Iron Deficiency, Pasricha, Lancet, 2021
Iron Deficiency, Pasricha, Lancet, 2021
Iron Deficiency, Pasricha, Lancet, 2021
Iron deficiency
Sant-Rayn Pasricha, Jason Tye-Din, Martina U Muckenthaler, Dorine W Swinkels
Iron deficiency is one of the leading contributors to the global burden of disease, and particularly affects children, Lancet 2021; 397: 233–48
premenopausal women, and people in low-income and middle-income countries. Anaemia is one of many Published Online
consequences of iron deficiency, and clinical and functional impairments can occur in the absence of anaemia. Iron December 4, 2020
deprivation from erythroblasts and other tissues occurs when total body stores of iron are low or when inflammation
causes withholding of iron from the plasma, particularly through the action of hepcidin, the main regulator of
Population Health and
systemic iron homoeostasis. Oral iron therapy is the first line of treatment in most cases. Hepcidin upregulation by Immunity Division
oral iron supplementation limits the absorption efficiency of high-dose oral iron supplementation, and of oral iron (S-R Pasricha PhD) and
during inflammation. Modern parenteral iron formulations have substantially altered iron treatment and enable Immunology Division
(J Tye-Din PhD), Walter and
rapid, safe total-dose iron replacement. An underlying cause should be sought in all patients presenting with iron
Eliza Hall Institute of Medical
deficiency: screening for coeliac disease should be considered routinely, and endoscopic investigation to exclude Research, Parkville, VIC,
bleeding gastrointestinal lesions is warranted in men and postmenopausal women presenting with iron deficiency Australia; Department of
anaemia. Iron supplementation programmes in low-income countries comprise part of the solution to meeting WHO Diagnostic Haematology
(S-R Pasricha) and Department
Global Nutrition Targets.
of Gastroenterology (J Tye-Din),
The Royal Melbourne Hospital,
Introduction reduced concentration, dizziness, tinnitus, pallor, and Parkville, VIC, Australia;
Iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) headache. In susceptible individuals, ID promotes rest Department of Clinical
Haematology, Peter MacCallum
cause an immense disease burden worldwide. Globally, less leg syndrome.4 Other presentations include alopecia,
Cancer Centre and The Royal
there were over 1·2 billion cases of IDA in 2016.1 IDA dry hair or skin, koilonychia, and atrophic glossitis. Melbourne Hospital,
is among the five greatest causes of years lived with Symptoms in infants (aged younger than 12 months) Melbourne, VIC, Australia
disability globally, the leading cause of years lived with with ID can include poor feeding and irritability.5 (S-R Pasricha); Department of
Medical Biology, University of
disability in low-income and middle-income countries Patients might also present with pica: the compulsive Melbourne, Parkville, VIC,
(LMICs), and is the leading cause of years lived with ingestion of non-nutritive foods, such as soil or clay, ice, Australia (S-R Pasricha,
disability among women across 35 countries.1 Con or raw ingredients (eg, uncooked rice).6 ID and anaemia J Tye-Din); Department of
trolling anaemia is a global health priority: WHO is can also exacerbate symptoms and worsen the prognosis Pediatric Oncology,
Hematology, and Immunology
aiming for a 50% reduction in anaemia prevalence in of medical conditions, including heart failure7 and and Molecular Medicine
women by 2025.2 ischaemic heart disease.8 Severe IDA can cause haemo Partnership Unit, University of
When iron intake is inadequate to meet requirements dynamic instability. Preoperative anaemia increases Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
or to compensate for physiological or pathological losses, the risk of blood transfusion and is correlated with Germany
(Prof M U Muckenthaler PhD);
body iron stores become depleted. Absolute ID occurs postoperative morbidity and mortality.9 Even when Molecular Medicine
when iron stores are insufficient to meet the needs of the asymptomatic, ID can promote suboptimal functional Partnership Unit, European
individual, and is particularly common in young children Molecular Biology Laboratory,
(younger than 5 years) and premenopausal (especially Heidelberg, Germany
Search strategy and selection criteria (Prof M U Muckenthaler);
pregnant) women. In patients with inflammation, with Translational Lung Research
holding of iron from the plasma promotes iron deficient We searched MEDLINE, Embase, and the Cochrane Register, Center, German Center for Lung
erythropoiesis and anaemia despite adequate body with combinations of the search terms including (“iron” OR
Research, Heidelberg, Germany
iron stores (functional iron deficiency). This process is (Prof M U Muckenthaler);
“iron deficiency” OR “iron deficiency an[a]emia” OR “an[a] German Centre for
common in patients with complex medical or surgical emia” OR “supplementation” OR “ferrous”OR “ferric” OR Cardiovascular Research,
disorders, in people living in areas where infection “ferric carboxymaltose”OR “iron carboxymaltose”OR “iron Partner Site Heidelberg,
prevalence is high, and in patients receiving erythropoiesis isomaltoside”OR “ferric derisomaltoside”OR “ferumoxytol”
Mannheim, Germany
(Prof M U Muckenthaler);
stimulating agents.3 OR “iron sucrose” OR “iron polymaltose”OR “iron dextran” Translational Metabolic
Iron is crucial for numerous physiological and cellular OR “nutrition”OR “iron absorption” OR “c[o]eliac disease” OR Laboratory, Department of
processes, and ID causes diverse health consequences. “ferritin”OR “hepcidin”OR “ferroportin” OR “erythroferrone”) Laboratory Medicine, Radboud
Management of ID is an important and complex chal AND (“public health” OR “epidemiology” OR “systematic
University Medical Center,
Nijmegen, Netherlands
lenge faced by practitioners of medicine, nutrition, and review” OR “meta-analysis” OR “randomis[z]ed controlled (Prof D W Swinkels PhD)
public health worldwide. In this Seminar, we update the trial”). We searched from database inception until Correspondence to:
physiology, diagnosis, and clinical management of ID Dec 23, 2019. We also searched the reference lists of articles Dr Sant-Rayn Pasricha,
and identify future translational and clinical research identified by this search strategy and selected the articles Population Health and Immunity
directions. that we judged relevant. Where multiple sources of evidence
Division, Walter and Eliza Hall
Institute of Medical Research,
were available for the same topic, we prioritised evidence Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia
Clinical presentation from the most recently available systematic reviews or,
ID can cause symptoms both in the presence and where unavailable, studies using a randomised controlled
absence of anaemia, or can be asymptomatic. Common trial design.
