No. NO.
4. l
Page 29 Page 27
508 263 Springi 21 long. For locking ball 2714.5 lockiq 553 237 Handbrake control. with oable and bracket,
second and top speed selector shaft. without spring. (7 & 11) 1
RAYON II Page 30
Page 5 431191 near axle comp1,et.e with hubs and brake drums, L
- i
koge 3. v
ho ‘ ho. .
rart iv0 description oer Part Iwo Description per
Assy. ASS.“.
Page 6 Page 19
309330 Lxhaust pipe umer hull, overall length 2250. 661.S Eolt, hex. head, @ dia., 10 long. Fixing
(llF/ bracket. (7 and 11) 2
long. Joining petrol pipes o (11L and 11) 7095 9e Ignition coil, S.Y.V., 6 volt. (i~.Vr) 1 i
579 .s .3c bolt, hex. head, pointed, 7 dia., 27.5 long, 451196 Choke control cable with round knob, lOE0 long. .
threaded 18.5 long. Fixing starter rcotor (R.VI) 1
Bendix hous ing and brush gear carrier plate.
723067 Starter motor control cable, oval knob, 875 long
701096 Rivet, 3.9 dia., 12.5 long. Fixing brush (R.VI) (11L and 11) 1
holders. (R.VI)
Page 26
Page 17
404.s Ilolt, hex. head, fixing lever controlling dis-
712406 Screw, round head, 5 dia,‘, 24.5 long, threaded tributor.
15 long. Fixing switch lever to pin, , ,- -
-- ,- ,
L .- .-.-1
Description - Dewription
Page 26 723060 Speedster head (light face) kilometrio type.
(R.VIj (11L end 11) 1
I 2371 Rut, hex., 6 dia., 100 pitoh. For battery oable
terBlina1. 723063 Petrol gauge (light face) (R.VI) (11L and 11) 1
. l
710121 Joint for junction box shield. 723065 Instrument panel complete (light face) raduated
to 150 kms. and 50 litrer. (&VI>. (11 f 1
‘/ 19924 Bolt, square head, 6 dia., 27.5 long, threaded
17.5 long. Por battery Gable terminal. 723074 Fixing clip for instrument panel with light face.
(R.VI) 4
Page 32
. 723076 Screw, round head, 5 dia., 5 long, head 9 dia.
706529 Distance piece, spherical, 12.5 Ijdia. x 5.5 Fixing instrument panel with light face. 4
thiok. For headlenp fixing.
723085 Screw, round head, 5 dia., 5 long, head 7 dia.
Page Fixing instrument panel with light faae. (&VI) 4
712178 Direotion indicator switch. (B.VI) 723205 Ammeter (light face) (AVI) (11L and 11) 1
712421 Control rod for stop lamp switch, 205 long, Page 35
(11L and 11)
!05.S.30~Screw, raised head csk., 5 dia., 15 long. Fixing
Page -34 instrument with black face. 4
205 .s .3a Screw, raised head, csk., 5 dfa,, 15 long. 3234.S Cup washer, 6 dia. For screw8 fixing instrument
Fixing instrument panel with black face. panel with black face. 4
3234s Cup washer, 6 dia. For screws fixing instrument 330278 Speedometer drive cable, 1625 long. (ri.VI: 1
panel with black face.
Page 36
723051 blectric clock (li&t face) (R.VI) (11L and li>
723052 ilectric clock (light face). (H.VIj (11L)
723054 Instrument Panel complete (light face) graduated
in miles. (3.u) (11L) . 723057 'Instrument panel complete (light face!* graduated
,to 150 KIM. and 45 litres. (d.VIj (11Lj
723056 Instniaent panel complete (light face) graduated
to 150 KIrs. md 45 litres. (3,vI) (:lLj
IiO. ho.
Part h'o Description per Fart Eo. iiescription per
r:ssy Xssy .
Pace 39
Page 13 2493 ,s Lock nut (Add: Fixing oil baffles 45634l,/ 2, 1 per
731165 Pipe (replaced by 4564L
Page 4
Page 14
456638 aasket (Add: Cork, 2 thick.j
88537 Pin (replaced by 3104-S) (d.III). 456639 uasket (Add: Cork, 2 thick.)
451406 Impeller ( rep1 aced by 452942 i. 7, ;gr;: _. .~. _i.. ‘.I. 1lL and 11.)
451F3F Shaft (replaced by 452942).
Page 6
Page 16
461468 distance piece (aead: 18.5 instead of 18.)
392.S tiolt (&placed b,. 302.S) (R.111).
Page 9
iage 1P
461901 Flywheel (Add: 11)
491106 Lining.
Page 11
Page 21 .
461649 Push-rod (Add: 11.)
6E0.S Stud (replaced by 620.S) (R.111).
1007.S Stud (reblsced by 977.5) (n.111). Page 13
Pace 15 Page 5
Paze 27 Page 17
553194 jracket (&placed by 553237 i 763 .S Bolt (Bead: 40 long instead of 10 lon >
88264 tiut (itead: 20 dia. instead of 22 dia.
Page 29
Page 18
421207 ilear axle complete
601850 Retaining tube (tiead: length 176 instead of 173)
Page 20
Page 2
602057 iiasher (acad: 0.5 thick instead of 5 thick)
bO5@92 hut (Delete: 11)
308450 Front axle cradle (nead: 7 and 11L instead of 11L) Page 21
426664 aubber buffer (aead: for lower link 441290 or 441291 540909 bush.(btid: LA. drive to clutoh pedal and d.h. and
instead of 4271F7 or 4271E9) L.H. drive to brake pedal)
. *c&e” *.
640964 Clutch pedal return spring (Read: 40 qdia. x 34 I/die. 353635 Washer (Beadr R.111 instead of R.11)
instead of 38 dia.)
640966 Brake pedal return I ring (Read: 40 O/dia. x 34 I,/dia. Paee 29
instead of 38 dia. P
. 421009 Tie rod (Read: @14 instead of 836)
Page 23
. Page 30
64099 2 Clutch cable (Read: Length 700 instead of 720)
541053 Clutch cable (Read: Length 741 instead of 750) 421266 Tubular crossmember (Read: 421366 instead of 421266)
541116 Lockwasher (Add: R.H. drive)
543264 Clutch cable (Add: L.H. drive) Page 31
Page 11 Page 21
595150 Petrol pipe (tieplaced by 595251, order in addition one 709187 Pin
59524E., two 5E!5770j (n,VI)
595:51 Petrol pipe (neplaced by 596251, order in addi%ion one Fane 22
595246, two 555770) (;c.VI) - -. 709144 Terminal
Page 12 709149 Spring
Page 28 PaRe 34
EEige 29 Page 35
Page 31 Page 37
- --
Part So .-art ii0,
?age 6 70’ * 7’
I _: 5 b?arr;er rr.otc: oena:x houa-,ng (Add: 1iL and i..)
7;2,e9 Casxng (Add: tlL)
2351a8 but (nead: 2 per assern~l:.~ instead i:? 4; 7L2i90 Starter switch (Add: llL'1
9aie 12
592162 Juilt petrel y.mp (Add: a,VIl 70961% ,Disfriiutor (Add: 1lL and li,
.4@'6 Xnsulaflng +t;sh (rtead: 2 per hsaemhly insssaa of' 1' -09302 im (iidd: n,“IJ
F8294 hut. (Add?
n.iI' 'OX..4 u;strlnuc~r (Addj ;IL and 1:)
e9149 hu’,t (Audi i;L and lij
i3S2"4 OO,? (Ada: l:L and -1) rws
-x-r .-21
e9591 Screw (keaai 1 per as\e;nhiy mstea;1 of 4?
45646d Spark -p;u< (Ada: d.VIj
oiR6i3 Spark pmug (Add: a:VIl
70116+ Oi Swltsh (Add: &VI!
?OLITff 703399 Igni-xn ZOZ.L (tiead: ASS; Instead uf A,&.)
7015f& :*:02* T<uDber s&aeve (Add; it.';I:
3 ,-
s .
-c J . ,
_-*. .
Part Yo. Description Demri&ion
. .
_- --
Page 25 Line 17 hid 706307x part number of lamp. In particular6
colum add s replaoed by 706310.
716946 Starter motor control oeole (hddr round kxxb) Line 13 In particulars column (Delete, no longer rupplied)
Page 26 Page 32 .
_ -
f 709454 Suction unit (Read: 11 instead of 7 and il! Line 1 Add 706310 P part number of lamp. In pUtiOUlar8
column add 9 replaoed by 706513. Delete; no longer
Page 27 supplied.
. Cancel section for Marter Switches. 706422 Bulb (Read: 60 candle-power instead of SO oandle-porerj
Part Ro Description Part Yo. Description
Page 35 Page 18
330272 Ammeter (Read: E.VI instead of B.1111 224256 Grub screw (Read: Part Nuxrber 224286 instead of 224256)
330271 Speedometer
330272 Aameter Paee 22
330273 Petrol gauge
330349 dddr instrument panel with black face. 223470 Front roof paael (Read: 7 end 11L instead of li)
01 Speedometer
723203 Ammeter SUTPLHRIT
723302 Petrol gauge
5220 Bulb (beadr 4,s candle-power Instead of 3 candle-pwrer, PART ADDED
also: 2 per asrembly instead of l!
543336 Push rod for master cylinder, So: per Assembly, lo
Page 36
Page 5
Page ;2
2i5013 Pa {Read: sl;em instead of pzn!
This catalogue mainly covers post-war Citroen cars made in France, although the majority of the parts applies
equally to british built cars. lost of the parts special to british production are now included in the blue papered sup-
plement at the end of this book. Excepting the Solex carburettor, proprietary couponents (Lucas, Smith, Jaeger, b.C. etc.l
are not included. All such components, including Solex, are however, distributed throu& their own organisations. The
inclusion of some in tht! Supplement is meant solely as a guide for ordering purposes.
The object of the following pages is to define the use of the Spare Parts Catalogue and the; should be carefull;
studied to ensure that it is used to the greatest advantage,
It is essential to understand the meaning of the symbols 7, llL, li, and llF, which are used throughout. These
. are French classifica%ions and the equivalent hngiish types are shun on the Introductory kote preceding the Index. (For
11L Performance and 11 lerformance the symbols used in the catalogue are 11L and 11 respectively.; lhese seymbols appear in
the text against the description of the part xhen differentiation is necessary and ensure the selection of the correct part.
Nomenclature of Catalogue
The parts are arranged in numerical order within SECTIOG corresponding to the French “iiayons”, plus a Supplement
of parts applicable only to Sritish huilt cars, The quantity per unit is indicated in the column “No. per Assy.” The
catalcgue is devided into Section I, printed on buff paper, Section II, printed on white paper, Section III, printed on
green Paper, Section IV, printed on pink paper, and the Supplement, printed on blue paper. The contents of each Section is
indexed immediately preceding Section I,
Section VI is not separated but is dispersed throughout the other four sections, the s:,mbol ti.VI, appearing at
the end of part description. Occasionaliy parts belonging to one of the first four sections are also shown in a section
I other than their own. this has been done for technicai reasons and in such cases the symbol ii, followed by the relevant
section number, e.g. 2.111, is shown in the part description. SUCH PAAl’S b!T!STBE OiUXX”ID UN&K Thb SISCTIOti NUhii%~ SiKGE 118
BtlACKbTS. bection V is not applicable to passenger vehicles, axis therefore not included.
-Preparing an Order
(a) Ascertain from the index the relevant page showing the required part.
(b) Identify parts required on text and illustration. Should a part be found under different numbers on the
illustration, select the correct one from text description and when necessary, according to type symbol.
?reparing an Order For?:
Always use s?ecis? Order Forms in different colours as supplied by tne factory. Despatch FOL3 J’&iTS (Fink, grey,
yellow, green), make one extra ccpy for your own records. The yellow copy will oe returned to you in due course with an
indication of which carts have been supplied.
Only parts belonging to the same section can be grouped on the Sara OrAer Form, A separate Order Form must be
5sd for parts belong32 to oectlon VI, A separate Order Form must also be used for the following items, which must not be
6L.~UF,d exCa?t amOr!gst theIT?Se~VeS I
.&di stors an.2 radiator shells. Dali bearings (of 611 sections). :reeJles (which should always be ordered by sets
and not by units). Cyl inner blocks, Conplete engines, Complete gearboxes. Front end rear axles, ‘Yiings.
Doors, Spark plugs. ‘I’,indow glasses.
separate Order Forms are also reauired for parts of non-Citroen manufacture incorporated in tne catalogue, e,g,
Jaeger instruments, Solex parts, Yichelin wheels, petrol pumps, headlamps an3 oulbs, etc.
Do not group more than 17 items on each png~ and leave a double space between items. As far lis possible group
parts within each section in numerical order.
&hen ordering parts listed in the Supplement follow instructions given in S.upplement rreface
Dimensions are given in milli.metres except for the pitches of scre‘hs an: threaded items, the sizes of which are
ietermined b; giving first the diameter in rri!liretres followed by the rrult;;~ ’ ication sign and the pitch in one-hundredtns
of a millimetre. For example: 5 dia. x 123 Fitch, means that the major thread diameter is 5 mm. and the pitch i mm.
in general all screw sizes canforr to the !Jetric or System international (S, I. ) standards for screw threads. An
exception is made in the case of certain LocKheed fittings on which the diameters Bre given in millimetres and the pitches
in number of threads per inch.
:rumerical Index
This provides a means of locating -arts in their respective sections, and will be fount1 very useful when checking
spares on arrival against invoices.
ERSi? 4iai#L, <(ad P&It3 r=+ \-VW
in view of the diffezyxe between British and French desiwtion6, the table below 6hcm6 an outline of the equivalent Eritisb
and French syxrkoh applicable to various mods16.
7@ x 100; track 1.32 a.
"Horizontal" carburettor 15.1
1lA (lS35)
1lAl . 1936)
7E x 100; track 1.45 F. "Bit? Fifteen" 15.1
11c I lS37)
"Horizontal" carhrettor llC2 i53e
llC3 1939 1
11 78 x 100; track 1.45 m "Pie ._ Fifteen' 15.1
1x4 (1940)
"Ferfornzance" 'Downdraueht" -- carburettor
-.--- - -. .
CLUTCEI ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . 19 & 19 3AKES
Brake ?ipes, Handbrake ... ... ... ... . . . 25 to 27
Lockheed arakes, Front ... ... ... ... . . . 13 6 14
a. "2IfiE Lockheed drakes, &ear ... ... ... ... . . . 15 & 16
Accelerator Control ......... . . . . . . 17
tiarrels and Pistons ......... . . . ..a 1
Camshaft ............... . . . . . . 10 b 11
Connecting stods ............ ..e . . . 1 Drive Shafts ... ... ... ... ... ... .0. 1
Crankshaft, Connecting tiods, Pistons .s. 4.a C&9 Crosscerber, Links and Swivel Housings ..* ..O 2 to 4
Cylinuer block, Crankcase ...... . . . . a. 1 to 4 Front Axle Complete ...... ... . . . . . . 1
Cylinder head ............ ..a 00, 1 hUbS end zearinjs ......... l . . 11 b 12
.,, .>.
Cylinder head, Yanif>lds, Hockcr Assemblies,,. 5 to 7 Shockabsorbers ......... . . . ..L .I. 7
tiovrndrsught Carbur*ttor... . . . . . . 16 Stub Axles ............ .>a .,. ..* 9 &lo
ingine Complete . . . . . . .OI ..a 1 Torsi.on jars ............ ..* e,. .*1 ,5&6
Oil Pump, Oil Circulation .s. . . . 12 h 13
Nater Pump, Fan .,, . . . e.0 ..P 14 & 1S
&DAL ii;M ... ..a ... .*0 ..> .a. . . . 04. 22 to 24
940.5 1 14 d.1573.A.L 3 3 31
940.s .50 2 2P ~.1573/'01.~ 3 3 31
$42.~ 4 1 B.1574.X.h 3 3 32
044,s 1 2, 21 d.lE76.Y 7 3 32
a44.s 2 17 U.1577.Y 7 3 31
P44.S 3 6 1FPO.S 2s 3 31
946.3 1 (1 S.lFO6.Y.E 7 3 10
?47.S 1 i.i 6.lt'?7.P.L 3 2 13
;:.S7f,A.G .. Suppl. 3 5.1630.!I.ti 1 2 31
971 auppl. 11 2. :53t ..L.L 5 2 51
PC? .S 1 5, 16 3.? 5.54 .i.r; 3 3 P, 24, 25. 33, 35, 21
099 .a 3 6 3.1671.X.A 3 4 3, 5
1007 .s 1 21 B.1674.1i.E 9 3 19
1014.3 1 2 9.16F6.Y ? -i 5
1063 .S Suppl 22 Y.15FF.Y 7 ;: 28, 19, Lb
1064. L 4 3 ** :"!I1 ..5 10 4 f
1 2; J.173E.A.L 3 1& .”
S.lOP!E.X.L SUPPI. 3 b.1736.X.r; 3 3 ik
1099 7 li ij.1737.A.o 4 4 9
1\3C .5 1” El 1?4C 14 1 c.7
11 4E s 22 1?67 23 4 1‘1 1:
1171 3”pp 1. 11 1Fd' 9, 1E A ,^b”, ,a:
;.124C.h.L. Stippl. s c.2013 :1 4 e, 14
L.12E3.X.i, Suppl. 3 ‘
" A 31 3 1
; ,?,364 .;i.‘i JUPTl. ?.I c.:312 31 i-i:;,1 15
;s.;s ,s 3 10 ".231;1 31 *..
” 1r, ?5
13ZZ.S 1 10 C.321' Sl 1 .-*.
i5el .s 1 E C.20'13 31 i c:5
13E3.5 3 ;s. 12, 14 c.zq19 31 1 2
1.1421 d.L Suppl . 3 D.2020 31 1 5
1444' Suppl * 18 D.2021 31 5 10
2*14q \ . y .a.'* Suppl. 7 3.2022 31 . z
3.1462.Y Suppl . 7 J.202b 31 3 24
3.1463.Y Suppl. 7 D. i02t 31 1 ??
,.1475.?-l.S Suppl. 1 9.2027 31 1 17
1533.5 2 2E 3.202G 31 k;pl 16, 19, i.3
1561.Y 1 s 5.2029 31 4 14, l?
1561 .S 3 26 u.?O3C 31 2 3, 2i
1563 .5 3 10, 14, 12 3.X.i 31 9
- 2art ho. section rage l-art ho. Page
dart ho. &Jctior i-age
Art Eo. Section Zage iert ho. Sect ion Page Part MO. Sect ion Page
Part .,n. iart ito. secti ?a$0 rsrt so. iectioj
8 Iz’
” 3OF431 3 6 <lo339 3 6
; 3’ 3Cf?4EO 2 2 b21079 3 -7
3 37 30!!453 2 2, e 3p52c L 3 e
3 3' 3OE505 2 2 320Ctc'O'
"b-q 3 E
4 2 YOPSEY 3 6 325600 3 e
2 3OC69P 3 6 320601 3 F
4' ,i 3OP746 4 23 32S607 :: E
4 30874e 4 23 $29606 3 6
r l'6 308749 4 2s c29610 3 E
; 16 206163 23 b29621 5 e
4 4 ZOF164 ii 23 326627 3 E
4 4 309173 3 7 C~SSiF,‘b: 3 6
2 17 303176 3 7 3'O642
c .. 3 E
'\d 0 P c* 30017e Y 7 3206!?? 3 6
2 2 3OClF3 3 7 329696 3 6
2 2 3OSlPF 3 7 323E63 3 9
3 1 309187 3 7 329875 3 9
3 1 3OSlW 3 7 329P78 3 9
2 2=< 3oc27e 3 6 329eEO 3 9
2 2 3092t1 3 7 32PPPF 3 9
3 5 3092?3 3 7 329906 3 P
2 3 309313 4 2;; 32"937 3 9
309314 4 23 Z2CS14 -<
c e
;f. I
_c so94 eo 4 2: 32COlF 5 P
4' 25 3OOA96 4 23 920916 3 0
3 6 YC?4?7 4 F3 320917 s c
3 1 30q=oc
.,* < 4 2h 329922 3 ?
3 1 30CFOG 4 2: 330097 2 17
3 3 3OC527 3 1 3301?IE 2 17
3 i 3OCFSE ;I 1 33010s 3 34, 35
2 2 :>occ20
s. . .! 1 33OlSf: 3 34, 35
2 2 3OPF7~ 3 1 33019E 3 34,. SE
2 2 SO9612 b 1 330206 3 34. SE
3 3 :,oP64vJo Y 6 330209 3 24
. 709661 4 2 4;
3 330216 b 1c
20969F 3 7*
3 i 339220 5 34, 35
3 6 3iOi74 3 t3322: ;: 3;: 35
3 6 S iC)l?E 3 l G30224 5 1c
a .a
c :Y Y;O"'iL". ^
1” 310214 1 3 5-i
rw-t Lo. Scctiqn r'age r)art No. clectict Paze Part h, iection Page
?hA-t ,.a. M.cti0n Page izrt ho. sectlan i-art ho. ;ectior
455149 1 1 460644 1 E 461&P ! 1F
453155 1 6 460702 T 0 4$1?* '6 1 7
453173 3 26 461016 ; a 46lF4" 1 7
4F31°2 1 13 461056 1 0 461I?4C 1 11
4F3lCF 1 13 461104 1 lo 461PC3. 1 7
4=3217 1 lCv 461112 1 6 461FC6 1 7
4E32lP 1 IS 461113 1 6 461901 , 9
4'E?l?? 1 1F 461114 1 6 A61953/04 i 1
4,5406P 1 3 461116 l- 2, 26 4619YE 1 9
x611: = . zlsc9as642 1 f
454070 z ;: 1
456093 z 24 461120 1 i 461954 1 7
45614.5 E 3 461123 1 6 463013 1 7
3 . 46112F I ? 463014 1 7
4E6147 s ; 461126 ; 9 463015 1 7
456174 1 6 461143 *,, 10 470376 1 13
456203 1 3 G61179 ; 9 470424 1 4
4E6294 1 15 461179 1 31 470456 1 4
456434/ 04 1 1 4Gl'l!: i P 4704e1 1 13
4E643E/04 1 1 4612f6 1 11 470660 1 13
4F64.=2 1 F G612FP 1 9 470735 1 7
uF646P ?" 74 i612C4 1 9 470736 1 7
i56503 1 3 i6 1295 1 6 477110 1 11, 13
4E66Yq 5 1 4 461468 1 6 477271 1 13
4E6639 1 4 461492 1 11 4?9091 1 4
45663F 1 4 4614C3 1 11 4EO129 1 7
4E666fjC)S 1 P 461494 1 9 480539 i 16
4F6666/02 1 0 461495 1 0 4Po340 1 16
4E6667/'02 1 i 461621 1 26 4Poj41 1 16
456777 1 .* 4616CP 1 6 4Fa42 1 16
456P13 3 24 461707 1 11 4no343 1 16
c - i 4 461713 1 6 4PO344 1 16
4F6P42 1 4 461714 1 6 4EO379 1 16
c 1 42 GE1776 1 6 4E967 @ 1 19
*56F;44 1 461777 1 7 4E9772 1 1
4F6!4? 1 ; 461833 1 4 4902'0 1 19
156!?46 1 4 461934 1 4 4902'1 1 19
4'6900 3 4 461F35 1 1=L 490272 1 19
I 9. 1 1 461P36 1 15 480371 1 19
4606:O 1 Q G61P37 1 1.F: 490372 1 19
aectiw rage 1 ec tion
27 1
27 1
22 1
27 1
27 1
2b 1
22 1
27 1
2" ?
57 1
27 1
27 1
2" 1
?7 1
27 i
27 1
27 1
27 1
27 i
27 1i
.:z 1
2 :
A%rt ho. Sectine Arc, ho. Section ?age .-art ho. Section Page
.. ;: 16 702168
ME,CZl 3 It' "E147jO
LI\ 5 1" ‘CL17W
FI;CF26 3 l7 "E17?
7GCP20 3 17 "CT 1q
‘CO237 3 17 7Oz:E!2
7!?0240 3 17, 2c 703195
700T41 3 17 103 20"
?CO2FP ; 17, 20 "0329;
1w ^n" qc -<
7'5-J%""L 3
7co290 3 iP 704136/O!
7!X?3?6 3 1P 704211
"L‘O3 36 5 17 704212
"GO~lO 3 17 '04213
“CO311 7 17 704215
7cO31L? 3 19 7C4216
7:0237 3 !7 70421'
7OOZ38 3 l? 'C-l?20
7OOZ4P 3 17 'C-i:21
720367 5 1c
& 7c4’2 I I
7co403 3 1F 7ac2rc^
70043F 3 IF ‘,?CZl’?
".ngG"" iJ lE! 73424c
7COi12 3 l? 7c‘i24!?
.1. 1c n-n c
72&?3 "Z,..?
-x=54c 'iI 1E 7cbi;2Fcl
3 17 --*rt ._
700610 3 1P '04253
7OOQ66 3 1P 7c4254
'009OE 3 1P 7064.53
7OlCv3 3 17 7C62F;!:
?Olc!30 3 1E "?626!:
-0'C;;. 3 17 TOE320
701C‘id 3 1': ?C533C
?Cl06f 3 7"
* ".>64"?i
'OlC6S z I$ 7C6FlO
“CT 076 3 70 ?3651’L
-m.ww3 3 20 -35=12
"31125 5 CC “‘FCld
_“.. I
I I I n
i4rt ;w. 1 tiecticril Zage Art ..D. Sect5 Zege
"06FlF 3 71 79?1?0 3 22 -709615 3 23 .
" . 3 33 7oc192 2 21 "C'fC+t, 3 21
7065i3 3 33 700193 3 21 7!3?~47 3 z:
70?045 3 33, 2? 7oc199 3 21 70!%4F 2 23
701646 '? 33 7!F945
L 3 709670 ; 23
707117 ii 34, 32, 36 70?24E 3 23 7tW671 3 23
7071% 3 32 7x249 3 II3 7100% 3 24
707226 3 33 "OP2El 3 23 ?l%OO 3 EF
7072F6 3 33 TO?252 3 23 “lOC”7 3 if!
707257 3 33 ?0?2?7 3 23 7 1OP5 z 2"
'7OP123 3 22 '70027P 3 2: ‘\lXf’6 1 20
709124 3 22 700291 3 23 :'l?O?C 3 2
7oc134 3 22 70?2?2 3 23 ;'lCOPC 3 35
709135 :, 22 7092133 3 23 71CC96 3 11 1=L
73r136 3 22 700284 3 23 ?13122 3 2;'
7OP13P 3 22 70?2!?6 3 23 710134 3 2f
700144 3 22 709287 3 23 710161 3 2P
70?14F 3 22 7092PF 3 ‘3 710170 3 28
700146 3 22 ?09302 cl 22 711021 3 24
709148 3 22 “09342 ; 21 7110~6 c 29
709149 3 22 TO?546 3 23 711037 s 2P
709160 3 22 70?9 47 3 23 711057 3 24. se
709152 3 22 70014F 3 23 ?11161 3 27
709155 3 22 70?349 3 23 711195 3 .27
7d9156 3 2i 30?5F;J 3 23 7111% 3 32
70FllF7 3 22 709361 3 2i 711199p 3 32
709160 3 22 7c?L?J 3 ?3 7112*C? 3 27
709169 3 21 vo?s7F 3 ;ir 711262 s 1
709171 3 21 TFG!?5 3 rc 711310 3 28
7oc?174 3 21 ‘OF?:?7 3 25 711464 3 24
709175 3 21 70939P 3 z4 ?11467 3 28
709176 3 21 708400 3 24 711469 3 24, ?F
708179 3 21 7m424 3 f'j 711470 3 2e
709176 3 2? 709429 3 f4 ?114?2 3 2e
70?1eo 3 21 7004: S 3 26 711637 3 29, 29
7091e3 9 21 ?OXC?i 3 E2 ?12Oe6 3 17
7WlP4 3 21 7095L2 3 21 h206R 3 17
709187 3 21 "09613 3 21 712SX'i 3 17
?C?180 3 21 W?614 3 ?2 Tlf12e' 3 17
” :C’s: i ..P
11, 13, 15
Fart Bc. I ; Desz?lrtlon Far; ho. Description
- I
45F514 hn@ne, 11L and 11, tcre 75, stroke i33. For 4E9772 LoFine, 11L and 11. HerlaCed by 459514. 6hen
downdraqht tarburettcr, uth water p,urp, faa, rerlaclne 4P97?2 by 4EEE14, order in addition,
clutch (with 9 syring;), without distributor, coil 1 c?Ach cable (see pages 23 & 24, section II),
spark riups. dynamo. starter, carburettor. retrol 1 srrinp 543259 (R,II), 1 flange E4326E (R.II),
i bracket 543269 (R.Il), 1 iojkntit 614201 (R.11,
Eart 1.0, Descriction Fart KG, Deszrirtion
453250 Tyre 1lL and 11; bore 75 stroke 100, length of 456777 Type 11L and 11 bore 76 stroke l(ys, lengtin of
barrel frcr: seating to to; 12E, dimettr of’ base of barrel frou. seating to top i25, diameter of base rf
1 vhlve 54, prcove in vain bearing E x 6, with hcle bar;e: F4, FiOOVS in rain bearing E x E, with hoie
drilled for cyiinder head allgsing Fin.. For engine drr1l ei for c;-litter head aligning Fin, kor engire
4e9772 and CEEtl4 (LX, dr>-e onj.y..~
Fart X0. Description --
46 1933/04 Connecting rod, width 33, length between centres 190, bore 4@* (Tyre 76 x 1OC .:es t.et. -f 4
Fart Eo. Descrlrtion I-art X0. Descriction
453024 Cylinder head, 7E x 100. Overall length 454, 453149 Cylinder head complete, with hole for aligning F~L,
height EF, combustion chamber vollme E4 to 66 cc., fitted with rocker shaft assembly, valves, inlet
coqression ratio 6,2.. Xith hole for aligning Fin. and exhaust rranlfolds. (11L and 11)
For fitting downdraught carburettor. (11L and 11)
a *‘
4B3,S Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia.. 15 long. Fixinb 261i 2 Nut, hex. 10 dia. s 10 thick. For bolts
rlate ior camshaft thrust 2 fixinr bracket to bell housinr. (R.111) 4
Fixine oil baffle. 6
Fixing breather tute on cylinder block. (R.111) 2 lF961 Bolt hex. head, 7 dia. , 57.5 long, threaded
23 1or.r. Fixing timing gear cover.
4E6.5.30 Screw. hex. head, 7 dia. ~ 22 5 long, threaded (ReFla ted by 5Ee.S. , R.111) 12
lE.E lonr. For fixing enrine surrp (R.111) 14
FE523 Circ lir of dowel Fin for flywheel housing on
5E8.S Screw, hex. head, 7 dia., E5 lone. threaded cylinder block. 2
21 long. For fixing timing gear cover.(R.IIl) 12
FE6FE Lockrlate, double, f4 between centres. For
816.3 Stud, E dia., 34.5 long, threhded rortions nuts fixirr rain bearing cars 13 bore. 3
12 and 16 long. Fixing Fetrol rump. (R.IiI) 2
ee79E Lockrlate, single. For bolts fixing thrust
830 C. & A. washer, 31.E I/dia. x 40 O/dia. x plate on cam shaft, E.5 bore. 2
2 thick. For crank case drain plug. (R.VI) 1
eceoo Locknlate, single, 7.E. For bolts fixing
936.S Bolt, hex. head, 10 dia., 2F long. Fixing halves of main bearing oil baffle. 6
brackets 452375/6 on cylinder block (R.111) 4
EE931 Flug, 16 dia. x 150 Fitch. For oil
94-i.s Bolt, hex. head, 10 dia., 45 long, threaded circulation on cylinder block.
