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Subject Code: KEC -503
Branch/Semester: ECE / 5th
Session: 2022

Faculty Members
Dr. Devvrat Tyagi
Dr. Mangal Deep Gupta

Contents as per syllabus:

UNIT-5 Syllabus

5.1 Multirate Digital Signal Processing (MDSP):

5.1.1 Introduction,
5.1.2 Decimation, Interpolation,
5.1.3 Sampling rate conversion: Single and Multistage,
5.1.4 Applications of MDSP- Subband Coding of Speech signals,
5.1.5 Quadrature mirror filters,
5.1.6 Advantages of MDSP.
5.2 Adaptive Filter:
5.2.1 Introduction & Example of adaptive Filter,
5.2.2 The window LMS Algorithm, Recursive Least Square Algorithm.
5.2.3 The Forward-Backward Lattice and Gradient Adaptive Lattic Method.
5.2.4 Applications Of Adaptive Filtering
5.3 Digital Signal Processors:
5.3.1 Introduction, Architecture, Features,
5.3.2 Addressing Formats, Functional modes.
5.3.3 Introduction to Commercial Digital Signal Processors
5.3.4 Selection of Digital Signal Processors
5.1.1 Introduction

The systems that use single sampling frequency for analog-to-digital conversion
are called single-rate systems. But, in many practical applications such as
software assigned radios, teletype, facsimile, digital video and audio, different
sampling rates are used to process the various signals corresponding to their
bandwidths. Hence, multirate digital signal processing is required in digital
systems where more than one sampling rate is needed. In digital audio, the
different sampling rates used are 32kHz for broadcasting, 44.1 kHz for compact
disc and 48 kHz for audio tape. In digital video, the sampling
rates for composite video signals are 14.3181818 MHz and 17.134475 MHz for
NTSC and PAL respectively. But the sampling rates for digital component of
video signals are 13.5 MHz and 6.75 MHz for luminance and colour difference
signal. Different sampling rates can be achieved using an upsampler and
downsampler. The basic operations in multirate processing to achieve this are
decimation and interpolation. Decimation is for reducing the sampling rate and
interpolation is for increasing the sampling rate. The sampling frequency is
increased or decreased without any undesirable effects of errors due to
quantisation and aliasing. While designing multirate systems, the effects of
aliasing for decimation and pseudo-images for interpolation should be avoided.
In a digital transmission system like teletype, facsimile, low bit-rate speech,
where data has to be handled in different rates, multirate signal processing is
used. Multirate signal processing finds its application in
(i) sub-band coding of speech or image
(ii) voice privacy using analog phone lines,
(iii) signal compression by sub-sampling, and
(iv) A/D and D/A converters.
Also, it is used in the areas such as communication systems, data acquisition
and storage systems, speech and audio processing systems, antenna systems and
radar systems.
The advantages of multirate signal processing are that it reduces computational
requirement, storage for filter coefficients, finite arithmetic effects, filter order
required in multirate application and sensitivity to filter coefficient length.

5.1.2 Decimation, Interpolation,

Decimation by a Factor M
The process of reducing the sampling rate of a signal without resulting in
aliasing is called decimation or sampling rate reduction. If M is the integer
sampling rate reduction factor for the signal x(n), then
T’ / T = M
The new sampling rate F’ becomes

Let the signal x(n) be a full band signal, with non-zero values in the frequency
range -F/2 ≤ f ≤ F/2,where w = 2πfT.

To avoid aliasing caused by downsampling, the high frequency components in

signal x(n) must be removed by using a low-pass filter which has the following
spectral response:

The sequence y(k) is obtained by selecting only the Mth sample of the filtered
output which results in sampling rate reduction. If the impulse response of the
filter is h(n), then the filtered output w(n) is given by

The decimated signal y(m) is

y(m) = w(M m)
The sampling rate reduction is represented by a down arrow along with the
decimation factor M and the entire process is represented in Fig
Decimation of x(n) by a factor M

Combining Eqs, y(m) becomes

The decimator is also known as subsampler, downsampler or undersampler. In

the practical case, where a non-ideal low-pass filter is used, the output signal
y(m) will not be a perfect one. Consider the signal w9(n) defined by
The low-pass filter H(z) serves as an anti-aliasing filter. It has to filter the
spectral components of x(n) above w = π/M, i.e. all terms corresponding to l ≠ 0
are removed and the filter closely resembles the ideal case, then,

Consider down sampling of the input signal x(n) by a factor of two. Let X(exp
jw) be a real function with an asymmetric frequency response.
effect is shown. Because of aliasing signal, distortion in y(m) will take place
and hence a low-pass filter is to be connected before the signal x(n) is passed
through the downsampler. This will limit the input signal to the downsampler to
±π/M which avoids aliasing and hence, signal distortion.

