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MWR: Microwave Radiometer For The Juno Mission To Jupiter

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Space Sci Rev

DOI 10.1007/s11214-017-0349-5

MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission

to Jupiter

M.A. Janssen1 · J.E. Oswald1 · S.T. Brown1 · S. Gulkis1 · S.M. Levin1 · S.J. Bolton2 ·
M.D. Allison3 · S.K. Atreya4 · D. Gautier5 · A.P. Ingersoll6 · J.I. Lunine7 · G.S. Orton1 ·
T.C. Owen8 · P.G. Steffes9 · V. Adumitroaie1 · A. Bellotti9 · L.A. Jewell1 · C. Li1 ·
L. Li10 · S. Misra1 · F.A. Oyafuso1 · D. Santos-Costa2 · E. Sarkissian1 · R. Williamson1 ·
J.K. Arballo1 · A. Kitiyakara1 · A. Ulloa-Severino1 · J.C. Chen1 · F.W. Maiwald1 ·
A.S. Sahakian1 · P.J. Pingree1 · K.A. Lee1 · A.S. Mazer1 · R. Redick1 · R.E. Hodges1 ·
R.C. Hughes1 · G. Bedrosian1 · D.E. Dawson1 · W.A. Hatch1 · D.S. Russell1 ·
N.F. Chamberlain1 · M.S. Zawadski1 · B. Khayatian1 · B.R. Franklin1 · H.A. Conley1 ·
J.G. Kempenaar1 · M.S. Loo1 · E.T. Sunada1 · V. Vorperion1 · C.C. Wang1

Received: 2 November 2016 / Accepted: 11 March 2017

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2017

Abstract The Juno Microwave Radiometer (MWR) is a six-frequency scientific instrument

designed and built to investigate the deep atmosphere of Jupiter. It is one of a suite of in-
struments on NASA’s New Frontiers Mission Juno launched to Jupiter on August 5, 2011.
The focus of this paper is the description of the scientific objectives of the MWR inves-
tigation along with the experimental design, observational approach, and calibration that
will achieve these objectives, based on the Juno mission plan up to Jupiter orbit insertion
on July 4, 2016. With frequencies distributed approximately by octave from 600 MHz to
22 GHz, the MWR will sample the atmospheric thermal radiation from depths extending
from the ammonia cloud region at around 1 bar to pressure levels as deep as 1000 bars. The
primary scientific objectives of the MWR investigation are to determine the presently un-
known dynamical properties of Jupiter’s subcloud atmosphere and to determine the global

B M.A. Janssen
1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena,
CA 91109, USA
2 Southwest Research Institute, 6220 Culebra Rd, San Antonio, TX 78228, USA
3 Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2880 Broadway, New York NY 10025, USA
4 University of Michigan, 2445 Hayward St, Ann Arbor MI 48109, USA
5 Observitoire de Paris-Site de Meudon, Meudon Cedex, France
6 California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
7 Cornell University, 402 Space Sciences Bldg, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
8 Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
9 Georgia Institute of Technology, 777 Atlantic Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
10 University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Rd, Houston TX 77004, USA
M.A. Janssen et al.

abundance of oxygen and nitrogen, present in the atmosphere as water and ammonia deep
below their respective cloud decks. The MWR experiment is designed to measure both the
thermal radiation from Jupiter and its emission-angle dependence at each frequency rela-
tive to the atmospheric local normal with high accuracy. The antennas at the four highest
frequencies (21.9, 10.0, 5.2, and 2.6 GHz) have ∼12° beamwidths and will achieve a spa-
tial resolution approaching 600 km near perijove. The antennas at the lowest frequencies
(0.6 and 1.25 GHz) are constrained by physical size limitations and have 20° beamwidths,
enabling a spatial resolution of as high as 1000 km to be obtained. The MWR will obtain
Jupiter’s brightness temperature and its emission-angle dependence at each point along the
subspacecraft track, over angles up to 60° from the normal over most latitudes, during at
least six perijove passes after orbit insertion. The emission-angle dependence will be ob-
tained for all frequencies to an accuracy of better than one part in 103 , sufficient to detect
small variations in atmospheric temperature and absorber concentration profiles that distin-
guish dynamical and compositional properties of the deep Jovian atmosphere.

Keywords Jupiter · Microwave radiometry · Synchrotron emission · Atmosphere ·

Atmospheric composition · Atmospheric dynamics

1 Introduction

Jupiter is the most accessible of the outer planets and its atmosphere has been studied exten-
sively from Earth and Space-based platforms. Because of the ubiquitous clouds that shroud
the planet, however, such studies have been mostly limited to its properties in and above the
cloud tops, and major questions remain about the composition and dynamical properties of
the great bulk of the atmosphere that lies beneath. Other than Earth-based observations of
deep thermal microwave emissions that can penetrate the clouds, we have had limited access
to the subcloud atmosphere. Valuable insights have been gained about the deep atmosphere
from measurements localized in time and space; e.g., the Galileo probe (Niemann et al.
1996; Folkner et al. 1998; Wong et al. 2004), glimpses into 5 μm hot spots (Bjoraker et al.
2015), the Shoemaker-Levy impact (Harrington et al. 2004) and observations of lightning.
The information needed to synthesize these into a global picture of atmospheric processes
beneath the clouds is lacking, however.
Thermal microwave emission from the deep atmosphere has been measured exten-
sively using Earth-based instruments. Early on, this approach established a thermal mi-
crowave spectrum for the disk-integrated emission of Jupiter that demonstrated the long-
wavelength thermal signature of deep convective atmospheres with an adiabatic lapse rate
and ammonia gas as the principal microwave absorber (e.g., Field 1959; Gulkis et al. 1969;
Wrixon et al. 1971; Gulkis and Poynter 1972; Berge and Gulkis 1976). However, as shown
by de Pater et al. (2005), the ground-based brightness temperature spectrum is difficult to
interpret in terms of its deep composition, even if the measurement accuracy throughout
the spectrum were to be as good as ∼2%. Causes of this difficulty include the need to
account for the non-thermal synchrotron radiation that dominates the planet’s emission at
long wavelengths, as well as uncertainties in atmospheric structure, cloud properties, and
the absorption coefficients of water and ammonia at the high temperatures and pressures of
the deep atmosphere. Dynamical properties such as the depth of the zones, belts, and other
visible surface features are particularly difficult to observe from the Earth and remain a
mystery. The resolution needed to observe spatial structure from the Earth requires large in-
terferometric arrays; however, the Earth-rotational aperture synthesis approach they require
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

has made longitudinal structure difficult to observe until recently. Longitudinally-averaged

belt/zone variations attributed to varying ammonia distribution have been observed at wave-
lengths from 2 to 6 cm using the Very Large Array in New Mexico (de Pater and Dickel
1986; de Pater et al. 2001), while observations at 2-cm wavelength made synchronously
with the rotations of Jupiter and the Earth have enabled longitudinal structure to be iden-
tified along with banding (Sault et al. 2004). In conjunction with the Galileo probe mea-
surements these have led to interesting speculations on the subcloud ammonia depletion and
its implications for deep circulations (de Pater et al. 2001; Showman and de Pater 2005).
While recent upgrades to the VLA have dramatically improved its ability to image Jupiter at
short wavelengths (corresponding to pressures less than about 3 bars, de Pater et al. 2016),
the resolution and sensitivity limitations of observations previous to this have limited their
Progress toward understanding Jupiter’s deep atmosphere from a global perspective re-
quires microwave observations with better calibration that extend into the long-wavelength
end of the spectrum as far as possible to see deep into the atmosphere. The space-based
approach of the Juno mission overcomes many of the main limitations in the microwave re-
mote sensing of Jupiter’s atmosphere. Juno’s highly eccentric orbit with its close equatorial
perijove allows Jupiter’s atmosphere to be observed from inside the surrounding radiation
belts, simplifying the job of separating the synchrotron from atmospheric thermal emission.
Observations from close range allow good spatial resolution to be achieved on Jupiter at all
wavelengths, and, in particular, allow observations to be made at the very long wavelengths
needed to sound the atmosphere deep below the ammonia and water cloud regions. Although
complete global mapping is not obtained, the polar orbit allows the detailed structure with
latitude to be examined from equator to pole. With careful attention to beam pattern knowl-
edge and radiometer stability, the Juno orbit and spin orientation also makes it possible to
measure the emission-angle dependence of the thermal emissions with high accuracy. The
accurate measurement of relative brightness temperature as a function of off-nadir emis-
sion angles is a powerful approach to obtaining atmospheric parameters by multi-frequency
sounding (Janssen et al. 2005). The results from Juno will surpass those from all existing
observations in spatial resolution, accuracy, and frequency coverage.

2 Science Objectives

The overarching goal of the Juno mission is to understand the origin of Jupiter. Juno will ac-
complish this goal largely by determining the atmospheric composition, existence and mass
of the core and structure of the internal magnetic field. The microwave radiometer instru-
ment (MWR) makes a vital contribution to this goal by determining the bulk abundance of
water and studying atmospheric dynamics. In the process, MWR measurements will also
allow a better understanding of Jupiter’s complex radiation environment. We elaborate on
these MWR objectives in the following subsections.

2.1 Global Water Abundance

Oxygen is the third most abundant element on the Sun, after hydrogen and helium (Asplund
et al. 2009), so water is the most abundant compound after H2 in a planet with solar ele-
mental ratios. In terms of the planet’s bulk density and the C/H ratio determined from the
methane abundance, Jupiter comes closest of all the planets to this ideal solar composition
M.A. Janssen et al.

mixture. All four giant planets are relatively enriched in heavy elements. For instance, Sat-
urn’s C/H ratio is about 10 times the protosolar value, while Jupiter’s is about 4.0 times
the protosolar value (Atreya et al. 2017). The protosolar value is used rather than the cur-
rent value to account for the loss of hydrogen during nuclear fusion within the Sun. Despite
the high enrichment ratios, the absolute abundances are small—the C/H protosolar mixing
ratio is only 2.65 × 10−4 , for instance. The Galileo probe measured Jupiter’s atmospheric
composition down to the 22-bar pressure level (Niemann et al. 1998; Folkner et al. 1998;
Mahaffy et al. 2000). For Jupiter the enrichment factors relative to the Sun measured by the
probe for C, N, and S are 4.0, 4.5, and 3.1, respectively, but for O the enrichment factor is
only 0.46. These numbers are derived from the abundances of CH4 , NH3 , H2 S, and H2 O.
Thus the water abundance is the big discrepancy.
One could imagine processes that would enrich all of these elements in similar amounts
(Atreya et al. 2017). During their first few million years, stars like the Sun are extremely
active, with intense stellar winds that are capable of separating the gases from the solids in
the solar nebula. Beyond the ice line, sufficiently far from the Sun, CH4 , NH3 , H2 S, and
H2 O form into solid ice particles that are able to withstand the solar wind pressure while
the dominant constituents, the gases like H2 and He are blown away. However this would
produce similar enrichment factors for C, N, S, and O, and that is not what the Galileo
probe observed. There is also a meteorological explanation for the low abundance of O.
The Galileo probe entered a 5-micron hot spot—a clear space with no clouds and reduced
mixing ratios of NH3 , H2 S, and H2 O where their clouds should have been. The mixing ratios
of NH3 and H2 S increased at deeper levels and finally leveled off at their enriched values
before the probe died at 22 bars, but the H2 O was still climbing and never rose above the
0.46 enrichment factor quoted above. Either the probe entered a dry spot or Jupiter itself
is anomalously dry. The latter would overturn our ideas about chemical processes during
planet formation, so measuring the global water abundance is an important objective of the
MWR instrument.
An enrichment factor for water similar to those for CH4 , NH3 , and H2 S would help solve
another puzzling feature of the Galileo probe results, namely the enrichment factors of Ar,
Kr, and Xe, which are in the range 2.3–3.3 and therefore similar to the enrichment factors
of C, N, and S. The noble gases are hard to separate from H2 and He in the solar nebula. As
gases they would tend to get blown away with the H2 and He, leaving them with enrichment
factors of 1.0. One theory (Owen et al. 1999; Atreya et al. 2002) is that all the heavy gases
condensed to form ices out beyond Neptune at temperatures below 30 K and came in later
as icy comets when the Sun had quieted down. Another theory (Lunine and Stevenson 1985;
Gautier et al. 2001; Hersant et al. 2004) is that the heavy gases were incorporated locally
into clathrate hydrates. This hypothesis requires water enrichment greater than 10 because
the number of sites in the clathrate lattice is finite. Water is probably the transport medium
for delivering volatiles to the inner solar system as well. Whether the water is cometary
(Owen et al. 1992; Owen and Barnum 1995) or asteroidal (Marty 2012; Altwegg et al. 2015;
Barnes et al. 2016) is still an open question. Thus the MWR measurement is relevant to
understanding volatile processing throughout the early solar system.
Water is also important to understanding the radial distribution of elements in Jupiter’s
interior and therefore the planet’s formation history. The prevailing view is that a 10–20
Earth mass “seed” of heavy elements was necessary to attract hydrogen and helium in the
solar nebula and form a giant planet (e.g., Pollack et al. 1996). The seed became the core,
but the fraction of heavy elements in the core compared with that in the gaseous envelope is
uncertain, which bears on the sequence of events as the planets were forming. Much of this
information is in the gravity field, which Juno will measure, but a key boundary condition is
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

the water abundance at the top of the envelope. MWR will measure water in the 10–100+
bar range, which is only 0.3% of the distance to the center of Jupiter, but it is thought to be
representative of the global water abundance since the planet is likely stirred by convection
down to the core.

