Mestrual Cycle
Mestrual Cycle
Mestrual Cycle
Stage 1 - ovum
begins to develop.
Stage 4 - Egg enters fallopian tube follicle
remains and forms the corpus luteum.
Changes in the Ovaries:
◼ Stage 1 - An egg is beginning to mature
within a cluster of cells called a follicle
◼ Stage 2 - Rapid follicle and egg growth
◼ Stage 3 - Ovulation occurs; fully mature egg
bursts out of the follicle (fertile) empty
follicle transforms into the corpus luteum
◼ Stage 4 - Egg travels through fallopian tube
(7 days) if not fertilized upon arrival in uterus
the corpus luteum shrinks triggering
menstruation and ripening of new egg.
Changes in Ovarian
◼ Estrogen -gradually increases during days 1-
14; signals body to thicken the lining of the
uterus. Levels drop sharply after ovulation.
◼ Progesterone -Levels remain low during the
first half of the cycle and then increase
sharplyduring the second half of the cycle.
Maintaining the growth of the endometrium
Changes in the Uterus:
Stage 2 Day 5- 13
Stage 1- Day 1-5 pre-ovulatory stage Stage 3 Day 14
menstruation Ovulation
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Estrogen & Ovum
Lutinizing Hormone
Triggers Ovulation
and the formation of the
Corpus Lutium
Within the ovary