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NBC113 Aluminium

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NBC 113 : 1994


His Majesty's Government of Nepal

Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, NEPAL
NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993
NBC 113 : 1994


This publication represents a standard of good practice and therefore

takes the form of recommendations. Compliance with it does not confer
immunity from relevant legal requirements, including bylaws
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His Majesty's Government of Nepal

Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, NEPAL

NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993


This Nepal Standard was prepared during 1993 as part of a project to prepare a draft National Building
Code for Nepal.

In 1988 the Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning (MHPP), conscious of the growing needs of
Nepal's urban and shelter sectors, requested technical assistance from the United Nations Development
Programme and their executing agency, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS).

A programme of Policy and Technical Support was set up within the Ministry (UNDP Project
NEP/88/054) and a number of activities have been undertaken within this framework.

The 1988 earthquake in Nepal, and the resulting deaths and damage to both housing and schools, again
drew attention to the need for changes and improvement in current building construction and design

Until now, Nepal has not had any regulations or documents of its own setting out either requirements
or good practice for achieving satisfactory strength in buildings.

In late 1991 the MHPP and UNCHS requested proposals for the development of such regulations and
documents from international organisations in response to terms of reference prepared by a panel of

This document has been prepared by the subcontractor's team working within the Department of
Building, the team including members of the Department and the MHPP. As part of the proposed
management and implementation strategy, it has been prepared so as to conform with the general
presentation requirements of the Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology.

The subproject has been undertaken under the aegis of an Advisory Panel to the MHPP.

The Advisory Panel consisted of :

Mr. UB Malla, Joint Secretary, MHPP Chairman

Director General, Department of Building
(Mr. LR Upadhyay) Member
Mr. AR Pant, Under Secretary, MHPP Member
Director General, Department of Mines & Geology
(Mr. PL Shrestha) Member
Director General, Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology
(Mr. PB Manandhar) Member
Dean, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University
(Dr. SB Mathe) Member
Project Chief, Earthquake Areas Rehabilitation &
Reconstruction Project Member
President, Nepal Engineers Association Member
Law Officer, MHPP (Mr. RB Dange) Member
Representative, Society of Consulting Architectural &

NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993


Engineering Firms (SCAEF) Member

Representative, Society of Nepalese Architects (SONA) Member
Deputy Director General, Department of Building,
(Mr. JP Pradhan) Member-Secretary


Zealand in conjunction with subconsultants who included :

Golder Associates Ltd., Canada

SILT Consultants P. Ltd., Nepal
TAEC Consult (P.) Ltd., Nepal
Urban Regional Research, USA

Principal inputs to this standard came from :

Mr. RD Jury, BECA

Revisions and Updated to this code came from :

Mr. Purna P. Kadariya, DG, DUDBC

Mr. Kishore Thapa, DDG, DUDBC
Mr. Mani Ratna Tuladhar, Sr. DIV. Engineer, DUDBC
Mr. Jyoti Prasad Pradhan, Ex.DG, DOB
Mr. Bhubaneswor Lal Shrestha, Ex. DDG, DOB
Mr. Uttam Shrestha, Architect, Architects' Module Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Manohar Lal Rajbhandhari, Sr. Structural Engineer, Mr Associates
Mr. Amrit Man Tuladhar, Civil Engineer, DUDBC

NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993



Preface ......................................................................................................................................................... i

0 Foreword ...................................................................................................................................... iv

1 Guidelines for the Design of Aluminium Structures............................................................... 1

1.1 Strength ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Modulus of Elasticity ...................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Creep......................................................................................................... ......................... 2
1.4 Thermal Expansion and Contraction........................................................................... 2
1.5 Fatigue .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.6 Corrosion Protection ...................................................................................................... 2

2 Guidelines for the Fabrication of Aluminium Structures...................................................... 2

2.1 Laying Out ....................................................................................................................... 2

2.2 Welding............................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Mechanical Jointing........................................................................................................ 3
2.4 Heating.............................................................................................................................. 3

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES………………………………………………………………….... ..4

NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993


0. Foreword

This document is not intended to be a definitive design standard. Rather it is a series of

guidelines intended only for the designer of simple aluminium structures. Although the use of
aluminium as a structural material in Nepal is likely to grow in the future, the current usage
does not yet justify the preparation of a detailed Nepal Standard covering construction in

Designers wishing to use aluminium as a structural material are referred to the relevant codes
of other countries.

