrieval of materials in a serials collection is different from other
library collections. For example, in other library collections, patrons can search the
catalog by author, title, or subject to find materials. In a serials collection, however,
patrons must search by the title of the publication and by the specific issue of the

To access materials in a serials collection, patrons typically use the library catalog or
an online search engine. In the library catalog, patrons can search for the title of the
publication and the specific issue. In an online search engine, patrons can search by the
title of the publication and the date of the issue.

When retrieving materials from a serials collection, patrons must also be aware of the
location of the materials. Most serials are not shelved in the same way as other library
materials. Instead, they are shelved according to the title of the publication and the
specific issue. Therefore, patrons must know the title and issue of the material before
they can locate it in the library.

Serials collections are distinct from other library collections in that serials are
published on a recurring basis, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Examples of
serials include magazines, newspapers, journals, and yearbooks. These publications
are usually issued in a continuous or regular series and may contain information
related to a variety of topics, such as current events, sports, politics, popular culture,
and science. Serials collections differ from other collections because they are typically
either acquired through subscriptions or purchased as individual issues.

Unlike other library collections, serials collections are often compiled in order to
provide a comprehensive view of a certain topic over a specific period of time. For
example, a library may have a subscription to a medical journal and will collect every
issue of that journal over the course of a year in order to provide researchers with
current information on the medical topic being discussed. Oftentimes, libraries will
also collect back issues of particular serials to provide additional information on the

In addition to providing up-to-date information on a given subject, serials collections

also provide a unique and often invaluable historical perspective on a certain topic. For
example, a library may have a subscription to a local newspaper and will collect every
issue of that newspaper over the course of many years. This collection provides
researchers with a unique insight into the history of the local area by providing a
record of current events, local businesses, and political and economic trends.

Serials collections also differ from other library collections in that they are typically
organized and cataloged differently. For example, serials collections are usually
divided into volumes, which are then further divided into issues. Each issue of a
particular serial may have its own classification number, which is used to keep track of
its location in the library. Additionally, serials collections may be organized
chronologically, or by subject, or by the title of the serial.

One example of a serial collection in a library is a collection of magazines. Magazines

are typically published on a monthly or quarterly basis and may cover a variety of
topics, such as current events, sports, politics, popular culture, and science. Magazines
are often divided into volumes and then further subdivided into issues. Each issue of a
particular magazine may have its own classification number, which is used to keep
track of its location in the library. Additionally, magazines may be organized
chronologically or by subject.

Another example of a serial collection in a library is a collection of newspapers.

Newspapers are typically published on a daily or weekly basis and may cover a variety
of topics, such as current events, sports, politics, popular culture, and science.
Newspapers are typically divided into volumes and then further subdivided into issues.
Each issue of a particular newspaper may have its own classification number, which is
used to keep track of its location in the library. Additionally, newspapers may be
organized chronologically or by subject.

In conclusion, serials collections are distinct from other library collections in that they
are typically published on a recurring basis and provide researchers with a unique and
often invaluable historical perspective on a certain topic. Serials collections are
typically organized and cataloged differently than other library collections and may be
divided into volumes and issues, with each issue having its own classification number.
Examples of serials collections in a library include collections of magazines and

Q3. Enlist and describe 10 LIS research journals from Science-Direct and JStor
databases and two published journals from Pakistan.


1. International Journal of Information Management (Science-Direct): This is an

international academic journal that focuses on research in information management
and related topics. It covers topics such as information architecture, information
retrieval, information systems, knowledge management, and digital libraries. The
journal publishes research articles, reviews, and reports on the theory and practice of
information management. It also features special issues on timely topics.
2. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Science-
Direct): This journal focuses on the development, use, and management of information
systems and technology. It covers topics such as data science, digital libraries,
information retrieval, information systems, and knowledge management. The journal
publishes research articles, reviews, and reports on the theory and practice of
information science and technology.

3. Library and Information Science Research (Science-Direct): This journal focuses on

research in library and information science. It covers topics such as information
architecture, information retrieval, information systems, knowledge management, and
digital libraries. The journal publishes research articles, reviews, and reports on the
theory and practice of library and information science.