20 long Fixine brackets on bell housing.
(R.IIIj 2 ee940 Dowel rin for flywheel bell housing on
cylinder block.
1014.5 Stud, 10 dia., 115 long, threaded port i ons
1F and 30 long. Fixing cylinder head. (e.111) 13 117290 Water drain plug, 12 dia. x 175 pitch. On
cylinder block
24E4.S C. A A. washer 16 I/dia. x 22 O/die. x
2 thick kor oil circulation flue: on L50016 Drain slug for sumr. 31 dia. x 150 pitch.
cylinder blcck. (R.71) 2
L51335 Gasket for engine sump, R.H. (R.VI j
2470. S Kasher for cylinder drain Rlug. (R.VI 1
151336 Gasket for engine sump, L.H. (R.VI j
2493.S Lock nut, hex., 7 dia. Locking timing chain
lubricator. (R.!II) 1 rE 1374 Gasket for timing case cover. (R.VI)
Stud, 12 dia., 76 lcne, threaded poritions 452069/a Joint, double, between cylinder block and
16 and 30 long. For fixinp s8in bearing caps. 6 barrel, engines 7E x 80, 72 x 100, 76 x 100,
thickness 0.54 to 0.55. (R.VI)
451379 Lubricator for timinp: chain. 1
452069p' Joint, double, between cylinder block and
451651 Jet for oil circulation (in front main bearin t barrel, engines 78 x EO, 72 x 190, 72 x 100,
housing.) 1 thickness 0.56 to 0.56. (R.VI) 2
451660 Backin? Rlate R.H. side, for engine sump 4522 E!O Oil shield, cne central hole, between
lF2367. 1 breather piFe and cylinder block. 1
451661 Backing Flate L.E. side, for Ed ine sump 452304 Filter (frcnt) for sump. 1
452367. 1
4 523OF Filter (rear) for sump. 1
451790 Gasket, cork, for lower half oil baffle.(R.VI) 1
452367 Engine sump. Without filter @ause. 1
461791 Gasket. cork,'for upper half oil baffle.(R.VIj 1
452375 Bracket between enpine block and sump, left
45 1635 Lockwasher, single, 12.5. For nuts fixin side. 1
main bearing car. 2
452376 Bracket between eneine block and
w sump, ri@t
451054 Joint, cork, for main bearinr ray, flywheel I side. 1
side (section 5 x 5.) (R.VI) 1 I
4F2392 Oil baffle suprort strip, 0.5 thick. For
4E1855 Joint, cork, for main bearinrr car, timing win bearing cap groove, engine sump. 1
gear aide (section 8 x 8.) (R.VI) 1
45406 0 Tube of min bearing cap, flywheel side.
431903/o Gil dir stick, canplete, distance from bottom 8 I/dia. x 12 O/dia., lenpth 140, threaded
to YAXI nark 255. 1 one end. 1
(All previous typss cancelled.)
456203 Nasher, e.3 I/dia. x 17 O/dia. x 0.9 thick.
452069 Joint; double, between cylinder block and For fixing timing case. 12
barrel, engines 76 x 60, 72 x 190, 72 x 100,
thickness 0.51 to 0.53. (H.VI) 2 456509 i c. 6cA. washer, 12 I/dia. x 17 O/dia. x 2
thick. For cylinder block drain plug.
(Replaced by 2470.5. R.VI) 1
No. ho.
Descrirtion Fer Fart Ro Descrirtion Fer
ssy. issy
Half oil baffles. uFFer and lower, R.H. threat 1 470456 Breatr.er piFe on cylinder block.
(Replaced by 456E41/2.j sach
479091 Cover for timing tear.
Gasket for lower oil baffle. For fittiqe wit:
oil baffles iE6634j5. 1 601027 Bolt, round head, lr) dia., 35 long, thread
25 ionF. FThiine bracket to flywheel tell
Gasket for urper oil baffle. For fittinp hous1r.c. (R.11)
with oil baffies 4?6634/E.
730037 Dowel rir. for cylinder head, outer dia. 12.
&.lf oil baffle, urger. (Replaces 456634.) 7.5 lotr.
:'alf sil baffle. lower. (ReDlaces 4'6E8,E. j i FC)R 3iL FRESSURESWITCH SEE SUFFLEMXT
-4s 174
.. ,._
0 a
No. KO.
Fart No. Cescription per *art X0. Description Fer
bSSY. ==Y
649.5 Stud, 7 dia., 70 long, threaded vortions 2457.S IJasher, coqer, 10 I/dia. x 15 O/dia. x
10.5 and 17 long. Fixins brackets suvporting 1 thick. For petrol dra!n nine 480126.
reekers. (R. III) e (R.111) 2
763.S Bolt, hex, head, F dia., 40 lone, thread 33531 gut, hex. domed, 13 dia. x 150 Fitch. Fixing
1F lone. ;oining inlet and exhaust manifolds cylinder head. (R. III) 13
tosether. (R. III) 1
33653 Sut, hex. domed, 7 dia. x 130 pitch. Fixing
770.s Bolt, hex. head, E dia.; 65 lone, thread cylinder head cover. 2
1e long. ,roininr inlet and exhaust nanifolda
together. (R. 111) 2 FE345 Stud, 7 dia., 112 long, threaded portions
12 and 55 lorg. Fixing brackets for rocker
E1P.S Stud, F dia., 39 long, threaded rorti ons shaft and cylinder head cover. 2
12 and 18 long. Fixing exhaust manif old
to cylinder head. (R. III) 1 e8626 lasher, 7.5 I/dia. x 20 O/dia. x 1.5 thick.
For nuts fixing cylinder head cover. 2
820.S Stud, E dia., 44 long, threaded cortions
12 and 15 long. Fixing exhaust and inlet 88963 Union screw, 10 dia. x 150 pitch, 18 long.
manifolds to cylinder head. (R. III) 4 Fixing drain pipe 46012E on manifold. 1
826.S Stud, 8 dia., 67 long, threaded tortions 99852 Expandine washer, 10 dia. For end of rocker
12 and 15 long. Fixing exhaust manifold to arm shaft. 2
cylinder head. (R, Ill) 2
118065 ‘iiasher, 10.5 I/dia. x 20 Ojdia. x 1 thick.
999.s Stud, 8 dia., 47.5 long, threaded rortions For nuts fixing cylinder head. 13
15 and 20 long. Fixing exhaust pipe to
exhaust manifold. 3 451321 Tube for cylinder head water circulation. 1
Fixing carburettor to inlet manifold. 2
(R. III) 451323 Gasket for cylinder -head cover. (R. VI) 1
13El.S Union screw, 10 dia. x 100 pitch, 12 ions. 451331 Clamp fixing inlet and exhaust manifolds,
Fixing petrol drain pioe to manifold. length 28. 4
(R. III) 1
451397/ Cotters, 2 halves, for valve springs. E
1561.5 Eiconical union, 4.5 dia. For oetrol drain 02
ri?e, 453112. (R. III) 1
- IL& I
h;?. Ko.
Fart iio, Description yer Fart Ko. Description rer
Assy Assy.
Core slug for cylinder head, 33 dia. Order in addition, 1 tube 453112, biconical
Core plug for cylinder head, 25 dia. union 1561.3 (2. IiIj ard upion screw 13El S
(a. III.)
Dowel pin, 6 dia., 10 long. Ali-going inlet
xr.anifold m cylinder head. 456174 sxfiausr; zanifsld, without al-erture for hot
air. 1
hit, 5 dia. x 125 retch, E thick. Ei xing
manifold to c;:iinder need, 451112 Eush for roclters, bore 14. (3. ,I j E
461777 Cup for valve springs. 8 461847 bhaust valve. head dia, 33-8, length lOSo
(11L and 11) A 4
4606 88105
connecting rod :’ 1,
\ I i
No. No.
Part No. Descripticn Per Part No. Description per
LSSY. my.
946.S 3olt, hex. heed, 10 dia.,, 50 long, thread 20 451391/02 Main bearing, timing gear end, bore 50. 1
long. Fixing crankshaft balance weights,
(R.111) 8 452406/02 Main bearing, crankshaft clutch end, bore 49.1 1
2549.s Yut, hex., 8 die. For engine flywheel fixing 452409/02 Main bearing, crankshaft centre, bore 49.5. 1
colt. (Replaced by 88148) 6
452410/02 Main bearing, timing gear end, bore 49.5. 1
33642 Yut, hexo, 9 dia. x 125 pitch. For connecting
rod bolt. 8 453038 Rolt, round head, 8 die., 24 long, threaded
11 long. Fixing engine flywheel. 6
ea105 Yoodruff key for crankshaft pinion. (R.11) 1
456452 Bush for connecting rod small end, outer die.
eel48 iut, hex., 8 dia. For engine fl-ywheel fixing 24.2.
bolt. (Replaces 2549.8) 6
456665/02 Main bearing, clutch end, bore 49.
e8667 Lockwasher, double, holes 11 dia., 40 between
sentres,, Fixing balance weights, 4 4E6666j02 Main bearing, crankshaft centrep bore 49.
E8745 Lo&washer, single, 9 dia. hole, For flywheel 4E6667/02 Vain bearing, timing gear end; bore 45.
fixing bolt. 6
4tio63c Bush for connecting rod small end, outer dia.
EE791 Lockwasher, sineie, 9 dia. hole, For ccnnect- 24. 4
ing rod nut, E
460644 Circlip, locking .gudgeon,pin. 4
4 2500 Bell-race, 17 x 40 x 12. For crankshaft spied
hOUSing, front. 1 46 0702 Balance weight for crankshaft, 72 x 100 and
78 x 100. 4
45?1;6 Duwel, shank 5 dia. x 3,5 long, head 6 dia. x
4.5 long. Positioning main bearings. 6 46 1016 Bush for connecting rod small end, outer die.
24.4. 4
451389/02 slain bearing, clutch end of crankshaft, bore
46 1036 Bolt, round head, 8 dia., 24 long, thread 9
50. 1 long. Fixing engine flywheel. 6
451390/02 LGain bearing, crankshaft centre, bore 50. 1 46 1125 Washer, 38.5 I/'dia. x 44.5 O/d% x 0.5 thick
For ad;'usting end play of crankshaft. 7
Fnrt lo. Description Ehrt #a Description
/ 88795
- \
I i
\ I
/ ,46flO4/
\ 1352 L452427 1461143
I \ \8f3myJ
/ / 46’497
\4517i6 l
Part NC, Description per Part No, Description
483.S Bolt, hex, Head, 7 dia,, 15 long, Fixing 451716 Thrust ring, 20 x 26 x 10, For rear ball-race
camshaft th.-ust plate, (R,III) 2 on shaft driving water pump and dynamo. 1
1352 Packing washer, 20 I/dia, x 30 O/'dra, x 1,5 45171e Washer. 14,s I/dia. x 27 O/dia, x 2 thick,
thick, Fcr ball bearings on water pump drive For nut or set screw fixing pulley driving
shaft, 2 fan and dynamo, 1
30189 Woodruff key, 4 thick, For fan dr:vs pdley, 451719 Lockwasher, single, 14,5 dia, For nut or aat
(RJII) screw locking pulley driving water pump and
dynamcc 1
EE105 Woodruff ke;, 4,8 thick, Fixing camshaft
pi3i3;1,. (?...I11 451721 Fulley driving -titer pump and dynamo, on
shaft at end of camshaft, 1
88169 hut, 14 iis x 150 pitci. Fixing fan and
dynamo. driving pulley, (R,II) 1 451895 Shaft driving oil pump and distributor,
lsileth 294, 1
FE540 Cylindrical pin, 2.5 dia., 25 long, Fixing
pinion d.riving oil pump and ignition &52322 l'appet cup, 27 dia, 8
distributor, 2
452427 Shaft driving water pump and dynamo, with
88795 Lo&washer; single, 8.5 dia. For bolts drlving dog end, (Pulley held by nut)
fixing camshaft thrust plate, 2
452457 Steel coupling dog, 25 dia., 21,5 long. For
59475 Bali bea.-in?, 20 x 47 x 14. For front of $52427.
shaft dr;v:ne: dynamo and -tar pump. 1
t52563 Shaft driving water pump and dynamo, rith
c- .. . Ball bearing, 20 x 42 x 10. For rear of shaft iriving dog end and fitted with bali-race at
driving fan and dynamo. 1 rear, (Pullry held by nut)
151343 Aluminiurr oil thrower on fan and dynamo i53020 3istance piece; tubular,length 55,5, With
drivinp shaft, outer thread 50 dia, x 150 iriving dog end. Between the two baarings on
pitch, 1 ahaft driving water pump and dynamo.
451513 l'appet cup for rocker, 26 dia, 8 L61104 Xl baffle, 25 x 48, For camshaft pinion,
451715 Bush, rear, For aligning shaft driving water L61143 lhrust plate for camshaft.
r.mp and d.ynamo, 1
Rrt Eo. Dercription ‘art lo. Deroription
, a
Part lio. Dercription .rt lo. Dercription
461179 Camshaft pinion, 36 teeth.
461256 Timing gear chain. (R.IV)
461492 Lockwasher,
Lo&washer, round, 24.5 dia. For nut locking
camshaft pinion. 1
461493 But, hex., 24 dia, x 150 pitch. LockinK cam-
shaft pinion. 1
A 8540
II \ 889631 73026q 11
~477271 451354
L /
73026ti - I D 51356
'e-10378 P 452266
451899- II- 451900
mj 452680.-d c
2503-54 d
L- 452949
mrt Ea. Description
r:;. Part Ho. Description
Body of pump, height
452722 Diataoce piece for filters. 1 730262 Lookwasher, plain, 20 dia. For nut fixing oil
pipe 731185.
452723 Lower plate for pump filters, with 6 tri-
mgular holes 0 1 731185 Pipe between pump and cylinder block.
i ‘1848
/ ,’
L 8993 .*A52942
451410J 51406
NO. No.
Part Rio. Description per Part No. Description per
45iE45 Pan, water pump, ina apam0 drtving belt. 461E36 Washer, steel, 25 I/aia. x 52 O/dia., with
(a. VI) 1 four holes E.5 dia. for flexible fitting of
451E47 Adjusting rod for dynamo driving belt,
233 lonp. 1 461837 Lockwasher, .sFecial, with four holes 9.5 dia.
and four tap. For fixine: screws fitting
451969 Cover for water Rump. Centres of two lower fan to pulley. (Flexible fitting)
holes for fixing: to cylinder head, 93. 1
461238 Washer, rubber, 25 I/ala. x 52 O/dia., with
451572 Gasket between water pump cover and cylinder four holes 6.5 dia. For flexible fitting of
head. Fixing hole centres 75 and 93. (R.VI) 1 fan to pulley.
45 1973 Gasket between pump and cover. Centres of 585003 Distance-washer, 6.5 I/his. x 14 O/dia. x
two lower holes for fixing to cylinder head, 9 long. For fan.
93. &VI) 1
451975 Water pump canplete. 'Centres of two lower For water pump prenser :eplac;nS 4734.S on
holes for fixing to cylinder head, 93. 1 ?ritlsh cals see SqR!ement.
bo. T
Fart ho: Description Fer Fart No: Description Fer
issy. Assy.
"For the carburettor aud its special carts 420341 Gasket, cloth, hole centres 100. between
aRFly direct to h'essrs. Solex or to their inlet silencer and mnifold. (R.VI)
accredited Agents."
4SO342 Inlet Silencer, cylindrical.
392. s Bolt. hex. head. 6 dia., 10 lone. For fixine
front and rear brackets of air silencer to 490343 Frort bracket for inlet silencer.
inlet rfanifold. CR.::I) 4
4SO344 Rear bracket for inlet silencer,
397.s Eolt, hex. head, d dia., 22.5 lone. For
fixing iFlet rire t3 air silencer. (Ii. III) 2 4E037E Carburettor shield
999. s Stud, 10 dia., 47,s lor.~, threaded portions For air intake filter on British cars (fron!
20 and 15 10~~. ET fixine carburettor. June 1949 onwards) see Supplement.
(R.111) 2
2613-S J
Fart No, Descrirtion Fer Part No. DeSCri Fti On per
by. bsy.
d2.! Bolt, hex. head, 4 dia., 12-5 lonp. Fixing 566336 Accelerator pedal. R.H.D.
control rod. (R.111) 2
5E2337 Return spriq. R,H.D. '
452.2 Bolt, hex, head, 7 dia., 12,: long. Fixing
bracket 567399. (R.JII) 2 555644 Pedal sbft with lever. R.H,D.
483.: Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia., 15 lone. Fixiqz 5F9954 Carburettor control rod, length 171. L.H.D,
pedal t0 Shaft. (R.III) 1
5@906F Rod, distance between ball joints 462.
2323-h Nut, hex. 5 dia. x 75 pitch. Fixme ball L.H.D,
pir. 113314. (R.IIIj 1
590021 Ascelerator control rod. R.H.D,
24e2.5 Washer, 7 .5 I/dia. x 16 O/his. x 1.5 thick. Also order 1207 (2 off), socket for ball
For nuts fixing brackets 557399 and fE7430. pin at both ends of 590021; also 113044
(R. III) 3 (2 off) ball pins.
2503.: Nut, 7 dia. x 100 pitch. Fixing brackets E90023 CarburettF control rod. R.H.D.
587399 and 5@7400, also ball pin EE7414.
(R.111) 4
3S3.S.20 Eolt, hex. head, slotted, 6 dia., 12.5 lonp. 18325 Drive rivet, self locking, 3 dia., 5 long.
For asselrblice fork 490E56, or! bracket. Fixing oil retaining cup on clutch thrust
(R.111) 1 race housing. 3
453.S.40 5olt, hex. head, head drilled, 7 dia., 3OlE9 tYoodruff key for fork control lever. (R.111
15 long. Fixing coupling bracket on
thrust race. (B.111; 1 88197 Nut, hex., 9 dia. x 125 pitch, 10 thick.
For clutch bolt, 3
4E3.S Eolt, hex. head, 7 dia., 15 long. Fixing
clutch thrust housing. 3 ewe9 Lubricator, thread f dia. x 125. pitch, For
clutch withdrawal race. (8.71)
6~5,s Bolt, hex. head, E dia., 20 long. Fixing
bushed housing for clutch withdrawal. (RI.III; COCC7
. ...“. Plarged rivet for fixir.? clutch discs on
R.E. drive. 4 SF.-in? centre clutch tlates. (R.VI) 6
L.E. drive. 2
&?99?1 Clutch thrust withdrawal race, 25 x 72 x 17. 1
667,s Bolt, hex, head, 6 dia., 25 long. Fixing 2 i(;Z 3cc t>y
support ring to engine flywheel. (R-111) 6 451560 6nd suocort bracket for clutch control fork.
R.2. drive. 2
763.S Bolt, hex. head, 2 dia., 43 ion-3, Fixing L.Z. drive. 1
heavy support ring to flywheel. (?,IIII 6
151570 Bush for clutch withdrawal fork. (R.-U) 1
765.S Eolt, hex. head, F dia., 45 lore- Fixine
clutch housire an? clutch suorsrt rlnz to 451572 Guide stud, 13 dia. x 153 pitch, 43 long.
flywheel. (R.IIJ) 6 For clutch -withdrawal tnrust race housing, 1
2s03.s Kut, hex., 7 dia. x 100 ritch. For clutch 452327 hub for clutch withdrawal thrust race
thrust fork erut screw. (R.JJI) 1 housing, bored Z,C05 dia: for oil return, 1
2551 . s Rut. hex., F dia. x 125 litch, P thick, For 452324 hetum sorinc r’or clutch withdra-aal race
bolt fixin? clutch housinp to clutch s.urTort housing, 31 lous, 1
rim. (R.111) 6
452472 Closin? ?late for flywheel and clutch
11e41 Grub screw, 7 dia, I 32 long. 2or clutch housings hei&t 114: 1
thrust fork. 1
152741 Lo:ating bJsh, P,5 I/die x 12 .;/:ia. x
9 15T.z. 7 3 .- s->zzort ;‘:I;? acd heav:r tyce
flyuheel, 1
. J-
Fart No, DescriFticn r-r Fart E'o, Description per
h68Y Amy.
45967E’ Oil feed Fire for cl-Ach thr;lst race. 49OEE9 Fixing bracket for 490656. 1
490270 Clutch topele, 24 lonp. 493E97 Clut,:h withdrawal fork R-9. drive, 366 Znnp,
490271 Heturn eprmp for clutch topple. 24 lonp. with thrust arm. 1
490272 nasher, special, F.E l/dla. x 16 C/'d!a. x
r 2.4 thick. Fcr clutch tcF(rle. 4909% Clutch disc, 214 dia., s:lines 25, with
spring leaded centre. (R.VI) 1
4 cc37 1 Thrust washer, 3.1 I/die. x 57 bC/dia. x
E' thick. Eetween clutch toggla and clutch 491313 SupFort ring for heavy flpheel, outer dia.
withdrawal thrust race. 1 kE2, width at fixing on engine flywheel, 25. 1
493972 Oil retaining zur. for clutch withdrswai 4913&l Clutch driving plate complete, outer dia,
thrust race. 1 216, (6 spring fitting.) 1
490576 Control lever for clutch fork. 1 491097 Clutch assembly complete without clutch disc,
(6 spring fitting;) 1
49x77 Bolt, hex. head, pointed, 10 dia., 16.5 lorig,
Fixing control lever and ring of clutch fork 491106 Lining for clutch disc, 214 O/dia. x 120
stop. 2 l/dia, !rith string loaded centre. (Ii.Vl) 2
490663 Clutch spring, 4,2 die, wire. 6 493!?:9 Clutch spring, 19 I/dia. x 26.5 C/'dia. x
4” lcng. (lli and 11,) 9
4907s9 Stop rine, 20 I/die. x 40 C/die. x 1F lonr,
E'or clutch withdrawal fork 49JF9?, 493323 Clutch assembly without disc. (9 srring
fittinpj (lli and 11. > 1
49O?E6 Fork actuating gear chance lockinr device.
4 93324 Clutch housing* (6 srring fitting) (11L C 1 1
493FF6 Housina for clutch thrust race, uncer boss
tapFed 7 dia.'x 100 Fitch. Fitted with 615302 Rut, E dia. x 100 pitch, 10 thick. For
thrust race. clutch toggle belt, (9 srricg fitting)
(11L and 11) 3
490FEE Clutch withdrawal fork L.H. drive, 293 long,
with thrust arm. 622751 Bolt, E dia. x 1CO pitch, 43 long, thread 16
615022 lone! with n-A. i'or clutch toggle. (9 sprint
fitt:.ng) (11L and 11) -3
0 *
51C609 Gearbox assaF.biy, L-2. drive, P x 31 finai 519608 Gearbox assembly, L.9, drive, e x 31 final
drive ratio. ;llL and ill i drive ratls. (7)
519612 Searbox asserrbly, 9.X. ?rlvs, 9 x 31 flnal 519611 Gehrbc x a3sembIyy, R-H. drive, 6 x 31 final
drive ratio, (11L and 11) 1 dr:ve rati 3. (7)
Tyce :inal Drive katic Tyre 3:ze
SDeedometer Xorrr. T Speedometer Pinion
Fart No, Xo. of Threaiis tart X0. No, of Teeth
7 9 x 51 1;c
UC x 423 507 197 14
490832 -housing 8~ R.H.drive
\ ~qorkrt 501049
-50IO0I -5 horh~
308275-shoks h ceo wmhrr2474 e nut
. rtud
306.S Bolt., hex. head: 6 din, .” 20 long: For fitting 2474.S C. P A. washer, 25 I/dla. x 32 fC/.dia. x 2
speedometer cable. (R-III) 1 th:ck. For plug 2850. (R.Vl) . 2
4E5.S Belt, hex. head, 7 dia,, 20 lcng. FlxicK 2503.5: Kut , hex. ) 7 dia. x 100 pitch. Fixing gearbox
Speedometer drive clam& (R 1111 ’ I to beli housing. (R.iII) 7
486.S Belt, hex. head, 7 dia,, 22,5 lcne, Fixing 2551.S Xut, hex., 8 dia. x 125 pitch. Fixing gearbox
bell housing. (R.111) . 4 cover, (R.lIJ j F
4e9.s Belt, hex, head. 7 dla, r 30 ic.ng. Foxing 2611,s Nut, hex., 13 dia. x 153 pitch. Fixing pear&
clutch withdrawai cable cas:ng guide, (R.113) 2 to bell housinr, fixing dynamo, bell housing,
and lower inspection plate. (R.111) 7
650,s Stud, 7 d?a,, 75.5 long, threaded portIons
10.5 and 17 lcng. Fixing gearbox to bell 2669.S Nut, hex., 12 dia. x i75 pitch. Fixing
housing. (R >III ) 3 differential bearing caps, (R.311) 4
. 671.S Eolt, hex. head, 8 dia., 35 long. Fixinr 2950 Drain plug, threaded 24 dia. x 290 pitcb(R.VI 2
front ball bearing cap on layshaft. (R,III) 5
4730” s Hydraulic greaser for fan drive. (R.VI) 1
759.s Eolt, hex. head, 8 dia., 30 long. Fixing
front ball bearing cap of mainshaft, ‘also 88342 Stud, 7 dia. 9 63 long, threaded portions 12
clutch bell housing shield. 5 and 16 long. Fixing gearbox to bell housing, 2
798.S Stud, E dia. 9 ‘71 long, threaded portlcns l& 88344 Stud, 8 dia., 40 lone, threaded portions 14
and 16 long. Fixing gearbox cover and horn and 16 long. Fixing gearbox cover. 4
bracket. (R. III 1 2
88625 Washer I 7.5 I/dia. x 20 O/dia. x 1.5 thick.
944-s Bolt, hex. head, 10 dia., 45 lcng, thread 20 For ‘nuts fixing gearbox to bell housing. 7
long. Fixing bell housing and lower
inspection plate. (R.III) 2 F8682 Lockwasher, single, 8.5 dia. For nuts fixing
gearbox cover ) suspension end, (R.11) 2
lOC7,S Stud, 10 dia., 70 long, threaded Fortions 15
Cnd 20 long, Fixing gearbox to bell housing, LO@450 Cap, threaded 82 dia. x 150 #pitch. For differ
(R,III) 2 ential bearing on gearbox type B. (No longer
Supplied). 2
11300s Stud, 12 dia., 83 long, threaded portions 18
and 22 long. Fixing differential bearirg zap, 151429 Eolt 1 hex. head, PC dia., 135 1one. Fixing
second fitting. (R.111) 4 dynamc. 1
Part KG,
4fY rd
\ Sl!
-split p/n - IO67
NO. No.
Fart No. Description per hmt No. Jescription per
hssy, Lssy:
230s Screw, counteisunk head 3 dia., 10 long, 2371-S Nut, her., 6 dia., x 100 pitch.
Fixing gear indicator plate to dash. (R,III) 3 For ball Fins 515506. 4
For pin 515464 on lever controlling second
3040s Bolt, hex. head, 6 dia., iE long. Fixing and top speed. 1
bracket of change speed relay levers to For bolt fixing relay lever bracket on
dashboard. dashboard: (R.IXI) 4
5,Fo.s Bolt, hex, head, 7 dia., 32-5 long” Fixing 2434,s Hut, hex,, slotted, 6 dia. x 100 Fitch. For
upper lever controlling second and tcjp speed vln 5154E4 on lever controlling first and
fork. (R.111) reverse speed, (R *III> 1
5e2.s Pelt, hex, head, 7 dia,, 37,E long, Fixing 2503,: Nut, hex., 7 dia. x 105 pitch. Fixing upper
upper lever controlline first and reverse levers controlling change speed forks.
speed lever fork. (R.iII) (R.111) 2
665,s Bolt, hex. head, e dia., 20 long, Fixing 2551.E Nut, hex., 6 dia. x 125 pitch. Fixing clevl
bracket supporting levers controlling forks pin on rod controlling relay lever. (R.111). 2
on flywheel housing. (R.111)
2613.5 Nut, hex., 10 dia. x 150 pitch, R.H. thread.
759.s Bolt, hex. head, F dia., 30 long. Fixing Lmking adjustable ball joint casing. (R.111 2
bracket suq?orting levers controlline forks
on flywheel housing. (R.IXl) 4732.3 Hydraulic greaser for lever controlling
forks. (R.YI) 1
1067 Fin, 4 dia., 42 long. Fixing change speed
lever ball joint. 4797.5 Expanding washer, 14 dia, for adjustable
ball joint on control rod, (R-111) 4
15EO.S Rivet, flat head, 4 dia., 13 long, Fixing
lockin spring for gear selector levers. 11757 Fin, f dia., 26 long, head 11 dia. For
. (R.111 f relay lever clevis. (R.11) 2
1667 Yiasher, E.5 I/dia. x 15 O/dia. x 2 thick. Eel03 Woodmff key for upper lever controlling
For clevis pin controlling relay lever on second and top speed fork. 1
dashboard D (R.111)
232763 Change speed indicator plate, rectangular,
2363-S Flat washer, 6 I/ dia. x 14 O/dia. Ror 50 x eo, (R.IV) 1
shouldered pin 5154E4 on gear control rod.
(RJII) 50062e Ball joint for change speed lever on dash-
board. 1
Fart h’o, Descrirtion per Part X0, Description
506072 Gear lever; bushed, with spring riveted, For 51550E Ball Tire, thread 6 dia. x 100 pitch, For
second and tar speed, on dashboard. -1 ball joint casing on control rod, 4
5154E4 Bolt, shouldered, 6 dia, x 100 pitch, 515510 Bush, 12 I/dia, x 15,5 O/dia. x 20 long.
Fixing relay rods to control levers, 2 For Fin of second and to? speed relay iever
on dashboard, (R,VI) 2
5154E6 lasher, 12,5 I/dla, x 20 O/dia, x 2,5 thick.
Facking for levers on dashboard, 2 515511 Woodruff key for upper lever controlling
first and reverse speed fork, 1
5154E7 Thrust washer. 19 I/die, x 28 Ojdia, x 1:5
thick, For first and reverse speed lever on 515514 Lower lever on gearbox controlling first
dashboard, 2 and reverse speed fork, 1
5 15488 Washer y 12 I/dia. x 25 G/dia,. x 1.5 thick2 515515 Lo;,.. r lever on gearbox controlling second
For second and top speed relay iever on and to7 speed fork, 1
dashboard D 1
515518 Swindle, plain, bushed, 19 dia., 52 long-
515492 Srindle, plain. i2 dia, x 63 long, For For first and reverse sFeed relay lever’.on
control levers in bracket on dashboard, 1 dashboard. 1
E:1550;: Stop co1 lar, 12 i/dia. x 16 O/dia x 7 long, 515582 Ki! 3; for change speed lever on dashboard,
For second and $0~ sFeed relay lever cn (3 -;‘I) 1
dashboard; 1
515592 Rubber lining, for c 1osir.g Flate , For gear
515505 Connecting rod ior relay lever of second and selector rods scuttle opening. 1.
top sFeed on dashboard, 275 long. 1
.i-art Eo, Descripticn per Fart No, Description
515593 Closing plate for gear selector rods scuttle 515861 Bracket for upper and lover levers control-
opening. 1 ling forks. On flywheel houeine.
