JPSP 2022 148
JPSP 2022 148
JPSP 2022 148
2022, Vol. 6, No. 6, 5612 – 5626
Ph.D., Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. e-mail:
Professor in Economics, Gandhigram Rural Institute (To be Deemed University), Gandhigram, Dindugal
district, Tamil Nadu, India. e-mail:
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. e-mail:
Socio-economic characteristics play an important role in students’ academic performance. The socio-
economic factor of an individual is usually measured by education, employment-status and the
income of his/her parents, which determine an individual’s or a group’s standard of living. The earlier
studies on this subject investigated the socio-economic factor that impacted students’ academic
performance at the higher secondary school level of education. The present study examines the impact
of socio-economic factors on the academic performance of higher secondary school students. The
sample for this study was gathered from 764 higher secondary school students in Salem District of
Tamil Nadu, in India. The present study has found that the educational levels of the mothers and their
occupation factors considerably impact their children’s academic performance. The influence of
Father’s education and employment status is on a moderate level. The income of the family has
negatively impacted the students’ academic performance at 1% level significant. However, the types
of schools and mediums of education also have a strong bearing on the students’ academic
performance at the higher secondary level. This study concludes that there is a direct relationship
between socio-economic factors and the academic performance of higher secondary school students.
the schools. The existence of educational socio-economic status of the students. The
inequalities in high-income countries, with high earlier studies on this subject have found that
socio-economic factor poses a serious the socio-economic factor plays an important
challenge to developing countries in expanding role in the higher secondary students’ academic
school-access for their children (Kim et., al. performance. The socio-economic background
2019). The previous academic achievement, of private-school students significantly
academic experience and work-status of the impacted their academic performance in
students more strongly influenced their language, maths, and science subjects (Suna et
academic performance than their socio- al., al., 2020). Some of the studies examined
economic status (Hernandez, 2020). The the gender-wise academic performance in
student’s high socio-economic status was one mathematics subjects. However, the boy
of the most significant educational students accomplished better than girl-students
achievements compared to students’ low in Mathematics subject (Fox and Cohn, 1980;
socioeconomic status (Bhat, Joshi and Wani, Hyde et., al., 1990). Thus, it is evidenced that
2016). The socio-economic status was the factors such as the socio-economic
positively sign of students’ academic conditions, school characteristics and personal
performance in language and mathematics abilities of students have a strong impact on
subjects. There is positive relationship between their academic performance at different stage
socio-economic factor and the students’ of education. In line with the earlier studies, the
achievement in language and mathematical present study has made an attempt to analyse
subjects of the students (Zhang et., al, 2020). the relationship between the socio-economic
Egunsola, (2014) study found that the location factor of the Higher Secondary School Students
of the home was significant in high correlation and their academic performance in Salem
and the academic performance of secondary District of Tamil Nadu.
STUDENTS Socio-economic factors, educational factors
and personal factors of students can affect the
The earlier studies have found that school-
academic performance of higher secondary
characteristics, such as, effective teaching,
school students during the academic year.
good infrastructure, talented faculty educational
These variables positively or negatively affect
medium, use of teaching aids enhance students’
students’ academic performance by increasing
learning outcomes that result in higher
or decreasing students’ grade levels. This
academic attainments and social equity
conceptual framework shows the complexity of
(Coleman, 1996; Ferreira Gignoux and Aran,
the factors that affect students’ academic
2010; Lazenby, 2016; Singh, 2014). There is a
performance in higher secondary level board
strong correlation between school
examination results. Also, it has calculated the
characteristics and students’ achievement
academic performance of students at the higher
(Çobanoglu and Badavan, 2017). Lack of
secondary level, which is classified into five
educational facilities has affected the
groups; 1. Excellent = 100 – 80, 2. Very good =
educational performance and the learning
80 – 60, 3. Good = 60 – 45, 4. Satisfactory = 45
outcomes among the students of higher
– 30 and 5. Unsatisfactory = below 30. Figure 1
secondary schools (Udayakumar and
illustrates the conceptual framework of the
Rajendran, 2016), which contributes to the low
present study.
