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Hagan and Nathani Critical Care 2013, 17:240



Clinical review: Tuberculosis on the intensive care

Guy Hagan and Nazim Nathani*

(HDU)/ICU setting for a variety of reasons. Mortality for

Abstract patients admitted with active TB and respiratory failure
Rates of tuberculosis (TB) are increasing in most west requiring mechanical ventilation is poor, with reported
European nations. Patients with TB can be admitted in-hospital mortalities of 33 to 67% [3-5]. It is a treatable
to an ICU for a variety of reasons, including respiratory disease and a proactive approach with timely intervention
failure, multiorgan failure and decreased consciousness is required in the treatment of critically ill TB patients, as
associated with central nervous system disease. TB delays to starting therapy can be associated with worse
is a treatable disease but the mortality for patients survival [6]. TB patients on ICU present special challen-
admitted with TB to an ICU remains high. Management ges, including obtaining microbiological confirmation,
challenges exist in establishing a prompt diagnosis providing effective anti-tuberculosis treatment (ATT)
and administering effective treatment on the ICU with with poor absorption and high rates of organ dysfunction,
potentially poor gastric absorption and high rates of and apparent deterioration of TB during appropriate
organ dysfunction and drug toxicity. In this review treatment (paradoxical reactions). This review describes
reasons for ICU admission, methods of achieving the reasons patients with TB may be on a HDU/ICU and
a confident diagnosis through direct and inferred aims to discuss management with particular relevance to
methods, anti-tuberculosis treatment (including the intensivist and the ICU environment.
steroid and other adjuvant therapies) and specific
management problems with particular relevance to Reasons and outcome for ICU admission in
the intensivist are discussed. The role of therapeutic tuberculosis patients
drug monitoring, judicious use of alternative regimes in TB usually affects the lungs but may present acutely in
the context of toxicity or organ dysfunction and when almost any organ system and mimic other infectious or
to suspect paradoxical tuberculosis reactions are also non-infectious processes [7]. Most studies of TB patients
covered. Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms are on ICU involve patients with pulmonary TB [6,8].
proposed to guide ICU doctors in the management of Common reasons for admission are acute respiratory
this sometimes complicated disease. failure [3,4], and development of multi-organ failure
(MOF) [9]; high rates of acute respiratory distress syn-
drome (ARDS) are seen [10], although post mortem
Introduction studies suggest that confluent tuberculous bronchopneu-
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant public health monia may mimic ARDS [3]. Neurological deterioration
problem worldwide, with an estimated 8.7  million cases due to tuberculosis meningitis (TBM) is a rarer but
and 1.4  million deaths from it in 2011 [1]. Immigration important reason for ICU admission. Presentations of TB
patterns, the HIV pandemic and iatrogenic immuno- are myriad and more unusual reasons for ICU admission
suppression have made TB a more common disease in exist (some of these are listed in Table 1).
western European nations; TB rates in the UK have
increased over the past 2  years [2], with a rate of Respiratory failure due to pulmonary tuberculosis
14.4  cases/100,000 population. Patients with suspected Advanced pulmonary TB can cause respiratory failure;
or actual tuberculosis may be on a high dependency unit the incidence of respiratory failure in hospitalised pul-
monary TB patients is about 1.5% [3]. The majority of
*Correspondence: n.nathani@nhs.net
patients will have abnormal chest X-rays (CXRs) includ-
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Birmingham City Hospital, Dudley Road, ing cavitatory lesions and bilateral infiltrates [8] (Figure 1).
Birmingham B18 7QH, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom Contributing factors such as bacterial pneumonia,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and malignancy
© 2010 BioMed Central Ltd © 2013 BioMed Central Ltd may be present in about 72% of cases [11].
Hagan and Nathani Critical Care 2013, 17:240 Page 2 of 10

Table 1. Other potential reasons for admission of a patient

with tuberculosis to an ICU
Presentation Possible cause
Massive haemoptysis Rasmussen aneurysm
Cardiogenic shock Massive pericardial effusion
Known tuberculosis patient Post-thoracic surgery
electively admitted to ICU
Liver failure Drug reaction
Renal failure Drug reaction (usually rifampicin)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation Miliary TB
Pituitary apoplexy/stroke mimic Cerebral tuberculoma
Airway obstruction Laryngeal/retropharyngeal TB
TB, tuberculosis.