The process of increasing the sampling rate of a signal is interpolation
(sampling rate expansion). Letting L be an integer interpolating factor, of the
signal x(n), then
T'/T = 1/L
The sampling rate is given by

Interpolation of a signal x(n) by a factor L refers to the process of interpolating

(L-1) samples between each pair of samples of x(n). The signal w(m) is got by
interpolating (L-1) samples between each pair of the samples of x(n).
where w = 2π f T . The spectrum of the signal w(m) contains the images of
baseband placed at the harmonics of the sampling frequency ± 2π/L, ± 4π/L. To
remove the images, an anti-imaging (low-pass) filter is used. The ideal
characteristic of the low-pass filter is given by
Interpolation of x(n) by a Factor L

Spectrum of Upsampled Signal

The increase in sampling rate is achieved by an interpolator or an upsampler.

The output of the interpolator is passed through the LPF to avoid removal of
some of the desired frequency components of the sampled signal. Let v(m) be
the sequence obtained from the interpolator. v(m) is obtained by adding
(L – 1) zeros between successive values of x(n). If Fs is the sampling rate of
x(n), then the sampling rate of v(m) is LFs which is same as the sampling rate
of y(m). The interpolator system is shown in Fig.
v(m) is characterised by the following equation:

Interpolation with a Filter

The frequency spectrum of v(m) is obtained by evaluating V(z) on the unit
circle (z = e jw) in the z-plane. Thus,
Frequency Spectra of x(n), v(n), h(n) and y(m)

5.1.3 Sampling rate conversion: Single and Multistage,

Sampling Rate Conversion by a Rational Factor L/M

Consider the sampling rate conversion by a factor

The sampling rate F’ is F’ = (L/M) F

The fractional conversion can be obtained by first increasing the sampling rate
by L and then decreasing it by M. The interpolation process should be done
before the decimation process to avoid any loss of information in the signal.
Figures (a) and (b) show the process of fractional sampling rate conversion.

a) Cascade Connection of Interpolator and Decimator for Fractional Sampling Rate


b) Efficient Way of Fractional Sampling Rate Conversion

The sampling rate of the filter is F” = LF.

The time-domain and frequency-domain input-output, output-input relationships

are obtained as given below.

Time-domain Relationships

Frequency-domain Relationships
The output spectrum is given by
5.1.4 Applications of MDSP- Subband Coding of Speech signals,

Sub Band Coding (SBC) is a frequency domain coding technique in which the
input signal is decomposed into a number of sub bands so that each of these
frequency bands can be encoded separately.

Block Diagram of Sub-Band Coding

Sub-Band Coding (SBC) is a powerful and general method of encoding audio

signals efficiently. Unlike source specific methods (like LPC, which works only
on speech), SBC can encode any audio signal from any source, making it ideal
for music recording, movie soundtrack. MPEG Audio is the most popular
example of SBC. The basic idea behind SBC is a phenomenon of the human
hearing system called masking. Normal human ears are sensitive to a wide
range of frequencies. However, when a lot of signal energy is present at one
frequency, the ear cannot sense lower energy at nearby frequencies. We say that
the louder frequency masks the softer frequencies. The louder frequency is
called the masker. Strictly speaking, what we're describing here is really called
simultaneous masking (masking across frequency). There are also non-
simultaneous masking (masking across time) phenomena, as well as many other
phenomena of human hearing, which we're not concerned with here. The basic
idea of SBC is to save signal bandwidth by throwing away information about
frequencies which are masked. The result won't be the same as the original
signal, but if the computation is done right, human ears can't make out the

Consider quantizing the samples of a speech signal.