2.2 Atmospheric Dynamics

Little is known about dynamical and chemical processes in the subcloud region of the Jo-
vian planets, and a major objective of the MWR experiment is to better understand them.
The MWR data will uniquely address the spatial variation of ammonia and water down to
depths greater than 100 bars, or over 300 km below the base of the ammonia cloud. Except
for the Galileo probe, which reached a pressure of nearly 22 bars at one location on the
planet, our direct knowledge of the atmospheric dynamics is two-dimensional and confined
to the tops of the ammonia clouds and above. By comparing the variations of ammonia
and water below the clouds with visible cloud-top features, the MWR will help distinguish
between a deep atmosphere gently stirred by convection and one in which high-speed jet
streams extend into the deep interior. The belts and zones are the dark and light bands that
circle the planet at constant latitude. Their boundaries coincide with the peaks of eastward
and westward jets with speeds of ∼50–100 m/s. Evidence of lightning, towering convective
clouds, and molecules out of chemical equilibrium with their surroundings suggest large-
scale vertical motion, somewhat like the Hadley cells on Earth. How deep these vertical
motions extend is unknown, but the MWR will explore the possibilities. If the deep am-
monia and water distributions are correlated with the belts and zones, then the large-scale
circulation is deep. If the deep ammonia and water abundances are constant, then the weather
that we see is probably confined to a thin atmospheric layer. The MWR data will provide
an essential constraint on general circulation models (GCMs, e.g., Heimpel et al. 2016;
Thomson and McIntyre 2016; Liu and Schneider 2010, 2015; Sugiyama et al. 2014;
Lian and Showman 2010; Vasavada and Showman 2005). The vertical motions, about which
we have so little information, are the key to understanding what maintains the large-scale
circulation—how mechanical energy is created, how it is transferred to the large scales, and
how it is dissipated. The spatial distribution of the condensates water and ammonia depend
on vertical motion through the cycles of evaporation, precipitation, and latent heat release.
They respond to convection, which is an intense, small-scale process that strongly affects the
large-scale circulation. Therefore, the distribution of these gasses provides a window for in-
vestigating the mechanical energy cycle of giant planet atmospheres. Such a cycle (Lorenz
1955) has already been used to understand the atmospheric systems and climate changes
on terrestrial planets and satellites (Peixoto and Oort 1992; Schubert and Mitchell 2013;
Lucarini et al. 2013; Tabataba-Vakili et al. 2015). However, we have little information about
the energy cycle of the atmospheres on either Jupiter or Saturn.

2.3 Radiation Belts

Synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons in Jupiter’s radiation belts is a source of

contamination for microwave observations of the atmosphere. It is also a valuable source of
information about the distribution of the most energetic electrons trapped in Jupiter’s inner
magnetosphere. Ground-based microwave observations coupled with in situ measurements
of the electron distribution have been used to adjust models of the radiation belts (Gar-
rett et al. 2005), but the spatial resolution is limited. Furthermore, synchrotron emission is
beamed in the direction of electron motion, which is inextricably linked to the magnitude and
M.A. Janssen et al.

Fig. 1 Jupiter’s synchrotron

emission imaged by the VLA at
1.4 GHz (Levin et al. 2001). The
peak brightness temperature at
this frequency is roughly 1000 K

direction of the Jovian magnetic field as well as the energy of the electrons. From Earth, we
can only observe Jupiter from a limited range of angles, all within ∼13 degrees of Jupiter’s
magnetic equator. As a trapped electron spirals along a magnetic field line, it spends most of
its time near the “mirror point”, where it reverses direction with a pitch angle of 90°, and the
bulk of the Jovian synchrotron emission seen from Earth comes from electrons mirroring
on magnetic field lines which are perpendicular to the line of sight. Thus, information about
the energy distribution of the electrons is entangled with information about their pitch-angle
distribution, and complicated by the structure of Jupiter’s magnetic field.
The MWR on Juno will not suffer from this limitation. With each spin of the spacecraft,
MWR will observe the synchrotron emission at each of six frequencies, over a wide range
of angles, from a unique vantage point inside the radiation belts. Furthermore, the magne-
tometer experiment on Juno will be making an improved map of the Jovian magnetic field
(Connerney et al. 2017). The peak frequency of the synchrotron spectrum is proportional to
energy times the magnetic field strength, so the MWR frequencies are sensitive to different
electron energies throughout the belts. As seen in Fig. 1, observations with the VLA show
strong emission near the equator, implying a ”pancake” distribution of electrons with equa-
torial pitch angle close to 90 degrees, plus high-latitude lobes that require a component with
a more isotropic distribution of pitch angles near an L-shell value of 2 (the set of parallel
magnetic field lines that cross Jupiter’s equator at two Jovian radii). The relative absence
of emission at intermediate latitudes adds complexity, requiring either a more complicated
pitch-angle distribution or an energy distribution that depends on both pitch angle and L-
shell. Juno’s trajectory will take it over the poles, in between the high-latitude lobes and the
equatorial region, and close to the planet at the equator, allowing both the high latitude lobe
and the equatorial lobe regions to be observed at a wide range of angles with respect to the
magnetic field, including both parallel and perpendicular to the field lines. Observations at
multiple frequencies from this wide range of vantage points, combined with a precise map of
the magnetic field and ground-based measurements, will allow us to disentangle the energy
and pitch angle distributions from the geometry and strength of the magnetic field.

3 Measurement Objectives

The measurement objectives depend on both the capabilities of the measurement system
and the characteristics of the observed source (or sources in this case). After describing our
program for the forward modeling of microwave emission from Jupiter’s atmosphere and
its radiation belts, we explore the characteristics of these emissions in order to understand
the requirements for a microwave measurement system that can best capture the information
contained in them.
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

3.1 Jovian Models

3.1.1 Atmospheric Model

Shortly after the selection of the Juno Mission, work started on the development of a soft-
ware model of the Jovian atmosphere that could be used by the Juno MWR instrument team
and other investigators for use in observation planning and estimating instrument responses,
and for developing data analysis techniques to interpret the MWR data. Atmospheric compo-
sition for this early work assumed a He to H2 ratio of 0.157 and a CH4 molar mixing ratio of
1.8 × 10−3 consistent with values given by Atreya et al. (1999). Microwave opacity sources
included H2 O, NH3 , H2 , and a liquid water cloud. The mixing ratios of NH3 and H2 O in the
fully mixed region of the atmosphere were assumed to be variable, ranging from 3 to 5 times
solar abundances for ammonia, and 1 to 9 times solar for water. No loss of NH3 into a water
cloud or a possible NH4 SH cloud was considered. At the beginning it was already clear that
additional work was needed that used a wider range of parameters and model assumptions,
and a design that made it amenable to the use of software modules for carrying out inverse
calculations to determine the water and ammonia abundances in the Jovian atmosphere from
MWR measurements. These were all motivating factors for developing the MWR forward
model, now called the Jupiter Atmospheric Radiative Transfer model, or JAMRT for short.
The JAMRT program describes a deep convective model atmosphere adequate for the
interpretation of MWR observational data. Pressures included in the model range from 0.3
bars to one kilobar. JAMRT computes temperature, gas composition, and cloud density pro-
files as functions of pressure and altitude, optionally based on either the ideal gas equation of
state or a real equation of state for the mixture using thermodynamic relationships. Hydro-
static equilibrium (including solid body rotation) is assumed to exist throughout the model.
The atmosphere is stratified along a direction normal to the gravity equipotential surfaces of
Jupiter (e.g., Lindal et al. 1981). The shape of Jupiter’s atmosphere is assumed to follow an
equipotential surface based on up-to-date spherical harmonic measurements of the Jupiter’s
gravity field. Local gravity is a (variable but definable) parameter in the model, thus allowing
one to compute atmospheric profiles at any specified latitude. Local gravity can be calculated
assuming Jupiter to be a gaseous body, uniformly rotating and in hydrostatic equilibrium.
Upper tropospheric winds that vary with latitude may be included in the potential model.
Non-uniform stratified layer thicknesses can be specified by the user. Moist and dry adia-
batic lapse rates, subadiabatic lapse rates, and specified relative humidity (RH) within the
cloud are user-defined options. The dry atmosphere is composed of H2 , He, CH4 , PH3 and
noble gases as measured by the Galileo entry probe. The condensable gases are H2 O, H2 S,
and NH3 . The condensates are H2 O ice, H2 O liquid, NH3 /H2 O solution, NH4 SH ice, and
NH3 ice. Vapor pressures and moist adiabats for these gases and condensates are given in
Atreya (1986) and elsewhere. The current (nominal) atmospheric composition in solar abun-
dances relative to H2 and enrichments given in Table 1 are based on Atreya et al. (2017).
The mixing ratios (mole fractions) of the constituents are given in column 4. State-of-the-art
microwave absorption coefficients are used for all atmospheric components, although only
NH3 and H2 O gas have been found to be significant for the interpretation of microwave data.
A laboratory program focused on the determination of NH3 and H2 O microwave absorption
coefficients that cover the pressure-temperature range probed by the MWR is described in
Sect. 3.1.2.
The model atmosphere must simultaneously satisfy boundary conditions at the top and
bottom of the atmosphere. At the deepest level, which might be several hundred bars up
to 1000 bar, the user specifies the molar mixing ratios of water and ammonia. At the high-
est level, which is usually 0.3 bars, the temperature must agree with direct measurements.
M.A. Janssen et al.

Table 1 Protosolar and nominal atmospheric abundances for JAMRT

Species Protosolar abundance Enrichment Jupiter mole

relative to H2 a (Jupiter/Protosolar) fractionb

H2 1 0.862
He 0.191 0.82 0.135
CH4 5.90 × 10−4 4.02 2.04 × 10−3
H2 O 1.07 × 10−3 0.46 4.22 × 10−4
NH3 1.48 × 10−4 4.48c 5.72 × 10−4c
H2 S 2.90 × 10−5 3.08 7.67 × 10−5
Ar 5.50 × 10−6 3.31 1.57 × 10−5
PH3 5.64 × 10−7 3.83 1.86 × 10−6

a Protosolar values are calculated using photospheric values from Asplund et al. (2009), as described in Atreya
et al. (2017)
b Based on the Galileo Probe Mass Spectrometer (GPMS) data, except for PH , which was derived from
Cassini flyby of Jupiter (see Atreya et al. 2017 and references therein)
c NH mole fraction of 7 × 10−4 , or Jupiter/Protosolar =5.4, was derived from analysis of the attenuation of
Galileo probe radio signal (see Atreya et al. 2017 for additional details)

Typically, we take the user specified (T , P ) point to be (132.79 K, 0.50 bar) based on mea-
surements near 6.53◦ N. latitude with the Galileo entry probe (Seiff et al. 1998). To satisfy
both sets of boundary conditions, the user makes an initial guess about the temperature at the
maximum pressure. The program proceeds to build a model atmosphere starting from the
maximum pressure and assumed initial temperature and composition at this pressure. When
the atmosphere reaches the preset pressure level near the top of the atmosphere, it compares
the temperature of the model with the preset temperature. If the model pressure-temperature
point agrees with the preset point, the model building stops. If the two are different, the
temperature at the bottom of the atmosphere is changed and a new model atmosphere is
calculated. An iterative approach is used until the initial conditions at the bottom of the
atmosphere lead to the preset pressure and temperature at the top of the atmosphere by
integrating upward.
The standard model assumes uniform mixing until saturation occurs, and then follows
a saturation law that depends on the cloud model. Cloud bases are defined as the pressure
where the partial pressure of a condensable gas is equal to a user-specified RH times the
saturation vapor pressure of the gas. Within the cloud, the lapse rate is a user-specified frac-
tion of the moist adiabatic lapse rate, and the relative humidity of condensable gases can
be modeled as constant, linear, or quadratic functions of pressure. Figure 2 shows plots
for the nadir brightness spectra of several atmospheric models with different compositions.
These use the same nominal assumptions about the atmospheric structure, such as uniform
concentrations of the dominant microwave absorbers H2 O and NH3 below their respective
saturation points, with 100% humidity above this point, and the use of wet adiabats at all
altitudes. NH3 and H2 O are by far the most dominant microwave absorbers in Jupiter’s at-
mosphere, while NH3 has about an order of magnitude more opacity than H2 O. Variation of
the H2 O concentration by an order of magnitude makes a small difference only apparent in
the spectra at the longest MWR wavelengths, while the modest change in NH3 concentration
from 3 to 5 X solar makes differences of several percent. We anticipate that the distribution
of ammonia throughout Jupiter’s atmosphere will be readily achieved with brightness tem-
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 2 Absolute nadir brightness

temperature spectra for models
with different concentrations of
NH3 and H2 O. The curves
indicate the respective model
concentrations of each
constituent in proportion to the
solar abundances given in
Table 1. The arrows on the
abscissa indicate the MWR

perature spectra alone, while water will require a more sophisticated approach as discussed