515597 Gear selector complete. 1 515691 Locking wring, flexible steel, 0.6 thick.
For sear selector levers.
515654 Second and top speed upper lever. On gesrboJ 1
Elf993 First and reverse speed selector lever.
515655 First and reverse speed upper lever. On Fitted with bush-and riveted locking arring.
gearbox. 1
615903 Control rod, cranked, for second and top
515667 First and reverse speed rod. Relay lever to speed, 555 long. Ends threaded 10 dia. x
selector. 1 150 pitch. One end R.R. thread, opposite
L,H. thread.
515666 Clevis for rods, 57 long. Fran! relay rods
to selector. 2 515919 Contiol rod, cranked, complete, for second &
top speed. With adjustable ball joint
515792 Spring for ball joist on gear change control casings and ball joints.
rod. (2 adjustable ball joiot casings) 4
50053 5
2:13.S Ball, 6.35 dia, 500513 Cat for rear rralnahaft bearing, bore 50,
For intermediate reverse pear pinion. 26 fix1r.T hole centres EO, 1
For synchromesh assembly. (R,VI) 6
500515 TOE steed layshaft pinion, 26 teeth., 1
2714-s Fall, 9.52 dia. For gear locking mechanism.
(R.VI) 3 50052 1 Bus:-. . 33 I/dia, x 34 O/dia. x 33.5 long.
For .r.ainshaft top speed pinion. 1
47PE.S Expanding washer> 16 dia, Fitted in gearbox
lid. (R.111) 5 500523 Bust, 33 I/dia. x 34.O/dia. x 23 long,
grooved L.E, thread for lubrication, For
E9230 Bolt, hex. head, 12 dia., 14 long. Fixing rear of first and reverse speed pinion on
locking springs. 2 layshaft. 1
For rear of second speed mainshaft pinion. 1
89455 Thrust race, 30 x 50 x 14. For layshaft s 1
500525 Celeron washer, 33 I/dia. x 50 O/dia. x
E9461 Ball bearing, 33 x 62 x 11. For rear end 2 DE thick. For second speed mainshaft
of mainshaft 0 (R,II) 2 pinion, 1
For t” lrst and reverse speed layshaft pinion. 1
111236 Locknuts hex,, 10 dia. x 100 pitch. For bolt (R T,Yi ;
locking intermediate reverse pinion shaft,
(Second assembly. ) 1 500526 i\asner , 25,E I/dla. x -16 O/diaO x 3 thick,
Between mainshaft front ball bearing and top
461116 ‘Nasher d 14.5 I/dia, x 23 O/dia. x 1 thick As sree? pinion, 1
For second and tot speed selector fork shaft, reqd.
500527 ThYUS t washer) 30.2 I/dia. x 44,7 C/dia., x
4616@1 Xasher, 14,5 I/‘dia. x 20 C/dia. x 3.C5 thick. As 3 75 thi:k. For synchromesh dogs c 2
For second and top sreed selector fork shaft. reqd.
50052e Fl;‘, key for second speed mainshaft pinion, 1
5X367 tillat bearirv, 30 x 72 x 19. For layshaft
rear. (R.VI) 533533 Lockhashei-, in two hal7es, For laystaft
first and reverse speed Finion. 2
500874 Lockwasher, 25.5 tore, with tabs for locknut.
On locknuts at front ends of main and lay- 533534 Sclinad washer, ,7or second srecd mainshaft
shafts. 1 Finion, 1
500375 Rut, hex., 24 dia. x 153 Fitch. Locking 533535 Ball bearinn, 25 x 62 x 25.4.
front ball bearing on layshaft. 1 For rainshaft fret ~lrd. 1
Zor ls.yshaft front end, 1
60, 60,
Phrt E:o, ber Fart No.. - Description
kSSY, ,Ef :
500537 First and reverse steed selector fork. 1 530775 Selcoros washer, 30 I/dia. x EO O/dia. x
2.5 thick. (R,‘J~)
50053 e Second and toy speed selector fcrk, 1 For sezc,nd speed mainshaft pinion. i
?‘or first and reverse speed layshaft pinion, 1
500719 inner washer, 21 I/dia. x 33.5 O/dia. x 500805 Thrust Rasher, l@ I/dia. x 39,E O/dia. x
2 thick. B’or reverse gear intermediate 2.6 think- For reverse gear intermediate
pinion. (No lcnge~ supp:itd’. 2 pinion. 2
too721 Thrust washer, le i/die. x 39.2 a/dia. x Thrust washer, lC? I/dia. x 39.5 O/dia. x
2,e thick. For reverse gear intermediate Z thick. For reverse eear intermediate
Finion. 2 rinlon, 2
500753 Shaft for reverse gear intemedlate pinion, 530907 Thrust washer, 1P I/dia. x 39.5 O/dia; x
140 long. 1 302 thick, For revt3rse gear intermediqte
rinion. 2
E007E6 First and reverse sreed rair.shaft pear,
20 teeth. 1 530e09 Synzhromesh gear complete. 1
500761 l’oc sreed mainshaft Finjon, bushed, with doi 533e40 Fin, 7 dia, I 23 longa For startine handle
22 teeth. 1 doe. 1
503763 Second sreed mainshaft year, tushed, 16 and E-00893 Eush, 30 Ijdia. x 34 O/dia. x 23 long,
i4 teett. 1 grooved B.B, thread for lubrication,’
For fror;t of first and reverse spsed lay-
500764 3econd speed layshaft pinion, 34 teeth. 1 shaft pinion. 1
For front of second speed mainshaft pizlion, 1
509774 Zeleron washer, 30 I/did. x 53 C/dia. x
2.6 thick. (h.VI) 530965 End a:ap for mainshaft, threaded 24 dia, x
!or second speed uainshaft Fin:cn. 1 153 pitch, 7
For first and reverse iayshaft riniczi 1 I
_. -. r-?
Fax Ko, Descrint:on Fart X0, Dessrirtion per
500994 Shim, 0.9 thick, 5 holes, For loyshaft 5*Cl?ES Cirz1io for gear selectsor locking shaft
adjustuent. sying -up; 1
5009CE Shims 3,JE th;ck, 5 holes. For iayshaft
adjustment. 531373 Eazklng washer, 30 I/dia. x 43 O/dia, x
500996 Shim, O-07 thick, 5 holes, For iayshaft AS 0.35 t:qick: Fcr top speed layshaft pinion; 1
adjustment. leqd,
530997 Shim, 0109 thick, 5 holes, For layshaft 331436 Fluz > hex, ‘head threaded 12 dia, x 175 pitch,
adjustment, On gearbox iid,
500998 Shim, 0,2 thick, 5 holes, For Layshaft I
adjustment, 506294 Sprint for synchromeeh Fear,
500999 Housing for front ball bearing on lsyshaft, 506299 Spriz.~ for iccking FlunFer CrO6300.
with 5 holes, hole centres 26, 1
E 36330 Flunger, 5 dia., 7,5 long. Locking serrated
501003 dousing for front ball bearing on mainshaft, washer of second speed mainshaft pinion,
with 4 holes, hole centres 26, >*e 1
‘3634S sFri?.g, 39 long. For ball lockin! gears.
501014 Spacing washer, 31 I/dia. x 38 aC/dia. x
1 thick
* . Between rear ball bearings on 536979 Cuter circlir for rear mainshaft ball-races.
mainshaft I_ 1
537270 First and reverse sneed layshaft rinion,
501026 Celeron washer, 33 I/dia, x 50 O/dia. x not bushed, 25 and 29 teeth. (For floating
3 thic:-, (E.*iXi hUS!l. :i 1
Second steed rainshaft rinion. 1
First and reverse speed layshaft ninion. 1 537271 Floatinr bush, SO I/dia. x 34,32 C/dia. x
67; 5 lonp. E’or first and reverse speed
EOllEO Shaft for second and top speed selector fork, layshaft pini 3n. 1
292 lone. 1
597272 Thrust -washer, splined, 30.1 I/dia. x
SOllEl Shaft for first and reverse speed selector 44.2 3/dia. X 3-S thick. For retaining
fork, 317 lona. 1 synchromesh hub. 2
53iie2 Locking shaft for gear selector. 1 SC&C52 lasher, 25,: I/dia. x 35 O/dia, x 3-5 thick.
For front mainshaft and front layshaft
531183 SFrir.g for gear selector lockin: shaft. 1 locknut c (No lower suppiled,, 2
I 4083007 \ \ I
L 18978
. 408600
Fart No. per Fart No. per
hay. Assy.
2551.S Nut, hex., @dia. x 125 pitch. For bolts 408333 Spindle for sateilite pinions, 47.5 long. 2
fixing coupling flange to pr0pel10r shaft.
(R.111) E 408355 Satellite pinion, 8 teeth. 4
18970 Double lo&washer, 10.5 dia., hole centres 436442 Bush, 27 I/dia. x 31 O/dia, x 43 long. For
37.4. Fixing crown wheel to differential differential easing and crown wheel, 1
housing, 4
408451 Tapered roller bearing, 40 x 80 x 19.5.(R.V1 2
4382El Spindle for satellite pinions, 109 long, 1
406452 Adjusting nut, 82 dia. x 150 pitch. For
40E29S Bolt, hex., head, i0 dia., 26 long. Fixing tapered roller bearings, 2
crown wheel to differential housing, 6
408453 S,F.I. oil retainer, 36 I/dia. x 83 O/dia.
408300 Bolt, hex. head, shouldered, .8 dia,, SO long x 12 thick, For differential. 2
Fixing ooupling flange to drive shaft. E
408454 Coupling flange for propellor shaft, .
4oeso4 Packing masher, 2,95 thick. For satellite 15 splines z itepto~a by 60&X2. 2
pinions a e
40F455 Locking ring for coupling flange 40@404. 2
43PS05 Packing washer, 3 thick. For satellite
r.inions i 4 4CX463 Bush casing for differehtia?, 4 pinion type,
bearing journal dia. 43. 1
40%306 Facking washer, 3.C5 thick, For satellite
riniocs, 4 40546 7 Thrust washer, 27.25 I/dia. x 52 O/dia. x
2.053 to 2,065 thick. For planet gear. (R,VI 2
4oeso7 lacking washer, 3,lO thick. For satellite
Finions. 4 43@4 72 Thrust washer, 1.73 to 1,?5 thick. For
planet gear, (R.VI) 2
43soe racking washer, 3.15 thick. For satellite
pinions. 4 408473 Thrust washer, 1.86 to la98 thick, For
planet gear, (R,VI) 2
33&313/C Locking ring; in two halves. For coupling
flange, first Icounting, @c, Imgek- sqp::e.f 408474 Thrust washer, 2.12 to 2:24 thick, For
planet gear. (R.VI) 2
408319 Cotter Rin fixing satellite pinion Spindle.
405597 Tnrost washer, 2,85 thick For satellite
4Ot?SS2 Crosshead for satellits pinions, pinion, 4
Fart No Description per Fart No. Description per
by, LSSY.
426752 11
Cast iron brake drum for Filote Kheels.
441260 11L
12 inch
4iliGE 11
6.E. All these types of conrlete front axles bre supplied with brakes but without steering and shockabsorbers.
Fart Wo. TYFe of splines Reparks
eeSr box end
371 R.H.
3E104E L.H,
31.7 Double needle joint. 3ub flx*d by z~rl~ sDli t Fin and i’ioodruff key.
cElOE3 t
L ,:i, I
441290- 427187.LH
441291 -427188.~~
No. No.
Part No, DescrlFtion Per Part No. !lescrlption Per
lasy. 16sy.
4030s Bolt, -7 dia., 15 long. Fixing rap to ljrrer 88298 Nut > 54 dia. x 156 pitch. Locking upper link
link. (R, III) 6 spindle. (First and third types). (R,III) 4
858.S Bolt) 10 dia. o 60 long. Locking upper link 30454 8 Nut, hex,, 24 dia, x 150 pitch, 24 thick.
spindies to front axle sradle brackets. Fixing cradle to hull, (Second type) 2
(R.III) 4
305 892 Nut. hex., with s leeve 9 24 dia. x 150 pitch.
2491,s Nuti 7 lia, x 100 pitch, Fixino rubber Fixlnp oi-adle to hall, on upper studs.
buffer tc lower link, (R,III) 2 (Second type). (il) 2
2602,s Washer, piains 10.5 I/din. x 22 O/din, x 2,4 306954 Bracket ,. sheet mOtA~, between front axle
thick, Fcr bolrs fixing radiator crossmember :radle and radiator crossmember. (11) 2
to front axle cradle. (R.111) 4
30807 1 Radiator 2rossmember2 fixing hole centres
2611,s W--f. 10 dia, x 150 pitch, For bcits 844,s 270, (7 L nt) 1
and eSe,d. (11) (R.III) 4
3080-5 Radiat cr srossmen!2er c f?xlng hole centres
!613,S NC?, 13 ha, x 150 Qitsh, For bolt 308453. 390, (11) 1
( .c & L.5’ (R.IIII 4
308259 Lxhasher. 13.5 &:a. F'or head of belt
2’3l.S Nut :‘r..X , -4 d:a, x 200 ?:tch. Fo: locrlng 3Gti4: 3, 2
uppe: A:. ‘7 saindle (second type’2 (R;III! 4
308450 Front ax10 cradle complete, with i0 dia.
3330.s Whsheri LgTllig, s?eolal., 31 dia, Fc,r nut h=ies fo- silentbloc fixing, and welded
flx:ng cradle to hull. 4 *ippeF iink brackets. (ILL,! 1
4733,s Hydraui:? gmaser. straight, F;r ~lpper ‘ink, 308453 Belt hex. head, 10 dia. s 175 long, Fixing
(C,G. 361, (R-VI; 6 7a~~:atw crossmember to fr@nt axie cradle. 4
4752,s Hydrau1i r: g;‘ea.ser, 90’ angle tgpe. ;G.G. 34) 308585 Front axie sradie Gomp:etei with welded
@.‘~I j brackets for Jpper linksI (11) 1
43s:3e Cap for ?zwer lisk. (ilL & II) 426571 Upper l?ak L2Hxp with bushes for 22 dia.
spiildle. Swxoel aall retained by nut and
426201 Eazkizr shim, 45 I/dia, x 60 O/dia, x 0.05 locknut. Dista:i;ce between ixner faces of
thick. FOi lower *aearing ball Jolnc, hubs 146.4, i
426203 Fackinp shin. 45 I/d:a.x 60 O/dia. x 0:: reqd, 42s575 Bush, 22 I/dia. x 35 Ofdla.. x 41 long. For
thick. For lover beaiinF bail jointi I rear of upper link. 2
426400 Lccirnut for i;ppe; link tag rf:,g nut. 2 426576 s fiLlr : 14,2 I/'dia. x 21,5 O/dta. x 0.2 thick.
Fc; .;p?z link b-Jsh,
426403 Elate, 25 x 62 x 2. F:T icwer link buffer, z 42657’ Sh::r!. 14.2 I/d:a, x 21.5 O/dla, x 0,lthick. As
FCG ~l?pe, link bush, eqd
426531 436576 Shxr!. 14-2 I/dia, x 2L., 5 O/am. x OS05 thick
426556 2
436505 10:
4265cj7 2 As
425556 ?
426605 As
426559 eqd;
4266X/01 Shim, 55 I/d:a, x 60,s O/dia. x 2,46 thi,ck, 426667 Fackmg wnL'her, 45 I/din, x 60 O/dla. x 0.5
Between lower link swivel bearin cups. (R,VI .2 thick, Fcr icwer bearing baX jcint.
4266X Shim, 55 I/dia, x 60,s O/dfa, x 0.05 thick, .426720 Viasher.. 24 I/di&, x 31 O/dia. x 1 thick. For
Between ;?wer link swive; bearlng cups, AS bak: joint leather grease retainer spring,
(Originai fitting) reqd.
426657 Fixed retaining rinp, '74 dia. and $9 dia.
4266 13 Loprer ball assembly- 60 dia., wxth cups and FOi 4266i&,
shxns. (kaired hnd fittedj. 2
426615 Nut.. 16 dia,, 19 th:ck. Locking lower ball
joint, 2 4 27i26 Swi;-ei heusing, R;H,; 26 m, CClleti
4266X Leather oil retainer, pleated. For ball 427167 LC>WeiSink arin, L,H,, with pin 16 dia., 55
joint. (R.VI) 4 :cr.g bsss fir shczkabsorber;
426613 Retaining rln~, 26.5 I,/dia. x 32.5 O/din. x 427i66 LC7WZ.Zlink arm, R,H.,, wi?.h Fin :6 dia,. 55
0,5 thick, Far ball joint leather oil lcnp bosa for shookabsorber,
retainer, 4
44:2so L,ver 'ink arm, LIB, 7 with pin 16 dia., 55
426620 Compression spring, tapered 25,; dia. t,, loiy bcss for ahcckabsorber j with rubber
29,5 dia, x i9 ldnr, For oi; retainer leather b-1:'fs:, 1
washer,, 4
426621 Leather cil retainer. 24 I/dia, x 37 O/dia,
x 2 thick, On swivel housing. (R-VI) 4 1
426623 Rataining clip, 63 I/dia. x 3 dia, section,, 460062 L<x.awas tc: SIG~:~, 10 dia. For .UpFei' link
For leather oil retahero sr,znd:e bc, -t, (R,III) 4
-- .
Fart No., Deswiption per PBrt No, Description br
ssy. ssy.
75e.sc.3t Bolt, hex, .r head, 8 dia. s 2?,5 lcng, Fixing 153317 'rossmember under enpines one half bare. SO?
c r OSsmembe.- under engine. (R.III! (7 6 11) 8 .onge (111 2
Repiaced by 621002,
136244 plined shaft, 32 dia., 165 lcmg. (7 b XL! 2
936.S Bolt, 10 dia. D 25 long. Fixing silantbIoc tc
front axie cradle. (R,IIJ) (7 L :i) 4 I26156 loIt, hex. head, 8 dia. x 125 pitch, 185 long,
:hread 20 long. Fixing torsion bar. (7 b 111) 2
255:,S Rut, 8 dia. x :25 pitch, For bolt 353195,
(R,III) (7 & 11) 4 126500 him - 0,95 thick, bore 68,5, uith three 10.5
lia. holes t spaced at 93. Adjusting silent- As
2613,s Nut, hex. D 10 dia. x 150 pitch, F;x:ng 11~s on front cradle. *eqG_
silen+bloc to front axle cradle,
(R.111) (7 & 11) 10 k26595 ilentbloc, front, for front axle cradle,
‘ixing hoies 10 dia., length of bush 71,5,$
3@8453 Bcit, hex, head, 10 dia. x 175 Fitch, Fixing epth of locating spigot 16, Body without
sileatbioc to front axle cradie, houlder, (7 & 1lL)
(R,III) (7 & 11) 2
k26596 ilentbloc 9 rear E for front axle cradle,
352828 Ball headed screw for +crsion bar adjustment ‘ixing holes 10 dia, P iength of bush 71,
lever c (7 & 11) lepth cf locating spigot 24. Body without
boulder. (7 & 11)
353193 Torsion bar adjusting lever, (7 & >i)
k26689 ‘plined shaft, 32 dia., 175 lone. (11)
353194 .Crossmember under engine, one half bare:
k26690 loft, hex, head, 8 dia. p 195 long. For torsior
353195 Distance piers, 12 dia, , 52 long j ends bar. (li)
threaded 8 dia. x 125 pitch., E’o: crcssmember
under engine. (7 & 11) 2 127010-D ‘orsion bar, R.H, o 24 dia. 1 600 ‘long,) length
If spiines 27. One white identification mark
353 196 Elate, 3 thi,:k. For crcssmember under engine ‘cr R,H, (7 & 11L)
(7 & 11) AS
353i97 Flate, 2 thick. For crossmember under engine reqd, k2?010-G ‘ors%on bar, L,H, i 24 dia, 600 ‘long: length
(7 c 11) NC longes Supplied, ;f splines 27. Two white identification marks
‘or L.H., (7 6: 11L)
353198 Trunnion for torsion bar adjusting lever.
(7 & 11) 2
Part blo, description 'artNo. Description Per
. -
OF “SPICER ” I , -2731-S
;biY3cKABsoRBERs \\ u&
1 951-s
masher ,,,f4z6264
-._- -
Fart ko. Description per Fart Lo. Description
35383I.7. N P”
354558-7.11. I 2674.5
No. NO.
Fart No. Descrirtion w Fart No. Description Fer
hssy, I Assv.
2674.S Nut, hex., slotted, 12 dia. x 175 Fitch.
Fixing shockabsorbers to ucrer and lower
pins. (R.111) (7 & 11) 4
,-transmission shafts : see page 1. 1i
/ -
fart No, Deszsciption per ixrt No. Decorlption per
bsby. )9s--. Ye
1867 Washer. plain, 8 I/dia. x.15 O/dia. x 2 thick 380675 Spring. 15 dia., 20 icnng. For sliding ball
For drive shaft coupling bolts. (R,IIIJ 8 cf needie bearing 381076. 2
2551.8 Nut, 5 dia. x 125 pitch. For drive shaft
380676 Cork washer, 14 I/dia. x 21 O/dia. x 3 thick.
coupling bolts. (R,III) 8 For 381076. (R.VI) 2
4’3O.S Greaser, hydraulic, straipht, (GG36). For
drive shaft, (R.VI) 2 380677 Washer, sheet metal, 14.1 I/dia, x 19.5 O/dia
x 1 thick. For 381076, 2
4732,8 Greaser, hydraulic, 90’ angle, (GG34). (R.VI) 2 380683 Needles (set cf 50),-2.357 dia., 10.3 long. 8
(R.VIJ sets
4733.s Greaser, hydraulic, straight. (R,VI) (11)
Replaced by 4732.S. 2 380705 Felt washer, 25.4 I/.dia. x 37 O/his. x 10
thick. For drive shaft 381046. 2
4735.s Greaser, hydraulic, angled. (R,VI) (7 & ilL) 2
380706 Spiit metal washer; 26 I/dia. x 36 O/dia. x
3 60464 Cup for needle bearing, 26.99 O/dia. x 21,51
1 thi,:k, For 380705. 4
I/dia. x l3.4 long, 24
380868 Crosshead, pins 16.71 dia,, 69.f3 over pins.
380465 Spring locking ring, 30.2 dia. , 1,5 thick. For double universal joint. .4
For needie bearing cup. 24
380945 Double yoke for universal joint. 2
380466 Aeedles (set cf 36!, 3.i75 dia, ) 9.5 long. 4
For drive sha,ft bearing cup. sets 381045 Yoke with bearing cap, with splines 31,7 dia,
machined interior, For 381046, 2
360468 Crosshead, pins 15.35 dia., 56 over pins, For
universal joints 380457 and 380754. 2 38iO46 Universal joint complete, with splines 31.7
dia., machined interior. 2
380469 Zork washer, 19,2 I/dia, x 25.4 O/‘dia. x 3
thick, For needle bearing cup. 24 381071 Stub axle, R,R,, bore l4,l dia., for sFirot
380470 Setainer, 17.7 I/dia, x 26.6 O/dia. x 4 thick ball pin, keyway 6 wide. Wheel hub fixed by
For cork washer 380469. 24 castellated nut, L;H; thread, i
3eo472 3rive shaft ccupling fiange, differential end 381072 Stub axie, L-H,, bore 14.1 dia., for sp:got
rlth 4 holes 8 dia. ba;i Fin, keyway 6 wide. Wheel hub fixed by
zastellated nut, R. II, thsead, 1
380655 :a?< tL*eaded 40 dia. x 100 pitch, 16 long.
?0r propeller Shaft felt ii1 ietainer.
No. KO.’
Fart ho. Descrirtion per Fart No. Description oer
- Assv.
3E 1373 :in, 14.1 dia. For srieot ball joint,
xansxission side, 2
I / 8091
Fart No. Description Fart No. Description per
2717.3 Split pin. (Fi.III) Replaces 88514. 2 425964 Ring nut, 78 dia. x 150 pitch. Fixing stub
axle outer ball-race. (7 & 11) 2
88091 Ball-race, inner, 35 x 72 x 17. For stub
axle. (R.1) (7 & 11) 2 426020 - Oil retainer, inner, 45 x 65 x 8. For stub
axle. (7 h 11) 2
88514 Split pin, 3 dia., 60 long. For nut fixing
hub. (R.111) (7 & 11) Replaced by 2717,s. 2 426030 - Distance piece, 65 x 80 x 9. For atub axle
inner retainer. (7 & 11) 2
88539 Dowel, 3.5 dia., 4.5 long. For wheel studs.
(7 B- 11) 10 426493 Nut, R.H., 35 dia. x 150 pitch L.H. thread.
Fixing inner ball-race on stub axle. (7 6 11) 1
380956 Woodruff key, 6 wide. Fixing hub to stub
axle. (7 & 11) 2 426591 Nut, hex., 26 dia. x 150 pitch R.H. thread,
20 thick. Fixing L.H. front hub to stub
390150 Iheel nut, hex.. 12 dia. x 125 pitch. (R.11) 10 axle. (7 & 11) 1
392548 Rheel nut, hex., 12 dia. x 125 pitch. With 426592 Nut, hex., 26 dia. x 150 pitch L.H. thread,
oval base for fitting E.M. wheels. (R.VI) 20 thick. Fixing R.H. front hub to stub
(11L & 11) 10 axle. (7 6 11) 1
425654 Ball-race, outer, 32 x 72 x 17. For stub 426732 Hub and brake drum, front, 10 inch, with 5
axle. (7 & 11) 2 studs. Overall length 122, I/dia. of drum
255. Drum cast. (7 & 11L) 2
2. 425655 Lockwasher, 35.5 I/dia. For nut fixing inner
ball-race of stub axle. (7 & 11) 2 426733 Hub and brake drum, front, 12 inch, with 5
studs. Overall length 122, I/dia. of drum
_._ 425656 Hut, L-H., 35 dia. x 150 pitch R,H. thread. 345. Drum cast. (Second type 1l.L de 11) 2
Fixing inner ball-race OXI stub axle. (7 & 11) 1
426753 Distance piece, length 36. For inner and
425661 Lockplate with holes 5.5 dia. For nut fixing / outer ball-races on stub axle, Swivel
outer ball-race lock ring. (7 & 11) 2 without greasers. (7 h 11) 2
425690 let screw, 5 dia. x 75 pitch, 4 long. For 426756 Front wheel stud, 12 dia. x 125 pitch, 30.5
125661. (7 & 11) 2 long, for cast drux. (7 & 11L) Replaced by
426757. 10
425948 311 retainer, 53 I/dia. x 6E O/dia.x 10.5
thick. For second type stub axle. (R.VI) 426757 Front wheel stud, 12 dia. x 125 pitch, 31.5
(7 & 11) 2 long, for cast drm. (Second type 7 & 11) -10
No. I No.
Part No. Description Per Part No. Description ~ per
aasy. bssy.
431175 rant wheel stud, 12 dia. I 125 pitch, 38.5
ong. For 8.Y. wheel locating between thread
nd drum flange. (R.VI) (11L & 11) 10
438591 -ZII~-14
43a592-IlLll -ii?'
436671-I/. 12'
_i -
Fart Ko. Description Mf Fart No. Description
392.5 Eolt, hex. head, 6 dia., 10 lonp. Fixine 438509 Washer, Bellevilie type, 12,E I/dia. x
wheel cylinder to brake backylate. (R.111) 4 24 O/dia, For 43E505. (R.VI) 4
4F3.S Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia., 1F lone. Fix+ 43E510 Bush, 16 I/dia. x 20 O/dia. x 13.6 long.
brake backrlate. (R.111) 12 For adjustinp brake shoes on anchor Fins.
(For positioned brake shoes) 4
2oeo Washer, 6.5 I/dia. x 16 O/dia. x 1.5 thick.
For brake shoe Fositioninr stud. (R.111 j E 43BEll Distance piece for brake shoe anchor Fins.
(For positioned brake shoes) 4
2502.5 Kut, 7 dia. x 130 rltch. For bolts fixing
brake backylate. (RIII) 12 43P516 Brake shoe adjustine cam, hole 10.5 dia. on
12, (For positioned brake shoes) 4
62436 Rivet, tubular, 3,65 die, x 7 long. Fixin As
brake Lhoe linings. .;& L%‘;&“T f: ?:[T\,r. eTl, reqd. 4385e4 Brake backolate, 277 dia. For fittine with
cast iron brake drums. (7 & 1lL) 2
EB2E4 Rut, hex., 2 dia. x 125 pitch, For brake
shoe positioning stud. (R.Ij E 43e5e5 Brake backclate. 327 dia. For fittinf with
cast iron brake drum. (Second type 11L & 1 2
436240 Lo&washer, double, 7,5 dia,, hole centres
El, For nuts of brake backplate fixing 4355F6 Brake shoe anchor ;ic, 35.5 lona, plain
bolts 0 6 portion 19 dia. For cast iron brake drum. 4
43E307 Nut, hex., i4 dia. x 150 pitch< For trake 43f591 Lining for 10 inch brake shoe, 227.5 long,
shoe anchor pin. 4 SE wide. (R-VI)
E-er set:- ls’t f ittim, front h rear shoes 4
43E314 Bronze bush, 20 I/dia. x 22 O/dia. x 10.5 2nd fitting, frpnt shoe (7 & 11L 2
lonp. For brake shoe anchor Fin. (R.VI) 4 Replaces same number length 257.5. 4
43e357 Washer, copper, 11.5 dia. For wheel cylinder 1 430592 Lining for 12 inch brake shoe, 287.5 long,
. union. 2 35 wide, (R,71)
Fer set;- front & rear shoes (11)
43E35B Union, steel, for connectinv wheel cylinder 1st fittine: front & rear shoes
fitted without banjo union. 2 (11L)
2nd fitting front shoe (11)
43e5oe Fin, length 21. For brake shoe adjusting 3rd fittma front shoe (11L)
cam. (For positioned brake shoes and fittine Replaces same number leneth 317.5.
cast iron brake drum. ) I4
No. No.
Description cer Fart No. Descrirti on Fer
Rssy. Assy.
Brake shoe for 13 inch drm, without pin fol 43E670 Lining for 13 inch brake shoe, 142 long,
attaching relxrn syring. (Lining 227.5 long 35 wide. (R.VI)
1st fitting. front R.H. rear L.H. (7 & 111 2 2nd f ltting rear shoe. (7 dc 11L) 2
2nd fitting, front R.H. (7 h 11L) 1
43867 1 Lining for 12 inch brake shoe, 170 long,
43ES94 Brake shoe for 10 inch drwr, without Fin fol 35 Tide. (R.71)
attaching return spring. (Lining 227.8 10x-y 2nd fitting rear shoe. (11) 2
1st fittin?, front L.H. rear R.Y. (7 & 11) 2 3rd fittinp rear shoe. (w 2
2nd fitting, front LA. (7 & 11L) 1
43E672 Brake shoe for 10 inch brake. (Lining
42es95 Brake shoe for 12 inch drwt, without pin fox length 142. )
attaching return spring. (Lining 287.6 lent 2nd fitting rear RX. (7 6: 1lLj 1
1st fitting, front R.R. rear L.H. (11L h 1 2
2nd fitting, front B.R. (11) 1 438673 Brake shoe for 10 inch brake. (Lining
3rd fitting, front R.B. (11L) 1 length 142. )
2nd fitting rear L.R. (7 b 11L) 1
43E896 Brake shoe for 12 inch drun!, without pin for
attaohing return spring. (Lining 2F7.6 long 438674 Erake shoe for 12 inch brake. (Lining
1st fitting, front L.9. rear R.E. (11L & I 2 length 170. j
2nd fittinr, front L.E. (11) 1 2nd fitting rear R.H. (11) 1 .