How many bits are required?
In general, 16 bits precision per sample is normally used for audio.
This gives an adequate dynamic range. In practice, certain frequency bands are
less important perceptually because they contain less significant information
bands with less information or lower perceptual importance may be quantized
with lower precision - fewer bits. Divide the spectrum of the signal into several
subbands then allocate bits to each band appropriately.

 16 bits per sample, 10 kHz sampling frequency gives 160 kbits/s

Divide into 2 bands: high frequency and low frequency subbands.

High frequencies of speech are less important to intelligibility.
Therefore use only 8 bits per sample
The sampling frequency can be reduced by a factor of 2 since bandwidth is
halved, still satisfying Nyquist criterion.

 5 × 16 + 5 × 8 = 120 kbits/s
 4:3 compression
Reconstructed signal has no noticeable reduction is signal quality.

5.1.5 Quadrature mirror filters,

In applications where sub-band filtering is used, the processes are carried out in
the following sequence.

(i) The signal x(n) is split into a number of sub-band signals {vk(n)} by using
an analysis filter bank.
(ii) The sub-band signals are processed.
(iii) The processed signals are combined using synthesis filter bank to obtain the
output signal y(n).
The sub-band signals are downsampled before processing. The signals are
upsampled after processing. The structure is called Quadrature Mirror Filter
(QMF) bank. In a critically sampled filter bank, the decimation and
interpolation factors are equal and the characteristics of x(n) will be available in
y(n), provided the filter structures are properly selected. The applications of
QMF filters are

(i) Efficient coding of the signal, and

(ii) Analog voice privacy system in secure telephone communication.

The two-channel QMF filter bank is shown in Fig. 11.38. This is a multirate
digital filter structure that employs two decimators in the signal-analysis part
and two interpolators in the signal-synthesispart. The analysis filter H0(z) is a
low-pass filter and H1(z) is a mirror image high-pass filter. In frequency
domain, H0(w) = H(w) and H1(w) = H(w – p), where H(w) is the frequency
response of a low-pass filter. As a consequence, H0(w) and H1(w) have mirror
image symmetry about the frequency
w = π/2
In time domain, the corresponding relations are

The cut-off frequency is p / 2 for these filters. The sub-band signals {vk(n)} are
downsampled. After downsampling, these signals are processed (encoded). In
the receiving side, the signals are decoded, upsampled and then passed through
the synthesis filters C0(z) and C1(z) to get the output y(n).
The low-pass filter C0(z) is selected such that C0(w) = 2H(w) and the high-pass
filter C0(w) as C1(w) = –2H(w – p). In the time domain, c0(n) = – 2h(n) and
c1(n) = – 2(–1)nh(n). The scale factor of 2 corresponds to the interpolation
factor used to normalise the overall frequency response of the QMF.
Thus, the aliasing occurring due to decimation in the analysis section of the
QMF bank is perfectly cancelled by the image signal spectrum due to
interpolation. As a result, the two-channel QMF behaves as a linear, time-
invariant system.
The encoding and decoding processes are not shown in Fig. b). For perfect
reconstruction, the QMF filter banks should be properly selected.

a) Two-channel Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank

b) Frequency Response of Analysis Filters H0(z) and H1(z)

5.1.6 Advantages of MDSP.

Potential advantages of multirate signal processing are
 reduced computational work load,
 lower filter order,
 lower coefficient sensitivity and noise,
 less stringent memory requirements.
Disadvantages are more complex design, aliasing and imaging errors and a
more complex algorithm.