Patients with TB requiring ICU care may have high

rates of co-morbidities and ICU related complications. In
one German study [8] 65.5% of patients had deranged
liver function, 12.1% chronic pancreatitis, 8.6% chronic
renal failure and 6.9% HIV co-infection. ICU related
complications were also common, with nosocomial
pneumonia in 67.2% patients, pneumothorax in 13.8%,
ARDS in 12.1%, acute renal failure in 12.1% and MOF in
Figure 1. Male patient who presented with type I respiratory
3.4%. Rates of co-existing extra-pulmonary TB can be up failure. Sputum grew fully sensitive Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
to 19 to 22% [6,8].
Delay in appropriate treatment due to lack of early
recognition of TB may result in progressive multi-organ CXR may be initially normal for the first few weeks of the
involvement and ICU admission [6] and an important disease. Mortality is about 25% overall [16] but assumed
opportunity between hospital admission and ICU pre- near 100% if untreated. Patients with miliary TB may be
sentation may exist. Given the high ARDS rates in more likely to develop ARDS than patients with isolated
ventilated patients with TB, standard mechanical ventila- pulmonary TB and MOF may account for most of the
tion strategies to reduce ARDS may be appropriate, mortality of patients with miliary TB on ICU [10]. A
including lower tidal volumes and a conservative fluid retrospective study by Silva and colleagues [4], which
strategy [12]. included high rates of extrapulmonary TB (about 63%)
Mortality is high for patients with active TB and and HIV seropositivity, described MOF in over 80% of
respiratory failure; a Canadian study found a significantly patients.
higher in-hospital mortality of 69% for patients requiring Disseminated TB can rarely lead to a septic shock with
mechanical ventilation for TB in comparison to ARDS of MOF presentation, sometimes described as Landouzy
any cause (56%) and nontuberculous pneumonia (36%) septicaemia after the original report [18]. This is usually
requiring mechanical ventilation [13]. Risk factors for described in association with HIV infection [19], and
mortality include older age, nosocomial pneumonia, TB recently associated with monoclonal antibodies used in
destroyed lung, MOF, a duration of symptoms of more the treatment of rheumatological disease [17], but can
than 4 weeks, and an APACHE-II score >20 [14,15]. also occur in patients with no obvious risk factors [20].
Disseminated TB may also cause adrenal insufficiency
Miliary tuberculosis [21], which should be considered in the context of refrac-
Miliary TB is a form of TB where there is haematological tory hypotension or hyponatraemia.
dissemination from focal infection into the blood, leading
to seeding of multiple organs with TB bacilli. A minority Tuberculosis meningitis and other central nervous system
of patients may present with symptoms of less than four tuberculosis
weeks duration. An underlying predisposing condition Tuberculosis of the central nervous system (CNS) occurs
such as diabetes or steroid use will be present in about a in approximately 1% of TB cases, and includes TBM and
third of patients [16] and immunosuppression due to cerebral tuberculomas. It carries a high mortality and is
HIV or iatrogenic reasons may also contribute [17]. The probably fatal if untreated. It is the reason for about 6 to
Hagan and Nathani Critical Care 2013, 17:240 Page 3 of 10