3rd fittine, front L.R. (11L) 1 3rd fitting rear R.R. (11L) 1 .
43E60E Guide stud for brake shoe, 37.5 lmg. (For 438675 Brake shoe for 12 inch brake. (Lining
cast iron trcke drua. ) length 170.)
2nd fitting rear L.H. (11) 1
43P606 Xhsher, e .E I/dia. x 18 O/d5 a. x 0.8 thick. 3rd fitting rear L.H. (11L) 1 -7 -
For adjusting brake shoe guide studs. As 4
43F607 Washer, 8 .8 I/dill. x 18 O/dja, x 0.2 thick. -eqd. 43s770 Brake shoe return snrinr, 10 dia., 136 long. 2
For adjusting brake shoe guide studs.
Wheel cylinder sprine with (Lockheed LOCKHEED BRAKES REAR 392-9 /A38356
438603 cup.
ref: 665)
1.K 415736.G.m-m= I
Ml. 415757-D-Z//-/0’
F-0, Eo.
Fart h‘o. Desccictlon rer Fart Iio, Desorirtion Fer
ASSV. Assv.
392-S !?olt, hex. head, 6 dia., 10 lone. Fix!na 4if762 Lever. L-T I for handbrake. For 10 inch
rheei cylinder to brake tackrlate, (R.JII) brake drilrr and 6 stud hub. (7 & 11) 1
(7 I3 32) 4
-L Lever, R.R., for handbrake. For 10 inch
?F?.S Bolt, hex. head, t dia., 13 lonp. Fixlne brake drlzz and 5 stud hub. (7 & 11) 1
clip on cable outer casing. (i;.III)
(7 dt Ii) 4 :I5766 Rod fc,; kandbrake, wld+,n iE. Side orpos:te
t5 iever. (7 & 11) 2
E15.S Stud.. E dia., 34 ione, threaded ends 14 lone.
t;ixlne brake backrlate. (R III! (7 & il) 15 41FZ:S BraKe shoe for i3 inch d:u~, wltho;lt Din
for attachIn? reTurn scrlnc, (Lining 1enKth
iE67 Dasher, E.E I/dia, ,x 15 Ojdia, x 2 thick. 227,E,
For lower Fin of handbraKe lever, (R,III) lei set;-
(7 & 11) 2 1st fizzing front R.9, rear L.H. (7 C?C
11) 2
2nd fittin! front A.H. (7 &I 11) 1
2434,s hut, hex,, slotted, 6 dia. x 100 Fitch. For Reolazes same n-umber length 257.5.
uFrer pin of handbrake Lever on backrlate.
(R,IIl) (7 & 11) 2 4ic220
w Zrake shoe for 10 inch drum, without Fin
for attaching return srrinr. (Lining lenkth
2551.5 Rut, hex., E. dla, x 125 pitcn. For stud 227,s)
fixinK brake backplate, (R.111) (7 & 11) 16 Fer set:-
1st fittine frcnt L.H, rear R.H, (7 & 11) 2
2614.S livt, hexO, 13 dia, x 150 nitch, Fixing 2nd fittine front L,H. (7 t 11) 1
srindie for brake adjusting cam on backclate, Replaces 38x8 number length 257.5.
(R.IJI) (7 b 11) 4
43elo6 Fixine clir for cable outer casine on brake
62436 Rivet, tubular, 8.65 dia,, 7 lone. Fixine As backrlate. (7 ct- 11) 2
brake lininrs. (7 b ll)(R? ;:~g~r s,.~**:.dj
_r'. -. reqd,
43Si4E Lockwasher, double, 7,: dia., hole centres
88284 but, hex., 8 dia. x 125 ritch, For brake 51. For nuts of bolts fixing brake tsck-
shoe positionine stud. (R,Ij (7 b 11) * F rlate.. (7 & ll! E
415756 Brake backrlate, 10 inch, L.H., 277 dia. 43E337 Nclt, hex,, 14 dia, x 150 Fitch. For brake
For fitting with cast brake drum.. (7 & 11) I shoe anchor pin. (7 & 11) 4
4157E71 3rake backrlate, 10 inch, R.H,, 277 dia. 43E314 Brsnze bush, 20 I/dia. x 22 O/dia. x 10.5
Eor fittin! with cast brake drum. (7 & 11) 1 lOTl!?> For brake shoe anchor pin. (R,71)
(7 & 11)
No. No.
Port No. Description Per Part No. Dessription Per
ssy. Assy.
436355 @enjo un:on fcr wheel cylinder. Fitted with Fer set:-
trass union bolt 438356, (? d ,3) 2 1st fitt-.ng, front 2r.d. rear shoes (7 3c 1;) 4
2nd flttirlg, fr ont shoes (7 t 11) 2
43eEE6 Bolt, hex. head, 11.11 dia. x 20 threads per ReFla:es same number length 257.5
inch, 23 long. For wheel cylinder thn;c
union. (7 6 i3) 2 43E592 Lining for 12 inch brake shoe, 267.6 long,
35 wide. (R.VIj
43E3f-7 /lasher, carye;, 11.5 dia. For rhee'c cylinfr Fer set:-
Llni cm. i' & ;;) 2 Front and tear
shoes (11L t 11) 4
Replaces same number length 317.5.
435358 Sasher, ::cFfer, 13.5 dia. For n-heel cylinder
lLi0n (" t 11; 2 438606 Guide stud for brake shoa, 37.5 long. Sor
cast brtike drum. (7 & 11) e
43e538 Fin, length '1, EW brake shoe adjusting oar:.
POr FOSitiomi brnke shoes fitted to cast 43860s I,asher ) fS.5 I/dia. x 18 O/dia. x 0.5 thick.
brake drums, !" b il) 4 For adjusting brake shoe guide studs.(7 & 11) As
43EGX hasher, 5.5 I/dia. x 1E O/'dia. x 0.2 thick. reqd.
438509 tiasher, Eeile;rille type. 12.5 I/dia. x 24 For adjustinrr brake shoe euide studs.(7 & 11:
Cy'dia. 'For 42E53f. (ti.tIj (7 & 11) 4
43E6OE Cesher, 14.F I/dia. x 24 Oidia. x 1 thick. &
43fJE10 Bush, 15 i/dlti. x 23 +dia. x l$. b lane. ror For brake shoe anchor pin. (7 & 11) reqd.
adjustinrr brake shces on anchor pin. For
Fositioned brait: shoes, (7 G 11) 4 43F;630 Nasher, 5.5 I/dip. x 18 O/'dia. x 1 thick. As
ior adjustine brake shoe euide studs. (7 & 11 reqd.
43E511 Distance ;lecr for brake shce Wcnor pin.
For Fositionej 'xako shoes., (' & 1‘1) 4 43F670 Lining for 10 inch brake shoe, 142 long, 35
wide. (R..iI)
438516 _Drska shoe bd;ustln'o :a~., hole 19.f dia. CC 2nd fitting rear shoes. (7 h llj
12. (7 c. I-., 4
43F67E jhos for 10 inch drum (lining 142 long, 35
4385E6 Sake shoe cl??hor pin, Ye,5 lonx, dia. of wide).
plait ;oz-t,ix 19. For cast trhke dru-. 2nd fitting rear B.H. (7 & 11)
(7 & il; 4
435679 lhoe for 10 inch drum (lining 142 lone, 35
43e59i Lining for 1C inch trbre shoe, 227.5 long, uidtj.
I., - ?
ZE :vide. \h.i'., 2nd fittine: rear L.B. (7 h 11;
16 (CONT.)
Fart x0. Deszri?%c,ion
436584 7II. lo--
436585 -I/ 0’
heel cylinder only. (Lackheed ref: Gil:
bee: cylinder complete, (LozkheeJ ref: '094) \
438591 - Z 11~- @=
rheel cylinder piston. <Lc;kaead .ref; 7095) 038592-/L./I-12'
4 38670 - 7. Ill - ;g-
430671 -II. l
r 62436 r/WI
438510/ p3608
\ --I .. .. -. \ \a
i 6&D5/i1-6023B/a I -88264-604016 A
6001847 \,
601938- 7 ffL
601980- II ------f
601992 -R.Hd /
GO1991- L.H. / 437s44
F6f DsserlRtlcn
216”s 2
2 .
---, s hLti her. S dis- x 12E pit:h, For ‘53.5 azid 4 1
7FE.S. (R.IlI:I 3
‘Bait, -hex. head r:ir~ted F‘ d:adj 30 lone,
2552 .s Ku?, hex, & dia. x 126 patch, For El4.S. Plxiz~ m~27abie bra.:ke-;, 3
(R Ilij 2
BL15, rciztedr 6 dia, ,C ime. F’ixine car
2513 s Lc!Ck?YJt. 13 :!:a .X Ls3 FibJj- F;r steel -2~ .333:3,= :,n s-ceerine mhee i, (R;III) ?
lock adJust:ne screw. (R.1;; i 1
Car, black bakallta, 31 dia., hel?ht 25,
2674.S Fut. hex,, slotted, 12 dia. x i75 rltch. For For steer ins whezlj 602345 anZ 63?J5?, f’cr
.cali -ins, (R III) 4 298 with 3oincidr set. (2 -:I! 1
47E3,S Creaser, hydraulic-, stralsht. For steer ir,.p Nut, nex - slotted, 16 dia. x 200 ritcr,,
sl-‘e rod bail yin. (I? .Y; 1 2 For ?I tir,‘k Tod lever - 2
Ft’366 Cur, 49.2 dia., helpht 1i.i. For steerine Tzask rl;d Iemr a.2 . base cf tarer 22 dia,,
ririon lower tnrust bearine. 1 threaded 15 dia, x 233 Fitch, 1
NS, fro>
Fart No, Description psr cei
ssy. Assy.
437335 kdjustabla outer socket R.R., overall length 6Oi?46 23li Fir?, 2.3 dia., 7E lC?Ic, P5Y staa?ine
150, Fw st%arlng side rod. 1 sids rod , track lover ecd, 2
437336 Rdjustable outer socket L.H*. overall lsngth 631247 ?a11 rin, 25 dia,, E4 lone, For steerine
130, For steerhe side rod, 1 rack< 2
437344 Steering side rod, length 472. Ripht or 60184? Dmcar svrinp, 21 dia,, 35 lono, For steer-
Left Hand, 2 inp rack ball joint CUF‘ 1
FlE3E4 Locatinr bolt;, hex. head, 10 dia., 14.5 long. 6OlP.39 9uter cum; 2,3 dla,, 16,5 IOIIE, For steerinp
For steering housing. (RI). 1 rack ‘call pin. 2
60036@ Rubber bush, 22.i I/dia. x 36,7 O/dia. x 6XEEiJ Retaining tube; lentih 173, threaded 30 dia.
2E.6 lone. For fixed coluan. (R.VI) 1 x isO pltzh. For steering rack ball joints.. 1
600297 50 ,dia., hei@t 16-7. For steering 601623 Loc’kmt, 42 dia, x 163 Fitch, Eor steering
Rinion uFFer thrust bearin?. 1 ra*:k thrust cap, 5.d. and. 2
ti01069 Kocdruff key for steering wheel, 1 631254 Rubbsr b’;sh, 37 I/dia, x 47 Ojdia. x 40 long,
For fixed steering colum half brackets, - 1
631070 Yasher, 20,5 I/dia. x 3@ O/dia. x 1 thick.
For steering wheel, 1 631667 Cover pl3ta for steering gear Finioh housing, i
6OlE36 Imar cur, 2E dia., 33 long. Fcr steering 601968 Ao;lsing for felt oil retainer,
rack ball pin. (7 & 1lLj 1
601@69 Felt oil ratainar.
60X42 1
5Oi371 Steering colmn half bracket, FixeQ to hull,
601E43 Ring nut, slotted, tyra A, 36.8 dia,. 23.5
long, threaded 30 dia. x 123 pitch:. Fixing 6OlE76 Cm, 32 dia., haipht 9, For sraerihg side
ball joint retsininc tube. Replaces tyces rod outer ball pin, track levsr and.
B, C, and E. 1
631277 -4djusting nut, 34 dia. x 160 citch, la.3
tihl2k. For steering SIC% rod outer ball pin.
L -19
X0. h‘0.
fart X0. Descrirtion per Fart No. Descrirtion par
kisy. LSSY.
631E79 Steering rack 5 lidimz d-45: cover, 323 lorz. SOi lx,er sG,Cket R,.U.-, overall lenptt E6. For
(7 6 11L) : steerin g 3139 rod,
631934 Scrcn, i3 dla, x 150 Fitnh, 39.5 Imp. 532303 8teer;zl rack guide. 26 dia,, 29 lsug,
Adjusting steering iock. 1
502004 Sqrire, 1’ dia., 22,F ion?, For steering
c 2192.4 Steering rack thrust zar h,Z., 41 lohe; .-.2,X r-:i.ie, 1
Threaded 42 dia, x 150 c1tz.i. i
l-Jute fcr Tteering rack e.:ide hocsinc. 1
63?5’:F LFper cover Flate f;r stee-ii;? r-a-k ‘~11
joints, (7 & 111) 1 622007 s:-,m, 3.1 t’n1c;t. For steer inp rack pride AA
a”j*Jstr.enz. -eqd
601939 iower cover piate for steerin,g rsak %ali
joints., (7 & 11L) 1 602339 Stecrin~ racy thrust cap L.:l, , 120 lone, 1
631945 Sealinp: rine. rubber, 32 aidia- x 16 I/din, 602009 :,1r far fiexible rubber dust cover, (R Vlj 4
For steeriy rsck ball jcint. 2
602033 Staerine Srazker on mstrume;lf panel. (Fcr
601975 Distence Fiece; tubular, i23 lor,e, For L,ii; %-iv+ ) 1
steerinrr rack bali rin cups, (1:) 1
532045 Staerin- wheel, ebonite. 425 dia. mitt 3
60197E SteerinF rack slidim du;t cover, ‘03 long. spckes. (a,-iI! 1
(11) 1
602046 3x7 cover asserbly, fcr steering side rod
63197E Ccver riate, 205 lone, 2C wide, For steerin! c;uter ball joizt. 2
side rod Ml1 joints. (Iii 1
63234e Ribber washer, ‘23 I/dla. x 3: O/‘dia. Ecr
2319FO CrFer shield for stee:inE rack ball ;;ists. 632346 2
(11) L
602049 Shirr, Oz35 thick, For adjustme raok guide, AS
6019El Lower shield fcr steering rack bsil jsmt,s, 692353 Sl;rm, 0.2 thick, Fc,r adjxticy rack eaide, Feqci.
(11; ?
502352 Fa:kiriz -*asher, Lt.5 l/lia, x Ll d/)/dis. x is
4019c 1 0 5 ti.12lr. Fc: 63294cj, :eqd
S?,ia, 0 1’; thick. For 631e57, A3
S:‘lir., 1,?5 thick, Fcr C,>iFt;? _ reqa _
No. No,
Fart No, per Fart No. Des.:rlrtioa c3r
Assy, Assy,
602055 A
502056 1
CO2063 1
No. NO.
- 2491-s-J
1540976 1 L.H.D. 540966
154’ 104 1 R.H.D.
497&J. -
543272 R.H.D.-~-/IL
543275 R.HI)..N
540998 L.H.D. 1
543304 L.H.D.
54 1095R.H.D. /// .,$&v - ,,/343306 R.H.D.
- ,’
4E3.S Bolt, hex, head, 7 dia., 15 lonx, Fixing: 5405 10 Master cylinder lever, bore 30.2, hole
clutch cable cuter casing bracket, (R III) 2 centras 47, 1
JE4.S Bolt. hex.. head,. 7 dm,, l?.E low, Fixing 540545 Trunnion, 14 dih., 25 lonp, bore E dia, kor
redal pear bracket, (R.III) F ciutch cat la, clutch end, 1
4F9,S Eolt, her, head, 7 dia. 30 lone, Fix’ne 5 10556 Barrel nut, 7 dia. x 100 pitch, 14 lonx.
flaooe of bracket securing clutch cable‘ For clu+ni
” -1 cable, clutch end, 1
outer cesjnF to flyuheel housine. (E.111) 1
540565 Barrel nut, 7 dia, x 100 Fitch, For clutch
4c5.s.30 Eolt, rDir?te?, 7 die. * 4S lone. E‘ixine lev cat le, c luzc h end, 1
controlimp nester cylinder on redal cross-
siifif’t, (R.III j 1 340619 Clutzh cable o-Aer ccsinr euide bracket,
c latch end, (No lonpccr tuppti~d) 1
497,s Bolt, 7 dia.) E3 lonq. Fix&p bracket
supFort.ing xaster cylinder on hull, (B.III 2 540733 Cur for clutch cable return string. 1
5F2,3 Bolt, hex, head, 7 dia., 37,E lone, For 54373 i Clutch c:Ycle return scrinK, 15 dia,, 171 lone 1
brake and clutch pedals. (R.111.) 2 (7-d 11)
540909 FkSh, 22 I/dia. x 28 Sjdia. x 24 long. (RVI)
2491,s f;lA. hex. , 7 d;a, x 100 Fitch, 7 th:sk.jR,I For :- Clutch pedal. 2
F’ixihe; - 495 .s,w Brake redal, 2
497 .s.
4Ed.S. 54096: Brscket f3r Feds1 zea;-, L.H. drive, 1
E-13964 Clltzh Fedal return srring, 3E dia,. four
2493,s Ruti hes., 7 dia, x 100 pitch; 5 thick.(R.I: l!?ft nsnd wound CCrih. L,H,drivg. 1
Forj- 5l?2 s, 2
Lock:nv clutch cable barrel nut, 1 540965 Brake Fedal return sF:inE, 3F dia,, four
right hand wound coils. !.A. ;+a. i
2541,s Xasher, f I/dla, x 1E O/dia. x 2 thizk,(R.I:
Fort- Yaster cyiinder control lever pin 1 540966 Distance piece, 6 I/dia., 32 lonp, For
Clutch cable pin, pedal end. 1 mister cylinder bracket. 2
ee?Oe Fin. f dia., length under head 22,s. Fixin 5 10968 Cro35 shaft, 22 dia , 220.6 lone. r’cr brhke
raster cviinder rush rod to Fedai. i aii: clutch pedals, IJI. d&z. 1
Part No, Description pa? Part No, Dascription
551590. 7-l
43 i8358
551600 -II
351655 -7-k
I 551664-Q \
552117 ::
Pa.r: NY ?aT
540974 Bcik. hex, hia.!. .a8 d-a.. 15 iong Fixing 54,093 SprlDg fcr cwtc.h pedal, R H, drjv6 1,
Glutah and brake pjlal h.r-as-6hsft: 2
54;094 sp?lng fr.r brake pedal,, R-H, drive. 5:
1 54 ,095 C. iirh pedal, R-R. drive, 1
540976 Brake and .:ititah psdal assembly romp.,ate. 51;.104 C:~;toh and brake pedal aadembly oomp:.et;e
16~8 mbbor pjdaf pads and crutch ccwtr=~'s R iI d.rlV6- 1
sable, L,R drlw 1
56li.12 Woodruff k3y leng+h 22, Fcr master cyiindc
540983 Rabbe? pad f&s c-la+. ,h and b?ak? psda. + 2 c:cnt:roI ; ever 1
540987 Kwdm’f ksy ia, .“ng> Fr mazj+.qr nylindar 5n3.t.s 6 Lnckwashar i8,5 dia.. hole. For bolt fixiq
onntroi .;ev31 1 Ucss ‘shaft masC.er cyilnder braoket side; 1
540988 Pin, 8 dia. lengrh .undsr h3ad 25.5: Fixing 543259 CPct?h cable rat.um spring 9 X/dia, x i3
o::utch oab;s t3 pcsdal, 1 O/dia, x '45 long (ilL e: 11) 1
540992 Clutyh oabla c?rn$e,te, ovsra;; Y..sngth 720, 543264 Clutch cable asasmb3.ed with hcusing and
L.9- drive. (7 & lit) I adji;stabia guide. (thxsodsd 16 dia, x 150
pitch). and fixed guiie Length 703, (R,;rI:
54099’ Brakd padai with fnotpiete iess rubber pad, (AL) :;
L .H, driV6- i
543265 Clutah 5abA3 fiX6d guids bmtket wit@ >.3.5
540998 dia., hoi6+ ciitirh side L,H, drive (11L) :
543269 Cl&ah pxab1.e adjustable guids braoket.
5410 53 ;lu+oh cab.3 o-mp:.&3, ?va:rall Length ,753. threaded 16 dia. x 150 pitoh. pedal side
L.;H, dnv6 (E,VI) (li) 1 L.9, drive. (~J.L tc i.l) 1
54.io79 Sraoket fcr paial gear, B.H 3?1pe 1 543272 Clutch ?ab.le with :asing, fixad guide, adjl
ab!e guide (th~aded i.6 dia. x 150 pitch)
511082 Shaft. 22 dia J i8; ‘.cng. FCL. rlutch and 6%? Inng. R.iI. dcivs. (;iL) 1
brake pedais, B,il, drivs, 1I
5492'5 C".\;CTh cable w$th L:a3ingS fixed guide ad$
541087 3rak6 peda:‘.. B,3, drjve: i ab1l.s guide (thraaddd 16 d.ia., x 150 pitch)
675 lcng- R 1I. delve (11)
Part ho. uescription per hut ho. Description
Bolt, hex, head, 7 dia., 20 long. Fixing nasher, 13.3 I,/dia. x 21 q/d%. x 0.6 thick.
reservoir to hull. (7 & 11) 2 Fc;:- reservoir outlet union. (7 & 11; 1
3-way union. (7 & lij 1
Bolt, hex. head, pointed, 7 dia., 20 long
Fixing master cylinder. (a.1111 (7 6 11. 2 5502ei Clip for hanuorake cable outer casi!lg.
(7 b ii) 4
Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia., 35 long.
Fixiq,: - handbrake bracket to dashboard. E50611 Hanaorake cross-shaft oracket. (7 & 11; 2
(7 a ii,
s-way union under hull. (7 & li EE0312 Cap for handbrake cross-shaft braclret.
5SO.b aolt, hex. head, 7 x 65. Fixing C~LFSon (7 6 11) 2
handbrake cross-shaft bracket. (7 a- 11)
(heplaces 15866. I 550563 lrunnion, 13 dia., 25 long. For handorake
cable, cross-shaft enc. (7 & ilj 2
2505 .S hut, 7 aia. x 100 pitch. (n.IIl/
For tolt:- fixing reservoir to hull. (7 & 11 2 55057” Oil reservoir complete. (H.VI, (7 h 11) 1
fixing n:aster cylinder. (7 c 11: 2
fixing clip for rear brake cable 550972 Outlet union for reservoir, ends threaded
outer casing. (7 & lli 4 12.7 dia. x 20 threads per inch. 1
2551,s hut, hex., 6 dia. x 125 pitch. For threaded EFOrBO iiasher, 13 I/ dia, I 15 Ojdia. x 2.4 thick.
end of handbrake cable. (K.111) (7 6 11, I 2 For reservoir outlet union. (7 b 11) 1
305764 Qtud, with hexagon, threaded 7 dia. x 1- 55OE90 Easter cylinder rubber boot, Lockheed
pitch, overall length se.5 ) threaaed port reference 530. 1
12 and 1F long. Fixing cliF for braice cab
outer casing, (7 & 11 I 4 550895 Baster cylinuer spring with cup, Lockheed
reference SEE. 1
tiio, LO>
Part tie. Per rart No. description Fer
Assy. hssv.
550x?? Master cylinder secondary cup-rubber, 55OSi7 Union, inner thread 17,5 dia. x 16 threads
Lockheed reference 955. L per inch, outer thread 11 .ll x 20 threads
per inch. For Lockheed pipes connecting to
550900 Master cylinder piston tirciip, Lockheed fiexicle hoses.
reference 95’6. 1 Front (7 & 111 2
near (7 & 13; 4
550901 Master cylinoer cup-rubber, Lockheed
reference 1426, 1 550919 Kut, hex,, 11,ll dia. x 20 threads per inch.
For union 550r17.
550906 Kaster cylinder valve washer, Lockheed Frant (7 & 11: 2
reference 955. 1 Sear (7 & 11; 4
E50907 Kaster cylinder vaive complete, Lockheed 551029 ?ipe complete, 4.35 Ijdia, x 6,Y5 O/‘dia.,
reference ?56. 1 442 long, From flexible hose to rear sheel
cylinder, ic.H. or L.H. (7 b 11) (n,VIi 2
55OCOP Double-ended union, threaded 19.5 dia. x
16 threads per inch, and 12.7 dia. x 20 551i57 Master cylinder complete, Lockheed
threads per inch, For master cylinder inlet, referents 870. (7 dc 11) 1
(7 & 111
FE1363 handorake control spring with 2 holes 3.5
550109 irasher, iC,,E I,‘aia, x 24 O/dia, x O,c! thick. dli, For bracket 553965. (7 dr 11) (na- 1
Eor SEOGOE a (7 L 11) placed by 55k5170. I Order in addition one
55OClO dolt, h;x, head, 12,7 dia, x 20 threads per
inch, 30 long. For master cylinder J-way !=SlSGE handbrake control bracket rith spring.
union. (7 & 11; (7 & 11) (keplaced by 553194; Order in 1
addition one 553170.
550911 Kaster cylinder b-way union. (7 6 iii
551511 Pipe complete, 6 I/dia. x 8 0/dia,, 405
550912 Xasher. 15.3 I/.+:= x 21 O/dia. x 0-e thick. ion6 , From reservoir to master cylinder.
For master cylinac,r j-way union. (7 6: 11: (7 & ii: 1
55OSi4 Kaster cylinder piston with seoonds.ry cup, ,C5:590 Pipe complete, 4.35 I/da. x 6.35 o/ dia.,
Lockheed reference :277. 1700 long. From master cylinder to
flexible hose front k.H. (11) 1
No. LO.
Fart Ho. Description per Part tie, Description Per
Asay G h&sy.
561594 Pip6 compiete, 4.35 I/dia. x 6,35 O/dia., 55167P handbrake control with cable, without
2270 long. From master cylinder to rear bracket l (7t11) 1
3-way union. (11)
552044 itear 3-way union. (7. & 11 j 1
551595 Pipe complete, 4.35 I/dia. x 6.35 O/dia.,
2550 long. Frolr master cylinder to rear 552115 near brake cable complete, overall len&th
3-way union. (11Fj of cable 2540, length of outer casing 545.
(r..VI, (7 & ilLi 2
ripe, coly:ete, ,;,35 I#dia. x 6.35 O/dia.,
245 long. From rear J-way union to flexible FF2i16 hear brake cable complete, overall length
hose rear L.H. (iij of cacle 2750, length of outer casing F75.
(li.VII (111 2
551600 Pipe, complete, 4.35 I/dia. x 6.35 C/dia.,
@50 long. From rear 3-way union to fiexible 552117 near brake cable complete, overall length
hose rear R.H. (11) of cable 2935, length of outer casing 575.
(&VI) (llF, 2
551653 Pipe, complete, 4.35 Ijdia. x 6,3F O/dia.,
2055 long, From rmster cylinder to rear 553063 Flexible pipe fcr front wheels, Lockheed
3-way union. (7 & 11L) reference 265. 2
E516F5 We, complete, 4.35 I,/dia, x 6,35 O/dia., 553064 Flexible pipe for rear wheels, Lockheed
770 long. horn rear a-way union to flexible reference 266. 2
hose rear R.H. (7 & 11L)
553170 bpring for handbrake control lever, iength
551657 Eipe, complete, 4.3F Ijdia, x 6,35 O/dia., 72, (?lL 13.Li) 1
l?,C long. Prom rear 3-way union to flexible
hose resr L.H, (7 & EL) 553194 Bracket for handbrake control rod, wlthol;t
spring. (iiL & lli 1
551662 Handbrake cross-shaft with levers. (7 d- 11;
565069 Cap for reservoir, second type, bayonet
F’1664 Pipe, compiete, 4.35 I/dia. x 6,35 O/dia., fixing, (R.VI) (7 6c iii 1
310 long. From rear flexible hose to rear
wheel cyi inder U R,H. I” L.H, (7 & 1;; 525170 Handbrake lever return spring, 17.E dia.,
175 long. (5.1, (7 6- 11; ‘I
55i66C tiubber pad retaining pipes. (7 & 1,). No
longer supplied. 586320 Handbrake lever return spr;ng, i7.5 dia.,
1?E) lcng. (7 & ii 1 A.
XiO. NO.
Fart 60. Descri-tion rer Fart Eo. Descrirtion ver
issy. Lssy.
3E3.5.30 Bolt, hex. head, pointed, 7 dia., 15 long. 112915 Lszkwasher, 7 dia. For 4E3.5.30. (R.iII)
Fixing rear axle buffer. (R.IIij (11) 4 (11) 4
771.s Bolt, hex. head, E dia., 70 long, Fixing 353635 Basher, 12.5 I/dia. x 34 O/dia. I 1.5 thick.
torsion bar locking plates. (R.IIij (7 t 11) 1 For tie rod pin. (R.11) (7 & 11) 1
E15.S Stud, E! dia., 32 long, threaded portions 411325 Rear axle complete with 5 studs, 10 inch
12 and 1E long. Fixing brake backplate. cast brake drums. For R.M. wheels. (7 & 11L: 1
(R.IIIj (7 & 11) 16
Replaoor 57231 a Same dssovi ion., 3 411026 Rear axle complete with 5 studs, 10 inch
Y Y CircliF, 2.5 dia. wire. Lot P ing suspension cast brake drums. For E.Y. wheels. (11) 1
bearing fixing nuts, (7 & 11) 4
411027 Rear axle complete with 5 studs, 10 inch
2551.6 Nut, hex., @ dia. x 125 pitch. (R.111) cast brake drums.* For B.Y. wheels. (1B) 1
Fixingr- torsion bar locking plate. (7 h 11; 1
brake tacelate stud. (7 & 11) 16 420521 Nut, hex., 25 dia. x 150 pitch, 12 thick.
For rear sleeve fixing crossmember, first
2674.S Rut, hex., slotted, 12 dia. x 175 pitch. fitting. (7 & 11) 2
For tie rod clevis Fin. (R.111) (7 & 11) 1
420913 Outer bracket only, for flexible mounting,
37221 Bolt, hex. heed, rointed, 10 dia., 35 long. holes not drilled. (Cruciform axle.) (7 & 11 2
Fixinr rear link arm brackets. (R.111)
(7 h 11) Boplawd by 9+0-S-30 (BJII) 423919 Adjusting lever for links. (7 k 11) 4
EF270 Elh, 1F die. x 150 pitch. For tie rod, 420919 Spindle, 55 long. Eor link arm adjusting
crossmember end. (7 d 11) levars. (7 & 11) 2
&SE73 iriasher, 17 I/dis. x 2E O/dia. x 2.4 thick. 420920 Rod for link arm adjustment. (7 & 11) 2
For centre bolt 423936. (7 & 11)
420921 Spindle, 31 long. For link arm rod. (7 & 11 2
E9Ef6 Shakeproof washer, fan-shared, 1E dia. For
tie rod centre nuts. (R.VIj (7 & 11) 420931 Rubber -Hasher, central, for tie rod. (7 & 11 2
t?9894 Shakeproof washer, fan-shaped, 25 dia. Fixing 420932 Distance piece, l@ I/dia. x 20 O/dia. x
rear sleeve to crossmember, first mounting. 40 long. For tie rod centre rubbers. (7 & 11, 1
(R.VIj (7 dr 11, 2
Ia; NO.