5.2.1 Introduction & Example of adaptive Filter,

A filter is said to be optimal if it is designed with some knowledge about the

input data. If this information is not known, then adaptive filters are used. The
adaptive filter has the property of self-optimisation. It is a recursive time-
varying filer characterised by a set of adjustable coefficients. An adaptive filter
is useful whenever
(i) Signal properties are not known in advance or time varying,
(ii) System properties are not known in advance or time varying, and
(iii) Design requirements for fixed filters cannot easily be specified.
The adaptive filters find wide applications in system identification, speech and
image encoding, channel equalisation, noise cancelling, line enhancing,
frequency tracking, interference reduction and acoustic echo cancellation.
Figure14.1 shows the basic schematic diagram of an adaptive filter, where
x(n), d^(n), d(n) and e(n) are the input, output, desired output and error signal of
the adaptive filter respectively at the time instant n. The adaptive filter estimates
the output signal d^(n) of the filter and compares it to a desired signal d(n). By
observing the error e(n) between the output of the adaptive filter and the desired
signal, i.e. e(n) = d(n) – d^(n), an adaptive algorithm updates the filter
coefficients with the aim of minimizing the objective function. The adaptive
filter shown in Fig.14.1 is a non-linear filter through its dependence on the input
signal. But at a given instant of time, it will act as a linear filter. The adaptive
filter is composed of three basic modules such as (i) filtering structure, (ii)
adaptive algorithm, and (iii) performance criterion.

The characteristics of the adaptive filter are:

(i) It is described as a non-linear system with time-varying parameters.
(ii) The adjustable parameters are assigned with values depending on the
estimated statistical nature
of the signals. Hence, this filter is adaptable to the changing environment.
(iii) An algorithm is said to be stable if it converges to the minimum regardless
of the starting point.
iv) Since it is trained to perform specific filtering and decision-making
tasks, the synthesis procedure is not required.
v) The speed of convergence depends on the algorithm and the nature of
the performance surface.
(vi) It is more complex and difficult to analyse.
The aim of an adaptive filter is to find and track the optimum filter quickly and
accurately, corresponding to the same signal operating environment with the
complete knowledge of the desired statistics. Its performance is calculated using
the concepts of stability, quality and speed of adaptation, and tracking
The majority of the adaptive algorithms originate from deterministic and
gradient-based optimization methods. The Steepest Descent Algorithm (SDA),
Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm, Recursive Least Squares (RLS)
algorithm and their properties

Schematic of an Adaptive

5.2.2 The window LMS Algorithm, Recursive Least Square Algorithm.


The most popular LMS algorithm, developed by Widrow and Hoff, is discussed
in this section. It follows the stochastic gradient algorithms and possesses less
computational complexity. The following are the most important properties of
the LMS algorithm:
(i) LMS algorithm does not require the autocorrelation matrix of the filter input
and the cross correlation between the filter input and its desired signal.
(ii) It does not use the expectation operation that is present in the steepest-
descent method.
(iii) Implementation of the algorithm is simple and does not require matrix
(iv) Its iterative procedure involving:
(a) Computation of the output of an FIR filter produced by a set of filter
(b) Generation of an estimated error by comparing the output of the filter
to a desired response.
(c) Adjustment of the filter coefficients based on the estimated error.
(v) It includes a step-size parameter, μ, which controls the stability and
convergence of the algorithm.
(vi) It is a stable and robust algorithm.
(vii) The SDA contains deterministic quantities while the LMS operates on
random quantities.

Derivation of LMS Algorithm

Using the steepest-descent method,

where m is the step size of the adaptation (m < 1). Here, lower the value of m
slower the convergence rate, higher the value of m higher the chances of the
adaptive system becoming unstable; e(n) or (d(n)– x(n)) is the instantaneous
error at time n and x(n) is the sampled signal at time n. Replacing the gradient
of the mean square error function by a simple instantaneous squared error
function, the LMS algorithm is defined for the coefficient update as

This is known as adaptive LMS algorithm. The algorithm requires x(n), d(n)
and h(n) to be known at each iteration. The LMS algorithm requires only 2N + 1
multiplications and 2N additions per iteration for an N tap-weight vector.
Therefore, it has a relatively simple structure and the hardware required is
directly proportional to the number of weights.


A limitation of the LMS algorithm is that it does not use all the information
contained in the input data set for convergence. To overcome the problem of
slow convergence of the LMS algorithm, the recursive least square (RLS)
algorithm is implemented. The RLS algorithm uses the Newton’s adaptation
method to minimise the mean square surface. So, it computes recursively, the
inverse of the mean square error function or inverse of the input correlation
matrix. The RLS algorithm uses the matrix inversion lemma technique and it is
a recursive implementation to minimise the LS objective function. The
weighted least-squares (WLS) objective function is formulated as

where 0 < l 1 is an exponential scaling factor often referred to as forgetting

factor which assigns greater importance to more recent data. With larger values
of l, the window length will be longer and will possess a longer memory.
Bringing l further away from 1, i.e. l >> 1 shortens the memory and enables the
algorithm to track the statistical changes within the data.