symptoms and signs include fatigue and lethargy,
outcomes, including impaired physical exercise export to the plasma, especially from macrophages and
formance, child neurocognitive development, and duodenal enterocytes, as well as hepatocytes. In response
pregnancy outcomes.10 to both iron load and innate immune signalling, hepcidin
is upregulated by the BMP/SMAD pathway and the
Epidemiology of ID IL-6-STAT3 pathway, respectively.20 During absolute ID or
In 2016, 41·7% of children (younger than 5 years), periods of increased iron demand, hepcidin suppression
40·1% of pregnant women, and 32·5% of non-pregnant upregulates iron absorption and recycling to optimise
women were anaemic worldwide.11,12 WHO estimates that iron supply. During inflammation, increased concentra
42% of anaemia cases in children and 50% in women are tions of hepcidin and reduced ferroportin transcription23
amenable to iron supplementation, with variation between limits iron supply to the plasma, causing functional ID.
regions.13 Meta-analyses of population studies suggest the Reduced iron availability for red blood cell production
contribution of ID to anaemia could be smaller than the causes iron deficient erythropoiesis manifesting as
WHO estimate: 25% in children and 37% in women.14 hypochromia, microcytosis, and eventually, anaemia.
Because of the paucity of population studies measuring IDA affects erythropoiesis by influencing renal erythro
iron biomarkers (beyond haemoglobin) and complexities poietin production and by modulating erythroblast EPO
in their interpretation during inflammation, prevalence sensitivity, via TFR2.24 In absolute ID, erythroblasts and
estimates of ID in LMICs are uncertain. Representative erythrocytes donate iron via ferroportin, and can buffer
population studies are possible: for example, the prev plasma iron levels to mitigate serum iron depletion and
alence of ID in children aged 6 months to 5 years was protect erythrocytes from oxidative stress.25,26 These data
estimated at 20·2% in Cameroon, 10·6% in Colombia, reframe the assumption that microcytic anaemia is the
18·4% in Laos, 26·1% in Liberia, and 14·8% in Mexico; main end-organ dysfunction from absolute ID; rather,
in the same countries, the adjusted prevalence of ID in erythroid cells release iron to maintain iron supply
non-pregnant premenopausal women was 13·7%, 24·1%, elsewhere.
24·0%, 19·9%, and 30·4%, respectively.15 In the USA,
11% of children aged 6 months to 5 years, 15% of Clinical pathophysiology of absolute ID
premenopausal women,15 and 18% of pregnant women16 The main causes of absolute ID are excessive blood loss,
have been estimated to have ID. ID and anaemia are more and inadequate dietary iron intake or absorption that
common in dis advantaged subpopulations, including fails to meet physiological requirements (panel 1).
people on low incomes, Indigenous peoples,17 and
refugees and migrants from LMICs.18 Blood loss
Each mL of blood contains 0·4–0·5 mg of iron.27 Hence,
Molecular pathology of ID negative iron balance is promoted by physiological,
Most body iron is contained in haemoglobin found in pathological, or iatrogenic blood losses.
erythrocytes (2500 mg), and much of the remaining Iron stores in premenopausal women are more greatly
iron is contained in myoglobin (130 mg) and enzymes influenced by menstrual blood loss volume than dietary
(150 mg), with surplus iron stored in the liver; average iron intake.28 Heavy menstrual bleeding affects about
iron stores the US population are 9·7 mg/kg in men, 20% of women,29 and ID affects around 50% of such
5·7 mg/kg in premenopausal women, and 7·8 mg/kg in cases in referral populations.30 Up to 20% of women with
postmenopausal women.19 The 0·1% of total body iron heavy menstrual bleeding complicated by IDA have an
contained in plasma is bound to transferrin, and in this underlying bleeding disorder (most often, von Willebrand
form, iron can be supplied to tissues via binding to the disease).31
transferrin receptor. At the cellular level, iron is crucial Gastrointestinal blood loss is the most important cause
for numerous functions, including DNA synthesis and of ID in men and postmenopausal women. Gastro
repair, enzymatic activity, mitochondrial function, and intestinal bleeding can be occult, in which case ID or
neuro transmitter production and function.20 Plasma IDA could be the only evidence of luminal pathology.
