From time to time in laboratory modules, you will be expected to produce a formal
report on selected experiments carried out in the laboratory. This report is the method
by which you communicate your experimental work and its results and interpretation
to the outside world. Its importance cannot therefore be overestimated. The aim of the
report is to convey to the reader as clearly, concisely and convincingly as possible the
description of the work of the experimenter. The most important single point in report
writing is clarity. It is possible to distinguish two types of report. Usually, in physics,
you will be writing a scientific report on an experiment which illustrates some
physical principal. However, it sometimes happens that you might be involved in a
project which designs and constructs some form of instrument. In this case, you will
write a design report. Both types of report have common elements. Common elements
will be in black script. Specialist elements will be in green for scientific reports and
blue for design reports.
General Points
The aim of writing a report is to inform the reader in as clear and concise fashion as
possible. You should remember that you are writing a report at University level and
simply saying what you did is insufficient. You need to explain what you did, why
you did it and what your results mean.
Some of the general points to be covered in the report are provided below.
The abstract must stand on its own so do not make any statements that require further
explanation. Write the abstract so that it makes sense to a reader who has not read the
rest of the report.
An example abstract:
“The refractive index of sodium silicate glass was measured at 632.8 nm. A new
method, based on a Brewster angle technique, and using a helium-neon laser as light
source, was employed. A refractive index value of n = 1.53 +/- 0.02 was obtained,
comparing well with literature values, and confirming the effectiveness of the new
The title and abstract should be on a single page, separate from the rest of the report.
3. Introduction.
This answers the following questions for the reader.
a) What exactly the work is
b) Why it was done
c) What must be known in order to understand the work (background material and its
relevance to the present work). This includes the introduction of the underlying
physics, any mathematical relationships and any definitions relevant to the study.
Here, you present the design itself, the theory behind the design, problems
encountered in producing the design, and how those problems were, or could be,
Identify all measuring apparatus. Omit standard items such as stands, clamps, etc.
You should, where possible list
a) The name of the apparatus and manufacturer, model number (and serial number, if
b) The range of values covered, scale division, or instrument limit of error as specified
by the manufacturer.
5. Results.
The results state only what you have measured in the course of experimental work or
the results of any test on the design. Remember that any numerical result put in a
report is meaningless without both units and an error.
Results may be presented in the form of tables or in the form of graphs. You should
not produce both for the same data. Graphs show trends in data. If there is no trend or
if a high degree of accuracy is required, then a table should be used.
Each table needs a title at the top. The units of the quantities being measured will
appear at the top of the data column. Every measured value should have its
uncertainty indicated. If the entries in a whole column of readings have the same
uncertainty, this can be quoted once at the top of the column.
Graphs should have their axes clearly labelled and error bars shown.
Having presented tables and graphs, you must now make some statement about your
results. This statement should state only what you have found and should not include
any discussion of the results.
For example, consider an experiment to measure gravity where you drop a ball from
different heights and time how long it takes to hit the ground. In the results section
you would include your observed results (the heights and timings) and any
measurements of quantities (such as the mass of the ball). Simple calculations may be
carried out here (e.g., if you repeat the experiment several times from the same
height, you may calculate the average time it takes to drop from that height -
including errors). In order to calculate the value of gravity, you perform a
regression analysis (calculating errors), and use the results from this to calculate the
value for gravity. This regression analysis and a statement about its result should
appear in a data analysis section.
All of the rules about stating numerical results with errors and presenting graphs and
tables that were discussed above, also apply to the Data Analysis section.
The discussion section summarises the design and testing work completed and
assesses how well the design meets the objectives presented in the introduction. If the
design does not meet the objectives, you should analyse the reasons the design did not
work and what could be modified to make the design a success. You should also
provide a perspective for how the design will be used in the future.
7. Conclusions
This section finishes the main text of the report. It should be a self-contained entity.
Briefly restate the aims of the experiment and the methods used in a few lines to
remind the reader of the background to your experimental results. The main purpose
of the conclusion section is, however, to draw all the elements of the report together,
indicate its successes or failures, point out what you have achieved and learned, and
how the experiment could be improved.
8. Acknowledgements
Limit these to those who helped directly in the work or during discussions on the
subject of the work.
9. Appendices.
The best use of appendices is for supplementary material that is necessary for
completeness but which would detract from the orderly and logical presentation of the
work if inserted into the body of the paper (e.g. derivation of an equation). They may
also be used for supplementary material that is valuable to the specialist but of little
interest to the general reader. Data sheets may also be placed in an appendix.