Anak Jurnal 1
Anak Jurnal 1
Anak Jurnal 1
creased risk of IDA in children and adolescents (19,20). Howev- (K2 EDTS tube, Vacutainers). Blood cadmium and lead levels
er, relationships between IDA, blood heavy metals and vitamin were measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spec-
D levels have not been simultaneously examined. trometry (GF-AAS) using the Zeeman background correction
In the present study, we aimed at determining the prevalence (PerkinElmer AAS800, PerkinElmer). Blood cadmium and lead
of anemia, iron depletion, and IDA in a female population aged levels were analyzed by the Neodin Medical Institute (a labora-
10 yr or older, and to compare how this prevalence has changed tory certified by the Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare).
over years. In addition, we sought to verify associations between Three commercial reference materials were used for internal
IDA, heavy metals in blood, vitamin D levels, and nutritional quality assurance and control (Lyphochek® Whole Blood Met-
intakes by path analysis. als Control; Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). The Neodin Medical
Institute had been certified with respect to quality assurance
MATERIALS AND METHODS and control by the German External Quality Assessment Scheme
operated by Friedrich-Alexander University and the Quality As-
Design and study population surance Program operated by the Korea Occupational Safety
This study was performed using data obtained during the KN and Health Agency. The limits of detection were 0.062, 0.081
HANES V study (2010 to 2012), a cross-sectional and nationally and 0.088 μg/L (for blood cadmium), and 0.142, 0.148, and 0.172
representative survey conducted on non-institutionalized indi- μg/dL (for blood lead) in 2010, 2011, and 2012, respectively.
viduals by the Division of Chronic Disease Surveillance, Korea Anemia was defined according to the WHO criteria as: Hgb
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. KNHANES data is < 11.5 g/dL at 10-11 yr and < 12 g/dL at ≥ 12 yr. ID was defined
obtained from 10,000 individuals randomly chosen from the as either a serum ferritin level of < 15 μg/mL or a transferrin sat-
192 regions in Korea on an annual basis using a stratified, mul- uration (TS) value of < 10%. IDA was defined as anemia with ID.
tistage sampling procedure. KNHANES data is obtained using
health interviews, health examinations, and a nutrition survey. Statistical analysis and model hypotheses
Women who were pregnant, less than 10 yr old, indefinable Prevalence and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated
for anemia, ID or IDA (due to missing data) were excluded from using the SAS survey procedures. Weighted results were esti-
the study, which was performed on 10,169 Korean women, which mated using survey sample weight variables for associations
included 1,232 anemic, 2,030 ID, and 690 IDA subjects. Adoles- between health interview, health examination, and nutrition
cents were divided into two groups (10 to 14-yr olds and 15 to survey. Associations between IDA and clinical factors (such as
18-yr olds), because 98% of girls reach menarche at 15 yr of age age, body mass index [BMI] and menstruation status), heavy
(21). We considered subjects aged ≤ 18 yr old as adolescents in metals in blood (e.g., blood lead and cadmium levels), vitamin
accordance with the guidelines issued by the Korea Centers for D levels in blood, nutritional intakes (e.g., protein, iron, and
Disease Control and Prevention and the Korean Society of Pe- calcium intakes), and year were identified using SAS surveyreg
diatrics. procedure (for continuous variables) or surveyfreq procedure
(for categorical variables). For blood lead and cadmium levels,
Laboratory measurements and definition values were log transformed due to non-normality. The statisti-
Blood samples were obtained from an antecubital vein after cal analysis was performed using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute,
obtaining informed consent and collected in BD Vacutainer Cary, NC, USA). Statistical significance was accepted for P < 0.05
tubes containing EDTA for trace element determinations. Se- (two-tailed).
