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Oti 077

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August 1991
55E ]) . . 6729405 0000175 933 . . OAKT
-r-..sz.- '3'3 -lfS"
Oak Technology Inc
Extended High Resolution VGA Graphics Controller
with IMByte Video Memory Support


The on-un is a highly integrated, single chip Extended High Resolution VGA Graphics Controller compatible with
the IBM VGA standard. The package dimensions and pin count are identical to the 0TI-067. However, enbancemeots
have been made to the 0TI-fJ77 to increase fuactionality. In addition to the Oak Technology extended VGA modes
implemented in the 0TI-067, the 0TI-077 provides a hip resolution of 1024x768 with 2S6 colors and l28Oxl024 with
16 colors. The 0TI-077 is completely compatible with the IBM VGA standard and implements all registers, and data
paths while providing improved perfonnance and additional functionality. It is backwards compatible with EGAlCGAl
MDA and Hercules graphics modes. EspeciaJIy attractive for motherboard applications is the low external chip count
which can be achieved by using Oak's proprietary highly integrated VGA controller which supports 256KX 4 DRAMs.
Application notes for using the 0TI-077 in a motherboard implementation are available by contacting Oak Technology.


• Supports up to IMByte of video memory.

!~tended. resolUtions up to 640x4SO. 32K CQlors; 1024x168, 256 cOlors; and.128.Oxl024, 16 colors.
· Supports VESA - standard high vertical refresh rates of 72 Hz for flicker-free displays.
• VGA, EGA, CGA, MDA and Hercules compatible.
· Pin compatible with the OTI-067.
· Compatible with 0TI-067 drivers for 640x480. 256 color mode; 800x600, 16 and 256 color modes;
and 1024x168. 16 color mode.


Oak Technology realizes the importance of the hardware-software driver relationship. We are committed to providing our
customers with the most powerful software drivers. Our software driver support includes some of the fastest drivers
available for popular applications including:

AutoCAD Presentation Manager

AutoShade Ventura
CADvance VenaCAD
GEM VESA BIOS Extensions
Lotus 1-2-3 WordPerfect
Microsoft Windows Wordstar

In addition to these 0TI-067 drivers, software driver support bas been expanded for the 0TI~7 to include support for
MicrosoftWmdowsin64Ox48032Kcolormode, 1024x168256colormodeandl28Oxl02416colormode. Softwaredriver
support for AutoCAD has also been expanded to include l024x768 2S6 color mode and 128Oxl024 16 color mode.

TEL:(408) 737-0888 FAX:(408) 737-3838 Oak Technology. Inc. 139 Kifer Ct. Sunnyvale, CA 94086

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.~ OAK TECHNOLOGY INC SSE D . . 6729405 0000176 87T . . OAKT

~ Oak Technology Inc August 1991


Vertkal VESA.
Resolution ~ Retresla Group I GroupH Gr01lpm Group IV Gro""V Co_"..
320x200 16.256 70Hz X X X X ·X N/A
S12x512 32K 56Hz X X N/A
640x400 32K 56Hz X X N/A
640x480 32K 56Hz X X N/A
640x480 16.256 60Hz X X X X X X
64Ox480 16,256 72Hz X X X X
768x1024 16 60Hz X X
800x600 16,256 56Hz X X X X X
800x600 16,256 60Hz X X X X X
800x600 16 72Hz X X X
1024x768 4.16 60Hz X X X
1024x768 16,256* 87Hz X X
1024x768 16 72Hz X N/A
128Oxl024* 16 87Hz X N/A

* Interlaced mode

Monitor DefinitiODS

CilkPo ~ yertlcal EI:~enu Bm:iI2DY1I f[~~Dg: ~

Group! VGA 60 & 70Hz 31.SKHz BasicVGA
Group II SVGA 56,60,70 Hz 31.S &3SKHz NEC2AType
Group ill Multi-Frequency so to 90Hz IS.7S to 38 KHz NEC3DType
Group IV Multi-Frequency SO to 90Hz 30 toS7 KHz NEC4DType
Group V Multi-Frequency SO to 90Hz 30 to 66 KHz NEC SD Type


The Pin Diagram for the 0TI-077 is identical to that of the 011-067 shown on page 6 of the 0TI-067 databook.