where e(i) is the difference between desired signal y(i) and filtered output at
time i, using the latest set of filter co-efficient hn(k). Thus, minimizing e (n) by
differentiating Eq. (14.17) with respect to h* n(k), we have
Comparison of LMS with RLS

1. The main drawback of the RLS algorithm is its computational complexity.

But in general, the RLS algorithm is preferable over the LMS algorithm.
2. The convergence rate of the LMS algorithm is governed by the choice of the
step size m, where increasing m increases the convergence.
3. The convergence rate of the RLS algorithm is independent of the spread of
eigen values within the input correlation matrix. This is not the case for the
LMS algorithm, as when the eigen value spread of the correlation matrix is
greater, then the converges is rather slow.
4. The RLS algorithm incorporates a forgetting factor l, governs the rate of
convergence and steady-state error. In a stationary environment the best
steady-state performance results from slow adaptation where l is close to 1.
Conversely, smaller values of l result in faster convergence but greater
steady-state error. This is similar to memory-convergence relationship
existing within the LMS algorithm, which is determined by the step size m.
5.2.3 The Forward-Backward Lattice and Gradient Adaptive Lattic


mth stage of Mth Order Lattice Filter


Let em(n) be defined as the sum of the mean square values of the forward and
backward prediction errors at the output of the mth stage lattice filter at time n
and gm(n) be the reflection coefficient

where em(n) depends on time n because the reflection coefficient gm(n) varies
with respect to time, fm–1(n – 1) and bm–1(n) are the forward predictor error
and the delayed backward prediction error respectively at the input of the mth
stage. The gradient is given by
5.2.4 Applications of Adaptive Filtering
Due to the ability of adaptive filter to operate satisfactorily in non-stationary
environments, it is considered as a part of many DSP applications where the
statistics of the incoming signals are unknown or time varying. Adaptive filter
performs a range of varying tasks, namely, system identification, noise
cancellation, signal prediction, etc. in applications like channel equalization,
echo cancellation or adaptive beam forming. Each application differs in the way
the adaptive filter chooses the input signal and the desired signal.

System Identification

5.3.1 Introduction, Architecture, Features:

A digital signal processor is a specialised microprocessor targeted at digital

signal processing applications. Digital signal processing applications demand
specific features that paved the way for Programmable Digital Signal Processors
(P-DSP). Unlike the conventional microprocessors meant for general-purpose
applications, the advanced microprocessors such as Reduced Instruction Set
Computer (RISC) processors and Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC)
processors may use some of the techniques adopted in P-DSP, or may even have
instructions that are specifically required for DSP applications. P-DSP has an
advantage over the conventional processor in terms of low power requirement,
cost, real-time I/O capability and availability of high-speed on-chip memories.

The salient features required for efficient performance of DSP operations are:

(i) Multiplier and Multiplier Accumulator

(ii) Modified Bus Structure and Memory Access Schemes
(iii) Multiple Access Memory
(iv) Multiported Memory
(v) Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Architecture
(vi) Pipelining
(vii) Special Addressing Modes
(viii) On-Chip Peripherals


DSP processors use special memory architectures, namely, Harvard architecture

or modified Von Neumann architecture, which allow fetching multiple data
and/or instructions at the same time. Traditionally, the general purpose
processors (GPPs) have used a Von Neumann memory architecture in which
there is one memory space connected to the processor core by one bus set
consisting of an address bus and a data bus. The Von Neumann architecture is
not good for digital signal processing applications, as some DSP algorithms
require more memory bandwidth. For example, in order for a
DSP processor to sustain a throughput of one FIR filter tap per instruction cycle,
it must perform the following tasks within one instruction cycle. Fetch the MAC
instruction. Read the appropriate sample value from the delay line. Read the
appropriate coefficient value. Write the sample value to the next location in the
delay line, in order to shift data through the delay line.
Memory Architecture: (a) Von Neumann, and (b) Harvard