18% [4,6] of TB related ICU admissions. In a French case pulmonary TB submit at least two sputum specimens for
series of TBM admitted to ICU [22], nearly all patients microscopic examination [32]. Culture not only confirms
were admitted due to a falling conscious level, 75% the diagnosis but also provides drug susceptibility testing.
required mechanical ventilation and 33% underwent a In the UK, 8.4% of isolates were resistant to any first line
neurosurgical procedure; 1  year mortality was 65%. drug, and 1.6% of isolates were multi-drug resistant TB
Clinical symptoms range from an acute illness mimicking (MDR TB) [2]; rates of MDR TB are much higher in some
bacterial meningitis to a non-specific illness of fever and countries.
headache, with a smaller proportion having cranial nerve New liquid culture techniques should give a culture
palsies [22]. The mean duration of symptoms ranges from result in 2 to 4 weeks [31]. An initial targeted sample for
12 to 29 days in most series and approximately one-third auramine or Ziehl-Neelsen stain is important as this
will have symptoms lasting less than a week [7]. The would help confirm TB in the appropriate clinical
majority of the literature on CNS TB comes from the situation. There is little evidence specific to diagnosis in
paediatric age group. Cerebral tuberculomas can present an ICU setting. TB can present acutely and a high index
as seizures (focal and generalised), as well as with focal of suspicion should be had in the majority of ill patients
neurological signs; occasionally a tuberculous brain with an abnormal CXR, particularly if risk factors for TB
abscess can form that may require neurosurgical inter- are present. An incidental finding of acid fast bacilli
vention as well as ATT [23]. (AFB) in sputum in a patient not suspected to have TB
As well as a high mortality, TBM poses two additional may be due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) and
particular challenges for the intensivist relevant to correlation with other diagnostic data such as radiology
neurocritical care - hydrocephalus and hyponatraemia. and immune status is advised; 35% of AFB seen in
Hydrocephalus is common and develops radiologically in sputum was due to NTM in one study [33]. NTM may
about 77% [24] of cases. It is usually due to communi- cause pulmonary disease especially in the immuno-
cating hydrocephalus associated with tuberculous exu- suppressed or may not be significant. Conversely, an
dates in the basal cisterns, but may be non-communi- AFB-positive specimen in a patient with a suggestive
cating in a smaller (17 to 25%) proportion of cases - for history, clinical features and radiology should be assumed
example, due to obstruction at the outlet foramen of the to be TB unless proved otherwise; TB PCR may have a
fourth ventricle or the cerebral aqueduct by oedema or a role if there is doubt.
tuberculoma [25]. Hydrocephalus may increase the intra- In patients who are expectorating, serial sputum samp-
cranial pressure, leading to reduced cerebral perfusion ling probably provides a yield similar to bronchoscopy
and ischaemia, and in more advanced cases cause brain [34]. Microbiological sampling in the non-expectorating
herniation. Non-communicating hydrocephalus usually patient may be carried out via bronchoscopy if the
requires a neurosurgical procedure such as a shunt patient is intubated. Transbronchial biopsy may provide
procedure or an endoscopic third ventriculostomy [26]. histology to enable rapid diagnosis and may increase the
Cases of communicating hydrocephalus should also be diagnostic yield [35]; this can carry a risk of complications
discussed with a neurosurgical centre. There may be a in the mechanically ventilated patient (mainly bleeding
role for external ventricular drainage in patients with a and pneumothorax [36]) but in selected patients the risk/
low Glasgow coma score and TBM [27]. Hyponatraemia benefit ratio may be favourable, particularly in patients
is common in TBM patients and is independently with diffuse lung shadowing or miliary disease. Special-
associated with a worse outcome [26]. It is multifactorial, ised procedures such as bronchoscopy through a non-
and the syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone invasive ventilation mask may facilitate sampling in a
and cerebral salt wasting probably both play a role [28]. hypoxic non-intubated patient and this is carried out in
The best approach to TBM-associated hyponatraemia is our institution. Where facilities exist, induced sputum
uncertain, and hypertonic saline, fluid restriction, fludro- may have a role in some patients and has been shown to
cortisone and demeclocycline may all have a role have similar or better sensitivities to bronchoscopy (73
depending on the fluid state of the patient [26]. Other and 87% sensitivity, respectively, in smear-negative
aspects of neurocritical care may be relevant for TBM. patients [37]). No data on the utility of respiratory
These additional interventions may include intra-cranial secretions obtained at suction for diagnosis of TB on
pressure monitoring [25], a higher transfusion threshold ICU/HDU exist but transtracheal aspirates have shown a
[29], and control of fever [30]. high sensitivity (88%) in smear-negative patients [38]. If
there are signs and symptoms reinforced by appropriate
Diagnosis of tuberculosis investigations consistent with a TB diagnosis, treatment
Culture confirmation of tuberculosis should be obtained should be started without waiting for culture results, and
where possible [31]; the World Health Organisation continued even if subsequent culture results are negative
(WHO) recommends all patients suspected to have [31].
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Non-pulmonary samples yielded positive results in the majority of patients with