iron is rapidly turned over, and is predominantly Common upper gastro intestinal causes of bleeding
sourced from iron scavenged from senescent red blood include erosions or ulcers related to aspirin and other
cells by macrophages, with a smaller amount (1–2 mg non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and peptic ulcer
per day) absorbed from the diet at the duodenum, disease.32,33 The most important occult causes of lower
in which body iron acquisition is homoeostatically gastrointestinal bleeding are colorectal cancer, angio
regulated.6 dysplasia, and colonic polyps.32,33 In patients with IDA
Hepcidin, a liver-derived hormone, is the central regu referred for endoscopy, potentially bleeding lesions were
lator of systemic iron homoeostasis (figure 1). Hepcidin seen in 62%, including colorectal cancer in 11% and
binds to ferroportin, a protein that exports cellular iron, to peptic ulceration in 19%.32 Even in male individuals
block iron efflux by both occluding the channel and younger than 50 years with IDA, colon cancer was seen
by inducing degradation of iron-loaded ferroportin.21,22 in 0·8%.34 A population study showed that, in the 2 years
Inhibition of ferroportin-mediated iron efflux limits iron after a diagnosis of IDA and ID, the risk of gastrointestinal
Red blood cells
EPO TfR2 Iron Iron
receptor Fe3+ Hephaestin Fe3+
Senescent recycling Plasma absorption
Erythroblast red blood cells FPN HIF2
Fe3+-transferrin↓ CYBRD1
FPN Macrophage
Fe2+ FPN Fe2+ DMT1 Fe2+
Erythroferrone ↑Erythropoiesis
malignancy is 6% in men and 1% in postmenopausal and 27% in women, respectively, compared with 10% and
women, compared with 0·2% in non-anaemic, non-ID 12% in men and 16% and 22% in women at the longest
controls.35 Contrastingly, in premenopausal women, no interval.4 Apheresis donation, in which red blood cells are
cases of cancer were diagnosed after IDA or ID. Other returned to the donor, does not exacerbate ID.40 Strategies
causes of gastrointestinal blood loss include inflam to minimise ID in donors include predonation measure
matory bowel disease; for example, 29% of patients with ment of ferritin,41 prolonging the inter-donation interval,
Crohn’s disease and 17% with ulcerative colitis are and providing postdonation iron supplementation.42
anaemic,36 with over 50% of such cases due to ID.37 In
LMICs, chronic hookworm infection promotes gastro Inadequate iron intake and absorption
intestinal blood loss, with the severity of ID proportional The recommended daily intake for iron is highest
to the worm burden.38 in infants aged 7–12 months (11 mg), premenopausal
Each whole blood donation costs the donor about women (18 mg), and during pregnancy (27 mg), and is
250 mg of iron;39 thus, whole blood donors have an lowest in adult men (8 mg).43 Dietary iron occurs as haem
increased risk of ID, with donation frequency being iron in meat and non-haem iron from plant sources.
the predominant risk factor. A 2017 trial randomly Haem iron is efficiently absorbed and less susceptible to
assigned 45 263 whole blood donors to different inter modulation by other dietary components, whereas absorp
donation intervals; the prevalence of anaemia and ID at tion of non-haem iron is less efficient and susceptible to
the shortest interval was 18% and 24% in men and 19% influence; for example, vitamin C enhances non-haem
iron absorption, and phytates (found in seeds and grains), and vegetarians have lower iron stores and are more likely
calcium, and tannins (found in tea and coffee) inhibit to be iron deficient.45 A systematic review showed that
non-haem iron absorption.44 Iron absorption from adult vegetarians have reduced serum ferritin levels
vegetarian diets is less efficient than meat inclusive diets, compared with non-vegetarians (–29·7 µg/L in vegetarians
[95% CI –39·7 to –19·7]), with the effects more pronounced levels of systemic inflammation in young children
in men (–61·9 µg/L [–85·6 to –38·2]) than in women (aged 6–23 months) have been shown to increase
(–13·5 μg/L [–23·0 to –4·0]).45 hepcidin concentrations and impair iron absorption,
Gastric acidity is crucial for maintaining iron solubility potentially contributing to IDA prevalence.60 Patients
in the duodenum for absorption. Patients using proton with chronic inflammatory conditions can experience
pump inhibitors or histamine-2 receptor antagonists are similar pathophysiology.61
at a dose-dependent and duration-dependent increased
risk of ID.46 ID develops in 20% of patients after Increased iron needs during life
gastrectomy (for cancer) or gastric bypass surgery (for For the first 6 months of life, babies predominantly meet
obesity). Auto immune gastritis, an inflammatory con iron needs from their birth iron endowment,62 which is
dition charac terised by autoantibodies against gastric influenced by birthweight, gestation duration, and the
parietal cells and intrinsic factor, causes cobalamin timing of cord clamping. Babies who are preterm, small
deficiency and megaloblastic anaemia and was reported for their gestational age, and of low birthweight have
in 27% of patients with otherwise unexplained IDA.47 lower iron stores63 and are at an increased risk of ID.
