Lecture 02
Lecture 02
Lecture 02
MEC 5003
• Automatic Fire Detection Systems- In addition such systems comprise of smoke &
heat detectors
- BS 5839 categorise such systems as P- Property
Protection & L- life Safety
Types of Fire Detection Systems
Addressable Systems
• Detectors are wired in ‘loops’ & on commissioning they are allocated with an
address- This allows control panel to recognise the detector
• Benefit- Damage to part of the circuit can be isolated & allow the system to
continue in operation- This is achieved by installing Zone Isolator Units
• BS 5829-Part 1- Recommends that Short-Circuit Isolators are placed between each
• Maximum area covered by one loop should not exceed 10,000m2- Recommended
to be less than this for ease of fault finding
• Wiring to be fire rated
Breakglass/ Manual Call Points
3. Beam Detectors
Comprises of a narrow beam directed at a receiver, usually photocell
Used where the installation/maintenance of point smoke detectors will be difficult
due to height
Types of Fire Detection Devices
Flame Detectors
Two types
1. Ultraviolet flame- Detects UV radiation within a flame
2. Infrared Detectors- respond to the flickering component of the IR from a fire
Not used as General Purpose Detectors since they are unable to detect smoke
Used to supplement heat or smoke detectors in specialised applications such as in
Aircraft Hangars where fire involving flammable liquids is expected due to
defueling of the aircraft
Types of Fire Detection Devices