Extrapulmonary TB is common in ICU patients with miliary TB when it was carried out [16], although the
pulmonary TB and in the context of advanced immuno- place of bone marrow examination in the absence of
suppression associated with HIV [39]; in the latter, haematological abnormalities requires clarification.
visualised AFB may be due to NTM. Whilst culture is
central to confirmation of the mycobacterium, PCR for Interferon gamma release assays/nucleic acid amplification
TB may have a role in this patient population to help tests
establish a diagnosis [40]. Most forms of extrapulmonary The past decade has seen the development of interferon
TB have a lower bacterial load than pulmonary disease gamma release assays (IGRAs) in the diagnosis of latent
and histology/cytology such as pleural biopsies and TB. IGRAs work on the principle of measuring the
lymph node aspiration play a more prominent role in cytokine interferon gamma released from T cells in res-
diagnosis. A lymphocytic pleural effusion, caseating ponse to synthetic antigens that are also found in MTB
granulomas or granulomas with Langhan’s giant cells are and have an approximate 90% sensitivity and 99%
suggestive of TB [31], although other conditions may also specificity for diagnosis of latent TB [48]. These antigens
cause these histological changes; lymphoma is a main are absent from Mycobacterium bovis and most NTM so
differential for a lymphocytic effusion. A lymphocytic are not affected by prior Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
effusion in an ICU setting with a high index of suspicion vaccination or most NTM exposure.
for TB should trigger ATT. A small proportion (6.7%) of IGRAs cannot distinguish between latent and active TB
patients, especially if the duration of illness is short, may and therefore may be positive in an individual who has
have a predominately polymorphonuclear leucocytic latent TB but another cause for ICU admission. It is
pleural effusion [41]. Adenosine deaminase levels may recommended that IGRAs should not be used as a
have a role in conjuction with other pleural fluid results, routine diagnostic tool in active TB, although there may
although this is a controversial area [42]. Urine culture be a role in using IGRA with other complementary tests
for TB may be useful in miliary disease, with positive when TB is suspected, especially if samples are difficult
cultures in about 25 to 69% of cases [43,44]. Urine to obtain [49]. A negative test does not exclude active TB.
microscopy for AFB is not usually carried out due to high ICU admission has also been associated with a false
rates of NTM. negative IGRA [50] and so the role of IGRA in intensive
Gastric aspirates may be easy to obtain on an ICU. care patients is less clear. There is ongoing research into
There is little evidence for their utility in diagnosing TB next generation IGRAs and T-cell-based diagnostic
in adults, and none from an ICU setting. The presence of platforms that may overcome some of the current
AFB in a gastric aspirate may be due to atypical myco- limitations of IGRAs [51].
bacteria leading to a low specificity in some studies [45] Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) tend not to be
but not others [46]. A culture rate of about 5% for Myco- routinely used, and the sensitivity and specificity can be
bacterium tuberculosis (MTB) has been described in highly variable compared with culture results [40]. A
gastric aspirates in patients with pulmonary TB [46]. negative result does not exclude TB and a positive result
The diagnosis of TBM is based on typical cerebrospinal does not give drug sensitivities. One exception is the
fluid (CSF) findings (high protein, low glucose and Xpert MTB/RIF probe, which has shown a 98.2% and
predominately lymphocytic CSF) and confirmation if 72.5% sensitivity for diagnosing TB in smear-positive and
possible of TB elsewhere in the body. There may be a role smear-negative patients, respectively [52]. The probe also
for repeat lumbar puncture in 48  hours in atypical CSF identifies mutations associated with rifampicin (R) resis-
findings. Culture of TB in CSF may occur in up to 80% of tance and may have a role where MDR TB is suspected;
cases if larger volumes of CSF (>6  ml) are submitted. for this reason WHO suggests this test as a follow on test
Repeated lumbar punctures may increase diagnostic yield for patients with smear-negative samples. British recom-
[26]. TBM is probably fatal if not treated and there should mendations for NAATs currently restrict their role to the
be a low threshold for empirical therapy unless a clear case where rapid confirmation of a TB diagnosis in a
alternative diagnosis is made. smear-positive patient would alter management (for
Blood cultures for mycobacteria are particularly useful instance, if an NTM was suspected). There are few
in the diagnosis of disseminated TB and NTM (especially recommendations on the role of NAATs on non-
mycobacterium avium intracellulare) in HIV affected respiratory samples. Data from meta-analysis gives a 56%
individuals with a low CD4 count, with mycobacteraemia sensitivity and 98% specificity for CSF, which is similar to
being proportional to the CD4 count [47]. The yield microscopy [26]. There may be a role for NAAT on CSF
drops to zero with CD4 counts above 300  cells/μl. The when ATT treatment has been started without a
utility of mycobacterial blood cultures in non-HIV immuno- confirmed diagnosis, as mycobacterial DNA may remain
suppresion is unknown. Bone marrow examination detectable for a month after the start of treatment [26].
Hagan and Nathani Critical Care 2013, 17:240 Page 5 of 10

