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The process of obtaining the data members and methods from one class to another class is

known as inheritance. It is one of the fundamental features of object-oriented programming.

Important points

 In the inheritance the class which is give data members and methods is known as base
or super or parent class.

 The class which is taking the data members and methods is known as sub or derived
or child class.

 The data members and methods of a class are known as features.

 The concept of inheritance is also known as re-usability or extendable classes or sub

classing or derivation.
Syntax of Inheritance

class Subclass-Name extends Superclass-Name

//methods and fields

The following diagram use view about inheritance.

In the above diagram data members and methods are represented in broken line are inherited

from faculty class and they are visible in student class logically.

Advantage of inheritance

If we develop any application, using concept of Inheritance than that application have following


 Application development time is less.

 Application take less memory.

 Application execution time is less.

 Application performance is enhance (improved).

 Redundancy (repetition) of the code is reduced or minimized so that we get

consistence results and less storage cost.

Types of Inheritance

Based on number of ways inheriting the feature of base class into derived class we have the

fallowing types:

 Single inheritance
 Multiple inheritance

Single inheritance

In single inheritance there exists single base class and single derived class.

Multiple inheritance

In multiple inheritance, there exist multiple classes and single derived class.

The concept of multiple inheritance is not supported in java through concept of classes but it can

be supported through the concept of interface.

Inheriting the feature from base class to derived class

In order to inherit the feature of base class into derived class we use the following syntax


class ClassName-2 extends ClasssName-1

variable declaration;
Method declaration;


1. ClassName-1 and ClassName-2 represents name of the base and derived classes
2. Extends is one of the keyword used for inheriting the features of base class into
derived class it improves the functionality of derived class.

Important Points for Inheritance:

 In java, programming one derived class can extends only one base class because java
programming does not support multiple inheritance through the concept of classes,
but it can be supported through the concept of Interface.

 Whenever we develop any inheritance, application first create an object of bottom

most derived class but not for top most base class.

 When we create an object of bottom most derived class, first we get the memory space
for the data members of top most base class, and then we get the memory space for
data member of other bottom most derived class.

 Bottom most derived class contains logical appearance for the data members of all top
most base classes.
 If we do not want to give the features of base class to the derived class then the
definition of the base class must be preceded by final hence final base classes are not
reusable or not inheritable.

 If we are do not want to give some of the features of base class to derived class then
such features of base class must be as private hence private features of base class are
not inheritable or accessible in derived class.

 Data members and methods of a base class can be inherited into the derived class but
constructors of base class cannot be inherited because every constructor of a class is
made for initializing its own data members but not made for initializing the data
members of other classes.

 An object of base class can contain details about features of same class but an object of
base class never contains the details about special features of its derived class (this
concept is known as scope of base class object).

 For each and every class in java there exists an implicit predefined super class called
java.lang.Object. because it providers garbage collection facilities to its sub classes for
collecting un-used memory space and improved the performance of java application.
Example of Inheritance

class Faculty
float salary=30000;
class Science extends Faculty
float bonous=2000;
public static void main(String[] args)
Science obj=new Science();
System.out.println("Salary is:"+obj.salary);
System.out.println("Bonous is:"+obj.bonous);

Salary is: 30000.0

Bonous is: 2000.0

Why multiple inheritance is not supported in java?

Due to ambiguity problem java does not support mutiple inheritance at class level.


class A
void disp()
class B
void disp()
System.out.println("How are you ?");
class C extends A,B //suppose if it were
Public Static void main(String[] args)
C obj=new C();
obj.disp();//Now which disp() method would be invoked?

In above code we call both class A and class B disp() method then it confusion which class

method is call. So due to this ambiguity problem in java do not use multiple inheritance at class

level, but it support at interface level.


Whenever same method name is exiting multiple times in the same class with different number of

parameter or different order of parameters or different types of parameters is known as method


Different ways to overload the method

There are two ways to overload the method in java

 By changing number of arguments or parameters

 By changing the data type

By changing number of arguments

In this example, we have created two overloaded methods, first sum method performs addition of

two numbers and second sum method performs addition of three numbers.


class Addition
void sum(int a, int b)
void sum(int a, int b, int c)
public static void main(String[] args)
Addition obj=new Addition();
obj.sum(10, 20);
obj.sum(10, 20, 30);




By changing the data type

In this example, we have created two overloaded methods that differs in data type. The first sum

method receives two integer arguments and second sum method receives two float arguments.


class Addition
void sum(int a, int b)
void sum(float a, float b)
public static void main(String[] args)
Addition obj=new Addition();
obj.sum(10, 20);
obj.sum(10.05, 15.20);




Note: The scope of overloading is within the class.

