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Reaffirmed 1995

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( Reaffirmed 1995 )

IS : 11386- 1985

Ikhkm Standard

Construction Plant and Machinery Sectional Committee, BDC 28

C-24, Gt een Park Extension, New Delhi
Members Representing

DR K. APR~MEYAN Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore

SHRI K. S. PADMANAEH~N( A[ternare )
CHIEF ENGINEER Punjab Irrigation and Power Department,
CHIEF ENGINEER ( ELEC ) I Central Public Works Department, New’Delhi
SHRI R. P. CHOPRA National Projects Construction Corporation
Limited, New Delhi
SHRI 0. S. GUPTA ( Alternate)
DR M. P. DHIR Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ),
New Delhi
SHRI Y. R. PHULL ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR ( P & M ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
DIIPUTY DIRECTOR( P & M ) ( Alternate )
SHRI V. GULATI Heatly and Gresham ( India ) Limited,
New Delhi
SHRI S. A. MENEZES( Alternate )
SHRI D. M. GUPTA UP State Bridge Corporation, Lucknow
JOINT DIRECTOR( WORKS ) Railway Board, Ministry of Railways,
New Delhi
SHRI Y. R. KALRA Bhakra Beds Management Board, Chandigarh
SHRI M. L. AGGARWAL ( Alternuta )
MAJ-GEN P. N. KAPOOR Research and Development Organization
( Ministry of Defence ), Kew Delhi
SHRI S. N. SIDHANT.I( Alternate )
SHRI 3. P. KAUSHISH Cent;Ao3L&ding Research Institute ( CSIR ),

SHRI S. S. WADHWA ( Alternate )

( Continued on page 2 )

@ Copyright 1986
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to l-e an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 11386- 1985

( Continued from page 1 )

Members Representing
SHRI S. K. KELAVKAR Marshall Sons and Company Manufacturing
Limited, Madras
SHRI B. V. K. ACHAR ( Alternate )
SHRI S. Y. KHAN Kiliick Nixon and Company Limited, Bombay
SHRI A. MEHRA ( Alternate )
SHRI V. K. KHANNA International Ennineering and Construction
Company, Calcutta -
SHRI M. E. MADHUSUDAN Directorate General of Technical Development,
Government of India, New Delhi
SHRI K. L. NANGIA ( Alternate )
BRIG S. S. MALLICK Directorate General Border Roads, New Delhi
SHRI L. M. VERMA ( Alternate >
DR A. K. MULLICK National Council for Cement and Building
Material, New Delhi
SHRI RATAN LAL ( AIternate )
SHRI J. F. ROBERT MOSES Sahayak Engineering Private Limited, Hyderabad
*SHIU M. NARAINASWAMY Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters,
New Delhi
SHRI H. S. DUGGAL ( Alternate )’
SHRI T. H. PESHORI Recondo Limited, Bombay
SHRI S. J. BASU ( Alternate )
SHRI T. II. PESHORI Builder’s Association of India, Bombay
SHRI S. S. PRAJAPATHY Sayaji Iron and Engineering Company Private
Limited, Vadodara
SHRI NAVIN S. SHAH ( Alternate )
DR A. K RAY Jessop and Company. Calcutta
SHRI A. K. MUKHERJEE( Alternate )
SHRI R. C. REKHI International Airport Authority, New Delhi
MAJ RAViNDRA SHARMA Department of Standardization ( Ministry of
Defence )
SHRI M. N. SINGH Indian Road Construction Corporation Limited,
New Delhi
SHRI K. S. SRINIVASAN National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRI MUHAR SINGH ( Alternate )
SHRI G. VISWANAPHAN Roads Wing ( Ministry of Shipping and
Transport ), New Delhi
SHRI G. RAMAN, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-officio Member )
Director ( CIV Engg )

Assistant Director ( Civ Engg ), IS1

( Continued on page 7 )

*Shri M. Narainaswamy acted as the Chairman at the meeting in which this

standard was finalized.

IS : 11386 - 1985

hdian Standard


0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 30 August 198.5, after the draft finalized by the Construction Plant
and Machinery Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
0.2 Proper and efficient mixing of concrete is an important factor affecting
the quality of concrete and the progress of concrete operations. Thorough
mixing of concrete ingredients would depend to a large extent on the
efficiency of mixer. A number of standards have, therefore, been brought
out on the different types of concrete mixers ( and a few more are under
preparation ) with a view to guiding the manufacturers and purchasers
in obtaining concrete mixers with guaranteed minimum performance.
There are number of technical terms connected with concrete mixers
and quite often requires clarifications to clearly define different types of
mixers and to give precise meaning to the stipulation in the standards
and other technical documents relating to concrete mixers. This stan-
dard has been prepared with the object of unifying various technical
terms and expressions in connection with the manufacture, use, and
classification of concrete mixers.