rum hemoglobin (Hgb) levels were measured using the sodium The maximum likelihood (ML) based structural equation
lauryl sulfate hemoglobin detection method using a XE-2100D model (SEM) was used to analyze predicted paths between vari-
hematology analyzer (Sysmex, Tokyo, Japan). Serum ferritin, a ables in the model. Relationships between IDA, clinical factors,
surrogate of dietary iron, has been evaluated since 2007. Iron heavy metals in blood, blood vitamin D levels, and nutritional
and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) were added in 2010. Se- intakes were explored. To measure goodness of fit of the path
rum ferritin and serum 25 (OH) vitamin D levels were measured analysis model, normed fit index (NFI), incremental fit index
using an immunoradiometric assay and a 1470 WIZARD gam- (IFI), comparative fit index (CFI), and root mean squared error
ma-counter (PerkinElmer, Turku, Finland). Reference materials of approximation (RMSEA) were calculated. CFI is the indicator
were used for quality assurance and control (Lyphochek® Whole most commonly used to evaluate model fit versus a null model.
Blood Metals Control; Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Nutritional A value of > 0.90 was considered a good fit. The RMSEA was
intakes were determined using Dietary Reference Intakes for investigated for lack of fit to avoid problems of sample size when
Koreans by the Korean Nutrition Society (8). we use chi-square statistics; a RMSEA value of ≤ 0.08 is gener-
To assess heavy metals in blood, 3 mL blood samples were ally taken to be acceptable. Path analysis was performed using
drawn into standard evacuated tubes for trace element EDTA AMOS version 18.0 (SPSS Inc.) software.
Table 1. Prevalence of anemia in the Korean female population
≥ 70 371 72 19.5 14.2-24.8 503 73 16.5 12.8-20.3 510 82 17.6 13.7-21.6 1,384 227 17.8 15.3-20.3 27
Suh YJ, et al. • Prevalence and Relationships between Anemia, Cadmium, and Vitamin D
The main research hypotheses for path analysis were: 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and ≥ 70-yr olds were 18.2%, 9.4%, 3.8%, and
Hypothesis 1. Vitamin D level negatively influences IDA. 7.1%, respectively.
Hypothesis 2. IDA is positively associated with divalent heavy The overall prevalence of IDA during the study period was
metal levels in blood. 7.7% (Table 3), and was most prevalent in 15-18 (10.7%) and 19-
49 (11.3%)-yr olds. The prevalence of IDA was 2.3% among 10
Ethics statement to 14-yr olds, 3.3% among 50 to 59-yr olds, 1.0% among 60 to
The KNHANES V survey was approved by the institutional re- 69-yr olds, and 3.2% in ≥ 70-yr olds. The prevalence of ID was
view board of the Korea Center for Disease Control and Preven- approximately three times greater than that of IDA.
tion (IRB No. 2010-02CON-21-C, 2011-02CON-06-C and 2012- For 15-18-yr olds, the prevalence of anemia, ID, and IDA in-
01EXP-01-2C). All individuals that participated in the KNHA creased in 2012 as compared with 2010 or 2011, and for 19-49-
NES V survey provide written informed consent. yr olds the prevalence of ID tended to increase in 2012 as com-
pared with 2010 or 2011 (Fig. 1). Although the prevalence rates
RESULTS of anemia (P = 0.322), ID (P = 0.086), and IDA (P = 0.748) show
ed slight changes as determined by surveys conducted for 3 yr,
The overall prevalence of anemia was 12.4% during the 2-yr there was no statistical significance.
study period (2010 to 2012) in Korean women and adolescents, Table 4 shows the distributions of clinical factors stratified by
as presented in Table 1. The prevalence was greatest among IDA. Subjects with IDA group were younger than those without
those aged ≥ 70 yr (17.8%) and this was followed by 19-49-yr (P < 0.001). Furthermore, menstruation status differed in the
olds (15.0%). The prevalence of anemia in the other age groups IDA and non-IDA groups (P < 0.001), and blood cadmium (log-
was; 2.9% in 10 to 14-yr olds, 11.9% in 15 to 18-yr olds, 7.0% in transformed) and vitamin D levels were significantly different
50 to 59-yr olds, and 7.8% in 60 to 69-yr olds. in these two groups (P < 0.001). However, BMIs, blood lead lev-
The overall prevalence of ID between 2010 and 2012 was els, nutritional intakes, and survey years were no different in
23.11% (Table 2). The prevalence of ID for 3 yr in 15-18 and 19- these groups at the α = 0.05 level.
