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Proceeding 23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

“Geotechnical Engineering Role

in Mega Structure Construction : Welcoming 4.0
Industrial Revolution”

Editor : Widjojo A. Prakoso

Nurly Gofar
Hendra Jitno
M. Farid Ma’ruf
Didiek Djarwadi
Helmy Darjanto


Basement Aldevco Octagon, Jl. Warung Jati Barat Raya No. 75
Jakarta Selatan 12740 - INDONESIA
23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019


Minister of Public Work, Republic of Indonesia, or representative
Chairman of Engineering Board, Indonesian Academy of Science
Invited Guest,
Participants, and
Ladies and Gentlemen

It is a great pleasure for me, on behalf of the organizing committee members, to welcome you
this morning to this important event for our society. In this opportunity, we wish to express
our sincere thanks to the keynote speakers and invited speakers for their coming to this annual
conference for giving lecture and share their valuable experience in the field of geotechnical

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Annual conference this time coincides with HATTI council meeting that is most important to
continue our organization in task of develop geotechnical engineering for serving
infrastructure construction now and future. HATTI council meeting is intended to vote the
president of HATTI for the next term, 2019-2023. We wish the next President is still continue
and develop the existing program.

This conference delivers 10 keynote speakers, 3 technical sessions and 40 papers in three
classes of paralel sessions. Some of main activities of HATTI in this year are also briefly
presented, such as the Act regarding Construction Services, Engineering Profession and
Government Ordinance/Regulation as application of the Act. Discussion on the ground
motion selection for design in order to mitigate liquefaction hazard especially for
reconstruction Palu city after Palu Earthquake on September 28, 2018.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Through this conference, it is hope the participants can extract invaluable lessons from the
keynote lectures and fruitful interaction between them. Before ending allow me, on behalf of
conference committee members, to wish the participants and sponsors our gratefully
acknowledge. At last, we apologize if there is any mistake in our part.

Thank you for your attention,

Jakarta, 12 November 2019

Dr. Pintor T. Simatupang

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salam Sejahtera bagi kita semua.

Minister of Public Works and People Housing, Minister of Transportation, Chairman of

Engineering Board, Indonesian Academy of Science, Keynote Speakers, Ladies and
Gentlemen, the XXIII Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
participants, on behalf of the Central Board of Indonesian Society for Geotechnical
Engineering, I wish to express my sincere thanks to all of you for coming in this event. In
particular, to Minister of Public Works and Minister Transportation let me express my
gratitude and highest appreciation for your willingness to take the time to attend this

Ladies and Gentlemen, the theme of this conference is "Geotechnical Engineering Role in
Mega Structure Construction: Welcoming 4.0 Industry Revolution”. This theme is
expected to anticipate the increasingly rapid development and required in infrastructure
sector in Indonesia especially to face the future of mankind such as Industry Revolution
step, from 4.0 to the next. 4.0 Industry Revolution is often called as Information
Technology (IT) Society. Even on the construction industry, IT is already applied
widespread in all of the world. However, in the geotechnical field, both theories and
practice somehow are still based on conventional or conservative way due to safety reason.
Therefore, geotechnical engineers are constantly being asked to update their knowledge.

Dear Indonesian Society members, allow me to deliver the following important

developments regarding our organization. The most important thing is president election of
HATTI. As you all know that I have already served as President for two terms, from 2011-
2015 and 2015-2019. Based on HATTI constitution, the President is only served in two
terms maximum. Therefore, the Presdient election in the next term should be conducted.
Other important things are the collaboration with government and experts from other
country to do research about Palu Earthquake in particular liquefaction phenomenon. The
prominent experts in liquefaction admit that liquefaction phenomenon in Palu is the most
largest liquefaction in the world mainly in scale size. The mechanism to trigger
liquefaction is still in big question.

In closing, I extend many thanks to all participants, particularly to main sponsor Bauer
Pratama Indonesia, co-sponsors Geotekindo and Liebherr and other sponsors my gratefully
acknowledge. I wish you enjoy and every success with this conference. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Jakarta, 12 November 2019

Prof. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam, MSE., Ph.D

President of ISGE

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019


Steering Committee : Prof. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam, MSE, Ph.D.

Ir. Bigman M. Hutape, M.Sc., Ph.D
Ir. YP. Chandra, M. Eng.