1.1 This standard contains definitions of terms relating to concrete
2.1 Batch Mixer - A mixer with cyclic operations charged with
materials in batches. Each batch is charged only after the previous
batch is discharged out.
2.2 Continuous Mixer - A mixer in which charging of the materials is
continuous with a continuous discharge of finished concrete as well.

IS : 11386 - 1985

2.3 Datum Ground Level - The level on which the road wheels stand,
or if rail wheels are fitted, the level of the top of rail.
2.4 Discharge Point
2.4.1 In a tilting mixer, the lowest point of drum opening when the
drum is tilted to the highest position at which it will effectively discharge
its batch.
2.4.2 In a non-tilting mixer, the lowest point of the standard movable
discharge chute when in its discharge position, or the -lowest point
of a standard fixed chute extension, if fitted.
2.4.3 In the reversing drum type, the lowest point of discharge open-
ing, or the lowest point of the btandald fixed chute extension, if fitted.
2.5 Drum Speed - The number of revolutions per minute of the drum
beyond which segregation of the ingredients takes place.
2.6 Duration of Mixing - The time in seconds from the moment the
charging with all ingredients is terminated to the start of the discharge
of the concrete.
2.7 Forced Action Mixer
a) Batch Type - A forced action mixer of a batch type has pan
( or trough ) and set of blades ( or paddles ) moving relatively
one to the other. The mixing action is accomplished by the
relative movements between the mix, the pan and the blades
( or paddles ).
b) ,Continuous Type - In a continuous type, the mixer consists
of a drum in which there are two horizontal parallel shafts
u ith blades. Mixing action takes place hy the simultaneous
contrary revolutions of the parallel shafts.
2.8 Free-Fall Mixer ( Drum Type ) - A free-fall mixer has a drum
with series of blades fitted internally, which rotates about a horizontal
or inclined axis. The mixing action is achieved by causing each part
of the mix to be lifted in turn as the drum rotates and at a certain
point in each revolution allowing it to be dropped or directed towards
the bottom of the drum where it combines with other parts of the mix .
in continuously changing sequence to form a homogeneous mix.
2.9 Free-Fall Continuous Mixer - A mixer with a cylindrical drum )
of the non-tilting type rotating about a horizontal axis. The ingredients
fed at one end by a funnel or hopper are moved by blades fixed to the j
drum to the opposite discharging end, the charging, mixing and dis-
charging takes place continuously. ‘E
IS :11386- 1985

2.10 Gyramixer - A portable pan mixer in which the ingredients are

mixed by gyratory action of blades in a horizontal stationary mixing pan.
2.11 Loading Point - The loading point is used to establish the loading
height above the datum ground level and is that point to which material
should be raised in order to commence charging the loading skip or
mixer itself as applicable.
2.12 Mixing Cycle - This is the time taken to mix one batch satisfac-
torily from the moment the materials are discharged into the mixer
until the mixed concrete is completely discharged. The mixing cycle
shall comprise the following:
a) Charging Time - It is the time required for charging all the
unmixed materials including water into the mixer.
b) Mixing Time - It is the time taken to mix to the required
consistency, batch of unmixed materials after the charging is
c) Discharge Time - It is the time taken from opening the
discharged gate and closing after complete discharge of the
mixed material.
2.13 Nominal Capacity
2.13.1 In a batch type of mixer, the nominal capacity is the volume
in litres of mixed concrete which may be held and mixed satisfactorily
in one batch.
2.13.2 In a continuous type of mixer, the nominal capacity is the out-
put of mixed concrete given in m3/h.
2.14 Non-tilting Mixer ( Batch Type 1 - The free-fall mixer in which
the drum rotates in one direction on a horizontal axis and comprises
a single compartment drum having two openings.
2.15 Pan Type Concrete Mixer - The pan mixer is an annular mixer of
particular low lime and compact design. The mixing arm consisting of
steel bar and fit:ed with mixing paddles, rotate in the annular mixing
chamber. The material to be mixed is moved quickly from internal
and external zones to the central zone and turned round in an extensive
manner in continuously changing direction, including pan bottom to
upwards. The mix is thus in continuous motion which results in faster
homogenization at short mixing time. The. annular pan rotates about a
vertical axis in which steel bars and mixing paddles which are concen-
trically placed, rotate in the mixing chamber.