4. Library Hi Tech (Science-Direct): This journal focuses on the use of technology in

libraries and information centers. It covers topics such as digital libraries, information
retrieval, information systems, and knowledge management. The journal publishes
research articles, reviews, and reports on the theory and practice of library and
information technology.

5. Online Information Review (Science-Direct): This journal focuses on the use of

technology in online information services. It covers topics such as digital libraries,
information retrieval, information systems, and knowledge management. The journal
publishes research articles, reviews, and reports on the theory and practice of online
information services.

6. Library Quarterly (JStor): This is an international academic journal that publishes

research on librarianship, library science, and information science. It covers topics
such as information retrieval, information systems, knowledge management, and
digital libraries. The journal publishes research articles, reviews, and reports on the
theory and practice of library and information science.

7. Journal of Documentation (JStor): This is an international academic journal that

focuses on research in library and information science. It covers topics such as
information architecture, information retrieval, information systems, knowledge
management, and digital libraries. The journal publishes research articles, reviews, and
reports on the theory and practice of library and information science.

8. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JStor):
This journal focuses on the development, use, and management of information systems
and technology. It covers topics such as data science, digital libraries, information
retrieval, information systems, and knowledge management. The journal publishes
research articles, reviews, and reports on the theory and practice of information
science and technology.

9. Knowledge Organization (JStor): This journal focuses on the use of knowledge

organization and representation systems. It covers topics such as classification,
indexing, and metadata. The journal publishes research articles, reviews, and reports
on the theory and practice of knowledge organization and representation systems.

10. Library and Information Science (JStor): This is an international academic journal
that focuses on research in library and information science. It covers topics such as
information architecture, information retrieval, information systems, knowledge
management, and digital libraries. The journal publishes research articles, reviews, and
reports on the theory and practice of library and information science.

Published Journals from Pakistan

1. Library Information Science Journal (Pakistan): This is an international, peer-

reviewed journal published by the University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. It focuses
on research in library and information science. It covers topics such as information
architecture, information retrieval, information systems, knowledge management, and
digital libraries. The journal publishes research articles, reviews, and reports on the
theory and practice of library and information science.

2. Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science (Pakistan): This is an

international, peer-reviewed journal published by the University of the Punjab, Lahore,
Pakistan. It focuses on research in library and information science. It covers topics
such as information architecture, information retrieval, information systems,
knowledge management, and digital libraries. The journal publishes research articles,
reviews, and reports on the theory and practice of library and information science.

Q4. Explain the major principles of serial publication. Discuss its selection


Serial publication is a type of book publication that consists of multiple volumes, each
one released separately over a period of time. It can be used to collect and organize
information that is too large or complex to present in a single volume. Serial
publications are commonly used in academic disciplines, such as history, literature,
and philosophy, to present research and scholarship in an organized, comprehensive
The major principles of serial publication are:

Serial publication is a type of publishing wherein multiple works are published in a

series, often over a period of time. It is a form of publishing that has been used since
the beginning of the written word and has become an important part of the publishing
industry. Serial publication is often used to publish books, magazines, newspapers,
journals, and other forms of literature.

The main principle of serial publication is that content is published in a certain order
and released at specific intervals. This means that content is released in parts, typically
over a period of time, and that each part of the publication contains a certain amount of
content. For example, a weekly newspaper may publish a single issue each week,
containing stories and articles about current events.

Another principle of serial publication is that it is usually a subscription-based service.

This means that readers must pay a fee to access the publication. This fee may be a
one-time payment or an ongoing subscription model. This payment model allows
publishers to generate revenue from their publications and allows them to continue
producing content.

The third principle of serial publication is that it often involves a collection of related
works. This means that each part of the serial publication may contain content that is
related to the overall theme or topic of the publication. For example, a magazine may
have a series of articles about a certain topic, such as home decorating. The related
articles may be published in the same magazine each week, or in different issues,
depending on the frequency of publication.

The fourth principle of serial publication is that it often involves a periodical format.
This means that the same content is repeated each time the publication is released.
This is often done to provide readers with a sense of familiarity, as they know what
they can expect each time they pick up the publication. For example, a weekly
magazine may have a feature article on the same topic each week, or a daily
newspaper may have the same types of stories each day.