3.1.2 Supporting Measurements

In order to enable accurate interpretation of data from high-precision observations by

the Juno Microwave Radiometer, over 6000 laboratory measurements of the microwave
absorption properties of gaseous ammonia, water vapor, and aqueous ammonia solution
have been conducted under simulated Jovian conditions using new laboratory systems
capable of high-precision measurement under the extreme conditions of the deep atmo-
sphere of Jupiter (up to 600 bars and 600 K). This is one of the most extensive labora-
tory measurement campaigns ever conducted in support of a microwave remote sensing
instrument, and is described in Steffes et al. (2017) (see also Morris and Parsons 1970;
Hanley et al. 2009; Devaraj et al. 2014; Bellotti et al. 2016). New, more precise models for
the microwave absorption from these constituents have been developed from these measure-
ments. Application of these absorption properties to radiative transfer models for the six
wavelengths involved provides a valuable tool for planning observations, and will also make
possible accurate retrievals of the abundances of these constituents.
This laboratory program consisted of five campaigns, using three different laboratory sys-
tems. The first, referred to as the “medium-pressure” system, was used for measurements of
the 1.1–20 cm wavelength (1.5–27 GHz) opacity of ammonia in a hydrogen/helium atmo-
sphere at pressures up to 12 bars and temperatures from 185–450 K (Hanley et al. 2009).
The second system, referred to as the “high-pressure” system, was used for measurements
of the 5–21 cm wavelength (1.4–6 GHz) opacity of water vapor in a hydrogen/helium at-
mosphere at pressures up to 101 bars and temperatures up to 505 K (results discussed in
Karpowicz and Steffes 2011a, 2011b). Subsequently the same high-pressure system was
used to conduct measurements of the 5–21 cm wavelength (1.4–6 GHz) opacity of gaseous
ammonia in a hydrogen/helium atmosphere at pressures up to 98 bars and temperatures
up to 503 K (results discussed in Devaraj et al. 2014). Of special note was the use of this
system to conduct the first measurements of the effects of water vapor broadening on the
centimeter-wavelength absorption spectrum of ammonia (Devaraj et al. 2014). A final set
of measurements using this system was conducted of the 5–21 cm wavelength (1.4–6 GHz)
opacity of pure ammonia and of pure water vapor conducted at 600 K and lower pressures
M.A. Janssen et al.

(Bellotti et al. 2016). A third system was used for measurements of the 3.5–15 cm wave-
length (2–8.5 GHz) complex dielectric properties of aqueous ammonia, the putative liquid
cloud constituent in the Jovian atmosphere (Duong et al. 2014).

3.1.3 Synchrotron Model

In preparation for Jupiter observations, our synchrotron modeling effort is predominately fo-
cused on enabling subtraction of the synchrotron emission to achieve the required accuracy
for atmospheric measurements. We have two independent models, each capable of produc-
ing a synchrotron emission map which predicts the MWR observations on orbit, and each
consistent with the Earth-based observations of synchrotron emission. The simpler model
(Adumitroaie et al. 2016; Levin et al. 2001) uses an ad hoc 4-parameter pitch angle distri-
bution adjusted for each of eight zones in L-shell, producing an equatorial main belt and
high-latitude lobes that match the VLA observations (Fig. 1). This model enables relatively
rapid adjustment to match direct MWR observations of the synchrotron emission. The more
complex model (Santos-Costa and Bolton 2009; Santos-Costa et al. 2014) attempts to in-
corporate all known physics of transport mechanisms and interactions within the radiation
belts, but will be more cumbersome to adjust in response to observations.

3.2 Observational Parameters for Juno

3.2.1 Frequency Coverage

The region of Jupiter’s atmosphere targeted for exploration of its compositional and dy-
namical properties extends downward from the ammonia cloud region to strictly unknown
depths. Figure 3 shows the brightness temperature contribution functions computed for the

Fig. 3 Contribution functions vs. pressure in a nominal Jupiter atmosphere at the indicated MWR wave-
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

six MWR channels using our radiative transfer model and an assumed atmosphere contain-
ing nominal concentrations of ammonia and water (3 X solar each). The contribution func-
tion is related to the usual form of the weighting function as it appears in the solution to the
one-dimensional atmospheric radiative transfer function. In the case of a radiometer viewing
along a line of sight s through a non-scattering medium characterized by temperature and
absorption coefficients known as a function of s, we may write (Janssen 1993)
Tb = W (s)T (s)ds (1)
where Tb is the brightness temperature seen by the observer, T (s) is the physical temperature
of a non-scattering but absorptive medium along a ray path s, and the details relating to
the absorptive properties of the medium are contained in the weighting function W (e.g.,
such properties would include local gravity, temperature and pressure, mixing ratios and
microwave absorption coefficients). For a deep atmosphere spanning orders of magnitude in
pressure, it is more descriptive to plot this in terms of logarithmic pressure and include the
temperature, namely
Tb = C (s) d log P (2)
where C is the contribution function derived from Eq. (1). In this form the contribution to the
brightness temperature Tb from a range in pressure can be visualized as proportional to the
area of the plotted contribution function between the two pressures. In this formulation we
can see that the contribution functions are approximately symmetric in log P for channels 2
through 6 (24 to 1.37 cm), with peaks around 30, 10, 3.5, 1.5 and 0.7 bars respectively. The
highest frequency lies in the center of the strong ammonia 1-cm band, and the remaining
frequencies were chosen to provide overlapping weighting functions descending as far as
feasible into Jupiter’s depths. This was achieved by decreasing the successive frequencies
by octaves. The lowest frequency was dictated by aperture size considerations inasmuch as
a minimum of a few wavelengths diameter is required to provide angular resolution; fur-
thermore, the rapid increase in the brightness of the synchrotron emission from the radiation
belts makes narrow beams more important in order to isolate the atmospheric emissions.
The interpretation becomes more difficult at the lowest frequency where the contribu-
tion function descends deep into a temperature and pressure regime where the microwave
properties of a Jovian-type atmosphere remain untested by laboratory measurements. The
choice of 600 MHz (50-cm wavelength) allowed an acceptable compromise that allows us
to explore the deepest region of Jupiter accessible by the Juno mission. This channel is dif-
ferent because the absorption of ammonia and water change character at pressures higher
than ∼100 bar and the contribution function descends to much deeper levels than would
be expected based on the behavior seen at the five higher-frequency channels. The right
panel shows the channel 1 contribution function over nearly its full range in pressure. Be-
cause of the asymmetry in pressure, the median contribution centers on a pressure level of
∼200 bars, well below its peak, and shows significant (>20%) contribution from levels be-
low 1000 bar. While almost all of the contribution to brightness temperatures in channels 2
through 6 comes from pressures above 100 bar and therefore within the range of laboratory
measurements, most of the contribution to the channel 1 brightness temperatures depends
on extrapolations by as much as two orders of magnitude in pressure beyond the laboratory
measurements, and to temperatures in excess of 2000 K. While structure seen at this lowest
frequency is very important, its interpretation will have a different character than that from
the other channels. For example, the presence of structure in channel 1 not seen in channels
2 and 3, or conversely the absence of structure in channel 1 seen in these channels would be
of interest even if the absolute opacity is uncertain.
M.A. Janssen et al.

Fig. 4 Spectra of the

limb-darkening parameter as a
function of wavelength across the
MWR measurement range, for a
nominal atmospheric model with
mixing ratios relative to solar of
3 X and 5 X solar for ammonia
and 1 X, 3 X, and 10 X solar for
water. The arrows on the abscissa
indicate the MWR channels. The
insert shows a blowup of the
indicated region of the plot with
the currently expected
measurement uncertainties for
the MWR (see Table 7) plotted
on the 3 X solar water curve

3.2.2 Emission-Angle Dependence

In principle the microwave spectrum of Jupiter contains all the information that can be ob-
tained on composition and thermal structure from microwave remote sounding. It is difficult
to take advantage of this because, as Fig. 3 illustrates, the spectral range needed extends
over many octaves of frequency. As pointed out most recently by de Pater et al. (2005) and
Janssen et al. (2005), important spectral features that discriminate among uncertain proper-
ties of the atmosphere lie below the level of uncertainty inherent in the absolute calibration
across such a broad frequency range. The capability for the absolute calibration of Jupiter’s
microwave spectrum is currently much improved although still greater than 1% (Perley and
Butler 2013), and can determine important properties of Jupiter’s atmosphere such as its
ammonia content. The emission-angle dependence is essentially the derivative of the spec-
trum and contains the same information; however, as proposed by Janssen et al. (2005) and
demonstrated in this paper, it can be measured with greater accuracy (i.e., 1 part in 103 )
and is capable of discriminating among cases that the spectral measurements can’t. Our ap-
proach has been to require the most accurate microwave measurements of Jupiter that are
experimentally feasible, which include the capability for limb darkening as well as spectral
Following the approach in Janssen et al. (2005), we define the limb darkening parameter
Tb (0) − Tb (θ )
R(θ ) = (3)
Tb (0)
where Tb (θ ) is the brightness temperature of Jupiter at an angle θ from the nadir direc-
tion (θ = 0). Figure 4 shows a plot of the limb darkening parameter for the same models
depicted in Fig. 2. The limb-darkening spectrum considered in this paper assumes a lim-
iting emission angle θ that varies as a function of orbit and observing geometry as dis-
cussed in Sect. 5.2. Taking a nominal model with a subcloud ammonia mixing ratio (3 X
solar) as a reference, we vary the subcloud water mixing ratio and examine its signature
in the spectra of the limb darkening. The uncertainty in the radioastronomical flux scale
across this frequency range has improved in recent years from about 5% (Baars et al. 1977;
Kellerman 2009), with the potential of being improved to as good as 1% at the shorter
wavelengths using planetary observations by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
(WMAP) (Partridge et al. 2016). Figure 2 shows that the nadir brightness temperature spec-
trum by itself can determine the ammonia content of the atmosphere, while we see in Fig. 4
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

that the measurement of limb darkening is capable of discriminating among important cases
with more subtle spectral variations.

3.2.3 Synchrotron Measurements

The radiation belts will be observed as the antenna boresights rotate off Jupiter and view the
synchrotron emission against the cold sky. The MWR measures a single linear polarization
for each channel, while the synchrotron emission is partially polarized, which complicates
the analysis. However, as the spacecraft moves along its trajectory and the antenna bore-
sights sweep over the sky, the accumulated set of observations will observe synchrotron
emission from the radiation belts over the full range of latitude and a very wide angular
range with respect to the magnetic field at each location. For trapped relativistic electrons,
the magnetic field line also introduces a local line of symmetry, both axially and upon re-
flection up or down the field line. It should therefore be possible to disentangle the effects of
polarization, dependence of the energy distribution on electron pitch angle, and line of sight
effects to determine the distribution of electrons.

3.3 Requirements on the MWR Instrument

The prospect of measuring the limb-darkening parameter R to an accuracy of 0.1% was

the basis for setting the requirements for the design of the MWR experiment. No particular
advance in the state-of-the-art was needed to achieve this level of performance; however,
radiometric stability and antenna pattern characteristics had to be carefully controlled to
limit the effect of experimental uncertainties. Overall, bandwidth-limited white noise and
the drift of baseline and gain set requirements on both the experimental approach and the
radiometer design, while antenna beamwidth and sidelobe performance set additional re-
quirements on the observational approach and the antenna design. These considerations led
to the establishment of requirements that were used by the Juno project to control the design
and implementation of the MWR. The most significant ones were:
1. The MWR shall measure the microwave brightness temperature at each subspacecraft
footprint with accuracy sufficient to determine the difference between nadir and off-nadir
microwave brightness temperatures of Jupiter at each frequency, to a 1-sigma accuracy
of 0.1% of the nadir brightness temperature, as averaged over 5 seconds of accumulated
data, excluding uncertainties arising from longitudinal brightness variations, over the
latitude and emission angle ranges specified in the second requirement.
2. The MWR shall measure the microwave brightness temperature at each subspacecraft
footprint within the latitude range ±50° over a range of emission angles that include at
least one angle less than 10° and one angle in the range 40° to 50°, with the accuracy
specified in the first requirement.
3. The MWR antennas shall have beamwidths less than 22°, with a goal less than 12°.
An error budget was established at the outset to track the estimated performance of the
design. Table 2 shows the initial allocations made for the overall receiver and antenna sub-
system errors respectively as they affect the determination of the limb-darkening parameter
R. The quantities in this table, the antenna temperature along with the antenna temperature
and pattern corrections, are described in detail in Sect. 5. A detailed instrument and measure-
ment error model enabled lower-level allocations to be made within each subsystem. This
guided the level of effort placed on various elements of the instrument in its development,
and ultimately evolved into the detailed instrument calibration plan described in Sect. 5.
M.A. Janssen et al.