Chairman : Dr. Ir. Pintor Tua Simatupang, MT.

Secretary : Dr. Aksan Kawanda, ST. MT.

Dandung S.Harminto, ST. MT.

Treasurer : Dr. Ir. Idrus M. Alatas, M.Sc.

Technical Papers : Prof. Ir. Widjojo A. Prakoso, MSCE, Ph.D.

Ir. Nurly Gofar, MSE, Ph.D.
Ir. Hendra Jitno, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Ir. M. Farid Ma’ruf, MT. Ph.D.
Dr. Ir. Didiek Djarwadi, M.Sc.
Dr. Ir. Helmy Darjanto, MT.

Editing : Yuna Halim, ST.MT.

Dwi Nandya, ST.MT.
Nisa Utami Rachmyanti, ST.
Ariani Chitra Lestari, ST.
Vinna Fransisca Chou, ST.
Jeriko Stevanus Prakoso, ST.

Sponsorship : Anthony Setiawan, MBA

Marcello Djunaedy, ST. MT

Events : Ir. Wawan Kuswaya, MT

Ir. Budiantari HL, MSc.
Ali Iskandar, ST.MT.
Edwin Laurencis, ST. MT.
Josephine Aristiti Setyorini, ST. MT
Ghozalfan Farabi Basarah, ST.MT
Danang Setiya Raharja, ST

Secretariat : Sugino
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia
(Indonesian Society for Geotechnical Engineering)

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

Address : Basement Aldevco Octagon

Jl. Warung Jati Barat Raya No. 75
Jakarta 12740
Telp. : 021 - 7981966
Fax. : 021 - 7974795
Email : sekretariat@hatti.or.id; hattipusat@yahoo.com
Website : http://www.hatti.or.id

ISBN No. : xxx-xxx-xxxxx-x-x

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019


Preface Committee Chairman ……………………………………………………..... i

Message From President Of Indonesian Society For Geotechnical Engineering ii

(ISGE) .........................................................................................................................

Organizing Committee ................................................................................................ iii

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ v

Keynote Speakers :





3. Thomas Domanski - %RUHG 3LOH )RXQGDWLRQIRU ./&& /RWV /01 %RUHG

:RUOG 14-23



Session I : R.A1
1. Karakteristik Transfer Beban Dan Pola Penurunan Terhadap Waktu Pada
Controlled Modulus Column Menggunakan Analisis Numerik Tiga Dimensi

2. Perbaikan Tanah Menggunakan Metode Dynamic Compaction Pada Tanah

Pasir Berpotensi Likuifaksi Di Area Runway Bandara New <RJ\DNDUWD

3. Studi Kasus Kolom Grout Modular (Kgm) Terhadap Penurunan Dan

Stabilitas Timbunan Oprit Jembatan Di Atas Tanah Lunak Pada Jalan Tol
Pemalang Batang $.KROLV$ILI05L]DO$KPDG+LNPDK5HNDUGL  46-51

4. Pemetaan Tanah Lunak Di Surabaya Timur Untuk Perkuatan Tanah

Menggunakan Vertical Drain <XGKL/DVWLDVLK3XWX7DQWUL.XPDOD6DUL  52-60

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

5. Studi Kasus Soil Treatment Minipile Dengan Platform Sebagai Zona

Transisi Vacuum Consolidation Method Dengan Area Box Jalan Pada Jalan
.DUOLQDVDUL «« 61-67

6. Studi Kasus Penanganan Tanah Ekspansif Dengan Tingkat Infiltrasi Yang

Diukur Dari Uji Double Ring Infiltrometer Pada Jalan Tol Batang –

7. Study On Performance Of Clay Soil With Improvement Using Waste

$KPDG  75-78

Session II : R.B1

8 Identifikasi Arah Kelongsoran Tanah Di Bawah Badan Jalan Rel Kerta Api
Akibat Adanya Aliran Air Bawah Tanah /XVPHLOLD$IULDQL$PULO0DDUXI

9. Analisis Stabilitas Lereng Dengan Perkuatan Sheet Pile (Studi Kasus: Ruas
Jalan Meulaboh – Geumpang Sta 84+280 Provinsi Aceh) 0XQLUD6XQJNDU