IS : 11386- 1985

2.16 Reversing Drum Type 7 The

__ free-fall mixer in which_. the
_ drum
rotates on a horizontal axis, the direction being reversed to discharge.
2.17 Stationary Mixer - A mixer not provided with wheels and usually
built into a mixing plant.
2.17.1 Portable Mixer - A mixer fitted with a simple form of wheels.
2.17.2 Trailer Mixer - A mixer fitted with road wheels so that it may
travel or be towed efficiently and safely at maximum satutory speed.
2.18 Tilting Mixer ( Batch Type > - The free-fall mixer in which the
drum has an inclinable axis and is a single compartment.
2.19 Transit Agitator - A mobile equipment mounted on a truck or
other suitable haulage unit, in which freshly mixed concrete may be
agitated by rotating the drum continuously or intermittently during
2.20 Transit Mixer - A mixer generallv mounted on truck or similar
mobile haulage unit capable of mixing-ingredients of a partly mixed
concrete and agitating the mixture during transit from a concrete
batching plant to the point of placement of concrete.
2.21 Two Cone Drum Mixer ( Batch Type ) - A free-fall mixer with an
inclined drum in the shape of two truncated cones, charged and dis-
charged from either side of the mixing drum. Blades spiralling the
opposite directions in the two drums move the concrete ingredients
towards each other.
2.22 Vibro Mixer - A mixer in which vibration of the concrete is done
in addition to mixing by the rotation of a special unbalanced shaft within
the main hollow shaft. Vibro mixer produces concrete of higher
strength form stiff mixes than that of concrete mixed in the ordinary
2.23 Water Measurement
2.23.1 Automatic Water Tank - A tank which, on manipulation of a
valve is filled by and discharges a predetermined quantity of water,
according to a predetermined setting, without reference to a gauge
indicating the water level.
2.23.2 Water Meter - A meter which measures the amount of water
entering a mixer where it is controlled by a valve operated either
manually or automatically.

IS:11386- 1985

( Conhued from page 2 )

Panel for Concrete Batching and Mixing Plants, BDC 28/P : 5

Convener Representing
SHRI H. S. BHATIA International Airport Authority of India,
New Delhi
SARI B. V. K. ACHAR Marshall Sons & Co Mfg Ltd, Madras
SHR~ M. L. AGARWAL Bhakra Beas Management Board, Chandigarh
SHRI P. C. GANDHI ( Afierrmte )
DIRECTOR, PLANT DESIGNS Irrigation and Power Department, Punjab
DIRECTOR( P & M ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( P & M ) ( Alternate )
SRRI V. GULAT~ Hearly and Gresham (I) Ltd, New Delhi
&RI S. A. MENEZES( Alternate >
SHRI J. P. KAUSHISH Cen~;~tr~~~Iding Research Institute ( CSLR ),

SI~RI S. S. WADHWA,( Alternate )

SHRI V. K. KHANNA international Engineering and Construction
Company, Calcutta
SHRI J. F. ROBERT MOSES Sahayak Engineering Pvt Ltd. Hyderabad
SHRI A. J. PATEL Millars, Bombay
SHRI N. B. JOSHI ( Alternafe )
SHRI T. H. PESHORI Recondo Limited, Bombay
SHRI S. J. BASO ( Alternate )
SHRI Y. R. PHWLL Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ),
New Delhi
SHRI TRILOCI~ANSINGH Bhai Sunder Dass & Sons CO Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi
Base Units
Length metre m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second
Electric current ampere :
Thermodynamic kelvin K
Luminous intensity candela cd
Amount of substance mole mol
Sapplemeotary Unite
Plane angle radian rad
Solid angle steradlao sr
Derived Units
Force neH ton h 1 N = 1 kg.m/sa
Energy joule J 1 J = 1 N.m
Power watt W 1 W = 1 J/s
Flux weber Wb 1 Wb - 1 V.s
Flux density tesla T I T - 1 Wb/ma
Frequency hertz Hz I Hz =1 c/s (s -I)
Electric conductance siemeus s I S = 1 A/V
Electromotive force volt V I V= 1 W/A
Pressure, stress Pascal Pa 1 Pa - 1 N/ml

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