1 Guidelines for the Design of Aluminium Structures

1.1 Strength

Aluminium is always alloyed with minor quantities of other metals for structural use. A wide
variety of yield and ultimate strengths are available, depending on the alloy. It is important that
designers ensure that the particular alloy they have assumed during their design is that used for

The stress-strain curves for aluminium alloys do not have a clearly defined yield point and
therefore the yield strength is defined as the 0.2 % proof stress.

Most aluminium alloys will retain their mechanical properties at temperatures up to 100 °C.
However, extended exposure to higher temperatures will lead to a loss in strength. Limited,
short-term exposure to high temperatures can be used to assist in bending, etc, without
significant loss in mechanical properties.

Under earthquake and wind loading, permissible stress increases similar to those defined for
steel structures may be used.

Many welding alloys have much lower mechanical properties than the parent material and are
often the limiting factor in determining the permissible stresses in a structure.

1.2 Modulus of Elasticity

The modulus of elasticity of aluminium can be as low as 35 percent of that of steel. Thus,
deflections will be larger than for similar sections in steel.

The lower modulus of elasticity also means that aluminium sections are likely to be more prone

NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993

to buckling problems than are steel sections. Twisting of columns, which is not usually a
problem with steel sections, needs to be considered for

aluminium sections. Generally, the distance between lateral restraining members will need to
be less for aluminium beams.

1.3 Creep

When designing in aluminium, as for other materials, designers should bear in mind the effects
of long-term creep. Generally, design to established codes such as the SAA Aluminium
Structures Code will prevent problems with long-term creep.

1.4 Thermal Expansion and Contraction

Aluminium alloys have a relatively high coefficient of thermal expansion and therefore
aluminium tends to move to a greater extent than other materials. In structures incorporating
other materials in conjunction with aluminium, designers must make allowance for the
different expansions and contractions in the jointing systems, etc, to avoid additional stresses.

1.5 Fatigue

Members which are subjected to fluctuations in stress (which need only be a small percentage
of the mean stress) may suffer from fatigue failure. The initiation of fatigue cracks is due
primarily to stress concentrations introduced by detailing. In the absence of specific
requirements for aluminium, it is suggested that the general rules for steel structures subjected
to stress fluctuations are followed.

1.6 Corrosion Protection

Although most aluminium alloys have a high resistance to corrosion due to the formation of a
thin transparent oxide outer layer, care must be taken to avoid contact with dissimilar materials.
Separation can be achieved by painting, but reference should be made to appropriate sources
for suitable paint types. The correct paint will depend on the type of metal to be separated and
the exposure environment, i.e. marine, soil, concrete-encasement, etc.

Precautions must be taken to avoid water collection/pounding. Where practical, structural

members should be shaped or orientated to provide adequate drainage. Aluminium, like other
materials, can suffer premature corrosion if cracks, crevices or unsealed lips which entrap
moisture are created.

Generally, stainless steel, galvanised and electro-galvanised fastenings can be satisfactorily

used with aluminium. However, in severe conditions, e.g. marine environment, de-passivation

NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993

of the stainless steel can occur - leading to rapid corrosion.

2 Guidelines for the Fabrication of Aluminium Structures

2.1 Laying Out

The scribing of set-out marks into the metal surface should be avoided as such marks
can lead to stress raisers in highly-stressed members.

In high temperature conditions, such as outside in hot weather, allowances should be

made for the different rates of thermal expansion of the aluminium and measuring
devices, particularly where high accuracy is required.

2.2 Welding

Surfaces to be joined should be well prepared to minimise weld contamination by

retained oxide. Adequate and correctly proportioned gas flow and proper shielding of
the work area should be achieved to prevent disturbance due to wind. Care should be
taken to select the correct wire or rod size and type to match the design requirements.

2.3 Mechanical Jointing

When bolting, riveting or screwing aluminium, care must be taken to ensure adequate
bearing is provided and the fastener head dimensions are adequate.

2.4 Heating

Structural aluminium sections should not be heated, except that in order to ease
bending, heating to a temperature not exceeding 200 °C for a period not exceeding 30
minutes may be carried out. Such heating should only be allowed where sufficient
controls and supervision are in place to ensure that the above temperature and time
limits are adhered to.

NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993



Other useful references are:

ƒ Engineers Handbook - Aluminium - Design Data, The Aluminium Development

Council of Australia (Limited)

ƒ Arya, A.S. and Ajmami, J.L., Design of Steel Structures, Fourth Edition, 1989 (Chapter
12 covering Aluminium Structures).

NBC113V0.RV1 12 December 1993

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