The fifth principle of serial publication is that it often involves a regular schedule. This
means that the publication is released at predetermined times, such as weekly,
monthly, or quarterly. This schedule helps readers know when to expect the next issue
and helps publishers plan their content. For example, a weekly magazine may release
its issue on the same day each week, or a quarterly magazine may have an issue
released on the first day of each quarter.
The sixth principle of serial publication is that it often involves a set of standards. This
means that each part of the publication must adhere to certain standards of quality and
accuracy. For example, a newspaper may have a set of editorial standards that each
article must adhere to in order to be published. This helps ensure that readers can trust
the content of the publication and that it is up to a certain level of quality.

The seventh principle of serial publication is that it often involves a unified look. This
means that the publication should have a consistent look and style. This helps readers
recognize the publication and also helps create a sense of continuity. For example, a
magazine may have a unified look throughout its issues, such as a consistent color
scheme, font, and typeface.

Finally, the eighth principle of serial publication is that it often involves a variety of
formats. This means that the publication may be available in different formats, such as
print, digital, audio, or video. This helps ensure that readers can access the publication
in the way that best suits their needs. For example, a magazine may be available both
in print and online, or a newspaper may be available both in print and as an audio

Serial Publication Selection Criteria

Serial publication selection criteria refers to the standards and guidelines that are used
by librarians and other library professionals when selecting periodicals, and other
serial publications for their library collections. The primary goal of any library
collection is to provide access to the most appropriate and useful publications for the
community it serves. To achieve this goal, librarians and other library professionals
must carefully consider a variety of criteria when selecting serial publications for their

The criteria used for selecting serial publications vary based on the type of library, its
mission, and the needs of its users. Academic, public, and special libraries often have
different criteria for serial publication selection. For example, academic libraries may
place a greater emphasis on scholarly journals, while public libraries may focus more
on popular magazines and newspapers. Additionally, special libraries may focus on
specific types of serials, such as medical or legal periodicals.

In general, serial publication selection criteria can be divided into two broad
categories: content-based criteria and format-based criteria. Content-based criteria
includes considerations such as the scope, reputation, and quality of the publication.
Format-based criteria includes considerations such as the frequency of publication,
availability of an electronic version, and cost of the publication.
Content-based criteria

Scope: The scope of a serial publication is an important consideration when selecting

serials for a library collection. The scope of a publication should match the needs of
the library’s users. For example, a library serving a medical school should consider
selecting medical journals with a focus on the latest research and developments in the
field. Conversely, a library serving a business school should consider selecting
business-related periodicals, such as the Wall Street Journal or Forbes.

Reputation: The reputation of a serial publication is an important factor when selecting

serials for a library collection. Reputable publications are more likely to publish
reliable and accurate information. Additionally, they are more likely to be available in
an electronic format, which makes them easier to access and use. Reputation can be
determined by looking at the publication’s editorial board, its publisher, and its
reviews in professional journals.

Quality: Quality is another important factor when selecting serial publications for a
library collection. Quality can be determined by considering factors such as the
accuracy of information, the quality of writing, and the relevance of content.
Additionally, the presence of peer review can be a good indicator of the quality of a

Format-based criteria

Frequency of publication: The frequency of publication is an important consideration

when selecting serial publications for a library collection. Publications that are
published regularly are more likely to remain current and relevant. Additionally,
choosing a publication with a regular publication schedule allows users to more easily
access and use the information contained within it.

Availability of an electronic version: An increasing number of serial publications are

available in an electronic format. Electronic versions of publications often have
advantages over print versions, such as providing faster access to information and
allowing for more efficient storage and retrieval. For this reason, libraries should
consider whether a publication has an electronic version when selecting serial
publications for their collections.

Cost: The cost of a serial publication is another important factor when selecting serials
for a library collection. The cost of a publication can be determined by looking at the
subscription price, as well as any additional costs associated with obtaining and
maintaining the publication. Additionally, libraries should consider whether they can
obtain the publication through an electronic database or interlibrary loan before
making a decision.

