Electronic Flight Bag User Guide
Electronic Flight Bag User Guide
Electronic Flight Bag User Guide
The B737-800X project would not be possible without the inspiration and dedication from Lubos
Zibek (Zibo).
The project has moved forward from a basic design to a Real World modelled 737-800.
Changes to the characteristics of the aircraft are continuously being refined by a testing team of real
world pilots and of course Zibo’s programming skills.
The AviTab interface is work done by Folko, and, whilst the interface is only a small part of the
overall Electronic Flight Bag functionality, his work must also be recognised as without it the EFB in
its current form would not be possible.
Without the dedication of the entire team we would not be here today.
Richard Grech.
(patch99 - YSSY)
General Information
For the purpose of this guide, the Electronic Flight bag, will be referred to as “EFB”
The image above will be referred to as a Selection (White) and Option (Green)
In this case the reference would be: The Selection of ANNOUNCEMENTS SET NR is set to the Option
of AUTO.
Stow EFB
• Clicking on the Pen Holder will toggle stowing or showing the EFB.
EFB stowed.
Page Scrolling
• When a Window has more than 1 page as indicated above (2/3), placing the mouse in the
indicated areas will advance forward the pages if clicked on the right click spot or back if
clicked in the left click spot.
• Providing an autosave time interval has been set, (discussed “Realism Tab”) in the event of
CTD or any other occurrence where Xplane has NOT shut down correctly, the “Load
Autosaved Flight” popup will display.
• Saved flight information is shown:
o From – To (Airports)
o To waypoint and altitude
• The user will need to click Yes to revert to a saved flight or No to start a new flight.
Announcements Window
• Clicking on the PA SYSTEM TAB from the MAIN MENU WINDOW (PAGE 1) will show the
following Window.
• Clicking on the above TABS at the appropriate time will add to the immersion of the flight.
• Clicking on the PA SETTINGS TAB from the ANNOUNCEMENTS WINDOW will show the
following Window.
• To adjust either of the first 2 Selections (Volume), click on the Green Option and the Option
will increment through its range.
• Click on the Green Option, and the option will increment through its range.
FMOD Audio
• For full immersion of the flight, the Audio must be started by clicking on the START FLIGHT
• Clicking on the START FLIGHT LEG TAB, will also Show Passengers in the cabin to simulate
boarding. The requirement is that the PASSENGERS Option is set to AUTO in the VISUAL
• At the end of the flight, clicking the same tab but now displaying TERMINATE FLIGHT LEG,
will remove the passengers from the cabin to simulate disembarkation.
• A user guide is provided in the B737-800 (FULL download) package for all FMOD triggers and
Announcements. It can be found as follows:
• Clicking on the FUEL, WEIGHT & BALANCE TAB from the MAIN MENU WINDOW (PAGE 1) will
show the following Window.
The Landing Rate and Approach Rate will cycle after landing to display the assessed computed
• Clicking on the APPROACH RATING TAB from the FUEL, PAYLOAD, CG OPT WINDOW will
show the following Window.
• After clicking the Approach Rating tab, various penalties will be displayed to indicate
why the Approach Rating (previously shown) has been deemed a certain value.
• Before moving into the intricacies of the Fuel, Payload, CG and OPT functionality, the
different modes of the ZIBOMOD Data Keypad must be outlined.
• The following figures show the different features displayed in the Keypad based on the Data
field being amended.
• Full functionality in detail will be covered in later pages.
Fuel Mode
When updating the Fuel Quantity, the Keypad will display the “.” key
to allow the input of a value e.g. 10.0.
Fig. 1
Passenger Mode
Fig. 2
When updating the passenger numbers with a Total figure Auto Fill,
the “PAX” key will display to allow the input of one Auto Fill amount.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
When updating the Wind in the Performance pages the “/” key will
display to allow for the current wind input
Fig. 5
When updating the OAT in the Performance pages the “-“ key will be
used to signify a minus OAT
Fig. 6
• Clicking on the PAYLOAD TAB from the FUEL, PAYLOAD, CG OPT WINDOW, will show the
following window.
Fuel. Payload and CG Window Page 1 (above) Payload Window Page 2 (below)
• There are only 2 Selections available for update in this Window: PAYLOAD and FUEL.
• Clicking on Payload will result in being transferred to the Payload Window. Functionality of
this Window is detailed further on.
• Clicking on Fuel (indicated), will result in a pop-up calculator, where the required fuel order
can be input.
• To order Fuel, click on Fuel (indicated) and complete the pop-up calculator entry field with
the Fuel uplift.
Fig. 7 Fig. 8
• In both cases the same quantity of fuel has been ordered. (Updated example, next page)
• With a successful Fuel entry via the pop-up calculator, the field now changes from “FUEL” to
• Clicking on Fuel (indicated) will link to the FUEL, PAYLOAD, CG OPT WINDOW, where the
Fuelling process can be started. (As long as all requirements mentioned are met)
Payload Warning
• If the aircraft is loaded in such a manner that the result is that one or more of the Structural
maximums is exceeded, (overweight) i.e MZFW, MTOW or MLDW, then the CG that
corresponds to the overweight situation is displayed in Orange.
• If the aircraft is loaded in such a manner that the result is that one or more of the Structural
limits is outside the CG (Trim) Envelope, (Out of Trim) i.e MZFW or MTOW, then the CG that
corresponds to the Out of Trim situation is displayed in Orange.
Fig. 9
• In Fig. 9 above, the TO CG is Orange, thus indicating either an Overweight or Out of Trim
• The ZFW CG is Green, thus indicating that Weight and Trim are within limits.