Any object reference of class can call any of overloaded method.


Whenever same method name is existing in both base class and derived class with same types

of parameters or same order of parameters is known as method Overriding.

Note: Without Inheritance method overriding is not possible.

Advantage of Java Method Overriding

 Method Overriding is used to provide specific implementation of a method that is

already provided by its super class.

 Method Overriding is used for Runtime Polymorphism

Rules for Method Overriding

 Method must have same name as in the parent class.

 Method must have same parameter as in the parent class.

 Must be IS-A relationship (inheritance).

Example of method overriding

In this example, we have defined the walk method in the subclass as defined in the parent class

but it has some specific implementation. The name and parameter of the method is same and

there is IS-A relationship between the classes, so there is method overriding.


class Walking
void walk()
System.out.println("Man walking fastly");
class Man extends walking
void walk()
System.out.println("Man walking slowly");
public static void main(String[] args)
Man obj = new Man();


Man walking slowly

Note: Whenever we are calling overridden method using derived class object reference the

highest priority is given to current class (derived class). We can see in the above example high

priority is derived class.

Difference between Overloading and Overriding

Overloading Overriding
Whenever same method or Constructor is Whenever same method name is existing
existing multiple times within a class either with multiple time in both base and derived class
1 different number of parameter or with different with same number of parameter or same
type of parameter or with different order of type of parameter or same order of
parameter is known as Overloading. parameters is known as Overriding.
Arguments of method must be different at least Argument of method must be same
arguments. including order.
3 Method signature must be different. Method signature must be same.
Private, static and final methods can be Private, static and final methods can not be
overloaded. override.
Access modifiers point of view not reduced
5 Access modifiers point of view no restriction.
scope of Access modifiers but increased.
Also known as compile time polymorphism or Also known as run time polymorphism or
static polymorphism or early binding. dynamic polymorphism or late binding.
Overloading can be exhibited both are method Overriding can be exhibited only at method
and constructor level. leve.
The scope of Overriding is base class and
8 The scope of overloading is within the class.
derived class.
Overloading can be done at both static and Overriding can be done only at non-static
non-static methods. method.
For overloading methods return type may or For overriding method return type should be
may not be same. same.

Abstract classes

Abstract class

A class that is declared with abstract keyword is known as abstract class. An abstract class is

one, which is containing some defined method, and some undefined method. In java

programming undefined methods are known as un-Implemented or abstract method.


Abstract class ClassName{


Abstract method

An abstract method is one, which contains only declaration or prototype, but it never contains

body or definition. In order to make any undefined method as abstract whose declaration is must

be predefined by abstract keyword.


abstract ReturnType methodName(List of formal parameter)


abstract void sum();

abstract void diff(int, int);

Example of abstract class

abstract class Vachile

abstract void speed(); // abstract method
class Bike extends Vachile
void speed()
System.out.println("Speed limit is 40 km/hr..");
public static void main(String[] args)
Vachile obj = new Bike(); //indirect object creation


Speed limit is 40 km/hr..

Create an Object of abstract class

An object of abstract class cannot be created directly but it can be created indirectly. It means

you can create an object of abstract derived class. You can see in above example


Vachile obj = new Bike(); //indirect object creation

Important Points about abstract class

 Abstract class of java always contains common features.

 Every abstract class participate in inheritance.

 Abstract classes definitions should not be made as final because abstract classes
always participate in inheritance classes.

 An object of abstract class cannot be created directly but it can be created indirectly.

 All the abstract classes of java makes use of polymorphism along with method
overriding for business logic development and makes use of dynamic binding for
execution logic.

Advantage of abstract class

 Less memory space for the application

 Less execution time

 More performance
Example of abstract class having method body

abstract class Vachile{

abstract void speed();
void mileage()
System.out.println("Mileage is 60 km/ltr..");
class Bike extends Vachile{
void speed(){
System.out.println("Speed limit is 40 km/hr..");
public static void main(String[] args){
Vachile obj = new Bike();
} }


Mileage is 60 km/ltr..

Speed limit is 40 km/hr..

