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Study On The Medium Effect For The Growth Rate of Spirulina, Arthrospira

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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Study on the medium effect for the growth rate of Spirulina, Arthrospira
platensis in natural seawater
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SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

Study on the medium effect for the growth rate of Spirulina,

Arthrospira platensis in natural seawater

U S T Aung*
Marine Science Department, Pathein University, Myanmar

*Corresponding author: sayarsitthuaung@gmail.com

Abstract. Spirulina, Arthrospira platensis, is the most important microalgae for the
production of biomass as health food for human and animal food. In this experiment, the
growth rates of A. platensis were tested at seven different media (F-2 with CaCO3, F-2 with
NaHCO3, Z-1 with CaCO3, Z-1 with NaHCO3, Z-2 with NaHCO3, urea and T-super with
NaHCO3, and PES with NaHCO3) at pH 9 to 10 and salinity 30‰. The culture was started at
the optical density (OD) 0.20 and the experimental period was ended after 10 days in the
laboratory room. Among the media urea and T-super with sodium bicarbonate were recorded
the best. The optimum growth of A. platensis (OD 0.69) was observed in urea and T-super with
sodium bicarbonate. In addition, urea and T-super with sodium bicarbonate gave rise to the
maximum growth of A. platensis and then followed by Z-1 medium with NaHCO3 and PES
medium with NaHCO3. The minimum OD 0.44 was recorded in F-2 medium by using CaCO3.
The results of present investigation revealed the potential use of seawater with some nutrients
for laboratory culture of A. platensis.

1. Introduction
Spirulina, A. platensis, was the dominance of life on earth for more than 3.5 billion years ago. The
name “Spirulina” is derived from the Latin word for “helix” or “spiral” denoting the physical
configuration of the organism when it forms swirling, microscopic stands [1].
Spirulina is not a nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) [2]. It has a long history of safe
human consumption, known to be safe and nutritious. It can play an important role in human and
animal nutrition, environmental protection through wastewater recycling and energy conservation [2,
3]. Spirulina is rich in proteins (60-70%), vitamins and minerals used as protein supplement in diets of
undernourished poor children in developing countries [2]. One gram of Spirulina protein is equivalent
to one kilogram of assorted vegetables [4].
The length of cell is 125-225 μm and the cell’s width is 25-30 μm. Ends of trichomes are not or
very slightly attenuated, terminal cells broadly rounded. Cells of trichomes are 10-12 μm in diameter
and 2-5 μm long. The filaments are motile, gliding along their axis and have no heterocyst.
Reproduction is accomplished by fragmentation of a mature trichome into many shorter segments
through destruction of specialized multiple intercalary cells.
There are about 1.386 x 1012 (one trillion three hundred eighty-six billion) cubic meters of water on
Earth. About 97% of it is in the oceans and seas. Of the remaining water, about 3% is freshwater.
Nearly 70% of that freshwater is frozen in icecaps of Antarctica and Greenland. Most of the remainder
is present as soil moisture or lies in deep underground aquifers not accessible to human use. Of the 1%