• Both the ZFW and TOW can be checked directly above in this Window. If the weight is under
MZFW or MTOW then the issue is a Trim issue.
• Issues of Weight or Trim can be verified pictorially in the CG Envelope Window.
Payload Fixes
• If the aircraft is Out of Trim, the fix is to re-distribute Passengers or below wing Cargo.
• If the aircraft is Overweight at ZFW, the fix is to reduce Passenger uplift or reduce below
wing Cargo. (OFFLOAD)
• If the aircraft is Overweight at TOW, the fix is to reduce below wing Cargo or reduce
Passenger uplift or as a last resort renegotiate fuel with the crew. This last option DOES
happen in real world operations. (Tankering situations)
• Clicking on PAYLOAD in the FUEL, PAYLOAD and CG Window will display the PAYLOAD
• In the Payload Window passengers are distributed by Zone throughout the aircraft.
• The aircraft seating configuration is set in the LAYOUT/STD WEIGHT SETTINGS WINDOW.
• Applicable passenger codes to be used are: Male / Female / Kids. M/F/K.
• Passenger weights are set in the LAYOUT/STD WEIGHT SETTINGS WINDOW.
• It is possible to enter the required Passengers, and the system will distribute in the cabin
NOTE: This method will not account for Passenger Bags in the Cargo hold.
All distributed Passengers are considered Male.
Fig. 13
• Fig. 13 shows the entry required to add 150 Passengers to the flight.
• Format is to click Payload Total, then enter 1 5 0 then click the Blue Pax key above the 7 key,
signifies “P”. Then enter.
• A Random passenger count can be added to the flight by Clicking Payload and then clicking
the Blue RND key. Fig. 14
• This will display the word RANDOM. Fig. 15
• Clicking Enter, a random passenger count will be added to the flight.
NOTE: This method will not account for Passenger Bags in the Cargo hold.
All distributed Passengers are considered Male.
Fig. 14 Fig. 15
• Deadload (below wing cargo / bags) is distributed in either Cargo 1 FWD or Cargo 2 AFT.
• Cargo 1 FWD maximum weight = 3560KGS. Cargo 2 AFT maximum weight = 4850KGS.
Fig.16 Fig. 17
• By clicking in the Payload Total line an absolute Payload figure can be entered.
• The system will Auto distribute the Passengers through the cabin and also add load to the
Cargo holds FWF and AFT.
Fig. 18 Fig. 19
CG Envelope
• The image shows that all structural limits are In Trim. (Inside the Envelope) but the MZFW
has been exceeded depicted by the ZFW crosshair shown above the MZFW line.
Layout / STD Weight Settings Window – Zone and Pax Weight Adjustment
• Passenger seating zone capacity can be adjusted in this window. The are 4 available seating
configurations. 160 / 180 / 187 / 189
• The 160 seat configuration will display a Business and Economy seat layout when the
passenger cabin is viewed.
• The 180 / 187 and 189 seat configurations are ALL economy seat layouts.
• Clicking the configurations will cycle though in sequence the available configurations.
• Selecting a configuration (highlight in Green) will automatically adjust the Zone count.
• Standard passenger weights may also be adjusted to a maximum weight of 95.2kgs for Male
/ Female / Kids. (210lbs)
Fig. 20
• Fig. 20 shows an adjustment to Male weight to 85KGS.
• Standard Crew compliments on the 737-800 are 2 Cockpit and 4 Flight Attendants.
• Cockpit Crew are fixed and therefore cannot be adjusted.
• Flight Attendant compliments may vary under certain circumstances. The current allowance
is 2 x FA FWD and 2 x FA AFT. (104.3 KGS (230lbs) per Flight Attendant including hand carry.)
• A maximum of a total of 4 Flight Attendants can be accounted for in this window.
• Front and Rear Galleys may also be adjusted to suit the service provided.
• Maximum Front Galley is 1177kg, and maximum Rear Galley is 1225kg.
Fig. 21 Fig. 22
• Fig. 21 illustrates the adjustment required to only account for 1 FA FWD.
• Fig. 22 illustrates the adjustment required to show 550KGS in the Rear Galley.
will show the following window.
• The Performance Takeoff Window is made up of a series of User Filled or Auto Filled cells.
• Successful completion of all fields will result in a calculation of the Takeoff Performance
Fig. 23
OAT can simply be fill as per Fig. 24 or by using the “-“ key to signify
a minus OAT
Fig. 24
Fig. 25 Fig. 26
• Fig. 25 and Fig. 26 demonstrate the 2 available options to update the QNH.
• Fig. 25 demonstrates 29.92 in Hg
• Fig. 26 demonstrates 1013.0 HPA
will show the following window.
• The Performance Landing Window is made up of a series of User Filled or Auto Filled cells.
• Successful completion of all fields will result in a calculation of the Landing Performance
Data displayed on Page 2. (Access to Page 2 is restricted until Page 1 is fully completed.)
Note 1: COND and REV are directly linked. When COND = DRY, NO CREDIT is automatically set.
When COND = WET, BOTH is automatically set.
• This page will only be visible once all data is correctly entered in the Performance Landing
Page 1.
• All information on this page is auto generated and cannot be changed be the user.
• Where Braking Performance falls outside the Landing parameters (Length required) this is
indicated in Orange. See Auto BRK 1 and 2 above.
Checklist Window
• Clicking on the CHECKLIST & PROCEDURES TAB from the MAIN MENU WINDOW (PAGE 1) will
show the following Window.