49-yr olds was 36.5% and 32.7%, respectively, and for 10 to 14, The theoretical path model based on our hypotheses was
25 50
20 40
Prevalence rate (%)
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012
Year Year
10-14 yr
Prevalence rate (%)
10 15-18 yr
8 19-49 yr
6 50-59 yr
4 60-69 yr
≥ 70 yr
Fig. 1. Change in the prevalence of anemia, ID and IDA by
0 age in Korean women. (A) Anemia. (B) Iron deficiency. (C) Iron
2010 2011 2012
deficiency anemia.
Year C
Figure 2
Suh YJ, et al. • Prevalence and Relationships between Anemia, Cadmium, and Vitamin D
Vitamin D level
β = -0.002†
Protein intake
0.52 Iron intake
0.51 IDA
β = 0.48† log Cadmium
Calcium intake level
β = 0.13† (R2 = 0.54)
Menstruation β = 0.001†
β = 0.03† log Lead level
-0.68 (R2 = 0.31)
β = 0.01 †
Fig. 2. Proposed hypothetical path model. The solid and
-0.20 Age
β = -0.001* β = 0.01
dotted lines stand for significant and non-significant as-
sociations between factors, respectively. β is a parame-
BMI ter estimate of each significant association. *P < 0.05;
P < 0.001.
Table 4. Distribution of factors stratified by iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in the Korean Table 5. Fit indices of our hypothetical model by path analysis
female population
Mean (SE)
Factors P value† Significant goodness of fit 0.90-1 0.90-1 0.90-1 < 0.05: good
IDA Non IDA criteria 0.05-0.08: fair
0.08-1: moderate
Age (yr) 38.15 (0.60) 42.71 (0.29) < 0.001
Hypothetical model 0.904 0.905 0.905 0.084
BMI (kg/m2) 22.57 (0.21) 22.97 (0.06) 0.061
Menstruation < 0.001 NFI, normed fit index; IFI, incremental fit index; CFI, comparative fit index; RMSEA,
No 91 (13.5)* 4,862 (52.7) root mean squared error of approximation.
Yes 582 (86.5)* 4,357 (47.3)
Blood lead level (μg/dL) 1.80 (0.07) 1.81 (0.02) 0.766‡ (R2 = 0.54). However, IDA was not associated with blood lead
Blood cadmium level (μg/L) 1.53 (0.08) 1.02 (0.01) < 0.001‡
levels (P = 0.625).
Vitamin D level (μg/mL) 14.43 (0.24) 16.40 (0.13) < 0.001
Protein intake (g) 62.80 (1.77) 61.76 (0.50) 0.565
Iron intake (mg) 13.40 (0.48) 13.22 (0.17) 0.730 DISCUSSION
Calcium intake (mg) 460.85 (7.72) 464.19 (5.36) 0.397
Year 0.748 Anemia affects an enormous number of women. In this study,
2010 240 (34.8)* 3,166 (33.6)
2011 238 (34.5)* 3,224 (34.2) the overall prevalence of anemia, ID and IDA was 12.4%, 23.1%,
2012 212 (30.7)* 3,031 (32.2) and 7.7%, respectively. In particular, anemia and ID were more
*No. (%); †P values were obtained by surveyreg procedure for continuous variable and common in late adolescent girls and women of reproductive
by surveyfreq procedure for categorical variables; ‡Values were log-transformed lev- age. The prevalence of anemia, ID, and IDA did not change ap-
els for analysis.
preciably over the period 2010 to 2012, although increases in
the prevalence of ID and IDA occurred in females aged 15 to 18
tested (Fig. 2). The hypothesis path model fitted data well with yr. The overall prevalence of iron depletion (defined as serum
NFI, IFI and CFI values of 0.90-0.91 (Table 5). ferritin level < 15 ng/mL) was 23.8% during 2008-2012: 25.5%,
The model had a RMSEA value of 0.084, indicating model ac- 25.8%, 21.6%, 21.1%, and 24.6% in the year of 2008, 2009, 2010,
ceptability. Results obtained showed vitamin D level (β = -0.002, 2011, and 2012, respectively.