Another architecture used for Programmable DSPs, is the very long instruction
word (VLIW) architecture. VLIW architecture has a number of processing
units. The VLIW is accessed from memory and is used to specify the operands
and operations to be performed by each of the data paths. The multiple
functional units share a common multi ported register file for fetching the
operands and storing the results as shown in Fig 16.3. Read wire cross bar
facilitates the parallel random access by the functional units. Execution of the
operation in the functional units is carried out concurrently with the load/store
operation of data between a RAM and the register file. The performance of this
type of architecture depends on the degree of parallelism involved in the DSP
algorithm and the number of functional units. If there are 8 functional units, the
time required for convolution can be reduced by a factor of 8 compared to a
single functional unit. The number of functional units is also limited by the
hardware cost.
Block Diagram of the VLIW

5.3.2 Addressing Modes, Functional modes.

TMS320C5X processors can address 64K words of program memory and 96K
words of data memory.
The following addressing modes are supported by TMS320C5X processors.
(i) Direct addressing
(ii) Memory-mapped register addressing
(iii) Immediate addressing
(iv) Indirect addressing
(v) Dedicated-register addressing
(vi) Circular addressing
i) Direct Addressing

The data memory used with C5X processors is split into 512 pages each of 128
words long. The data memory page pointer (DP) in ST0 holds the address of the
current data memory page. In the direct addressing mode of C5X, only lower-
order 7 bits of the address are specified in the instruction. The upper 9 bits are
taken from the DP as shown in Fig. 16.5.
ii) Memory Mapped Register Addressing

With memory-mapped register addressing, the MMRs can be modified without

affecting the current data page pointer value. In addition, any scratch pad RAM
(DARAM B2) location or data page 0 can also be modified. The memory-
mapped register addressing mode is similar to direct addressing mode, except
that the 9 MSBs of the address are forced to 0 instead of being loaded with the
contents of the DP. The following instructions operate in the memory-mapped
register addressing mode. Using these instructions does not affect the contents
of memory-mapped register addressing mode and the contents of the DP.
LAMM-Load accumulator with memory-mapped register
LMMR-Load memory-mapped register
SAMM-Store accumulator in memory-mapped register
SMMR-Store memory-mapped register

iii) Immediate Addressing

The immediate addressing mode can be used to load either a 16-bit constant or a
constant of length 13, 9 or 7. Accordingly, it is referred to as long immediate or
short immediate addressing mode. This mode is indicated by the symbol #.
Example: ADD # 56h adds 56h to ACC. Similarly, ADD# 4567h adds 4567h to

iv) Indirect Addressing

The ARs AR0 – AR7 are used for accessing data using indirect addressing
mode. In the indirect addressing mode, out of eight ARs, the one which is
currently used for accessing data is denoted by the register ARP. The contents
of ARP can be temporarily stored in the ARB register. The indirect addressing
mode of C5X permits the AR used for the addressing to be updated
automatically either after or before the operand is fetched. Hence a separate
instruction is not required to update the AR. However, if required, the contents
of an AR can be incremented or decremented by any 8-bit constant using SBRK
and ADRK instructions. For example, SBRK #k, ADRK #k subtracts, adds the
constant k from/to the AR pointed by ARP.

v) Dedicated Register Addressing

The dedicated-registered addressing mode operates like the long immediate

addressing mode, except that the address comes from one of two special-
purpose memory-mapped registers in the CPU: the block move address register
(BMAR) and the dynamic bit manipulation register (DBMR). The advantage of
this addressing mode is that the address of the block of memory to be acted
upon can be changed during execution of the program.

Example: BLDD BMAR, DAT100; DP 5 0

If BMAR contains the value 200h, then the content of data memory location
200h is copied to data memory location 100 on the current data page.

vi) Circular Addressing

Algorithms such as convolution, correlation and finite impulse response (FIR)

filter use circular buffers in memory to implement a sliding window, which
contains the most recent data to be processed. The C5X supports two concurrent
circular buffers operating via the ARs. The following are the five memory-
mapped registers that control the circular buffer operation:
CBSR1 – Circular buffer 1 start register
CBSR2 – Circular buffer 2 start register
CBER1 – Circular buffer 1 end register
CBER2 – Circular buffer 2 end register
CBCR – Circular buffer control register

The 8-bit CBCR enables and disables the circular buffer operation. To define
circular buffers, the start and end addresses are loaded into the corresponding
buffer registers first; next, a value between the start and end registers for the
circular buffer is loaded into AR. The corresponding circular buffer enables bit
in the CBCR should be set.

