Action Plan EPP
Action Plan EPP
Action Plan EPP
Priorities of Action Program of Objectives Strategies and Key Players Time Fund Expected
Project Activities Frame Output
A. Learners Brigada cleaning Coordinate SPG SPG involvement in Teachers August- LGU’s Group
Development and trimming Officers to extend help Brigada Bayanihan Pupils March, MOOE involvement
on the continuous School Head 2023 were done
DepEd programs accordingly.
B. Teachers Attending To be more competent Teachers are needed January Individual Permitted
Developmen Seminars and equip in the to upgrade learnings. . 2023 Expense and
t learning outcomes Inset Complied
To uplift and update to
the new trends of
learning Teachers
C. Curriculum Enhancing the Enhance the curriculum Monitor and upgrade Teachers Whole MOOE The
Developmen curriculum Guide Guide used in K to 12 the curriculum in the year Individual curriculum
t in K to 12 and and BEC task card implementation of round Expense guide was
BEC teaching-learning be made
process. specific
and strictly
D. Physical Canteen Maintain cleanliness Proper monitoring and Whole MOOE Strictly
Facilities Structuring and proper sanitation. followed the year Stakeholder followed
memorandum on the round s the
Use clean Utensils in canteen operation guidelines.
preparing the foods.
Using Multimedia Use/implement the new Upgrade the learning Teachers Well
Projector and ICT coordinator Whole MOOE
other New trend materials in of the child through pupils year Equipped
Trends Materials teaching learning using multimedia round to the new
process approach facilities trend
Special Programs Feeding Program Canteen Whole
and Projects Support School Feeding Continuous Manager year Canteen Decreased
Program implementation round shares severely
Of School feeding wasted
Program . pupils
Gulayan Sa Pupils Whole
Paaralan Implement Gulayan sa Lessen the scarcity of Yes-O Club year Increased
Paaralan project foods Officers round food
Teachers production
Prepared by:
T-III/ Teacher-In-charge