Table 2 Instrument subsystem error allocations (units of R in percent)

Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6

Measurement noise (5 s avg.) 0.038 0.039 0.036 0.042 0.042 0.048

Antenna temperature calibration (ATC) 0.053 0.052 0.046 0.067 0.059 0.068
Antenna pattern correction (APC) 0.075 0.075 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.050
Unallocated error 0.011 0.013 0.055 0.012 0.034 0.025
MWR requirement 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100

The requirements on the instrument for the synchrotron emission measurements are more
relaxed. Gain stability and calibration requirements are fully satisfied by the more stringent
requirements set by the atmospheric observations. However, because the peak brightness
temperatures of the synchrotron emission far exceed those from the atmosphere at the two
lowest MWR frequencies, the receivers for these channels were designed to be capable of a
dynamic range of more than an order of magnitude larger than that required for the higher-
frequency channels.

4 MWR Instrument

4.1 General

The MWR instrument is divided into three main subsystems: (1) the microwave receivers,
(2) the electronics subsystems contained in the spacecraft vault, and (3) the antennas, located
on two external panels of the spacecraft, and including the transmission lines that connect
the antennas to the receivers. Figure 5 shows a functional block diagram of the instrument.
The MWR hardware is spread around the spacecraft–engineering perspective drawings in
Fig. 6 show its configuration. The pointing axes of the antennas are perpendicular to the
spacecraft spin axis so that the antenna beams sweep through a great circle on the sky as
the spacecraft rotates. Figure 7 shows pictures taken of the assembled instrument prior to
its delivery to spacecraft integration. By convention the six radiometer channel strings, each
comprising antenna, transmission line, and receiver, are designated as C1 through C6 from
lowest to highest frequency. The corresponding antennas and receivers are designated A1
through A6 and R1 through R6 respectively. Table 3 gives the nominal characteristics of
each radiometer channel.

4.1.1 Receivers

The receiver subsystem comprises six direct-detection Dicke-switched radiometer receivers

with integral noise diodes for short-term gain calibration. The receiver designs were based as
far as possible on the Advanced Microwave Radiometer (AMR) flown on the Ocean Surface
Topography Mission (OSTM) launched in 2008 (Brown 2013). The receiver characteristics
are summarized in Table 3 and the overall receiver design is shown in Fig. 8. The upper
end of the dynamic range specification for each channel was set to be at least two times
the expected maximum antenna temperature from either the planet or synchrotron. Figure 9
shows a photograph of one of the receivers. An RF passband of about 4% is formed by two
stages of microstrip bandpass filters designed to match the antenna passbands and to ensure
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 5 MWR functional block diagram showing subsystems, left to right respectively: Antennas, Radio Frequency Transmission Lines (RFTLs), Receivers, and Electronics
Unit (EU). The receivers and electronics are in a radiation-protected vault on the spacecraft
M.A. Janssen et al.

Fig. 6 MWR spacecraft configuration. The antennas are located on two sides of the spacecraft, all viewing
perpendicular to the spacecraft spin axis. The A1 antenna occupies one full side panel and views in a direc-
tion 120° from the other antennas. The Electronics Unit and Radiometers are located inside the spacecraft
radiation vault

Table 3 Nominal MWR characteristics

Channela Center freqb Center Rangec Bandwidthd Bandwidthd NEDTe Beamwidth

[GHz] [cm] [K] [MHz] [%] [K/Hz1/2 ] [deg]

1hi 0.600 50 0–1000 21 3.50 0.187 20.6°

1lo 0–10000
2hi 1.248 24 0–800 43.75 3.51 0.171 21.0°
2lo 0–8000
3 2.597 11.55 0–700 84.5 3.25 0.133 12.1°
4 5.215 5.75 0–600 169 3.24 0.123 12.1°
5 10.004 3.0 0–400 325 3.25 0.066 12.0°
6 21.900 1.37 0–300 770 3.52 0.060 10.8°

a Channels 1 and 2 have high (hi) and low (lo) gain outputs to accommodate atmospheric and synchrotron
emissions respectively. The upper end of the dynamic range specification for each channel was set to be at
least two times the expected maximum antenna temperature from either
b Bandpass center at 300 K
c The antenna temperature range in which the receiver outputs are linear

d Net noise-equivalent bandwidth

e Noise equivalent T (net 1-σ uncertainty in a 1-s integration due to inherent receiver white noise)

out-of-band signal rejection. The 4% width of the RF passband was driven by the capability
of the inherently narrowband patch and slotted waveguide antennas used for channels 1
through 5. The RF signal is converted directly (i.e., without frequency down-conversion)
to DC by a diode detector, which is then followed by a video amplification. The signal is
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 7 The MWR Instrument in its flight configuration. The MWR was assembled on a spacecraft mockup
frame in May 2010 for end-to-end testing just prior to delivery for spacecraft integration. A. View of the
assembled instrument from the A1 antenna side. Left to right, J. Oswald, M. Janssen, and S. Brown. B. The
Electronics unit (upper left) and Receiver unit (lower right). C. View of the assembled instrument from the
A2–A6 antenna side

then converted to a train of pulses by a voltage-to-frequency converter. The thus-digitized

signal is then read-out, packaged, and sent to the spacecraft computer system by the MWR
Electronics Unit. The six receivers R1–R6 of the MWR instrument are bolted together to
form a single compact unit (see Fig. 7B)
Three noise diodes with brightness temperatures in the range 100-300 K are placed strate-
gically in the receivers’ front-ends for both gain calibration and diagnostic purposes: one
between the antenna and the Dicke switch, one between the Dicke switch and an isolator,
and the last between the isolator and the first low-noise amplifier (LNA). The two lowest
frequency receivers have two output channels each, one at low gain and one at high gain,
to accommodate the large dynamic range required to observe Jupiter’s synchrotron emis-
sion at the respective frequencies. The isolator is a ferromagnetic device, the characteristics
of which are susceptible to the direction and strength of a magnetic field. Hence they are
enclosed in mu-metal to shield them from Jupiter’s strong field.
Up to five low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are chained in each receiver to provide sufficient
gain for the detector, typically about 55 dB total gain. Attenuators are used between the am-
plifier stages to optimize matching and suppress interaction between the gain stages, as well
as to allow flexibility during the build to fine tune the gain setting. Low noise figure, high
Fig. 8 Receiver block diagram. R1 and R2 circuits are shown. R3 through R6 are the same except without the extra detector and output
M.A. Janssen et al.
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 9 Receiver R3 shown from RF side with cover removed. The output of the detector feeds through the
baseplate to the digital section of the receiver. The filters shown are narrow bandpass filters. The overall box
dimension is 130 × 250 × 31 mm

gain, and good stability in addition to low power consumption were all important factors in
selecting the amplifiers. An LNA bias circuit was designed with built-in temperature com-
pensation reducing the receiver gain over temperature to less than 0.1 dB/C for all receivers
throughout their temperature operating range of −15◦ C to +30◦ C.
Although we use a common design, each receiver is unique in that they require com-
ponents suitable to their respective frequencies along with modifications in the circuitry to
accommodate them.

4.1.2 Electronics Subsystem

The electronics unit (EU) consists of a dual redundant Power Distribution Unit (PDU), a
single string Command and Data Unit (CDU), a Housekeeping Data Unit (HKU), each of
these built as “slices” for assembly into the box-shaped unit comprising the EU (see Fig. 7B).
The PDU has two slices: (1) the PDU-R, which provides power distribution to the receivers,
and (2) the PDU-D, which distributes power to the “digital”, or other EU slices. The CDU
is a single slice. The HKU comprises two identical slices, HKU1 & HKU2.
The PDU converts the 28 V power from the spacecraft into DC voltages used to power
the various digital and RF circuits of the MWR. A + 5V output powers the CDU, a ±15 V
output powers the HKU, while the receivers use ±12 V, +7 V, −5 V, and +15 V outputs.
The CDU is an 8051 microcontroller-based system that includes circuitry, logic and soft-
ware to (1) service and execute spacecraft commands and telemetry, (2) retrieve, integrate,
assemble and control MWR science and housekeeping data, and (3) interface to ground sup-
port equipment (GSE) for control, command and telemetry functions. The CDU also has an
FPGA that integrates CDU sub-module functions. Spacecraft communication with the CDU
is through dual, redundant RS-422 interfaces with a transfer rate of 57.6 Kbps. Two FIFOs
buffer incoming and outgoing data. Flight software developed for the 8051 microcontroller
M.A. Janssen et al.

is burned into a PROM, while patches may be uploaded through the spacecraft interface. All
of the FPGA and 8051 clocking is derived from a master crystal oscillator contained in the
The CDU includes circuitry and logic to interface with two separate housekeeping
voltage-to-frequency converters (VFCs) and the receiver VFCs. Counters are implemented
inside the FPGA and mapped into 8051 memory space. The CDU also includes a Dicke-
switch control signal, six RF control signals to turn the LNAs in the receivers on or off,
and three noise diode control signals. A single control signal is used to control the Dicke
switches in all six receivers simultaneously, while each noise diode control signal turns on
the corresponding noise diode in each receiver. All of these signals are optically isolated,
can be set through FPGA registers, and mapped into 8051 memory space.
The housekeeping units HKU1 and HKU2 acquire temperature measurements for radio-
metric calibration and instrument health monitoring, and voltage measurements for PDU
health monitoring. There are a total of 128 multiplexed channels (64 per HKU) with 112
allocated to temperatures and 16 to voltages (including calibration channels). Because of
the radiation environment and predicted sensor temperature ranges, thermistors are used for
temperature measurements within the vault while platinum resistive thermometers (PRTs)
are used for external temperature measurements. The instrument was designed for a total
ionizing dose of 6krad inside the vault and 1Mrad outside the vault. The CDU selects the
temperature channel via HKU multiplexer addressing.

4.1.3 Antennas

The concurrent needs for narrow beamwidths, low sidelobes, and well-measured gain pat-
terns provided stringent antenna design requirements unique for the MWR instrument. The
achievement of narrow beamwidth is strongly constrained by considerations of size and
mass at the lowest frequencies because of its inverse relationship to aperture size and the
limited available space on the spacecraft. Nevertheless, the low perijove of the Juno orbit al-
lows sufficient spatial resolution to be obtained on Jupiter with a modest but achievable beam
size of 20°. The diminishing constraints with increasing frequency allowed us to achieve a
12° beamwidth at the third lowest frequency with a more modest impact on spacecraft de-
sign, which we then employed in the remaining antennas. Each antenna was designed to
match its respective receiver in bandpass and out-of-band signal suppression, which was
verified after the subsystems were built and tested.
Table 4 summarizes the characteristics of the antennas. Three separate design approaches
were found to be optimum at the different MWR frequencies. The least mass per unit area
is achieved by a patch array design, where a well-designed 5-by-5 array was found suffi-
cient to achieve a 20° beamwidth with acceptable sidelobe performance (Chamberlain et al.
2010). The A1 antenna is seen in Fig. 7A, and consists of 25 patch elements in a 5-by-5
square grid with >0.5 wavelength element spacing, attached to the top (ground plane) side
of an aluminum honeycomb panel. The A2 antenna (lower antenna in Fig. 7C) is a scaled
version of the A1 antenna. The patch elements are fed though a corporate feed network of
power dividers and copper/SiO2 coaxial cables (described further below) attached to the
bottom side of the panel. The feed network approximates a separable Taylor distribution
with -30dB sidelobes, and was optimized to minimize the overall antenna sidelobes. The
main beam efficiency (defined as the power within 2.5 times the half-power beamwidth) for
all the antennas is 99% or greater, meaning only 1% of the power received originates from
the sidelobe region. Normally patch antennas use a dielectric material to separate the radiat-
ing element from the ground plane; however, the electron flux encountered during a Jupiter
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Table 4 Antenna characteristics

Antenna Nominal center Bandwidtha Beamwidthb Design Dimensions Mass

frequency L×W ×D
[GHz] [%] [deg] [cm] [kg]

A1 0.6 5.0 20.6 5 × 5 patch array 160 × 160 × 13.1 13.83

A2 1.25 5.0 21.0 5 × 5 patch array 76.8 × 76.8 × 9.8 4.89
A3 2.6 4.6 12.1 8 × 8 slot array 77.1 × 67.3 × 8.9 7.25
A4 5.2 6.0 12.1 8 × 8 slot array 38.6 × 34.0 × 5.7 1.46
A5 10.0 4.6 12.0 8 × 8 slot array 20.1 × 17.9 × 4.4 0.51
A6 22.0 >5 10.8 Corrugated horn 15.3 × 15.3 × 34 0.75

a Meets all requirements over this range around the center frequency

b Half-power beamwidth averaged over bandwidth

perijove pass by the antennas was anticipated to deposit an amount of charge that would
cause an unacceptable level of arc discharging. We therefore avoided the use of dielectrics
in the patch support structure, instead supporting each patch by a centered cylindrical metal
pedestal attached to the antenna ground plane by surface-mount studs and fasteners. Each
antenna element was machined from a monolithic block of aluminum to give it structural
integrity. The support provides DC coupling to ground, this position being a zero-field point
in the patch radiation field. Cantilevering spines on the tops of the patches made them rigid
and capable of meeting vibration requirements. In addition the off-center feeds attach elec-
trically to the patches via a sliding contact that allows movement of each patch relative to
the ground plane, making this contact invulnerable to vibration.
A slotted array antenna design was used for antennas A3 through A5 using a similar
slot amplitude taper. Although intrinsically more massive than a patch array design, the
smaller size of these antennas allows the use of a conventional slot array design to achieve
higher spatial resolution and low sidelobes without paying a severe mass penalty. The A3
and A4 antennas are assembled onto a common mounting frame on a second spacecraft side,
above the A2 antenna (see Fig. 7C). The mechanical interface to the spacecraft is a set of
bosses located on the mounting frame, which are used to attach it to the spacecraft. The
A3 and A4 electrical interfaces are through a coaxial connection, while the A5 electrical
interface is through a WR-90 waveguide. The A5 antenna is attached to a bracket on the top
of the spacecraft. Corrugated horns provide superior beam patterns at the cost of relatively
high mass, this being an acceptable penalty at our highest frequency. The A6 antenna is a
corrugated horn with a profiled shape to minimize size and mass while at the same time
providing the desired beamwidth with extremely low sidelobes. It is mounted on the top
panel of the spacecraft (next to the A5 antenna as seen in Fig. 7C) and is fed by a WR-42
Two sets of transmission lines, one external to the vault and one internal, carry the sig-
nals from the antennas along the body of the spacecraft to the receivers in the vault, using a
feedthrough in the vault wall. These lines vary in length from about 1 to 3 m and produce
significant attenuation (and consequently thermal reemission). They are consequently well
instrumented with sensors to monitor their temperature distribution. The measured temper-
atures are incorporated into the calibration algorithm, using a thermal model of the trans-
mission line to ensure fidelity. For channels 1-4, coaxial cables consisting of a copper inner
and outer conductor separated by a SiO2 dielectric are used for both the internal and exter-
nal transmission lines. For channel 5, the same coaxial cable type was used from the vault
M.A. Janssen et al.

bulkhead to the receiver and WR-90 waveguide was used from the antenna to the bulkhead
to reduce loss. For channel 6, WR-42 waveguide is used to connect the horn to the receiver
through the vault wall. The SiO2 dielectric cables were selected for their phase stability over
temperature and lack of hysteresis often encountered with Teflon cables.

