3 PRM B Purpose of Performance Management
3 PRM B Purpose of Performance Management
3 PRM B Purpose of Performance Management
reviews (AC 1.2) (approx 200 words)
Performance management can be defined as a set of holistic processes via which the
organization involves its employees in the quest to maximize value creation and enhance
organizational effectiveness in the attainment of the organization’s mission and vision. The
components of performance management are:
· Setting Objectives and Performance Standards: An important component of
performance management is the setting of performance standards and objectives for individuals,
departments, and the organization. Such objectives can take varying forms such as specific targets,
time-bound ad hoc tasks, or even abiding standards to be fulfilled.
· Performance Reviews and Rating: A crucial component of performance
management are performance reviews which is a process aimed at assessing an employee’s
performance and its discussion with the employee, which helps motivate, and guide employees
better towards reaching their objectives. Performance reviews can be conducted through various
modalities such as one-on-one conversations between employees and managers, 360-degree
feedback, performance ratings, and many others.
· Learning and Development: Performance management often suffers the defect of
being short-sighted due to its heavy focus on an employee’s past performance. In order to improve
performance, however, an equally strong focus is required for future learning and development,
making the same an important component of performance management.
· Performance Related Pay (PRP): PRP refers to the linking of pay level to the
performance. Such an approach, albeit traditional, is in use in many organizations, making
performance management a crucial aspect of pay reviews in such organizations.
performance review, an individual who is well aware of the organisation must be picked for this
job, and last is measurement of actual performance with the standards set for the same.
management approach, poor supervision, lack of team spirit, biased superiors etc. dissatisfy
H) McGregor’s theory: This theory categorises people into two theories that is X and Y. Theory
X takes up negative presumption about people. For example- Individuals do not have any
ambitions, they are coerced to work, totally controlled by superiors and do not have any
inherent liking for work. Theory Y presumes quite the opposite of X. Theory Y takes into
account individuals who have a will and desire to work and their outcome is dependent on the
incentives and rewards they are supposed to get for the work.
We will discuss a scenario of a school here. If teachers of a school are given with loads of
responsibility with no authority to take any decision and no power to delegate the work, they will
start feeling suffocated while working and their productivity will go down immensely. Therefore, it
is important for organisations to understand what motivates employees and introduce incentives
accordingly. It is very difficult to comprehend what motivates each employee, therefore, strategies
must be developed to know what triggers job satisfaction for them. The management must consider
that each employee is equally important.
Following are the components:
I) Compensation: Base salary of the employee is included in this. But compensation includes
other things also like long and short term incentive pay. Employees who have the ability to go
beyond expectations are motivated by these rewards and perform exceptionally in whatever
they do.
J) Recognition: Employees must always work with this feeling that their work is appreciated at all
levels and their main aim must be to facilitate the management to achieve the long term
objectives of the organisation.
K) Benefits: Apart from compensation, employees must be provided with additional benefits like
paid leaves for sickness, bereavement or vacation. Time off has become very imperative these
days to rejuvenate minds and improve productivity. Other things which are included in this are
medical benefits, social security and job security. Organisations who offer a complete package
of benefits apart from salary have uniqueness over rival companies.
L) Work life balance: In U.S, 28 percent of employees live with this feeling that they are
overworking and are unable to maintain a work life balance. For mental peace and stress free
life, it is more than important to create proper work life balance and it is not just the duty of
employees but also of the management. During off days, employers must refrain from calling
the employees for work. Employers are required to be flexible with employees who have
irregular schedules due to family problems.
M) Development: During their tenure, employees keep on developing their skills and talents and if
at any point of time they feel that nothing more is left to learn out of this job, they tend to leave.
Therefore, it is the duty of employers to provide employees with new things to learn. Lack of
development opportunities is the most common reason for the employees to quit their jobs.
P) Leverage strength: The mindset, values, expertise, personality traits, intelligence, hard work
and consistency- all together constitute strengths of an individual. Strengths of an individual
make him different from others. Employers must leverage the strengths of employees and help
them excel. They must be given tasks that challenge them and ensure their growth.