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

freshwater, agriculture (including irrigation) uses 70%, industry 20% and other 10% including
drinking water for 7 billion people. In the year 2025 at least 2.5 billion people won’t have enough
water to drink [5]. So, we will have to use seawater for agriculture.
Spirulina media contain generally high concentrations of nutrients that impact their cost [6]. The
cost of nutrients is considered to be a major factor for A. platensis biomass production [7]. The
advantages of A. platensis production in seawater medium are: (i) lower fertilizer cost; (ii) saving
farmland by using waste sea beach; (iii) seawater culture is not easily polluted by heavy metals and
contaminations. The utilization of seawater media for the cultivation of A. platensis will be reduced
the production cost considerably [8].
High pH and temperature are the key factors for large scale A. platensis culture indoors. The
optimum temperature for A. platensis culture is in the range of (28-33°C) [9]. A. platensis is a
cyanobacterium growing at elevated pH. In addition A. platensis requires relatively high pH values
(9.5 to 11.0 with an optimum at 10.5) and is, therefore, less subject to contaminations [10]. A.
platensis is the edible microorganisms which grow naturally in tropical regions inhabiting alkaline
lakes containing sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate other materials and a source of fixed
nitrogen of tropical and subtropical regions. These lakes are found near volcanoes or even within the
caldera of the volcano [11].
In nature lakes of the world, the limited supply of nutrients usually regulates growth cycles. New
nutrients come from an upwelling from inside the earth, when rains wash soils into the lakes, or from
pollution. The alga grows rapidly and reaches a maximum density, and then dies off when nutrients
are exhausted. A new seasonal cycle begins when decomposed algae release their nutrients or when
more nutrients flow into the lake [12, 13]. Zarrouk (1966) introduced the famous alkaline medium to
enable the analysis of natural habitat [14]. The nutrient source for A. platensis is nitrate. However,
Stanca and Popovici [5] proved that the use of urea as source of nutrient was increased the A. platensis
biomass production.
Spirulina was known to grow naturally in the Lake Bodu (Chard, Africa), Lake Chad (Chard,
Africa), Lake Johann (Chard, Africa), Lake Rombu (Chard, Africa), Lake Aranguadi (Chard, Africa),
Lake Elementia (Ethiopia, Africa), Lake Nakuru (Kenya, Africa) Lake Rudolf (Kenya, Africa), Lake
Taung Pyauk (Myanmar, Asia), Lake Twyn Ma (Myanmar, Asia), Lake Twyn Taung (Myanmar,
Asia), Lake Ye Kharr (Myanmar, Asia), Lake Chenghai (China, Asia), Lake Texcoco (Mexico, North
America) and Lake Buccacina (Peru, South America [15]). This present study aims to observe the best
media for A. platensis culture and to provide good ideas for mass cultivation in natural seawater and to
give knowledge local people to cultivate A. platensis for domestic economy.

2. Materials and methods

A. platensis cultivation was studied in the laboratory of Marine Science Department of Pathein
University. The strain which has 20 ‰ of salinity and 10.3 of pH value was collected from Yay Hkar
Innn (Lat. 22˚ 02.598ˊ Nand Long. 95˚ 54.545ˊ E) in Sagaing Township, Sagaing Region. In the
laboratory, the stock algal culture was maintained in one litter plastic bottles using urea and T-super.
The culture bottles were placed on the shelf and illuminated with 40-watt fluorescent lamps. For the
culture experiments, the natural seawater was collected from Ngwe Saung or Chaung Tha coast.
Seawater was boiled and then filtered with Whatman No. 540 filter paper. During the experimental
period, the laboratory apparatus (pipettes, conical flasks, beakers, drinking plastic bottles),
refractometer, pH meter, aerators, digital balance, and digital photo colorimeter was used for culture.
A. platensis were cultivated in three different pH values (9.0, 9.5 and 10.0) which were adjusted by
using calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate with modified F-2 medium (Table 1), two of
modified Zarrouk’s media [14]: Z-1 medium (Table 2) and Z-2 medium (Table 3), Provasoli’s
enriched seawater (PES) medium [6] (Table 4) and urea and T-super medium. The nutrient urea and
T-super medium was prepared as the ratio 5:1 that 10 g of urea and 2 g of T-super were separately
solute with each one litre of distil water which 10 ml of each nutrient solution was daily feed into the
culture bottles. Other nutrients were fed once when the culture was started.

SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

Table 1. Composition of modified F-2 medium.