SE = 0.0004, P < 0.001), menstruation (β = 0.13, SE = 0.007, P < The average woman has approximately 40 mg/kg of iron in
0.001), age (β = 0.001, SE = 0.0001, P < 0.001), and BMI (β = -0.001, body stores, which are maintained by the daily absorption of
SE = 0.001, P = 0.036) significantly associated with IDA, but that 1-2 mg of iron in the duodenum (22). Adolescence is character-
protein (P = 0.261), iron (P = 0.233), and calcium intakes (P = ized by the somatic growth spurt and an increased rate of de-
0.325) did not. velopment with commensurate expansion of total blood vol-
Moderately positive correlations were observed between ume, which requires a greater supply of iron. Adolescents are
protein, iron and calcium intake (range from 0.44 to 0.52), and highly susceptible to nutritional iron deficiency, not only be-
significant relationships were found for age, BMI, and menstru- cause of their considerably increased nutritional requirements,
ation. Path analyses also showed IDA was significantly associ- but also because of poor dietary habits. The observed increase
ated with an elevated blood cadmium level (log-transformed) in the prevalence of ID in adolescents is worrisome from the
after adjusting for age and BMI (β = 0.48, SE = 0.04, P < 0.001) perspectives of possible developmental and learning problems. 29
Suh YJ, et al. • Prevalence and Relationships between Anemia, Cadmium, and Vitamin D
In non-pregnant females of reproductive age, the prevalence cents (15,18) or adults (14,16,17). Our proposed path model
of anemia in this study was 15.0%, which was not very different showed that IDA was associated with an increase in blood cad-
from the 17.9% of the 2008 KNHANES data (7), the 12.2% of the mium levels (log-transformed) in females aged 10 yr or older
Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NH (β = 0.48, SE = 0.04, P < 0.001). Here we focused on the associa-
ANES III) (23), the 17.8% of studies conducted in America, and tion between IDA and blood cadmium level (standardized β =
the 19.0% of European studies cited by WHO (4). In the present 0.16) after adjusting for age and BMI, even though the strength
study, the prevalence of ID was 32.7% in 19 to 49-yr olds, which of association between age and blood cadmium level was high-
was similar to the 33.0% found using 2008 KNHANES data. It ap- er (standardized β = 0.71).
pears the additional loss of an average of 1 mg iron per day throu Vitamin D has an effect on calcium absorption and bone me-
gh menstruation tilts balance toward the development of IDA. tabolism, and its deficiency is viewed as a crucial nutritional
Despite of relatively high prevalence of anemia in elderly peo- problem (33). In the present study, blood vitamin D levels were
ple ( ≥ 70 yr old; 17.8%), the prevalence of IDA was only 3.2%. found to have a significant negative effect on IDA in those aged
One third of anemia cases in the elderly are attributable to nu- ≥ 10 yr (β = -0.002, SE = 0.0004, P < 0.001). Studies have been
tritional (iron, folate, or vitamin B12 deficiency), one third due performed recently on the association between vitamin D defi-
chronic inflammation or chronic kidney disease, and one-third ciency and IDA in children and adolescents (20,33), and a sig-
to some idiopathic cause (24,25). However, it should be noted nificant association was found between vitamin D and IDA,
no occult blood testing in stools or gastrointestinal examination possibly due to the suppressive effect of vitamin D on IDA via
was performed during the KNHANES V study. Anemia in the hepcidin (an iron-regulatory hormone) (20). Vitamin D supple-
elderly is associated with frailty, increased mortality, poor cog- mentation might control IDA by decreasing hepcidin levels.