Helicobacter pylori was estimated to have infected Delaying cord clamping for 1–3 min allows neonates to
4·4 billion people worldwide in 2015, with the prevalence maximally retain red blood cells.64 During the second
highest in poorest populations.48 A meta-analysis reported 6 months of life, iron stores are influenced by birth
an association between H pylori and IDA and ID, and endowments, by use from growth,65 and by nutritional
evidence that eradication could improve iron stores.49 iron content.66
Coeliac disease is a chronic small intestinal immune- During pregnancy, iron needs markedly increase from
mediated enteropathy precipitated in genetically predis the second trimester67 to support the 30% expansion of
posed individuals by exposure to dietary gluten, a protein the red blood cell mass (which requires about 450 mg
in wheat, barley, and rye.50,51 Strict removal of dietary iron in a woman weighing 55 kg), although plasma
gluten promotes mucosal healing. The global sero volume expansion promotes physiological anaemia
prevalence is 1·4% and the prevalence confirmed by with a haemoglobin concentration nadir mid-second
biopsy is 0·7%.52 ID and IDA in coeliac disease can occur trimester.68 Furthermore, the fetus requires about 270 mg
in the absence of other malabsorptive manifestations iron, which is mostly accreted in the third trimester.
and might be the presenting feature. One in 31 patients During childbirth, about 150 mg iron is lost from
with IDA could have coeliac disease,53 with this risk bleeding. To meet needs, intestinal iron absorption
unaffected by sex, age, or prevalence of coeliac disease increases as much as nine times from early to late
in the underlying population, indicating coeliac disease pregnancy, normalising in the postpartum period.69 This
is a consistent risk factor for IDA. increased iron absorption is accomplished because of
Iron absorption in women who are overweight and hepcidin suppression early in the second trimester.70
obese is lower than in women in the healthy weight Hepcidin suppression is also crucial for placental iron
range54 due to increased hepcidin concentrations.55 A transfer during the third trimester.71 Recycling of iron
systematic review showed that, compared with people from the expanded red blood cell pool after pregnancy
who were a healthy weight, individuals who were together with amenorrhoea reduces the net pregnancy
overweight and obese had lower transferrin saturation iron requirement to about 580 mg.67 Despite homoeo
(–2·34% [95% CI –3·29 to –1·40]) and a higher risk of static compensations, many women are unable to meet
developing ID (odds ratio [OR] 1·31 [1·01–1·68]).56 their pregnancy iron requirements, especially if they
Patients with mutations in the TMPRSS6 gene have enter pregnancy with diminished stores.
iron-refractory IDA, a rare autosomal recessive disease ID affects up to 35% of female individuals and 11% of
hallmarked by the inability to absorb dietary iron due to male individuals who are elite (especially endurance)
increased hepcidin concentrations that block iron athletes. The pathophysiology is multifactorial and
release from macrophages and duodenal enterocytes.57 includes interactions between impaired nutritional iron
Genome-wide association studies have showed that, in absorption due to inflammation, exercise-induced gastro
the general population, TMPRSS6 polymorphisms influ intestinal bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, iron losses
ence haemoglobin concentration, red blood cell size, in sweat, and increased requirements for erythropoiesis.72,73
and iron stores,58 which implies a genetic susceptibility
to ID. Diagnosis of ID
Absolute and functional ID can exist independently The gold standard test for absolute ID is the finding of
or in combination to cause anaemia (figure 2). Systemic absent stainable bone marrow iron. Patients with functional
inflammation increases hepcidin concentrations, which ID have detectable stainable bone marrow iron unless they
impairs iron absorption. For example, women in Côte have concomitant absolute ID (figure 2). Bone marrow
d’Ivoire with asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum aspiration is invasive and rarely done routinely for diag
parasitaemia showed improved iron absorption after nosis of ID, but it remains useful in complex cases. ID is
receiving antimalarials.59 In The Gambia, chronic low usually diagnosed by blood biomarkers (figure 3). A full
Anaemia of inflammation
• Erythroid suppression
• Reduced red blood cell survival
Absolute iron deficiency Functional iron
• Inadequate iron intake or absorption • Low body iron stores deficiency • Infection
• Blood loss • Total iron available is • Normal blood iron • Cancer
• Growth or pregnancy inadequate stores • Chronic kidney disease
• Malabsorption • Mobilisation of • Autoimmune disease
iron is inadequate
Treat: Prevent:
• Oral iron first line Control underlying disease
• Parenteral iron Treatment (if indicated):
Prevent: • Parenteral iron
• Control blood loss • Consider erythropoiesis stimulating
• Improve nutrition and iron intake agents if erythropoietin low
• Treat malabsorption
blood count with film can indicate anaemia, microcytic, underlying factors (such as bleeding) and for population
hypochromic red blood cells with an increased red blood estimates of ID; however, treatment approaches should
cell distribution width (anisocytosis), and elongated (pencil consider coexistent functional ID (figure 2). As with
shaped) cells. inflammation, ferritin concentrations are also increased
Serum (or plasma) ferritin is the mainstay for ID in liver disease, including non-alcoholic fatty liver dis
diagnosis.74 Little primary evidence is available from ease, and epidemiological data suggest that population
high quality studies to justify specific thresholds. In a ferritin concentrations are increasing with increasing
study of 238 healthy women, a ferritin threshold of less rates of obesity.80
than 15 µg/L predicted absent bone marrow iron stores Serum iron concentration is reduced in both ID and
with a sensitivity of 75% and specificity of 98%, and a inflammation; alone its concentrations do not indicate
threshold of 30 µg/L improved sensitivity to 93% at the ID. Transferrin saturation (eg, less than 20%) is useful
expense of specificity (75%).75 Less than 15 µg/L ferritin to define low plasma iron availability to tissues in
is specific for ID,76 whereas less than 30 µg/L ferritin both absolute and functional ID. Soluble transferrin
coupled with a high pretest probability is highly sug receptor (sTfR) is a useful index of tissue iron needs,
gestive. Use of lower ferritin thresholds for ID diagnosis and the sTfR:log(ferritin) ratio has useful predictive
in children (eg, less than 12 µg/L) or different thresholds value for bone marrow iron stores, especially in patients
between women and men is not evidence-based. Because with inflammation.81 sTfR is also a biomarker of
ferritin is a positive acute phase protein, diagnosis erythropoiesis. Its drawback is scarce clinical availability
of ID can be obscured by inflammation.77,78 Strategies and different thresholds between assays due to the
for adjusting ferritin concentrations in inflammation fact that different sTfR tests have not been formally
include developing a regression equation on the basis standardised.