10. Panduan Faktor Keamanan dalam Seismik dan Statik untuk

Stabilitas Timbunan di Jalan Tol Serang – Panimbang
Menggunakan Slope-W $]]DK %DOTLV 6DEEDK 5LQL 'DQ 5L]NL
.XUQLDGL  87-92

11. Debris Flow Threat In Poi Village After 2018 Palu Earthquake: Simulation
And Recommendations %:LGMDMD$QG.$*DXWDPD  93-96

12. Modelling Unsaturated Slope With Soil Vision $QWKRQ\*XQDZDQ  97-101

13. Lem Slope Stability Analysis And The Newmark Lateral Displacement

14. On The Effect Of The River Water Flow And Scour To The Slope Stability

15. Perubahan Stabilitas dan Penentuan Lokasi Longsor Susulan Lereng Tanah
di Lapangan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Cracks Soil (Pembuktian
Laboratorium dan Validasi Lapangan) 6WHSKDQXV
$OH[VDQGHU ...................................................................................................... 119-126

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

Session III : R.C1

16. Evaluation Of Trial Embankment Settlement On Soft Clay Soil With Coral
Fragment In Cilegon %LOOLH$GKLWDPD6RN-LQ/HH$JL+DJDWD*LQWLQJ « 127-134

17. Studi Kasus Longsoran Dengan Perbaikan Tanah Lunak Menggunakan

Minipile dengan Platform Jalan Tol Batang – Semarang 6LVND

18. Perbandingan Hasil Analisis Struktur Penahan Tanah Pada Tanah Lunak
Dengan Program Plaxis-2d Menggunakan Soil Model Hardening Soil Dan

19. Analisis Dua Tahap Pengaruh Pelepasan Strutting Terhadap Kekuatan

Secant Pile Proyek Basement 4 Lantai Hotel Tentrem Semarang +DQJJRUR

20. Comparative Analyses On Vinyl Sheet Pile Deflection Using Analytical

Method, Software-X, And Physical Modeling 1LFKRODV 7HGMDVXNPDQD

21. Studi Kasus Stabilitas Timbunan Terhadap Relokasi Sungai Beringin Pada
Jalan Tol Batang – Semarang $:DK\XGL3UDGLSWD'ZL$SULOLD'DQ
5.DUOLQDVDUL «««««««««««««««« 162-168

22. Bio-inspired earth retaining wall system to control movements induced by

excavation in urban area $VZLQ/LP&KDQJ<X2X ««««««««« 169-176

Session IV : R.A2

23. Amplification Factor Study For Bali, Indonesia Using Openquake *DUXS/

24. Seismic Risk Assessment Of Residential Function Zones In Jakarta Subject

To Intraslab Subduction Mekanism 'HOIHEUL\DGL0,U\DP%P+XWDSHD
,,PUDQ$QG0$VUXULIDN «««««««««««««««««««« 182-189

25. Sensitivitas Atenuasi Terhadap Pga Batuan Dasar Berdasarkan Analisis

Psha, Studi Kasus: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia $ -
6\DKEDQD>@>@>@ . 6XJLDQWL 0 ,UV\DP>@ +HQGUL\DZDQ>@ 0
$VUXULIDN>@ «««««««««««««««««««««««««« 190-199

26. Laporan Kunjungan Lapangan (Site Visit) Gempa Bumi Maluku 26

September 2019 :LOKDP*HRUJH/RXKHQDSHVV\ ««««««««««« 200-207

27. Liquefaction Disaster Mitigation And Geohydrology Conditions, Lessons

From The Palu Earthquake Magnitude 7.4 Mw 28 September 2018
6XNLUPDQ  208-216

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

28. Pemilihan Dan Modifikasi Ground Motion Sesuai Sni 1726: 2019 Untuk
Perancangan Gedung Tahan Gempa Indonesia 1LFN$OH[DQGHU  217-236

29. Safety Evaluation Of An Embankment Dam Against Permanent

Deformation Due To Earthquake 0XKDPPDG$GL,<XVHS0XVOLK3 « 237-241

30. Subsurface Profiling Using Microtremor Array Method For Site

Characterization In Bandung Basin 0RKDPDG 5LGZDQ 0DV\KXU
/DPEDQJ*RUR ««««««««««««««««««««««««« 242-248

