Cell Body Perikaryon Soma: Neural Plasticity
Cell Body Perikaryon Soma: Neural Plasticity
Cell Body Perikaryon Soma: Neural Plasticity
Neuron(perikaryon,Nissl bodies,cytoskeleton)
Most neurons have three main parts: cell body (also called the perikaryon or soma),
which contains the nucleus and most of the cell’s organelles and serves as the
synthetic or trophic center for the entire neuron. A typical neuron has an unusually
large, euchromatic nucleus with a prominent nucleolus, indicating intense synthetic
activity. Cytoplasm of perikarya often contains numerous free polyribosomes and
highly developed RER, indicating active production of both cytoskeletal proteins and
proteins for transport and secretion. Histologically these regions with concentrated
RER and other polysomes are basophilic and are distinguished as chromatophilic
substance (or Nissl substance, Nissl bodies). The amount of this material varies with
the type and functional state of the neuron and is particularly abundant in large
nerve cells such as motor neurons.The Golgi apparatus is located only in the cell
body, but mitochondria can be found throughout the cell and are usually abundant
in the axon terminals. In both perikarya and processes microtubules, actin filaments
and intermediate filaments are abundant, with the latter formed by unique protein
subunits and called neurofilaments in this cell type.Some nerve cell bodies also
contain inclusions of pigmented material, such as lipofuscin, consisting of residual
bodies left from lysosomal digestion.
Nissl bodies are Subcellular structures found in nerve cell bodies and DENDRITES.
They consist of granular endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and RIBOSOMES. functions of
Nissl bodies are thought to be the same as those of the rough endoplasmic reticulum
in general, primarily the synthesis and segregation of proteins.
5. Neuromediator types
Most synapses act by releasing neurotransmitters, which are usually small molecules
that bind specific receptor proteins to either open or close ion channels or initiate
second messenger cascades.
ACETYLCHOLINE (ACh) - Chemical structure significantly different from that of other
neurotransmitters; active in CNS and in both somatic and autonomic parts of PNS;
binds to ACh receptors (cholinergic receptors) in PNS to open ion channels in
postsynaptic membrane and stimulate muscle contraction.
AMINO ACIDS: Glutamate - Excites activity in neurons to promote cognitive function
in the brain (learning and memory); most common neurotransmitter in the brain;
opens Na+ channels. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - Synthesized from
glutamate; primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain; also influences muscle
tone; opens or closes various ion channels. Glycine - Inhibits activity between
neurons in the CNS, including retina; opens Cl– channels.
MONOAMINES: Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) - Has various functions in
the brain related to sleep, appetite, cognition (learning, memory), and mood;
modulates actions of other neurotransmitters. Catecholamines - A distinct group of
monoamines. Dopamine - Produces inhibitory activity in the brain; important roles in
cognition (learning, memory), motivation, behavior, and mood; opens K+ channels,
closes Ca2+ channels. Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) - Neurotransmitter of PNS
(sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system) and specific CNS regions
Epinephrine (adrenaline) - Has various effects in the CNS, especially the spinal cord,
thalamus, and hypothalamus.
NEUROPEPTIDES: Enkephalin - Helps regulate response to noxious and potentially
harmful stimuli. Neuropeptide Y -Involved in memory regulation and energy balance
(increased food intake and decreased physical activity). Somatostatin - Inhibits
activities of neurons in specific brain areas. Substance P -Assists with pain
information transmission into the brain. Cholecystokinin (CCK) - Stimulates neurons
in the brain to help mediate satiation (fullness) and repress hunger. Beta-endorphin -
Prevents release of pain signals from neurons and fosters a feeling of well-being.
Neurotensin - Helps control and moderate the effects of dopamine.
Adenosine - Also part of a nucleotide, inhibits activities in certain CNS neurons.
Nitric oxide - Involved in learning and memory; relaxes muscle in the digestive tract;
important for relaxation of smooth muscle in blood vessels (vasodilation).
6. Synapses
Synapses are sites where nerve impulses are transmitted from one neuron to
another, or from neurons and other effector cells.Synapses convert an electrical
signal (nerve impulse) from the presynaptic cell into a chemical signal that affects
the postsynaptic cell. synapse has the following components: The presynaptic axon
terminal (terminal bouton) contains mitochondria and numerous synaptic vesicles
from which neurotransmitter is released by exocytosis. The postsynaptic cell
membrane contains receptors for the neurotransmitter, and ion channels or other
mechanisms to initiate a new impulse. A 20- to 30-nm-wide intercellular space called
the synaptic cleft separates these presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes.