Serial publication is an effective way to collect and organize information that is too
large or complex to present in a single volume. By releasing the volumes in a series, it
ensures that the most current information is available to readers, that the material is
organized in a comprehensive, coherent form, and that the information is preserved for
future generations. However, when selecting material for a serial publication, it is
important to consider the relevance, timeliness, quality, accessibility, preservation,
originality, and value of the material. By taking these factors into consideration, it will
ensure that the serial publication is of high quality and provides value to the intended

Q5. Differentiate between scholarly published journals and popular journals

with examples.


Scholarly Published Journals

Scholarly published journals are also known as academic journals. They are typically
written by experts in a specific field, and are intended for an audience of experts in the
same field. These journals focus on research, and they are often peer-reviewed,
meaning that experts in the field have read and approved the content before it is
published. Scholarly published journals are often published in a variety of formats,
including print, online, and open-access.

An example of a scholarly published journal is the Journal of the American Medical

Association (JAMA). This journal is published by the American Medical Association,
and it focuses on research related to medicine and health care. All articles published in
JAMA are peer-reviewed, and the journal has been in publication since 1883.

Popular Journals

Popular journals are written by journalists and other non-experts, and are intended for
a much wider audience. These journals often focus on news, current events,
entertainment, and other topics that are of interest to the general public. Popular
journals are typically published in print and online formats, but they are not typically

An example of a popular journal is Time magazine. This magazine has been in

publication since 1923, and it focuses on news, current events, and topics of interest to
the general public. Time is not peer-reviewed, and its articles are written by journalists
and other non-experts.


One of the key differences between scholarly published journals and popular journals
is their intended audience. Scholarly published journals are typically written for an
audience of experts in the same field, while popular journals are intended for a much
wider audience.

Scholarly published journals are written for an audience of experts in the same field.
This is because the content in these journals is often highly specialized and technical,
and only experts in the field will be able to understand and appreciate it. For example,
the Journal of the American Medical Association is intended for an audience of
experts in the medical field, as the content in the journal is highly technical and

Popular journals, on the other hand, are written for a much wider audience. These
journals typically focus on news, current events, entertainment, and other topics that
are of interest to the general public. For example, Time magazine is intended for a
general audience, as its content focuses on topics that the general public can relate to
and understand.


The content of scholarly published journals and popular journals also differs
significantly. Scholarly published journals typically focus on research, while popular
journals often focus on news and entertainment.

Scholarly published journals typically focus on research. These journals are often peer-
reviewed, meaning that experts in the field have read and approved the content before
it is published. The content in these journals is often highly technical and specialized,
and it is intended for an audience of experts in the same field. For example, the Journal
of the American Medical Association focuses on research related to medicine and
health care.

Popular journals, on the other hand, often focus on news, current events,
entertainment, and other topics that are of interest to the general public. These journals
are not typically peer-reviewed, as the content is usually written by journalists and
other non-experts. For example, Time magazine focuses on news, current events, and
topics of interest to the general public.

The purpose of scholarly published journals and popular journals also differs
significantly. Scholarly published journals are typically used to share research
findings, while popular journals are often used to inform the public and to entertain.

Scholarly published journals are typically used to share research findings. These
journals are often peer-reviewed, meaning that experts in the field have read and
approved the content before it is published. The content in these journals is often
highly technical and specialized, and it is intended for an audience of experts in the
same field. For example, the Journal of the American Medical Association is used to
share research related to medicine and health care.

Popular journals, on the other hand, are often used to inform the public and to
entertain. These journals typically focus on news, current events, entertainment, and
other topics that are of interest to the general public. For example, Time magazine is
used to inform the public about news and current events, as well as to entertain its


In conclusion, there are significant differences between scholarly published journals

and popular journals. Scholarly published journals are typically written by experts in a
specific field, and are intended for an audience of experts in the same field. Popular
journals are written by journalists and other non-experts, and are intended for a much
wider audience. Scholarly published journals typically focus on research, while
popular journals often focus on news and entertainment. Scholarly published journals
are typically used to share research findings, while popular journals are often used to
inform the public and to entertain. Understanding the differences between these two
types of journals is important, as they each serve different purposes and are used in
different ways.

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