. fart l-0, Debcrirtion rer Fart NC, Descrlpion per
, sssy, d
420933 Cup, I/dia. 44, hole 1P. F dia. , 9 lonp, For 421916 E-Jt, hex.. i6 dia. x 153 pitch, 15 thick,
tie rod rubber washers, crossmerber en?. For suscension adJustment. (7 h IL)
(7 & 11) 2
42 ;0?5 Sleeve, 70 Lonp, onjs threaded 25 dia, x
423936 Bolt, hex. head, shank dia. 13. F, lenrth 153 ;ltc;?, thr&ds l5 and 25 Lzng, Fixice
urder head 6F, threaded 12 dia. x i7E rjtch, srossmemter end brackets, first fitting,
thread 3c) long. Fixinp crossmember end (7 cr 1:;
bracket. (7 E: il; ‘2
4ZilF5 Rear link L 3’. , with bracket for jack and
423927 Tarered rir, leneth 77, threaded 16 d :a. x s;lypJrt fear brake cable, (7 tic 11.1
153 Fitch. Fixing crossmember end bracket.
(7 d ilj 2 4211e6 Rear iizk ii.ii.: with bracket for ja?4 and
surnort for brake cable , (7 d ?LJ
420939 Ring nut, 4ti dia., with sleeve 32 dia. _
threaded 24 dia, x 150 Fitsh, fixinr CTOSS- 471e9 BrazKet for jaazk and brake :able, L.Y 0(7 6 11
member end bras ket, (7 & 11) 2
421190 Eracket for jack and brake cable, R.H.(7 h 11
4209s3 Circler, 13.2 I/dia. x i& O/dia. x 2 .a thick,
For 420921. (7 & 11) 4 421195 Rear axle oomnlete with F: studs 13 inch
cast brake drl.?n;. (7 a- 111; 3: - jy-i:vs i%.psi2
420967 Ring nilt, 42 dia I x 150 FiTnh, 12 t.;?ick. Fcr
suspmsion lf.nk tearing. (7 & 111 4 42119: Rear axle colrriete with 5 studs.. id inch
cast brake drum. jil) F,? ;TIC1c-e hteerC..
AZ0392 Inrer traaket only, with roles threaded f dia
x 125 oltch. For f;exible mo~lltinp, (7 & 11) 2 42120’ Rear axle complete with f studs. 10 inch
cast brake drum, (llF\ FCr Plicte iFbe9ls.
42 1303 Fin, leneth ?16,2. For tie rod, (7 5- li I
421215 Fixinp washer, 42 J/dla, x 62 O/ dia. x
42 lOO@ Tie rod with clevis, lenr:h from end to 5 thick. Zor suspension hub. (7 6: 11) 4
clevis centre 765. (7 & iiL) i
421216 Silentbloc, 34 lony, For suspension orackets
42 1009 Tie rod with clevis, lenrth from end to (7 t 11) 4
clevis centre 235. (11)
421322-I Torsion bar R,il,, 23,9 dia., 575 long,
421014 Rubber bush, with double cones. hors 16.3, splinsd 31.9 dia. One white identlf:cation
length 20, cone dias. JO.5 and 26.6. For mark for iI.3, (7 L+ EL)
tie rod clevis. (7 6: 11)
KO. X0.
Fart bo. Descrirtion ter Fart 60. Description rer
hsy, assyo
Torsion bar L.H,; 23.5 dia., 575 long, Tubular crossmeaber complete, 1240 long,
sFlines 31.9 dia. Two white identification (7 & llLj
marks for L.3. (7 & llLl 1
42 1367 -Tub& r ~zrossmember comclete, 1360 long.
Torsion bar R.Y., 26,s dia.., 624.5 long, Or.ier in addition 2 of 420939. (11)
srlines 31,9 dia. One white ldentificatioc
rrark icy R-5. Type colour mark ili11TE. (ll.F! 1 421450 Bsdr axle ‘oeam wi+,h stub axles 30 dia.,,
shgskab3crbet owns, tie rod pin, and rubber
Torsix, tar L,ii . 26,cI dia,. 624.5 long, buffer, leceth 1492,, : ; j, i1L.1
silines X1,9 dia, T-NC white identification
marks f3.r L.5, Tyre cclour mark ‘&SITE (1lFj l’5;:‘36 &ear axle complete with flanges, stub axle.-
rrake dl-ums aad. iirk arm; without tubular
f 2.,3 24 -c Tars ;cn bar a.3 : 25,F dia.. 624,s long r: smemher. 3txr9 and tie rod
torSicL For
splines ?1,9 dia, One white identification i’hte wneeAs. (7 & 11Lj
mark fcr R.X., Type oolour mark ELqE;, (11)
431187 Rear axI9 complete; specifimtion a8
Torsion tar L.1.; 2f,2 dia., 624.,E long. 433186. (11)
salines 31.9 dia. Twc white rdentification
marks for L.il. Tyre col?ur mark 3LG. (11) 1 431188 specification as
EA 390150
Skiviny #u&
--- -- -\ ,
73 1
k0. No.
kart No* Desoription per Part No. Description Per
Amy. SSY.
2165.k Oil retainer, S.P.I., 45 I/dia. x 62 O/dia. 421191 Huu and brake arum, rear, 10 inch, rith
x 10 thick. For stub axle. (B.VIj (7 b la, 2 5 studs, bore 62. Drum cast. For Pilate
wheel. (7 h llL, 2
2165.5 Oil retainer, S.P.I., 50 I/dia. x 72 Ojdia.
x 10 thick. For stub axle. (k.VI) (11 b llL, 2 421193 hub and make drur., rear, 10 inch, with
5 studs, bore ?2. Drur. cast. For iilote
57566 Hub cap, with inner thread 74 dia. x 150 xhael, ill/ 2
pitch. (7 6 1lLl 2
426756 ,\heel st%ld, -0.5 lcng, For rilote wheel,
IF539 Dowel pin, 3,5 dia., 4.5 long. Fixing wheel cast Grske n;uT: (7 h 111 (neplaced oy
studs for cast drum, (7 dr 111 10 426757.; 10
Lockwasher, *<h ioterns: tab, 20,5 j/dia. x 426757 ,lhttei stud , 0'1,s lOAgo (.+aceS Gi6756.;
El O/'dia. For rear hub. (7 & ilj 2
431172 Hub cap, witn inner thread 74 dia. x 150
99064 noller bearing, Tixken, 35 x 72 x 17. For pitch, 40 long. (ilL) 2
stub axle with 5 or 6 stud wheel, (ii.VI /
(11L 6: 11) 4 431173 iiub cap, aith outer thread 76 dia. x 150
pitch, 40 long. (11) 2
390150 Wheel nut, 12 dia. x 125 pitch, For rilote
wheels, E stud fitticg. (n.11) (7 & 11) 10 431175 aheel stud, 3F,E long. &heel locating
between thread and drm flange. For B.M.
392546 Cheel nut, 12 dia. x 125 pitch, with ovsl wheel. (11L & 11) (R,Vij 10
b oase for B.1,:. wheels, (11~ & iii 10
431176 Hub and brake drum, rear, 10 inch, with
42OP62 Thrust collar, 35 I/dia. x 50 O/dia, x 1E 5 studs, bore 62. L)rurr. cast. For b.M.
thick. For stub axis. (11L E- 11) 2 wheel. (11Li 2
420956 Thrust collar, 30 I/dia. x 4F: O/dia. x 14 431177 Huh and brake drum, rear, 10 inch, with
thick. For stub axle. (7 6 11L) 2 5 studs, bore 72. ih~xc cast. For 6.L.
wheel. (11) $
420962 koller bearing, Tirrken, 30 x 62 x 16. For
stub axle with 5 stud wheel. (k,vi j For road wheel AUtS on tiritish road wheels
(7 & 11L) 4 see Supplement
r -+- -
189.sso 29833Oe.H.
298313 O1 /298385 f-224376
/ d
330344.7-11 / -
1 711262l /&
Rubber plug,
lockine claq. 2
309695 Front axle stud, 759 long, .4
2652.S Screw, F.B., 5 dia., 35 long. Fixinp steer-
ing column cover plate on hull. (R.VI) 4 313214 Eracket for accelerator control, on bulk-
hsad. For use with down-draught carburettor.
229107 Asbestos shield for battery. R,VI) 1 (11L J 11) 1
23229E Lining for steering column hull cover elate. 711262 Battery locking clamc. 280 hole ceztrer. 1
fur bastmy trays on b*.ziizQ mcAJs
232300 Retaining ring for cover plate lining. No j40 'u,;19=wlt.
longer supplied.
305210 Aligning washer for front axle studs.
2321.5 hut., hex., 5 dia. x 75 pitch. For lE9.8.30. 299660 Bonnet stay hinge pin.
221440 Clip for boMet fastener. 299761 Bonnet fastener handle, front ii.H., rear L.ii.
224376 bonnet hinge bracket rear, 53 long. (ti.IV) ‘for spring 2F9763. (LVI) 2
292050 Bonnet vent handle. 299762 Bonnet fastener handle, front L.H., rear li.H.
for spring 299764. (LVI) 2
298053 hoMet centre hinge female portion, chromium
plated, drilled at both ends, 1046 long. 25976s tieturn spring for bonnet fastener handle,
(7 h iiLj .l ,157 long, front H.H., rear L.H, 2
29831fO2 8oMet centre hinge male portion, 945 long, 2SS764 i&turn spring for bonnet fastener handle,
in pairs, 157 long, front L.B,, rear H,d. 2
29P322 bracket for bonnet stay am, n,ii, 810243 donnat couplete. Xy!Be mith iCUVre5.
(: & ilLj 1
29ES28 tiracket for bonnet stay arm, L.H.
298326 Bonnet stay arm. Ei0244 ionnet complete. Type with louvres. (11; 1
298328 Slide, Er.H., for bonnet stay. El0245 Lonnef panel a.d. (7 & 1lLj (neplaced by
8iO243. )
2&8329 Slide, L.H., for 0oMet stay.
810246 9oMot panel LA (7 & 1lL) (neplaced by
298330 Return spring ;c.H,, for bonnet stay arm. 510243. )
29e331 deturn spring L.H,, for bonnet stay arm. 810247 Emnet panel Ah. (11) (Heplaced by 801244)
298361 Screw, hex. head, 6 x 10, with 2 flats, fixiq
PlO248 6oMet panel L.H. (11) (aeplaced by 801244)
bonnet hinge.
29P308 bonnet centre hinge female portion, chromium
298385 i3onnet hinge cover joint, rear.
Flateu, drilled at both ends:. 1044 land.
298436 UoMet vent, rear L.H. ill/ 1
r! 308261
locklob 452389-
I 663-S ’
089760 -454070 \
)----A -- -
NO. IiO.
Fart Ko. Descrintioc per Fart h’o. Description per
tssy. rssy.
48E.S Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia., 20 lone. Fixing 4E2076 Engine side suspension bracket, right side,
engine suspension side bracket to hull. 4 straight with no offset, overall length 18E.
(11) 1
663,s Bolt, hex. head, E dia., 15 long. Fixing
housing for rear engine mounting. 4 452079 Side suspension spring, R-H. and L.R. 2
Raplaced by 456940.
66E.S Bolt, hex. head, 8 dia., 20 lone. Fixing 452OFl Rubber pad for spring retaining cup. 2
suspension side bracke.ts to engine. 6
452083 Srrinc retaining cun, metal and rubber,
E44.S Bolt, hex. head, 10 dia., 20 long. I'ixine outer diameter 68, total thickness 21.5. 2
engine to rear mounting and front suspension. 6
452096 Sidw~suspension bracket on hull. 2
2551.S Put, hex., 8 dia. x 125 Fitch. For 665.S. 6 4523E9 Lo&washer, double, hole cwntres 26. For
844.S. 1
2669. S Nut, hex., 12 dia. x 175 pitch. For side
suspension adjustment. 452431 Adjustins screw, srwcial, 66 long. For side
suspension spring adjustment. 2
@9760 gasher: 15 Iidia. x 28 D/dia. x 2.4 thick.
For side suspwnsion srring. 452446 Engine side susiension bracket, left side,
curved type with offset 10, overall length 5(
308261 Felt packing, 85 loners 20 wide, E thick. For Special for rack and FiniOn steering. (7 & 31 1
rear eneinw mounting housing.(No loq?cr
supplied) 452456 Engine side suspension bracket, left side,
452074 hneine side susrwnsion bracket, left side, curved type with offset 10, overall length 10;
straight with no offset, overall Len&h 50. Special for rack and pinion stewring.(7 dc 1lL
(7 & llL>
452486 Side ausrwnsion bracket on hull, right side.
452075 Ensine side susrwnsion bracket, rinht side, R.B. drive. 1
straight with no offset, overall lensth 107.
(7 & llL> 454073 Rear engine rubber cushion, 30 thick. 1
452075 Knginw side susrension bracket, left side, 456145 Housing for rear engine mounting 454070.
straight with no offset, overall length 107. Flange 5 wide. 1
- ---- - - -- - I
No. No.
Fart No. Description cer Fart No. Description wr
Ass y. ASSY.
-a --_-0-
-- ..-- -
Fart Ko. Describtioa her Part No. Description Per
Assy. Assy.
t’67.S bolt, hex. head, F dia., 25 lone. For lo!?553 Vertical exhaust rire with flanpes, 54 Ojdia
exhaust Fire tie rod. 2 leneth 490 from centre to centre, length of
straieht cortio? at end mith 3-hole flaws
914.s Bolt, hex. head, 1) dia., 45 kng. Fixine 75. (7 <? 111,)
fiances of exhaust Fire Lnder hull. 4
13F6CE Vertical exhaust -ire with flnnoes, F4 Ojdla
999. s Stud, 13 dia.,
47?E long, threaded Fortions :enTt'c 490 from centre to centre, leapth of
15 and 23 lone. For vertical exhaust Fire strsi-ht Fortion *t end -.vith J-hole f?an?e
mnif old f lance. 3 1::. (llj
2E41.S rasher, F I/dia. x 15 O/dia. For exhaust ‘0927E 2:Gt, 13 dia. x 150 pitch, 20 103~. For
pipe tie rod fixinK. 2 Trertical exhaust pize rranifold flaqe.
255l.S Nut, hex., E dia, x 125 pitch. For exhaust ‘09647/01 Silencer with front tube, without tail pipe.
pipe tie rod fixicg. 4 Length of silencer body 353.
2611.S Nut, hex., 10 dia. x 150 pitch. For bolts ‘10174 Tia rod for vertical exhaust pipe, F43 long.
fixing flanges of exhaust pipe mder hull. 4 (7 & 11L)
307756 Tail Fire, lenpth 950 frox tor of becd to 10175 Tie rod for vertical sxhamt pine, E9P lone.
end of pire. 1 (11)
30E324 C. & A. joint, x!th three holes 11 dia., 110333 ;iubbet ins>jlator fDr tie rod, (NO Longer
spaced at 65. ‘rot exhaust Tire rranifold ~uppllea.)
f lar!qe. (2.71 j 1
For silencers on British mcjdels see
,33P32E Exhaust rire ur.-ler hull, overall. lenpth IPSO ;upplement.
(7 & 1lLj 1
4E3.S Eolt, hex. head, 7 dia., 15 long. Fixing 309293 Eracket assembly, fixing hole centres 50,
bracket 309293 to 309291. 2 overall leneth 110. Fitted to 309291 and
Nut, hex., 7 dia. I 100 pitoh. Fixing olip: for slJspension of exhaust t-ire under hull. 1
and suspension plates. 4
32107e Flexible suspension plate, 96 x 35 x 10.
I' : ] . : Nasher, @ qdia. x 18 C)/dia. For tail pipe For susrension of exhaust Fire under hull.
flexible mounting. 4
25c'. WA, hex., 7 x 100, for screw fixing clips. 4 For Silencers on British @ode18 see
Sq t .Leae2t.
FF613 Piesher, 7 I/dia. x 30 O/dia. x 2.4 thick.
For flexible mountin! on tubular crossmember 2
3&9lb -II
329696 -! , w\ 302771
_ ---
km3w, raised hsad, pointed, 5 dia., 25 long. 329627 nadintor filler cap, threaded 60 dia. x
Fixing bonnet hinge cover plate. (7 d 11) 1 200 pitch. (R.VII (7 & 11) 1
2271 .S Nut, hex., 4 dia. x 75 pitch. Fixing radiator 529629/O: Cork washer, 49 Ijdia. x 59 0/dia. x 3 thick.
shell motif. (7 & 11; 2 For radiator filler cap. (R.VI) (7 t 11 j 1
2321.S Nut, hex., 5 dia. x 75 pitch. Fixing bonnet 329642 nadintor hose lower, moulded.40 I/d&a. x
hinge end plate. (7 h 11 j 1 50 0/dia. For fitting to pump with vertical
10 dia. x 150 pitch. Fixing out1l;t. (7 & 11) 1
2611 .S Nut, hex.,
radiator. (7 & 11) 2
324666 iradiator shell (steelj. (7 h 11L) 1
29p365 fjonnet hinge cover plate. (7 & 11) 1
329696 Radiator overflow pipe, rubber. (7 dr 11) 1
302771 liOS6 clip. (&VI) (7 h 11) 3
329914 iiadiator block. (7 de 11L) 1
329525 Radiator shell motif with flange. Add one
bonnet hinge cover plate 2S9355, 1 screw 3 29915 Radiator block. (ri) 1
ES325, and 1 nut 2321.S (R.IVj. (7 h 11L) 1
3295wOl Radiator hose, upper. heplaces 329601. 1 330577 Radiator hose upper, moulded 40 I/dia. x
50 O/ dia. For fitting to pump with vertical
329600 Rubber bush, 25 0/dia. x 12 bore. For outlet. (7 6r 11) 1
radiator block mounting. (7 & 11) 2
331035 hsdiator filler cap, not threaded, less chain
329601 nadiator hose upper, outlet, straight, 37 (rl.VI) (7 t 11) (deplaced by 329627.) 1
I/dia. x 45 o/ dia., 120 long. For fitting
with pump with horizontal inlet and outlet 331039 Kasher, 50 4 dia. x 65 Cy’dia. For filler
COMtXCtiOtX3. (7 & 1lLj (neplaced by cap 331035. (R.VIj (7 h 11) 1
3295sqioi. j 1
33 1095 aariiator shell (steel). (11) 1
329607 Clip, 110 long, 25 ride. Fixing stoneguard
to radiator zlock. (7 h llL, 2
331108 Cover for starting handle hole in radiator
b 29608 Clip, 125 long, 25 ride. Fixing stoneguard shell. (7 & 11L) 1
to radiator shell. (11) 2
331109 Cover for starting handle hole in radiator
j29610 Cup, 54 dia., with 10 dia. hole. For she1 1. (11) 1
radiator mounting. (7 & 11) 2
For English radiator block and shell see
329621 Radiator shell not If with fiance. (11) 1 Supplement,
_ --- - - .-----
76 -530 587541 7 811 -4S-d 50 lrynS
330216 7 &JJi- 45 ttiti-eo. 03. -r/reger.-
80-530 -q
589169 -
2071-s -4
5882%45l/IrrrAw@h MOYm /
\588278-JO'* - ” 4060 A -
80. NO.
Iart Kc. Description per :al-t Ko, . Dsszription Fsr
ssy, say.
?6.5.30 iorsw, 4 x 30, fixing Jaeger tank unit. 5
EO,S, 30 jcreu, round head, pointed, 4 dia,, 15 long, 3302 16 Fetrol gauge :ank unit, type O-S,, 6 volt.
Fixicg Fstaol gauge tank unit. 3 For use when insttummt panel is in line
ril:h steering, Length of arm from csntrs to
76E.S Bolt, hex, head, @ dia., EF lon.o, Fixing :entre 165, (R.Vl) 1
petrol tank strars. 2 330266 iauge unit. (D eaoription ;; W?S41! (B.VX) 1
E@6354 Petrol tank filler car. . j 1
1303.s ;nion nut, nsx. ) 12 dia. x 103 pitch, For
ti-conical union, 1 5E6356 basher, 44 I/dia. x 65 Q/dia. For petrol
tank filler cap* (R.':Ij 1
1383.S jnion, hex., 12 dia. x 100 Fitch, Used with
bi-cohical union. 1 Zrain plug threaded 23 dia, x 150 pitch,
mith filter. For petrol tank. (R.Fij 1
1563.d Bi-conical unicn, 8 dia. 1
5e7050 lasher, 20 Ijdia. x 30 3jdia. For drain
17Ol.S Double-ended union, 12 dia.'x 100 pitch. 91~~ 587047. (R.VIj 1
petrol pipes. 1
se7499 Clip, single, 32 long, 15 wide. Fixing
2071.S Banjo union, 12 dia. 1 petrol pipes. 10
24i’0.S CoRper whsher, 12 Ijdia. x 17 O/dia. x 2 567541 Fetrol gauge tank unit, Jas_esr type, 6 volt.‘
thick. For Fetrol tank outlet prce, (R.VI 2 LsEgth of am from csntrs to centrs 163.
(R.‘:'I) 1
2551.S Nut, 8 dia. x 125 Fitch. kor FGtrOl tank
strap fixin: bolt. 2 5EW76 Fstrol tark, approxtiats capacity 45 litrss,
length 960, width 315, height 170, with one
32961 Joint, 12 i/dia. x 22 O/dia, x 1 thick, Fo fiiler neck. For bodies with locker entry
drain. plug v;ithout filter. (R.il) 1 ih rear Fansl. (R.Vlj (7 & 11L) 1
1127% Joict. 37 I/iia. x 55 3/dia., nth 3 holes 5EE27E tetrol tank, aFproxilrate capacity 53 litrss,
4.5 dia. Ear petrol gauge tank unit. 1 leagth 1060, width blE, height 150, with one
filler neck. Eor bodies with locker entry
221354 Rubber gromet for retrol tank filler neck. in rear Facsl. (R.VI) (11) 1
(R.rv) 1
ziEE567 itrap cmplste. For EEt?Z?S and 5EC,27E. 4
224156 R?lbbsr grow?et for petrol tank fil'sr neck.
(ii.i.i) 1 5&9i61 Cl;t, hex.. domed, 12 dia; x 125 Fitch. For
zetrcl thik CUtlet Fire, 1
-.----a -a
protection s&k/d 588730
rubber 7100 9d
No. No.
Fart Ko. Description per Fart No. Description Fer
bay. bay.
66E.S Eolt, hex. head, E dia., 20 long. Fixing 5696 1P Sprine for lever, 10 O/dia, For pump
petrol FUll!D. 2 without reservoir. (B.71) 1
13F3.S Onion bolt, hex., 12 dia. x 100 pitch. For 569619 Diaphragm regulating sprine, 24 O/dia. For
rurrr bi-conical union. 2 pump without reservoir. (R.VI) 1
1563.S Bi-conical union, E dia. 2 589970 Rubbsr ripe; E.5 I/dia. x 11 O/dia. x 615
lono, ‘or insulating - _ruur to carburettor
555110 Union screw, 12 dia., 22 long. 3n horizontal F9t;d rips. 1
carburettor, 1
590003 *asher, 6 I/d%. x 12 0, dia. For ~.uxp
EFE7?0 Clip for flexible petrol ripe, ratrcl pump centre 83rew. (R.VI) 1
end. (R.VI) 1
592162 :P;ist Eetrcl pznp, ty?e K, straight inlet
5E6415 Flexibls FiEe, 370 long, (Tpio straight and Dut let, 1
unions) (R -71) 1
535001 Done for retool pmp. ;R.VI) 1
EWE7” Diaphragm, 91 dia. (Per set of fo;lr) (R.Vi) 1
595032 Bolt, ilex. head, 6 dia., 19 long. Fixins
fE6879 Spindle, 6 dia, , 42 13ng* For control lever. p?troi DLULD dope. (R.Vi) 1
(R .VI j (~0 lqur su@ad) 1
595003 J.2if.t) 36 I/dia, x 44 O,/dia. For ru)‘~.;l
SE7111 Spring for valve, 5.5 0,‘dia. (a:;1) 2 Duir? dm9. (R.‘JI) 1
5c7393 Erimine lever for p*umr. (R,;II> 1 595004 Ga-dze filter for retrsl rump. (R .VI) 1
.F5742E. Diaphragm control spring, 22 O/dis. For pu;n~ 595022 Cork gasket, hole centres 66. Eetween pump
with reservoir. 1 and cylinder Flock. :R .‘~I) 1
569730 Shield for retrol DUFF. 1 595157 Flexible Petrol pipe, E I/dia. x 14 a/dia.
x 1903lorq. 1
FE9613 Fetroi ~umr controi lever, 111 lone. For
Furno rithout reservoir. 1 595159 Fetrol pice, ~umr to carburettor, 570 long,
with one banfo union 19.5 thick. R+acad 1
5F86lF Valve for retrol rutru, 14.5 dia. For rUlPD by 595223,
without reservoir. (R .‘Jf ; 1 59.5153 /lexicle cstrsl tics: 213 19ng. Tc ne’;tal
puLL:. 1
Fart No. Descrirtion nr Fart No. Description rer
Asay. ILssy.
I- ’
1587805 L 595022
No. No.
Fart Ko. Descriction per Fart No. Description Per
Lssy. Assy.
665.S Bolt, hex. head, 5 dia., 20‘ lonp. Fixing 5E7EOP Screw, round head, 5 dia., 10 long. Fixing
retrol purr to cylinder block. 2 petrol uux~ base. (R.71) E
13F3.S Cnion, hex. head, 12 dia. x 103 ritch. For 5c7e39 Screw. countersunk head, 4 dia. , 12 long.
bi-conical uni.on. 2 Fix+ valve sprine retaining plate. (R.71; 2
1563.S Pi-conical union, 2 dia. 2 5E?El? Fetrol uumr rriming lever, with nut. (R.VI) 1
EE57-70 Clic for flexible petrol Fire. (R.VIj 2 5EE730 Shield for petrol pump. (R.VI) 1
EE7777 Fetrol r~rr actuating lever. (B.VI) 2 EF9970 Rubber piping, 6.5 I/dia. x 11 a\dia. x
515 lonx. Esr insulating petrol feed FiFe
5E7794 Car nut for srindle. (R.iI) 1 from pmp to carbcrettor. 1
E e7795 Clip, courlete with nut and pressure Fad. 590001 Bowl, metal, 73 dia. (Z.VI) 1
Fixing petrol FUIF.Fbowl. (R.VI) 1
E90002 Screw, hex. head, 6 dia., 20 long. Fixing
EE7796 Filter, 67 dia. For bowl. (R.VI j 1 metal bowl. (R.VI) -1
SE7797 Joint Kasher, 73 dia. Eor bowl. (R.‘JI) 1 590033 Joint washer, 6 Q’dia. x 12 3j’lia. For screw
fixing metal bowl. (R.VI) 1
5E779E Joint for valve spriq retaining plate. (R.-ii 1
592163 Fetrol P~.UW, type S.G.V., with straieht tyre
,EE?eol DiaFhra,9, 132 dia. (in sets). (3.71; 1 inlet and sutlet, 1
5F7E02 Retainin: elate for petrol rum? valve srrlnes 59PO22 Joint, cork, with hole centres 66. Eetween
(R.VI: 1 uu.rp and cylinder block. (R.71) 1
EE7e03 Actuatinz lever sprinp, 12 dia. (R.Vl) 1 595157 r'lexlblepetrol tire, E I/dia. x 14 ‘3jdia.
:No lor\q~~ suppi x 190 lone. (R.16) 1
EFlFOE Diarhrarm control srrirt~~ 27 dia. iR.TI) 1
595159 Fetrol tire, 570 Ion?, with barjo union
FF7F06 swine: for -ralvb, n dia. (R.VI) I 13. F thick. from c.1~7 to carburettor. 1
Rap&cd by 395223.
IS?FO7 7alve, 14 jis. ia.vx: 1 595169 Flexible petrol FiTe, 210 lone: 1
NO. No.
Fart ?io. Description per Fart Fo. Description Fer
Lssy. Assy.
595223 Petrol pipe, pump to carburettor, with
rubber oover 810 long, with o-18 btw;?
ucior, 19.5 thick. (Replaces 595153.)
131.s Screw, round head, 5 dia., 30 long. Fixing 99422 Screw, raised head, 5 dia., 12 long. Fixing
starter motor dust cover band. 1 pole pieces. 4
75e.s.30 Bolt, hex. head, pointed, 7 dia., 25 long. 99541 Screw, round head, 4 dia., 12 long. CoMec -
Fixing starter motor Eendix housing and brush ting brush lead. 4
carrier plate. 4
99591 acrew, 4 dia., P long. Fixing starter motor
2328 .Z but, hex., 5 dia. x 75 pitch. For screw control to switch lever. 4
fixing starter motor dust cover band and
switch lever. 2 99920 Hasher, @ I/dia. x 17 CjJdia. x 0.5 thick.
For starter motor terminal and sritcn. ;;
2552.5 biut, hex., for starter motor terminal. 2
731033 Insulating plate for positive brush holder.
2573 .S Serrated washer, 9.5 x 14, for starter motor (h.VX j 2
terminal and switch. (n.VIj 4
70103 s Masher, 4 1/ dia. x 10 O/din. For brush
2694.S Serrated washer, 12.5 x 22, for screw fixing holaer rivet. (LVI) 4
starter to engine. (ii.VI) 1
701043 Pressure spring for brush. 4
3431 Insulating washer, 11 I/dia. x 20 O/dia. x
2 thick. For starter motor terminal. 1 701046 ilick for greaser. 1
14976 Insulating bush for starter motor terminal. 701063 thrush carrier plate. 1
(R.VI) 1
701065 brush carrier plate complete with brush gear. 1
ee294 Put, 12 dia. x 150 pitch. For bolt 701325. 1
701076 Starter motor terminal. 1
e9959 Gresser. (LVI) 1
701oe3 Elush, 14 I/dia. x 16 qdia. x 20 long. For
9PO19 Cam return spring for starter motor switch. 1 starter motor Bendix housing. (&VI; 1
59114 Bolt, hex. head, 5 dia., 25 long, thread 701123 Pole piece. 4
20 long. Fixing lever to starter motor
switch shaft . 1 701124 Field coils (set of 4). 1
99149 Bolt, hex. head, slotted, 5 dia., I!? long, 701163 Positive brush holder. 2
thread 13 long. Fixing Bendix housing. 4
No. NO.
Fart Ko. Description Fer I-art lo. Description Per
Lasy. Lssy.
701164 Positive brush, terminal with 1 hole. (R.VI) 3 7016E0 Starter motor complete, with copper armature. 1
701166 Negative brush, terminal with 2 holes. (R.VI) 2 701681 Brush gear carrier plate, assembled. Fixed
by four 5 dia. screws. 1
701177 Starter dust cover band. (R.VI) 1
701714 Rrush gear carrier plate, Fixed by four
7011EE Eegative brush holder. 2 5 dia. screws. 1
731196 Rivet, 4 dia., 15 long. Fixing brush holder. e 701715 Starter motor Bendix housing. Fixed by folJr
5 dia. screws. 1
701198 Nut, 7 dia., 10 thick. Fixing Bendix housing
and brush carrier plate. 712035 Tube supporting switch cam. 1
701200 Insulating bush, 4 Ij'dia. x 6 O/dia. x 5.5 71206e &itch contact blade with contact fitted. 1
long. For brush holder rivet. (R.71)
712097 Starter switch cam. (R.VI') 1
701247 Rush, 14 I/dia. x 17 O/dia. x 23 long. For
starter motor Bendix housing. (R.YI) 712128 racking piece for switch. (R.VI) 1
701275 Bush, 14 I/dia. x 17 O/dia. x 15 lone. For 712159 Switch control lever. (R.5'1) 1
starter motor Bendix housing. (R.VI)
712189 Casing for starter switch with L.H. bracket.
701290 Starter complete, Bendix housinp not (R.H. drive) 1
eccentric. (First mounting.)