4.2 Operational Approach

During operation the receivers accumulate integrations of the input noise power in 100-
ms intervals, during which the output of each receiver’s voltage-to-frequency converter is
accumulated for 99 ms and read out as raw counts in the next 1 ms. The 100-ms integration
interval is fixed and not adjustable. During the integration the receivers are switched to either
the input from the antenna (i.e., the sky) or the internal reference load, and the noise diodes
are either powered on or off. Only one noise diode can be on at a time, or all can be off.
Eight switch setting states are possible for the receivers: with the Dicke switch set to either
the sky or internal load, either one of the three noise diodes can be on, or all off. Switching
occurs during the 1 ms read-out interval, and all receivers are switched identically; i.e., when
a given switch is set for one receiver, the same setting is used for that switch on all receivers.
Figure 10 shows a typical switching sequence, where τ = 100 ms and the cycle repeats
in a time tA + 2τ . The sequence length is effectively arbitrary and can be set by uplink if
desired. Twenty-two preset sequences are contained in ROM and can be selected by uplink
command, although testing during cruise showed that only two sequences were needed in
orbital operations.
The sequence used for full data rate output repeats after sixty 100-ms integrations, or
6 s, during which the sky is observed with noise diodes off fifty times (83% duty cycle on
the sky), the reference load is observed five times, and one of the noise diodes is observed
five times (three with the Dicke switch set to the sky and two set to the reference load). In
ground science data processing, a running average with an adjustable window is performed
on noise diode and reference load measurements to reduce the noise on the antenna measure-
ments. This sequence allows the sky signal to be fully sampled at the 2 rpm spin rate of the
spacecraft, which rotates 1.2° each 100 ms integration (1/10 of a beamwidth at our smallest
beamwidth), while collecting sufficient data on load and noise diode signals to stabilize the
gain variations that occur on much longer time scales.
The full data rate is obtained when all integrations are collected and sent to the ground.
However, there are times when the full data rate is not necessary while overall data volume
is a concern for operations, such as long periods away from perijove when the zero-level
baseline reference needs to be tracked but only a minimal amount of data is needed. In this
case we can exercise a software option to send only a commanded fraction of the integra-
tions to the ground without otherwise altering the hardware functioning, thus resulting in
minimum impact to both the hardware and ease of operation.

Fig. 10 Nominal switching

MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

5 Instrument Calibration and Error Analysis

The success of the MWR experiment depends on our ability to meet the requirements set
in Sect. 3.3. The calibration approach we use and its associated error model are new and
challenging. We outline this approach here. In brief, the quality of our calibration depends
on our ability to account for all factors that contribute to errors in the determination of the
limb-darkening parameter R. This has two aspects: the antenna temperature calibration, or
the relative and absolute calibration of the received power, discussed in Sect. 5.1; and the
antenna pattern correction discussed in Sect. 5.2 that allows us to relate this power to the
source brightness temperature distribution.
The final calibration depends on a combination of pre- and post-launch efforts. The pre-
launch calibration strategy involved testing at the sub-system, system and spacecraft levels
to determine a set of calibration coefficients defined in an instrument model, and to charac-
terize system stability to ensure that the error budget is met. After delivery of the instrument
for integration into the spacecraft, we used the final results from these tests to produce a
prelaunch estimate of the net error. That estimate is presented in this section, and a post-
launch effort for verification and improvement of this model will use flight data is described
in Sect. 6.

5.1 Receivers

The antenna temperature (Ta ) represents the power collected by the antenna that enters the
receiver; i.e.,
 2π  π
Ta (θ, φ) = Tb θ  , φ  G θ  − θ, φ  − φ sin θ  dθ  dφ  (4)
0 0
where Tb (θ , φ ) is the brightness temperature in the direction of the solid angle element
sin θ  dθ  dφ  and G(θ  − θ, φ  − φ) is the gain of the antenna in this direction for an antenna
pointed in the direction (θ, φ). The gain pattern is normalized so that
 2π  π
G(θ, φ) sin θ dθ dφ = 1 (5)
0 0

The receiver calibration must accomplish two objectives: it must convert the raw count out-
put from the receiver detectors to units of brightness temperature in Kelvin, and it must
account for variations in this output with time. The former, the absolute calibration, is ulti-
mately achieved by the use of hot and cold reference targets observed through the antenna.
The relative calibration depends on knowing how the absolute calibration depends on all
observational conditions of the instrument. Both depend on a detailed knowledge of the
characteristics of the instrument that affect its time dependence.

5.1.1 Instrument Model

The instrument model is depicted in Fig. 11. It was developed to relate the antenna tempera-
ture of each radiometer to raw radiometer counts through the entire system. From the left of
the figure to the right are, respectively, the antenna, the RF transmission line, the radiometer
input, the Dicke switch and load, and the isolator, followed by the first LNA and the rest of
the radiometer back end. The model includes the distributed loss along the front end from
the antenna and transmission lines, along with their corresponding self-emission. It includes
two arbitrary reflection planes, one behind the antenna and one at the input to the radiometer.
M.A. Janssen et al.

Fig. 11 MWR instrument model


A standing wave is anticipated between these two planes that can be modulated by the phase
length between them. In operation the gains of the MWR receivers are calibrated by peri-
odically injecting an additive noise signal from a noise diode as illustrated in the switching
diagram of Fig. 10.
In the model we write the raw count output of the radiometer for each position of the
Dicke switch in terms of the various model parameters including the losses and physical
temperatures of its components and the internal gain. We subtract these and solve for the
antenna temperature, in the form
Ca − Cr
Ta = + Toffset (6)
where Ca is the raw-count output in the antenna position, Cr is the raw-count output in the
reference load position, Toffset is the Dicke load referenced to the antenna input, and Gsys is
the system gain, of the form
Gsys = Gr f (Γi , Li , Ti ) (7)
where Gr is the receiver gain referenced to the Dicke reference plane (just before the iso-
lator). Both Gsys and Toffset may be described in terms of specific model parameters that
include the reflections Γ , ohmic losses L and physical temperatures T of all contributing
elements in the signal path from the antenna to the receiver amplifier. Our detailed model
for each receiver contains 35 such independently adjustable parameters. The noise diodes
are used to track the system gain Gsys , e.g.,
Cnd+a − Ca Cnd+r − Cr
Gsys = , Gsys = (8)
Tnda Tndr
where Tnda and Tndr are the noise diode brightness referenced to the input of the antenna
when they are fired in the antenna and reference load positions respectively. The redundancy
in both diodes and switch setting provides diagnostic information while guarding against
the failure of a single noise diode. The noise diode brightnesses are calibrated pre- and post-
launch against known sources as described in the next section. They are not assumed to be
stable over time and brightness variations are tracked relative to the sky background during
cruise (Brown et al. 2007).

5.1.2 Pre-Launch Antenna Temperature Calibration

The calibration consisted of the determination of all of the parameters of the model, for
each receiver, ultimately relating them to an absolute gain determination using hot and cold
reference targets observed through the antenna. Testing was done at both the component
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

level and at various levels of system integration, culminating with an end-to-end test of the
entire system on the spacecraft.
Two of the key system-level tests were the instrument thermal-vacuum (TVAC) test and
the calibration end-to-end test. In the TVAC test, the entire system, with the exception of the
antennas, was mounted in a flight like configuration and thermal controllers were used to
vary the temperature of the instrument front end. The instrument temperature was controlled
at the receiver vault wall interface and at the antenna end of the radiofrequency transmission
line (RFTL) connecting them. In this way, variable thermal gradients could be introduced
along the radiometer front end. A microwave calibration system (MCS), developed by the
University of Michigan, was used as a stable calibration source and was connected in place
of the antenna (Peng et al. 2007). The MCS consisted of a temperature stabilized active cold
load (Weatherspoon and Dunleavy 2006; Sobjaerg et al. 2009) with an effective brightness
at the MCS output near 100 K, an ambient reference load near 300 K and a noise diode that
provided ∼100 K of additional noise on top of either source, giving four stable calibration
points between about 100–400 K. The MCS was switched between these four states once
per second. A stainless steel transmission line was used to connect the MCS to the MWR to
decouple the instrument temperature variations from the MCS. The TVAC data were used
to find the final pre-launch antenna temperature calibration coefficients needed for Eqs. (6)
and (8). The MWR component level measurements were used as a first guess and tuned,
within the component measurement uncertainty, to minimize the RMS difference between
the MCS antenna temperatures and the MWR calibrated antenna temperatures. The emission
contribution from the stainless steel thermal break had to be accounted for in the processing
and was one of the larger sources of uncertainty in the derived calibration coefficients. The
antenna loss over temperature was measured in a separate test.
A calibration end-to-end test was performed to verify the calibration of the final inte-
grated system with the antennas. A large 2 × 2 m temperature controllable blackbody cal-
ibration target was constructed. The target was made out of porous pyramidal microwave
absorber like that typically found in an anechoic chamber. Heated air was force through the
foam that allowed it to be controlled over the range of ambient (∼293 K) to 338 K. Twenty-
four temperature sensors were used to measure its mean temperature at a given setpoint, and
spatial differences across the target were typically less than 2K. The MWR system gain at
ambient instrument temperature, which includes the transmission through the antenna and
RFTL, was verified by comparing the MWR calibrated antenna temperature to the target
temperature as the target was stepped in increments of 10 K from 393–338 K. If we con-
servatively estimate the error in our knowledge of the target temperature to be 1.5 K at the
warm end, then the absolute calibration at ambient is verified with an uncertainty of about

5.2 Antennas

The objective of the antenna design and pattern characterization was to obtain the best possi-
ble spatial resolution on Jupiter while fully accounting for off-axis signals, thereby enabling
the best estimate of the limb-darkening parameter R in any given antenna footprint. The
uncertainty in our determination of R having to do with the antennas depends on several
factors: (1) antenna beam sidelobe levels, (2) how well we know them, and (3) the observa-
tional geometry and the global brightness distribution on the sky from the perspective of the
spacecraft, as described in this section. Our approach was first to minimize the beamwidth
and sidelobes of all the antennas by design as constrained by mass, size, and environmental
limitations imposed by the spacecraft and mission design. An antenna pattern error model
M.A. Janssen et al.

was developed to set performance requirements on the antennas, allowing us to make initial
allocations for sidelobe levels and knowledge required of them. After building the antennas
we measured their patterns over the full sphere using state-of-the-art techniques at each fre-
quency. At the same time we performed studies that enabled us to estimate the uncertainties
in the pattern measurements. The detailed antenna subsystem error budget was iterated and
rebalanced as we made progress with our development and better understood the uncertain-
ties. We finally determined the best estimate of the uncertainties in R for the antenna pattern
error model error prior to delivery for spacecraft integration.