Example of abstract class having constructor, data member, methods

abstract class Vahicle{

int limit=40;
System.out.println("constructor is invoked");
void getDetails(){
System.out.println("it has two wheels");
abstract void run();
class Bike extends Vahicle{
void run(){
System.out.println("running safely..");
public static void main(String[] args){
Vachile obj = new Bike();


constructor is invoked

running safely..

it has two wheels


Difference between abstract class and concrete class

Concrete class Abstract class

Concrete class are used for specific Abstract class are used for fulfill common
requirement requirement.
Object of abstract class can not be create
Object of concrete class can be create directly.
directly (can create indirectly).
Concrete class containing fully defined methods Abstract class have both undefined method
or implemented method. and defined method.

Final keyword in java

In java language, final keyword can be used in following way.

 Final at variable level

 Final at method level

 Final at class level

Final at variable level

Final keyword is used to make a variable as a constant. This is similar to const in other language.

The program cannot modify a variable declared with the final keyword after initialization. This is

useful to universal constants, such as "PI".


public class Circle{

public static final double PI=3.14159;

public static void main(String[] args) {


Final at method level

It makes a method final, meaning that sub classes cannot override this method. The compiler

checks and gives an error if you try to override the method.When we want to restrict overriding,

and then make a method as a final.

Example of final keyword at method level


class Employee{
final void disp(){
System.out.println("Hello Good Morning");
class Developer extends Employee{
void disp(){
System.out.println("How are you ?");
public static void main(String[] args){
Developer obj=new Developer();


It gives an error

Final at class level

It makes a class final, meaning that the class cannot be inheriting by other classes. When we

want to restrict inheritance then make class as a final.

Example of final keyword at class level


final class Employee{

int salary=10000;
class Developer extends Employee{
void show(){
System.out.println("Hello Good Morning");
public static void main(String[] args){
Developer obj=new Developer();
Developer obj=new Developer();



It gives an error


Interface is similar to class which is collection of public static final variables (constants) and

abstract methods.

The interface is a mechanism to achieve fully abstraction in java. There can be only abstract

methods in the interface. It is used to achieve fully abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java.

Why we use Interface?

 It is used to achieve fully abstraction.

 By using Interface, you can achieve multiple inheritance in java.

 It can be used to achieve loose coupling.

Properties of Interface

 It is implicitly abstract. So we no need to use the abstract keyword when declaring an


 Each method in an interface is also implicitly abstract, so the abstract keyword is not

 Methods in an interface are implicitly public.

 All the data members of interface are implicitly public static final.

Declaring Interfaces:

The interface keyword is used to declare an interface.


interface Person
datatype variablename=value;
//Any number of final, static fields
returntype methodname(list of parameters or no parameters)
//Any number of abstract method declarations

In the above syntax Interface is a keyword interface name can be user defined name the default

signature of variable is public static final and for method is public abstract. JVM will be added

implicitly public static final before data members and public abstract before method.

public static final datatype variable name=value; ----> for data member

public abstract returntype methodname(parameters)---> for method

Implementing Interfaces:

A class uses the implements keyword to implement an interface. The implements keyword

appears in the class declaration following the extends portion of the declaration.


interface Person
void run();
class Employee implements Person
public void run()
System.out.println("Run fast");

Rules for implementation interface

 A class can implement more than one interface at a time.

 A class can extend only one class, but implement many interfaces.
 An interface can extend another interface, similarly to the way that a class can extend
another class.

Relationship between class and Interface

 Any class can extends another class

 Any Interface can extends another Interface.

 Any class can Implements another Interface

 Any Interface cannot extend or Implements any class.

Difference between Abstract class and Interface

Abstract class Interface

It is collection of abstract method and
1 It is collection of abstract method.
concrete methods.
There properties can be reused commonly There properties commonly usable in any
in a specific application. application of java environment.
3 It does not support multiple inheritance. It support multiple inheritance.
Abstract class is preceded by abstract
4 It is preceded by Interface keyword.
Which may contain either variable or
5 Which should contains only constants.
The default access specifier of abstract There default access specifier of interface
class methods are default. method are public.
These class properties can be reused in These properties can be reused in any other
other class using extend keyword. class using implements keyword.
Inside abstract class we can take Inside interface we cannot take any
constructor. constructor.
For the abstract class there is no restriction For the interface it should be compulsory to
9 like initialization of variable at the time of initialization of variable at the time of variable
variable declaration. declaration.
For the interface variable cannot declare
There are no any restriction for abstract
10 variable as private, protected, transient,
class variable.
There are no any restriction for abstract For the interface. method cannot declare
11 class method modifier that means we can method as strictfp, protected, static, native,
use any modifiers. private, final, synchronized.
Example of Interface

interface Person
void run(); // abstract method
class A implements Person
public void run()
System.out.println("Run fast");
public static void main(String[] args)
A obj = new A();


Run fast

Multiple Inheritance using interface


interface Developer
void disp();
interface Manager
void show();

class Employee implements Developer, Manager

public void disp()
System.out.println("Hello Good Morning");
public void show()
System.out.println("How are you ?");
public static void main(String[] args)
Employee obj=new Employee();


Hello Good Morning

How are you ?