Upper lobe disease on a CXR was shown to increase the
odds ratio of TB by 14.6 [53]. There are fewer data
specific to ICU patients; small nodular or cavitary
patterns on a CXR as well as a duration of illness of more
than 2  weeks may be predictive of TB in some studies
[54], although other studies fail to identify radiological
changes specific for TB on an ICU [55]. In HIV co-
infected patients, radiological appearances can vary and
cavitation becomes less common as immunosuppression
advances. An American study described a normal or near
normal CXR in 19% of pulmonary TB patients with a
CD4 count less than 200  cells/μl [56]. Computed
tomography (CT) scanning may have a role in identifying
active TB and allowing differentiation from old fibrotic
lesions, with centrilobular nodules and a ‘tree in bud’
pattern often seen in active disease. Mediastinal
lymphadenopathy and cavitation may also raise the
suspicion of TB (Figure 2), and miliary shadowing may be
present on CT even with a normal chest X-ray [57]. CT Figure 2. CT scan of thorax of female patient intubated due
chest may help in gathering diagnostic information in an to respiratory failure. Tuberculosis subsequently cultured from
bronchoscopy specimens. Note the cavitation mainly in the right
intubated patient where TB is suspected but not
upper lobe.
confirmed, and also allow targeting of bronchoscopy.
A proposed diagnostic algorithm for respiratory failure
is presented in Figure 3.
High rates of hepatic and renal dysfunction in ICU
patients with TB provide specific challenges. Patients on
Anti tuberculosis treatment and adjuvant the ICU may have uncertain enteral absorption [58].
therapies (including paradoxical reactions) Subtherapeutic levels of ATT have been associated with a
The standard treatment for non-MDR TB involves slow clinical response, treatment failure and drug
combination therapy of more than three drugs; R and resistance [59]. The incidence of subtherapeutic levels of
isoniazid (H) provide a crucial backbone to ATT regimes, anti-TB drugs in ICU patients is not known but it is
allowing shorter courses of 6 to 9 months (1 year for CNS reasonable to have a low threshold for therapeutic drug
TB) to be efficacious due to their bacteriocidal action. R monitoring in TB patients on the ICU. Our practice is to
and H are associated with the potential serious side prefer parenteral therapy in severely ill patients for the
effects of hepatotoxicity. Two other first line ATT, pyra- initial 72 hours.
zinamide (Z) and ethambutol (E), are renally excreted Additional bacterial infection can complicate TB-
and E may be associated with optic nerve toxicity. Other related ICU admissions [8] and a low threshold for
drugs used to treat TB include fluoroquinolones (for additional anti-bactericidal therapy should be present.
example, moxifloxacin), aminoglycosides (for example,
streptomycin or amikacin) and a range of other second Hepatotoxicity
line anti-TB drugs such as cycloserine or prothionamide. Hepatotoxicity may be associated with older age, mal-
Not all ATT is available parenterally; parenteral prepara- nutrition, alcoholism, HIV or viral hepatitis co-infection
tions are available for R, H, fluoroquinolones and amino- [60]. In miliary TB it is important to ensure that the cause
glycosides. The management of HIV co-infection is of the deranged liver function is not due to TB itself (by
complicated and detailed discussion is beyond the scope imaging or consideration of liver biopsy), as the
of this article; guidelines exist for management outside of management of deranged liver function in this context
the HDU/ICU [40]. Principles of HIV/TB co-infection would be management of the TB. International guidelines
management include awareness of the immune reconsti- differ slightly but suggest stopping TB medication if
tution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), and when highly transaminases are more than three to five times the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) should be started; upper limit of normal or there is a bilirubin rise [60,61]. If
this depends on the CD4 count but is recommended as it is crucial to continue ATT in the short term (for
soon as is practical in the very immunosuppressed (CD4 instance in TBM where treatment interruptions are an
count <100 cells/μl) [40]. independent risk factor for death [26]), a combination of
Hagan and Nathani Critical Care 2013, 17:240 Page 6 of 10