5.3.3 Introduction to Commercial Digital Signal Processors

The ADSP 21xx is the first digital signal processor from Analog Devices. The
family consists of a large number of processors based on a common 16-bit
fixed-point architecture with a 24-bit instruction word.

The ADSP 2184 is a single-chip microcomputer optimized for Digital Signal

Processing (DSP) and other high-speed numeric processing applications. The
major application of ADSP 21xx processors are modem, audio processing, PC
multimedia and digital cellular applications.

The Analog Devices ADSP 210x and ADSP 219x are 16-bit fixed-point
processors with 24-bit instructions. The ADSP 219x is based on the ADSP 218x
architecture and the enhancements include the addition of new addressing
modes, an expanded address space, addition of an instruction cache, and deeper
pipeline (six stages, compared to three on the ADSP 218x) to enable faster
clock speeds. The ADSP 2184 combines the ADSP 2100 family base
architecture (three computational units, data-address generators and a program
sequencer) with two serial ports, a 16-bit internal DMA port, a byte DMA port,
a programmable timer, Flag I/O, extensive interrupt capabilities and on-chip
program and data memory. The ADSP 2184 integrates 20K bytes of on-chip
memory configured as 4K words (24-bit) of program RAM and 4K words (16-
bit) of data RAM. Power-down circuitry is also provided to meet the low power
needs of battery-operated portable equipment. The ADSP 2184 is available in a
100-lead LQFP package.
In addition, the ADSP 2184 supports instructions that include bit
manipulations—bit set, bit clear, bit toggle, bit test—ALU constants,
multiplication instruction (x squared), biased rounding, result free ALU
operations, I/O memory transfers, and global interrupt masking for increased
flexibility. Fabricated in a high-speed, double-metal, low-power CMOS process,
the ADSP 2184 operates with a 25 ns instruction cycle time. Every instruction
can execute in a single processor cycle. Figure 16.17 shows the functional block
diagram of the ADSP 2184 processor.

The ADSP 21xx families of DSPs contain a shadow bank register that is useful
for single-cycle context switching of the processor. The ADSP 219x are used in
low-cost applications, particularly on control applications. There are three
members in the ADSP 219x family.
The ADSP 2184 flexible architecture and comprehensive instruction set allow
the processor to perform multiple operations in parallel. In one cycle, the ADSP
2184 can

(i) generate the next program address,

(ii) fetch the next instruction,
(iii) perform one or two data moves,
(iv) update one or two data address pointers, and
(v) perform a computational operation.

The above operations take place when the processor continues to

(i) receive and transmit data through the two serial ports,
(ii) receive or transmit data through the internal DMA port,
(iii) receive or transmit data through the byte DMA port, and
(iv) decrement the timer.

Functional block diagram of the ADSP 2184 processor


The Motorola DSP560xx family has several kinds of 24-bit fixed-point digital
signal processors based on common core architecture. This processor family is
popularly used in digital audio applications, where its 24-bit word improves the
dynamic range and reduces quantization noise compared to 16-bit fixed-point

The DSP56000 and DSP56001 are the first members of the DSP560xx family
which were introduced in 1987. Motorola introduced the DSP56002 and
DSP56011 in 1992 and 1996 respectively, which were used for audio decoding
of the DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) players.

The DSP560xx has a 24-bit, fixed-point data path which features an integrated
MAC/ALU with a 24 × 24 – 48 bit multiplier, a 56-bit ALU, and two 56-bit
accumulators which provide eight guard bits each. Every operation of
DSP560xx data path uses fractional arithmetic. As DSP560xx has no integer
multiply instruction for integer multiplication to be performed by the
programmers, it is required to convert the result of a fractional multiply to
integer format by shifting a sign bit into the accumulator MSB. The data path
can shift values one bit left or right and it provides 48-bit double-precision
arithmetic. A carry bit can be updated by shifting operation and ALU operation.
The Motorola DSP561xx family is based on Motorola’s DSP56100 16-bit fixed-
point DSP core. Its architecture, instruction set and development environment
are similar to that of Motorola’s DSP560xx 24-bit fixed-point processor
family.DSP561xx processors execute at speed up to 30 MIPS and its
applications include cell phones and pagers.

