Lecture 23 Factors Influencing Plant Layout
Lecture 23 Factors Influencing Plant Layout
Lecture 23 Factors Influencing Plant Layout
Operations Management
Factors Influencing Plant Layout
• Types of product whether it is heavy or light, big or small, liquid
or solid in nature
-For uniform type of products, product layout is suitable.
-For customized products, process layout is suitable
-For bulky products, fixed position type of layout is suitable
• Sales and Demand influence plant layout.
• Volume and quality of product are important factors.
Employee safety
Factory Building
• The nature and size of the building determines the floor space
available for layout.
• Topography
• Shape and Size of plant
• Climatic condition
• Availability of water, raw material and power
• Waste disposal facility
Policies of management
• Volume of production
• Size of plant
• Sales and marketing policies
• Purchasing policies
• Facilities to employees
• Future targets
Nature of manufacturing process
• Synthetic process
-Under this process two or more materials are mixed to get a
product. Example - cement manufacturing
• Analytical process
- Under this method different products are extracted from one
material. Example - extraction of oil from crude.
Nature of manufacturing process
• Conditioning process
- Under this process the original raw material is given the
shape of different products and nothing is added to it. Jute is an
important example of this kind.
• Extractive process
- This method involves the extraction of a product from the
original material by the application of heat or pressure.
Volume of production
- Job production
- Batch production
- Mass production
Types of Machine
• Stationary layout is preferable for heavy machines
- Such heavy machinery can be fitted on the floor.
- Adequate space should be provided for the location of
- There should be sufficient space between them to avoid
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