of the correlation between ferritin and inflammatory Reticulocyte haemoglobin content, hypochromic red
markers, or in the presence of inflammation, inflating blood cell percentage, and related indices can be
the ferritin threshold.79 When inflammation is present, measured on several modern automated haematology
WHO defines ID at a ferritin concentration less than analysers. The percentage of hypochromic red blood
30 µg/L in children under 5 years and less than 70 µg/L cells reflects iron restricted erythropoiesis during the
in older children and adults.76 Diagnosing absolute ID in preceding 2–3 months.82 Reticulocyte haemoglobin
patients with inflammation is important for identifying content reflects iron availability for erythropoiesis of the
Iron Low iron stores Absolute Absolute Functional iron Functional iron Iron-refractory
repletion iron deficiency iron deficiency deficiency deficiency with iron deficiency
(non-anaemic) (anaemia) absolute iron anaemia due to
deficiency TMPRSS6 variants
Body iron stores and iron available for erythropoiesis Body iron stores
Body iron stores
Iron available
Haemoglobin Normal Normal Normal or low–normal Reduced Mild to moderate Mild to moderate Reduced (anaemic)
(anaemic) anaemia anaemia
Mean cell Normal Normal Normal or reduced Reduced Normal or mild Reduced Reduced
volume and reduction
mean cell
Ferritin >30–60 µg/L 15–30 µg/L <15–30 µg/L <15–30 µg/L Normal or <70–100 µg/L Typically 20–50 μg/L
increased depending on
depending on degree of
inflammation and inflammation
body iron stores
Transferrin >20% Usually >20% <20% <15% Usually <20% <20% <20%, usually <5%
Reticulocyte Normal Normal Low Low Low Low Low
Soluble Normal Normal Increased Increased Normal Normal or Increased
transferrin increased
Hepcidin* Normal Low–normal Low Very low Increased relative Normal or High relative to
to transferrin reduced transferrin
saturation saturation
Bone marrow Normal Detectable or absent Absent Absent Detectable Absent Absent or trace
stainable iron
previous 3–4 days before testing.83 Both parameters are children, and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis,
useful for detecting iron restricted erythropoiesis due to inflammatory bowel disease, cancer-related anaemia, or
absolute or functional ID, or recovery in response to critical illness.86–88 Suppressed concentrations indicate
therapy.84 The use of these novel red blood cell para physiological iron need, predict responsiveness to iron,
meters is constrained by the absence of universal clinical and can enable personalisation of the route of iron
decision limits. Finally, an increase in haemoglobin replenishment.89 Measurement of hepcidin is mostly
concentration after a trial of iron indicates baseline ID. limited to research settings but is offered clinically
Measurement of hepcidin concentration is emerging by some European hospital laboratories. The use of
as a test for ID and for distinguishing absolute from calibration materials commutable with human plasma
functional ID.85 Hepcidin concentration has been or serum will allow standardisation that is essential to
studied in pregnant and non-pregnant women, in enable routine clinical hepcidin testing.90
inefficient; instead, iron absorption is most efficient Ferric carboxymaltose has been available for over a
with intermediate doses and on alternate days, and this decade, is currently marketed in over 50 countries,108 and
approach is recommended in patients with mild symp has been tested across a range of clinical indications.
toms, or no or mild anaemia. However, high doses do A dose of 15–20 mg/kg up to 1000 mg (750 mg in the USA)
increase absolute absorption; therefore, higher doses can diluted in 250 mL saline is conventionally administered
be considered when iron deficits are severe. in a 15 min infusion. Biochemical hypophosphataemia is
Novel oral therapies are emerging that combine ferric common after administration of ferric carboxymaltose,109
iron with carriers to optimise absorption and reduce and is due to a drug-induced increase in FGF23 concen
adverse gastrointestinal effects. Ferric maltol is approved tration that acts on the renal tubules to induce phos
in Europe and in the USA for treatment of IDA in phaturia.110 Hypophosphataemia is generally transient,
adults.100 Sucrosomial iron has been evaluated in IDA in recovering over 8–10 weeks. Although most cases seem
patients with kidney disease, cancer, and inflammatory asymptomatic,111 severe clinical hypophosphataemia has
bowel disease, and during pregnancy.101 Iron hydroxide been reported,112 and patients receiving recurrent doses
adipate tartrate is being trialled for prevention and of ferric carboxymaltose can develop osteomalacia.113
treatment of IDA in young African children (aged Routine phosphate measurement and replacement after
6–35 months).102 ferric carboxymaltose is not usually necessary, but cli
nicians should consider hypophosphataemia in patients
Parenteral iron therapy presenting with muscle dysfunction or changes in mental
New generation parenteral iron preparations have state in the weeks after treatment and in patients with
revolutionised therapy for ID. Intravenous preparations bone pain or fractures after recurrent usage.