• There are 2 options for checklist detail. Either SIMPLE or DETAIL. These options can be
selected from AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION WINDOW (PAGE 1). (Shown later)
• Progressing through each Checklist can be assisted by an animated 3D ARROW HELPER.
Optional selection found in the VISUAL EFFECT WINDOW (PAGE 3).
• If the 3D ARROW HELPER is set to SHOW, then the checklist item in the EFB will flash
Cyan / White until the item is checked (ticked) in the EFB.
• When all items have been checked off in the EFB, the checklist will automatically scroll to the
next page, if there is one available.
• If HIDE has been selected for the 3D ARROW HELPER, then the above animation will not be
• Clicking on the GROUND SERVICES TAB from the MAIN MENU WINDOW (PAGE 1) will show
the following Window.
• GPU TAB toggle the GPU Connect / Disconnect. (Note1) (Note2) (Note3)
• CHOCKS TAB toggle Chocks Set / Remove. (Note1)
• BETTER PUSHBACK TAB Better Pushback setup. (Note4)
• ASU TAB toggle the Auxiliary Service Unit Connect / Disconnect. (Note1)
• DE-ICING TAB toggle the De-icing process Start / End. (Note1)
• AIRSTAIRS EXTEND TAB toggle the Airstairs EXTEND or RETRACT. (Note1) (Note5)
• DOORS TAB Open / Close Cabin, Cargo and Emergency Doors
• CABIN LIGHTING TAB Control Cabin Lighting
Note 1: The command displayed on the TAB will be actioned if the TAB is clicked.
E.g. If the GPU TAB is clicked, then the action will be to Connect the GPU.
Note 2: This GPU TAB (Ground Power Cart) should only be used if the aircraft is located at a Gate or
Stand that DOES NOT have Airport Supplied Ground Power.
Note 3: For airports that are set up for Ground Power, the Ground Power will connect automatically
at positioning or arrival. And automatically disconnect approximately 15 seconds after the
APU Generators are connected to the bus.
Note 4: It is recommended to setup the personal preferences in the Better Pushback plugin, especially
if flying in VR. The setting to Automatically Disconnect can be very useful.
Note 5: To Extend the Air Stairs, the FWD Door must be opened first and closed after the Air Stairs
have been Retracted.
• Clicking on the DOORS TAB from the GROUND SERVICES WINDOW (PAGE 1) will show the
following Window.
The DOOR STATUS / COMMANDS windows utilise the use of Tabs to represent individual
doors fitted in the aircraft. Opening and closing is initiated by clicking on the required door tab.
Selections on Page 1 are FWD / AFT Entry, Service and Cargo Doors.
Selections on Page 2 are Left FWD / AFT Overwing Exits and Right FWD / AFT Overwing Exits.
Locked Doors
• Starting engine 1 or 2 will trigger all doors to be automatically LOCKED. (Overwing Exits
• On arrival at the gate, the doors cannot be UNLOCKED until both engines have been shut
Overwing Exits
The Overwing emergency exits will automatically LOCK when the following is met
The Overwing emergency exits UNLOCK when any one of the above conditions is not met or DC
power is lost.
• Clicking on the CABIN LIGHTING TAB from the GROUND SERVICES WINDOW (PAGE 1) will
show the following Window.
AviTab Window
• Clicking on the AVITAB TAB from the MAIN MENU WINDOW (PAGE 1) will show the following
• The AviTab window allows the user to access the following functions in the Tablet.
o View PDF documents.
o View navigation charts. (Requires paid subscription to external provider)
o Create Flight routes.
o View aircraft position on a moving map.
Charts Window
• Clicking on the CHARTS TAB from the AVITAB WINDOW will show the following Window.
Airports Window
• Clicking on the AIRPORTS TAB from the AVITAB WINDOW will show the following Window.
• When an External Provider is linked to the AviTab, by inserting the 4 letter ICAO identifier for the
required airport and clicking on the Tick, will result in the user having access to the following
Airport Information Charts.
o Airport General Information
▪ Airport
▪ Arrival
▪ Departure
▪ Approach
▪ Reference
• When this Window is the only OPEN Window in the AviTab, or, this Window is OPEN and the
user navigates to the Home Window, the keyboard operation is still locked to the search
function only.
• All other keyboard functionality is ignored.
• To re-gain full keyboard functionality, the Search Window MUST be CLOSED. (X)
• After a sucessful airport search from the previous window, the above information will be
• General information about the selected airport. Including information about Runways and
• Clicking on the 3 line Icon will enable more specific navigational charts to be displayed. (Requires
paid 3rd party Navigational subscription to activate)
Link AviTab
• Clicking on the ROUTES TAB from the AVITAB WINDOW will show the following Window.
Map Window
• Clicking on the MAP TAB from the AVITAB WINDOW will show the following Window.
• Your Aircraft is shown in its current position with reference to a moving Map Display.
(PAGE 2) will show the following Window.
• When changes to the current state are actioned in the EFB, these must be saved for future
flights setup.
• Clicking on the Green All Configs Quick Save Tab will save the changes in one of two files.
• All Livery specific changes will be saved in:
• X_Plane11/Aircraft/B737-800X/Liveries/b738x.cfg
• All other non Livery specific changes will be saved in:
• X_Plane11/Aircraft/B737-800X/b738_prefs.txt
• Clicking the Red All Configs Reset Tab, will reset all previously saved state changes to default
state presets.
• To save any changes the Green All Configs Quick Save Tab must be clicked.
• Clicking the Red Aircraft Config Reset Tab, will reset all previously saved Aircraft
Configurations back to default settings for the duration of the active flight.
• To save any changes the Green All Configs Quick Save Tab must be clicked.