At the presynaptic region the nerve impulse briefly opens calcium channels,
promoting a Ca2+ influx that triggers neurotransmitter release by exocytosis or
similar mechanisms. Immediately the released neurotransmitter molecules diffuse
across the synaptic cleft and bind receptors at the postsynaptic region. This produces
either an excitatory or an inhibitory effect at the postsynaptic membrane, as follows:
Neurotransmitters from excitatory synapses cause postsynaptic Na+ channels to
open, and the resulting Na+ influx initiates a depolarization wave in the postsynaptic
neuron or effector cell as just described. At inhibitory synapses neurotransmitters
open Cl– or other anion channels, causing influx of anions and hyperpolarization of
the postsynaptic cell, making its membrane potential more negative and more
resistant to depolarization.
Branched axon terminals usually associate with and transmit a nerve impulse to
another neuron’s cell body (or soma) or a dendritic spine. These types of
connections are termed an axosomatic synapse and an axodendritic synapse,
respectively. Less frequently, an axon terminal forms a synapse with an axon
terminal of another neuron; such an axoaxonic synapse functions to modulate
synaptic activity in the other two types.
Levels of neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft and available for binding
postsynaptic receptors are normally regulated by several local mechanisms. Selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a widely used class of drugs for treatment of
depression and anxiety disorders, were designed to augment levels of this
neurotransmitter at the postsynaptic membrane of serotonergic CNS synapses by
specifically inhibiting its reuptake at the presynaptic membrane.
8. Astorcytes
unique to the CNS astrocytes have a large number of long radiating, branching
processes. Proximal regions of the astrocytic processes are reinforced with bundles
of intermediate filaments made of glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), which serves as
a unique marker for this glial cell. Astrocytes originate from progenitor cells in the
embryonic neural tube and are by far the most numerous glial cells of the brain, as
well as the most diverse structurally and functionally. ქმნიან ნეირონის ზრდის
ფაქტორს(მეხსიერების ცილა). There are 2 types: Fibrous(in white matter) has
long axons(spider), ამოავსებს Wirschow-robbins სივრცეს; Protoplasmic(in grey
matter) mossy fibers, longer processes.
Functions attributed to astrocytes of various CNS regions include the following:
Extending processes that associate with or cover synapses, affecting the
formation, function, and plasticity of these structures.
Regulating the extracellular ionic concentrations around neurons, with
particular importance in buffering extracellular K+ levels.
Guiding and physically supporting movements and locations of differentiating
neurons during CNS development.
Extending fibrous processes with expanded perivascular feet that cover capillary
endothelial cells and modulate blood flow and help move nutrients, wastes,
and other metabolites between neurons and capillaries.
Forming a barrier layer of expanded protoplasmic processes, called the glial
limiting membrane, which lines the meninges at the external CNS surface.
Filling tissue defects after CNS injury by proliferation to form an astrocytic scar.
9. Olygodendrocytes
Oligodendrocytes extend many processes, each of which becomes sheetlike and
wraps repeatedly around a portion of a nearby CNS axon. During this wrapping most
cytoplasm gradually moves out of the growing extension, leaving multiple
compacted layers of cell membrane collectively termed myelin. An axon’s full length
is covered by the action of many oligodendrocytes. The resulting myelin sheath
electrically insulates the axon and facilitates rapid transmission of nerve impulses.
Originates from neural tube. Only in CNS. Can be injured in Multiple sclerosis,
progressive multifocal leukoencepalopathy(PML), Leukodystrophies.
Prolipidin is a marker for olygodendrocytes. There are 2 types of olygodendrocytes:
Gray(satelite) main function neurophagia; Interfascicular in white matter.
12. Microglia
Less numerous than oligodendrocytes or astrocytes but nearly as common as
neurons in some CNS regions, microglia are small cells with actively mobile processes
evenly distributed throughout gray and white matter. Unlike other glial cells
microglia migrate, with their processes scanning the neuropil and removing
damaged or effete synapses or other fibrous components. Microglial cells also
constitute the major mechanism of immune defense in the CNS,removing any
microbial invaders and secreting a number of immunoregulatory cytokines. MIcroglia
can be originate from: Red bone marrow; Neuroectoderm; Mixture of previous two.
მიკროგლია შეიძლება იყოს პერივენტრიკულარული ან პერიკაპილარული.