712193 Starter switch with L.H. bracket. (R.H.drivs 1
701325 Bolt, hex. head, pointed, 12 dia., 42 long.
Fixing starter motor to engine. 712403 Starter motor switch terminal. 1
701333 Packing piece for negative brush holder. 7 12404 Insulator for starter motx sxitch terminal.
(R.VI) 1
701452 Bush, 15 I/dia. x 1E O/dia. x 22 long. For
brush gear carrier Flate. (R.VI) 712405 Fin for starter motor switch cam. 1
7014SE Starter motor Bendix housing, eccentric, 712410 Starter motx switch with R.H. bracket.
158 long, fixed by two 7 dia. screws. (L.H. drive) 1
(Second type)
712411 Casing
I .(L.H. for starter switch with bracket.
drive) . -1
0 0 0
- -. .
No. No.
Fart 60. Description rer Fart Ro. Description per
Lssy. Assy.
3OlE9 Noodruff key, 4 thick. For Bendix gear. 1 701357 Locking ring for threaded sleeve of Bendix
starter gear. (R.VI)
!??760 lhrust washer, 15.2 Ijdia, x 25 Djdia. x
2.4 thick. brush side. 1 731359 Spring for Bendix starter gear Finion. (R.VI
ES770 Thrust washer, 14.5 Ijdia, x 25 O/dia. x 731377 Floetine bush for Ber?dix starter gear. (R.71
1.5 thick. Finion side (H-19 1
731491 .
Threaded s leeve, 106 overall length. For
701224 LO?, for starter Bendix gear, with keyeay balanced cir?ion of Bendix starter gear. (itV
4 wide. (Second type). (a.vx j 1
701492 Finion with balance weight, 13 teeth. For
701227 Lockwasher, single, 10 dia. For bolt fix@? fittiq with armature 330 lone. (R.VI)
pinion and threaded bush for Bendix starter
gear. (R.VI) 2 701497 Armature, copper, 330 long.
70122P Bolt, hex. head, 9.5 dia., 20 long, with 701531 Bendix starter sear tith balance weight,
shank 4 dia. For Bendix starter gear tinion 18 toothad pinion. For armture 330 long.
(R.VI) 1 (R.-II)
Screw, countersunk head, 4 dia., 10 long. 5141 Rasher, 17 I/dia . x 32 O/dia. x 0.5 thick.
Fixing dynamo end cover plate. (7 & 11) 3 Oil retainer between bearing and aoauoutator.
(7 & 11L) 1
Screw, round head, pointed, 5 dia., 10 long.
Fixing cut-out or regulator to dynamo. 2 5154 Washer for thrust bearing. (7 & 11) 1 .
125.S Screw, round head, 5 dia., 15 long. Fixing 6303 Sallbearing, 17 x 47 x 14. (7 6. 11) 1
rear end plate. (7 & 11) 2
30199 Woodruff key, 4 thick. For pulley.. (7 & 11 1 1
131.s Screw, round head, 5 dia., 30 long. Fixing
dust cover band. (7 6r 11) ‘1 se959 Greaser, 10 long. (R.VI) (7 & 11) 1
184.S. 10 Screw, raised head, 5 dia., 12 long. Fixing 89422 Screw, countersunk head, e dia., 12 long.
front end cover. (7 6: 11) 2 Fixing role pieces. (7 h 11) 4
4e1.s Bolt, hex; head, 7 dia., 12 long. Fixing 5954 1 Screw, round head, brass, 4 dia., 9 long.
bracket. 2 Connecting brushes. (7 & 11) 3
2312.S Rasher, 5 I/die. x 12 O/dia. x 1 thick. e9764 Washer, 5 I/dia. x 10 O/dia. x 1 thick.
Fixing field brush holder. ‘(7 & 11L) 1 l Fixing brush holders. @.I) (7 h 11) 1.
2321,s Nut, hex., 5 dia. x 75 pitch. Fixing dust 700220 Lockwasher, single, 12 dia. For nut fixing
cover band. (7 t 11) 1 pulley. (7 h 11) 1
23P6 Nut, hex., brass, 5 dia. x 75 Fitch. For 700237 Insulating bush, 5 I/dia. x 8 O/dia. x E
field brush holder. (7 & 11r) 1 long. For field terminal. (R.71) (7 dc 11) 2
2424.S SRlit Fin, 1.5 dia., 1E long. For field 700240 Bearing, 16 I/dia. x 20 O/dia. x 23 long.
brush adjusting Fin. (7 t 11) 2 For end plate, brush gear side. (R.VI )
(7 & 11) 1
2673,s Nut, hex., 12 dia. x 175 Fitch. Fixing
dynamo pulley. (7 & 11) 1 700241 7;‘; ;;;her for brush gear end. (R.VI)
P694 .s derrrted washer, 126 x 22, for pllley nut @VI) 1 1
3121 Washer, 5 I/dia. x 12 O/dia. x 1 thick. For
cut-out terminal. (7 & llL> 700268 Joint for end cover plate. (R.VI) (7 dr 11) 1
NO. No.
Fart Bo. Descriction vr Part No. Description per
Assy, Assy.
7002 SO Armature corolete. (7 h 113 1 7ooe x0 Fositive terminal, E dia. x 125 Fitch, 27
long. (7 & llj 1
790296 Dust cover band. (7 & 11) 1
700566 Cover Flate. (7 5: 11, 1
700306 Field terminal, 5 dia. x 75 ritch, 24 lone.
(7 b- 11) 1 700905 Dynamo, 6 volt, with coprer coils, regulator
on dashboard. Replaces dynamo 700894, with
709310 Fin, 5 dia. x 75 r itch, length under head 16. aluminium coils, order in addition 1 regula-
For adjusting field brush carrier. (7 5 llrj 1 tor 733730. (R.VXj (7 a! 11) 1
7CO3 11 kin, E dia., 18 long, with one hole for 701033 Insulating plate for brush holder. (R.VI)
clamping field brush carrier. (7 & 1lL) 1 (7 dr 11) 1
700312 Spring for field brush. (7 4 11L) 1 701039 Fibre washer, F I/dia. x 10 O/dia. For
brush holder. (R.'II) (7 & 11) 2
-703337 Brush holder, positive or negative. (7 & 11) 2
701196 Copper rivet, 4 dia., 13 long. Fixing
700338 Kain brush, 6 thick. (R.VI) (7 & 11) 2 brush holders. (7 b: 11) 2
70034F; Spring for brush, (7 & 11) 2 701200 Insulating bush, 4 I/dia. x 6 C/dia. x 5.5
lone. Fw brush holder. (R.71) (7 h 11) 2
7OC367 Creaser, 16 long. (R.VI) (7 & 11) 1
702013 Insulating bush, 4.2 Ijdia. x 6.5 Ojdia. x
700403 End cap assembled, drivinr erd. (7 Q 11 1 1 thisk. (R.VI) (7 dr 11) 2
700405 Dynamo bracket. (7 & 11) 1 702054 Regulator, CITROKB, 6 volt (dynamo with
cocper coils) (on dashboard R.T.5.5. ;.
703407 Fulley, ventilator tyre. For dynamo. (R.VIj (7 & 11) (Raphood by 70Zlbb.) 1
(7 & 11) 1
702 162 Regulator, DUCEILIzR, 6 volt (dynamo with
700412 End car asseabled, brush end. For dynamo aluminium coils 7NE94 j (S-r”. 11;. (R.VI j
with regulator (2 brush tyre). (111 6s 11) 1 (7 b- ll/ \aeplaoed oy 700700.) 1
7004E3 Knob for hand adjustrent of field brush 702166 8Oylator, 6 Volt, iOr SOUttlO.~U&irr&
holder. (7 L 11L) 1 (SAA.) (Em) (1lL a 11). 1
mo564 ~~ta-~ Dmel1i.r. 6vclt, (S.P, I).(R.VI) (7 de11; 1
730700 Dynamo regulator, Ducellier type, d volt,
.- - ?OFFW ,- coils,
-_I On dashboard S.f.5,
- .-
No. No.
Fart lie. Description uer Fart PO. Descriotion per
ASlY. Assy.
i271.S Nut, hex., 4 dia. x 75 l-itch. For terminal. 2 Driving dog. (R.VI,
709169 Condenser lead, 53 long. (R.VI) 1 Shaft and clotted ?late for contact breaker.
(ii .7X ) 1
709171 Contact carrier plate. (R.VI) 1
NO. No.
Description Far Fart No. Description Fer
Bssy. Assy . ,
1145 Fin, 3 dia., 25 long. Fixing driving dog. 1 709160 Insulating washer, 4 I/dia. x 10 O/dia. x
1.5 thick. For terminal and contact blade.
709123 Greaser for distributor. (R.VI) 1 (R.71)
509134 Distributor car.. (R.VI) 1 709351 Shaft and support plate for governor weights,
shaft 104 long. For suction or hand control1 .
709135 Carbon brush contact. (R.VI) .I 1 ed distributor. (R.VI)
I so.
Fart Lo Descrirtion Fart No. 1 * Description ner
-- LSSV.
709245 Condenser. (Fi .VX ) 709346 Spring for Fiston for suction type c!;stribut-
or. (R.VI j 1
70924e Elate carrying fixed contact. (R.iiX j No
lonqar supplied. 709349 Fiston for suction type distributor. (R.VI j 1
709245 Rotor. (R.VI) 1
709350 Cam, for suction type distributor control.
709251 Distributor head complete. (R.VI) 1 @:;I) No lmyar eupplkd. 2
709252 Driving dog. (R.VIj I 1 709374 ! Distributor, automatic a;lvance type. ,R .Vi ) 1
’ Raplac4d by 709615.
709277 Distributor head caF. (R.71 j 1 709615 I Distributor, fitted with suction control.
(Yarked llC2) (R.VI) 1
70927e Screw, round head, 4 dia., 17 long. Fixing
distributor head caF. (R.VI) 2 73964E ) Contact breaker complete. (R.VI) 1
7092Fl Automatic advance weights for distributor. 709670 ; Contact breaker complete, with rectarq if.;-
(R.VI) 2 > plate and looped spring (2nd t> ;.e: (!i.vx). 1
7052F2 Insulating rlate. (P.VI) 1 709671 Contact breaker complete, rectangular
’ plate and hooked spring (3rd type) (R.VI) 1
7092P3 Terminal for condenser connection. (R.-U; 1
\ \ L~~ tv13-J3
7AIIB I --. ---m
S-1 AH1 tH
-a. I-CM,
701359 A L7013,6 ~701228
h:O. LO.
lkscritticr. :er liescrirtion yer
LSSjr. Assy.
CABLESe-m 27
-a - Lbscription Lescrj ctior
;>lesvinr 6.5 dia., yellow. Sleevir;? 1F dia.
?22272 1 Slecvjor 7.5 dia., black. S1ssvin.y 23 dia.
92217:: 1 3leevir.a 7.5 ?ia., red. SLeevinp 22 dia. *bnprqpiod
92L276 Sleev5Ee S.5 dia., yellow. S?ewine 33 dia.
$2227” Sleevjnr 11.5 din.,
, yells. J l-I-------..- - -
Tart ho. I Descrirtixi Fart K3. Descri+S on --
3732 Sirole cable, 2 dia. Cable 22 hiia. For battery. w-%&d
3733 1 Sirele cable, 1.2 dia. Cable 42 dia. i‘or battery.
1.2 dia. 140 longr*Eu+ed. Twio cable tabed 3.2 dia. IdO b3qW SW&&d
--.LP Triple cable .-?A--1 Z’dia.
I nt195 47
4851/52-S $11
4853154 -S 613
4855/56-s ,I5 7100857 704217
4857/58-S 420.
4859/60-s 0
710089 *a
PO. No.
Fa:t Yo. Descriotion rer Fart Ro. Descriction per
issy. Assy.
2271.S Ntxp hex., 4 dia. x 75 Fitch. For starle 710170 Junction box, five -way.
fixing junc%ion box.
711036 Perrrir.al for battery cositive cable, battery
3645 Staple fixing junction box. tsrxinal end. (R.VI j
36 54 CllE for Bowden cable. 711037 Pe=.i=lal for battery negative cable. battery
tsmioal end (R.VI:,
*c51/52.s ayelet and wasner; 11 dia. (R.VI) Replad
by lo6l.S mu) 71i357 Fl'iz isad ternAnal. 21 dia, , ?3 lohe-
4&53/'54 .S Ryelet arc! washer, 13 dia, (9 .VI)
71i3i3 jQ.cyet for inspection lamp lead, (R-VI)
4E65/56.S &yelet and washer, 15 dia, (R.VI) f?e+d
by 1062.s pm) 711467 Parmxai, 3.5 dia. hole, For headlalrlc lead.
4857/58.5 Eyelet and washer, 20 dia, ,{R.?I) -p&ad
by 1063.5 CU.@ 711460 Tel-minal, d,F: dia, hcle. For 2 dia. and
%E59/60.S Eyelet and washer3 22 dia, (R.VI) Repkd I,? ila. cable.
4 1064.5 (R.lU)
704217 iiarness retaininK .cl:r, 35 dia, (R.71) 711470
7iO30? ’ 71:472
‘7iO.322 7li.j?7
7 13301
\ T.
704216 7%
FOR RIGHTING? HORN (0~~0BE~t937 0Nwms) 29
h'0. X0.
Description per Fart ?:‘3. - Descrirtlon rer
bssy. Assy.
SE.S Felt, hex. head, 4 dia., 43 lor?. Assembline 704246 Washer, 10 square hole, 20 O/dia., 3.03 thick
two halves of switch casine. 4 ",or;ee&.ga control sprina. (R.'JI) NO 1
“li4.s Srlit rir, 1.5 dia., 1F lona. Retalrinr 704245 Co:ta',t rlite complete. (R.VJ) No bQpp 1
Witch barrel on orerst:re srindle. 1 supplied. *
704249 Operatin? spindle with switch barrel. 1
t9541 Terrrirsl screw, brass, rointt=A, 4 dia.,
9 1onP. c) 704253 lJreratinc s-,incila wit?, control knob, (R.VI) , l
704211 &itch complete. less leads an? terminal 794342c4c Switch barrel, ;R.VIj i 1
screws. (R.YI': I
Ducellier ! It?? ;
ba:zhal Flat 7
127.5 Screw, round head, 5 dia., 20 iong. Fixing 7i2376 Stop light switch, black ebonite, r;ith
number plate to rear wing. 3 flexible strip forming control lever. (p.VI,
2271.8 hut, hex., 4 dia. x 75 pitch, For stop ' 712387 Icod, 255 iong, controlling stop light.
light switch control rod. 1 (11L
2321.S liut, hex., 5 dia. x "5 pitch. FixIn? number :12’:?9 LTOF i ight swlt.?h. (n.ti. drivel
plste to rear wing. 3
7‘12417 .Loii, controlling stop ii*t. (11LI (Xl,
P911@ acrew, hex. head, 4 dia., 13 long. Fixing drive. 1
stop lamp switch control rod. 2
721005 t;lectric windscreen wipar. ti.-.V., 6 volt,
i338F9 Astance piece for fixing extril windscreen with hand controi. . (n.VIj (11)
wiper. 1
721007 clectric'windscreen wiper, S.L~V.~* 6 vclt,
'06539 Glass for tail lamp 706540. (H.VI) 1 with hand control. (dai (11~:~
706540 Tall lsmp, 90 dia, (ii;YI) Interchangeable 5102C4 near nucber plate, -without rear light.
with 707256. 1 (L.ti. drive.j ,,idth 345 em.
‘0704s bulb, double-pole, 6 volt, 3 candle-power, al:304 near number piate, without rear light,
%;r;;o~; and taii light. (n.VI) (neplaced pi (d.h. drive.)
‘7 l . 4
921576 Twin cable for elect;;2 winoscr$en wlcer.
“07046 auib, 2 pcint contact, 6 volt, 3 candle-power. (k.VI) ho longer suyp:led.
for number plate and taii lamp. (n.FI i 4
61.’ acrew, round head, F dia., 4 long. Fixing 330275 ! ilectric clock. (fi.VI) 1
instruments. e
330279 Soeedometer drive cable, 1625 long. (R.VI)
l?S.s.31 5 crew , raised hoad, ,C dia., 1C long. Fixing (7 & i1L) 1
pane 1. 4
330296 Instrument panel, complete, calibrated to
oul’c, 6 volt, 3 candle-po8er. (n.‘JI) -1 150 km. per hour. (7 t 11L) (k8plaCed by
h0 : 723Or6/ 01. j 1
CUF vrusner, 6 Ijdia. x 13 O/ciia. x 2.5 thick.
Fixing panel. (K.VI) 4 330266 Speedometer, side driven, for panel calibrn-
ted to 150 km. per hour. (R.VI) (11) 1
>lass shield for instrum8nts. (k.VI) 1
Illuminated panel less instruments. (H.VI) 1
thr.ziLur. plated. (d.VI! 1 No longer supplied.
3rnck8t for bulb holder. Bulb for oil 330300 Instrument panel complete, calibrated: to
pressure indicator. (For use when panel in 150 km. per hour. (a.VI j (11 I (heplaced
line with steering.) (k.VI) 1 by 110: 72504qoi.j 1
330206 detnchanle bulb holder. (keV1) 1 speedometer drive cable, 1950 long. (ic.H.
drive. j (u.VI) 1
330208 &tuboer Facking for glass shield. (For us*
when cane1 in line with stuering. ) (1l.V1) 1 Push button switch on instrument board.
(For us8 when panel in line with Steering.]
J&O220 Oil crassure pilot light. (For use when (r(.VI) ho longer supplied. 1
panel in line with steering.) (n.‘JI) 1
716904 dubber bush, 4 I/ dia. x 6 O/dia. x 9 long,
230221 aodohe, green, for illuminating panel. (For with f lEUlg8. (For use when panel in line
us8 -.vhen panel in line with steering. ) (k.VI) 1 with steering. j (&VI) lie longer supplied. 1
Instrument panel in line
with steering (with clock)
L L--5220
I.3 G-330208
X0. h;..
C-scr1rt1or ger Fart Eio. Dedcrirtion rer
Assy. Assy.
Screx. rcx? head, F .dja., 4 10x1~. Flxine 723004 Instrument panel, 0-S. type, complete.
Instrunents. oalibrated to 150 krr.. cer hour, retrol pl;ge
calibrated to 45 litres. (7 8 1lL) 1
Screl, ra:sed head, rolnfed., 5 dia., 15 long
i Irirg iEi trume.lt Fanei, 7232.33 Ammeter, 3.S. type, calibrated, 1
2271,s LzL_, tex, ) 1 dia. x 75 Fitch. Fixlne clock 723.302 tetrol eauge, O.S. tyt, calibrated to 45
to 3nstrl.rent boar: arid bracket 335i9E. 2 lifres. i
E,2i@ Buit. E volt, 3 cmdie-pawer, (R.-TX ) 1 333193 'class shieid for J.S, tyre instrument, Fanel,
fW2/01 Cup washer, IZ I/dia, x 13 3/dia, x 2,E
thick. r'ixinc instrJJrent canel. (R',,VI) 4 333195 Rim, rhromlua zlesed. (X.-"l)
33OlEF Eracket for bulb holder. Kulb for cl1 330236 Buib holder. (R,Yl j
rresscre irdicator. (For use when panel in
line with sfeerillp. ! (S.71) 333271 Scssdorreter'for instrl.ment ?anel, calibratea
to 153 lur . :er hour. (R.Xi
330220 :l)iX -ressce Filet IiFhL (For use xhen
aanei :r iine with steerine:.) (R *:I) 1,X272 &meter, scai shace. (R‘III)
330221 Rodoide, ereen. for illurrinatine panel. . !3C272/ci &meter, round shape, (R.x:)
(For use when Fare1 in iine with stesrine.;
(R.SI 1 330273 i;efrof gauge, ovai share, without frame.
(s *VI ;
330224 Speedometer drive ZabLe, 1900 l'onc. (R.H,
drive. 1 (R.;';) 3:or5/c; Estrol dagge, round shaze, calibrated to
4'_ iitras.
330250 Rubber ring, conizai, 10 I/dia., iE >nd 25
O/dias. Eixine spsedoreter drive cable. 3:0273/e: Eetrol gauge; rcurd sha,?. calibrated to I
'0 litres. (11) 1
;33083E Sceydoreter drive cable, 2200 long. (&VI) I
33070n""I In s+,rvment rane; case, fLr illlllninated cva1
707117 Eush cutton srirch on iustrurrent board, No lYi'trulIYent.3 :3 x,i 1
longw &pplrid
'?ti904 Rub&r ousn; 4 i:Iia.. .: +J 3.dia. x 3 long, 33034c;'/C I Sr3edomet3~, ‘slt~ c flax, for panel wit:, :
with ?';anre, (ror ;Ise when F'nei in line 9A33triC cio21C. i. -
rlth steering.; ;it.VI 1 Jk knpr suppLud.
ho. IYO.
- ‘113106
KS. ho.
I-art Fo. Dascrirtlon rer Fart ho. Des::iptlon rer
4740.s Grease ;r;rrr, hydraulic, (It 71) 64F44? RrvetjnP hammer, 2F cn. (R..?;l) 1
Tyre lever, set of t'k'o. (R.Vl') S-IF466 Fiat scanter fo: head1an.r fixinp. 1
iihee 1 cap 3Famer. t R .'?l i E4F5i0 S+mer, 14 m., F3 lznv. lor srark rlues.
(R :/I 'J
29F7CE Oil .:an !ixins .:;err.r,
84CE21 Screwdriver. (R.-ii;
iCF76E 01: can fixin? hook
04c535 Jack and handle. (a.71; (ll:J
2rF769 311 can fixine srrine.
91EE36 Jack and handle, (R;Vlj (7 &'llL)
64F012 Spanner for h'ichelin valve.. (R,V rj. NO
bn~ar supplkd. 29E701 C'hromium embellisher, pierced in centre for
64C136 Ad,Witatle spanner, 22 mm. (R.VI: Wlcte and B'.N wheel, (7 & 11) 4
64Fi27 Ad@steble spanner, 15 mm. (R.71) 299753 Mave Flnte with chroriur? embellisher,
unrainted. (Specialfor Elloze wheel.)(7 L 11 4
64f 1PZ Tecalerlt crease our, (R-VI)
. 233795 Screw, round head, 1C dla,, 2E lcnp, For
64E217 C-Srannkr for Eater rurrr, (R Vi .j NO IOngPr 293793 I (7 & il) 4
L4EEt3 Spanner, 14 1~lr., fcr spark r!ug. ( R :: I ) 293796 Ls.:Washer. threaded. LO dia. x iE0 pitch, to
form nut for screw 293796, (7 b 11) 4
6462Et; 'irheclbrhce. iR.VI !
2?97C7 Srricc strir fixing nave rlate on Filote
64EZEO Jack handle with one miversal jcil:t, (R.';I whee 1 (? rt Ii! 12
3 92545 ‘I+ on ELM. whcd fbr fixmy ambaUishcr. 5
o4E4 12 Dir stl>k for roar rpnk (45 litres. 6L9’771 cizw, li n?r. ) fixirt ilave plate screw. for
(ix VI? (7 6. llL1 No lanker suppliad. fl,Y. wheel, 4
64E41:5 Dir-stick fo: ree: tank (E?, i:t?es !
(R-'ili (l-? No bngarsuppliad. 4
298812 1
294507 -I -
::z .
216 -s---’ 621002 l-l A
.YO. ’ do .
FkrtNl Description per iart tio Uescription _ * ! per
Lasy, hsv.
2Y.S Screw, csk. hd., 3 dia., 10 long. Fixing 2553.S Nut, hex., @ dia. x 125 pitch. .Fixing bwper
"CIltiCbN" nare-plate on rear bumper. (H.III) 2 bar spacer8 and rear bmiper brackets to I
body. (H.111) 20
216.8 Screw, round hd., 6 dia., 20 long. Fixing i
front number plate. (2.111) 2 2611,s Nut, hex., 10 dia. x 150 pitch. .Fixing front
bumpers’to brackets. (R.111) 4
24e.S Screw, csk. hd;, 6 dia., 2t long. Fixing
starting handle bracket. (R.111) 2 99611 Xasher , Flain, t?.!i.I,~'s x 24 9'3 x 2 thick. .
Fixing rear buxn;er brackets. (R.111: 14
4P7.5.31 Bolt, hex. hd., pointed, 7 dia. ,’ 2F long.
Fixing front bmper brackets to cradle. 291Er-1 Screw, round hd., ? dia., 25 long. Fixing
(&III; front and rear buqer bars. 4
66E.S Bolt, hex. hd., e dia., 20 long. Fixing rear 294307 Front number plate. 1
,I . bun.@ brackets to body. (R.IIIj :, !
.298075 Rubber grommet'for rear bumper bra&kit,' il.H. 1
667.S L Bolt, hex. hd., B dia., 26 long. 'Fixing rear
bumper brackets to body. (k.111) 1
29P076 Kubber sronwet for rear bumper bracket, L.H.
759.5.3( Bolt, hex. hd., pointed, P dia., 30 long.
Fixing over-riders to bumpers. (R.111) 2982P6 Bear bumper (7 & 1lLj 1
942.s Bolt, hex. hd., 10 dia., 40 long. Fixing 29e33s Rear bumper (llj 1 -
front bumpers to brackets. (&III)
2060 - 29EW3 Starting handle bracket (on'front bwper) 1
iasher, plain, 5.5 D x 16 Q.D x 1.5 thick.
?ixing starting ha nx e bracket.
29e749 Rear b&per bracket, AH. (7 & 11Lj 1
2221.s. iut, hex., 3 dia; A 60 pitch. Fixing l'CITkOhL'
lame-plate on rear bumper. (R.111) 29E750 Rear bumper bracket,-L.H. (7 & 11Lj 1
2371.S Jut, hex., 6 dia. x 100 pitch. (H.III)
Yxing:- Starting handle bracket. 29P751 Rear b&per bracket, R.H. (11) 1
Front number plate.
29P752 Rear bumper bkacket, L.h. (11). 1
2cC41.S IiSher, plain, e.5 I/D x 18 VD x 2 thick.
:ixing front bumper bracket8 to cradle. . 4 29?@11 Front bumper with number plate and starting
handle bracket. (7 & 11Lj 1
; . . -
~. =e-. .
- -- -.-y- ..A-.-: .;. c
L r- -h-‘ .v *.
.- -_ -.a-. ,-. .f
. -
298202a- R.H. ‘, -- .;
. - _
. .~
,L:‘T< _,
299861 R.H.
299062 L.H>
299972 R.H. -
. ,A F4 29987s LH-
r:\ 1
ysIJ4Oo- .;-- :,, .. .,..
298911 R.H. “” _
h ;
I, : ..
._ - .
, .-
. . .
~. ._- :
Part No. Description per Part No Wscription per
, as sy iSSY.
246.S.lOn barew, csk. hd., 6 dia., 20 long. Fixings- Mngs to ring brackets. 4
wing valances to raaiator shell. 2. hing valances to radiator shbll (lij 10
Headlamp mounting reinforcements to
Bolt, hea. hd., 7 dia., 17.5 long. Firing headlamp brackets. 4
mudflap to wings. (&III) #'
2551.T Nut, hex., 8 dia. x 126 pitch. (&III)
i 66?.& 6olt, hex. hd., @ dia., 26 long. (a.111) Fixing:- Ling valances to radiator shell (llj 7
Fixing:- Rings to brackets. 2 'Nings to hull, to wingvalances, to
Headlemp mounting reinforcercents to wing brackets, to radiator shell. 12
wing brackets. 4
a Beadlmp mounting reinforcements to
I 7E9.S.30. Bolt, hex. hd., pointed, e dia., 30 long. headlamp brackets. 4
Fixing:- Rings to hull, to wing valances, to 2652.8 Screw, P.K. 5 dia.,'15 long. (ii.VI)
radiator shell, (7 & 11) Fixingr-.Yudflaps to hull. :.... 2
,' (11) Wing proteotors.', .,I ' <y' 6
bing qalances to radiator shell (11) __, . _ :
3204,s' 'jiasher, cup, for 5 dia. sorew." Pi+ mud.-.
1064.s Rubber grommet, 16 I/D x 32 WD x 7 thick. flaps to hull. (iLVIj . _ 2
For passage of headlamp wires through‘wings.
(a.111) 8E?611' baaher , plain, 5.5 f/D x 24 C) D x 2 thick.
2271.S Rut, hex., 4 dia. x 75 pitch. Fixing bonnet Fixing?- Mugs to hull,,to wing valances, to
: ring brackets, to radiator shell.
front catch plates. (R.111)
yc Casher, plain, 6.5 I/D x 14 ($D x 1.5 thick..'
YT.‘ (7 & 11L)
_ ) .. . 16
Fixing wing valances to radiator shell. Wing valances to hull.. 6
(R.III) (7 & 11L) i Readlamp Sounting reinforcemtits
% T to iring brackets. 4
2371.s Rut, hex., 6 dia. x 100 pitch. Fixing wing a%
ralaaoes to radiator shell. (R.111, 88616 Rasher, plain, 4.2 f/D x 12 WD x 0.8 thick.
9 . 1 Fixing bonnet front catch plates. (R.111)
2603.S hut, hex., 7 dia. x 100 pitch. Fixing mud- , '. '(
flaps to wings. (&III) 89119 Bolt, bsx; hd.,'I dia., is iOn& Pixing
. . bonnet fro& catoh plates. (iLIIIj .
2541.S'= Washer, plain, 8.5 I/D x 18 4/D x 2 thick. e975P Masher , plain, 6.5 VD x 15 VD x 3 thick.'
(WII) ._ _, Joining wing valances at front. ..(iLIII)
. .
’ . .. .- :. . ..’
---. r) -.--.. ._ _ _
-_ *.- a.. . . .
ito. ho.
Part ho'. Description Fer ?art ho. Description per
233400, buffer for bonnet rest (on ring valances.) 299382 Front wing, L.H. (11)
_ 298024 rapping plate for headlemp Eaunting r&Itbrcersnt 299770 King valance, H.H. (7 & 1lLj
29P306 3onnet front catch plate, R. and LA . 29977s Ring valance, L.H. (11)
298814 king piping, fitted between front rings and 299861 fing protector, R.H. (R.VI)
hull, length 2015 nun, approximately (for -
black rings.) (R.VI) 2 29986.2 IF&g proteotor, L.H. (R.VI).
29?823 Wing bracket, H.H. dimnaion‘l?, 205 ma. (11) 1 299872 hdflap, a.H. -
298824 Ling bracket, L.H. dimens$on F, 206 mm. (11) 1 299873 Budflap, L.H.
298836 Piping between radiator shell.and wing .$. These item not shown on illustration.
valances, length 1550 ma. approximately (for
black rings) (&VI) (11) 1
224611~~ 12
22l8ll-l L 224J60
e--.-_.-- SCUTTLE
-- -.. - -.5
li0: Yo.