comprise an iron core encapsulated in a carbohydrate Ferumoxytol is available in the USA: up to 510 mg iron
shell to delay iron release.103 The maximum single infusion can be delivered in a single dose, which must be diluted
dose depends on the stability of the shell. Iron sucrose has in saline or glucose and given over 15 min.114 Off-label
a less stable shell, limiting dosing to about 200 mg per administration of 1020 mg as a single 30-min infusion has
infusion.103 Ferric carboxymaltose, ferric derisomaltose, been reported.115 A trial comparing ferumoxytol with ferric
and ferumoxytol have stable shells, slowing iron release carboxymaltose showed similar adverse event profiles,
and allowing higher doses of iron to be delivered in similar efficacy, and lower risks of hypophosphataemia
single infusions, thereby minimising the number of from ferumoxytol109 due to blunted increases in FGF23.110
clinical contacts. Ferric derisomaltose is available in Europe and has
Safety of parenteral iron is a historical concern, based recently been licensed in the USA and Australia. This
on experience from obsolete high molecular weight iron treatment enables doses of 1500 mg to be delivered over
dextran formulations. A systematic review of 97 RCTs a 30 min infusion, making it an attractive option in
across various (non-high molecular weight dextran) patients who are profoundly iron deficient. Twin RCTs
parenteral formulations showed that parenteral iron showed that biochemical hypophosphataemia is less com
was not associated with serious adverse events (relative mon with ferric derisomaltose than ferric carboxymaltose
risk [RR] 1·04 [95% CI 0·93–1·17]),104 nor were ferric (around 8% vs around 74%).116 Low molecular weight iron
carboxymaltose, iron sucrose, ferric derisomaltose, or dextran is a cheap iron formulation available in the USA
ferumoxytol associated with serious infusion reactions; which allows total-dose iron replacement over about
milder reactions, such as urticaria, and delayed effects, 60 min.117 In Australia and New Zealand, iron polymaltose
including headache and arthralgias, were not uncom has long been available as a parenteral formulation, is
mon. Nonetheless, regulators still advise that parenteral cheap, and can deliver high doses (up to 2000 mg) over
iron should only be given when equipment and staff for 60–120 min infusions.118
management of hypersensitivity reactions are available, In pregnancy, the use of parenteral iron is restricted to
and that patients are monitored for hypersensitivity the second and third trimesters.119 Case series have
during infusion and for 30 min thereafter.105 Parenteral reported safe and efficacious use of parenteral iron in
iron formulations are now widely used in outpatient children aged 9 months to 18 years for treatment
settings and primary care. A systematic review did not indications similar to adults.120
identify increased risk of infection from parenteral iron.104
However, given that iron can promote microbial growth, Clinical benefits of iron therapy
parenteral iron should be avoided in patients with active Oral iron is the first line of treatment in uncomplicated ID,
sepsis. An underappreciated clinical and medico-legal but the threshold for use of parenteral iron in cases of
risk of parenteral iron is skin staining if extravasation moderate or severe anaemia, severe clinical symptoms,
occurs, and patients should be counselled of this risk.106 poor response, intolerable adverse effects, or difficult
Purchase price of the new drugs are expensive compared adherence is lowering. Parenteral iron generally promotes
with iron sucrose and oral iron; these costs might be superior haemoglobin improvements: for example, a
offset by the shorter infusion times and fewer clinic visits systematic review of 13 RCTs showed parenteral iron
needed for total dose replacement.107 produces a 5·3 g/L (95% CI 2·1–7·5) greater increase in
haemoglobin compared with oral iron.121 Considerations moderate or severe IDA beyond the first trimester,
for choosing between oral and parenteral iron are discussed especially in the third trimester when fetal iron transfer
in this Seminar and summarised in the appendix (p 2). is highest and delivery (and risk of blood loss) is
Iron interventions in patients without complex In the postpartum period, a systematic review found
medical conditions that, compared with oral iron, women treated with
Iron supplementation inevitably increases haemoglobin intravenous iron had a haemoglobin concentration
and ferritin.122–125 Clinically, iron in adults with non- 8·8 g/L [95% CI 4·1–13·5] higher, with superiority seen
anaemic ID reduces self-reported fatigue (standardised as early as 1 week postinfusion.135
mean difference [MD] −0·38 [95% CI –0·52 to –0·23]).126
Trials of iron in asymptomatic (non-fatigued) women Parenteral iron in patients with complex
with ID have shown that iron does not generally improve conditions
fatigue scores, sug gesting that iron benefits patients Impaired oral iron use in functional ID can be cir
with ID who present symptomatically but not patients cumvented by parenteral iron. Parenteral iron should be
with ID who are asymptomatic. Iron can improve considered in the first line of treatment for functional ID,
exercise performance: a systematic review showed including for patients with the following complex
that, in women with ID, oral iron improved maximal conditions.