Session V : R.B2

31. The Small Scale Model Instrument Investigating Lateral Resistance on

Pile Group Due to Liquefaction $ULHI  $OLKXGLHQ $V¶DG 0XQDZLU <XOYL

32. Limit Analysis Of Helical Pile On Soft Soil 0<XVD))DWQDQWD$QG$

5LDGL ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« 257-262

33. Hubungan Nilai Cbr (California Bearing Ratio) Terhadap Kandungan Air
)DX]L\DK « 263-268

34. Penentuan Parameter Dari Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanis Tanah Gambut Melalui
5LDX  (IDQ7LIDQL «««««««««««««««««««««««« 269-274

35. Kajian Karakteristik Clay Shale Pada Ruas Jalan Tol Cipularang Km
121+100 –Km 67+200 $QGL 6DWWD 0DNDUHWWH 6W 0W  'LDK $IIDQGL 6W
0W  275-286

36. Uji Potensi Likuifaksi Pasir Mengandung Pumice Menggunakan Shaking


37. The Awarness And Responsiveness Of Building Construction Structures

Over Clayshale Deposits (GGLH6XQDU\R$QG5DNKPDQ7DXILN «««« 294-301

38. Studi Laboratorium Effek Slag Baja Dan Slag Ferronickel Terhadap Tanah
Lanau Dengan Kadar Air Tinggi $QDVWDVLD6UL/HVWDUL  302-306

Session VI : R.C2

39. The Effect Of Setup Time On Friction Pile Capacity at Project X $JDSH
'HVIDQGL6700&ISŠ «««««««««««««««««««« 307-312

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

40. STATRAPID – An Alternative For Pile Static Loading Test *RXZ 7MLH
/LRQJ «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« 313-319

41. Perilaku Load Displacement Kelompok Tiang Lekatan Penuh Di Lapangan


42. Uji Beban Tiang Axial Tekan Sni 8640-2017 +DGL5XVMDQWR7DQXZLGMDMD

6DQWRVR   327-332

43. Studi Kasus Penanganan Tanah Lunak Menggunakan Stuktur Pile Slab –
Spun Pile Pada Jalan Tol Pejagan Pemalang 5 $QJJDUD 0 5LIN\
)DNKUXUUR]\0)DQ6\RI\DQ5.DUOLQDVDUL ......................................... 333-337

44. Bearing Capacity Calculation of Cement-Fly Ash-Gravel Pile in High-

Speed Railway Jakarta-Bandung (\UWRQ&6LODEDQ$QGKLND$SULOLDQWL
 ««««««««««««««««« 338-342

45. Respons Pondasi Tiang Akibat Beban Lateral Dan Momen Secara Analitik
7DGXODNR «««««««««««««««««««««««««««« 343-349

46. Prediction of Pile Load Capacity Using Static Load Test Results According
to Various Test Standards 3URI5DPOL1D]LU «« 350-358

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

Design and Construction of 7-Level Basement Structure for a

Super-Tall Building: Indonesian Experience
Davy Sukamta
Structural Engineering, Davy Sukamta & Partners, Jakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the design and construction of a deep basement structure for the super-tall
Indonesia-1 project in Jakarta. Indonesia-1 is a prominent development in Thamrin Street, with two towers
reaching 303 meters high and seven levels of subterranean basement structure. Currently this is the deepest
basement structure ever built in Jakarta. The excavation depth reaches 24.5 meters, occupying an area of
14,000 square meters and gross floor area of the basement itself is 97,000 square meters. The total constructed
floor area of the development is 306,000 square meters. The basement construction for this project adopted
top-down method. Design considerations include many aspects, among others permanent retaining wall design,
site constraints, availability of equipment and local expertise, suitable construction method and sequences
selected, basement slab diaphragm action, ground water pressure, and foundation system.
Keywords: design, construction, deep basement, top-down construction, diaphragm action