The two processors in the DSP561xx family are the DSP56156 and the
DSP56166. Both the processors provide on-chip voice band A/D and D/A
converters (codes).

The DSP561xx family’s data path is based on a 16–32-bit multiplier, integrated

with a 40-bit accumulator, which is provided with eight guard bits. Multiply-
accumulate operations are executed in a single clock cycle. The multiply-
accumulate unit supports signed/unsigned multiplication. Though the data path
does not have a barrel shifter, a shifting unit provides accumulator which shifts
one or four bits left, or one, four, or 16 bits right. Convergent rounding, biased
rounding, saturation shifting and output shifting are supported by the data paths.
The Motorola DSP96002 is a 32-bit IEEE standard 754 floating-point processor
with 32-bit integer support. The overall architecture is similar to that of the
Motorola DSP560xx family. The execution speeds of the fastest versions of the
processors are at 20 MIPS. The DSP96002 are popularly used in scientific and
military applications (especially those involving the Fast Fourier transform).

5.3.4 Selection of Digital Signal Processors

The factors which influence the selection of a DSP processor for a specific
application are described as follows.

Architectural Features: The key features of DSP architecture are on-chip

memory size, special instructions and I/O capability. On-chip memory is
essential in applications where large memory is required. It helps in access of
data at high speed and fast execution of the program. For applications requiring
high memory(e.g. digital audio-Dolby AC-2, FAX/Modem, MPEG
coding/decoding), the size of internal RAM should be high. For applications
which require fast and efficient communication or data flow with the outside
world, I/O features such interface to ADC and DACs, DMA capability and
support for multiprocessing is of importance. Depending on the application, a
rich set of special instructions are required to support DSP operations, e.g. zero-
overhead looping capability, dedicated DSP instructions and circular

Type of Arithmetic: Fixed and floating-point arithmetic are the two important
types of arithmetic used in modern digital signal processors. Fixed-point
processors are used in low-cost and high-volume applications (e.g. cell phones
and computer disk drives). Floating-point arithmetic processors are used for
application with wide and variable dynamic range requirements which are

Execution Speed: The execution speed of digital signal processors plays an

important role in the selection of a processor. The execution speed is measured
in terms of the clock speed of the processor (in MHz) and the number of
instructions performed [in Millions of Instructions Per Seconds (MIPS)]. For
floating-point digital signal processors, execution speed is measured in Millions
of Floating Point Operations Per Second (MFLOPS). For example, the
TMS320C6X family of processors can execute as many as eight instructions in
a cycle. The number of operations performed in each cycle differs from
processor to processor.

Word Length: Processor data-word length is an important parameter in DSP

as it has a significant impact on the signal quality. In general, if the data word is
long, less errors are introduced by digital signal processing. Fixed-point digital
signal processors used in telecommunications markets employ 16-bit word
length (e.g. TMS320C54x), whereas the processors used in high-quality audio
applications use 24-bits (e.g. DSP56300).For example, fixed-point audio
processing requires a processor word length of at least 24-bits. In floating point
DSP processors, a 32-bit data size (24-bit mantissa and 8-bit exponents) is used
for single-precision arithmetic. Most floating-point DSP processors have fixed
point arithmetic capability and often support variable data size.
University Questions Related to Unit-5

Q.1 Explain single rate &multirate processing 5

Q.2 State the multirate signal processing. 5

Q.3 Explain in detail about decimation & interpolation 10

Q.4 Explain the block diagram of down sampling process for M=3 10
Q.5 Given a DSP downsampling system with the following 10
specifications, determine the FIR filter length,cutoff frequency,
and window type if the window method is used:
Sampling rate = 6,000 Hz
Input audio frequency range = 0–800 Hz
Passband ripple = 0.02 dB
Stopband attenuation = 50 dB
Downsample factor M = 3,
Q.6 What do you mean by subband coding of speech signal. 10

Q.7 Explain about Mirror filters. 2

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