Nutrient Elements g/L of seawater
NaNO3 0.075
NaH2PO4.2H2O 0.005
Na2SiO3.9H2O 0.030
Thiamine HCl (B1) 0.0001
Biotin (B6) 0.0000005
Vitamin (B12) 0.0000005
Table 2. Composition of modified Zarrouk’s (Z-1) medium.
Nutrient Elements g/L of seawater
K2SO4 1.148
NaNO3 2.500
NaH2PO4 0.344
KOH 0.227
Na2EDTA 0.080
Table 3. Composition of modified Zarrouk’s (Z-2) medium.
Nutrient Elements g/L of seawater
K2SO4 1.148
NaNO3 2.400
NaH2PO4 0.344
KOH 0.227
Mg(NO3)2.6H2O 0.192
Na2EDTA 0.080
Table 4. Composition of Provasoli’s Enriched Seawater
Medium (PES Medium).
Nutrient Elements g/L
NaNO3 0.7
NaH2PO4 . 6H2O 0.1
Fe (EDTA: 1:1 molar)* 0.05
P II metal** 0.05
Tris Buffer 0.001
Vitamin B12 0.00002
Biotin (B6) 0.00001
Thiamine HCl (B1) 0.000001
* Fe (EDTA: 1:1 molar) Amount
Distilled water 500 mL
Fe(NH4)2(SiO4)2.6H2O 0.351 g
Na2EDTA 0.3 g
** P II metal solution Amount
Distilled water 100 mL
H3BO3 114.0 mg
Na2EDTA 100 mg
MnSO4.4H2O 16.4 mg
FeCl2.6H2O 4.9 mg
ZnSO4.7H2O 2.2 mg
COSO4.7H2O 0.48 mg

SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

3. Results

3.1. Effects of F-2 medium with CaCO3

Growth rates of A. platensis in different pH values with F-2 medium were illustrated in Figure 1.
Increasing or decreasing cell densities were found within age for all different pH values at salinity
30‰ of initial Optical Density (OD) 0.2 by using F-2 medium with CaCO3.
In pH value 9.0, the growth was gradually increased within the experiment and then gradually
reduced to OD 0.31 at the end of the experiment. The maximum OD 0.40 was reached 4 or 5 days of
the experiment and the color was yellowish-green.
In pH value 9.5, the growth was gradually increased within the experiment for six days and then
gradually reduced to OD 0.33 at the end of the experiment. The maximum OD 0.41 was obtained on
6th day of the experimental period. The color was pale-green at the end of the culture.
In pH value 10.0, the growth was gradually increased within the experiment for six days and then
gradually reduced after to reach the maximum point of OD 0.44. It was reduced to nearly double time
of the initial OD 0.20 at the experimental period end.
In this experiment, the maximum growths were occurred on days 5 and 6. Doubling times occurred
on day 5 in all pH. The reducing time was found on day 7 in pH 9.5 and 10, and day 6 in pH 9.0. If the
pH values were increased, the growth of A. platensis was good. This result suggested that A. platensis
preferred to grow in high pH values and the best pH was 10.

pH 9.0
pH 9.5
0.1 pH 10.0
Figure 1. Comparison of the
0.05 growth of A. platensis in
0 three different pH values by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 using F-2 medium with
Days CaCO3.

3.2. Effects of F-2 medium with NaHCO3

Growth rates of A. platensis in F-2 medium with NaHCO3 at different pH values were illustrated in
Figure 2. Cell densities both increased and decreased within age for all different pH values at salinity
30‰ with initial OD 0.20 in F-2 medium with NaHCO3.
The cells were gradually grown for seven days in pH value 9.0 and nearly steadied at maximum
OD 0.40 and then slowly reduced to OD 0.32.
The growth of A. platensis was gradually increased in pH 9.5 and steadied at 6th and 7th days, and
then slowly reduced at the end of the experiment. In pH 9.5, the maximum OD was 0.43 and the color
was pale-green.
The A. platensis growth was increased within the experiment of pH 10.0 for eight days and then
slowly reduced in last two days. Double time of cell growth was observed within 4th day. The culture
of A. platensis was light-green in color and the maximum OD was 0.47.
In this medium, the maximum growth rates were found on 7 th and 8th days. Doubling times of cell
growth occurred on day 7 in pH 9.0 and day 6 in another pH. The reducing time occurred on 8 th day in
pH 9.0 and on 9th day in other pH. If the pH value was increased, the growth of A. platensis was good
and the best pH was 10.0. This result suggested that A. platensis preferred to survive in high pH

SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004


0.25 pH 9.0
0.2 pH 9.5
0.1 pH 10.0 Figure 2. Comparison of
0.05 the growth of A. platensis
0 in three different pH values
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 by using F-2 medium with
Days NaHCO3.

3.3. Effects of Z-1 medium with CaCO3

Growth rates of A. platensis in Z-1 medium with CaCO3 at different pH values were illustrated in
Figure 3. Increasing or decreasing cell densities were found within age for all different pH values at
salinity 30‰ of initial OD 0.20 in Z-1 medium with CaCO3.
In this medium, the best growth rate (OD 0.54) was observed in pH value 9.5. The cells were
gradually grown for one week and then rapidly reduced after the nutritional discomfort. Over
doubling, times occurred in all pH values. The reducing date occurred on 9 th day in pH 9 and others on
8th day. According to this result, A. platensis do not prefer higher and lower pH values to grow.



0.3 pH 9.0

0.2 pH 9.5
pH 10.0 Figure 3. Comparison of the
growth of A. platensis in
0 three different pH values by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 using Z-1 medium with
Days CaCO3.

3.4. Effects of Z-1 medium with NaHCO3

Growth rates of A. platensis in Z-1 medium with NaHCO3 at different pH were shown in Figure 4.
Cell densities increased with age for all pH values with initial optical density 0.20 in Z-1 medium with
The growth of A. platensis was gradually increased in all pH using Z-1 medium with NaHCO3. Cell
decreasing was occurred only in pH 9.0 on day 7. The best growth rates in each pH value were OD
0.55, OD 0.57 and OD 0.62 respectively which were found at the end day of the culture. Over
doubling, times were observed on 5th day in all pH values. Tripling time (OD 0.6) was found on 9th
day in only pH 10. In this medium, A. platensis grew up until the culture end. The color was dark-
green at the end of the culture. This experiment suggested that A. platensis preferred to survive in high
pH values.

SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004


pH 9.0
pH 9.5
pH 10.0 Figure 4. Comparison of the
growth of A. platensis in
0 three different pH values by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 using Z-1 medium with
Days NaHCO3.

3.5. Effects of Z-2 medium with NaHCO3

Growth rates of A. platensis in Z-2 medium with NaHCO3 at different pH values were as shown in
Figure 5. Cell densities increased with age for all different pH values at salinity 30‰ with initial
optical density 0.20 in Z-2 medium. The culture of A. platensis was dark-green in color at the end of
the experiment.

pH 9.0
pH 9.5
pH 10.0 Figure 5. Comparison of the
growth of A. platensis in
0 three different pH values by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 using Z-2 medium with
Days NaHCO3.

For three different pH tested, pH 10 in Z-2 medium with NaHCO3 was found doubling time
superior to other pH values (pH 9.0 and pH 9.5). The doubling times were observed on 4 th day of the
experimental period in pH 10.0 and 5th day in other pH. The maximum OD 0.61 was reached in pH
10.0 within 10 days of the experimental period.
In this experiment, the reducing time did not occur during the culture period. The growth increased
and doubling time was observed faster with increasing pH. From this result, pH 10.0 was suitable for
production of A. platensis in small volume culture.

3.6. Effects of Urea and T-super medium with NaHCO3

Growth rates of A. platensis in urea and T-super medium with NaHCO3 at different pH values were as
shown in Figure 6. Cell densities increased with age for all different pH values with initial optical
density 0.20 in urea and T-super medium. The culture of A. platensis was dark-green in color at the
end of the experiment.
In pH value 9.0, the growth of A. platensis was gradually increased and maximum point of OD was
three times the initial. The culture of A. platensis was dark-green in color.

SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

In pH value 9.5, A. platensis growth was gradually increased within the experiment and nearly
double time was observed 4th day of the experiment. The maximum OD 0.67 was reached within 10
days of the experiment. The color was dark-green at the end of the culture.
In pH value 10.0, the growth of A. platensis was gradually increased and over doubling time was
observed 5th day of the experiment. The color was dark-green and the maximum OD 0.69 was reached
within 10 days of the experiment.
In this experiment, A. platensis grew up the culture end. Over doubling times started from day 5. If
the pH value was increased, the growth of A. platensis was also increased. This experiment suggested
that A. platensis may be to survive in high pH values.

pH 9.0
pH 9.5
pH10.0 Figure 6. Comparison of the
growth of A. platensis in
0 three different pH values by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 using Urea and T-super
Days medium with NaHCO3.

3.7. Effects of PES medium with NaHCO3

Growth rates of A. platensis in PES medium with NaHCO3 at different pH values were as shown in
Figure 7. Cell densities increased with age for all different pH values at salinity 30‰ with initial OD
0.20 PES medium. The culture of A. platensis was dark-green in color at the end of the experiment.
In this culture, the growth of A. platensis was gradually increased to maximum points of OD which
were OD 0.56 in pH 9.0, OD 0.62 in pH 9.5 and OD 0.61 in pH 10.0. The doubling times were
occurred at 5th day in all pH tested except in pH 9.0.
During this experiment, there was no found cell growth reduced within the culture period. This
result suggests that A. platensis survive in high pH values. If the pH value was increased, the growth
of A. platensis was good.

pH 9.0
pH 9.5
pH 10.0 Figure 7. Comparison of the
growth of A. platensis in
0 three different pH values by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 using PES medium with
Days NaHCO3.

SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

Table 5. List of nutrient composition used in the experimental culture.

Nutrients F-2 Z-1 Urea and T-
F-2 with Z-1 with Z-2 with PES with
with with super with
CaCO3 + - + - - - -
NaHCO3 - + - + + + +
NaNO3 + + + + + - +
NaH2PO4.2H2O + + + + + - -
Na2SiO3.9H2O + + - - - - -
Thiamine HCl (B1) + + - - - - +
Biotin (B6) + + - - - - +
Vitamin (B12) + + - - - - +
K2SO4 - - + + + - -
Mg(NO3)2.6H2O - - - - + - -
KOH - - + + + - -
Urea - - - - - + -
Triple superphosphate - - - - - + -
- - - - - - +
Tris Buffer - - - - - - +
Fe(NH4)2(SiO4)2.6H2O - - - - - - +
H3BO3 - - - - - - +
Na2EDTA - - + + + - +
MnSO4.4H2O - - - - - - +
FeCl2 .6H2O - - - - - - +
ZnSO4.7H2O - - - - - - +
CoSO4.7H2O - - - - - - +
Symbols: + = presence; - = absence





F-2 with F-2 with Z-1 with Z-1 with Z-2 with Urea & PES with
NaHCO3 T-super NaHCO3

pH 9.0 pH 9.5 pH 10.0

Figure 8. Comparison of the growth of A. platensis in various nutrients with pH (9.0, 9.5,
10.0) of salinity 30‰ at the end of the culture.
The effect of media and pH on growth of A. platensis at the end of the culture was shown in Figure
8. A. platensis survived in various pH and media. The highest growth was found at pH 10 and urea and
T-super medium. Therefore, the yield of A. platensis is influenced by pH and medium.
Richmond and Grobbelaar [10] observed that the optimal pH for the growth of A. platensis was
10.5. Mahadevaswamy [16] said that the yield of A. platensis could decrease when pH values were
Florian et al. [17] and Yean-Chang C [18] reported that the best medium to reduce the cultural cost
and increase the biomass of A. platensis cultures was modified by Zarrouk’s medium. Dineshkumar et

SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

al. [19] stated the highest yields of A. platensis culture by using Zarrouk’s medium and F-2 medium
were found on 30th day and 21st day as 1.86 dw/L and 0.52 dw/L, respectively.
Table 6. The growth of A. platensis in various nutrients with pH (9.0, 9.5, 10.0) at
salinity 30‰.
Media pH
8 9 10
9.0 OD 0.34 OD 0.34 OD 0.31
F-2 with CaCO3 9.5 OD 0.36 OD 0.35 OD 0.33
10.0 OD 0.41 OD 0.38 OD 0.37
9.0 OD 0.39 OD 0.36 OD 0.32
F-2 with NaHCO3 9.5 OD 0.43 OD 0.41 OD 0.38
10.0 OD 0.47 OD 0.45 OD 0.44
9.0 OD 0.51 OD 0.49 OD 0.43
Z-1 with CaCO3 9.5 OD 0.51 OD 0.47 OD 0.46
10.0 OD 0.52 OD 0.48 OD 0.45
30‰ of Salinity 9.0 OD 0.48 OD 0.52 OD 0.55
Z-1 with NaHCO3 9.5 OD 0.51 OD 0.54 OD 0.57
10.0 OD 0.57 OD 0.60 OD 0.62
9.0 OD 0.49 OD 0.51 OD 0.53
Z-2 with NaHCO3 9.5 OD 0.55 OD 0.57 OD 0.59
10.0 OD 0.57 OD 0.59 OD 0.61
9.0 OD 0.54 OD 0.57 OD 0.60
Urea and T-super with NaHCO3 9.5 OD 0.55 OD 0.60 OD 0.67
10.0 OD 0.57 OD 0.61 OD 0.69
9.0 OD 0.53 OD 0.55 OD 0.56
PES with NaHCO3 9.5 OD 0.58 OD 0.60 OD 0.62
10.0 OD 0.57 OD 0.59 OD 0.61

4. Discussion and conclusion

A. platensis production plants for mass cultivation could be done in areas with suitable climatic
conditions, particularly with the sunshine throughout the year. It is difficult to have an ideal growth
due to different environmental factors like solar radiation, rain, wind, temperature fluctuation, etc. In
this research, A. platensis was studied in laboratory culture.
According to the report of Mahadevaswamy [16], pH values between 8.5 and 9.5 decreased A.
platensis growth due to the contamination of bacteria and protozoa. Richmond [20] stated that A.
platensis grow well at pH values between 9 and 11 and a specific growth rate is also independent of
pH between 8.5 and 10.5. Hill [11] observed that the growth of predators can be prevented by
maintaining pH levels near 10.5. May Yu Khaing [15] reported that the optimum pH for the growth of
A. platensis biomass was 8.5 to 9.5.
Khin Mar Soe [21] studied the growth of A. platensis on seawater-based Provasoli (PES) medium,
seawater-urea medium, seawater-based medium I and seawater-based medium II and seawater-based
medium III in the laboratory. The optimal growth of A. platensis was found in seawater-based medium
III which contained a low concentration of phosphate, a small amount of bicarbonate, nitrate, and Fe-
EDTA. She reported that the maximum OD 0.79 with initial OD 0.2 was obtained on 15th day of the
experimental period.
In the present study, the effects of culture media on the growth of A. platensis in seawater were
studied in different three pH values (9.0, 9.5, and 10.0) at salinity 30‰. Among this experiment, the
highest optimum density (OD 0.69) was observed in urea and T-super nutrient medium with NaHCO3
at pH 10.0 at the end of culture. The lowest was in modified F-2 media at pH 9.0. Therefore, A.
platensis possesses a high tolerance of alkaline pH for cultivation.
Dineshkumar et al. [19] and Bharat et al. [22] said that Spirulina was survived in seawater but
growth was not flourished, achieving a maximum dry weight of 1.86 dw/L on 30th day [19] and 0.28

SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

dw/L on 18th day [22] of cultivation. Natural seawater fortified with different amounts of NaHCO 3 and
NaNO3 did not show significant impact on Spirulina growth. In this study, A. platensis was also
survived in seawater and growth contained NaHCO 3 in media was flourished during cultural period.
In F-2 and Z-1 media, the growth rate of A. platensis was found that content of sodium bicarbonate
media was higher than containing calcium carbonate media in seawater. From this study, using sodium
bicarbonate into culture media may be one of the important factors for A. platensis growth. Calcium
carbonate rapidly raised the pH values but the responding growth of A. platensis was not achieved to a
suitable rate in seawater media. Sodium bicarbonate was suitable to use in seawater because it slowly
increased the pH values and nearly steadied at the required pH.
Florian et al. [17] used a modified Zarrouk’s medium to reduce Spirulina production cost. The
modified Zarrouk’s medium was diluted up to five times without impacting the growth rates in 28-
days batch cultivation. Higher dry weights (1.21 g/L and 0.84 g/L) were observed after 21 days of
batch cultivation. In the present study, maximum growth rates in modified Zarrouk’s medium were
observed on 10th day in pH 10.0.
S. platensis could grow well in the modified Zarrouk (Z9) and Provasoli’s enriched seawater (PES)
media were re-modified into five media by adding varying concentrations of NaCl, NaHCO 3, and
seawater (salinity). The Z9 medium provided the best growth rate at the end of culture and the PES
medium provided the best at the initial days [18]. In the present study, both modified Zarrouk’s and
Provasoli’s enriched seawater (PES) media provided the best growth rates at the end of the culture.
Z-1 medium which was absent of Mg(NO3)2.6H2O nutrient was higher the growth of A. platensis
than Z-2. The problem with seawater is the high level of Calcium and Magnesium ions which
precipitate out the low level of Phosphorus in seawater, a vital component that must be supplied to
promote microalgae growth. To counteract this precipitation of Phosphorous and other elements, most
of these authors and other researchers have used large quantities of sodium or potassium carbonate to
precipitate the Calcium and Magnesium as carbonates [4].
In all media urea and T-super obtained the highest growth rate and followed by PES medium and
Z-1. This may be the effect of feeding method. In this experiment urea and T-super were fed daily. So,
the plants obtained the nutrients for growth. In other culture media, the increasing growth rates
gradually slow down due to the exhausted nutrients. With an increase in age of culture, cell density
increased, light penetration decreased, the new cells may absorb nutrient leading depletion of nutrient
in the culture as well as the medium leading to reduction of growth. Therefore, age and medium have a
substantial effect on the culture.
PES and Z-1 media are suitable for culturing in seawater but the treatments of A. platensis are
expensive. Others, Z-2 and F-2, are not suitable to use in seawater culture because the growth rates of
A. platensis in them were poor and the costs are expensive. Therefore, urea and T-super medium was
the most suitable medium in seawater.
It may be concluded that urea and T-super medium was the most suitable medium in seawater for
the best growth of A. platensis because the nutrients are cheaper than other media. Therefore A.
platensis culture with pH 10.0 at salinity 30‰ by using urea and T-super medium was the most
suitable condition in natural seawater. The results were to provide good ideas for mass cultivation in
natural seawater.

The author greatly appreciates Rector and Pro-rectors of Pathein University for their kind permission
to do this research work. I also greatly thank to Dr. Cherry Aung, Professor, and Head of Marine
Science Department, Pathein University for supporting. Special thanks go to Dr. Htay Aung, Professor
(Retired) and U Min Oo, Lecturer, Marine Science Department of Pathein University for his
suggestions and necessary help.

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SCESAP 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 420 (2020) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/420/1/012004

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