Activation in response to tissue damage releases inflammatory mediators(nitric
oxide and glutamate). NOT discernible by Nissl stain. მრავლდება ასტროციტების
მიერ გამოყოფილი ზრდის ფაქტორის ხარჯზე.
Markers are: IL-3 and MHC2
In multiple sclerosis (MS) the myelin sheaths surrounding axons are damaged by an
autoimmune mechanism that interferes with the activity of the affected neurons and
produces various neurologic problems. T lymphocytes and microglia, which
phagocytose and degrade myelin debris,play major roles in progression of this
disease. In MS, destructive actions of these cells exceed the capacity of
oligodendrocytes to produce myelin and repair the myelin sheaths.
14. BBB
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a functional barrier that allows much tighter control
than that in most tissues over the passage of substances moving from blood into the
CNS tissue. The main structural component of the BBB is the capillary endothelium,
in which the cells are tightly sealed together with well-developed occluding junctions,
with little or no transcytosis activity, and surrounded by the basement membrane.
The limiting layer of perivascular astrocytic feet that envelops the basement
membrane of capillaries in most CNS regions contributes to the BBB and further
regulates passage of molecules and ions from blood to brain. The BBB protects
neurons and glia from bacterial toxins, infectious agents, and other exogenous
substances, and helps maintain the stable composition and constant balance of ions
in the interstitial fluid required for normal neuronal function. The BBB is not present
in regions of the hypothalamus where plasma components are monitored, in the
posterior pituitary which releases hormones, or in the choroid plexus where CSF
is produced.
Great pyramidal cells are called Bretz cells(in motor precentral gyrus of frontal lobe).
Horizontal cells of Cajal - small, fusiform cells in most superficial layer.
Purkinje cells - large golgy type1 neurons, flisk shaped, 1 layerd, covered by dendritic
spines, only in cerebellum Bergman’s glia. These are conspicuous even in H&E-
stained sections, and their dendrites extend throughout the molecular layer as a
branching basket of nerve fibers.
In cross sections of the spinal cord, the white matter is peripheral and the gray
matter forms a deeper, H-shaped mass. The two anterior projections of this gray
matter, the anterior horns, contain cell bodies of very large motor neurons whose
axons make up the ventral roots of spinal nerves. The two posterior horns contain
interneurons which receive sensory fibers from neurons in the spinal (dorsal root)
ganglia. Near the middle of the cord the gray matter surrounds a small central canal,
which develops from the lumen of the neural tube, is continuous with the ventricles
of the brain, is lined by ependymal cells, and contains CSF.
16. Cerebellum
The cerebellum is situated in the posterior cranial fossa and is covered superiorly by
the tentorium cerebelli. It ls the largest part of the hindbrain and Iles posterior to
the fourth ventricle, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. The cerebellum is
somewhat ovoid in shape and constricted in its median part. It consists of two
cerebellar hemisphere joined by a narrow median vermls. The cerebellum is
connected to the posterior aspect of the brainstem by three symmetrical bundles of
nerve fibers called the superior, middle, and Inferior cerebellar peduncles. The
cerebellar cortex can be regarded as a large sheet with folds lying In the coronal or
transverse plane. Each fold or follum contains a core of white matter covered
superficially by gray matter. The gray matter of the cortex throughout Its extent
has a uniform structure. It may be devided into three layers: (1) an external layer,
the molecular layer contains two types of neurons: the outer stellate cells and the
inner basket cells.Neurogllal cells are found between these structures. (2) a middle
layer, the purkinje cell layer; and (3) an internal layer, the granular layer.
21. CSF
42. Limbus
Encircling the cornea is the limbus, a transitional area where the transparent cornea
merges with the opaque sclera. Here Bowman’s membrane ends and the surface
epithelium becomes more stratified as the conjunctiva that covers the anterior part
of the sclera (and lines the eyelids).epithelial stem cells located at the limbus surface
give rise to rapidly dividing progenitor cells, which then move centripetally into the
corneal epithelium. The stroma becomes vascular and less well-organized at the
limbus, as the collagen bundles merge with those of the sclera. Also at the limbus
Descemet’s membrane and its simple endothelium are replaced with a system of
irregular endothelium-lined channels called the trabecular meshwork(Spaces of
Fontana). These penetrate the stroma at the corneoscleral junction and allow slow,
continuous drainage of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber. This fluid moves
from these channels into the adjacent larger space of the scleral venous sinus, or
canal of Schlemm, which encircles the eye. From this sinus aqueous humor drains
into small blood vessels (veins) of the sclera.