5.2.1 Antenna Pattern Correction (APC)

The measured antenna temperature Ta is related to the source brightness temperature distri-
bution Tb as an integral of this distribution over the antenna gain pattern as described by Eq.
(4). What we want ideally is the source brightness distribution Tb obtained by the inversion
of this equation. The process to achieve this inversion is often called an “antenna pattern
correction”. Ultimately this is constrained by the finite beamwidth of the antenna; neverthe-
less, we wish to obtain a result that is independent of features of the measurement system,
such as contributions entering through antenna sidelobes. In our case we wish to obtain the
unbiased brightness temperature of any point in Jupiter’s atmosphere as seen from a specific
emission angle and limited only by the antenna resolution. Every observation is not only
contaminated by sidelobe contributions but is averaged over a range of emission angles and
hence biased by the curvature of the atmosphere. Both must be accounted for. We have found
it convenient to divide this problem into two parts. In this section we deal with the removal
of sidelobe contributions, and account for the emission angle biasing in a later section. To
begin let us consider the average brightness in the main beam of the antenna. Rewrite the
antenna gain pattern as the sum of a main beam and a sidelobe pattern respectively, namely
G(θ, φ) = Gmb (θ, φ) + Gsl (θ, φ) (9)
where the integral of G(θ, φ) over the sky is normalized to unity as in Eq. (5). The central
lobes of the MWR antennas are well approximated by Gaussian distributions with the half-
power beamwidths given in Table 3. Let us define the main beam pattern Gmb to be such a
Gaussian. If the gain pattern G(θ, φ) is known, then the sidelobe pattern is determined from
the measured gain pattern G(θ, φ) as
Gsl (θ, φ) = G(θ, φ) − Gmb (θ, φ) (10)
We may write the average brightness in the Gaussian main beam as
 2π  π
T̄mb = Tb θ  , φ  Gmb θ  − θ, φ  − φ sin θ  dθ  dφ  /(1 − b) (11)
0 0

 2π  π
b= Gsl (θ, φ) sin θ dθ dφ (12)
0 0

Equation (4) may then be solved to find the resolution-limited scene brightness temperature
  2π  π 
T̄mb (θ, φ) = Ta (θ, φ) − Tb θ  , φ  Gsl θ  − θ, φ  − φ sin θ  dθ  dφ  (13)
1−b 0 0

Equation (13) is an antenna pattern correction that effectively reduces the inversion of the
expression for the measured antenna temperature to obtain boresight brightness temperature
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

to a Gaussian deconvolution. Its full solution depends on knowing the full beam pattern
and the brightness distribution outside of the main beam; however, the second term in the
bracket of Eq. (13) turns out to be generally small (e.g., see the discussion in the following
section with regard to the effect of perturbations in the far sidelobes), and we can use a
model for Jupiter’s brightness distribution along with our measured gain pattern to account
for it. The subsequent deconvolution to obtain boresight brightness temperatures is outlined
in Sect. 7.2. Specific applications of the overall approach may evolve and are left to future

5.2.2 Pattern Measurement and APC Error Analysis

Meanwhile, we turn here to the question of pattern measurement and knowledge require-
ments that make this approach feasible with a practical measurement system. The final far
field patterns for all antennas were measured over the full sphere under contract at Nearfield
Systems Inc. (NSI) in Torrance, California, using their spherical near-field chamber. The a
priori errors were not well understood, and the effort described in the section was to obtain
a conservative estimate of how they depended on gain at each frequency for use in the final
error analysis. Measurements were taken throughout the passband of each receiver, with the
final patterns obtained by averaging over these bandpasses. The final patterns for represen-
tative flight antennas are shown in Fig. 12. Errors in the determination of the limb-darkening
parameter R through the antenna pattern correction arise from imperfect knowledge of both
of these beam patterns as well as the sky brightness distribution outside of the main beam.
We investigated the uncertainties in the beam pattern both by analysis and test, using multi-
ple approaches where possible, following which we modeled the effect of the resulting beam
uncertainties on the determination R.
First, a 22:1 working scale model of the A1 antenna operating at 13.3 GHz was con-
structed and incorporated into a mockup of the spacecraft that reproduced the features (e.g.,
solar panels, Waves antennas) that we thought might affect the A1 pattern (see Fig. 13).
Patterns measured at a cylindrical test range at JPL with and without such features agreed
within 1 dB to levels approaching the −40 dB limit of the test range. This being the
antenna most likely to be affected by near field structure, we concluded that there was no
concern for the influence of the spacecraft for any of the antennas.
Five engineering model (EM) antennas were built (A1–A5) and their patterns measured,
A1–A4 at NSI under contract, and A4 and A5 on a cylindrical range at JPL. An error study
was performed by NSI in which their range system was evaluated and tests were included
in the pattern measurement of two representative antennas (A1 and A3) to determine the
possible distortions caused by range effects. On the basis of a linearity test it was concluded
that any departures from linearity in the test equipment were negligible. A comparison was
made of the duplicated measurements of the A4 pattern at JPL and NSI. Finally, the flight
(FM) antenna patterns were measured at NSI before environmental testing, and for A2 after
environmental testing. Comparisons were made between EM and FM antennas, and between
the A2 antenna before and after environmental testing. All comparisons were consistent with
the expected range errors.
At the same time we calculated the expected patterns using several methods, with the
commercial finite element method solver HFSS used for the final calculations. The results
were compared with the measured patterns, providing a strong measure of confidence in both
measurements and calculations. Figure 14 shows an example in which the measured and
calculated patterns for the EM A1 are successfully compared despite the existence of range
reflections in the measurements. We compared the calculated and measured patterns for all
Fig. 12 Final antenna patterns after averaging across the receiver passbands, shown for both front (top) and back (bottom) hemispheres for representative antennas A1 (patch
array with 20° beamwidth), A3 (slot array with 12° beamwidth), and A6 (horn with 12° beamwidth). The gain scales are logarithmic relative to the central peak with contours
shown at −3, −10, −20, −30, −40, and −50 dB below the peak
M.A. Janssen et al.
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 13 A functional 22:1 scale

model of the A1 antenna
mounted on a mockup of the
Juno spacecraft for testing

Fig. 14 Comparison of measured and computed patterns for A1. Left: The dashed curves show the principal
and intercardinal pattern cuts for the A1 measured and computed patterns. Right: Difference in power between
measured and computed patterns in the forward hemisphere, relative to the central peak power

Table 5 Final antenna pattern

uncertainty estimates A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6

dB @ −30 dB 1.0 0.7 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38

dB @ −40 dB 2.0 1.5 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83

antennas in terms of their average sidelobes in selected annuli. The averaged measurements
agree with the computed values in the front hemisphere with accuracy generally much better
than 1 dB. Agreement was poorer in the back hemisphere, as might be expected because
the back structure in the measurement configuration differed from the bare antenna case
assumed in the HFSS calculation. Nevertheless, the deviations were at levels where the
beam knowledge requirement is much more relaxed.
Consideration of all these results led to the error estimates shown in Table 5 for the
general error levels in the pattern at two mean sidelobe levels. These levels were chosen to
best quantify the pattern errors that contribute most to the antenna pattern correction. These
values are conservative and represent what we believe to be a reasonable worst case for the
analysis to obtain the APC error budget.
M.A. Janssen et al.

Fig. 15 Schematic illustration of segmented antenna pattern model. The pattern area is segmented into re-
gions of size approximately equal to the main beam half-power width. A random error with a Gaussian
distribution is added to the measured pattern in each segment with an amplitude consistent with a given
point-to-point error model

We investigated the effect of pattern errors on the determination of the limb-darkening

parameter R using a Monte Carlo approach. Let us consider an observation at some emission
angle θ , and suppose that we randomly perturb a “true” antenna pattern and recompute the
model antenna temperature at this angle as the “measured” value. We repeat this n times so
that the measured antenna temperature Tam recomputed for the ith perturbation is
Taim (θ ) = Tat (θ ) + δi (θ ) (14)
where Tat (θ ) is the “true” antenna temperature. As discussed in the previous section, the
antenna temperature Ta is closely related to the boresight brightness temperature Tb . and we
use perturbations on the former as a proxy to actual brightness temperature variations for
error estimation. We may then approximate the measured limb darkening parameter Rim for
this perturbation as
Rim (θ ) = R t (θ ) + δ(θ ) − δ(0) /Tam (0) (15)
where we ignore all terms of order bTa or δi /Ta . We may identify
Ri (θ ) = δi (θ ) − δi (0) /Tat (0) (16)
as an error in the limb darkening measurement at the point θ . This is readily evaluated for any
given perturbation, and the statistics of the ensemble over n trials allows us to estimate the
net uncertainty R in our determination of R. In particular we take our measured antenna
pattern as the true pattern, and develop a perturbation model for the antenna pattern to reflect
the level of uncertainty at each point in it. We then use this model to estimate the net error
R(θ ) at that point. We determine n empirically to ensure convergence to a stable value.
We used a segmented perturbation model in which the antenna pattern outside the main
beam is arbitrarily subdivided into regions of the same approximate area of the main beam
half-power width (i.e., 20° for A1 and A2, and 12° for A3–A6), which represents the ap-
proximate angular scale on which beam variations can occur (see Fig. 15). The Aquarius
project used a similar approach to determine their antenna performance (see Wentz and
Levine 2011). We randomly perturbed each of these regions with a magnitude consistent
with the values given in Table 5, and also allowed for an increase in the beam diameter by
0.5%. We then calculated the rms deviation of R from its unperturbed value over an ensem-
ble of trials for a given frequency and observing geometry. Using our JAMRT program to
compute model brightness temperatures, we varied the observing geometry of range, lati-
tude, and emission angle θ to correspond to the range of those experienced in a typical Juno
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 16 Uncertainty in R vs.

emission angle and latitude for
representative channels as
determined from a beam
perturbation model and a model
for Jupiter’s thermal emission.
Latitude is indicated by color as
given in the legend

Figure 16 shows the dependence of the measurement uncertainty on beam knowledge for
these observing parameters. The assumed 0.5% beamwidth increase is the dominant factor
limiting the range of emission angles that are useful at a given latitude. The dependence of
the uncertainty in R on latitude reflects the fact that the apparent size of Jupiter shrinks with
respect to the beamwidth at latitudes away from the equator. The rapid increase in error with
emission angle signifies that the main beam of the pattern has reached the limb of Jupiter
and that the main beam shape becomes important. We don’t take our choice of beamwidth
increase seriously as a possible measurement error; instead, we consider that it provides a
reasonable bound for the emission angle range that is achievable at a given latitude. Finally,
we may account for uncertainties in the brightness distribution of Jupiter itself outside our
M.A. Janssen et al.

measured track by comparing the above analysis to that using an error model in which the
beam is known and the uncertainties are present instead in Jupiter’s brightness distribution.
We note that there is no distinction between the two in Eq. (13) or in the conclusions that
may be drawn. At any given wavelength we expect Jupiter’s brightness to depart from that
given by our nominal emission model by at most 5–10% across the disk. Since we have
already considered relative sidelobe gain variations larger than this, we then conclude that
this source of error is relatively insignificant.
We note that our estimates of Tmb (θ ) are averaged over footprints that vary with θ as
well for any given point in the atmosphere. Spatial brightness structure in the main beam
footprints that varies as a function of the emission angle θ will lead to additional errors
that must be accounted for; e.g., by using a statistical description of the structure, if known
(e.g., see Janssen et al. 1995). The main beam footprint mismatch leads to a generally small
uncertainty that is partially mitigated by averaging along-track nadir views to broaden the
effective long dimension of the footprint to match that at emission angle θ , and by averaging
out the residual error over a range of contiguous footprints. The residual error is randomly
distributed and the averaging further mitigates the error. The net error is generally small
if the footprints lie strictly along the subspacecraft track; however, the error grows if the
rotation of Jupiter is not compensated and successive observations of a given point on Jupiter
drift in longitude as the spacecraft moves in its orbit. This source of error in R may be almost
completely eliminated by tilting the spacecraft rotation vector as described in Sect. 6.2.
Synchrotron emission enters through the far sidelobes and backlobes as we observe ther-
mal emission from Jupiter’s atmosphere. The synchrotron emission is most important at
the lowest two MWR frequencies where its brightness can far exceed that of Jupiter. After
careful design of the antenna sidelobes to minimize this contribution, our approach to mit-
igating that remaining is to model and subtract it from the measured antenna temperature.
Our overall approach includes improving the model after we measure the actual synchrotron
emission in orbit. We simulated observations of Jupiter here to include synchrotron emis-
sion entering through the sidelobes in order to test this approach in the face of uncertainties
in the synchrotron emission modeling, thereby determining the degree of model improve-
ment needed to meet our requirements. Using the predicted trajectory for first perijove of
the mission (PJ1) to provide the observational geometry, we used our Instrument Simula-
tor (see Sect. 7.2) to produce synthetic data for a uniform model of Jupiter’s atmosphere in
conjunction with models for the synchrotron emission (Santos-Costa and Bolton 2009; Adu-
mitroaie et al. 2016). To estimate the error incurred by this approach, we varied the strength
of the modeled synchrotron emission uniformly by 20%, a level of uncertainty we believe
to be attainable once we have real data in hand, and examined the relative effect this would
have on the Jupiter brightness temperature retrievals. Figure 17 shows the results as they
depend on latitude and emission angle for the three most affected MWR frequencies. The
gray scale contour map shows the relative difference in brightness, which we define as the
Jupiter brightness with the nominal synchrotron model minus the brightness obtained with
that model reduced by 20%, all normalized by the total brightness of Jupiter as a function of
latitude and emission angle. This then gives a conservative estimate of the error that would
result in the limb darkening, where we wish to keep the threshold below 0.1%. Positive
emission angle as used here refers to the first look at a given subspacecraft point (the “fore”
look), while negative emission angle refers to the “aft” look, obtained as the spacecraft looks
backwards after it passes over the point. The asymmetry between for and aft looks is caused
by the difference in range between the two. The magnitude of the difference is generally
much less than a part in 103 (0.1%) over a wide range in emission angle. The main lobe of
the antenna impinging on the limb of the planet where it directly encounters the synchrotron
signal causes the sudden rise in the difference.
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 17 Estimate of the error in

retrieved Tb incurred by
uncertainty in the knowledge of
the synchrotron emission. Shown
is the relative difference (i.e.,
difference normalized by the
unperturbed brightness) obtained
in a synthetic retrieval of Tb
when a nominal synchrotron
emission model is varied by 20%.
The geometry of the Juno
perijove pass of 27 Aug 2016
was used for the synthesis of
time-ordered data

Table 6 compares the final APC prelaunch error estimates based on pre-launch measure-
ments to our original design allocations. The breakdown for the thermal component is based
on the results for the antenna perturbation model shown in Fig. 15 over the range of lati-
tudes specified in the second requirement stated in Sect. 3.3, while that for the non-thermal
(synchrotron) component is conservative and based on the calculation illustrated in Fig. 17.
M.A. Janssen et al.