Recently, deep basement structures have Some of the main issues for the deep basement
become an inseparable solution to urban construction of Indonesia-1 development are
building developments in Jakarta. It is common the depth of excavation which reaches
for buildings with more than 30 floors above 24 meters deep, the proximity to the adjacent
grade to have between 3 to 5-level deep buildings, the high water table, deep clay soil
basement structures. One of the reasons is to and the lack of work space. For this project,
provide parking space, and underground diaphragm wall 1 meter thick is used for the
parking facilities are believed to improve both earth retaining structure. The basement slabs
aesthetic and commercial qualities of urban act as supports for the perimeter retaining wall.
developments as a whole and its surrounding Required openings for construction
community. The design and construction of activities have been incorporated in the design
deep basement in the densely-built urban right from the beginning, taking the sequence of
setting of Jakarta CBD area must consider the work into consideration. Availability of
impact to the nearby structure as well as public equipment, resources and local skills have been
utilities. The construction of deep basement considered too, including traffic regulation in
takes up a considerable portion of the cost and the area. Fig.1 shows the location of the two
time involved for the entire project. The success towers of Indonesia-1 with a river at the back
of a project will be governed by proper and neighboring buildings.
selection and application of deep basement
construction method and its design.
This paper presents the design and
construction of a seven levels deep basement
structure for the super-tall Indonesia-1 project
located in downtown Jakarta.

Fig. 1. Site Plan of Indonsia-1 Development

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

The topography of the site and surrounding is

relatively flat. For ground investigation, seven
boreholes exploration ranging from 40 to 150
meters deep had been conducted, with twelve
CPTs. The subsoil condition is described below
and profile of NSPT design value and soil type
are presented in Fig.2.

Fig. 2. Profile of NSPT Design Value and Soil

Type Fig. 3. Soil Conditions and Engineering Properties


Design and construction of deep excavation in
densely built urban zones come with many The analysis and design of the diaphragm wall
technical challenges. Restricted working spaces was carried out by means of the FEM. The
often render the use of temporary struts as wall diaphragm wall needs to be designed for lateral
restraint systems unpopular, as working space soil pressure, hydrostatic water pressure
needs to be maximized. Tie-back anchors are including effect of inundation water, surcharge
often inapplicable due to the existence of pressure and lateral seismic earth pressures.
adjacent structures and the relatively large Each step of the construction sequence was
deformation. Therefore, developing alternative simulated in the FEM analysis. The sequence of
restraint systems for deep basement structures basement construction consists of 10 steps as
in built-up areas is becoming increasingly presented in Fig.4, as follows:
important to the present day basement engineer.
Top-down method have been chosen for this
project, saving significant amount of
construction cost and time while providing very
stable excavation during construction. Fig.3
presents the sub-surface stratification of soil
layers and related engineering properties used
in the design.

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019
The analysis and design of the diaphragm
wall was performed by FEM using Plaxis. As
the basement was constructed in clay layer, the
drained concept based on bi-linear Mohr-
Coulomb failure theory was used for FEM
analysis. The Young’s modulus (Eu) was used
in terms of undrained shear strength (Su) of
Eu/Su = 400 for and Eu/NSPT 1.2-1.5 for stiff
clay and sand respectively. This correlation is
normally used by geotechnical experts in
Indonesia and strictly enforced by the expert
panel review team of the municipality of
Jakarta. Inclinometer reading shows the
predicted D-Wall deformation from the initial
analysis is too large. Then a back-analysis was
conducted using both MC and Hardening Soil
model with more realistic value of E following
a study by Chandra et al. The result using HS
model and E50 value equal to 9,000xN matches
quite well with the inclinometer reading, while
using the MC model is still larger than the
monitored value. See Fig.5 below.

Fig. 5. Deformation and B.M Diagram DW Using

MC Model MC Model, Eu = 2,400N (Design) &
9,000N (Back-Analysis) vs HS Model E50 =
9,000N (Back-Analysis)


Fig. 4. Construction Sequence BASEMENT SLABS AS STRUTS
1. Excavate to -4.8 m and cast B-1 floor; As previously explained, the RC floor slabs act
2. Excavate to -3.3 m and cast B-2 floor; as the lateral supports for the retaining structure
3. Excavate to -3.2 m and cast B-3 floor; in top-down construction. Therefore, the RC
4. Excavate to -3.2 m and cast B-4 floor; floor slab needs to be designed to resist the
5. Excavate to -3.2 m and cast B-5 floor; lateral earth pressure transferred from the wall.
6. Excavate to -3.2 m and cast B-6 floor; Complete in-plane load path needs to be clearly
7. Excavate to -2.57 m in the perimeter or established and diaphragm action within the
-4.07 m in the mat area; slab needs to be thoroughly assessed to ensure
8. Cast B-7 slab; stability of the basement structure. For complex
9. Seismic earth pressure effect and 10. plan geometry, finite element computer model
Inundation level effect. is commonly used to analyze the floor slab.