Q) Building of strong relationship: Establishing good relationships with employers and among
employees is a very important social skill and must be improvised for maintaining a skilful
workforce. The work environment in organisations has been drastically changed how
employees should perform.
R) · Capability: Capability refers to the ability of the employee to provide the work expected of
them to the required standard. While managing performance it is essential for the manager to
determine the capability level of the employee for a particular task, or job, and provide them with
objectives and targets that are suited to their capability level.
U) · Good Performance: Good performance can be defined as the fulfillment or overachievement
of expected performance standards. This is a crucial factor to consider during performance
management by the managers to make sure employees with good performance are being given
tasks that help them grow further, challenge them to do better, and sustain their performance level.
V) · Bad Performance: Bad performance can be defined as the failure to provide work that is
expected of the employees or the inability to meet the standards expected of them. In performance
management, a manager needs to note contentious poor performance on the part of the employee
and schedule a meeting with them to discuss the same.
related to low performance. It helps in giving a route to evaluate whether managers are
performing the right tasks.
Z) Identification of talent: Data that provides for capabilities of employees, their expertise and
skills is utilised to pick employees who can be given with jobs holding high responsibility and
timely accountability.
AA) Staff effectiveness: The efficiency and quality of individuals hired by the organisation is
required by agents performing performance management.The higher the amount of data used by
companies for performance management process , the better the quality of process will be. If
the data in the organisation is clear, organised and full of quality, more and more individuals
would like to use it. This leads to staff effectiveness because all the data related to employees is
recorded in one system and it can be accessed whenever the need arises in the organisation. It is
important for all organisations to keep comprehensive database of all the individuals for
improving staff effectiveness.
BB) A range of data is required by individuals who are involved in the performance management
process, such as data relating to the strengths and needs of the workforce such as what kind of
mission and development goals are required so that the workforce can be strengthened, data
pertaining to managerial effectiveness relating to how efficiently top management is involving the
employees when it comes to clarification of responsibilities, setting of expectations, development of
plans and addressing of concerns related to low performance, staff effectiveness and much more.
CC)Extremely significant to the performance management process is the data requirement pertaining
to benchmarking, which relates to analyzing the performance metrics of the organization in relation
and comparison to similar organizations. Such data is crucial for efficient performance
management since it helps to understand an organization’s performance metrics in relation to other
organizations and understand where, if any, places the organization is lacking to be up with the
completion. In this context data relating to turnovers are also important. Such as If the employees
who are performing up to the mark leave organization frequently then those whose performance is
below standards are a sign of a weak workforce. This also leads to meaningful conversations
around what is the meaning of high performance and what determinants are important for indulging
high-performing talent.
DD)In the context of data requirements for performance management, data protection legislation is also
of crucial importance. Data protection legislation is laws that protect individuals from misuse of their
personal information. Given that HR personnel collects a range of sensitive and personal data of
employees such as health records, criminal records (if any), and other personal and sensitive
information, which are crucial for performance management. It is important for the manager and the
organization to display a strong commitment to data protection, by enlisting consent before utilizing
and storing data, making the employee aware of what data is being collected and for what reason,
and the like, so that an atmosphere of trust is created enabling proper management of
Personal experience
During the assignment, I learnt that an organisation may be small or big with two employees or
thousand, however, each organisation must perform performance management for improving
efficiency of employees and for taking the business to unimaginable heights.
During the assignment, I learned that an organization may be small or big with two employees or a
thousand, however, each organization must perform performance management for improving the
efficiency of employees and for taking the business to unimaginable heights. Managing the employee’s
performance as has been made clear to me over the course of the assignment is crucial to reaching the
organization’s targets and objectives since it provides employees with guidance to understand what is
working in regard to their performance and what is not, where they are falling short, and the like. It also
helps in their personal development by motivating them through positive reinforcement which is a
crucial component of performance management.
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