Table 6 Final APC error budget in the determination of R

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6

Thermal allocation 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05

Non-thermal allocation 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Design APC allocation 0.075 0.075 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05
Prelaunch thermal estimate 0.045 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.008 0.003
Prelaunch non-thermal estimate 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net APC current best estimate 0.07 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.008 0.003

Table 7 Instrument limb-darkening error breakdown based on prelaunch calibrations

Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6

Measurement noise (5 s avg.) 0.031 0.027 0.026 0.032 0.023 0.029

Antenna temperature calibration (ATC) 0.054 0.054 0.042 0.063 0.069 0.075
Antenna pattern correction (APC) 0.070 0.050 0.010 0.010 0.008 0.003
Net error in R (%) 0.094 0.078 0.050 0.071 0.073 0.081

5.3 Prelaunch Error Budget

The final prelaunch estimate of errors in the measurement of the limb-darkening parameter
R is given in Table 7 based on results described in this section. These values compare well
with the initial error budget allocations in Table 2. The overall improvement in net error
is primarily due to better antenna performance than expected, reflecting our initial concern
on this more unproven area of our instrument design and our initial conservatism in its
We caution that these errors are based on systematic errors estimated on the basis of
instrument performance only and do not include effects caused by variable observational
geometries and currently unknown statistics of spatial brightness structure on Jupiter, which
are discussed in Sect. 6.2.

6 Flight Operations

6.1 Cruise and Flight Calibration

The Juno cruise phase of operations consisted of a two-year inner cruise phase, an Earth
flyby, and a subsequent three-year coast to Jupiter (the outer cruise). The focus of MWR
flight operations during cruise was the refinement of the ground-based calibrations. The
flight calibration had several objectives:

6.1.1 Establishment of a Zero-Level Baseline for Jupiter Observations

Brightness temperatures of Jupiter are measured relative to the sky, and must take into ac-
count the brightness temperature of the sky in every direction observed during Jupiter per-
ijove. The base brightness is the Cosmic Microwave Background, approximately 2.7 K, to
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 18 All sky maps were obtained during the cruise phase to provide a brightness temperature calibration
reference for operations at Jupiter. Representative maps are shown for channels 1, 3, and 6. Apart from
the cosmic background emission, the dominant features in the sky in these maps are due to synchrotron
emission from very high-energy electrons in our galaxy, hence galactic coordinates are used in the figures.
The magnitude of the sky emission variability decreases rapidly with frequency from as high as 60 K in
channel 1 to 20 mK in channel 6, where we see the ±3 mK CMB dipole (Lineweaver et al. 1996)

which must be added the contribution from foreground sources. Discrete sources are highly
diluted by the broad beamwidths of the MWR antennas; however, the distributed emissions
due to energetic electrons circulating in interstellar magnetic fields within the galaxy can
contribute significantly, particularly at the lowest MWR wavelength, where the brightness
can be as high as 60 K in the direction of the galactic center. The MWR remained turned on
during most of the inner cruise as the spacecraft spin vector slowly precessed through 180°
in the Ecliptic plane (in the outer cruise the sampling was more erratic but allowed some
gaps to be filled in). The final sky maps we obtained using data from inner and outer cruise
are shown in Fig. 18.

6.1.2 Improvement of the Absolute Calibration Obtained from End-to-End Testing

The prelaunch end-to-end calibration used a large temperature-stabilized load covering the
antennas to obtain an ambient brightness temperature reference for all of the radiometers as
described in Sect. 5.1.2. The MWR instrument model and detailed component characteris-
tic measurements in thermal vacuum were then used to establish the gain calibration with
respect to that reference, valid under ambient conditions. After launch, the view of space of-
fered a cold reference impractical to achieve on the ground. The extrapolation from ambient
using the prelaunch calibration gave the correct result for the observed cold sky to within
2%, validating the absolute calibration to this level. The calibration scale was then adjusted
to give the correct sky temperature at the start of the cruise.

6.1.3 Refinement of the Temperature Coefficients in the Instrument Model

The temperature distribution throughout the instrument varies as the sun distance changes
during cruise. As sky observations accumulated for the varying instrument temperature pro-
file, we adjusted our instrument model temperature coefficients for gain-sensitive compo-
nents such as the transmission lines to maintain the correct sky temperature. This process
maintains the absolute calibration from just after launch to the temperature environment in
the Jupiter orbits.

6.1.4 Determination of Statistical Performance Parameters of the Radiometers

Continuous operation on the sky provides an abundance of data to enable a detailed inves-
tigation of the performance characteristics of the radiometers and a determination of the
M.A. Janssen et al.

Fig. 19 Radiometer stability for

one day’s operation during
cruise. (A) Raw data with the sky
signal subtracted for the 10 GHz
channel. The blue curve shows
the 100-ms data, while the black
curve shows the running 1-min
average. (B) Allen variance for
the same data with no calibration,
and after stabilization using noise
diodes and Dicke load for several
calibration window-averaging

optimum approach to calibration and stabilization. After the sky signal itself is determined
this can be subtracted from the data to provide the equivalent of an ideal stable load, namely
the CMB at 2.7 K. Figure 19A shows a time series of continuous antenna temperature mea-
surements with the sky signal removed for the 10 GHz channel for a 24-hour period and
Fig. 19B shows the Allen variance of these data taken at full data rate for the same 24-hr
period during cruise under different assumptions for a stabilization algorithm. A running
average of the Dicke load offset and noise diode referenced gain was used to reduce the
white noise on the calibration measurements. An optimum integration time for these cali-
bration measurements was found by balancing the systematic noise from the receiver gain
variations against the inherent white noise component of the receivers (the latter reduces
as the inverse square root of the integration time while systematic errors grow in compari-
son). The lower-frequency receivers benefit from longer running average times compared to
the higher frequency receivers, which depend on the individual receiver stabilities and their
NEDT values (see Table 3). The optimum balance was found to be relatively insensitive to
calibration algorithm parameters. A similar analysis will be performed on data during the
apojove portion of the Jupiter orbits and the averaging window lengths will be updated as
needed to maintain optimum noise performance during the orbital phase.
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

6.1.5 Electromagnetic and Thermal Interference

A number of tests were made during flight to test the presence and magnitude of electromag-
netic interference (EMI) and thermally-induced effects that would compromise the perfor-
mance of the MWR in orbital operations. These included all transmissions from all antennas
on the spacecraft, and all operations of subsystems and instruments on the spacecraft. Two
perijove compatibility tests were carried out during cruise with sufficient fidelity to simulate
orbital operations, in addition to which special tests were carried out to test the possibility
of interference due to all possible radio transmission modes anticipated for orbital passes.
There was no evidence of EMI in any of these tests—the noise statistics of the time-ordered
data were carefully examined through the entire period of each test to look for departures
from Gaussian noise and none were seen. Thermal transients due to subsystems powering
on or off prior to or during a simulated perijove pass were seen at expected levels, namely
≤0.5 K/hr, and well within our design requirement.

6.2 Planned Jupiter Orbital Operations

All atmospheric data is obtained during a period of approximately three hours centered on
perijove. As the spacecraft moves through perijove in all orbits, each 30-s spin of the space-
craft sweeps the MWR beams through a great circle on the sky, scanning Jupiter generally
along the subspacecraft track depending on the orientation of the spacecraft spin vector.
Hence each latitude along the subspacecraft track is observed numerous times over a range
of emission angles. Each measurement consists of a 100-ms integration of the brightness
within the beam’s field of view as it moves through an arc of 1.2°. This is small compared
to a beamwidth and beam smearing is thus negligible. Figure 20 shows only the nadir foot-
prints obtained during a nominal MWR pass (see below), which are obtained once with each
30-s spin of the spacecraft. The half-power contour of each nadir beam footprint is depicted
for both the 12° and 20° degree beamwidth antennas.
Although useful data are taken from pole to pole, the prime data for atmospheric sound-
ing are obtained within the general latitude range ±50° where the beam footprints are small
enough to resolve significant spatial features. The passage across this span takes about 40
minutes to complete and includes over 80 spacecraft rotations, during which nearly 10000
brightness temperature measurements are obtained on Jupiter with emission angles less than
50°. This range will also include the primary data obtained on the synchrotron emission
beyond Jupiter’s limbs. Outside of this range the MWR will accumulate data at lower res-
olution on Jupiter in the polar regions. This in turn is followed by an extended period up
to several hours, where it will obtain data on the sky where the synchrotron emission is
negligible for the purpose of establishing a low-temperature reference for the measurements
obtained during perijove. The sky reference values used are based on maps obtained during
cruise (Sect. 6.1.1).
The operational plan for the MWR has evolved since launch. Originally the radio science
gravity experiment and the MWR atmospheric sounding experiments were assigned separate
orbits since they were deemed to have incompatible observing and operational requirements;
namely, to obtain optimal data the MWR preference is to scan along track though nadir,
while the radio science experiment needs to point the high-gain antenna towards the Earth.
In addition, it was anticipated that there would not be sufficient spacecraft power to operate
both the MWR and Radio science experiments simultaneously. Hence in the original 14-day
orbit design for the Juno mission, several early orbits (3, and 5 through 8) were planned
as “MWR” orbits with nadir viewing obtained by orienting the spacecraft spin plane to
M.A. Janssen et al.

Fig. 20 MWR beam footprints

during the predicted perijove pass
of Orbit 6. Shown are the nadir
half-power footprint tracks for
the 20° beam of antenna A1
(right track) and the 12° beam
footprint track of antenna A5 (left
track) at the time each beam
passes through nadir. Each
footprint indicates one rotation of
the spacecraft as it moves from
north to south through the pass.
The footprints drift westward as
Jupiter rotates during the pass.
Both tracks are in fact coaligned
but are shown here with a 10°
offset in longitude for illustration.
The longitude shown on Jupiter
is arbitrary and intended to show
the range of atmospheric features
that are resolved

contain Jupiter’s center, while the rest were allocated as “Gravity” orbits with the MWR
turned off. After launch, experience showed that these requirements were at least partially
compatible and some compromise was possible. The spacecraft power limitation that drove
the original decision was found to be conservative, and in addition it was argued that useful
if not ideal MWR data could be obtained by operating during Gravity orbits. Finally, a case
was made for a special MWR “Tilt” orbit that compensated for the longitudinal drift of
MWR footprints due to Jupiter’s rotation, as discussed below. The renegotiated baseline
mission now consists of three orbit types, MWR, MWR Tilt, and Gravity orbits. In addition,
the decision has been made to allow the MWR to remain on following the orbit insertion,
and specifically through the first and second periapsis passes. The following then assumes
the plan prior to Jupiter Orbit Insertion (JOI), which consists of a series of 14-day orbits
following a Period Reduction Maneuver (PRM) occurring during the 2nd perijove pass on
October 18, 2016. If the plan changes, it is expected that the same orbit options described
below will still be possible although the dates and frequency of the perijove passes may be

Perijove Passes 1 and 2 (August 27 and October 18, 2016) Perijove pass 1 is the first
close pass of Jupiter after orbit insertion, and occurs between the first and second 53-day
capture orbits following JOI. For all practical purposes this is a Gravity orbit in that the
high gain antenna remains pointed at the Earth, although the minimum angle to nadir during
the pass is less than 4°. In all, the observing geometry is close to ideal for atmospheric
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 21 Radiometer footprints

(12° beamwidth) on Jupiter
obtained by cross-track scanning
during perijove 2 (every other
footprint of every other scan
shown, limited to 65° emission
angle). The location of the Great
Red Spot is shown as currently

Perijove pass 2 occurs during the PRM where the orbit period is reduced to 14 days.
Because the spacecraft is reoriented to fire the main engine in the velocity direction, this
offers a unique geometry in which the scanning is perpendicular to the subspacecraft track
on Jupiter rather than along it. This will allow an extended three-dimensional sounding of
the atmospheric brightness in which longitudinal structure as well as latitudinal structure
will be observed with depth. Figure 21 shows a swath of footprints that will be measured
during this pass.