• Providing an autosave time interval has been set in the Realism Tab, clicking on the tab
whilst in flight, will load the last autosave occurrence.
Load/Save Flight
• Clicking on this Tab will allow the user to access 8 individual Save and Load combinations.
• Clicking on the MANAGE AIRCRAFT PRESETS TAB from the LOAD / SAVE WINDOW will show
the following Window.
At flight start up, the configuration setup is as per the various selections made in the configuration
windows in the EFB. Four Preset Tabs are available to alter the aircraft configuration presets and re-
load as required.
• From the various Configuration Windows, change any of the Options to the required setting.
• From the Load / Save Config Presets Window, click any one of the Green Preset 1 thru 4 Save
• To re-load the adjusted configuration settings, click the corresponding Blue Preset Load Tab.
• Clicking on the MANAGE AUDIO PRESETS TAB from the LOAD / SAVE WINDOW will show the
following Window.
At flight start up, the volume levels are set as per the Audio Configuration Setup Window Options.
Four Preset Tabs are available to alter the volume presets and re-load as required.
• From the Audio Configuration Setup Window, change any of the Options to the required
volume setting.
• From the Load / Save Audio Presets Window, click any one of the Green Preset 1 thru 4 Save
• To re-load the adjusted volume settings, click the corresponding Blue Preset Load Tab.
• Clicking on the MANAGE STATE PRESETS TAB from the LOAD / SAVE WINDOW will show the
following Window.
Depending on the setup Selection in the Aircraft Configuration Window the Aircraft will start up as
either Cold and Dark or Turnaround State.
This window allows for further switch setting beyond the pre-determined state.
• With the aircraft started in the Standard Cold and Dark State, further switch adjustments can
be made and saved by clicking the Green Cold & Dark Switches State Save Tab.
• Future start-ups in Cold and Dark State will start as per the saved state.
• To cancel all changes and revert to the pre-determined state, click the Red Cold & Dark
Switches State Reset Tab.
• With the aircraft started in the Turn Around State, further switch adjustments can be made
and saved by clicking the Green Turn Around Switches State Save Tab.
• Future start-ups in Turn Around State will start as per the saved state.
• To cancel all changes and revert to the pre-determined state, click the Red Turn Around
Switches State Reset Tab.
• Clicking on the LOAD / SAVE FLIGHT TAB from the LOAD / SAVE WINDOW will show the
following Window.
This window allows the user the ability to Save or Load (a previously saved) flight scenario.
Up to 4 scenarios are able to be “Saved” and subsequently “Loaded”.
Save Flight
• To save a flight scenario, simply click on one of the 4 RED Save Flight tabs.
• All flight data including FMC information will be saved.
• Saved flight information will be displayed in the Green Load Flight Tab
• 4 scenarios may be saved on this page, another 4 (total 8) may be saved on the following
Load Flight
• Starting a flight as shown above. Once the aircraft has spawned, re-load the flight scenario
by clicking the appropriate GREEN Load Flight Tab.
• If the Start with engines running (above) option is not used, then the engines must be
manually started before loading a saved flight.
• Clicking on the Right Click spot from the MAIN MENU WINDOW (PAGE 1) will show the
following Window.
• Clicking on the CONFIGURE & CUSTOMISE TAB from the MAIN MENU WINDOW (PAGE 2) will
show the following Window.
show the following Window.
• Clicking on the EXTERIOR TAB from the DISPLAY AND VARIANTS WINDOW will show the
following Window.
*Note - If LANDING LIGHTS LED is selected, by design, the Nose Wheel Light is NOT fitted and on the
OHP, only 2 LANDING LIGHT SWITCHES are fitted.
• Clicking on the SYSTEMS TAB from the DISPLAY AND VARIANTS WINDOW will show the
following Window.
There are now two versions of the GPWS panel available in the mod. The old 3 switch GPWS panel as
before (Flap, Gear and Terrain inhibit) and the new 4 switch panel which also includes the Runway
awareness advisory system inhibit switch and the INOP indicator for it. This functionality is tied to
the XRAAS2 plugin.
There are three values for this option in the EFB, by default AUTO should be preselected, unless
already configured otherwise.
AUTO If XRAAS plugin is installed and working, the RAAS version of the panel (4 switch) is
shown in the cockpit and XRAAS works, if it isn't, the original version is shown.
ON RAAS version of the panel (4 switch) is always shown, even if the XRAAS plugin is not
installed. In such case, the Runway INOP indicator is lit.
OFF Non-RAAS version of the panel (3 switch) is shown even if the XRAAS plugin is
installed. In such case, the XRAAS plugin functionality is disabled.
• Clicking on the Right Click Spot, will advance to Page 2 of the Systems menu.
*Note Below
*Note - Currently ( v3.49.3 ) the ILS and GLS systems are NOT monitored, as a result the
annunciators are displayed with an INOP notation on the light.
*Note Below
*Note - The Analog Gyro sound selection has been removed from the Audio Features Menu. The
Analog Gyro Sound will be automatically set when the Analog Standby Gauges are selected.
• Clicking on the Right Click Spot, will advance to Page 3 of the Systems menu.
The current standard version of the Zibo B737-800 is not certified to operate to airports where the
airport elevation is above 8400ft. Selecting High Altitude Landing to Yes, will install the High Altitude
Landing Switch in the OHP. By selecting the switch to on, this will reprogram the initiation of cabin
altitude warning horn from 10,000 to 12,500 feet. It must be noted that landing at higher altitudes
requires the use of specific procedures / checklists. Refer to the FCOM for further information.