Part To. Oescription per Part lo. Dercriptioo per
- .- T- A,ery.
23.S Screw, crk. head, 3 dia., 10 long. Fixing 221333 Iruunion for &uttle yentilator control. 1
change speed indicator'plate. (A.111) 4
221339 icuttle ventilator hinge. 1
12E.S Screw, round head, 6 dia., 25 long. (R.111)
* Pixing~- Glove box cover hinges. 2 221795 nubber buffer for glove box cover. 3 . -
60x homing instruments. 4
Glove box. 1. 221811 Control knob for scuttle sentilator. * 1 "
Souttle ventilator. 3
223679 Gatch for glow box cover. 1
ies.s.3a Screw, raieed head, cak., pointed, 5 dia., -\
Fixing bonnet hinge rear bracket. 224360 ;i0~6 box cover.'~.R. drivd 1
t,".:g* ' - 2
224362 . 3love box oover hinge, R.H. l
2271.5 lht, hex., 4 &a. x 75 pitoh. Fixing glove
box cover knob. (a.111) 1 224363 Zlove box oover hinge, L.E. 1
2321.5 Nut, hex., 6 dia. x 75 pitch. (ii.111) 224376 Bonnet hinge. rear braoket. I
Fixing:- Glove box cover hinges. . 2
Glove box. 1 224377 Scuttle ventilator. 1
2654.S Screw, P.R., S dia., 25 long. Fixing bonnet 224361 Tube for rauttle vontilator oontrol. 1
rest beadiqg. (R.VI) 6
224611 Kindscreen opening drain tube, L.tl. ride. 1
216107 Bonnet rest beading on scuttle, 1660 mn.
long. (R.VI) 224679 box housing ~inatrument8 (R.H. drive.) 1
221004 Qlove 001 oover. \Y.n. drive.) :
I T2lOlO Rnob for glove box cover. 224995 Box homing instrument8 (L.H. drive.) 1
221012 &ore box cwer. (LA driye.] :
221134 Ruboer moulding for scuttle'ventilator 232374 ht-nt p-i 0dy. \L.H. drive.) (7 dr::. 1
0PevmI. 1
252376 Im&-ument pa&l only.. L.H drive.) (11) 1
221165 Control rod for scuttle ventilator. 1.
-- 232759 Upper plate with screw fixing change #peed
221156 liubbsr washer for routtle ventilator control8 1 mlector. 1
221157 Protooting rarher fo2 221156; 1 1 232761 Lower plati with acrew fixing change rpeed
relector. 1
_- ? _
. Park
Ho. MO.
I ‘1 Description per
Part Ho. Description - per
232ki Change rpeed indiaator plate. 1
233561 Instrument panel only. (B.1;. drive: !Fresuh
built.) (7 & 1lL) 1
233362 :nstrument panel only. (P.H. drive Frenoh
8 buit+ ) (11) 1
2?33CS nstrumen% panel only. (~ii. i..ve wltisi. .
milt.) r7 h 1x; 1
603046 Slore box, L.H. rfde fittiry. L .
.,.. . 2lS204
. - f
/ .,. _.
..-. ---.__
_ -. *art iic Description
I “-@art lie DescriFtlcn
Screw, raised head c’sk., 4 dia., 7.5 long., iiubber glaring channel, 1.5 am. thior, 3OOOux
For asseFb1y of windscreen frame. (a.111) long. 1
.. '104.S S&en, raised head c’sk., 4 dia., 12.5 long 213015 i.lnciscreen hinge, h.h. _ 1.
r-- Fixing sun.vlsor hinge plates. (n.liIj ..
w Gin&+creen hinlje, LA. 1
12E.S bcren, round herd, 5 dia., 15 long. k ixlllg
windscreen opening control to instrument. Windscreen frarre-reatherstrir (xoulded rubber
panel. (a.111 j with ends joined.) (7 & 1lLj .l
127.3 bcrew, round head, 5 dia., 20 long. b ixing 213021 nindscreen without glass (frame assembledj
driving mirror bracket on windscreen * (7 & 11L) . _-. - .~ .. .,:,,-. ‘1 .
.opening oontrol. (h.IIS)
Yfindscreen fmme weatherstrip (aoulded rubbez 1.
183.S SC&, ralred
head c’sk., 5 dia., 10 long; with large flmg@, ???O n!n~.~~long. (7.6 1iL) 1.
Fixing hinges and windscreen opening contra
to windscreen framee. (R.111)
' 1es.s.30 ,Screw, raised head c’sk., Iminted, 5 dia., ,.
15 .lon . Fixing windscreen header bar. 213113 ii’indscreen frtur.e weatherstrip (moulded rubber
(&.I11 f .. rith'ends joined.) (l,l) : 1
... .
/213.S Sarew, ro&d hend, 6 dia., 12.5 long. 1 R’inds&een 'frame reatlmrrtrlp (moulded rubber
I.. “, - , Fixing windscreen hinges tb front roof .-: vith iarga flange,~.2760 ti.-.%oai;.-- (11)
, .l
.F .,' panel. @III) ’ . * . : ,;.u ..-1. :*r. I
i h'indscrgen frame coyer-dolnt. :..:. ., 2
. 25fi.i Screw, P.?i., 5.5 dia., 20 long. Fixing . . . ,. .. .:.
windscreen opening aoulding. (&VI) kindscreen opening ‘&trol.’ (h.% j : ’ 1
.- .___A_ - -
8 rllNDSCREfN . ”
. . * No. b0.
- \ (222740 w~nthustrip
. _ .
._ . ..^_ _- -.. .- -.- --I -- ..- _ _-.- - . _
Screw, c*rk. hd., 4 dia., 10 long. Fixing 89847 Washer, spring, 19.dia. Fixing door hinges.
door dove-tail housing. (E.111) . 16 (n.VIj 24
127.5 mSoreu,' round hd., 5 dia., 20 long. Fixing 132220 Knob,'bone, for rindou rider handle. -(&VI] 4 ; _
door cheek &rap. (il.111)
132621 Screw, 6 dia., 25 long. Fixing bono knob fox
159.8 Screw, c'ak. hd., 5 dia., 25 long. Fixing window winder handle. 4
door dovetail block. (H.111) 16
. 133636 Lindou winder hantile rith metal knob. 4
244.S.l( SC-err, c'ek. hd., ahakeproof, 6 dia., 25
loig. Fixing window wiudor. (3.111) _. 16 133636 Ih'indow winder handle with bone knob. 4
2312.5: Washer, plain,.5.5 ydia. x 12 O/dia. For . a-' 133E40 Escutcheon;45 dia., with 4 pin8. For front
. .. _.. _ I.
doq check strap fixing. (R.111) e:
.- - .,...!
door, B rind L.H:and
riadcrr rinder hadles.
door At and LA
. '... ~ 4
2323,s. *.y&; gx.) 5 dia.(k.111)x.75 pitch. 'Fixing door.
: -.i
.. _., ,_ .-, j .
.!I \
wihdbr handle
che$ptrap. . _ 153641 S∈, S8 db.’
- '. ._
escutcheon. 4
2552.s .i$crc, Pd., 3.5 dia., 15 long. Fixing .
door window moulding. (R.VI) . 40. 212001 Xindaw winder, .tro arm, IBM. , (&VI) 2
2611-S blut, hex., 10 dia; x 150 pitch. Fixing 212002 Fiindow winder, tuo arm, L.H. .(&VI) 2
door-hinges on body. (LIII) 4:' .. '
:,‘.; _._Y
i:- ._ . -t . ;: 212008 double ,spring for window windeiarmr. -- 4
&44& '%et,~bifurcated. Forming pin for door ..i 1'. _. '.
. .
m &heck strap. (ILVI) '* 4' 212024 b oomplete with spring, rocker.'and cup;
f : : :' .- Sam11 ieotor 6ide. .. 4
* 7159s Glass, front door.. ..'. ' * '2 ,. _. . s
-. 'e. . . . c ,
. . ', 216013 D&r dove-tail houoing. : I3
71594 -Glaii,,rear _I. &or. . 1 . .2; _.-7: .- . .
-’ ‘.‘. .: I.
.;‘ .!:3 216019 &or check strap 8top (riveted on hinge
899303 -&&,~iiLiui hdi, i'ak., 7 dia., 12 long.: reinforcemexst)~6 thiok, S5 dia. . .' 4
: Fixing &or hinge.. (&III) :_ 12 -..
: .. 1 1 -a>. .216082 hr glaa6 a~nnel weathe+rip (&ulded
. 89411 Sorew, +aiabd hd.; a.‘6k., 7 dia.; 20 long':: rubber) 765 xm~:long. . 4.
.:. ..
door hinge. (&III)
12 .: ,. ...
_.I ..
:'F. ,..,..,..,
,-..i "2. :- . . . 1) .. -.f t!. '.. -.:. : . ,:_ -
,._'_ .'. -; ., _, .. . ; . ;‘ : .. ,,1",y. -_ ._... . . .. :
_ +..._. ,,_.; .' .z. . _,
, '-.';-‘: r;.: r‘ _._ 2. ‘:>'-
, ho. Yo.
.2art b;d. Description ' per Zart So. Uescri~tion per
216145 Dqor glass channel (rubber section), felt 221030 Door outside psnel, front L.li. 1
covered, 2080 ITOIL long. (&VI) For:-
Front doors (7 & 1lL) 2 221069 Front door window moulding, b.l. 1
Front and rear doors. (11) 4
221070 Front door window moul&llf;, LA. _ 1
?16146 hook for door glass channel. 24
221064 Door outside paml, rear &.,I. '(7 d 1lLj 1
216149 Door glssa ohannel (rubber sectionj, felt
covered, 1520 nsn. long. For rear &or. 221035 Iioor outside panel, rear L.3. (7 E. 1lLj 1
(&VI) (7 b 11L) 2
221112 near &or window noiilding, n.B, 1
216170 Door glsss bottom channel, front R.J. 630 ms
long,with guise rection 170 sm. long. 1 221113 dear door window moulding, L.ri. 1
216171 Door glasr bottom channel; front LA. 630 ms 221292 tiracicet for door cheok~strap. 0
216176 Door glass bottom c)llLrmel, rear L.i!. 639 mm. 221414 iietaining section for door glass channel. .
loll& with guide section 1OF mm. long. Front door L.H., 1440 xs. long appror. 1
(7 8 11L) 1
. 221946 joor oktside ptmel, rear .A.& with out-away
,; 216120 Door glass bottom channel, rear A;!. 539 mm. for wheel-arch. 1.
loog. with guide section 170 sm. long. (llj 1
221947 Eoor outside panel, rear LA. with cut-away
216161 &or glass bottom channel, rear L.3. 65? rr. Cor wheel -arch.
long, :vitn ;;lCe sectian 170 rss. long. (11) 1
224740 t'ront ;v)or nraathtrstri~ (coulded nabber),
2161f9 Door dove-tail block (rubber). ? lZE?O mas. long approx. 2
2162% %cc for door check strap (rubber), 26 dia., 224741 Csar door weatllerstrip (moulded rubberj,
16 thick. 4 11X ?~?r.. long.a>srcr.
?21029 aoor wtside panel, front ii.H. 1 224042 ?ront door u.U. witho&‘hinges, lock and -
nindow winder.
r* ,.
. . . -. -:- ..*- .-_. .-- . -- -.- . - -- _. .
FRONT &EAR bOORS p .‘,’ .. 11
I .-
<- . . :, . no. bi3.
iJart 2ia '. Description .. Par Part Yo . ,uaroription Per
Assy hssy .
224045 Front door L.H. without hingerr, lock and
rindow'rinder. 1
224044 Uear &or ic.E. with cut-away for wheel-aroh
r -~~._
'icithout hinges, lock and winda winder.
&h (7 & 11L) 1
224045 iiear door L,ii.'witn cut-away for v;heel-arch
iiithbut hingea, lock and window winder.
(7 h 1lL) 1
224046 iiear do& 2.5. with cut-away for wheel-arch
X’ithout. hiqes, lock and window winder.
.. . ., ,_ ,. _
(11) ., .- -‘1 . ; ;
..& .-.I . ::.,
.._ .224047 Reai Qor L.H.'rith cut-away for wheel-arch . -...
',: -.
.‘.. <‘ I.
,-. : L ..a
. 'Without ~inge8, -lock and window winder. _ , . . . . .
‘. .
.i_.‘X ..‘. . . . . . c..-. _
It' .(lli. ::- I.. . . . :. .1 .- ‘_ _ ’ ...-
._ .
224118 iinge pin; 7 dia.;60 long. 4
. -_
224SlP cirolip for hinge pin. 4
.. -
,v: .
.,22;644 ;&lars'.guide (,mbber) .I? long,, I! wide, -:,:. ‘.
z-y. . ..-. ), _ ._. _
, :
6 thick. .,: '4. l . .. . .’
. ‘ .
. ‘. * : -... .
._. ..
‘W2004 .Door pge. .&VI) .‘., ,, _, ‘1 4 .-
. ..?
. a : . .
. .
. :~233400 20 . . L
..; .
. . .I.. .* ..-. ) . .,
I -. ,-. _ ., .,’ a-’
\ . . .
. . .. .
. . :-.-*.r ‘. :
. .
: , -_ .
., I
_ c. .. I L’ :; ._ :
t ’ . . .-’
_. -‘. . .
: :- I . . . . *. .,..
_ . ‘_ ._ .. :_:.::
. .
’ 5. - - ._ < 80294s
02942 .:“ -: ._ L
10001 Front door R.H. 210045 Rear door R.
I0004 Front door L. H. 2lOO46 Rear door L.
0 0
195.s.50 Screw, raised hd., crslc., 5 dia., 15 long. nemote COntrOl for front and rear door looks,
Fixbig door handlee. (ti.IIIj 8 L.E., without link. 2
244.s.10 Scmm, ofski hd., 6 dia., 15 long. Fixing 210045 Lock for rear door, ti.H., with straight
door lock. .(a.III) 24 face. (11) 1
EOZOJ Screw, raised hd., c'sk., 7 dia., 12 long. 210046 Lock for rear door, L.H.,'nitbstraight
Firing striking plates. (A.111) 8 face. (11) 1‘
132232 P&urn spring for door look remote control. 4 215001 Outside door handle, front LA., and rear
r?.H., non-locking. 2
132513 Inside door handle. 4
. 215002 Outside door handle, rear ri.F,., non-looking. 1
132690 Looating cup for door handle spring. 4
215069- Escutcheon for outside door handles, distance
132691 Spring for ioor handle. . ..4 between hole centres, 40 mm. 4.
133e40 Ssoutcheon for ineide door handle, 45 dia., 215013 ?in for &or locking handle (&VI) 1 ..
with 4 points. 4
215054 Circlip for lock barrel 215073 on door lock
183941 Spring for door inside handle escutcheon. 4 pin front z.h. (a.VI) 1
210003 Look for front loor, ii.i. 1 21507C)i73 Lock barrel with key for locking &or handle
and ignition switch, per set of 2. (b.VIj 1
: 210004 Lock for front door, L.H. 1
21507l,J;l Outside door handle, front a&., lesr lock 3
21Ooso Loak for rear door, LA, with rounded faoe. 216132 Door strikihg plate. 4
(7.L 1lL) 1
Lloulding for front and rqar doorr, polished
210036 demote control for front tmd rear &or alurrinium, 13 mm* wide,-795 mm* long. (n.XX) 4
locks, &?I., rithout link. .2
-. . _ _- . _ _ _._ _ ‘.
,. . .
Description v
: . . ,-
,' .
,. :
&. . -’
.a _.,...__. -‘.,..
.. .,r.
, ..
._aP . . .._
i _ ,. ..:. .
. . . . ..-
-9 :-. :.:
, .;;
:. “. ‘, .-
.. .,.’ .
. . . \ I.
,....,: ’ . \
> ..-
’ : ‘5 :
- 2’.
. ,
: .: ..,
. . :.
-. ..
- ..
- .
I..’ . . . .;-
_ i I
_.. .
\ - ~224413 L h-s.30 2~83,~
., ...;.-:,‘::?. / \* =@%r2244162’2686 \ .- i
.;; .
. . !- , : .‘. . .
.. .. _- -( . .. .
:. ,. .I :
.l . . . . -i ..
:c ; I
. . . , L
14‘ :RONf SEATSkCIDINd ‘. --
-. ’ lo. Yo.
Part Lie; Descripiion [ per Pait. Ii0 Oescriptlon Per
ASSY 1hssy.
YOTE Y Seats will be supplied without 224415 Front roller, lower, metal, on front bracket . 4
guarantee of colour of 010th according'to
stook available. 224416 Pin, 6 dia ., 36 long. For lower rollers
(xc&al) on front brackets and for lower
319.8.3C Screw, hex. hd., pointed, 6 dia., 65 long. rollers (rubber) on rear roller braokets. 0
(&III). Fixing:- c
nubber rollers. E 224426 iietaining spring for rear roller brackets, i
392.S .Screw, hex. hd., 6 dia., 10 long. Fixing 224426 iiear roller bracket. 4
rear roller bracket. (R.111) 4
224429 iiear adjusting'nut. 4. *
486.9.30 Sorew, hex. hd., pointed, 7 dia., 20 long.
Fixing rear roller bracket springs and seat 224434 Control spring, 160 long. 4
brackets. (~111) 20
224554 Seat brackat, rear. '4
2363.S Yiasher, plain, 6.5 Vdia. x 14 O/dia.
Fixing rear roller brackets. (n.111) -4 224719 Control handle; 2.H. (one pieoe) ' 1
2371.S hut, hex., 6 dia. x.100 pitch. (&III). 224720 Control handle, LA. (one piece) 1'
Fixing:- 3ubber rollers. E
Control handles. 2 229233 Front seat trimmed, &h. (7 & 1lLj 1
2402.s Kasher, plain, 7.6 I/dia. x 16 O/dia. 229534 Front seat treed, LA. (7 & 11L) 1
Fixing rear roller bracket springs and
seat brackets. (61.111) 26 229731 Front seat trimed, L.K. (11) 1 I
2243?6 Front seat tabular frame, Ic.ti. (7 h 11L) 1 229732 Front seat trimsd, AH. (11) 1
. 224367 Front seat tibulu frame, LA. (7 b 11L) 1 232792 ?in, 6 dia., 32 long. For upper roller
(rubber) on front bracket. 4
224386 Froat seat tubular frame, Y.H. (11) 1
Lockwasher for rubber roller pins. 4
224309 Front seat tubular f&e, L.H. (11) 1
?iasher, with two flats, for control lsmdle,
, 224411 Front roller braclEet. 4. control side, 40 dia. -' 2
. :.
_. . .
.- ._ . I.1 .
_ ’ : -..
,_ :
‘,i. . .. . ,,_ -,. ‘. .:
. ; < ,.: ‘-
. . . .
. . . . ;. . . ‘.
. .
_. ,
.. ._
.. . .
.. .
. .-
- .I.‘- . ,.(_’ :,-. . - . ‘Z
. . .I < ..
- -.
,’ . I : ._ _ ;’ ,; , ._ T’
. ._
.. : ,‘- .:i - 6
;ti .. . . ,,
: t : ::, _; .;)-
, :
:_ _ - I
p .,..-
t--- * *7.,
'. L299789 *
t ..A
299603 L.M. .?
Screw, hex. hd., pointed, 6 dia., 30 long. 292701 mbsllisher, chromium plateh for spare wheel
(&III). cover. (ti.III.) 1‘
Fixing:- Clngs to body. 14
iear valance to body'. 4 29@615 Piping between rear wings, rear valanoe and
body, 4450 nv* long, for black wings; (&VI)
2551,s .lUt, hex.. C dia., 126 pitah, fixing rear (7 & 11L) 1.
valance to body. (R.XII) * 4
298836 Piping between rear wings, rear valance and
2662.S Sorew, P.X., 5 dia., 1E long, fixing rear 4600 vm. long, for black wings: (&VI)
ring protectors. (&VI) 6 ;ity 1
PP611 liasher, plain, 2 I/dia. x 24 qdla. (R.111 299931 Ring nut for spare wheel cover bolt. 1
Fizingr-:Yings to body. 14
hear valance to body. ? 299602 Rear wing, h.Il. 1
221354 Lower ring for petrol tank filler nook 299603 ilear wing, L.H.' 1
opening. tioulded rubber, !V dia. 1
299793 Spare wheel cover. (7 & 11L) 1 .
223P17 Hemovable.stud for spare wheel carrier,
46 long. 3 299784 Spare wheel cover. (11) 1
2241k6 Upper ring for petrol tank filler neck 299785 Spare wheel cover. (11F) ' 1 .
opening. Youlded rubber, 90 4/dia. x
50 &//la. 1 299799 spare wheel cover fixing screw, length under
head 135 rm. *l
es2634 Spare wheel carrier dome. 1
299963 near wing proteotor, ishi. .1 I
232657 Guide tube (on spare wheel carrier dome)
for screw fixing spare wheel oover. 1. 299864 Aear wing protector, L.5. 1 **-
29PO76 dubber grommet for rear bumper bracket, d. 1 390160 V&eel nut, threaded 12 dia. x 125 pitch.
Firing spare uhael.. (ti.11) 3 .
29FO78 Rubber grommet for rear bumper bracket, L. 1
39264e Rheel nut, threaded 12 dia. x 125 pitch
2PSE90 derr'talance, 910 xm- long. (7 6. 11L) 1 ~;;lovai base). Fixing spare ti.k. wheel.
N. 3
298591 dear talanee, 1010 a~. long. (11) 1 -
.*.: .
REAR WINGS;‘S?ARE WHEEL CARRIER & COVER;-- :----f.-+-- -I..-17
E -
i_ .' EO,
Lo. :
zart bit?. Description _- PO1r ,rart Lo. e$escription
,. -2:.
_ - & kssy. -
~ _ .
302FE6 Gheel nut tjmaded 12 dia. x 125 pitch.
Fixing spare wheel. (For use when ,
replacing rear luggage coqm9amnt door f& .
"Dilate wheel" by door for "B.Y. wheel.") .
.--. ..
, .
_. 0 i 0 0
. ._
__ -. -.
. ::. _,
: _-: ;
1-h r
224lb2 l cutciieon
224157 R.N. .
* ,.
Screw, raised.hd., c'sk., pointed, 4 dia., 215Ci74/01 handle, less lock barrel, for rear luggage
17 long. Fixing rear luggage compartment compartment aoor; . 2
door h6ndle6. (&III) 6
215075 Lock barrel with key6 for rear luggage com-
124.s bcrew, raised hd., C'sk., 5 dia;, 12 long. partment door hamile. 2
Fixing rear lugg6ge compartment door lining
4 221269 koulding for rear window. :
panel. (&III) 1 :
457.5.39 bolt, hex. hd., pointed, 7 dia., 25 long. 222365 P'oulding for quarter window, &ii. (11F) '1
Fixing rear luggage compartm=t door hinges
to body. (&III; 6 222366 Eoulding for quarter window, L.B. (1lF) 1
667.5; Bolt, hex. hd., 0 dia., 25 long. Fixing 22411? Pin, 7 dia., 60 long. For rear luggage com-
cable. (&III) 2 ptartmsnt door hinge. 2
24&S Zasher , plain, 7.5 I/dia. x 16 qdia. 224157 kear luggage compartment door lock, Ui.,
Fixing rear luggage compartment door hinge6 without spring (replace6 type with spring.) 1
to body. (&III) 6
. 224159 iiear luggage compartment &or lock, LJ., -.
255l.S hut, hex.,(h.;I;;a. x 125 pitch. Fixing without spring (replaces Qpe with spring.)' 1
cable. 2
iscutcheon for rear luggage compartment door
2522.s Sarew, ~*.ii., 3.5 dia., 15 long. Fixing handle. 2
mouldings for rear and quarter winciowe.
(&VI) 30 224199 Circlip for rear luggage compartment aoor
'handle. i
2652.2 &rem, i.;., 5 dia., 16 long. Fixing rear c
” -7f-5
luggage compartient door lining panel. (n.Vl 2 224257 iteir luggage cnmprirtnent aoor weatherstrip,
rubber 2400 UIIE. long. 1%
2656.5 Screw, P.X., 5 dia., 30 long. Fixing rear
luggage compartment door lining panel. (&VI 4 224293 dear lwgage cdmpartment door handle only,
10s~~ e6cutCheon. circlip and lock barrel. 2
140393/03 Hut, round, 6 dia. Fi&g rear lugga$e
cmpartment door lining panel.. 4 224256 ' jrub screw, 4 dia.; 5 long. Fixing lock
. barrel in handle. (&VI) 2
143349 Tapping plate for rear luggage compartment :
Zoor -handle firing. 2 224269 bracket for rear luggage oospartment&or cable 1
Part ii0 ..ikscri&ioa . . _Dercription
- . . '. per .
-.. ... il
*.- : - .- I,
c..,_ .,
No. -. Yo.
Put lo. per PA aro; Description per . 1
SODI Tread plate, rear door, L.H., aluminium
section, 594 aan. long. (11) 1
224769 B&Q shell, with doors, tubular croaaatember
assembled. (11). 1 DRIP EOULDINGS (See also a&tion for body
shell parts.)
233331 Body bhell, rithdoora, tubular croaateaber
assembled. (7 h 11L) 1 2691.5 Screw, P.K., 3.5 dia., 10 long. Fixing drip A8
mouldings. (B.VI) 'eqd.
Body shell. without doors, with rear luggage *
compartment door, tubular.croaamsber 223147 Drip mouldiny, li.H., 1465 mm. long. 1
assembled. (7 t 11L) - .l
223146 L)rip moulding, L.G., 1465 mm. long. 1
2333s9~ Body shell, without doors, with rear luggage
compartzent door, tubular croaaaesber FLOOA
.raaembled. (11) ;,:-. i
riear floor from front of rear wheel arch to
DOOROPGb[IY9T&l PLATES - rear compartment floor., (7 & 11L) ' . 1
2302s Screw, P.K., '3 .!? dia., 15 long. Fixing 23249s tieit floor, from front of rear wheel arch to
tread plates. (R.VI) 20 rear compartrent floor. (llj 1
221433 Tread plate, front door, P.H., aluminium 309499 Front floor, from front of bo$ to fronf cf
section, 790 PPII. long. 1 rear xheel arch. (11) 1
* 2.21434 Tread plate, front door, LA., alurinium 309661 Front floor from front of body to front of
section, 780 mm. long. 1 rear wfieel arch. (7 6 11L) 1 *
221435 Tread plate, rear &or, Ti.B., aluminium CUSL~IOK &I S':U& r;iM%D (Cushiona and
section, 440 ma long. (7 h.llL) 1 squaoa ail1 be aur~plied without guarantee
of colour of cloth according to atook
221436 Tread plate, rear &or, LA, aluminium available.)
l ootion, 440 W* long. (7 & 1lL) 1
so9060 % iiear cushion, trimed. (7 & 1lL) 1
221997’ Tread plate, rear door, EM., aluminium
aeotion, 394 rm. long. (11) 1 .909iOl Rear aluab, trimmed. (7 h 1IL) 1
_A- . :
9ooio9 Rear squab, not trimmed. (7 & 11Lj .l 62306 &ail, P.E., 2 din;, 23 long. Pixiw paper As
trim cord. (&VI> #eqd.
909200 dear cwhion, not trimwed. (11)' 1
7oOs5 ?lylwuth clips. Fixing door trimpanels. A8
609226 Rear squab, not trimmed. (llj .!
121173 ?apr trim cord (sold by the metro.) d&l.
CARPET ' , .- .
: -. ',:, . . '.....c.. ,_ ...'
2213247 lear-iarpet. (111 '1 . :
229260 Front carpet (moulded rubber.) (11) 1.
70196 SC&U
. . eye for blind cord. . 1 ., :
; :
. .
I . _
. :
RCAR s- v
SaE PANEL 309!506-R.H.
221968. Roof panel. (11) 1 252245 Gusset far wheel arch, L.ii. 1
222789 Front roof panel.. (11) 1 2S2e25 Plate for r6fir axle buffer, 2.B. 1
225147 Drip noulding, iMi., 145 am. long. 1 232626 Plati for rear axle buffer, LA I *
225148. Drip moulding, L.B., 1465 I&. long. 1 252671 Side panel, front pillar reotian, L.H. 1
223470 Front roof panel. (11) 1 252672 Side panel, front pillar section, FM. 1
2241 ei ikW panel. (7 & 1lL) : . 1 -232675 Centre pillar, L.H. .l
224122 - i&r pa. ill) . _ ,' 1 232676 Centre pillar, D.E.- 1
224155 Scuttle panel. (7 h llL3 * 1 252677 Side panel, rear section, L.H. pa 1u; . 1
224436 Scuttle pad. (11) 1 232678 Side panel, rear section, &Hi. (7 5: 11L) 1.
232406 Side panel extanslon, front P.B. 1 232679 SiJe panel, rear se&ion, L.H. (11) 1 .
232407 Side panel extension, front L.li. 1 .232660 Side panel, rear section, kii. (11) 1
23266S Side panel, rear section, L.H., with oentre
,,23244qOl Side panel,
(7 & 11L)
B.H., without extension. I. 1 pillar. (7 t 11L) 1 * -.
232447bl Side panel, L.H., without extensioF-. 232664 Side panel, rear seation, &A. with centre
(7 a 11L) 1 pillar. (7 L 11L) 1
2S244qOl Side panel, E.E., without extensbn. (11) 1 ?326!% Side panel, rear section, L.H., with centre
-: pillar. (11) 1
23 2449/01 Side
. beI, L.li ., without extan5ion. (11) 1
J 26-?6 Side panel, mar section, II&, wfth ‘centro M
2324fY'Ol -Side panel, MI., without extension. (11Fl 1 . 'lC4 pillar. (11; 1.
2324PS/oI 1 Side panel , L.H., _* itbut ixtars?cc. (:lF) 1 F327W side panel, rear section, L.R. (IIFI , 1
.r .
NO. do.
irart No. iIescription per Part No. gescription Per
;rs,y B66Y.
232740 sitiw panel, rear section, ahi. (11F) .l SO9164 Front hull Wmplete, With OXtea6iOn6
2324Oq'i. aeplaces previous mdel; order in
232743 rear section, L.H., with centre addition, 1 extension 232406, B.tl,, and 1
;K.EnetilF) . 1 extemion 232407, L.Iii; (11) 1
aide panel, rear 6ection, &ii. with centre 309313 l..'
232744 Bull sid8aeerber, rear, L.ii. (11F)
pillar. (llui 1
309314 hull 6ideI6Easber, rear, Z.H. (11F) 1
2336FO,'01 Side panel; front swztfon, L.il., w-ith centr
. pillar, 'without extension. 1 309496 iiull side-mmber, front, LA 1
233660/01 Side panel, fro@ eection, Gi., with centr 304497' Hull 6ide-me6lber, front, fi*H* 1
pillar, without extension. - 1
309505 Hull side-member,~rsar, ;d.ii. (11) 1'
307425 Bull, front axle mounting stud6 assembly,
Lid. Hith ertwnsion 232406. tieplaces 309806 Hull rride-mmber, rew, LA. (11) ' 1
previous model: order $n addition, 1
extension 232406. 1
l. Parts with numbers prefixed “B” but not Are standard on aritish cars only, but can be fitted to
followed by “E”. French cars.