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019
Design is performed based on analysis result The working platform is designed at B-1 slab
from the computer model. Some of the level with higher live load than required by
considerations for the analysis are the sequence code provision to accommodate the
when the particular slab level will be cast, to construction equipment and storage of
what extent excavation can go, the presence of materials. Excavation up to B-1 was easier and
large openings to facilitate the construction of faster since it was an open type, but the balance
the core-wall of the two towers and the ramps of excavation had to be performed under
adjacent the diaphragm wall at two corners of suspended RC slab with installed plunge
the basement. columns as constraints. The soil to be removed
For Indonesia-1, the size of the two big was targeted at 3,000 m3/day and 2000 m3/day
openings at the tower area can facilitate for open and under slab excavation,
excavation and soil extraction process but respectively.
creates huge in-plane stresses on the slab.
Before starting the analysis, the construction
method must first be simulated to see the
constructability of the basement structure, as
shown in Fig.6. Fig.7 shows the aerial view of
the basement during construction, with the
openings as designed. Fig.8 shows the FE
model used in the design of the basement slab.
Consistency between design assumptions and
actual construction condition is critical for RC
slab, particularly when construction is carried
out zone by zone. Fig.9 shows the analysis Fig. 8. FE Model of the 7-Level Basement
result of in-plane stresses in the slab and the Structure of Indonesia-1
corresponding steel rebar.

Fig. 6. Construction Procedure for Indonesia-1 Fig. 9. Analysis Result and Design of B-1 Slab
Basement Structure
Analysis result, amount and location of steel
rebar to strengthen the slab around openings at
one particular slab level are shown in Fig.9.
From the analysis it is clear that the size and
location of the openings play a big role in the
design of basement slab.
The corner ramps need a special study. First
a quarter of circular ring beam was constructed
and struts were installed. After excavation
reached the bottom level and the B-7 slab was
cast, the lowest strut was removed and the RC
ramp with radial rings was cast. The sequence
was repeated until all the struts were removed.
Fig. 7. Aerial View of the Basement During Fig.10 shows the construction of the ramp.
Construction. Two Ramps at the Corners Require
Special Construction Procedure

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

From construction aspect, top-down method is

generally much more complex in comparison to
bottom-up method. However, this method
overcomes many limitations of its counterpart.
Top-down method does not encounter the legal
issue of trespassing into adjacent properties.
With the stiff RC floor slab used to laterally-
brace the retaining structure, it will cause very
minimal movement of the surrounding soil,
thereby minimizing risk of potentially
damaging the surrounding buildings.
Fig. 10. Ramp Construction The effectiveness of the top-down method is
evident from successful construction of the 7-
level deep basement structure presented in the
7 EXCAVATION TECHNIQUE paper. The complexities of design and
construction aspect in top-down construction
Excavation process in top-down construction is needs to be recognized, assessed, and further
challenging since it is conducted under understood through continual learning and
basement floor slabs with plunge columns experiment process in ongoing projects. With
obstructing the work. Heavy equipment is increasing need for revitalization of CBD area,
typically used to dig up soil under the floor slab. perfecting the art of top-down construction in
Equipment need to be operated with extra care Jakarta is essential in facilitating dense vertical
in such way to avoid damage to the plunge urbanism in the region.
columns. Soil is accumulated at designated
spots to be further transported upward and away
from the site. Decent-sized opening is provided REFERENCES
in the floor slab; enough to accommodate the
soil-transporting process. Chandra, T.P., et al. 1994. Design Modulus of Jakarta
Various methodologies can be used to Subsoil, Jakarta: The 5th Indonesian National
accomplish this, involving use of temporary Geotechnical Conference.
ramps & platforms and long arm excavator. Sukamta, D. 2010. Design and Top-down Construction
of the 48-Storey Plaza Indonesia Extension. Sydney:
Another key step in excavation work is to Proc. The 5th Civil Engineering Conference in the
remove the soil out of the site, which is done by Asian Region and Australasian Structural
strategic management of dump trucks in and out Engineering Conference.
of the site. Due to unpredictable and non- Alexander, N., Sukamta, D. 2016. State-of-Practice in
conducive traffic condition in Jakarta, Design and Construction of Deep Basement in
especially in CBD, speed of removing Jakarta. Shenzhen: CTBUH International
excavated soil out of the site dictates the rate of Conference.
excavation work.