5615 Journal of Positive School Psychology
secondary school students’ enrolments in the Where, ApSe indicates the dependent variable
government, government-aided and private which elucidates the academic performance of
secondary schools. Consequently, the sample secondary school students. β_0 = Constant
schools have been divided into three types: value, β_1……… β_i= Predictor of Co-
high, average and low level of secondary efficient value of respected independent
school students’ enrollments. The study has variables, X_1……… X_i= explains the
used the primary data sources. The data was independent variables and μ_i = Error term.
collected from 764 sample respondents of
higher secondary school students in Salem
district of Tamil Nadu. The primary data was RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
collected through the well-structured
questionnaire. The questionnaire was relevant Socio-economic factor plays a major
to the socio-economic background of the role in education, health and nutrition of
respondents, school relevant factors and their children. These variables are important factors
academic performance. The method included for determining the demand for education at the
details of the respondent’s age, gender, higher secondary school level. The earlier
religion, social group, residential area, their studies have found that there is a correlation
parental education, occupational and income of between the socio-economic characteristics of
family, type of school and medium of the students and the academic performance of
education and academic performance of students at the higher secondary level (Kim et.,
students. al. 2019; Zhang et., al, 2020). The demand for
higher secondary education is based on the
The model specification of the study had used family’s economic status, household income,
the data of academic performance of the higher family size and land-size as the main variables,
secondary students as the dependent-variable, associated with children’s schooling
measured in the grade point score, obtained (Arumugam, 1984). The socio-economic status
from the board examinations, attended by the variables play a significant role in parents’
students. The socio-economic factors include choosing of the stream of education for their
gender, age, region, religion, social groups, children at the higher secondary level. Parental
father’s education, mother’s education, education, income and occupation status are
occupational status of father, occupational essential variables in selecting the educational
status of mother, household income, size of institutions, medium of education, cost of
family, types of school, medium of education education and educational attainments.
and location of schools. The main aim of the Students’ academic progress, achievements or
study was to investigate the relationship short comings mostly depend on the family
between the socio-economic characteristics and income, parents’ educational level and parents’
academic performance of higher secondary employment. It is generally believed that the
school students. The explanatory variables students who choose to study in reputed
were chosen by the theoretical framework and schools with good facilities and faculties,
the empirical evidences. The model perform better in the exams than those students
specification based on the relationship between who choose to study in common low standard
the socio-economic characterises and academic schools. So, the purpose of this study is to
performance of the higher secondary school determine the impact of socio-economic status
students has been examined using the following on higher secondary school students’ academic
multiple linear regression model: performance.
𝑨𝒑𝑺𝒆=𝜷𝟎 +𝜷𝟏 𝑿𝟏 +𝜷𝟐 𝑿𝟐 + ………………………………+𝜷𝒊 𝑿𝒊 +𝝁𝒊
5617 Journal of Positive School Psychology
Table 1. Descriptive Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors of the Students in Higher Secondary level
Variables Frequency Percent
1. Boys 404 52.9
2. Girls 360 47.1
Social Groups
1. Backward Caste 246 32.2
2. Most Backward Community 366 47.9
3. Marginalized Caste (SC/ST) 152 19.9
1. Hindu 617 80.8
2. Muslim 66 8.6
3. Christian 81 10.6
Residential Area
1. Urban 274 35.9
2. Rural 490 64.1
Family Types
1. Nuclear Family 619 81.0
2. Joint Family 145 19.0
Size of Family
1. < 3 members 80 10.5
2. 3 – 5 members 432 60.5
3. > 5 members 222 29.1
Father’s Education Level
1. Illiterate 215 28.1
2. Elementary 240 31.4
3. Secondary 243 31.8
4. Higher Education 66 8.6
Mother’s Education Level
1. Illiterate 260 34.0
2. Elementary 197 25.8
3. Secondary 270 35.3
4. Higher Education 37 4.8
Father’s Occupational Status
1. Daily Wage Labour 385 50.4
2. Private Employee 262 34.3
3. Government Employee 78 10.2
4. Agricultural Farmer 39 5.1
Mother’s Occupational Status
1. Daily Wage Labour 306 40.1
2. Private Employee 91 11.9
3. Government Employee 22 2.9
4. Agricultural Farmer 51 6.7
5. Housewife 294 38.5
Income of Family (per annum)
1. > Rs. 75,000 29 3.8
2. Rs. 75,000 – Rs. 1,50,000 214 28.0
3. Rs. 1,50,000 – Rs. 2,50,000 327 42.8
4. Rs. 2,50,000 – Rs. 3,50,000 108 14.1
5. < Rs. 3,50,000 86 11.3
Types of School
1. Government School 270 35.3
2. Government-Aided School 229 30.0
3. Private School 265 34.7
Medium of Education
1. Tamil Medium 487 63.7
2. English Medium 277 36.3
Source: Primary Data.