exercise performance (VO2 max by 2·35 mL/kg per min
[95% CI 0·82–3·88]) and submaximal performance Congestive cardiac failure
(heart rate 4·05 beats per min lower [0·85–7·25]).127 Anaemia and functional ID are common in patients with
Parenteral iron did not improve VO₂ max in elite chronic systolic heart failure. Single-dose136 and sustained137
athletes.128 A systematic review showed that iron (both treatment with ferric carboxymaltose improves exercise
oral and parenteral) reduced International Restless Legs capacity and quality of life in patients with chronic
Syndrome scores (MD –3·55 [95% CI –5·41 to –1·68]).129 New York Heart Association Class II or III systolic heart
Meta-analyses have shown that iron improves cognitive failure and a serum ferritin concentration less than
performance in children aged 5–12 years but evidence is 100 μg/L or a ferritin concentration between 100 μg/L and
minimal for benefits on cognitive develop ment in 299 μg/L with a transferrin saturation less than 20%. A
children younger than 5 years, and especially in children systematic review showed that patients with heart failure
younger than 2 years.124,125 receiving parenteral iron (as ferric carboxymaltose or iron
A 2015 Cochrane review evaluating antenatal iron sucrose) showed reduced death and heart failure on
supplementation showed that iron reduced anaemia at hospital admission (OR 0·47 [95% CI 0·32–0·69]), and
term by 70%; in a subgroup analysis in which anaemic improved symptoms, 6 min walk test distance, and left
participants were not spe cifically excluded, antenatal ventricular ejection fraction, and reduced N-terminal
iron reduced the risk of low birthweight (RR 0·82 pro-hormone B-type natriuretic peptide.138 Conversely,
[95% CI 0·72–0·94]) and increased birthweight by oral iron supplementa tion does not benefit cardiac
33·02 g (95% CI 3·65–62·38).123 An RCT in Kenya endpoints in patients with systolic heart failure.139 Finally,
compared oral iron with placebo in 470 unse lected a multicentre RCT of patients admitted to hospital with
pregnant women and had 100% adherence: babies of acute heart failure and reduced ejection fraction and
mothers randomly assigned to iron were 150 g heavier reduced serum ferritin or transferrin saturation (serum
and born on average 3·4 days later than those born to ferritin concentration less than 100 μg/L or a ferritin
mothers receiving placebo. Importantly, benefits on concentration between 100 μg/L and 299 μg/L with a
birthweight were unrelated to baseline anaemia status transferrin saturation less than 20%) reported that ferric
but were only noted in women with initial ID (in carboxymaltose at discharge and 6 weeks after discharge,
whom there was a 234 g increase in birthweight of with maintenance as needed thereafter, reduced heart
the babies).130 Systematic reviews summarising RCTs failure-associated hospital admissions compared with
comparing parenteral with oral iron in pregnancy131,132 placebo.140 European Society of Cardiology guidelines
each found parenteral iron superior for improvements recommend that ferric carboxymaltose should be con
in haemoglobin (MD 7·4 g/L [95% CI 3·9–11·0]);132 sidered in symptomatic patients with low ferritin or
furthermore, parenteral iron produced a small but transferrin saturation to improve heart failure symptoms,
significant increase in birthweight (about 58 g),131,132 and exercise capacity, and quality of life.141
could reduce maternal transfusion needs (OR 0·19
[95% CI 0·05–0·78]).132 Collectively, these data empha Inflammatory bowel disease
sise the crucial importance of screening for, preventing, Parenteral iron is preferred in patients with inflammatory
and treating, ID during pregnancy, affirm the impor bowel disease and moderate to severe anaemia, with
tance of routine oral iron supplementation in settings active disease, or for whom oral iron is not tolerated or
where the risk of antenatal anaemia is likely high,133 and ineffective. A systematic review showed that parenteral
establish a role for paren teral iron in women with iron was more effective at promoting improvements of
20 g/L or higher in haemoglobin concentration com intestinal phosphate binder that can improve iron stores
pared with oral iron (OR 1·57 [95% CI 1·13–2·18]), with and reduce anaemia (even when therapy with parenteral
a lower rate of treatment discontinuation due to adverse iron and erythropoietin stimulating agents is suspended)
events.142 while controlling hyperphosphataemia in patients who
are dialysis dependent152 and those who are non-dialysis
Perioperative optimisation dependent.153
Preoperative anaemia is associated with increased risk of
in-hospital (OR 2·09 [95% CI 1·48–2·95]) and 30-day Preventing ID in LMICs
postoperative (OR 2·20 [1·68–2·88]) mortality, along At the population level, ID and IDA is an outcome of
with other serious adverse events.143 Preoperative therapy social, environmental, and nutritional determinants that
with iron improves haemoglobin concentra tions,144 converge to constrain iron intake, increase iron demands,
although effects on transfusion requirements also relate cause blood loss due to helminth infection, and limit
to broader operative and postoperative aspects of blood iron absorption and use due to inflammation.154 WHO
management for patients. A systematic review sug recommends population level interventions to prevent
gested that preoperative iron supplementation (oral or ID,155 including central fortification with iron of staple
intravenous) reduces transfusion (RR 0·47 [95% CI foods and condiments; home fortification of infant com
0·28–0·79]);143 however, a large RCT of patients with plementary foods with iron and other micronutrients;
anaemia (but not necessarily with ID) undergoing major and daily or weekly iron supplementation during child
abdominal surgery did not find a reduction in trans hood, adolescence, and pregnancy, and in non-pregnant
fusion needs from preoperative treatment with ferric
carboxymaltose, although hospital readmissions were
significantly reduced in the ferric carboxymaltose arm, Panel 2: Future research and clinical directions
especially in the first 8 weeks postoperatively.145 Screening Epidemiology
for anaemia and defining the contribution of ID should • Improved data on prevalence of iron deficiency across low-income, middle-income,
be undertaken before elective surgery, and IDA should and high-income countries through routine incorporation of iron biomarkers in