An example would be, when the aircraft is cold and dark, the pressure in the cartridge would
prevent the Flight Controls moving easily by the effects of any wind.
• Clicking on the DISPLAYS TAB from the DISPLAY AND VARIANTS WINDOW will show the
following Window.
Disclaimer: The description following is intended to only briefly outline in general terms the system
functionality. It is therefore recommended that for in-depth understanding, other specific resources
should be searched on the internet.
NPS functionality is NOT a standard in the 737-800, but rather a customer option.
When selected in the EFB, NPS will display additional information on the PFD and ND to give the
crew a better situational awareness to their position with reference to LNAV / VNAV PTH.
That is, RNP vs ANP, also Cross Track Error (XTE) on the ND.
The NPS pointers will be displayed when HDG SEL, TO/GA, LNAV or any VNAV mode is engaged.
If APP is selected NPS will appear until VOR/LOC, FAC or other LOC mode engages.
2. LNAV deviation from route or path. CrossTrack Error (XTE)
The following will demonstrate the scales using YSSY RWY16R RNAV-Z.
-15.0 nm
No scales displayed
-10.0 nm
VNAV deviation scale
-5.0 nm
VNAV deviation scale
The following will demonstrate the scales using YSSY RWY16R RNAV-Z.
-15.0 nm
NPS displayed on PFD / ND
-10.0 nm
NPS displayed on PFD / ND
VNAV deviation scale ND
-5.0 nm
NPS displayed on PFD / ND
VNAV deviation scale ND
The following will demonstrate the scales using YSSY RWY16R RNAV-Z.
Whilst 2 different systems, IAN and NPS can work simultaneously. As demonstrated below.
-15.0 nm
LNAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD
LNAV deviation scale ND
-10.0 nm
LNAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD / ND
Glide Path Ghost pointer
-5.0 nm
Scale ID – FMC
LNAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD / ND
FAC / G/P captured
• Clicking on the Right Click Spot, will advance to Page 2 of the Displays menu.
Note: The aircraft behaviour is the same whether this option is used or not. Selecting the
Yes option will only serve to display the Magenta Bracket.
YES When Yes is selected, a Magenta Bracket is displayed beside the speed tape when VNAV PTH
is active and in Descent mode.
The top of the bracket represents the maximum allowable speed in VNAV PTH
mode. Once this speed is reached the active mode will switch to VNAV SPD. (Speed
The bottom of the bracket represents a minimum speed, that once reached, the
Auto Throttle will re-engage and accelerate the aircraft.
NO When No is selected, the Magenta Bracket will not be displayed. The aircraft will still
Operate as described above.
Setting 0 m as shown above, will result in all airports to be visible on the ND. No minimum runway
length specified.
Setting 1000 m, will eliminate all airports with runways less than 1000 m from the ND.
Setting 2000 m, will eliminate all airports with runways less than 2000 m from the ND.
Setting 3000 m, will eliminate all airports with runways less than 3000 m from the ND.
Setting 4000 m, will eliminate all airports with runways less than 4000 m from the ND.
After setting to 4000 m, all remaining airports visible on the ND will have runways equal to or
greater than 4000 m.
Operator preference on the colour the Missed Approach course is displayed on the ND.
DASHED CYAN: Newer version of FMC software, the course line will be displayed in Cyan colour and
MAGENTA: Older version of FMC software, the course line will be displayed in Magenta colour
and solid.
Magenta Cyan
• Clicking on the DISPLAYS TAB from the DISPLAY AND VARIANTS WINDOW will show the
following Window.
Fig. 27 Fig. 28
Thrust Adjustment
Functionality has been added to the EFB to allow the user to dynamically adjust various Thrust
Parameters in the FMC.
Adjustments will control the Takeoff Thrust behaviour based on whether Cutback is selected “ON” or
“OFF” in the FMC. As shown in the image below.
When making adjustments in the EFB, note and understand the following behaviour.
1. Making adjustments in the EFB, will dynamically update the corresponding FMC
2. Multiple adjustments to the same parameter may be made via the EFB adjustment
3. If the user updates a parameter by entering data directly in the FMC scratch pad
and then Line Select Key, the FMC will update BUT the EFB will not update to the
new figure.
4. If data is updated as per step 3 above, the resulting display in the FMC will be a
larger font. This will “Lock” this figure and adjustments through the EFB are NOT
• Clicking on the Right Click Spot, will advance to Page 2 of the FMS menu.
YES When Yes is selected, the PERF INIT page will display dashes to allow the PLAN Fuel
to be entered manually prior to Fuelling complete for FMC calculations.
The entry is blanked once an engine is started.
CAUTION: As long as PLAN Fuel is displayed, GW is calculated as ZFW + PLAN Fuel. When the
PLAN Fuel is blanked, as explained above, GW is updated to ZFW + FINAL Fuel. If a
Fuel variation exists between PLAN Fuel and FINAL Fuel resulting in a change to the
pre-calculated Takeoff Speeds, there is NO WARNING advice. It is strongly suggested
that all input data and calculated speeds be checked after engine start.
Example: Additional fuel is ordered after PLAN Fuel entered. Takeoff calculations are
performed on PLAN Fuel. After engine start GW is now updated. Takeoff Speeds
should be checked in case the variation was sufficient to cause a change.
NO When No is selected, the ability to enter the PLAN Fuel for pre-calculations is not
• Clicking on the AUTOFLIGHT TAB from the DISPLAY AND VARIANTS WINDOW will show the
following Window.