Figure 3. Proposed diagnostic algorithm for respiratory failure due to suspected tuberculosis (TB). AFB, acid fast bacilli; CSF, cerebrospinal
fluid; ET, endotracheal; IGRA, interferon gamma release assay; NIV, non-invasive ventilation.

relatively non-hepatotoxic drugs, such as an aminoglyco- Nephrotoxicity

side, E and a fluoroquinolone, could be given [60]. Dose adjustments are required with Z and E with a
Ethionamide and prothionamide may be an alternative to glomerular filtration rate of less than 30 ml/minute/1.73 m2.
E as they penetrate the meninges well and do not have Aminoglycosides and cycloserine may require similar
the concern of optic nerve toxicity [62]. dose adjustments [63]. No data exist for patients on
As R and H are important for TB treatment, they are continuous renal replacement therapy, and collaboration
usually sequentially reintroduced once liver function between intensivists, pharmacists, TB physicians, renal
tests improve with close monitoring, and standardised physicians and monitoring of drug levels is appropriate.
re-challenge protocols are provided [60,61]. In cases of
severe or prolonged hepatotoxicity who have had R and Corticosteroids as adjuvant therapy
H re-introduced, it may be reasonable not to re-challenge Corticosteroids inhibit release of inflammatory cyto-
with Z and extend treatment to 9  months [60]. The kines, which may help lessen tissue damage and consti-
management of patients with decompensated liver tutional symptoms. There have been many studies of
disease and TB is not clear, and the standard regime with corticosteroids in TB, including advanced pulmonary TB.
close monitoring, or 18 to 24  months of E, a fluoro- The only indications for steroids recognised in most
quinolone and an aminoglycoside is suggested [60]. international guidelines are a) TBM, where corticosteroids
Hagan and Nathani Critical Care 2013, 17:240 Page 7 of 10

Figure 4. Proposed algorithm for treatment of suspected or actual pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) on the ICU. MDR-TB, multi-drug resistant
tuberculosis; TDM, therapeutic drug monitoring.