The System Block Diagram for the 0TI-077 is identical to that of the 0TI-067 shown on page 7 of the 0TI-067 data


The BIOS ROM Interface. Clock Interface aad Video Interface are identical to those of the 011-067 showD. on pages 8
and 9 of the 011-067 data book.

CPU Interface
The CPU interface for the 0TI-077 is identical to that used in the 0TI-067 for add-on card imp1emeatations. For
information reprcIina the CPU interface for motherboard impJementations usin& the 0TI-077 consult the 011-077
application notes. .

Oak Tect.KJIogy. Inc.. 139 Kifer Ct. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 TEL:(408) 737-0888 FAX:(408) 737-3838
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OAK TECHNOLOGY INC 55E D - 6729405 0000177 706 _OAK.T , .

August 1991 Oak Technology Inc ~

DRAM Interface
The OTI-crn supports 2S6K X 4 DRAM ICs in all modes. It supports 256 XBytes ofvideo memory by using two 256 X
4 DRAM chips; SllKBytes ofvideo memory by using four2S6KX 4 DRAM chips and 1MByteofvideo memmy by using
eight 256K X 4 DRAM chips.The 0TI-<Y17 provides the same control sipls and add:ressIdata lines to the video memory
in page mode as the 0TI-067. For a 44 MHz memory clock, DRAMS with an.:cess speed of SOns are RqUired, 70DS
DRAMs are required for a SO MHz memory clock, the same as with the 0TI-067.

In extended modes with 256 colors. the video memory is organiud in a packed pixel mode; 1 byte per pixel. 'Ibis requires
programmingofan OTIextendec:hegisterandmay use eitherS12 XBytes or 1 MByteofDRAM depending on the resolution.
For 16 color extended modes. the video niemory is organized as planar mode (1 bit from each of 4 planes) which is
compatible with mM's 16 color graphics mode.


The six major functioual blocks of the OTI-oTI are

1- CRT Controller (CRTC)
2-Attribute controller
3-Graphics controller
S-Memory buffer
6-Bus interface
The functional descriptions for the six major functional blocks of the 0Tl-077 are identical to those of the 0Tl-067.


Most pin descriptions for 0TI-077 are identical to those found on pages 13-15 of the 0TI-067 databook. The following
pin nameldescription changes are applicable when taking advantage of the new features of the 0TI-077.

RDSWn (108)-Read Dip Swikh. This is a dual function pin (RDSWnlCAS2n). It is dependent on the configuration
register 3DF index 12 bit 3 (pin CSELO). In OTI-077 configurations it is used to set the second SIlK bytes of video
memory for use in 1 MByte configurations.

3DFix12b3:2=O RDSWn
3DFix12b3:2-1 CAS2n

There is no penalty in setting this pin to an active (high) position when used in configurations having only S12K.
bytes of video memory.

ROMENLn (63)-ROM Low Byte Enable. This pin is used to control the BIOS ROM when implementing an add-on
card configuration. When using a motherboard implementation this pin is not used. 'The 0TI-077 uses this pin in a
dual role (ROMENLnlALE) depending on the configuration register 3DF index 12 bits 2&3.

3DFix12b3:2-00 ROMENLn
3DFixl2b3:2-01 ROMENLn
3DFix12b3:2-10 ROMENLn
3DFix12b3:2-11 ALE

Pin ALE is used to latch in the decodeofLA23-LA20for complete24 bitaddtess decode when inan on-boardconfiguntion.
However. this 1atch will be opeaed when in Master mode (because the Master device does not generate ALE) or by RAl2.

TEL:(408) 737-0888 FAX:(408) 737-3838 Oak Technology. Inc. 139 Kifer Ct. Sunnyvale, CA 94086
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.~ OAK TECHNOLOGY INC 55E D - 6729405 000017& 642 _OAKT
~ Oak Technology Inc August 1991

RA12(64)-ROM address bit 12. This pin serves different: pmposes for 0TI-067 and arI-an configuntioas:

For 01l..Q67 Implementations

1- ROM address bit 12. 'Ibis pin is 1JSed if ROM paging is desired.
2-Configuration pin bit O. 'Ibis function is only active during hardware reset
(RSET is high).