To accommodate for differences in Autopilot software, new functionality has been added via an EFB
setting to allow for 3 different VNAV ALT variants: -
Example of functionality using the following settings: - CRZ LVL 26000, MCP ALT 12000
The aircraft will level off at 12000 and VNAV SPD will change to ALT ACQ then ALT HLD.
VNAV will not climb beyond MCP 12000.
Setting the MCP to 26000, VNAV will disengage and ALT HLD pitch mode will be engaged.
Pressing VNAV will initiate the climb VNAV SPD / VNAV PTH.
The aircraft will level off at 12000 and VNAV SPD will change to VNAV PTH.
VNAV will not climb beyond MCP 12000.
When the restriction has been reached, ALT HLD will display.
Setting the MCP to 26000, VNAV will disengage and ALT HLD pitch mode will be engaged.
Pressing VNAV will initiate the climb VNAV SPD / VNAV PTH.
NOTE: Setting VNAV ALT -> ALT HLD to YES or NO, will not change the behaviour above.
The aircraft will level off at 12000 and VNAV SPD will change to VNAV PTH then VNAV ALT.
VNAV will not climb beyond MCP 12000.
Set the MCP to 26000.
Pressing ALT INTV will initiate the climb VNAV SPD / VNAV PTH.
The aircraft will level off at 12000 and VNAV SPD will change to VNAV PTH.
VNAV will not climb beyond MCP 12000.
When the restriction has been reached, VNAV ALT will display.
Set the MCP to 26000.
Pressing ALT INTV will initiate the climb VNAV SPD / VNAV PTH.
The aircraft will level off at 12000 and VNAV SPD will change to VNAV PTH then VNAV ALT.
VNAV will not climb beyond MCP 12000.
Setting the MCP to 26000, VNAV will disengage and ALT HLD pitch mode will be engaged.
Pressing VNAV will initiate the climb VNAV SPD / VNAV PTH.
The aircraft will level off at 12000 and VNAV SPD will change to VNAV PTH.
VNAV will not climb beyond MCP 12000.
When the restriction has been reached, VNAV ALT will display.
Setting the MCP to 26000, ALT HLD will display, VNAV will disengage and ALT HLD pitch
mode will be engaged.
Pressing VNAV will initiate the climb VNAV SPD / VNAV PTH.
Disclaimer: The description following is intended to only briefly outline in general terms the system
functionality. It is therefore recommended that for in-depth understanding, other specific resources
should be searched on the internet.
IAN functionality is NOT a standard in the 737-800, but rather a customer option.
IAN is a simplification of multiple Approach procedures. It has reduced 18 procedures to 1. (ILS, LOC,
LOC-DME, LDA, BCRS, SDF, VOR, VOR on airport, VOR-DME, VOR-ARC, NDB, NDB on airport, NDB-
DME, NDB-NDB, ASR, PAR, RNAV 3-D, and RNAV 2-D). Selecting APP mode will provide displays
similar to the Instrument Landing System (ILS).
While the IAN display is similar to an ILS display, there are sufficient visual differences to ensure that
the crew does not confuse a non-precision IAN approach for a precision ILS or GLS approach.
APP Data Block
Scale ID
APP Data Block
Scale ID
The following will demonstrate the scales using YSSY RWY16R RNAV-Z
-15.0 nm
Scale ID – FMC
-10.0 nm
Scale ID - FMC
LVAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD
VNAV deviation scale ND
-5.0 nm
Scale ID - FMC
LVAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD
VNAV deviation scale ND
The following will demonstrate the scales using YSSY RWY16R RNAV-Z
-10.0 nm
Scale ID - FMC
LVAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD
VNAV deviation scale ND
-5.0 nm
Scale ID - FMC
LVAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD
VNAV deviation scale ND
FAC / G/P captured
The following will demonstrate the scales using YSSY RWY16R RNAV-Z
Whilst 2 different systems, IAN and NPS can work simultaneously. As demonstrated below.
-15.0 nm
LNAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD
LNAV deviation scale ND
-10.0 nm
LNAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD / ND
Glide Path Ghost pointer
-5.0 nm
Scale ID - FMC
LNAV / VNAV deviation scale PFD / ND
FAC / G/P captured
• Clicking on the CALLOUTS TAB from the DISPLAY AND VARIANTS WINDOW will show the
following Window.
• Clicking on the Right Click Spot, will advance to Page 2 of the Displays menu
• Clicking on the Right Click Spot, will advance to Page 3 of the Callouts menu.
Ref: https://www.pprune.org
• Clicking on the PLACARDS TAB from the DISPLAY AND VARIANTS WINDOW will show the
following Window.
If the CTR FUEL PUMP AUTOSHUTDOWN is set to YES in the SYSTEMS Window page 3, the NO/YES
option above will be replaced by NO and the placard will not display above the Captains and FO PFD.
Opt 2. Above the First Officers PFD only. Covering the Fuel Placard (if previously selected)
Brakes Placard
• Clicking on the HARDWARE TAB from the SETTINGS AND FEATURES WINDOW will show the
following Window.
The table above is for functionality when The table above is for functionality
Rudder Pedals or Joystick are installed when an External Tiller Lever is installed
and used for Nosewheel Steering. for Nosewheel Steering.
* When the EFB is set to an Option of ON, then, using the Rudder Pedals or Joystick for steering will
deflect the Nosewheel 7° only in either direction. Alternatively, using the External Tiller Lever for
steering will allow for Full Left to Right deflection of the Nosewheel.
There will be no Tiller animation if the Rudder Pedals or Joystick are used, yet Tiller animation will
show if an External Lever is used.
