Pathfinder Civil Services Main Examination
Pathfinder Civil Services Main Examination
Pathfinder Civil Services Main Examination
Introduction: T.P.Sreenivasan
NACS–The Pathfinder G.Sukumaran Nair
Editor’s Note: Divya S. Iyer
The Way to Civil Services: APM Mohammed Hanish
Take Charge of the Change: Divya S. Iyer
Main Examination- SYLLABI
Main Examination- General Studies : Divya S. Iyer
Examination has further increased its width and depth. On the
other hand, the extended age limit and the increase in possible
chances for appearing in the examination have bestowed
advantages, compared to earlier times.
As a self-proclaimed evangelist of the Indian Foreign Service,
NACS–The Pathfinder
I am glad that the NSS Academy of Civil Services (NACS) has
devised a strategy to tackle the Civil Services Main Examination
and decided to share it with the aspirants all over India with the
help of D C Books. Such a strategy is extremely important as the
Main Examination this year is breaking new ground and there is a
crying need for a publication of this kind to guide the aspirants.
NACS has been in existence only for a year, but its team has already
made a mark in the best traditions of N S S institutions, inspired
by the vision and hard work of its founder, Mannath Padmanabhan.
It is emerging as one of the premier Civil Service training
institutions in India, with a visionary leadership, brilliant faculty
and first-rate facilities. I am sure that its new venture to publish a
volume for the benefit of aspirants far and wide will secure a
prominent place for NACS among the best Civil Services Academies
in India. I congratulate the NACS team and the other contributors
to the book on this project and hope that the publication will be a
G. Sukumaran Nair
N S S General Secretary