help reduce risk of death or disability [26,31] and meningitis) for a total of 6 to 8  weeks [65]; British
b) tuberculous pericardial effusion where corticosteroids guidelines suggest prednisolone (or equivalent) 20 to
decrease the amount and rate of re-accumulation of 40 mg/day with gradual withdrawal. There are no direct
tuberculous pericardial effusion [31,64]. The largest trial comparisons of the dose or type of steroid in TBM. For
of steroids in TBM used a reducing dose of dexa- tuberculous pleural effusion there is some evidence for
methasone, initially given intravenously at a dose of 0.3 to adjuvant corticosteroids resulting in a faster resolution of
0.4  mg/kg/day (depending on the severity of the pleural effusion at 4 weeks, but no difference in residual
Hagan and Nathani Critical Care 2013, 17:240 Page 8 of 10

fluid at 8 weeks or death rates between corticosteroid and evidence base for diagnosis and management of TB
non-corticosteroid groups [66]. Many trials of cortico- specific to an ICU setting is sparse and what may be true
steroids for pulmonary TB were carried out in the 1950s for stable TB patients may not translate to an ICU. These
to 1960s and suggested a more rapid clinical and patients have a high mortality and high rates of organ
radiological improvement compared to control patients, dysfunction. Diagnosis of TB if not confirmed prior to
particularly in severe disease [67], but an absence of ICU admission may be challenging but culture of
longer term effects on survival or risk of long-term lung mycobacterium TB should be attempted, with radiology,
damage. The implications of this for patients with histology and possibly IGRAs contributing to the clinical
advanced TB and respiratory failure on an ICU are picture. Treatment is complicated by drug toxicity, erratic
unclear. A recent meta-analysis suggests a non-significant absorption and organ dysfunction, and therapeutic drug
trend towards benefit of steroids in pulmonary TB [68], monitoring and judicious use of alternative regimes may
and a 2008 study [14] suggested a lower mortality rate in help this problem. Corticosteroids have a role in TBM
patients with pulmonary TB who received corticosteroids and pericardial TB and may have a role in far advanced
but firm conclusions cannot be drawn due to the pulmonary TB on a case by case basis. The clinician
retrospective nature of the study. should be alert to paradoxical reactions as a cause of
apparent treatment failure or disease progression.
Paradoxical reactions/immune reconstitution
inflammatory syndrome Abbreviations
AFB, acid fast bacilli; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ATT, anti-
A paradoxical reaction in TB is defined as a clinical or tuberculosis treatment; CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid;
radiological worsening of pre-existing tuberculous CT, computed tomography; CXR, chest X-ray; E, ethambutol; H, isoniazid;
lesions or the development of new lesions in patients HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; HDU, high dependency unit; IGRA,
interferon gamma release assay; IRIS, immune reconstitution inflammatory
receiving ATT in the absence of an alternative explana- syndrome I; MDR TB, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis; NAAT, nucleic acid
tion such as drug resistance, ineffective drug delivery or a amplification test; NTM, non-tuberculous mycobacterium; PCR, polymerase
secondary diagnosis [69]. Patients with HIV are more chain reaction; R, rifampicin; TB, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis; MOF, multi-
organ failure; TB, tuberculosis; TBM, tuberculosis meningitis; WHO, World
likely to develop these reactions, which are referred to in Health Organisation; Z, pyrazinamide.
the context of HIV co-infection as IRIS [40]. The
aetiology of these reactions is unknown, but in HIV may Competing interests
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
relate to HAART causing a reconstitution of immunity
leading to an immune response to dead bacilli. The Acknowledgements
incidence in HIV-negative patients is probably between 2 The authors are grateful to Mark McBreen, Head Graphic Designer,
Department of Medical Illustration, City Hospital Birmingham, for assistance
and 23% [70], and about 32 and 36% in HIV-positive with layout of the diagnostic algorithms.
patients, and may be more in patients with advanced TB.
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Cite this article as: Hagan G, Nathani N: Clinical review: Tuberculosis on the
QH, Nguyen TT, Nguyen NH, Nguyen TN, Nguyen NL, Nguyen HD, Vu NT, Cao
intensive care unit. Critical Care 2013, 17:240.
HH, Tran TH, Pram PM, Nguyen TD, Stepniewska K, White NJ, Tran TH, Farrar JJ:

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