Iris - most anterior extension of the middle uveal layer which covers part of the lens,
leaving a round central pupil. Form a contractile diaphragm in front of lens. The
anterior surface of the iris, exposed to aqueous humor in the anterior chamber,
consists of a dense layer of fibroblasts and melanocytes with interdigitating
processes and is unusual for its lack of an epithelial covering. Deeper in the iris, the
stroma consists of loose connective tissue with melanocytes and sparse
microvasculature. The posterior surface of the iris has a two-layered epithelium
continuous with that covering the ciliary processes, but very heavily filled with
melanin. The highly pigmented posterior epithelium of the iris blocks all light from
entering the eye except that passing through the pupil. Myoepithelial cells form a
partially pigmented epithelial layer and extend contractile processes radially as the
very thin dilator pupillae muscle. Smooth muscle fibers form a circular bundle near
the pupil as the sphincter pupillae muscle. The dilator and sphincter muscles of the
iris have sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation, respectively, for enlarging
and constricting the pupil.
The vitreous body - occupies the large vitreous chamber behind the lens. It consists
of transparent, gellike connective tissue that is 99% water (vitreous humor), with
collagen fibrils and hyaluronate, contained within an external lamina called the
vitreous membrane. The only cells in the vitreous body are a small mesenchymal
population near the membrane called hyalocytes, which synthesize the hyaluronate
and collagen, and a few macrophages.
ROD CELLS - They are extremely sensitive to light, responding to a single photon, and
allow some vision even with light low levels, such as at dusk or nighttime. Rod cells
are thin, elongated cells (50 μm × 3 μm), composed of two functionally distinct
segments: The outer segment is a modified primary cilium, photosensitive, and
shaped like a short rod; the inner segment contains glycogen, mitochondria, and
polyribosomes for the cell’s biosynthetic activity. Inner segment has Outer
ellipsoid(Mitochondrias) and inner myoid(RER and free ribosomes) portion.
The rod-shaped segment consists mainly of 600-1000 flattened membranous discs
stacked like coins and surrounded by the plasma membrane. Proteins on the
cytoplasmic surface of each disc include abundant rhodopsin (or visual purple) which
is bleached by light and initiates the visual stimulus. Between this outer segment and
the cell’s inner segment is a constriction, the connecting stalk, which is part of the
modified primary cilium arising from a basal body. In rod cells the newly assembled
discs detach from the plasma membrane and are displaced distally as new discs form.
Eventually the discs arrive at the end of the rod, where they are shed, phagocytosed,
and digested by the cells of the pigmented epithelium. The chromophore of rods is a
vitamin A–derived carotenoid called retinal.
CONE CELLS - Less numerous and less light-sensitive than rods. in the typical human
retina produce color vision in adequately bright light. There are three
morphologically similar classes of cones(L,M,S wavelengthsensitive), each containing
one type of the visual pigment iodopsin (or photopsins). Each of the three iodopsins
has maximal sensitivity to light of a different wavelength, in the red, blue, or green
regions of the visible spectrum, respectively. By mixing neural input produced by
these visual pigments, cones produce a color image.The outer segments of cones
differ from those of rods in their shorter, more conical form and in the structure of
their stacked membranous discs, which in cones remain as continuous invaginations
of the plasma membrane along one side,discs in cones are shed much less frequently
than in rods.
53. Sensory cells in cochlear duct and Labyrinth - hair cell types, Differentation
Hair cells have an apical hair bundle consisting of one rigid cilium, the kinocilium,
unbranched stereocilia. The base of each stereocilium is tapered and connected to
an actin-rich region of apical cytoplasm, the cuticular plate, which returns these rigid
projecting structures to a normal upright position after bending. They are arranged
in rows of decreasing length, with the longest adjacent to the kinocilium. The tips of
the stereocilia and kinocilium are embedded in a thick, gelatinous layer of
proteoglycans called the otolithic membrane. The outer region of this layer contains
barrel-shaped crystals of CaCO3 and protein called otoliths (or otoconia).
All hair cells have basal synapses with afferent (to the brain) nerve endings but are of
two types: (1)Type I hair cells have rounded basal ends completely surrounded by an
afferent terminal calyx. (2) The more numerous type II hair cells are cylindrical,
with bouton endings from afferent nerves.
Hair cells are in:
Two maculae of the utricle and saccule,
Three cristae ampullares in the enlarged ampullary regions of each semicircular
The long spiral organ of Corti in the cochlear duct.