Sharanaditya (69) 3rd Year MBBS Simsrh
Sharanaditya (69) 3rd Year MBBS Simsrh
Sharanaditya (69) 3rd Year MBBS Simsrh
An "eligible couple" refers to a currently married couple wherein the wife is in the
reproductive age, which is generally assumed to lie between the ages of 15 and
Target couples
The term target couple was applied to couples who have had 2-3 living children,
and family planning was largely directed to such couples
Family planning programme
History of national family programme
1. Started in 1952
2. Made primary aim in 3rd five year plan ( from purely clinical to extensive
education )
3. 4th five year plan ( made it an integral part of mch at phcs )
4. 5th five year plan ( renamed as family welfare from family planning )
5. In 1992 integrated with cssm
6. National population policy 2000 ( integral part )
7. Subsequently a part of rch and rmnch+ a
Elements of of a successful family planning programme
Element of success in family planning programme The main strategy of family planning programme is
to offer to client easy access to a wide range of affordable contraceptive method through multiple
service delivery channels in a good quality, reliable fashion. The key points are as follows :
(1) Make services accessible
(2) Make services affordable
(3) Offer client-centered care
(4) Rely on evidence-based technical guidance
(5) Communicate effectively
(6) Assure contraceptive security
(7) Work for supportive policies
Unmet need for family planning
1.Central level
2.State level
3.CHC level
4.PHC level
5.Village level
These are supported by 1,083 Urban Family welfare centres and 871 Urban Health Posts.
Urban Health Posts.
Function =The Urban family welfare centres and health posts provide
comprehensive integrated services of MCH and family planning.
At chc phc and village level
● CHC = full range of family planning services including laproscopic services
and safe abortion services.
● PHC = The medical officers are usually trained to provide MTP and
sterilization services. The programme of insertion of copper- T IUDs
● At the village level:
○ {a) The Village Health Guides : Responsible for spreading knowledge and information to the
eligible couples and providing them with supplies of Nirodh and oral pills.
○ (b) Trained dais : Act as family planning counsellors and motivators, supplementing the
delivery system.
○ (c) ASHA : 9.15 lakh ASHAs have been selected so far and have been provided with drug kits
Newer initiatives
1. Home Delivery of Contraceptives (HDC)(by asha = Rs. 1 for a
pack of 3 condoms. Rs.1 for a cycle of OCPs and Rs. 2 for a pack of one tablet of ECP )
- Rs. 500/- to ASHA for delaying first child birth by 2 years after marriage.
- Rs. 500/- to ASHA for ensuring spacing of 3 years after the birth of 1st child.
- Rs.1000/- in case the couple opts for a permanent limiting method upto 2
children only.
Awareness of family planning is very widespread . People are generally in favour of family
planning, and there is no organized opposition to it.
lnspite of this, the rate of contraceptive use by couples in the developing countries is very
The common beliefs are (Most of these beliefs stem from ignorance and lack of
● That children are the gift of God;
● The number of children is determined by God;
● Children are a poor man's wealth;
● Children are an asset to which parents can look forward in periods of dependency
caused by old age or misfortune, etc.
Evaluation of family planning programme
Five types of evaluation have been defined by a WHO Expert committee
1. Evaluation of need
2. Evaluation of plans
3. Evaluation of performance
4. Evaluation of effects
5. Evaluation of impact
National Family Planning Indemnity Scheme