For ao-077lmplemeptations
1- ROM address bit 12. This pin is used if ROM paging is desired.
2- DMA Hold Acknowledge(HLDA). RA12 becomes m..DA in on-board
configurations( this condition is similar to those necessary to activate ALE).
m.DA is needed along with AEN and RESHn to differentiate between CPU
mode, Master mode and DMA mode.

See 0Tl OVERFLOW REGISTER n pages 5~.


The 0Tl-077 provides support for all IBM standard VGA modes.

The OTI-077 supports the fonowing OTI Extended Modes:

Mode Colors Rows CharCeU Display Mode Resolution Buffer Start #DRAMs NonlInteriaced

4E 16 8Ox60 8x8 Text 640x480 B8000 214/8 Non-Interlaced

4F 16 132x60 8x8 Text 1056x480 B8000 2/4/8 Non-Interlaced
50 16 132x25 8x14 Text 1056x350 B8000 2/4/8 Non-Interlaced
51 16 132x43 8x8 Text 1056x344 B8000 214/8 Non-Interlaced
52 16 l00x37.5 8x16 Graphics 800x600 AOOOO 214/8 Non-Interlaced
53 256 8Ox30 8x16 Graphics 640x480 AOOOO 4/8 Non-Interlaced
54 256 l00x37.5 8x16 Graphics 800x600 AOOOO 4/8 Non-Interlaced
55 4 128x48 8x16 Graphics l024x768 AOOOO 214/8 Both
56 16 128x48 8x16 Graphics 1024x768 AOOOO 4/8 Both
57 16 96x64 8x16 Graphics 768xl024 AOOOO 4/8 Both
58 16 l6Ox64 8x16 Graphics 128Oxl024 AOOOO 8 Interlaced
59 256 128x48 8x16 Graphics 1024x768 AOOOO 8 Interlaced
SA 32K 64x32 8x16 Graphics Sl2x512 AOOOO 4/8 Non-Interlaced
5B 32K 80x2S 8x16 Graphics 640x400 AOOOO 4/8 Non-Interlaced
5C 32K 8Ox30 8x16 Graphics 640x480 AOOOO 8 Non-Interlaced

The Sync Specifications for Standard VGA Modes and. Sync Specifications for Digital'Monitors (EGA. CGA and
Mono) are identical to those of the 0TI-067.

Oak Technology, Inc. 139 Kafer Ct. SumyvaIe, CA 94086 TEL:(408) 737-0888 FAX:(408) 737-3838
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OAK TECHNOLOGY INC 55E D . . 6729405 0000179 589 "OAKT ~

August 1991 Oak Technology Inc ~


The C1TI-077 provides extended registers identical to those of the on-067. In addition to these JegisteIs the C1TI-077
provides support for the following new Jegisters and mlunu:ements to existing registers:


Descriptions of New Registers and EDhancements


This is a write only Jegister. This register is effective only when the arI-077 is in on-board configuration
(3DFixI2b2-1) and pin VSETUP(128) is aO.

mt Description
0-4 Reserved
5 OTI-067 Enable/Setup.
0=0TI-067 in setup mode. Only write register 102 is allowed.
1 =0TI-067 is in active mode. In active mode. access to 0TI-067 is allowed only ifbit
o of register 102 is a 1, and either bit 0 of register 3C3 is a 1 or pin ENVGA (127) is a 1.
6 Reserved
7 System bOard Enable/Setup. This bit is not implemented.


This is a write only register. This register is effective only when the OTI-077 is in on-board configuration
(3DFix12b2= I) and pin ENVGA(I27) is a O. "

Bit Description
o 0TI-067 EnablelDisable.
0-OTI-067 is disabled. No access to arI-067 or arI-077, video DAC (arI-066) are
1=C1TI-067 is enabled. Acc:ess to arI-067 or 0TI-077 are allowed only if bit 0 of
register 102 is also a 1.
1-7 Reserved

Note: Access to this register is not effected by the state of register 102.


Bit DescrIption
0-2 Reserved
3 High Order Start Address Bit 9
4 High Order Cursor Location Bit 9
5 Page select for CRT display. 'This bit and bit 5 of the on OVERFLOW register
(index 14) combine to select ODe of four 2S6K bytes of video memory.