Kumaravel Udayakumar 5618
Table 1 details on the descriptive analysis of qualification on the other hand, is strongly
the students’ socio-economic characteristics decidual by their children’s education and
and school related factors. The gender of the academic scare, especially their girl-students.
total sample of 764 higher secondary students The highest percentage (35%) of mothers’
about 53% is boys and 47% girls in the sample education is the secondary level. nearly 34%
of the study. Social groups of the respondents mothers are illiterate. Around 26% of the
the majority of students belong to Most respondents’ mothers’ educational qualification
Backward Class, who form 48% of the total is the elementary level. Only 5% of mother’s
sample, followed by the Backward Class (32%) educational attainment is higher education level
and the remaining 20% of the students belong it was found that the majority of mothers have
to the SC and ST people. Majority of the the educational qualification of secondary level
respondents belong to Hindu religion (81%) education.
followed by Christians (10%) and Muslim with
The occupation of the parents which is consider
9%. Most of the students come from
to be main factor to decide their children’s
nuclear families which account for 81% of the
educations. The parents’ occupational status
students, while 19% of the sample students
has been classified as: Wage-Labour, Private
come from joint families. The family-size is a
Employee, Government Employee,
vital factor in determining the academic
Agricultural formers and unemployee/House-
performance of children. The highest
wife. The Fathers occupation is a primary
percentage of house-hold (60%) have 3 to 5
factor that determinizes the choice of school,
members. And more than 29% of house-hold
cost of education and academic performance.
have above 5 members. About 10% of the
Among them, the highest number of the fathers
Families have less than three members.
are working as a wage laboure accounts for
Parental educational qualifications play 50%. Next to it, 34% of the respondents’
an important role in the improvement of social, fathers do private jobs. Around 10% of fathers
economic, healthcare and educational status of are government employees. Only a small
their children. It facilitates them to reach the percentage (5%) of Fathers are doing
desired level of educational attainment, agricultural activities. Along-side the mothers’
academic performance of their children and occupational status the father’s occupation also
make career choices of their children in future. a vital role in their plays children’s education,
The parents are choosing ways and means of health, and nutrition level. Among them, 40%
education for their children, such as selection of mothers’ occupation status is daily wage
of school. School location, medium of labour and 38 percent are house wife. Rets of
education, private coaching. The parental them, 12% were private employees; 3% had
education that are playing the vital role of worked in government sectors; only 8% of
determining the factors influencing their secondary school student’s mothers were
children’s academic performance. The parental engaged as an agricultural and allied activities.
educational attainment is related to the
Family income plays an important role in
economy social well-being of a household.
determining their children’s education. They
Nearly 32% of the fathers’ educational
are choosing the schools for their children’s
attainment is the secondary level education and
education according to their income level. The
31% of the students’ fathers’ educational
high. Income parents opt to admit their children
qualification was elementary level. 28%
at higher secondary level education. Parents
respondents’ fathers are illiterate persons in the
earning high level income are ready to get their
study area. Around 9% of students” Fathers’
children enrolled in private schools. The mean
education is higher education level.
income of the families annum is Rs. 2,20,096.
Mothers’ educational attainment is one The highest (43%) percentage of families
of the prime factors which are influencing their income level is Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,50,000
children’s health, education and study- per annum. 11% of families income level is
efficiency level. Mothers’ educational more than Rs. 3,50,00 lakhs per annum.
5619 Journal of Positive School Psychology
Public and private partnership plays an facilities are available in urban-based schools,
important role in the education sector, the remaining 45% schools were located in
especially in school education. Private schools rural areas. It is interesting to note that students
are shouldering the responsibility along with and their parents from rural areas choose the
the governments. The government, private and urban schools because these schools have better
government-aided schools who have the infra structure and better teaching standards
responsibility to provide the educational and other facilities mentioned above have
services for the people. The primary enrolled in the urban based schools in the
information was gathered from selective district.
sample-school under the three categories at in
higher secondary level in the study district. Out
of the samples, more than 35% students belong
to the group of Government schools’ goers.
