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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

School MAT-I NHS Grade Level Grade 11 - Set A & B (GAS 11)
Teacher RANDY M. PACQUIAO Learning Area Organization & Management
Time & October 11 & 13, 2022 Quarter
1st Quarter/1st Semester
Dates 7:30-8:30AM
A. Content Standards The role of business in the environment, and how the environment
affects the firm.
B. Performance Standards Analyze the various environmental forces affecting the firm and
summarize these using Political Economic Social and Technological
Analysis PEST) and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Threats (SWOT) Analysis frameworks.
C. Learning Competencies /
Objectives. differentiate the various forms of business organizations
Write the LC code for each ABM_AOM11-Ic-d-9

II. CONTENT The Firm and its Environment

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Business Organization pp. 185-193 by: C.E. Publishing
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Internet
B. Other Learning
Introductory Activity (____
minutes). This part introduces  Prayer, Checking of Attendance, Cleanliness monitoring
the lesson content. Although at
times optional, it is usually
included to serve as a warm-up  Review
activity to give the learners zest
for the incoming lesson and an  Introduction of the topic
idea about what it to follow. One
principle in learning is that
learning occurs when it is  Objectives
conducted in a pleasurable and
comfortable atmosphere.
Activity/Strategy (____ PICTURE ANALYSIS
minutes). This is an interactive The Teacher will ask the students:
strategy to elicit learner’s prior
learning experience. It serves as  Describe the picture.
a springboard for new learning. It  Share your experience.
illustrates the principle that  What are the products or services did you avail?
learning starts where the learners  Who do you is the owner?
are. Carefully structured activities
such as individual or group
reflective exercises, group
discussion, self-or group
assessment, dyadic or triadic
interactions, puzzles, simulations
or role-play, cybernetics exercise,
gallery walk and the like may be
created. Clear instructions should
be considered in this part of the
Analysis (____ minutes).
Essential questions are included
to serve as a guide for the
teacher in clarifying key
understandings about the topic at
hand. Critical points are
organized to structure the
discussions allowing the learners
Process Questions:
to maximize interactions and • Do they have products and services offered?
sharing of ideas and opinions • Why do you think they’re different in terms of management?
about expected issues. Affective
questions are included to elicit
the feelings of the learners about
the activity or the topic. The last
questions or points taken should
lead the learners to understand
the new concepts or skills that
are to be presented in the next
part of the lesson.
Abstraction (____ minutes). Forms of Business Organization
This outlines the key concepts, There are four basic forms of business organization, namely:
important skills that should be
enhanced, and the proper attitude 1. Sole or Single Proprietorship;
that should be emphasized. This 2. Partnership;
is organized as a lecturette that 3. Corporation; and
summarizes the learning
emphasized from the activity, 4. Cooperative
analysis and new inputs in this
part of the lesson.
Sole or Single Proprietorship is a form of business organization
that is owned and controlled by one person. It is the simplest form of
business ownership. For example: Sari-Sari Store, Wholesale and
Retail, Bakery and other service-provider industries.

Advantages of Sole or Single Proprietorship

 you’re the boss

 you keep all the profits
 start-up costs are low
 you have maximum privacy
 establishing and operating your business is simple
 it’s easy to change your legal structure later if circumstances
change you can easily wind up your business.

Disadvantages of Sole or Single Proprietorship

 you have unlimited liability for debts as there’s no legal

distinction between private and business assets
 your capacity to raise capital is limited
 all the responsibility for making day-to-day business decisions
is yours
 retaining high-calibre employees can be difficult
 it can be hard to take holidays
 you’re taxed as a single person the life of the business is

Application (____ minutes). BUSINESS PLAN

This part is structured to ensure  Students will choose a business name and products or services
the commitment of the learners to
do something to apply their new using the Business Plan Form.
learning in their own environment.
Assessment (___ minutes). Short Quiz ¼ Sheet of paper, TRUE or FALSE:
For the Teacher to:
a) Assess whether learning
objectives have been met for a
1. All the responsibility for making day-to-day business decisions
specified duration, is yours.
b) Remediate and/or enrich with 2. In Sole Proprietorship, establishing and operating your
appropriate strategies as needed, business is simple.
and c) Evaluate whether learning
intentions and success criteria
3. Sole or Single Proprietorship is a form of business organization
have been met. that is owned and controlled by two or more people.
(Reminder: Formative 4. Sari-Sari Store is a Single Proprietorship.
Assessment may be given before, 5. You keep all the profits
during, or after the lesson).
Choose any from the
Assessment Methods below. a) Observation (Formal and Possible Activities
informal observations of Investigation, Role Play, Oral Presentation, Dance, Musical
learners’ performance or Performance, Skill Demonstration, Group Activity (e.g. Choral
behaviors are recorded, Reading), Debate, Motor & Psychomotor Games, Simulation
based on assessment criteria) Activities, Science Experiment
b) Talking to Learners /
Conferencing (Teachers talk
to and question learners
Hands-on Math Activities, Written Work and Essay, Picture
about their learning to gain
Analysis, Comic Strip, Panel Discussion, Interview, Think-Pair-
insights on their
Share, Reading
understanding and to
progress and clarify their
c) Analysis of Learners’ Products
(Teachers judge the quality of Worksheets for all subjects, Essay, Concept Maps/Graphic
products produced by Organizer, Project, Model, Artwork, Multimedia Presentation,
learners according to agreed Product made in technical-vocational subjects
d) Tests (Teachers set tests or
quizzes to determine learners’ Skill Performance Test, Open-Ended Question, Practicum, Pen
ability to demonstrate mastery and Paper Test, Pre and Post Test, Diagnostic Test, Oral Test,
of a skill or knowledge of Quiz
Assignment/Agreement ASSIGNMENT:
(____ minutes). Fill-in below any
of the four purposes
Read in advance about the difference between Brand and Branding
 Reinforcing / strengthening the
day’s lesson and the Branding Positioning.
 Enriching / inspiring the day’s
 Enhancing / improving the
day’s lesson
 Preparing for the new lesson
Indicate special cases including
but not limited to continuation of
lesson plan to the following day in
case of re-teaching or lack of
time, transfer of lesson to the
following day, in cases of class
suspension, etc.
Reflect on your teaching and
assess yourself as a teacher.
Think about your student’s
progress. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the
students learn? Identify what
help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you
so when you meet them, you can
ask them relevant questions.
Indicate below whichever is/are
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked & Noted by:


Organization & Management Subject Teacher School Head

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