MWR Orbits (3, 5, 6, and 7) In these nominal MWR orbits the spin vector of the space-
craft is oriented perpendicular to the orbit plane so that the scan circle of the antenna beams
always includes Jupiter nadir. Figure 22 depicts a sampling of the data obtained in a nominal
MWR pass, showing sets of footprints obtained at each of five representative latitudes during
a pass in which the emission angle varies from near nadir to 60° (50° at the extreme latitudes
±50°). The footprints drift westward with time because of Jupiter’s rotation, and grow in
size away from nadir because of a combination of increasing range and slant angle projec-
tion. Varying footprint sizes and distributions introduce contributions to the limb-darkening
measurements from horizontal atmospheric structure.
These contributions are anticipated to cause random errors in the determination of limb
darkening that may exceed those due to instrument performance alone as given in Table 7.
There are no atmospheric data on the spatial scales needed to estimate the magnitude of
these observational effects, although they are likely in some cases to exceed the design limit
M.A. Janssen et al.

Fig. 22 Footprints at several latitudes are shown for all emission angles in the range ±60° (±50° for latitudes
±50°) for a regular MWR orbit. The footprints drift westward with time (or decreasing subspacecraft latitude)
due to Jupiter’s rotation

Fig. 23 Along-track averaging. Left: Footprints at 0° latitude; Right: Use of along-track averaging to produce
effective footprints of equal dimension in latitude. The baseline MWR Orbit 6 is assumed

of 0.1% in the determination of the limb darkening parameter R. Such effects can be par-
tially compensated by employing along-track averaging to minimize the contribution from
latitudinal structure as shown in Fig. 23. The amount of averaging depends on the emis-
sion angle range one wishes to use for the determination of the limb darkening parameter
and the desired spatial resolution. The impact of such structure will be studied after atmo-
spheric structural data are obtained in Jupiter orbit. One possible benefit of uncompensated
longitudinal drift in footprints at each latitude is that limited three-dimensional mapping (in
latitude, longitude, and depth) may be possible.
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

Fig. 24 Footprints for an MWR Tilt orbit in which a 14° tilt of the spacecraft orbit out of the ecliptic is
assumed. The longitude drift due to Jupiter’s rotation seen in Fig. 22 is largely compensated for by this tilt

MWR Tilt Orbits (8 and 14) The westward footprint drift incurred in nominal MWR or-
bits is effectively eliminated in MWR Tilt orbits, which provides another strategy for dealing
with the effects of spatial structure on the determination of limb darkening. In these orbits the
spacecraft spin vector is oriented approximately 14° out of the equatorial plane of Jupiter to
provide a different orientation of the beam footprints with respect to the subspacecraft track.
Figure 24 presents the same study as for the regular MWR orbit in Fig. 22, showing that this
compensates (to a good approximation) for the longitudinal drift of the footprints. The nadir
is now only viewed at a single latitude (the equator) in these orbits, however. This approach
will allow us to minimize the contribution due to longitudinal structure in the determination
of the limb-darkening parameter.

Gravity Orbits (All Remaining Orbits) The orientation in a Gravity orbit is not ideal for
the measurement of the emission-angle dependence of the emission but allows useful data to
be obtained that includes the possibility for longitudinal as well as latitudinal mapping. The
nadir is never viewed, although the nadir offset is relatively small for orbits in the early half
of the mission. The total number of atmospheric states observed is thus usefully enlarged, at
little cost.

7 Data Analysis

The MWR data analysis task begins with the processing of the time-ordered raw data from
the instrument and will ultimately extend to the achievement of the scientific objectives of
M.A. Janssen et al.

the MWR experiment. We discuss below the pipeline processing to deliver the calibrated
antenna temperature measurements, followed by an outline of the approaches to subsequent
analyses that address the ultimate objectives. The details of the latter are left to future papers.

7.1 Data Processing Pipeline

The first phase of the analysis is the conversion of raw data to calibrated antenna tempera-
tures. The MWR pipeline is an automated process that receives the raw radiometric data and
sampled engineering data downlinked from the spacecraft and processes it through the Juno
Ground Data System to obtain a set of time-ordered calibrated radiometric antenna temper-
atures and associated engineering data at 100-ms intervals. The first step in the pipeline is
to produce a set of time-ordered data at Level 2 (from CODMAC, Committee on Data Man-
agement, Archiving, and Computation) that consists of data records obtained in sequential
100-ms integrations. Each such record consists of time, raw radiometer counts, switch set-
ting information, and engineering data (temperatures and voltages) converted to physical
From these we obtain the (CODMAC) Level-3 data in which the raw radiometric data
for each 100-msec data record have been converted to calibrated radiances (antenna temper-
atures) in degrees Kelvin using the best current instrument model, and where the sparsely
sampled engineering data have been interpolated to provide best-estimate values. Only those
records that contain a radiance measurement through the antennas are retained, so that there
are gaps in the Level 3 data, with those records usurped by a reference load or noise-diode
firing for calibration missing (cf. Fig. 10). The sky brightness from the cruise maps is used as
a reference source for the removal of slow offset drifts. The cold sky is observed before and
after perijove as the antenna fields of view rotate away from Jupiter, but within the nearly
two-hour passage centered on perijove the synchrotron emission is seen in all directions.
Hence the sky reference must be obtained before and after perijove when the spacecraft is
outside the belts, the times for which will vary with channel because of the strong frequency
dependence of this emission. This leads to stability requirements on the receivers (as part of
the ATC error budgeted in Table 2) in order to establish the baseline over time intervals up
to two hours.
The Level 2 and Level 3 data are scheduled for delivery for archiving in the Atmospheres
Node of the Planetary Data System. Only the Level-3 data may be considered useful for
subsequent data analysis, however. While the Level-2 data are unchanged unless delayed
records are added, the Level-3 data will be periodically revised as new calibration data are
obtained or calibration models improved.

7.2 Subsequent Analysis and Interpretation

There are two paths for the data analysis. First, we may apply the antenna pattern correc-
tion (APC) described in Sect. 5.2.1 to transform the measured antenna temperatures into
the equivalent of a Gaussian convolution of the actual brightness temperatures (plus noise
and residual instrumental effects), which in many cases are readily deconvolved to obtain
brightness temperatures. This takes the instrument out of the way and provides brightness
temperatures with which to directly address the ultimate objectives. A second approach is
to use our knowledge of the instrument along with models of the sources (Jupiter and the
synchrotron belts) to synthesize the measured antenna temperatures. We have developed
an “Instrument Simulator” that uses the reconstructed geometry of the spacecraft trajec-
tory and orientation to model the observations directly as antenna temperatures. The models
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

may then be iterated parametrically to match the synthesized data with the actual measure-
ments in order to determine their unknown properties, bypassing the deconvolution to obtain
brightness temperatures. An essential element of either approach is our ability to compute
accurate brightness temperatures for given models of Jupiter’s atmosphere and the radiation
belts, where by “accurate” in this context we mean calculated brightness temperatures with
a fidelity commensurable with the instrumental measurement capabilities. These are limited
only by the uncertainties given by the validated instrument error breakdown in Table 7, and
by the residual uncertainties in the JAMRT absorption coefficients.

7.3 Prospects for Jupiter

7.3.1 Radiation Belts

Our two a priori synchrotron models can each feed predicted maps into the simulator to pro-
duce a predicted synchrotron contribution for every individual measurement by the MWR.
For the initial data analysis to remove synchrotron emission from the atmospheric mea-
surements, we can simply scale these predictions by the direct observation of synchrotron
emission within each spin, relying on the large gain ratio between the main antenna beam
and back lobes to reduce any error due to imperfections in the model. As the orbital mission
progresses, the less complex synchrotron model (Adumitroaie et al. 2016) will be adjusted
to more accurately match the MWR observations. Ultimately, the physics-based model for
the synchrotron emission by Santos-Costa and Bolton (2009) will be combined with the
magnetic field map produced by the Juno Magnetic Field Investigation to produce a detailed
description of Jupiter’s radiation belts.

7.3.2 Jupiter Atmosphere

Juno will obtain up to 36 slices of the atmosphere in latitude that will show brightness tem-
perature variations caused by spatial variations in atmospheric composition, temperature,
and cloud opacity to depths as great as several hundred bars. Because almost all atmospheric
data obtained prior to Juno refer to the vicinity of the ammonia cloud region, the Juno MWR
data add a new dimension to address fundamental questions about the deep structure and dy-
namics of Jupiter’s atmosphere. Observations of Jupiter with the VLA (de Pater et al. 2001,
2016) and current work using the Cassini microwave radiometer to map Saturn at 2.2-cm
wavelength (Janssen et al. 2013) have demonstrated the capability of microwave remote
sensing to determine the cloud-level distribution of ammonia, while the deep-level sounding
at the MWR frequencies will extend this capability well below the level where water clouds
form. How deep Jupiter’s zones, belts, and other features penetrate is one of the outstanding
questions in Jovian atmospheric dynamics. The patterns of ammonia and water distribution
below the clouds are expected to correlate with dynamical features at cloud-top level, allow-
ing us to examine the deep roots of features like the Great Red Spot, the belts and zones,
and the 5-μm hot spots.
The distribution of water and ammonia below Jupiter’s cloud-tops is a major unre-
solved issue, defying definitive determination by existing remote sensing data and only par-
tially and locally measured by the Galileo atmospheric entry probe (Folkner et al. 1998;
Sromovsky et al. 1998; Mahaffy et al. 1999). The expected vertical and horizontal resolu-
tion of these primary volatiles at sub-cloud levels by the Juno MWR will be key not only
to the determination of their global abundances, but also to the diagnosis of the planet’s
deep circulation and meteorology. The sensitivities for the retrieval of global abundances of
M.A. Janssen et al.

deeply mixed ammonia and water vapor from MWR observations are readily computed if
the basic structural parameters of the atmosphere are assumed. Let us assume a hydrostatic
atmosphere and a simple model with uniformly mixed water and ammonia up to their re-
spective saturation levels, above which the mixing ratios follow their saturation curves and
the lapse rates follow their wet adiabats. The deep mixing ratios of water vapor and am-
monia are then determined by fitting the computed radiances to simulated measurements of
the limb darkening parameter R (Eq. (3)). This is the case shown in Fig. 4, for which we
have estimated that with the nominal measurement uncertainties in Table 7 we can achieve
retrievals of H2 O and NH3 to precisions of about 30% and 2% respectively. The latter is in
fact better than our knowledge of the ammonia absorption coefficient would allow, which
would lead to a somewhat larger uncertainty (roughly 5%).
Jupiter’s atmospheric structure is anticipated be more complex than that of a moist adia-
bat. As the major source of microwave absorption in the Jovian atmosphere, ammonia and
its distribution must be dealt with first. Earth-based mapping has established that ammonia
is generally depleted in the atmosphere above the 6-bar level. Together with the Galileo
probe results, observations to the present have been taken to show that ammonia is depleted
within and somewhat below the ammonia cloud region around 0.5 bars (de Pater and Massie
1985; de Pater et al. 2001, 2016; Gibson et al. 2005). The cause for this remains an out-
standing question. The Earth-based approach is inherently limited in the depths that can be
probed, however, and fundamental questions remain as well about how deep this depletion
extends, how it is distributed, and what the deep uniformly mixed abundance really is. Wa-
ter vapor contributes less to the microwave absorption than ammonia but can play a major
role in transport and condensation in the circulation balance owing to both its relatively
large contribution to the mean molecular weight and its uniquely large enthalpy of vapor-
ization. Water’s signature in a dynamic atmosphere will be characterized by its ability to
generate structure at levels where it condenses as well as by its effect on the adiabat. While
this might be difficult for point measurements and global average properties, the MWR ex-
periment will take advantage of the wide range of atmospheric examples presented by the
pole-to-pole scans, which sample a wide variety of atmospheric states and offer a number of
possible approaches to determining these deep mixing ratios. These possibilities have been
studied for planning and software development purposes, but will not be fully known until
we arrive at Jupiter.

8 Summary

Jupiter will be the first gas giant planet to be explored by a multi-wavelength microwave
remote-sensing radiometer on board a spacecraft. The Juno MWR has been designed to
provide the most complete and accurate set of microwave remote sensing data on Jupiter
that is possible within the constraints of the Juno mission. It will sample the atmospheric
thermal radiation at close range from depths extending from the ammonia cloud region
at around the 0.7-bar pressure level to levels in excess of 1000 bars. The data it provides
will address the primary scientific objectives of the MWR investigation: determination of
the dynamical properties of Jupiter’s subcloud atmosphere; and determination of the global
abundance of oxygen present in the atmosphere as water deep below the visible cloud deck.
The key to the experiment is the measurement of the emission-angle dependence of the
thermal radiation at each frequency relative to atmospheric local normal, which can recover
the information contained in the microwave spectrum without the need for extraordinary
absolute calibrations of the microwave radiometers. The performance of the MWR in all six
MWR: Microwave Radiometer for the Juno Mission to Jupiter

channels determined in the years since launch shows that all design requirements have been
met, and in some cases significantly exceeded, that will enable its promised performance on
arrival at Jupiter in August 2016.

Acknowledgements The work described in this paper was conducted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(JPL), California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
istration (NASA). The author wishes to thank the numerous contributors from the Juno Project and the
Lockheed-Martin spacecraft team, without whom this ambitious project would not have been possible.

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