• Clicking on the Right Click spot from the HARDWARE CONFIGURATION WINDOW (PAGE 1),
• Clicking on the REALISM TAB from the SETTINGS AND FEATURES WINDOW will show the
following Window.
Note 1: AP will not activate if the Yoke is outside these tolerances. To assist, a visual “Flight Director
Helper” can be used to assist in setting up the correct flight configuration to allow for a successful AP
command. (see VISUAL EFFECTS WINDOW next)
• Clicking on the VISUAL EFFECTS TAB from the SETTINGS AND FEATURES WINDOW will show
the following Window.
• Clicking on the Right Click spot from the VISUAL EFFECTS WINDOW (PAGE 1), will advance to
SHOW When Show is selected for any of the above functions, the user will be able to
“manipulate” the selection using a mouse or other pointing device.
HIDE When Hide is selected for any of the above functions, the user will not be able to
“manipulate” the selection using a mouse or other pointing device.
Rather, operation is only allowed through a switch or knob directly data referenced
to that function.
• Clicking on the Right Click spot from the VISUAL EFFECTS WINDOW (PAGE 2), will advance to
Battery Switch
show the following Window.
• Clicking on the Right Click spot from the GENERAL CONFIGURATION WINDOW PAGE 1, will
>>Re-start Xplane
Option OFF:
Xplane nav data frequency = 110.30
Navigraph nav data = 110.35
Frequency recognised (used) will be 110.30 as 110.35 is not recognised in the Xplane nav data.
Option ON:
Xplane nav data frequency = 110.35 (now updated in Xplane – “user_nav.dat”)
Navigraph nav data = 110.35
ZiboMod uses Navigraph data as the primary source (if it exists, otherwise it falls back to default
data too). So, in the past you could end up flying to an airport that is ILS equipped but the frequency
in the sim was different from the one in Zibo database (coming from Navigraph) and you were
unable to use neither of the frequencies -- the sim one was unknown to Zibo and Zibo one didn't
exist in the sim.
Another issue comes from the fact that X-Plane scenery doesn't reflect changes to runway IDs
related to changes of magnetic declination. Zibo (at the moment) reads the runway data from
sceneries (custom sceneries and global airports) and it may lead to mismatch between scenery and
nav data. CIFP data from Navigraph may not be matched with the runways of the airport. Or, as was
the case of Brisbane, where the runway 01/19 was changed to 01R/19L during construction of the
parallel runway, RW01R in the CIFP data couldn't be matched to RW01 from scenery and instead to
the airport, the approach would suddenly lead you more than 8000 miles away, where the nearest
RW01R was found.
Changes Zibo made in the mod and the user nav data generated as a mix of Navigraph and scenery
data should prevent such situations. At the moment it doesn't solve the occasional difference
between ILS course in the FMC and in Navigraph charts, but even this should be solved in the near
• Clicking on the AUDIO FEATURES TAB from the SETTINGS AND FEATURES WINDOW will show
the following Window.
show the following Window.
• Volume adjustments for the individual Selections in this window is self-explanatory. Clicking
on the corresponding Green Option will increment that Option through its range, being 0
(OFF) through to 10 (LOUD).
• Clicking on the Right Click spot from the AUDIO CONFIGURATION WINDOW PAGE 1, will
• Volume setting for the first 3 Selections, is the same as discussed for the Selections on Page
• The last 3 Selections are for the Equaliser setting. The Low / Mid and High Frequency ranges
can be adjusted to personal taste. Clicking on the corresponding Green Option will
increment that Option through its range, being 0 (Lowest Frequency for that range) through
to 10 (Highest Frequency in that range).
• Clicking on the CALIBRATION TAB from the SETTINGS AND FEATURES WINDOW will show the
following Window.
• Remaining Selections in this window, have been specifically created to assist in configuring
various external hardware to customise Throttle / Speedbrakes / Flaps / Landing Gear etc.
• If external hardware is not being used disregard these options.
For detailed instructions on Hardware Calibration, please refer to the Detailed Hardware Calibration
Instructions that follow.
• Clicking on the Right Click spot from the HARDWARE CALIBRATION WINDOW PAGE 1, will
• The Selections in this window, have been specifically created to assist in configuring various
external hardware to customise Throttle / Speedbrakes / Flaps / Landing Gear etc.
• If external hardware is not being used disregard these options.
For detailed instructions on Hardware Calibration, please refer to the Detailed Hardware Calibration
Instructions that follow.
• Clicking on the Right Click spot from the HARDWARE CALIBRATION WINDOW PAGE 2, will
• The Selection in this window, has been specifically created to assist in configuring various
external hardware to customise Throttle / Speedbrakes / Flaps / Landing Gear etc.
• If external hardware is not being used disregard these option.
For detailed instructions on Hardware Calibration, please refer to the Detailed Hardware Calibration
Instructions that follow.
FLAP axis:
Repeat the steps above to set up custom axis for Speedbrake and Landing Gear.
Failures Window
• Clicking on the FAILURES TAB from the MAIN MENU WINDOW (PAGE 2) will show the
following Window.
• If Failures have been set in either the Xplane Failures selection or as a Custom Failure from
the Failures Window, the Fix All Failures Tab will flash Red and Green to indicate that a
Failure selection has been detected.
• Clicking the Fix All Failures Tab will reset all systems to operational, provided the following
o The aircraft is on the ground and STOPPED.
• Custom Failures set during the flight mode CANNOT be reset whilst in flight.
The functionality and description of the individual systems listed within the Electrics / Hydraulics /
Systems / Air Systems and Engines tabs is beyond the scope of this EFB User Guide.