Remaining samples, 34% of the students The result of the study shows the multiple
belong to government-aided schools and nearly linear regression model. This study has
30% students are from private schools. examined the relationship between the socio-
economic factor and academic performance of
From this table, we can draw the inferences, as
Higher secondary school students. Table 2
follows: Around 64% of the students prefer to
shows the model summary of the socio-
have their higher secondary Education in Tamil
economic factor influencing the academic
medium. Remaining on third (36%) of the
performance of higher secondary school
students like to study in English medium.
students. This table provides the R, R², adjusted
Around 30 percent of the government school
R² (goodness-fit of variables), and the standard-
students and 34% government aided schools
error which can be used to determine how well
are studying in Tamil medium. Only a meagre
a regression-model predicts the impact of
percentage (0.4%) of the students are studying
socio-economic status on the academic
in Tamil medium in private schools in the study
performance of Higher Secondary Students.
area. The majority of the students (55%) have
The multiple regression is used to predict the
selected the urban-located schools for seeking
socio-economic status, based on the factors:
quality-education, English medium of teaching,
gender, residence, religion, family-size, family-
transport facility, hygienic toilet and drinking
type, parental education level, occupational
water, sport-facilities, well-qualified teachers,
status and income of the family, type of school
pleasant environment, coaching for competitive
and medium of education.
exams, good school infrastructure and hostel
Table 2. Model summary of socio-economic factor influencing the Academic Performance of Higher
Secondary level students
Model R R Adjusted Std. Change Statistics Durbin-
Square R Square Error of Watson
R F df1 df2 Sig. F
Square Change Change
The model-summary reveals that R value is (R= .651) between the dependent and
65%. It has measured the degree of the independent variables. These variables
relationship between the socio-economic status statistically predict the academic performance
and academic performance of higher secondary of higher secondary school students, F (26,737)
school students. There is positive correlation = 20 - 892, P ˂. 0005, R² = .424. It means that
Kumaravel Udayakumar 5620
Regression 95683.932 26
Residual 129824.656 737 20.892 .000
Total 225508.588 763
Size of the family plays an important role in the special coaching for competitive examinations
human capital formation their children (NEET, GATE etc.) and sanitation facilities.
(Schultz; 1975). The children’s knowledge,
According to the school factors, like the type of
skills, habits and traditional values are
school and the medium of education have a
influenced by their parents and families, who
positive impact on the students’ academic
support and motivate their children. Parents and
performance. The exam results prove that
families have potential influence on their
private school students have performed better,
children’s education, marital stability and
compared to Government and Government-
health. Becker et al., (1998) have pointed out
aided school students. Private school have a
that the term “Underclass” denotes the families
positive and 1 % level significant impact on
with low education. Welfare dependence, early
higher secondary school students’ academic
marriage and frequent pregnancies of the
performance (Suna et al., al., 2020). The
private school students’ academic performance
The father’s education level imparts their is at a high level, when compared to the
children’s academic performance positively or Government educational institutions.
negatively. The father’s elementary level According to ASER report (2015, 2018),
education has negatively impacted the students, enrolment is increasing in private
academic performance of higher secondary schools every year, as compared to government
school students at 1% level significant. It school enrolment, which is very low. Parents
proves that the father’s higher education level have the assumption that quality-education is
has positive influence on their children’s available in private schools only, which is
academic performance to a significant level. evident from the students’ enrolments. The type
The mother’s education level positively of schools and the parents’ preferences
impacts their children’s academic performance concerning their children’s education.
among higher secondary school students.
School reputation-records determine the
Elementary and higher education levels have
parents in school selection for their children’s
positive impact on the academic performance
education. Although the government
of higher secondary school students at 1% level
educational institutions are providing
significant. However, the mothers’
educational services at highly subsidized fees
occupational status also impacts the children’s
and at free of cost and low-cost of education,
academic performance. Most mothers are home
most of the parents and students select the
makers. Hence, they are able to support them
private schools which are in the urban area.
and regularly in their academic practice at
home (Hernandez, 2020). The income of the Also, the study highlights the fact that English
family is a negative impact on the academic medium of education has a positive and 5%
performance of higher secondary school significant level. The medium of education
students with a 5% level significant. The family determines the choice of schools and influence
income level which is one of the important their academic performance. The parents and
factors which determine the household students give high preference to the English
decision-making-activities, especially about medium education. It is also one of the factors
children health, education, cost of schooling for school selection. Most of the private
preference of school and so on. The income of schools provide education through the English
family determines their children’s education as medium. Therefore, they are willing to have
well as the choice of educational institutes. The their children enrolled in English medium
is, the high-income group of the parents are schools. The private schools offer English and
ready to spend a huge amount of many for their other languages like Hindi, skills-development
children’s schooling for getting educational programs and coaching for competitive
services in private institutions. They search for examinations. It is highly competitive for the
the high-quality education, English Medium of government administered schools. According to
well-qualified teachers, transportation facility, the Annual Status of Education Report – 2018,
5623 Journal of Positive School Psychology
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