A number of new additions should make this D&D novel collection “feature” complete, at
least until the last book in The Way of the Drow trilogy is released next autumn.
Future releases will concentrate on improving the quality and proofreading the non-retail
books, prioritising self-scanned ones.
To keep improving the quality of this collection I would appreciate it if details of any improper
formatting, bugs, wrong spelling, and other errors are sent to me so I can correct them in a
future release. If a retail copy of a non-retail novel in this collection surfaces I wouldn’t mind
a copy of that either. Contact me at
If you enjoy these books, please support the authors for their hard work!
Tools used:
Sigil (opensource epub editor)
Flightcrew (Sigil plugin, opensource epub validator)
PunctuationSmarten (Sigil plugin)
EPUBCheck (opensource epub validator)
/ (Dungeons & Dragons)
Books not part of the other realms, cross-realm releases, or series that span multiple realms
(copies are also duplicated to their home-realm).
❖ Non-retail novels have all been proofread
❖ The Falcon and the Wolf was cancelled by TSR/WotC and never officially published,
but was later made available by as an “official” pdf-download on their site
/Dark Sun
❖ Untold Adventures Anthology contains Dark Sun short story
➔ Blood Oasis
❖ Dragons: Worlds Afire contains Dragonlance short story
➔ Here be Dragons { A Kender Tale }
❖ The Lanternlight Files #3 - Death Comes Easy was never released.
❖ Untold Adventures Anthology contains Eberron short stories
➔ The Forge of Xen'drik
➔ Arena of Shadows
❖ Dragons: Worlds Afire contains Eberron short story
➔ Principles of Fire
/Forgotten Realms
❖ Untold Adventures Anthology contains Forgotten Realms short stories
➔ Tallfolk Tales
➔ Watchers at the Living Gate
➔ Lord of the Darkways
➔ Dreaming of Waterdeep
❖ Dragons: Worlds Afire contains Forgotten Realms short story
➔ If They Ever Happen Upon My Lair
❖ The Harpers: 17 - Rise of the Blade was cancelled, and never officially released by
TSR/WotC. It was self-published by Charles Moffat in HTML-format, a decision he
later regretted as it was “unfinished and rife with spelling errors, grammatical errors
and other problems.”
❖ Songs & Swords: 06 - Reclamation was not completed by the author Elaine
Cunningham, and never released
❖ Rise of the Underdark event has tie-in novels
➔ Sword of the Gods: Spinner of Lies
➔ Prince of Ravens
➔ Spider and Stone
❖ Shadowbane “Series” consists of the following novels
➔ Downshadow
➔ Shadowbane
➔ Shadowbane: Eye of Justice
❖ Includes the unofficial Gord the Rogue series.
Gord the Rogue, books 3-7, has a very bad typesetting for scanning, and contained quite a
number of (unavoidable) OCR errors, and the source material was thus pretty poor.
Especially characters l i f t are problematic, and also discerning between punctuation
characters , . . Hundreds of errors were corrected during verification, spell checking, and
regex searches, but a large number has most likely slipped through and will require
proofreading to find.
❖ Non-retail novels have all been proofread
❖ Fire and Dust by James Alan Gardner was never officially published, but was
released as a free-to-download HTML eBook
Dominion was an unsuccessful attempt at a series reboot. Few books reached actual
publication before the series was once again cancelled.
“Although Ravenloft was created for the Dungeons and Dragons game, the Dominion line
was meant to give it a new flavour–specifically, rather than drawing characters and domains
from various D&D worlds, it would draw them from various periods of real-world history.”
