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Name of The Job Site: WIPRO IT SEZ Project, Kodathi, Bangalore Activity: MS, PVC Conduiting&Circuitwiring, Point Wiring

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Name of the Job Site: WIPRO IT SEZ Project , Kodathi, Bangalore

Activity: Ms,PVC Conduiting&Circuitwiring,Point wiring

Job Sequence: (Please specify step by step activities and sub activities in this field)

#1 Shifting of tools from site store to work location.

#2 Scaffolding Erection
#3 Marking for to lay bus duct,Conduits,cable tray By using Blue powder,Mobile Scaffolding.

#4 Fixing of saddle , to lay the conduits, with help of hammering machine by using mobile scaffold.
#5 Laying of conduits
#6 Point and circuit Wiring

List of Type of workmen, Materials / Tools / Tackles / Equipment / Machineries Etc., involved in the activity

02.Marking thread&Powder, Hammering machine,Wooden handle hammer,Screw drivers


Pre-Requisite for the job / Activities / Sub-Activities if Any:

Population at risk
S.No Sub-Activity Hazard Hazardous Event Control Measures

1Aa- Use only designated pathways and material to

shift the materials from stores to work location.
#1A Accidental contact with #1Ba- Be cautious, While shifting the materials at
1 #1 Shifting of tools from site store to work personals. Shiting the tools by using First aid blind corners
location. # 1B Hitting to nearby men and hydraulic trolley Injuries #1Ca- Protect the sharp edges, While shifting.
objects # 1Da- Use of trolley and proper body position.
# 1C Damage to existing property
#1D Ergonomic affects due to
handling heavy materials

# 2Aa- Need to barricade the working locatopn.

#2A Fall of men material/Tools #2Ab-Need to ensure
while erecting the scaffolding proper grip for all the hand tools
#2B Noise while Hammering to #2Ba-Use Ear plugs
Scaffolding Erection(Mobile) to lay assemble the scafolding #2C Assemblimg the scaffolding First aid #2Ca- Proper guiding require while erecting the
conduits,Cable trays,Bus ducts Hits of material underneath worker Injuries scaffold. #2Cb-Supporting
#2D person needed #2Da-
Improper Stacking of scaffolding Need to Stack the material properly to avoid
material while erecting slips&Trips
# 3Aa- Use dust mask while marking and drilling.
#3Ba- Use rubber hand gloves to mix the marking
#3Ca- Designated path ways need to use for the
# 3A Dust inhalation. proper access/Egress to mark . #3Cb-Need to
# 3B Skin infection while handling Handling the chemicals for marking Medical
3 #3 Marking for to lay Conduits Treat ment remove the all the debris from the access point and
of Marking powder house keeping should be maintained
#3C Slips and trips while marking. #3Da- Wear safety goggles. #3Ea Need
#3D Eye injury due to dust to barricade the working locatopn.
particles. #3E #3Eb Dont place loose materail
Fall of men material/Tools while edges of the scaffolding
erecting the scaffoldin5E

#4Aa Approved machines/tools only should be used.

#4Ab- All power tools power should be taken through tested
#4Ac- All electrical cables should be routed at required height level.
#4Ba- Only certified working platform should be used at work
#4Bb- Loose materials don’t keep at the edge side of the working
platform (Tools kit must be used at working platform for keeping
the tools)
Serious #4Bc- Don’t move mobile scaffold while Men on the platform.
#4 Fixing of saddle along with ceiling, to lay injury and
4 the conduits, with help of hammering #4A Electric shock from power Hammering works by using power tool hospitalisatio #4Bd- Ensure the hand rail & toe board as per standard while
working on the platform.
machine by using mobile scaffold. tools #4Ca- Use dust mask while marking and drilling.
#4B Men and materials falling from n #4Cb- Use hand gloves to do hammering works.
the working platform #4Da- Ensure the grip of hammer with wooden handle is in good
# 4C Dust inhalation while #4Db- Need to ensure all hand tools must be inspected before start
hammering. up the activity.
#4Dc- Be cautious of sharp edges of materials.
# 4D Injury to fingers while #4Ea- Use earplugs whenever and where ever necessary.
hammering. #4Fa- Wear drilling goggle.
#4E excessive noise.
#4F Eye injury due to dust
#5-Aa Don’t stop any job at half of the way, Until the job is properly
#5-Ba Ensure Proper barricaed the area,ANd handled them
# 5A Fall of conduits # carefully.
5B Hitting of conduits to others #5-Ca Cautious at the sharp of conduits. #5-Cb Need
to wear cut resistance gloves #4Ba- Only certified working platform
#5 Laying of PVC,MS conduits by using #5C Injury to fingers, While Pulling Working on the scaffolding to lay the First aid should be used at work place.
5 mobile scaffolding and wooden handled of conduits. #5D Fall of conduits Injuries
#5Da- Loose materials don’t keep at the edge side of the working
platform (Tools kit must be used at working platform for keeping
Hammer men/material from the working the tools)
platform #5Db- Don’t move mobile scaffold while Men on the platform.
#5Dc- Ensure the hand rail & toe board as per standard while
working on the platform.

#6-Aa Don’t stop any job at half of the way, Until the job is
properly secured.
#6-Ba Ensure Proper barricaed the area,ANd handled them
# 6A Fall of conduits # #6-Ca Cautious at the sharp of conduits. #6-Cb
6B Hitting of conduits to others Need to wear cut resistance gloves #6Ba- Only certified
#6C Injury to fingers, While Pulling working platform should be used at work place.
Working on the scaffolding to lay the First aid #6Da- Loose materials don’t keep at the edge side of the
6 #6 Laying of wiring or point and circuit of conduits. #6D Fall of conduits Injuries working platform (Tools kit must be used at working
men/material from the working platform for keeping the tools)
platform #6Db- Don’t move mobile scaffold while Men on the
#6Dc- Ensure the hand rail & toe board as per standard
while working on the platform.

Section Incharge EHS Incharge

Ref: SP 4.3.1 – 1 Rev 02
Document No:
Date: 06-07-2017

Assessment Team

1 Head Operations

2 Construction Manager (Activity Incharge)

3 Site Engineer

Probability Rating

Residual Impact
Severity Rating

Impact Level

Additional Control Ref. field checklist

Action By
Measures for inspection

Material loading
#1One person should guide Low un loading check Site Engineer
2 1 2 the material shifting person

#2 Competent person need

Scaffolding Check
2 1 2 to perform the job. Low list Site Engineer
#3 Competent person need
to perform the job.
2 1 2 Enusre one guide Low Chemicals Site Engineer
person/Signal Man while
marking on the Traffic areas

#4 Need to inspect the

power tools and inspected Power tools check
3 2 6 tag shoul be displayed on Low list Site Engineer
the power tools
#5 Ensure Competent Proper Drawing
2 1 2 person must perform the Low and designs site Engineer

#5 Ensure Competent
2 1 2 person must perform the Low Proper Drawing site Engineer
and designs

Construction Manager

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