For more detailed information refer to the FCOM, Boeing Manuals, Internet search or YouTube.
• Clicking on the ELECTRIC TAB in the FAILURES WINDOW will show the following Window.
• Clicking on any of the Electrical System options shown in the above 3 Windows, will toggle
the system to either be “OK” system operational, or, “FAIL” system not operational, or
“RAND” random failure.
• The selection will be displayed in white text.
• The system state will change immediately once toggled.
• When exiting the selected tab by either clicking Back or Home, a popup will state Do you
want to Save? Yes / No
The functionality and description of the individual systems listed above is beyond the scope of this
EFB User Guide.
For more detailed information refer to the FCOM, Boeing Manuals, Internet search or YouTube.
• Clicking on the HYDRAULIC TAB in the FAILURES WINDOW will show the following Window.
• Clicking on any of the 3 options under Malfunction Systems, will toggle the system to either
be “OK” system operational, or, “FAIL” system not operational, or “RAND” random failure.
• Clicking on either of the 2 options under Leak Fluid, will toggle the system to either be “OK”
system operational, or, “LEAK” system will slowly Leak Hydraulic Fluid until empty.
• If System A or System B had been set to LEAK,
o The system will simulate a Hydraulic Leak.
o If it is reset to OK before the system empties of fluid, the simulated Leak will stop
and the quantity of fluid remaining will be displayed in the LDU.
o Note: Clicking OK above WILL NOT refill the lost Hydraulic Fluid.
o To re-fill the lost fluid the Fix All Failures Tab in the Failures Window must be clicked.
• The selection will be displayed in white text.
• The system state will change immediately once toggled.
• When exiting the selected tab by either clicking Back or Home, a popup will state Do you
want to Save? Yes / No
The functionality and description of the individual systems listed above is beyond the scope of this
EFB User Guide.
For more detailed information refer to the FCOM, Boeing Manuals, Internet search or YouTube.
System Failures
• Clicking on the SYSTEM TAB in the FAILURES WINDOW will show the following Window.
• Clicking on either of the Autoland options shown, will toggle the system to either be “OK”
system operational, or, “FAIL” system not operational, or “RAND” random failure.
• The selection will be displayed in white text.
• The system state will change immediately once toggled.
• When exiting the selected tab by either clicking Back or Home, a popup will state Do you
want to Save? Yes / No
The functionality and description of the individual systems listed above is beyond the scope of this
EFB User Guide.
For more detailed information refer to the FCOM, Boeing Manuals, Internet search or YouTube.
• Clicking on the AIR SYSTEMS TAB in the FAILURES WINDOW will show the following Window.
• Clicking on any of the Air System options shown in the previous 2 Windows, will toggle the
system to either be “OK” system operational, or, “FAIL” system not operational, or “RAND”
random failure.
• The selection will be displayed in white text.
• The system state will change immediately once toggled.
• The first 2 listed items have options NONE / DEPRESS / RAND.
• When exiting the selected tab by either clicking Back or Home, a popup will state Do you
want to Save? Yes / No
The functionality and description of the individual systems listed above is beyond the scope of this
EFB User Guide.
For more detailed information refer to the FCOM, Boeing Manuals, Internet search or YouTube.
• Clicking on the AIR SYSTEMS TAB in the FAILURES WINDOW will show the following Window.
• Clicking on any of the Engine options shown in the previous Window Page 1, will toggle the
system to either be “NO” system operational, or, “YES” system will fail, or “RAND” random
• The selection will be displayed in white text.
• The system state will change immediately once toggled.
• Clicking on any of the Engine options shown in the previous Window Page 2, will toggle the
system to either be “OK” system operational, or, “NO” system not operational, or “RAND”
random failure.
• The selection will be displayed in white text.
• The system state will change immediately once toggled.
• When exiting by either clicking Back or Home, a popup will state Do you want to Save? Yes /
The functionality and description of the individual systems listed above is beyond the scope of this
EFB User Guide.
For more detailed information refer to the FCOM, Boeing Manuals, Internet search or YouTube.
If the user elects to selectively Trigger certain failures, clicking on one of the above 3 tabs and
clicking onto the individual item will cycle through the choices of OK / FAIL / RAND (Random).
Selection will display in White text.
Note: Pressurization selections, the first 2 listed items have options NONE / DEPRESS / RAND
When exiting the selected tab by either clicking Back or Home, a popup will state Do you want to
Save? Yes / No
By clicking this tab once, ALL items listed within the Electrics / Hydraulics / Pressurization and
Engines tabs will be changed to RAND (Random) failures. RAND in green text will display against
all items.
By clicking this tab once, ALL items listed within the Electrics / Hydraulics / Pressurization and
Engines tabs will revert to Normal operation.
Clicking on the FIX ALL FAILURES Tab will re-set any Failures that had been previously set back to
Normal Operational status.
Flow Charts
Change Log
Ver 1.7 01Nov19 Pg25 • Chrono Digital Seconds included in Optional Accessory
Window Pg4
Ver 1.7a 11Nov19 Pg27 • XHSI included in Hardware Configuration Window Pg1
• XHSI description
Ver 1.8 28Nov19 Pg32 • Priority TX Com Radio included in Aircraft Configuration
Window Pg2
• Priority TX Com Radio Description
Ver 2.0 19Jan20 Pg15 • Insert Fuel, Payload and CG Window and Payload Window
Ver2.0a 20Jan20
Ver2.0b 21Jan20 Pg16 • Insert CG Envelope Window and Layout / STD Weight Settings
Ver3.40.15 15APR20 • Re-organise manual to align with the new EFB flow