❖ Dominion: Black Crusade was cancelled by TSR/WotC and never officially published,
but was later made available by as an “official” pdf-download on their site
Initial unified collection release
Birthright: Complete collection
Dungeons & Dragons: Complete collection
Spelljammer: Complete collection
Eberron: The Draconic Prophecies Omnibus: 01-03 - Storm Dragon, Dragon Forge, Dragon War (retail)
Forgotten Realms: Generations: 03 - Relentless (retail)
Greyhawk: Classics series
Eberron: The Inquisitives: 01 - Bound by Iron
Eberron: The Inquisitives: 02 - Night of the Long Shadows
Eberron: The Inquisitives: 03 - Legacy of the Wolves
Eberron: The Inquisitives: 04 - The Darkwood Mask
Eberron: Skein of Shadows
Ravenloft: Vampire of the Mists
Ravenloft: Dominion - Heaven’s Bones
Metadata changes on a most non-retail books to make them more standards compliant
Dungeons & Dragons: Dragons: Worlds Afire ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Eberron: Lanternlight Files, The: 01 - The Left Hand of Death ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Forgotten Realms: Haunted Lands, The: Realms of the Dead ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Forgotten Realms: Threat from the Sea, The: Realms of the Deep ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Ravenloft: Dominion - Mithras Court ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Planescape: Blood Wars: 01 - Blood Hostages➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Planescape: Blood Wars: 02 - Abyssal Warriors➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Planescape: Blood Wars: 03 - Planar Powers ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Planescape: Fire and Dust (unpublished) ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Planescape: Torment ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Greyhawk: Quag Keep series
Greyhawk: Adventures series
Greyhawk: Gord the Rogue series
Dragonlance: Dragons in the Archives: Celebrating 20 Years of Dragonlance
Dragonlance: Tales: 07 - The Best of Tales, Volume I
Dragonlance: Tales: 08 - The Best of Tales, Volume II
Forgotten Realms: Way of the Drow, The (Legend of Drizzt 34): 01 - Starlight Enclave (retail)
Forgotten Realms: Way of the Drow, The (Legend of Drizzt 35): 02 - Glacier's Edge (retail)
Forgotten Realms: Dao of Drizzt, The (retail)
Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas: 01 - The Brazen Gambit ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, about the author
Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas: 02 - The Darkness Before the Dawn ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers
Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas: 03 - The Broken Blade ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, about the author
Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas: 04 - Cinnabar Shadows ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, about the author
Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas: 05 - The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, about the author
Dark Sun: Tribe of One: 01 - The Outcast ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers
Dark Sun: Tribe of One: 02 - The Seeker ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, about the author
Dark Sun: Tribe of One: 03 - The Nomad ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, about the author
Eberron: Lanternlight Files, The: 02 - When Night Falls ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Eberron: Tales of the Last War, The ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading
Ravenloft: Baroness of Blood ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers
Ravenloft: Before I Wake (Short) ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading, added page-numbers
Ravenloft: Carnival of Fear ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, minor corrections
Ravenloft: Dominion - Black Crusade ➔ v5.0, changes after proofreading, added page-numbers
Ravenloft: Heart of Midnight ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, minor corrections
Ravenloft: I, Strahd - The War Against Azalin ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers
Ravenloft: Tales of Ravenloft ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, minor corrections
Ravenloft: Tower of Doom ➔ v4.1, added page-numbers, minor corrections
Dragonlance: Age of Mortals: 01 - Conundrum ➔ v4.2, update punctuation, added page-numbers
Dragonlance: Age of Mortals: 02 - The Lioness ➔ v4.2, update punctuation, added page-numbers
Dragonlance: Age of Mortals: 03 - Dark Thane ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Anthologies: 01 - The Search for Magic ➔ v4.2, update punctuation, added page-numbers
Dragonlance: Bertrem’s Guide to the Age of Mortals ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Bertrem’s Guide to the War of Souls, Volume I ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Bertrem’s Guide to the War of Souls, Volume II ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Classics: 02 - Dalamar the Dark ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Classics: 04 - The Inheritance ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Dhamon Saga: 01 - Downfall ➔ v4.2, update punctuation, added page-numbers
Dragonlance: Dragon Anthologies: 01 - The Dragons of Krynn ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Dragon Anthologies: 02 - The Dragons at War ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Dragon Anthologies: 03 - The Dragons of Chaos ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Tales of the Fifth Age: 01 - Relics and Omens ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Tales of the Fifth Age: 03 - Rebels and Tyrants ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Readers Companion: The Odyssey of Gilthanas ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Taladas Chronicles, The: 01 - Blades of the Tiger ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Bridges of Time: 02 - Legacy of Steel ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Bridges of Time: 03 - The Silver Stair ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Bridges of Time: 04 - The Rose and the Skull ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Chaos War, The: 02 - Tears of the Night Sky ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Chaos War, The: 05 - The Siege of Mt. Nevermind ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Warriors, The: 02 - Maquesta Kar-Thon ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Warriors, The: 07 - The Wayward Knights ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Tales: 01 - The Magic of Krynn ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Tales: 02 - Kender, Gully Dwarves and Gnomes ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Tales: 03 - Love and War ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Tales: 04 - The Reign of Istar ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Tales: 05 - The Cataclysm ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Tales: 06 - The War of the Lance ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Villains: 01 - Before the Mask ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Villains: 02 - The Black Wing ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Villains: 03 - Emperor of Ansalon ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Villains: 04 - Hederick the Theocrat ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Villains: 05 - Lord Toede ➔ v4.2, update punctuation
Dragonlance: Villains: 06 - The Dark Queen ➔ v4.2, update punctuation