nition, and diminished physical performance (26-28), and is These findings suggest that to prevent ID or IDA, women should
especially harmful in the presence of heart disease or chronic consume diet with sufficient available iron and vitamin D to
kidney disease. In view of the rapid increase in the proportion achieve recommended intakes.
of elderly, it is imperative that an intervention be made avail- Despite progress in nation-wide survey over the past decade,
able to prevent and treat anemia. anemia remains a significant public health problem in Korea,
The structural equation model (SEM) is a powerful multivari- which begs the question, ‘Why has the prevalence of anemia
ate analysis technique that was devised to analyze complex re- and IDA not decreased?’ The reason may be unbalanced nutri-
lationships among many observed or unobserved variables tion, food restriction including dieting, public unawareness of
(29). The SEM enables the validity of empirical models to be anemia prevention, and no or ineffective feedback for anemia
tested using variable correlation or covariance matrices. Path and IDA. Furthermore, it appears anemia and IDA are relatively
analysis (a special type of SEM) has been used to evaluate di- neglected by health care personnel and policymakers. What is
rect dependencies among a set of observed variables as a form more, many clinicians do not consider IDA a real problem, and
of multivariate regression analyses with focus on causality. In as a result they often overlook offering preventive nutritional
the present study, we examined relationship between IDA, blood guidance. Even when screening is conducted and ID is identi-
cadmium levels, and vitamin D levels simultaneously by path fied, appropriate and effective treatment is often overlooked or
analysis based on the following research hypotheses: Vitamin inadequate (34).
D negatively influences IDA (hypothesis 1), and the presence of Strong advocacy is required to reduce the incidences of ane-
IDA is positively associated with divalent heavy metals in blood mia and IDA. IDA is compromises physical and cognitive de-
(hypothesis 2). velopment and performance, especially in children and adoles-
Cadmium is a major environmental pollutant and a carcino- cents. In addition, IDA in adults contributes to low work pro-
genic heavy metal (15,30), and it has been shown cadmium ex- ductivity and has a negative impact on economy according to
posure involves diet, particularly, in children and adults not the WHO (35). Furthermore, treatment of IDA can improve qual-
subjected to occupational exposure (18). Blood cadmium con- ity of life and reduce associated morbidity and mortality
centrations are elevated as cadmium absorption increases thr According as the 2013 WHO guidelines (35), optimizing nu-
ough divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) in subjects with ID trition with daily or intermittent (1 to 3 times per week) iron sup-
or IDA (31). That is, in those with ID or IDA blood cadmium plementation, should be considered a first-line intervention in
concentrations are elevated, because such individuals absorb high-risk or high-prevalence groups. Although it is probably
more heavy metals. Moreover, Meltzer et al. (32) showed that less effective than daily iron supplementation, intermittent iron
blood cadmium levels were associated with reduced serum fer- appears to be a useful and cost effective way of controlling ane-
ritin levels in women; and in recent investigations of the associ- mia and IDA (36). Iron fortification with micronutrient powders
ation between blood cadmium and ID (14-18), it was found and fortification of staple foods and condiments may be a use-
that ID elevates blood cadmium levels in children and adoles- ful option if the food concerned is widely consumed by at-risk
Suh YJ, et al. • Prevalence and Relationships between Anemia, Cadmium, and Vitamin D
individuals and if the fortificants do not have toxic effects (36). Ji Eun Lee
However, targeted anemia surveillance and intervention should Dae Hyung Lee
be viewed as a priority in high-risk populations, such as, late Hyeon Gyu Yi
adolescents and premenopausal females. On the other hand, Moon He Lee
anemia is also an important health concern in the elderly. In Chul Soo Kim
this population, anemia should be investigated from a different Jeung Weon Nah
perspective, because it is usually multifactorial in origin. Soon Ki Kim
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