Encapsulation is a process of wrapping of data and methods in a single unit is called

encapsulation. Encapsulation is achieved in java language by class concept.

Combining of state and behavior in a single container is known as encapsulation. In java

language encapsulation can be achieve using class keyword, state represents declaration of

variables on attributes and behavior represents operations in terms of method.

Advantage of Encapsulation

The main advantage of using of encapsulation is to secure the data from other methods, when

we make a data private then these data only use within the class, but these data not accessible

outside the class.

Real life example of Encapsulation

The common example of encapsulation is capsule. In capsule all medicine are encapsulated in

side capsule.

Benefits of encapsulation

 Provides abstraction between an object and its clients.

 Protects an object from unwanted access by clients.

 Example: A bank application forbids (restrict) a client to change an Account's balance.

Let's see the Example of Encapsulation in java


class Employee
private String name;

public String getName()

return name;
public void setName(String name){

public static void main(String[] args)

Employee e=new Employee();



Polymorphism in Java

The process of representing one form in multiple forms is known as Polymorphism.

Here original form or original method always resides in base class and multiple forms represents

overridden method which resides in derived classes.

Polymorphism is not a programming concept but it is one of the principal of OOPs. For many

objects oriented programming language polymorphism principle is common but whose

implementations are varying from one objects oriented programming language to another object

oriented programming language.

Polymorphism is derived from 2 greek words: poly and morphs. The word "poly" means many

and "morphs" means forms. So polymorphism means many forms.

Real life example of polymorphism

Suppose if you are in class room that time you behave like a student, when you are in market at

that time you behave like a customer, when you at your home at that time you behave like a son

or daughter, Here one person present in different-different behaviors.

How to achieve Polymorphism in Java ?

In java programming the Polymorphism principal is implemented with method overriding concept

of java.

Polymorphism principal is divided into two sub principal they are:

 Static or Compile time polymorphism

 Dynamic or Runtime polymorphism

Note: Java programming does not support static polymorphism because of its limitations and

java always supports dynamic polymorphism.

Let us consider the following diagram

In the above diagram the sum method which is present in BC class is called original form and the

sum() method which are present in DC1 and DC2 are called overridden form hence Sum()

method is originally available in only one form and it is further implemented in multiple forms.

Hence Sum() method is one of the polymorphism method.

Example of runtime polymorphism.

In below example we create two class Person an Employee, Employee class extends Person

class feature and override walk() method. We are calling the walk() method by the reference

variable of Parent class. Since it refers to the subclass object and subclass method overrides the

Parent class method, subclass method is invoked at runtime. Here method invocation is

determined by the JVM not compiler, So it is known as runtime polymorphism.


class Person
void walk()
System.out.println("Can Run....");
class Employee extends Person{
void walk(){
System.out.println("Running Fast...");
public static void main(String[] args){
Person p=new Employee(); //upcasting


Running fast...
Dynamic Binding

Dynamic binding always says create an object of base class but do not create the object of

derived classes. Dynamic binding principal is always used for executing polymorphic applications.

The process of binding appropriate versions (overridden method) of derived classes which are

inherited from base class with base class object is known as dynamic binding.

Advantages of dynamic binding along with polymorphism with method overriding are.

 Less memory space

 Less execution time

 More performance

 Static polymorphism

The process of binding the overloaded method within object at compile time is known as Static

polymorphism due to static polymorphism utilization of resources (main memory space) is poor

because for each and every overloaded method a memory space is created at compile time when

it binds with an object. In C++ environment the above problem can be solve by using dynamic

polymorphism by implementing with virtual and pure virtual function so most of the C++ developer

in real worlds follows only dynamic polymorphism.

Dynamic polymorphism

In dynamic polymorphism method of the program binds with an object at runtime the advantage of
dynamic polymorphism is allocating the memory space for the method (either for overloaded
method or for override method) at run time.


The advantage of dynamic polymorphism is effective utilization of the resources, so java always

use dynamic polymorphism. Java does not support static polymorphism because of its limitation.

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