";"'TEl:(408) 737-0888 FAX:(408) 737-3838 Oak Technology. Inc. 139 Kifer Ct. Sunnyvale. CA 94086
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·&a OAK TECHNOLOGY INC 55E ]) . . 6729405 0000180 2TO "OAKT
~ Oak Technology Inc August 1991

3DFlxl6b5 3DF1x4b5 25m byte page seJeded

o o First 2S6K bytes
o 1 Second 2S6K bytes
1 o Third 2S6K bytes
1 1 Fourth 2S6K bytes

6 Page select for video memory accesses (both read and write). This bit and bit 6 of the OTI
OVERFLOW register (index 14) combine to select one of four 2S6K bytes of video memory to be

3DFixl6bS 3DFg:4b5 2S6K byte pce selected

o o First 2S6K bytes

o 1 Second 2S6K bytes
1 o Third 2S6K bytes
1 1 Fourth 2S6K bytes

7 Test bit. This bit is used to mux in new video clock frequency during chip testing.

O=Internal pixel clock input is from pin VCLK (130).

1 =Internal pixel clock is from pin VCLK if pin RA12 (64) is low and from pin
RAIl (65) if pin RAI2 is high.
Note that this bit active or pin RSET (106) active will tum pins RA12 & RA13 to
input pins. However. while pin RSET has effect on pin RA14. this bit does not.

Note: Bits 6&5 should only be programmed if there exists IMega bytes of video memory. Programming these
two bits when there are only SIlK bytes of video memory may result in a blank display. Similarly. bits 6&5
ofregisler lDF index 14 should only be programmed if there exists SIlK bytes of video memory.

Revised Registers and Bits


B1.t Descriptiog
0-4 Same as OTI-067
5-7 ID bits.
BiL1 ~ Chip type

1 1 1 OTI-OS7. supports 2S6K memory only

o 1 o 0TI-067. supports 256K1S1lK memory only
1 o 1 0TI-077. supports 2S6K1S12K1lMByte memory.

Oak Technology, Inc. 139 Kifer Ct. Sunnyvale. CA 94086 TEL:(408) 737-0888 FAX:(408) 737-3838
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OAK TECHNOLOGV INC SSE ]) . . 6729405 00001!1 137 . . OAKT ~

August 1991 Oak Technology Inc ~


B.lt Dacdption
0-2 Same as 0TI~7
3-4 extended graphics mode selection

Mode Selection

o o VGA modes and modes 4F. 50, 51. 52

o 1 High Resolution 256 colors(53,54. 1024x768 256)
1 o 1024x768 4 colors (5S)
1 1 1024x768 16 colors (S6)

5 Same as 0TI~7
6-7 Memory configuration.

~ llit1 Mode Selection

0 0 256K memory available

0 1 512K memory available
1 0 Not supported
1 1 1 MByte memory available

These two pins are initially set to 01 at power up, then set to proper configuration by BIOS depending on how
much memory is detected. Notice bit 6 can be used to tum off 1MByte support.


lID D§criRtim
0-3 Read Segment for system memory read.
4-7 Write segment for system memory write.

Bit 30> Bit 2(6) llitlill ~ Sepnent

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7
1 0 0 0 8
1 0 0 1 9
1 0 1 0 10
1 0 1 1 11
1 1 0 0 12
1 1 0 1 13
1 1 1 0 14
1 1 1 1 15

TEL:(408) 737-0&88 FAX:(408) 737-3838 Oak Technology, Inc. 139 Kifer Ct. Sunnyvale. CA 94086
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.~ OAK TECHNOLOGY INC 55E D _ 6729405 0000182 073 _OAKT .

~ Oak Technology Inc August 1991

In 640x480. 800x600,l024x7682S6colormodcs, 1024x76816colormode, 768xl024colormocle, ......tatjon

of the system addmrs mappiog to video mmoory is DOC "Y to address aD tho pixel data. Foe these modes, the
segment register should be used to access additioaal memory available.


BIl Ptp , .,tlog

0-2 Same as an-067
3 (CSELO) an-an flmctions ~1ed. Compatible with an~7
0= Same as an~7
1 =Enables rev 0TI-077 flmctions. Pin RDSWn becomes CAS2n, pin
ROMENLn becomes ALE if bit 2 is also a 1.
4-5 Reserved
6-7 Same as 0TI~7

Oak Technology. Inc. 139 Klar Q. SumyvaIe. CA 94086 TEl:(408) 737~ FAX:(408) 737-3838

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