Example :- B.7BBB.X rtadiatsr shell. Complete with wire mesh and chevrons, less
motif. kain shell is now of brass and all parts chromiun’
It is not essential to use the order forms issued from iaris when ordering irritish parts, as only one order copy is
required by Slou&.
Dimensions of parts in this supplement are given in inches unless otherwise stated.
.Part X0. Description per
t.1475.jt. L Fan belt. 1
L.1630.Y. E Distance piece, 5/S 0/Dia. x 27164 9.018. x 1/2 long. For dynamo firing bolt. 1
b.7268.Y. E Plug for oil pressure indicator switch. (Hade from 88931 by drilling through 4mm. dia. hole, and
tapping head I/8 hriggs taper thread). 1
8.7405.Y. 6 Dynamo fixing bolt. Length under head 6-3/4, threaded 318 B.S.F. 1
B.7661.Y. E Carburettor oomplete, Solex downdraught type 35 FAIL (See carburettor section). 1
B.8437.Y. Sorew-down greaser for water pump bush. (Beplaces 4734.S on French cars). 1
n.e451.n. g Oil filler cap a66embly. (Same as 452762 except for insoription in inglish). 1
B.9191.Y. Air intake filter silencer. (8Ap1aCe6 480342). Khen replacing 480342 by 6.9191.M. order in
addition one B.9320.k. bracket. 1
B.9320.k. Bracket fo& air intake filter silencer. (Fitted in place of 480344 when replacing 480342 by B.9191.Y
In this case 480343 is not used). 1
B.9370.Y. Packin. for air intake filter silenaer. (Used with B.9191.M. only when. this item has depressed
flange f . 1
B.9399.M. E Distanoe piece, 5j/8 0/Dia. x 27/64 I/Dia. x 3/.32 thick. For dynamo fixing bolt. 1
?art.tio. ik3scription per
b.9340.X. E oracket for accelerator control. (Fitted on bracket carryir.g Lockheeci reservoir and starter motor
solenoid switch.j 1
Pert ho. description pr
ssy .
b.124S.X. ii ilistance piece, i O/iris. x 14'32 I/'dia. x 14'16 lox;+ For distributor nounting. 1
B.1263.X. Z iiubber tube i )/'dia. x 3/'32 I/dia. Front carburettor t6 distributor suction unit. 1
2.7294.A. L Lair. wiring harness. (For use with manual operated starter.;
atartiq handle.
a. 7413 .A. Ll instrurezt panel COUpl8tO. 12 v?lt. Yhree-in-pm" uiit cxcriain~:- sptedomA.er, p&r31 i;aug.e,
arreter and clock.
a.7613 .A. Y I’ain wiring harness. (k cr use :vitL ranual oper:lte:: stdrt6r.j
i.2.‘IEEF.i.. L .udiator shall. Coeplete with -t:ire ?6sh rind chevrons, less motif. i air. shell is nOi;’ of brass and
all parts ire chromic platei. 1
5.7T.S$.,. I. nubosr hasher, 31er ‘/ -ia. x 51?e 5/ Jia. x l/4 thick. (Ihis part is also used for front num6r plate
f ixiag - 2 rquir6u. j
B.p.084.X. i Bracket for lighting and ignition switch. (For square type instrument frame.) 1
B.@449.X. Ylheel nut. (Suitable for all wheels on French or British cars except B.Y. disc wheel.) 23
B.6673.X. E. Main wiring harness. (F cr use with separately mounted solenoid switch and single junotion box. 1
8.6670.1. Iii Cable, 145 long, with .5/16 dia. teminal eyelets at ends. (Solenoid switch to starter motor.) 1
8.8666.X. E Packing washer, rubber, for regulator and fuse box. (L uoas box ref. 37031.8, mounted direct to
hull, first type.) 1
B.970E.X. E Packing washer- rubber for regulator and fuse box. (Lucas box ref. 37079.A, mounted direct to
hull, second type.) 1
B.8762.X. Front shockabsorber colcplzte. (Newton h Bennett Mark 12000, replaces all previous series. 2
B.6763.X. dear shockabsorber complete. (Newton & Bennett &ark 12000, replaces all previous series. ..I 2
B. P93O.b;. Badiator block, improved 1949 type with brass tanks and tubes. 1
Instrument panel nir ing harness. (For use with two junction boxes.)
Ir.9241 A &mbellisher, plated, for B.P.. type disc wheel. (This is the large embellisher U. e031.a. modified
for fixing with existing centre screw, and is prcvidad for cwners of Erench or urit ish cars who
prefer the f Irish obtained with this fitment, >
Pert ho. Description w
I I eissy.
h.1462.Y. iieer luggage coopertnent door handle with locir and key.
B.1696.Y. Glazing tape l-l/'4 x 5/'64, for fitting windscreen glass to frame. .
B.1699.Y. Rubber buffer, round type, for upper part of body door opening.
B.2730.Y. Glazing tape l-v.2 x l//16, for fitting windscreen glass to frab?e. (Alternative type.)
b.7331.Y. E fiubber drain tube, 13/16 O/Die. x 5/'P I/'Dia. x 36 long. For sliding roof, front..
B.7332.Y. ii Kubber drain tube, 13/16 OjDie. x y'2 VDie. x 59 long. For sliding roof, rear.
b.7336.Y. E Sponge rubber strip, 3/9 x 3/4 I 31-l/2 long. For sliding roof edge.
B.7337.Y. ii Eubber "UN section between sliding roof tray end roof pnnel.
- -
Part ho.
I uescription
I I iiSSY.
LI.733E.Y. ii nubber tape, 314 x I/ 16. For sliding roof, front euge.
B.7654.Y. Door outside handle, front k.H., with lock and key.
b.7655.Y. Door outside handle,. front L.H. and rear ii.H., non-locking.
ti.7776.Y. II near number plate and brackut. (Bracket made fron steel strip.)
- Z near seat cushion co=Flete.
;i.7$1\5.Y. c lnstrumnt board (faziaj f$r cars with “three-in--one” instr;cent panel, u.7413.A. L
o.eo75.r. L sponge rubber strip, 31 -l x 3/P x 42 long. For mar squab dust-proofing on exported cars only.
a.FO76.Y. 6 sponge rubber strip, ~1 i x +‘6 x 36 long. For rear squao drist-proof ing on exForteii cars only.
ti.P07?.2. t Sponge rubber strlF, $1’4 x 3/@ x 15 long. For rear squab d&St-proofing on exported cars only.
13.P71O.Y. ii Instrument board (fticia), for cars with square type instruments. 1
a.e717.Y. 6 iiear number plate and bracket. (Bracket formed from steel sheet.) 1
,040-J II7
--. -..-, -.-.-
3% FAIFICl17\ .-...
Id h.. ,-
15FAIEISDl4 W.tlp
402+ .
ho. ho.
fart co. l)escription p- Part No. Pescription per .
Assy. ssy.
Numbers given in thi8 section are Solex 4019 Plate, throttle abutment. 1
Psrrt Numbers.. Spare part8 should be
ordered direct from Nessrs. SOlOX Ltd., 4023 Screw, throttle 8lo8 running adju8tment. 1
223/231 Karylebone iioad, London, N.X.1,
or their accredited agents. 4354 Spring, throttle 8lo~ running adjU8t8WIt 1
l8t Type. Pump body, Pnrt Number 4024 Eut, throttle rpindle end. 2
51937/Ll, Q/l6 inch thick
approximately, without .5Q40 Union, ignition advance and retard. 1
economy jet.
5042 Cut, ignition advance and retard. 1
2nd Type. Pump body, Part Number
52746, s/6 inch thick 5041 Nipple, ignition advance and retard. 1
approximately, with economy
jet. 1171 Screw, volume control. 1
9749 Chamber, throttle only, 1st type. 9097 Gasket, throttle chamber. . 1
1034~SlE14 Chamber, throttle cmplete, 2nd type. 6967 Screw, throttle chamber fiiing. 4
lD340 Chamber, throttle only, 2nd type. 971 Washer, throttle chamber fixing. 4
l- r(t24
22bla s--12124/60
m ~50676/2/11S
s2o*J+3 F
ho. LO.
Fart SC Description cer Part No. Description cer
issy. hssy.
B.9340.X. Pedal gear assembly, R.B, drive. Cotter, std. 318 inch cycle type with nut
and plain washer.
B.0341 .A. Pedal gear bracket complete, R.H. drive. For:- Fixing clutch pedal to shaft. 1
Fixing clutch levers to pedal shaft. 1
, - B.oC42.X. Zedal shaft, 10 dia. x ?l? lcng. .;.I!. drive
Distance be&een cotter grooves FE. Pedal gear bracket complete, L.B, drive. 1
B9943.h. uistsnce piece, 18.3 I/Jia. x 24.3 C/di;i. Sedal shaft, lc’ dia. I 219 long, L.ii. driv’
x 17 long. On pedal shaft, orake pedal tiistrnce between cotter grooves 154. 1
side. P.H, drive.
B.?316.X. Z)istence piece, lP.3 I/Die. x 24.3 O/‘die.
d.90FZ.i. brake pedal, bushed. Less rubber pad, a;i- x 12 long. On pedal shaft between pedals
justing screw and lock nut. *i.;‘:, drive. and bracket. L.H. drive. 2
(This oedal has fabricated steel Iever and b.9317.X. Brake pedal, bushed. Less rubber pad,
is interchangeable with 543355 having adjusting screw and lock nut. LA. drive.
forged lever.) Flats offset to right. (This pedal has fabricated steel lever
end is interchangeable with 543324 having
B.90P3.X. Clutch pedal, Less %bber pad. adjusting forged lever.) Plate offset to left. 1
screw and lock nut. R.H. drive. (“his
pedal has fabricated steel lever and is Clutch pedal. Less rubber pad, adjusting
interchangeable with 543336 having forged screw end lock nut. L.H. drive. (This
lever.) Plate offset to right. pedal has fabricated steel lever and is
interchangeable with 543327 having forged
3.904.X. Clutch lever on pedal shaft. Distance lever.) Plate offset to left. 1
between oentres of shaft and trunnion
holes 45. L.H. drive. B.P326.ii. Tedel gear.assembly, L.ii. drive. 1
b.9105.X. Clutch lever on pedal shaft. Distance B.9364.L. Clutch operating rod, P die. x 650 long.
between centres of shaft and trunnion L.Fi. drive. Ends threaded 7 die. x 100
holes 80. R.H. drive. pitch. Thread length 50 et fixed end,
125 et adjustable end. 1
3.ClO@.;i. Clutch operating rod, ? dia, x 600 long.
1l.h. drive. I;nds threaded 7 dia. x 100 i.l.93?8 Distance piece for clutch operating rod,
pitch. Thread length 35 at fixed end, 8 I/Die. x 12.5 VDie. x 10 long. L.B.
125 et adjustable end. drive. 1
LO. IiO.
Part No. description per Part ho. 3escriFtion per
Easy. hs sy .
F1760 tjolt, starter cable fixing (in starter 51”77/2 Gasket, float chamber.
1lever.) 1
E023!? Screw, float chamber assembly.
4031 YLasher, starter spindle. 1
801 Xasher, float chauber assembly.
4024 i k&t) starter spindle end. 1
7494 ?wnp, complete, 1st Qpe.
El728 sail, starter valve locating. 1
10341 Amp, complete, 2nd ty?e.
51762 I;spring, starter valve locating ball. 1
S94l/ Ll Xasher, pump base.
E17@2 Support, cable. 1
514244 acrew, pump fixing, 1st type.
9696 icrew, cable support fixing. 2
52120 Scrtiw, pump fixing, 2nd type.
51760 Salt, starter cable fixin& (in cable
rupport. 1 1 6860 Lasher , pump fixing screw, 2nd typa
only. . 4
51421/3 icrew, starter body fixing (long.) 2
7353 Chamber, float complete. 1
5142l/6 icren, starter body fixing (short. > 2
FOFF?/‘6,/E Jet, main, 1st type. 1
Fl776 line, throttle chamber locating. 1
50552/q/130 tat, main, 2nd type. 1
71!?9 L;;over, float chamber complete, 1st type 1 .
.5oC?20 bolt, main jet carrier. 1.
10342 Cover, float chamber colrpleta, 2nd type 1
FOP15 Zashcr, main jet carrier bolt. 1
F0676/YFO Jet, speed. 1
51612/2FO bleed, main jet correction. 1
3430 ,,asher, speed, jet. 1
F2043/‘Llq lube, main Jet emulr 1 1
51016 Uall, ?uq> 1st type only. 1
F.o797/ 4/ CP L’ot, aiuil !ary, 1st ::‘:)a, 1
F??O4/Ll Licrew, sump ball retaining, 1st ty?e
only. 1 507w, 4/ 50 <:et, auxilisr~, 2-n” Qpe . 1
140. Go.
i&rt ir0. 36scription per sart ho. Uescript ion ;er
issy. ksy.
61274/ 16c! aleed, auxiliary let air, 1st type. 1 506?6/ q 115 tst, i.3. petrol. 1
,t?274/ 200 Jleed, auxiliary jet air, 2nd type. 1 34:(! Kashcr, potrol jet. i
50362 dcrew, choke tube fixing. 1 ,E2?%F Kasher, ecsnory jet, 2nd ty?e only. i
-;:20/ 8 Union, banjo. 1 ?C2? 'YEilV6, non-return, 2nd type only. i
4124/ 1 tsesher, banjo unicn (small. > 1 F2P2F ,.ashcr, non-return valve, 2nd type
only. 1
4122 Bolt, banjo union. 1
The following detail parts are for
4124 ,;asher, banjo union (large. ) 1 bcth t;‘;es of economy pump and are
shown mainly for explanatory purposes.
4123 Zause, banjo filter union. 1 .
It is stro@y reconmended by
5130!5~? Falve, need1 e sonpI et6 . 1 Yessrs. Solex Ltd., that to avoid
damage to diaphragms rind incorrect
2261 Aasher, need1 e valve. 1 adjustment, the parts be replaced as
complete units under the appropriate
El 676 send, needle vaive and petrol union. 1 assembly number.
60236 &rem, needle valve and petrol union 6334 Split pin, pump spindle adjusting nut.
bend fixing.
52212 Xut, purp spindle adjusting.
901. Yasher, needle valve and petrol union
bend fix ing . FlT37/ Ll Base, mp, only, 1st type (E/'i6 in.
thick.. 7
51999 Zover, float chamber air vent.
F2?4E 2466, Pm?, cjnly, 2nd type (5//R in.
9698 screw, float chamber air vent cover thick.:
14 - 4
ii,. &G.
Part ho. 3escripsloL per Tart X0. .3ascripfion per
ssy. hay.
487. S.30-R.
465.5.30-L.H. DRIVE
---.-.-- DRIVE
543355 - fORG/UG
543324 -fORtlNG
- 5405651 )
8.9105~R.H. DRIVE ’ 540545
6.9104-L.H. DRIVE &t-6.9386- L.H.DRlVE 1 II LMDRIVE
---- - 540556, 1 1 --------- -
I 487.5.30~R.H. URIVL
1343322 le.9041 -R.H. DRIVE R.H. DRIVE
II 1 le.9312 -L.H. DRIVE
9.9042 -R.H.DRIVE
9* 543322
543356 -fORGING ST
B.~OB~-~A~ICATED F &543326-
af- 495.S. 30
9.9316 - L.H. DRIVE (f/lTfD GffwffN SPRING2
_. a -a
e-2541. S
_--- -
-I A
8.9lQ5-R.H. DRIVE
8.9316 - L.H. DRIVE (ilrrro dftWffN SPRINGS)
543355 - FORGlNk
B.9062- FABRICAtfO
NO. No.
Part ho. Description per
Part PO. Description Per
4es.s.30 Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia. x 100 pitch, Clutch operating rod, adjustable end 2
20 long. Clutch operating rod, fixed end,
For:- Fixing pedal gear bracket, R.5. driw 4 R.H. drive. 1
Fixing pedal gear bracket, L.H. drive 4 Clutch operating rod, fixed end,
L.H. drive. 1
iE’6.5. Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia. x 100 pitch, 22.5
long. For pedal stop adjustment. 2 2541.S. Plain washer, e.5 I/Dia. x 18 O/Dia. x
2 thick. Por pin fixing master cylinder
4F7 .5.30 5olt, hex. head, 7 dia. x 100 pitch, 25 push-rod. 1
long. Fixing pedal gear bracket, li.H.
drive. 1 2578,s. Split pin, 3 dia. x 30 long. For pin
113506 fixing clutch operating rod fixed
. 1444 Pin, Sdia., length under head 27.5 dia. end, R.H. drive. 1
Fixing mastercylinder push-rod to brake
pedal. 1 2602.S. Plain rasher, 10.5 l/Ma. x 22 O/dia. x
2.4 thick. For pin 113506 fixing clutch
2422.6. Split pin, 2 dia. x 20 long. For pin operating rod fixed end, R.H. drive. 1
1444. 1
89094 Compression spring, 8.5 I,/Dia., free
24e2.6. Plain rasher, 7.5 I/Dfa. x 16 O/dia. x length 56. For clutch operating rod. 1
1.5 thick. For clutch operating rod,
adjustable end. R.H. drive. 1 89775 Plain washer, le.5 I/Dia. x 27 O/Dia. x
1.5 thick. As distance piece between
2503 .S. Rut, hex. 7 dia. x 100 pitch. clutch and brake pedal rwtum@ngs.a.H.drive~ 1
For:- Bolt8 fixing pedal gear bracket,
R.H. drive. 3 113506 Pin, 10 dia., length under head 2E. For
3olts fixing pedal gear bracket. clutch operating rod fixed end, R.H. drive 1 *
L.H. drive. 2
640545 Trunnion, 14 dia., 25 long, bore 8 dia.
2cE13.S. Washer, spring, S.T., 7 dia. (h.11 j. For clutch operating rod fixed
For:- Bolts fixing pedal gear bracket, end. L.ti. drive. 1
R.H. drive. 5
Bolts fixing pedal gear bracket, E40556 Adjusting nut, 7 dia. x 100 pitch. (ii.111
L.H. drive. 4 For clutch operating rod fixed dnd, L.iI.
drive. 1
2E20.S. Lock nut, hex., 7 dia. x 100 pitch.
For:- Uolt for pedal stop adjustment. 2
Jo. No.
Part lo. Description per Part lo. Description per
. Assy Aasy.
- 551584
B.7617 B.7bM-, r
L h.7614
C.7262 L c.7294
No. NO.
Part No< Description per Part NaI. Description per
hssyd bay.
8.7615.X. Banjo union, external thread 12.7 dia. x For:- Laster cylinder outlet banjo. 1
20 threads per inch (l/2 inch S.A.E.) For 3olts fixing wheel cylinder banjo
r;,";; jylinder inlet. (Use with pipe connections. 4
. . 1
8.7623.X. E Pipe complete, 6 I/Dia. x 9 O/Dia., 535
a.7616.X. Bolt, hex. head, 19.05 dia. x 16 threads long. From reservoir to master cylinder.
per inch (3/4 inch S.A.E.) For master (Use with banjo union B.7615.) 1
cylinder inlet banjo. 1
B.7627.X. E Pipe complete, 4.35 I/Dia. x 6.35 4/Dia.,
B.7617.X. Gasket, 19.5 I/Dia. x 23.5 O/Dia. x 1.5 740 long. From master cylinder to B.H.
thick. For master cylinder inlet. 2 front hose. 1
B.7619.X. Adaptor, external thread 12.7 dia. x 20 B.7634.X. E Banjo union, internal thread 11.11 dia. x
threads per inch (l/2 inch S.A.E.), inter- '20 threads per inch (7/16 inch S.A.E.)
nal thread 11.11 dia. x 20 threads per For front wheel cylindera. 2
inch (7/16 inch S.A.E.) For master
cylinder outlet. --1 B.7635.X. E Bolt, hex. head, 11.11 dia. x 20 threads
per inch (7/16 inch S.A.E.) For wheel
i3.7619.X. Gasket 11.5 I,iDia. x 19 O/Dia. x 1.5 thick cylinder banjo unions. 4
For:- Yaster cylinder outlet banjo. 1
Front hose to wheel cylinder banjo B.7636.X. E ?ipe complete, 4.35 T/'Dia. x 6.35 O/'Dia.,
connections. 2 915 long. From master cylinder to 3-way
i;cear hose to fram connector. 1 union. 1
Kheel cylinder banjo unions to wheel
cylinders. 4 B.7639.X. E 3-way union, internal threads 11.11 dia.
x 20 threads per inch (7/16 inch S.A.E.) 1.
B.7620.X. Banjo union, internal thread 11.11 dia. x
20 threads per inch (7/16 inch S.I.E.) B.7640.X. E ?ipe conplete, 4.35 l,/Dia. x 6.35 3/Dia.,
For:- Ilaster cylinder outlet. 1 llI'i,lonq. From 3-way union to L.H. front
ii.H, rear wheel cylinder. 1 t1088. 1
B.7621.X. Bolt, hex. head with outlet. t'xternal 8.7643.d. Ii Pipe complete, 4.35 IjDia. x 6.35 q'Dia..
and internal threads 11.11 dia. x 20 1500 long. From 3-way union to frame
threads per inch (7/‘16 inch 3.A.S.) connector. 1
For master cylinder outlet. 1
B.7646.X. E Frsm connector, exterm1 thread 15.9 dia.
b.7622.r. Gasket 14 I/Dia. x 19 OJ3ia. x 0.6 thick. x 26 threads per inch (fjI9 inch x 26 12.1)
internal threads 11.11 dJsi x 20 threads
.">.. :.xe.lB Iv, ,c i..,.k < 1
No. NO.
B.7647.X. b Pipe complete, 4.35 IfDia. x 6.35 O/dia., c. 2510.x. Screw, round head, 4.76 dia. x 24 threads
355 long. From rear hose to L.H. rear per inch (3/16 inch bhit.) For clip
wheel. 1 fixing 13.7651. 1
’ 6.7650.X. 6 Banjo union, 2-way 180°, internal threads C.2753.X. hut, hex. 4.76 dia. x 24 threads per inch
11.11 dia. x 20 threads per inch (7/'16 (3/16 inch Whit.! For screw C.2510. 1
inch S.A.L.) For L.H. rear wheel cylinder, 1
c.3003.x. Washer, spriig, S.T., 4.76 dia. For nut
. 3.7651.X. E Pipe couplete, 4.35 I/'Dia. x 6.35 O/Dia., C.2753 on screw C.7=11
c C. 1
1425 long. From L.H. rear wheel to Z.H.
rear wheel. 1 C.7262.X. Screw, self-tapping, round head, 4.9 dia.
x 12.7 long, (ho.10 x l/2 inch.) For
B.5440.X. E Pipe complete, 6 I/Dia. x 8 O/Dia., 390 fixing clip 551002. 2
long. From reservoir to master cylinder.
(Use with banjo union 551594.) 1 c.7294.x. Screw, self-tapping, round head, 4.16 dia.
x 32 long, (ho.6 x l.l/4 inch.) For
B.9602.X. E Pear hose, 445 long. 1 fixing B.7639. 1
B.9609.X. E Front hose, 395 long. 2 485.S Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia. x 100 pitch, 20
long. (&II) For fixing reservoir. 2
9.ee54.x. E Gasket, 13.3 I/Dia. x 19 O/Dia. x 1.5
thick. For master cylinder outlet adaptor 1 2462.S Plain washer, 7.5 I/Dia. x 16 O/Dia. x
1.5 thick. For nut 2503.5 fixing reservoir 2
8.8978.X. 6 hut, hex., 15.9 dia. x 26 threads per inch
(5/9 inch x 26 T.P.I.) 2503 .S hut, hex., 7 dia. x 100 pitch.
For:- Fixing frame connector. 1 For:- Bolt 495.S fixing reservoir. 2
Fixing rear hose to bracket on L.H. Fixing master cylinder. -2
arm of rear axle assembly. 1
Fixing 2-H. and L.H. front hoses to 2513 .S Washer, spring, S.T. 7 dia. For nut
brackets on front axle cradle. 2’ 2503.6 fixing reservoir and master
cylinder. 4
B.PS79.X. E Shakeproof washer, 15.9 dia. Use with nut
B.6979. P3835@ Gisket, copper, 13.3 I/Dia. x 21 qDia. x
For:- Fixing frame connector. 1 0.9 thick. (2.11) For reservoir outlet
Fixing rear hose to bracket on L.H. union. 2
arm of rear axle assembly. 1
Fixing R.B. and L.H. front hoses to 550879 Oil reservoir complete. (R.VI) I.’
brackets on front axle cradle. 2
-.. ?
\I B.9010- R.H.DRIvf( m B --
;& ,,,.-L.H.DRlN&
8.7622 C.2SlO--Q
_ G.7634
* Al -.--.-lO7P
l @-2ros.s
8.76%TO faoivr
80s~ a.n. foa a ff.
am. ro fmw
‘0s~ L.M foa L.H.
am. .897
--. -e f -PE!
NO.. k0.
Part Lo. Description per l-art Bo. Description per
issy. 8ssy.
b.76i9.X. 1 Gasket, 11.5 I/Dia. x 1E WDia. x 1.5. 8.7639.X. 6 3-way union, internal threads 11.11 dia. I
For:- Front hoso to wheel cylinder banjo 20 threads per inch (7/16 inch S.A.E.) 1
connections. -. 2
Wheel cylinder banjo connections to b.7646.X. E Frame connector, external thread'15.9 dia.
wheel cylinders. 4 x 26 threads per inoh (5/8 inch x 26 T.P.1,
Bear hose to banjo connection. 1 internal threads 11.11 dia. x 20 threads
Banjo connestion to frame connector. 1 per inch (7116 inch S.A.B.) 1
. B.7620.r. E Banjo union, internal thread 11.11 dia. x B.7647.X. B Pipe complete, 4.35 VDia. x 6.35 O/'Dia.,
20 threads per inch (7116 inch S.A.B.) 355 long. From rear hose to L.B. rear
For:- Master cylinder outlet. 1 wheel. 1
B.H. rear wheel cylinder. 1
B.7650.X. B Banjo union, 2-way MO', internal threads
B.7622.X. I Gasket, 14 IJDia. x 19 O/Dia. x 0.6 thiok. 11.11 dia. x 20 threads per inah (7116
For:- Bolts .fixing wheel oylinder banjo inch S.A.B.) For L.H. rear wheel
connections. 4 cylinder.. 1
Bolt fixing banjo connection to
frame connector. 1 B.7651.X. E Pipe complete, 4.35 VDia. x 6.35 4/D&a..
1425 long. From L.H. rear wheel to B.H.
B.7627.X(. E Pipe complete, 4.35 I/Dia. x 6.35 OjDia., -rear wheel. 1
740 long. From master cylinder to 3-way
union. 1 B.9609.X. B Hose, 395 long.
Front. 2
B.7634.L E Banjo union, internal thread 11.11 dia. x Bear. 1
20 threads per inch (7/16 inch S.A.B.j
Forr- Front wheel cylinders. 2 6.9440.X. 6 Pipe oanplete, 6 J/Dia. x 6 WDia., 380
Frame conneotor. 1 long. Front reservoir to master cylinder,
L.H. drive. 1
B.7635.X. 8 Bolt, hex. head, 11.11 dia. x 20 threads
per inoh (7/16 inoh S.A.E.) For wheel B.6954.X. E Gasket, 13.3 y'Dia.,x 19 WDia. x 1.5
cylinder banjo unions. 4 thick. For master oylinder outlet. 2
B.7636.X. 6 Pipe complete, 4.35 VDia. x 6.35 O/Dia., B.9970.X. E Nut, hex., 15.9 dia. x 26 threads per inch
915 'long. (de inoh x 26 T.P.I.)
From:- Yaster cylinder to H.H. front hose Fort- Fixing frems oonneotor. 1
for B.H. drive. 1 Fixing rear hose to bracket on L.H.
Master cylinder to L.H. front hose arm of rear axle assembly. 1
for L.R, d-ive. 1 Fixing R.H. and L,B. front oses to
brackets on front axle orad i! e. 2
0 0
-. ‘. -- . -.__ -’
._ -__.
8.9979.X. E Shakeproof washer, 16.9 dia. Use with :.2510.X. B Screw, round head, 4.76 dia. x 24 threads
nut 8.9979.' per inoh (S/l6 imh '&it.) 'For olip
For:- Fixing frame oonneotor. 1 fixing 8.7651. 1
Fixing rear hose to bracket on L.H.
arm of rear axle assembly. 1 :.2753.X. E Nut, hex., 4.76 dia. x 24 thread8 per inch
Fixing B.H; and L.H. front hoses to (3116 inch '#hit.) For screw C.2510. 1
brackets on front axle oradle. 2
:.2756.X. E Nut, hex., 6.35 dia. x 20 threads per inch
B.9010.X. 5 Pipe complete, 6 I/Dia. x 9 WDia., 155 (l/4 inch Xhit.) For screw C.5476. 1
long. From reservoir to master eyliader,
B.B. drive. 1 :.3003.x. E Washer, spring S.T. 4.76 dia. For nut
C.2753 on screw C.2510. 1
3.9055.X. E Bolt, hex. head, 12.7 dia. x 20 threads
per inch (1/2 inch S.A.E.) With head :.3127.X. E Washer, spring S.T. 6.35 dia. For nut
threaded internally ll.li dia. x 20 thread Ce2756 on screw C.5476. 1
per inch (7/16 inch S.A.B.) For master
cylinder outlet banjo union. .~1 2.5476.X. E Bolt, hex. head, 6.35 dia. x 20 thteada
per iaoh (l/4 inch Whit.j Fixing t-nay
a.9059.x. B Pipe oomplete, 4.35 f/Ma. x 6.35 O/Dia., UIliOIA. 1
1220 long.
From;- J-way -ion to L.H. front hose for 2.7262.X. E Screw, self-tapping, round head 4,Q dia,
a,H. drive. 1 x 12.7 long, (lo,10 x 1/2 inch.) Fixing .
3-nay union to it.B. front hose for clip 55iOO2. 2
L.H. drive. 1
495.s Bolt, hex* head, 7 dia. x 100 pitch, 20
,' B.9090.X. 6 Bolt, hex. head, 11.11 dia. x 20 threads long, (k.11) For fixing reservoir. 2 *
per inch (7/16 imh S.A.E.) Viith head
threaded internally for stop lamp switch. 1 5oo.s Bolt, hex. head, 7 dia. x 100 pitch, 65
long. For fixing xmter cylinder and
B.9091.X. 6 Stop lamp switoh. 1 spaoer. 2
3.9094.1. 6 Pipe complete, 4.35 r/Dia. x 6.35 g/Dia., 1063.s Gromet, 14 I/ma., to suit panel 1.5
1930 long. Frorir 3-way union to frame con- thick with 20 dia. hole. For pipes
nector. 1 a.7636 end B.7627. 2
Plain uaeher, 7.6 I/Dia. x ls.o/Dia. x 665199 Master oylindar inlet union, ends threaded
1.6 thick. externally 19.06 dia. x 16 throada per
Fort- Yut.'SOS.S fixing reservoir. 2 inoh (3/4 inoh 8.A.E.) and 12.7 dia. x
Upper 8ereu SO0.S fixing master 20 threads per inoh (1/2 inah S.A.E.) 1
cylinder and spacer. 1
663207 Spaoer for master oylinder mounting. 1 ,'
2503.S Hut, hex., 7 dia. x 100 pitoh.
For:- Bolt 485.S fixing reservoir. 2 553218 Master aylinder complete. 1
Bolt 500.5 fixing master cylinder
. and 8pacer. 2