23rd Annual National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Jakarta - INDONESIA, 12-13 November 2019

Foundation Design and Construction of a Super Tall Tower in

Kuala Lumpur
Sindhu Rudianto
Principal Engineer, PT Geo Prima, Jakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRAK: Gedung 98 lantai di Kuala Lumpur didukung piled-raft foundation, dimana setengah beban
(≈ 3900 MN) ditahan oleh (96) bored-piles (D180 cm, L=18 m) tertanam dalam karstic limestone dan
setengahnya ditahan subgrade. Investigasi lapangan membuktikan adanya rongga berisi sand/silt mixture di
beberapa boreholes, yang menjadi tantangan dalam desain dan konstruksi. Static loading test dengan sistem
reaksi sampai 76 MN (≈ 200% DL) dan PDA test menggunakan 8 MN (80 ton) drop hammer dilakukan untuk
mengkonfirmasi kapasitas tiang. Alat strain gages dan “Distributed Strain Fiber Optic (DSFO)” digunakan
untuk mengukur distribusi tegangan dan beban saat loading test. Pelajaran yang dapat diambil dari desain dan
konstruksi piled-raft foundation ialah bagaimana menangani rongga dan menentukan panjang dari tiang.
Pengawasan jangka panjang dilakukan memakai beberapa alat seperti pressure cells untuk mengukur reaksi
subgrade dan strain gages untuk mengukur distribusi beban yang ditahan oleh bored piles untuk memastikan
kemampuan aktual dari piled-raft foundation dan membandingkannya dengan desain.
Kata Kunci: piled-raft, batuan karst, rongga, distributed strain fibre optic

ABSTRACT: The 98-story tower in Kuala Lumpur is supported on a piled-raft foundation, where half of the
tower loads (≈ 3900 MN) are carried by (96) bored piles (D180 cm, L=18 m) socketed into karstic limestone
while the other half is carried by subgrade rock. Site investigation revealed infill cavities containing sand/silt
mixture in some boreholes, posing challenges to the design and construction of the foundation. Static loading
tests by reaction systems up to 76 MN (≈ 200% DL) and PDA tests using an 8 MN (80 tonne) drop hammer
were conducted to confirm the pile capacity. Instrumentation by strain gages and “Distributed Strain Fiber
Optic (DSFO)” were used to both measure the mobilized strain and load transfers during the loading test.
Lessons learned from the design and constructions of the piled-raft foundation are discussed and include how
to treat the cavities and to determine the pile lengths. Long-term monitoring using various instrumentation
(e.g. pressure cells to measure subgrade reactions and strain gages to measure the transfer load of bored piles)
were carried out to confirm the actual performance of the piled-raft foundation and to compare to design
Keywords: piled-raft, karstic rock, cavities, distributed strain fibre optic

1 INTRODUCTION is expensive and time consuming. The

compromised solution is to adopt a piled-raft
The 98-story tower in Kuala Lumpur is foundation system, where bored piles and
supported on a piled-raft foundation, where half subgrade rock equally share tower loads. The
of the tower loads (≈ 3900 MN) are carried by piles will bridge any cavity zones within the
(96) bored piles (D180 cm, L=18 m) socketed rock subgrade.
into karstic limestone while the other half is The design began with rock coring and
carried by the subgrade rock. Site investigations laboratory testing to develop the subsurface
reveal infill cavities containing a sand/silt profiles and design parameters for bored piles
mixture in some boreholes, posing challenges and the subgrade reaction. A 3-D finite element
to the design and construction of the software MIDAS was employed to perform
foundation. Despite the limestone (RQD = 40- piled-raft analyses by considering the
60%) being fairly strong, the presence of a construction sequence and the rock-cavity
cavity prohibits the use of a raft foundation layering. The pivotal inputs for piled-raft
alone due to potential of a differential analyses are the pile capacity and the load-
settlement. The use of a “pure” pile foundation movement relationship of the single pile

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