be treated with iron replacement, with the selection of population surveys will enable appropriate targeting of public health and clinical
route dependent on the severity of the anaemia, the interventions
patient’s ability to absorb oral iron, and the time until
surgery (parenteral iron is preferred if operation is within Diagnosis
6 weeks from diagnosis of ID).143,146 • Rational, evidence-based thresholds for defining iron deficiency using existing
Postoperative anaemia is common due to blood losses biomarkers, such as ferritin and standardised soluble transferrin receptor,
during surgery and diagnostic testing, and functional ID, and available but underused biomarkers, such as reticulocyte haemoglobin
or can be spurious due to intraoperative or postoperative content
haemodilution. Parenteral iron is superior to placebo147 • Identification and validation of functional markers of iron deficiency beyond
and oral iron148 in restoring haemoglobin concentrations haemoglobin
in patients with postoperative anaemia after a variety • Introduction of standardised hepcidin measurement into routine clinical diagnosis
of procedures, although effects on non-haematological through availability on automated laboratory platforms
clinical endpoints are uncertain.149 • Non-invasive faecal and blood-based tools and improved imaging technology to
detect luminal pathology, such as malignancy and coeliac disease
Chronic kidney disease Treatment
Compared with oral iron, parenteral iron produces higher • Further characterisation of the clinical role and safety of parenteral iron across the
haemoglobin concentrations (MD 7·2 g/L [95% CI range of iron deficiency syndromes, clinical disease groups, and demographic
0·39–1·05]), increases the likelihood a patient will reach populations
their target haemoglobin concentration (RR 1·71 [95% CI • Development of personalised iron supplementation strategies based on genetic loci
1·43–2·04]), and reduces the required dose of erythro that are associated with treatment outcomes of iron supplementation
poiesis stimulating agents in chronic kidney disease.150 A • Clarification of clinical implications and role for screening and treatment of parenteral
large RCT (n=2141) showed that, compared with reactive iron-induced hypophosphataemia
treatment with parenteral iron to keep ferritin above • Characterisation of possible long-term adverse effects of sustained parenteral iron
200 µg/L, administering regular, high doses of intravenous therapy in patients with functional iron deficiency (including chronic kidney
iron (eg, 400 mg iron sucrose monthly, unless ferritin disease)
exceeded 700 µg/L) improved mortality and morbidity • Introduction of novel therapies for functional iron deficiency that inhibit hepcidin
from cardiovascular events and permitted reduced dosing production, directly target hepcidin itself, or prevent its action on ferroportin;
of erythropoiesis stimulating agents.151 Because ferric or promote erythropoietin production and iron transport
carboxymaltose-induced hypo phos phataemia is due to • Improved understanding of the benefits, risks, and optimal approaches for delivering
renal losses, it is less common in chronic kidney disease. iron to prevent and treat anaemia in children, adolescents, and women in low-income
An emerging non-parenteral approach for treatment of countries
ID in chronic kidney disease is oral ferric citrate, an
women. Other strategies include deworming and delayed 3 Ganz T. Anemia of Inflammation. N Engl J Med 2019; 381: 1148–57.
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Declaration of interests surveys. Nutrients 2016; 8: E693.
S-RP reports grants from the National Health and Medical Research 15 Namaste SM, Rohner F, Huang J, et al. Adjusting ferritin
Council, during the conduct of the study, and is an external advisor and a concentrations for inflammation: biomarkers reflecting
consultant to the World Health Organization, Australian Red Cross Blood inflammation and nutritional determinants of anemia (BRINDA)
Service, and Merck. DWS reports to be an employee of Radboudumc, project. Am J Clin Nutr 2017; 106 (suppl 1): 359S–71S.
which offers hepcidin calibration materials and high quality hepcidin 16 Mei Z, Cogswell ME, Looker AC, et al. Assessment of iron status
measurements at a fee for service via its in US pregnant women from the National Health and Nutrition
initiative, and personal fees from Silence Therapeutics, outside of the Examination Survey (NHANES), 1999–2006. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;
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fees from Vifor Pharma, personal fees from Merck Selbstmedikation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health survey: biomedical
and personal fees from Slovak Republic Ministry of Health, outside of the results, 2012–13. 2014.
submitted work. In addition, MUM has patent 125-12ERF (Therapeutic Lookup/4727.0.55.003main+features12012-13 (accessed
April 23, 2020).
micro RNA targets in chronic pulmonary diseases issued) and patent
MJ/d 201/08 (miQPCR – a method for miRNA quantitation) issued. 18 Pottie K, Greenaway C, Feightner J, et al. Evidence-based clinical
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JT-D declares no competing interests.
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(GNT1158696) for this work, and holds grants from the National Health evaluation (RISE) study. Transfusion 2017; 57: 1656–64.
and Medical Research Council (GNT1159171, GNT1159151, GNT1141185, 20 Muckenthaler MU, Rivella S, Hentze MW, Galy B. A red carpet for
and GNT1103262) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation outside the iron metabolism. Cell 2017; 168: 344–61.
current work. JT-D is supported by a National Health and Medical 21 Aschemeyer S, Qiao B, Stefanova D, et al. Structure-function
Research Council Investigator Grant (GNT1176553) and the Mathison analysis of ferroportin defines the binding site and an alternative
Centenary Fellowship, University of Melbourne. MUM acknowledges mechanism of action of hepcidin. Blood 2018; 131: 899–910.
funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB1036 and 22 Billesbølle CB, Azumaya CM, Kretsch RC, et al. Structure of
SFB1118), from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research hepcidin-bound ferroportin reveals iron homeostatic mechanisms.
(NephrESA project Nr 031L0191C), the Dietmar Hopp-Stiftung, and the Nature 2020; published online Aug 19.
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