U 7 LB Ak
U 7 LB Ak
U 7 LB Ak
NAME: _________________________ CLASS: 8 DIV: ABCDEF ROLL NO.: ____ DATE: __________
1.A gamete is a sex cell – one of two cells that fuse together at fertilisation to begin a new
2. For example:
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3. Yes, the sex of a baby is determined by the sperm cell, which can carry either an X
chromosome or a Y chromosome.
4. There are equal numbers of sperm cells with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome.
If an X sperm fuses with an egg, the baby will have chromosomes XX and will be a girl. If
a Y sperm fuses with an egg, the baby will have chromosomes XY and be a boy. The
chances of these two events happening are equal.
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Topic 7.4 Natural selection
1. The bacteria are not killed by the antibiotic.
2.When an antibiotic is used, bacteria with varieties of genes that make it resistant to
the antibiotic are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over many generations, this
variety of the gene becomes more common, resulting in whole populations of bacteria
that are not killed by the antibiotic.
3. Whenever an antibiotic is used we give an advantage to bacteria that are resistant to
it. The gene for resistance becomes more common in the population. If we do not use
the antibiotic then there is no advantage for the resistant bacteria, so natural selection
does not produce a resistant population. By not using antibiotics we can help to stop
resistance developing, meaning that when we really do need to use an antibiotic to cure
a serious infection, the antibiotic works.
4 Event 1:
Most peppered moths were pale, but some were dark.
Event 2:
The differences in colour were caused by having different varieties of the gene that
determines wing colour.
Event 3
Before the industrial revolution, pale moths were most likely to survive, because they
were better camouflaged from birds. After the industrial revolution, dark moths were
most likely to survive because the pale lichens on the tree trunks were killed or
covered in soot.
Event 4:
During the industrial revolution, dark moths were more likely to reproduce, passing on
their genes for dark wings to the next generation.
Event 5:
In each generation the variety of the gene that produced dark wings became more
common and the variety of the gene producing pale wings became rarer.
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7.3 a Sum = 112; 112 ÷ 20 = 5.6
c. suitable scale on x-axis; suitable scale on y-axis; all bars correctly drawn.
7.4 a A substance that kills bacteria (but does not harm humans).
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